
French and Indian WarFrench and Indian WarChoose your own adventure


Which side do you want to travel with? The French and Indians or the American Colonists and English?

Indians Americans

American ColonistAmerican Colonist

You live in the New York Colony, a peaceful farm that you earned after 5 years of indentured servitude. You were in England, but couldn’t afford land, so you came to America to live a free, uneventful life.For Years, you have farmed the land, married, and had a young girl who now helps you with the land.One day, the King’s Men arrive in the village nearby, telling everyone that War has been declared on the French. It is your duty as a British Subject to fight against the French and their Indian Allies.You’re unsure…you feel you should fight, but then who will protect your home?

Fight! Stay Home


You decide that the risk of going off to war and leaving your home undefended is too much. For a couple of weeks, you farm your land. One day, some Huron Indians show up at the edge of your fields. You have traded with them before, but this time they seem different. Angry. They carry weapons and wear paint on their skin. You decide you need to talk with them, but should you take your gun and axe with you?

Take weapons Go peacefully.


When you walk up to the Huron, they let out a loud scream and charge forward, attacking you. They quickly overpower you and tie your hands up. The rest move on and kill you spouse, your kid and burn down your house and fields. They take you prisoner and lead you back to their village.



You are now sitting with your arms tied behind you on the ground. The Huron have taken your possessions and are now laughing and whooping about their victory. You are angry, but you bide your time. Finally, late in the evening, the Huron are drunk and sleeping. Only one guard watches over you and he’s not doing a very good job. You COULD maybe run into him, knock him down and break free. But then, you might get killed. What do you do?

Fight! Sit Peacefully


You have heard the Huron treat their prisoners well, and besides, you’ve lost too much, today, all ready.The Huron keep you prisoner for many days, then march you out in front of the elders. They speak for some time in their language that you don’t understand. Finally, the Huron take you over to a large fire and hang you from a rope into the fire, laughing as you cry out in agony and slowly burn to death.


You boldly charge forward, ramming your shoulder into the Huron guard who crumples down. You then turn and kick him across his forehead, knocking him out. His knife is on the ground and you pick it up, cutting yourself free. You quickly sneak through the camp undetected, but notice there is a tent nearby with many other captured Americans. You could free them, but the extra time might get you captured. Do you free them or run?

Free them! Run!


You take off as quickly as you can as you hear screams in the distance. The Huron have discovered your escape. You push through the woods, running into several trees and hurting your bare feet on the roots and rocks below. You hear the Huron running all around you, hollering out as they hunt you. You move around a tree, breathing heavily as you stop to take a breath. Suddenly, you feel a sharp sting in your side. You look down to see an arrow sticking out of your side. You look up in time to see a Huron scream as he takes his Tomahawk out and readies it to finish you off.


You quickly free the others, but hear the Huron stirring in the distance. They’ve noticed that you’ve escaped. You and the men have to decide whether to run for it or see if you can free some guns in the nearby tent and make a stand.

Fight! Run!


You take off as quickly as you can as you hear screams in the distance. The Huron have discovered your escape. You push through the woods, running into several trees and hurting your bare feet on the roots and rocks below. You hear the Huron running all around you, hollering out as they hunt you. You move around a tree, breathing heavily as you stop to take a breath. Suddenly, you feel a sharp sting in your side. You look down to see an arrow sticking out of your side. You look up in time to see a Huron scream as he takes his Tomahawk out and readies it to finish you off.


You charge into the large tent nearby and easily overpower the Huron guard. The group picks up the guns, powder, and musket shot and you start ordering them to move to the entrance to the tent.The Huron come charging at your group, but with the rifles, you are able to fight them off. After hours of reloading, aiming, and firing, your group of men manage to fight off the warriors. Your group ease off into the woods and make a run for it.



When your group feels like it’s gone far enough, you stop to get water. You have a choice, now. Do you return home? Do you wish to meet up with the British and exact some revenge for what they have done to you?

Fight! Go home.


You’ve had enough war, and you’ve paid for it thoroughly. You decide that you came to America to farm and live in peace, so you return to your farm, bury your dead, and rebuild. You live your life in peace, learning later that the Huron were killed off by the British and Americans later.


You walk up to the Huron who start pointing at your gun and yelling at you. You point at their weapons and yell at them, waving your hand and telling them to leave. The Huron raise their weapons to fight. Do you stand your ground, raise your one gun against them, or do you run off?

Fight! Run!


You raise your rifle and fire, killing the nearest Huron warrior, but the others move in and easily overpower you.

They whoop and holler as they run past you and kill your family and burn down your home.

They tie a rope around your neck and bind your hands and march you back to their camp.



You fire off a quick shot, killing one of the Huron, but otherwise turn and run as fast as you can, yelling at your spouse and daughter to run. The Huron attack your house and yell after you, but they’re not interested in chasing you too far. After running for several minutes through the woods you stop and look out, but see no sign of the Huron.You have to go and find help. Where? You could go to Fort Henry just up the road about 10 miles, but you could get attacked along the way. Or, you could go down the road towards New York City.

Fort William Henry New York City


You rush up the road to Fort William Henry. You find a well-armed militia home where women and children are hiding nearby, then make your way to the Fort.



You get your family to New York and find other refugees from the war.

You can find help, settle in and live here in New York, or you can go up the road yourself to Fort William Henry and help fight.

Fight! Stay here.


You arrive on the outskirts of Fort William Henry. It is under heavy bombardment by the French while Huron Indians try to sneak in to the fort.You know the British ways and you know the secret path to get into the fort from your trade with the British Soldiers. But, there is so much fire, it doesn’t look like the battle can be won. What do you do?

Sneak into the Fort Fall back to the forest


You manage to sneak past the French artillery and Huron warriors. The Fort is getting hit left and right by cannons. The Huron are trying to sneak up the valley and into the front gates. Do you help the artillery above, or do you get a musket and fight off the Huron?

Cannons Muskets


You fall back into the woods and travel until you no longer hear the cannons. Most likely, the fort fell very quickly.

You come across a detachment of regular British Redcoats who are lost. You can join up with them and help them find their way to the French or you can point them in the right direction and head home.

Go with them Head home


You’ve had enough war, and you’ve paid for it thoroughly. You decide that you came to America to farm and live in peace, so you return to your farm, bury your dead, and rebuild. You live your life in peace, learning later that the Huron were killed off by the British and Americans later.


You rush up to the cannons and pull a dead body off of one of the cannons. You yell at three other guys who help you quickly clean the inside of the cannon, load it and ready it to fire. You hold the lighter and aim at the French artillery. Finally, you bring down the lighter and fire, blowing a giant hole in the French line.Again and again you clean, load, fire at the French, making great damage, but they continue to fire back at you, nearly hitting you several times.



You march with the British Regulars down the paths towards Fort Edward. Along the road, you come across a Huron attack party and get into a fight.

You listen to the British Captain and can either do what he says with the other Redcoats or you can run off and fight your own fight. Which will it be?

Fight with the Redcoats Fight by self.


You manage to destroy the French Cannons, but the Huron have made it under your fire and have broken through the front doors!



You rush over to the Muskets and pick one up and fire. You hand the empty musket to your friend and grab another loaded rifle. You keep firing and your friend keeps loading. You manage to fight off the Huron, but the French are firing their cannons and mortars into the fort, setting everything on fire.

Run! Fight to the End!


The Indians flood into the fort. You have to help! You can either grab a nearby rifle, or a sword. Which would you use?

Rifle! Sword!


You fire at the Huron and keep reloading and firing. You use the main part of the rifle as a wooden club when you have to. Unfortunately, between the French artillery and the Huron attackers, there are too many. You are wounded and the Fort falls.

You and your friends are captured, taken to the French, and then treated. You are released, so long as you promise to go home and not fight any longer.

What do you do?

Go home. Sneak back with a British Unit


You grab a sword and charge forward, but the Huron are ready with their rifles and open fire. You are slain by the volley of bullets.


The fort is on fire and mortars are exploding all around you. You run from the battle, following dozens of soldiers out into the woods and keep running when you hear the screams of the dying at the Fort. The Battle is lost, but you live on to fight again.



You keep firing your rifle again and again as mortar round go off all around you. You feel as if you are standing at the gates of Hell and are ready to plunge your bayonette into the belly of the beast. There is a loud explosion and suddenly the world goes silent. You find yourself look up to the stars as you lie in the dirt, blood trickling down your forehead.As your vision fades, you smile at the beauty of the night sky.


You follow orders and stay in line, doing everything you are told!You fire and fight, but the Huron overrun your unit, getting you and your fellow soldiers from behind and the sides.You die a bloody death, the last thing you feel is someone grabbing your head as they take a knife to your scalp.


You know that you don’t have to follow orders, so you swing out from the line and cover the sides and rear. It’s a good thing, too, as the Huron try to flank the unit and attack. But because of your quick thinking, you and your friends open fire on the Huron, chasing them from the sides and save the unit. Your unit is successful in its defense and the Huron are chased off.Now, you’ve had your first taste of battle. Do you stay with the unit on to Fort Edward, or do you go on back home?

Fight! Go home.


Enough fighting.

This war is stupid.

You go home and rebuild your life, thankful that one day soon, the British, French, and Indians will all be gone from this land and your life.


You continue on with your unit, bravely fighting alongside the British Regulars. In battle after battle, you move through New York and Pennsylvania, fighting the Indians and French in several battles.

Your luck is good, but it finally runs out when you march on Quebec. A bullet hits your chest and fall back, trying to breathe as you stare up at the smoke-filled sky. Some friends try to help, but there is little they can do. You feel dizzy, light-headed, then you close your eyes.



You fight valiantly, killing many French and Indians. But after several waves of attackers, you take a bullet to your side. You are captured by the French and though you are treated, your war is done. The French offer to release you, so long as you go home and don’t fight any longer.

Go Home? Sneak over to a British Unit

Huron IndianHuron Indian

You live in a peaceful village inside what would one day be called New York. You hunt, farm, and work with your clan. You don’t want much from life, but you keep hearing about the “Yonchee” to the east that keep moving closer and closer, threatening to take Huron land. You don’t really want to fight the English, but if you don’t stand up to them, then they will destroy your life.

One Day, a French Trader, Jean-Luc, comes to your village and tells you that the English have attacked their fort and are threatening to cut off trade between the French and Huron. You can’t let this happen, as you depend on the French for tools and weapons. But then, you don’t want any part of a European war. What do you do?

Go off to War Stay Home.


You decide to back the French trader and grab your rifle, powder, tomahawk, and knife and lead your fellow tribe members with the French down the hunting paths to the next Huron village. You know to bring supplies with you to trade, but when you get to the village, you find smoke rising from the ashes where the village used to be. Looking at the tracks, you can tell the English attacked the village and killed everyone inside.

Do you take the time to bury the dead, or do you feel you should move on?

Bury the Dead Move on.


You say the prayers and bury the dead, giving them peace in death that they did not have in life.

Your French ally is annoyed at the delay, but if he wants help, he can wait.

Finally, after you have said your last prayers, you leave, following the Frenchman.



The Frenchman is impatient, worried that there may be British patrols around, waiting to come back and find you. You agree. Though you wish you could take the time to bury the bodies, you say a quick prayer and hurry down the paths, following your French ally.



You come to the English Fort the French are attacking. The French are bombarding the base with their cannons, and they need the Huron to attack the fort, moving under the cannon fire and hitting the small British infantry that keeps attacking the French Cannons.

You notice, however, there are Iroquois Indians, allies to the British, behind the fort, waiting for the right opportunity to attack the French. Instead of hitting the base, you could go after the Iroquois and shorten the battle. But then, you would leave the French open to an attack by the English. What do you do?

Attack the Base Attack the Iroquois


As the French open fire with their cannons, smoke pours out into the battlefield. The British fire back from the top of their wooden walls. You and your band hurry past the French and under the cannon balls whistling overhead. You see some heavily armed British Redcoats storm out from the gates of the Fort, coming at you.

Do you attack them, or do you fall back, avoiding the musket fire?

Attack! Fall back!


You let out your most blood-curling yell and charge directly at the British lines. You open fire with your musket, then sling it over your back and pull out your tomahawk and knife, slicing through the redcoats.

Your Huron warriors easily stop the British counterattack, but those Iroquois you saw earlier attack you and you get cut by a knife in the fighting. You’re losing a lot of blood.

Do you continue attacking the English or fall back?

Fight, who cares about blood loss?Fall back.


You succeeded in stopping the attack, but the French bombardment was not successful. They have to dig trenches and get closer. You are treated and are better. As days go by, you continue to help stop the attacks and hit British Patrols coming up from Boston and New York City.

Finally, the French commander decides to take an all-out attack on the Fort. Either you take the fort or you give up on it. You are assigned to infiltrate the fort.

You charge across the field as the cannons blast each other again. This time, there are no British counterattacks, no Iroquois to save them. You can either go up the stairs inside the doors, or down to the ground and attack the soldiers. What do you do?

Go after the Cannons Go after the soldiers


You decide to work your way around the back of the fort as the Cannons continue to fight.

You attack the Iroquois Indians, firing with your musket first, then taking out your tomahawk and knife and slicing through them.

The Iroquois run off into the woods.You could either follow them or fall back to the

now unprotected fort.

Follow the Iroquois Attack the Fort


You are heavily outgunned, and with the Iroquois waiting behind the fort, you decide it’s better to save your men and fall back. However, the British soldiers you were supposed to take out are now free to attack the French Cannons.

British Cannons open fire on soldiers, the cannons, and you, easily destroying all. Because you fell back, they have free reign and easily kill you and your allies.


Though you are dizzy and starting to feel weak, you stay in there, fighting back against the Iroquois. Your men are dying around you as the British and Iroquois surround and slaughter you and your men.

A line of Brits form up and open fire. Musket balls pass through your chest, and the last thing you see before passing from this world is the smoke dance to the heavens above.


You fall back to the fort and hurry up the stairs, ambushing the British soldiers who are arming and firing the cannons.

Your men turn the first cannon and open fire on the fort, itself, sending the redcoats flying in confusion. One after another, you take out the cannons as French artillery continue to pound the fort. Sensing the opening, the French send in their soldiers and storm the fort from below.

You’ve stopped the cannons, now you can sit on top of the fort and enjoy the fruits of your victory, or you can help the French finish off the English once and for all.

Fight! Sit.


You hurry into the woods, calling out to the Iroquois to come back so you can kill them.

Suddenly, hundreds of Iroquois and reserve British Colonials come out from the woods and attack! It was a trap!

You and your men are easily overcome and though you take a few of them with you, you die a bloody, grisly death.


You sit back and enjoy watching the French slaughter the English. The English surrender, and the French let them. You don’t like letting these English Dogs live, but it’s a European war. Whatever.



You fight your way down the stairs, and push your way into the armory of the fort. There, you find several barrels of gunpowder. Too late to realize what it is, one of your men drops their torch and suddenly the entire stock of gunpowder explodes.

You die gloriously, taking out the entire base. 350 years later, kids will read about your battle in their History classes.


You want no part of these European Wars. So long as the white man stays off your land, you can let them be.

After a few days, the French Trader comes back with French Soldiers. They tell you to come with them or they will declare the Huron to be an enemy. You, of course, will not go with them. They open fire on the village.

Will you stand your ground and fight, or grab your family and escape, for now?

Fight! Run!


You fall back to a town you know is not too far away from your territory. It’s English, and the hope is that they will help you fight against the French.

When you get there, you find the English town has been hit by the French, as well. Many are dead, and they fear you at first, but after sharing stories, the two of you realize you have a common enemy.

Will you join forces with the English to fight against the French?

Join No.


You lead the English colonists and your Huron brothers through the woods. You move silently as you stalk your prey, the French. As you sneak up on them, you lay out your trap, and then attack. You hit them from both sides at the same time and mercilessly slaughter the French, taking several scalps for your collection.

You learn through reading the intelligence they carried that there are more French patrols nearby. Do you want to attack, or have you had your revenge?

More Revenge I’m good.


Again, you and your brothers stalk the French and then attack. This time, the French are a little better at fighting, and you are wounded by a shot to the arm. It’s not too bad, but it could slow you down. There are more French nearby and you could still attack them. Or would you rather stop here and return home?

Fight! Go home.


You attack the French, and though they are easy, it turns out to be a trap. The Iroquois Indians have allied with the French and they swoop down on you. With your wounded arm, you can’t stop them. You are struck down, the last thing you see is an Iroquois warrior leaning over you to take your scalp.


You stand your ground and fight viciously against the French dogs. You knock them back, but you are wounded and your men force you to fall back.



You do not want war. Instead, you wander off into the woods to find your gods, your family, and your own soul.

You are never seen again.


You return to your village and help repair the damage.

Your people grow stronger and you are able to hold your own lands, playing the white people off each other until they have to build their nations around you.

You are proud in the afterlife that your people were never conquered.


You return to your village and help repair the damage.

Your people grow stronger and you are able to hold your own lands, playing the white people off each other until they have to build their nations around you.

You are proud in the afterlife that your people were never conquered.


You succeeded in stopping the attack, but the French bombardment was not successful. They have to dig trenches and get closer. You are treated and are better. As days go by, you continue to help stop the attacks and hit British Patrols coming up from Boston and New York City. Finally, the French commander decides to take an all-out attack on the Fort. Either you take the fort or you give up on it. You are assigned to infiltrate the fort. You charge across the field as the cannons blast each other again. This time, there are no British counterattacks, no Iroquois to save them.

Go after the soldiers


You charge into the fort and fight a bloody battle rifle to rifle, tomahawk to sword, slicing through the British soldiers and American Colonists. The battle is bloody, but between your fighting and the French cannons, you are able to take the Fort with only minor injuries.



The Fort is yours. The French allow the English to surrender.



After all the work you have done, after all the villages that have been destroyed, the lives lost, the things that have happened, the French are allowing the British to leave!

Are you willing to go with the French and let the Brits leave, or are you still seeking revenge?

Revenge Go home.


You take your leave of the French and you and your men slowly follow the English. When they are at just the right spot, you attack.

You hit the British from both sides and easily wipe out the whole garrison, taking several scalps.



No. No more war. It’s time to go home.



On the path home from your glorious victory, you come across a small English settlement on Huron lands.

You know if you try to talk, they will fight. You don’t want to lose any men, so you could sneak attack and wipe them out. What do you do?

Attack! Ignore.


You and your band attack the settlement and destroy every building. Some of your men go too far and attack children and women, but then, this is revenge, and they shouldn’t be on your land.

Many of the colonists run off into the forests. Do you want to track them down or go home?

Kill them all. Home.


You go home to your lands and try to live in peace.

Eventually, you learn that the English and Americans won the war, and they are now flooding onto your lands. You decide to go to war to stop them, but without French help, the British easily overpower you and your people and you are wiped out.


You rush into the woods and try to take out the last remaining people, but it was a trap! British soldiers coming up the road find you and attack your band. You are too weak to effectively fight back.

You and your men are shot apart and left to rot in the woods.


You are happy to return to your home. You have earned your vengeance, and now your peace.

However, when you turn the last corner around the mountains, you are startled by the sight of the smoldering ashes of your village. Your village was attacked by the English and Destroyed.

Your people are scattered to the world, and you are never heard from again.
