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FOSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 – 2011

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Contents Page

Contents……………………………………………………………………………….…..2 Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………....3 FOSIS Midlands—Who Are We?…………………………………………………..4 Committee Accounts…………………………………………………………………..7 Chair………………………………………………………..……………………....7 Vice– Chair Brother…………………………………………………………...8 General Secretary……………………………………………………………….9 Treasurer………………………………………………………………………..…10 Other………………………………………………...……………………………...11 Midlands Activities Report………………………………………………………….14 National FOSIS Projects……………………………………………………………..16 Closing Words………………………………………………………...………….……..18

FOSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 – 2011

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FSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 –2011


The Midlands Committee would like to say JazakAllah Khairan to:

De Montfort University ISoc for hosting our ISoc 101 training in October and our Charity Week Round Off Event in December.

Cambridge ISoc for hosting the FOSIS Winter Conference in December.

The University of Birmingham for hosting the Midlands Student Qira‘at Competition in March and the Midlands Annual General Meeting in April.

Br. Hasin for leading the Moments With The Messenger Webinar Series.

All the ISocs that hosted speakers this year so hospitably.

The Midlands ISocs—as without them there would be no FOSIS Midlands.

We‘d also like to thank: Muslim Community Fund - for their continuous support throughout various projects.

Ummah Central—for their involvement in the National Student Qira‘at Competition.

Productive Muslim—for their help during ISoc 101 and sponsorship.

Strangers Media—for the brilliant posters this year.

JazakAllah Khairan to all the wonderful speakers who toured the Midlands this year.

A special thanks to all the sincere brothers and sisters who so kindly donated to FOSIS Midlands—inshaAllah FOSIS will be able to carry on the great work that it does due to such

generous contributions. May Allah (swt) reward you all abundantly—Ameen

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FOSIS Midlands—Who Are We?

FOSIS is the Federation of Student Islamic Societies. We represent and serve over 100,000

Muslim students from 130 Universities and 400 colleges across the UK and Ireland. We seek to help our ISocs in any way such as:

Offering sincere advice

Coordinating speaker tours Organising events which unify the ISocs

Providing resources for freshers or Discover Islam Weeks Media support etc

Whatever the service, by the permission of Allah (swt) we aim to provide it.

FOSIS seeks to uphold the Qur‘anic ayah

“Hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together and be not disunited.”

Surah 3 Al Imran—Ayah 103

FOSIS Midlands is 1 of 7 FOSIS regions, working exclusively to represent and serve the many diverse Islamic Societies within the Midlands. We are humbled by the variety of

ISocs who have fallen into the Midlands. We have many active brothers and sisters serving their mini ummahs on campus who have also actively contributed to their community.

We aim to work with these ISocs in order to strengthen the ties between our Muslim

brothers and sisters and to unite them all under one banner. We seek to uphold the FOSIS mission statement by implementing our regional aims:

To represent and serve the Midlands ISocs

To unite Midlands ISocs and create a platform for inter ISoc collaboration To achieve financial security for FOSIS Midlands

To empower Muslim students at smaller ISocs and extend Islamic and educational resources to them

To encourage Islamic knowledge, spirituality and Dawah

FOSIS Midlands Values Accountability Professionalism Teamwork Commitment Personal Development Positivity

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FSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 –2011

Committee Structure Chair Hamid Ghazi—Aston Vice Chair Brother Zain Malik—De Montfort Vice Chair Sister Mirina Paananen—Cambridge General Secretary Tahrema Chowdhury—Nottingham Trent Treasurer Zainab Umar—De Montfort Campaigns Rep Naeem Bhola—Loughborough Ex Offico—Chair Shuaib Afzal Ex Officio—Vice Chair Sister Fathima Shah Other Mohammad Naveed—Wolverhampton Mutiat Jimoh—Nottingham Trent Munawar Patel—Coventry

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Contents Page

Islamic Societies in the Midlands Anglia Ruskin University

Aston University

Beauchamp College

Birmingham City University

University of Birmingham

University of Buckingham

University of Cambridge

Coventry University

DeMontfort University

University of Derby

University of East Anglia

University of Gloucester

Keele University

University of Leicester

Loughborough University

Lincoln University

University of Northampton

University of Nottingham

Nottingham Trent University

University of Oxford

Oxford Brookes University

Staffordshire University

University of Warwick

University of Wolverhampton

Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College

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FSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 –2011

Committee Accounts

Chair Assalamualaikum wrwb, As the year comes to an end, we can begin to evaluate and reflect on the time gone by. How did we do? Did we achieve what we set out for? If not, why not? And most importantly, did we submit further in servitude to Allah, Glory be to Him? These are all questions that we should ask ourselves regularly for the betterment of our own tarbiyyah (cultivation). As the academic year comes to a conclusion, I can say that FOSIS Midlands has never been in a better shape, alhamdulillah. From the onset of the year we had speaker tours lined up with successful events alhamdulillah held throughout the Midlands region. We also had Charity Week 2010 in which the Midlands region managed to raise a great amount alhamdulillah. Come the new year, we had speaker tours throughout the 2nd semester as well as during DIW season. Now, for the final event which we all pray is successful by the grace of Allah - NSQC 2011. All of this great work would not have been possible firstly without the permission and ability given by Allah, the Almighty. But of course, Allah helps those who help themselves and without the brothers and sisters in FOSIS Midlands none of this great work would have come to fruition. I would like to single out Br. Zain and Sr. Tahrema, the Vice-Brother and General Secretary in particular for their hard work and patience without which we would not have reached such heights. They out-thought, out-worked and simply out-did me in every field mashaAllah tabarakAllah. May Allah have mercy on them as well as the whole team, Ameen. I can only ask forgiveness from Allah and those who have been affected by my shortcomings and may Allah replace me with someone who is better for next year inshaAllah. On behalf of FOSIS Midlands, I request you to forgive us for our shortcomings and inadequacies as they are from ourselves and shaitaan and any good which may have have come from us was in fact from Allah Subhanahu wata'ala and not from our doing. SubhanakAllahumma wabihamdik Ash-haduallaaillaaha illallah, wa-ashhaduanna Muhammad-arrasoolAllah Your Brother in Islam, Hamid Ghazi

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Vice-Chair Brother Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Assalaamu ‗Alaykum, The FOSIS year started oddly. In the holy month of Ramadhan, I was asked to stand in as Chair of the Midlands Committee (for just over a month). The General Secretary and myself began contacting all the ISocs in the region during that month. Alhamdulillah we managed to hit a record number of affiliations and therefore we boast the highest affiliations in the country. I was tasked with the responsibility of rolling out the fresher packs to all ISocs, which again, oddly this year came with an extra 121 boxes…of iERA da‘wah packs! As Midland‘s Vice Brother, my main task was to assist the Chair in his tasks, deputise in his absence and to contribute to all e-group discussions. In October, we rolled out a Midlands Freshers speakers tour with Abu Muntasir and Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari. Overall, the tour went well and we received positive feedback from the ISocs who hosted the speakers. Furthermore, the General Secretary and myself rolled out ISOC 101 in October, at De Montfort University. The date of the event was beyond our control and therefore the numbers were small, but again the feedback was positive, Alhamdulillah. Next stop – Charity Week. Alhamdulillah some of the ISocs in the region did extremely well in raising money for Orphans and Needy Children this year. As some of you will fondly remember, this was when I rolled out the FOSIS Midlands CW Midlands Snowdon Challenge. Alhamdulillah 24 brothers took part in this challenge from various ISocs who all gave extremely positive feedback. It was a fantastic, yet crazy way to unite the various ISocs of the Midlands on a mountaintop in Wales. I was also heavily involved with the event planning for the Charity Week Round Off Event, which was hailed as the best Round Off Event in the Midlands so far! The next major event in the ISoc calendar is no doubt the Discover Islam Week (or Experience Islam or Islam Awareness Week). Once again, we were in the thick of the action by doing our best to provide ISocs with some amazing speakers. I was present (along with the General Secretary) at most ISoc‘s who hosted a FOSIS Speaker and at times with the FOSIS President. I managed to meet and get to know many of the ISoc committees that I visited and I thank them wholeheartedly for their generous hospitability. These visits also included a ten-minute FOSIS presentation as well as some fundraising, which has so far been fantastic. By the time you read this report, I would have Insha‘Allah visited at least half of the region (10 ISocs). The last item on my FOSIS Midlands to-do list is the Midlands Regional Finals for the National Student Qira‘at Competition (NSQC). Alhamdulillah I was asked to join the national team for this competition earlier this year, so I have also been involved with organising some of the National Prizes and judges as well as the format of the competition at the Finals. This report has been written in advance of the Midlands Finals; accordingly, I am not able to comment on the event. I have also been keen on working with and developing our smaller ISocs, mainly in the form of Colleges. Alhamdulillah we have two College ISocs affiliated in the Midlands who

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are full of potential and continue to flourish. Insha‘Allah this year‘s committee will be able to pass on a great deal of knowledge that we gained to the incoming committee. My main recommendations to the incoming committee is to utilise the time between elections/exams to Ramadhan to seriously plan for the year ahead and also importantly to gel as a team from the get go. JazakumAllahu Khairun Wa ‗Alaykum Assalaam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Zain Malik

General Secretary Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful Asalamu Alaikum Warahmutulahi Wabarakatuhu Dear Brothers and Sisters I pray that this message finds you all in the best of health and Imaan – Ameen. I‘d like to begin by praising Allah (swt) for this blessed opportunity to collect barakah and to work with such sincere brothers and sisters. I‘d also like to thank the Midlands committee for all of their wonderful efforts throughout the year – may Allah (swt) reward you all abundantly – Ameen. SubhanAllah! What a year! My FOSIS year started off with contacting all ISocs in the region and introducing myself as the Midlands General Secretary. I collected new contact details for the ISoc committees, along with the Vice Brother, Br. Zain, and put forward orders for Fresher packs and affiliations. Alhamdulillah, Allah (swt) blessed us with 20 affiliated ISocs, (including two colleges) the highest number across the regions. The first few weeks of uni involved coordinating speaker tours with Br. Abu Muntasir and Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam. I was also involved with coordinating the HMC Freshers project with Br. Naveed which involved getting ISocs to cater HMC food at their Freshers meal. This is the first ever time that Midlands has rolled out such a project so although only 3 ISocs took part it was a small but sweet success, alhamdulillah. In October I co-headed ISoc 101 – an ISoc training programme along with Br. Zain. Here we organised for experienced FOSISers to provide training to ISoc Exec members to help give them a head start to their ISoc year. Alhamdulillah around 10 ISocs attended and we received really positive feedback for the event. In December FOSIS was hit by the Charity Week bug and with no doubt Charity Week has always been my favourite week in the ISoc calendar. The unity in the Midlands was fantastic with so many ISocs taking part to raise money for orphans and needy children around the world.

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Alhamdulillah I also helped out with our Midlands Charity Week Round Off Event. I was in charge of décor for the event along with Sr. Zainab, our treasurer. I was also in charge of attendance registration. It‘s the first of such events that I have attended so I have nothing to compare it to but it was amazing! There was such a buzz in the atmosphere and there was a turnout of over 250 mashaAllah. Also our little du‘a gift bags were much appreciated – especially by the sisters. Although most students are off during Christmas holidays FOSISers don‘t really get a break. The Christmas holidays were spent evaluating past events, planning events for the next term and organising Discover Islam Week. Alhamdulillah I helped the services team roll out some major speaker tours across the Midlands. I was fortunate enough to have attended some of the talks hosted by ISocs during the speaker tours. JazakAllah Khairan to the brothers and sisters who were so hospitable. This February I also headed the Moments With The Messenger Webinar Series – an online webinar series which follows the life of the noble Prophet Muhammad (saw). Alhamdulillah the webinars run once every fortnight and are still ongoing. So far the project has been extremely well received. Generally throughout the year my role has involved co-ordinating communication within the committee and ISocs and regularly contacting ISoc head sisters. For ISoc Exec members who have been spammed with e-mails this year I duly take credit =p I hope we can humble ourselves by remembering that any good that we have done this year has only come from the permission of Allah (swt). I pray that I have not failed in my duties with this role and may Allah (swt) forgive me for any of my shortcomings – Ameen JazakAllah Khair Your sister in Islam Tahrema Chowdhury

Treasurer Asalamu Alaikum I began as a general committee member however when the vacancy for treasurer appeared I decided it would be more beneficial to have a specific role to contribute more positively to the committee. As well as being on the Midlands committee I was also involved with the national finance committee which gave me the opportunity to work with other regional treasurers. In September the national finance committee offered a training session for all treasurers. The training went through basic finance concepts such as budgets and profit and loss accounts. This training was beneficial for event planning particularly for Charity Week round off event. This year has been a very good financial year for FOSIS Midlands. Last year there was no treasurer so little finances were raised and no financial records were kept. This year one of the major high lights for the finance committee was the roll out of ‗POUND PLEDGE FORMS‘. FOSIS in the past number of years has strengthened from year to year growing in

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FSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 –2011

numbers as well as services provided to Islamic Societies however has struggled to raise income .This new scheme has allowed regular income into FOSIS on a monthly basis and inshAllah into the years ahead. The scheme officially started towards the end of 2010 and targets were set for each region according to region size to get things going. Alhamdulillah the Midlands managed to go over its target and raise the most compared to other regions. This was mainly from visiting Islamic Societies in the region during the national speaker tours. There is also a significant amount which will be left for next year‘s committee, a privilege other year committees did not have which inshAllah they will be able to use over the coming year for various projects. 2010 was the first year FOSIS became involved in Charity Week. For the round-off event a generous budget was given by Islamic Relief whilst FOSIS managed it. The Midlands Charity week round off event was a great success with an estimated 300 people attending and was arranged within budget thanks to generous donations and competitive prices offered by local Muslim businesses. Seerah Webinars was a new project initiated this year with a very positive response however required no expense by utilising the use of the internet. As well as the pound pledge initiative, the other major project carried out this year by the finance committee was FOSIS collection tins which were distributed at Winter Conference. These were taken by individuals to place in prayer rooms at universities as well as for personal use at home. Once again helping to bring income into FOSIS so that we can carry on the projects we currently offer and undertake new ones in the future. A profit and loss statement has been prepared this year for next year‘s committee to benefit from detailing expenses for events and income received which will help them better organise projects. It is important for future committees to carry on getting students to sign up to pledge forms in order to ensure events such as national speaker tour can still occur as well as coming up with new ways to fundraise on a more regular basis. Zainab Umar

Other Committee Members Mohammad Naveed Asalamalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Verily all praise is due to Allah, we praise Him, we seek his aid and His forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of our souls and from the evils of our actions. Whoever Allah guides, no one can lead him astray and whoever is led astray there is no guide for him. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah – alone and with no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. Alhamdulilah I joined FOSIS Midlands around a year ago, after being convinced by Br Rashid (the then FOSIS VP of Islamic Societies).

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My journey with FOSIS has been eventful, with many ups and downs, but alhamdulilah it has been enjoyable on the whole. As a general committee member I did not have a specific role so worked on different projects: The first being the iStudent Magazine, which was basically a magazine, produced in conjunction with Al Hikma, placed in Midlands fresher packs, although there were issues with logistics, Alhamdulillah it was a success and given to majority of the ISocs to distribute with their Fresher packs. Furthermore, inshAllah this following year I will be overlooking the 2nd edition of the iStudent Mag, which will be placed in all 15,000 fresher packs produced by FOSIS. I also helped co-ordinate Sheikh Shady‘s (Australia) first FOSIS tour, which alhamdulilah was a success. The sheikh went up and down the country to many different ISocs delivering powerful speeches on ―The Forgotten Sahabah‖. The feedback from each event was very positive alhamdulilah. The next project I worked on was the HMC Freshers Dinner. The aim of this was to have ISocs host a speaker from the organisation to help raise awareness of Halal meat and how a ―Halal‖ label does not necessarily mean it is Halal. The response from ISocs wanting to participate wasn‘t as great as anticipated, with only 3 actually taking part. The project did not go to plan as there was a breakdown in my communication with the HMC rep, which I hold myself fully accountable for. Something I am currently working on as I write this is the Midlands Football Tournament, which inshAllah will have majority of the Midlands ISocs competing against each other for the crown. The midlands is very unique, and has the potential to be the best region within FOSIS inshAllah. The key to a strong committee is ensuring that everyone has an understanding. Personally for next year, I would like to see more active Br‘s and Sr‘s recruited. I believe we lacked in the number of face to face meetings this year, which I would urge next year‘s committee to take very seriously. Finally I want to thank the brothers and sisters on the midlands committee, who have worked hard, may Allah swt accept it from us all. I ask the Midland ISocs to forgive us for our many shortcomings and pray Allah (SWT) blesses and guides the incoming Midlands & ISoc committees. A reminder to the new committee inshAllah… ―Let there arise out of you a band of people, inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, they are the one to attain true success‖ [Surah Al- Imran Verse 104] Naveed

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FSIS Midlands Yearly Report 2010 –2011

Mutiat Jimoh Asalaam alaikum waramutulah wabarakatu In the name of Allah (swt) the most beneficent, the most merciful. I am fairly new to FOSIS as I joined towards the end of December, where I immediately joined the NSQC committee in organising a Qira‘at competition. I was in charge of organising sponsorship for the National Student Qira‘at competition as well as being a sister representative for the Midlands Student Qir‘‘at Competition. My duties involved delegating to members of the committee which organisations to contact for sponsorship and Alhamdulillah; there was effective teamwork and communication amongst the committee. I also had the task of calling organisations and being their main contact as conferred upon me by the NSQC committee. In addition, I had to search and contact judges for the midlands SQC. The Midlands SQC will be commencing very soon which will be taking place at university of Birmingham and Insha‘Allah; I hope it turns out to be a success. Also, I have recently been positioned to be part of the FOSIS Annual Conference Committee to help out with acquiring sponsorship for the event. The midlands committee has been really helpful as there was always someone to contact who answers one‘s queries fairly quickly and I received support from the committee as a whole. I never felt side lined and was always offered opportunities to join projects and to help out. It has been amazing being part of the committee and I enjoyed and valued every moment as it as it has added to my skills and given me the opportunity to help out an Islamic student organisation.

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Midlands Activities Report

iStudent Magazine The first major project of FOSIS Midlands! Here, in collaboration with Al Hikma we put together a magazine to be placed inside ISoc Fresher Packs. Alhamdulillah the magazines looked really good and contained a variety of relevant articles for new students. There were however some issues concerning logistics as a few ISocs did not receive their magazines until after their Freshers Fair. This project was headed by Br. Naveed

HMC Freshers Project This project was rolled out to be offered to ISocs for their Freshers meal and aimed to encourage ISocs to cater HMC food at their Freshers event in return for a monetary contribution towards their Freshers Dinner catering. The project was headed by br. Naveed and saw 3 ISocs take part. This is the first time FOSIS Midlands has rolled out such a project so inshaAllah it will only become more successful.

ISoc 101 Training ISoc 101 training is a FOSIS national project rolled out in October this year. We held our ISoc 101 training at DeMontfort University with approximately 10 ISocs attending. Br. Qasim and Sr. Abida , two very experienced FOSISers mashAllah lead a variety of seminars to give ISoc Execs the knowhow they needed for thei ISoc roles. This project was headed by Br. Zain and Sr. Tahrema.

Sh. Navaid Aziz Charity Week Tour Alhamdulillah FOSIS Midlands were fortunate enough to host Sh. Navaid Aziz during Charity Week 2010. The project was headed by Br. Hamid and saw the Shaykh visit Coventry University, Leicester University, Aston University and Birmingham University. He delivered meaningful talks on the benefits of giving charity and how Islam is the investment of a lifetime.!

Charity Week Mt. Snowdon Trek This project was headed by Br. Zain Midlands —who decided to put our ISoc brothers through their paces by trekking them up and down Mt. Snowdon in aid of orphans and needy children around the world. The project was a great success mashaAllah with 24 brothers taking part.

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Charity Week Round Off Dinner Alhamdulillah, this has to be one of the most successful events of the FOSIS Midlands year. In order to unite all the Midlands ISocs and to wish JazakAllah Khairan to all who participated in such a wonderful cause we organized a grand round off dinner at DeMontfort University. We were fortunate to have Br. Salim from IR to host our event—who was amazing at setting the atmosphere. Sh. Zahir Mahmood also gave an inspiring talk. We had a turnout of over 230, with more than half the Midlands ISocs represented alhamdulillah. It goes without saying that the most electrifying part of the night was the countdown to see which ISoc had raised the highest total. We‘ll leave you to imagine the reaction—when the host ISoc found out that they had topped the ISoc list of fundraising!

Moments With The Messenger Webinar Series

In order to try and keep with the Midlands aim of encouraging Islamic knowledge and tarbiyyah we organized this online webinar series on the Noble Prophet Muhammad (saw). Without a doubt it is a duty upon every Muslim to learn from the life of the greatest man to ever have lived so we set about to make this knowledge easily accessible to the great number of Muslim students not only within the Midlands but the rest of the UK and Ireland too. We are indebted to Br. Hasin who takes time out of his busy schedule to lead these sessions.

Midlands Student Qir’aat Competition This project was headed by Br. Zain and Sr. Mutiat and aimed to encourage the recitation and memorization of the Noble Qur‘an. Alhamdulillah the brothers side was greatly participated with many ISocs represented and many participants in each of the four categories. MashaAllah the regional finalists in each of the four categories, both borthers and sisters will go on to represent their ISoc in the FOSIS National Finals.

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National FOSIS Projects

Speaker Tours Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam and Abu Muntasir ‗A Fresher Perspective Tour‘ October 2010 ISocs: Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Cambridge, Staffordshire and QE College Shaykh Shady As Sulaiman ‗The Forgotten Sahabah‘ Tour October 2010 ISocs: Wolverhampton and Birmingham City Shaykh Yusha Evans ‗The Quest For Truth‘ Tour January / February 2011 ISocs: Wolverhampton and Warwick Sh. Faraz Rabbani ‗Call Of Duty‘ Tour February 2011 ISocs: Cambridge, Nottingham, Wolverhampton and Birmingham City

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Br. Abu Hafsa Abdul Malik Clair ‗Blind Eyes Not Heart‘ Tour February 2011 ISoc: Leicester Shaykh idris Tawfiq ‗From The Vatican To Al Azhar‘ February 2011 ISocs: Cambridge, Nottingham and Lincoln Adam Deen ‗The Purpose Of Life Tour‘ February / March 2011 ISoc: Nottingham Trent

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Closing Words

Despite various challenges faced by the Midlands we would overall say it has been a successful year alhamdulillah. We have actively attempted to keep our aims and objective at the forefront of our work.: Alhamdulillah, this year we have established and maintained contact with a variety of ISocs , with 21 affiliating this year. We have also alhamdulillah established contact with 2 colleges this year which is a first for the Midlands. We have alhamdulillah held a variety of events which have united our ISocs such as the Charity Week Mt. Snowdon Climb and the Charity Week Round Off Dinner. You may have been pestered this year to donate to FOSIS Midlands through our pound pledge forms. We have been fortunate enough to have many forms filled out this year with has meant we have had a successful year financially. Alhamdulillah we have actively empowered our smaller ISocs this year, with some including a college hosting a speaker. We have attempted to maintain a high level of contact with such ISocs throughout the year. For example Br. Hamid recently attended an Uni event where the ISoc had become dormant. Alhamdulillah, the ISoc has recently been re-established and we look forward to supporting them in anyway we can next year inshaAllah. Finally projects such as the Moment With The Messenger Webinar Series have allowed us to encourage the obtainment of Islamic knowledge. However, as nothing is perfect there are always improvements to be made. May Allah (swt) make such improvements easy—Ameen It is important to say that the ISocs we seek to serve and represent is where the future of FOSIS Midlands lies. We, as an organization are constantly evolving and learning form our mistakes. We would like to urge our Midlands ISocs to get actively involved and aid us to develop for the better. We would like to thank each and every ISoc within the Midlands— it is for you that FOSIS Midlands exists. Please forgive us for any of our shortcomings this year and we pray that Allah (swt) keeps you and your ISocs successful. We also pray that Allah (swt) makes the incoming committee better than the outgoing committee and successful in all that they do Ameen

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