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  • For Juniors and Seniors College Day Presentation
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  • The Time Is Here For the past four years, youve been thinking about what youre going to do after you graduate high school. This can be confusing, overwhelming and downright scary! Dont worry. There are lots of tools to help you
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  • Ohio Means Jobs Technology has made selecting a college much easier. Ohio Means Jobs is a wonderful resource to use. Just follow these simple steps, to narrow down your college selections.
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  • Step 1 Go to Google and type in Ohio Means Jobs
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  • Step 2 Click on the red cardinal in the top row on the right that says, K-12 Student underneath it.
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  • Step 3 Click on Get Started On My Own.
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  • Step 4 Create an account. Remember that your password must be at least 8 characters long, have a number, a capital letter and at least one symbol.
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  • Step 5 Log in to your account, using the username and password you just created. Dont lose these. You may want to come back to this website after today Click on the back pack in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
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  • Step 6 Take the interest inventory. This will help you figure out what major or career cluster you are most interested in. Once youre finished with the survey, you can view your results.
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  • Step 7 Scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says, Schools Im Interested In and click on, Search Occupations.
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  • Step 8 In the Industry drop box, select a career cluster. Or, you can type in a job in the Key Word Search. Or, you can do both! Then click Go.
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  • Step 9 On this page, you can compare two careers, look at salary opportunities, view the amount of education you need for each occupation, and see what colleges offer degrees for that occupation.
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  • Step 10 Once you found a job that interests you, click on that link. It will tell you all the skills and education required to get that job. If you like it, click save. Then scroll down to the bottom and click on, Education and Training Opportunities.
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  • Step 11 Here, youll see all the colleges in Ohio that offer that major. Go through the list and choose four colleges you would like to meet with on college and career day.
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  • Step 12 Take the college day survey. GfpEZoUJPgjxj1lk2E4OU2XIcxZUnLGCsPRV4/viewform GfpEZoUJPgjxj1lk2E4OU2XIcxZUnLGCsPRV4/viewform Once youve finished the survey, click Submit and log out of the computer.
