Page 1: FORM ONE SELECTION & ADMISSION GUIDELINES Highlights of the Guidelines October 22 nd, 2015 Presented by the Committee on Review of Form One Selection


Highlights of the Guidelines

October 22nd, 2015

Presented by the Committee on Review of Form One Selection Guidelines during stakeholders’ forum at the

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development


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PRESENTATION OUTLINE•Appointment of the F1 Selection Guidelines Review Committee•Review Committee’s Terms of Reference•Composition Form One selection review committee •Background to Form One Selection•Form One selection Guidelines


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Review of the guidelines has been dictated by the need to address emerging issues and ensure stakeholder participation as provided for in the Constitution

Heightened demand for Form One places coupled with stiff competition for a few schools.

Need to create awareness and address the perception that Form One selection has not been fair

The Principal Secretary, State Department of Education, appointed a committee to review the selection guidelines. The committee was inaugurated on July 9th, 2015 3


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Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops Kenya National Parents and Teachers Association

Kenya National Association of Parents National Schools Principals Forum Kenya Special Schools Heads Association and National Council of Churches of Kenya



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Kenya National Union of TeachersKenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers

Kenya Private Schools AssociationKenya Secondary Schools Heads AssociationSupreme Council of Kenya Muslims Elimu Yetu CoalitionMinistry of Education Science and Technology



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COMMITTEE’S TORsCall for, receive & simulate proposals from stakeholders

Review existing Form One selection guidelines taking into account stakeholders’ concerns

Identify challenges in the implementation of the guidelines & put in place corrective mechanisms

Draft Form One Selection Guidelines 6

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Five full committee meetings and three technical committee meetings chaired by Mr. Robert Masese, DSTE on behalf of the Principal Secretary were held as follows:

Schedule of Meetings

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October 22nd, 20158

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• Placement of candidates into secondary schools is guided by legal and policy provisions key among which are:

Affirmative action designed to ensure that minorities & marginalized groups are provided with special opportunities in educational & economic fields” [Article 56 (b)]

Ensuring: Enhanced access Equity and Improved quality

Respect for merit and candidate’s choice9


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Year Candidature Growth %Growth2008 695,777 - -2009 727,054 31,277 4.30%2010 745,012 17,958 2.41%2011 768,478 23,466 3.05%2012 818,348 49,870 6.09%2013 843,626 25,278 3.00%2014 888,258 44,632 5.02%2015 937,430 49,172 5.54%



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Year Total Public % Private %

2011 768,478 638,593 85.59% 107514 14.41%

2012 818,348 695,057 84.83% 124,295 15.17%2013 843,626

718,930 85.12% 125,638 14.88%2014 888,258 756,167 85.06% 132,804 14.94%2015 937,430 799,006 85.23% 138,424 14.77%

Public Private Candidature


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Year Candidature (Previous year’s


Number of Places Available

Shortfall in Places

Transition Rate

(%)2009 695,777 445,900 249,877 64.092010 727,054 486,130 240,924 66.862011 745,012 539,292 205,720 72.392012 768,478 562,761 205,717 73.232013 843,626 653,871 189,755 77.5%2014 888,258 695,684 192,574 78.3%2015 937,430

TRANSITION TREND (Primary to Secondary)


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National 103Special Schools 25Extra-County 328County 993

Sub-County 6,982

Private 980

TOTAL 9,411

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i. Ensure candidates are placed in schools of their choice based on merit

ii. Guarantee equity in school placement through quotas & affirmative action where applicable

iii. Undertake proportionate sharing of national & extra-county school places between public & private school candidates in every sub-county, based on number of candidates taking KCPE from either category of primary schools

iv. Ensure a harmonized selection process throughout the country at all levels: National, extra-county, County and Sub-County 15


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Extra-County Schools: •These are boarding schools that are the second tier national centers of education excellence. Identification of these schools is based on consistence in good performance and popularity among KCPE candidates as evident from choice•Extra-County schools complement national schools in promoting integration and benchmark education standards in their regions since they have fairly well developed infrastructure. Their catchment is the host county and partially national



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County Schools: These are boarding secondary schools in the county other than national and extra-county schools. They include some day schools in cities and major urban centres. Their catchment is the host county

Sub-County Schools: These are basically day schools, all new boarding schools and boarding schools with day wings. They draw their students solely from the host sub-county



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Special Needs Education (SNE) Secondary Schools: These are boarding schools that cater for students with special education needs. There are 25 SNE secondary schools. Their catchment is national and selection is done based on merit, candidate’s choice and type of impairment.

Integrated secondary schools: These are regular secondary schools that also admit students with special education needs. There are 70 integrated secondary schools that cater for specific impairments. Selection is based on merit, candidate’s choice and type of impairment



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Computation of Quotas

•Quotas for each sub-county in a given school are computed based on

the sub-county’s candidature strength to determine its allocation. In

2016, the anticipated capacity for each school will be computed on

the basis of 45 (forty five) students per stream

•The following formula will be applied for computation of sub-county

quotas for the candidates to be admitted to a national school20


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Computation of Quotas

National Schools Sub-county Quota in a given National School

Sub-county KCPE Candidature of a given Gender x Vacancies in the School National KCPE Candidature for the Gender

NB: When a Sub-county misses a slot due to low candidature, affirmative action will be applied



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Computation of Quotas

National Schools:To determine the number of candidates to be placed in national schools from public or private primary schools in a particular sub-county, the following formula will be applied:

Public:Public Schools’ Sub-county Candidature of a given Gender x Sub-county QuotaTotal Sub-county Candidature of the same gender

Private:Private Schools’ Sub-county Candidature of a given Gender x Sub-county QuotaTotal Sub-county Candidature of the same gender



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• In order to recognize merit, the top five candidates of either gender in each sub-county to be placed in national schools of their choice where possible irrespective of whether from public or private primary schools.

•However, the top 3 will be selected first across all sub-counties and then the remaining two according to candidature strength because there are areas with very low candidature, hence the equity requirement. The rest of the candidates in each Sub-County will then be selected based on candidature strength between public and private schools. 23


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County School Quotas:Available places in county schools will be shared out between sub-counties in the ratio of 20:80 - 20% of places reserved for the host sub-county and 80% for the host county and shared out equitably among all the sub-counties therein, the host sub-county inclusive

Sub-County School Selection:

Selection for this category shall be 100% from the host sub-county based on merit and choice



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Pre-Selection:•Pre-selection is conducted before the main selection. This applies to SNE schools and five national schools namely: Starehe Boys; Starehe Girls; Moi Forces Academy Nairobi; Moi Forces Lanet and Utumishi Academy •Starehe schools select 100% of their capacities while the forces schools select 80% and the remaining 20% filled by the ministry during the main section•Lists of pre-selected candidates submitted to the Ministry are captured into the Computer System to avoid double selection. All candidates selected under this category are assigned the status “Pre-select”. •Candidates to be considered for pre-selection are expected to have applied to respective schools for consideration



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Selection to Special and Integrated schools:•Candidates with special education needs are considered for selection to special or integrated secondary schools depending on their choices. The catchment of these schools is nationalNational Schools Selection•The national schools are clustered into four categories and candidates are expected to select at most one from each cluster •Candidates will be considered for selection to any of their four national schools choices by order of preference•The top five candidates of either gender in each sub-county shall be placed in national schools of their choice where possible



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Extra-County schools•Candidates will choose three extra-county schools; one of the choices must be from outside the host county of their primary school in order to promote national cohesion and integration

•Candidates not placed in national schools will be considered for placement in extra-county schools by order of their choice



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County schools Selection•Candidates who may not have been selected into national or extra-county schools will be considered for placement in any of their three County school choices. •Candidates will be considered for placement in order of the three choicesSub-County Schools Selection•Candidates who may not have been selected into national, extra-county or county schools will be considered for placement in any of their two sub-county school choices. •Sub-county schools selection will be both computerized and manual because some of these schools are yet to be coded by KNEC (especially newly established ones)



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Candidates who fail to take up places in the schools where they were selected will be replaced after the reporting deadline.•Replacements for national schools will as much as possible maintain a national catchment with declared vacancies benefitting students from counties that may not have taken up their first selection slots. •Parents/guardians who decide to change schools will themselves place the requests with the Principals of preferred schools at least a week before official Form One reporting date.



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• As much as possible, schools are advised to engage directly with parents and children who wish to be considered in the event of some vacancy. This will keep off middlemen who are known to fleece parents

• All cases of replacement will be done through the supervision of the DSTE for National Schools; the County Directors of Education (CDEs) for extra-county & county schools; Sub-county directors of education for sub-county schools.



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• Officers in diplomatic and external government service who may wish to have their children to join the Kenya system of education are required to place their requests with the DSTE for consideration.

• On filing returns, principals will be required to submit to their supervisors lists of those who took up the places, those who declined and merit list of replacement applicants for their schools.



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Thank You!

