Download pdf - Friday, May 24, 2013


BELLEVUE, WA, U.S.A.(Expedia) -- The Expediagroup, the world's largest on-line travel company, reportedtoday that travel demand forAruba grew by 15 percentyear on year in the first quar-ter of 2013.

The Expedia group fea-tures more than 140 websitesin nearly 70 countries world-wide, from brands such asExpedia®,®,Hotwire®, Egencia®, Expe-dia Affiliate Network® andVenere®. Expedia also gen-erates bookings from mobilesites and apps as well as of-fline booking channels.

By working closely withExpedia and its portfolio ofonline travel brands, hotels inAruba have been successfulin attracting a slew of inter-national travelers to theirproperties. While the UnitedStates remains the leadingfeeder market for Aruba, ad-ditional feeder markets forthe destination includeVenezuela, Brazil, Canada,Colombia, Netherlands and

Italy.The Expedia group’s com-

mitment to this beautiful des-tination is also reflected in

the recent participation of themarket management team atAruba’s top travel industryevent: the Annual TourismConference Aruba (ATCA),where company executiveshad the opportunity to rein-force their commercial bondswith lodging partnersthroughout the island.

“As a result of the intensepromotion of Aruba to ourglobal audience of travelers,the island is one of the largestdestinations in the Caribbeanfor the Expedia group,” saidDemetrius Canton, directorof Market Management forthe Expedia group in theCaribbean. “We’re commit-ted to working closely withour lodging partners in Arubaand throughout the Caribbeanto extend their reach to an en-tirely new audience. ATCA isa great platform to further ourrelationships within the des-tination and discuss market-ing and distribution strategiesto help our hotel partnersmaximize their profitability.”

Friday, May 24, 2013

Expedia Reports Increased TravelDemand For Aruba In The FirstQuarter Of 2013

Oklahoma (AFP) - Severethunderstorms barreledthrough this Oklahoma Citysuburb Thursday, upsettingrelief and clean-up effortsthree days after a powerfultornado killed 24 people anddestroyed thousands ofhomes.

The dark threatening skiescast a pall over the first of aseries of funerals in the com-ing days for the seven chil-dren killed in an elementaryschool that took a direct hitfrom the twister.

Continued on pg 6

Thunderstorms pummelUS tornado disaster

came the couple Dennis &Linda Castellan. The Castel-lan's arrived on Aruba thispast week to enjoy all thatthis destination has to offer.

The special program washeld in the month of December2012 and as a Christmas gift,the winner was announced onDecember 24th, 2012.

This past week the Castel-lan couple decided to comeand enjoy their prize. Mrs.Melanie Kelly of the ArubaTourism Authority welcomedthem to Aruba. The Castel-lan's expressed their heartfeltgratitude for the prize theywon, which includes a stay atthe Riu Resort.

This is the second time thatthe Castellan's are visiting theisland. They expressed beingin love with the destination andever since visiting they could-n't stop talking about Arubaand recommending Aruba to

their friends in Toronto,Canada.

During their stay they vis-ited various events and tookan island tour and experi-enced the Carubbian Festivalin San Nicolaas.

In their own words:…"welove Aruba because of thefriendly people and beautifulbeaches. We feel safe going outand exploring the island. Thewheather is guaranteed sunnyhot and there is always abreeze that kisses you softly tokeep you cool. Friends of oursrecommended Aruba and weare so glad to be back. Arubareally is a 'One Happy Island.'

Photo shows the happycouple together with MelanieKelly of the ATA.

The Aruba Tourism Authority(ATA) did a research and avacation raffle among its par-ticipants. The lucky winnersof the research program be-

Happy winners of the sweepstakes campaign

ATA welcomes the Castellan family

Expedia’s global presence provided valuable internationalexposure for Aruba and generated increased revenues forthe destination on Expedia group sites

2 Friday, May 24, 2013

Since the introduction ofELMAR's pre-paid electricalmeter earlier this year, the in-terest from the community isgrowing. The number ofclients changing from post-paid to pre-paid is growingevery day. The reason for thepopularity of this new systemis that it allows the client theopportunity to control hismonthly electrical expenses soas to avoid high energy bills.

The pre-paid system can becompared to the popular pre-paid cellular phone where yousimply purchase a card, punchin your numbers and you haveaccess to the service. Pre-paidelectrical systems is not an un-known to us. Curaçao has beenusing this system for some timenow with great benefits to users.

In Aruba, the pre-paid me-ters are especially of interest tothose renting apartments.There are already some 200pre-paid meters installedacross the island. The responsefrom users is very positive andsatisfactory.

ELMAR has differentpoints of sale where the tokenscan be purchased to rechargethe system at anytime during

the day. Tokens can be pur-chased at all ELMAR outlets,as well as at Valero PalmBeach, Valero Essoville andTexaco Sasaki. Tokens can bepurchased for Afls 10- or morein increments of Afls.5,-. Thisis a very practical and efficientsystem especially if you are se-rious about controlling and re-ducing your electricalconsumption.

Those interested in obtain-ing a pre-paid meter can call523-7169 or 523-7124. Youmay also email at [email protected]. A speciallytrained team will visit yourplace of residence or businessand explain the system andhow it functions.

To register for a pre-paidsystem, you will need to pres-ent a valid ID, proof of owner-ship of your home or propertyor the signature of the one whoowns the property authorizingyou to install the system Forbusiness owners, you will needa copy of the Chamber ofCommerce registration. Theclient will also be required tosubmit the inspection card thatthe electrical installation hasbeen formally inspected andapproved.

Interest inELMAR’s pre-paidmeters is growing

Last Thursday evening theAruba Red Cross presenteddiplomas to various personswho followed their life guardcourse. There were 11 lifeguards who recieved thediploma. This, reportedly,was the first group to receivethis diploma after many

years. Those who took thecourse can be re-certifiedevery two years.

The Minister of PublicHealth had the honor of pre-senting the diplomas to thegroup.

The particular courseequips participants to become

a Red Cross Certified Life-guard and had a duration of 5weeks, and is internationallyrecognized.

Holders of the diploma canoffer assistance in the event ofany emergency, and they canassist paramedics on an am-bulance. In addition, accord-ing to Marla Dominguez, oneof the instructors of thecourse, they can assist allparamedics. On Sundays theclasses were conducted at theOlympics Pool where theypracticed in the water and inthe sea at the baby Beach.

Mrs. Dominguez informedthe participants that theywere certified under the stan-dards of Life Savings of theUSA. They can help in allemergency situations on landor at sea. Their task will be tostabilize someone until theambulance arrives. Thecourse requires that all certi-fied persons must train atleast once per month for atleast 4 hours so as to not for-get what they learned and tosimply remain active.

Congratulations is in orderto all who passed the courseand are now proud certifiedLife Guards!

Large group receives LifeGuard diploma

their membership fee in full byMother’s Day were elegible toparticipate. A total of no lessthan 36 ladies had the chanceof winning this first-time prize.

Picture shows Fitness Cen-ter and Spa Manager, Ms.Wendy Laclé presenting a verygrateful and excited Mrs.Grace Ashruf Rahusen hertwo-night stay certificate.

member since March 11th2003 and confesses that herideas for her artwork andpaintings come to life duringher workouts at the Pure Spaand Fitness Center. She saysshe cannot create if she doesn’twork out. Working out is amust for her, it is just as dailyas having to eat….

All ladies that have paid

piece of paper under the chairs.Fans could win either one oftheir famous cookies or a Sub-way sandwich, which theywere able to enjoy during thegame.

Subway will continue in-dulging island football fanswith its ‘halftime games,’ giv-ing way prizes during the play-offs. It also has its ‘bulletinboard,’ where fans can taketheir pictures and post it onSubway’s Face book page. Themost creative and originalposting to their page will alsoreceive a prize.

Subway is very proud to bepart of this year's footballchampionship; the company’sgoal is to encourage the com-munity to practice sports andadopt a healthy lifestyle, espe-cially among the youth.

Subway and the ArubaFootball Federation inviteeveryone to attend the play-offgames. It will certainly helpsupport our youth and sport bybeing a good fan.

The well-renowned artist, Mrs.Grace Ashruf Rahusen is thevery happy winner of a two-night stay at the gorgeous DiviAruba Phoenix Beach Resort.Pure Spa and Fitness Center isone of the Divi owned fitnesscenters, where a wide variety ofspa services are also performed.

The winner was picked byAssistant Controller, Mrs. Lil-ian Kock on May 15th duringthe weekly department man-ager’s meeting, selected

Mrs. Ashruf Rahusen hasbeen a loyal fitness center

It is a great pride and honor forSubway to be the official spon-sor of this year’s footballchampionship. The tourna-ment, named "Subway Cup," isorganized by ‘Arubaanse Voet-bal Bond’ (AVB) – Aruba’sfootball (soccer) federation.

Subway, known for its di-verse menu offering fresh andhealthy sandwiches and soups,also supports our local athletesso they can improve theirsporting skills.

And now, to entertain thepublic, Subway started with its‘halftime games’ at theGuillermo Prospero TrinidadStadium. During the Estrellavs. Britannia game, Subway or-ganized a ‘penalty kicks game’competition among fans, whichthey embraced with great en-thusiasm, demonstrating theirpassion and talent for football.The winners were Reegel Win-klaar and Carslon Geerman.

During the RCA vs. Dakotagame, Subway gave away anumber of prizes by sticking a

Friday, May 24, 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                         3                              

Subway franchise Aruba is

the official sponsor of

soccer championships 2013

Pure Spa & Fitness Center announces winner of Mother’s Day Raffle

4 Friday, May 24, 2013

Recently the Aruba TourismAuthority had the great pleas-ure of honoring a very nicegentleman who is a loyal andfriendly visitors of Aruba, atthe Tamarijn Beach Resort,as Ambassador of Goodwill.The symbolic honorary titleis presented in the name ofthe Minister of Tourism as atoken of appreciation toguests who visit Aruba for 20or more consecutive years.The honoree was Mr. Carolusvan de Wouw from NoordHolland Amsterdam. Carolusbetter known as carl is a loyalguest at the Tamarijn Beachresort for 17 consecutiveyears after he stayed for threeyears at another Divi Resort.Carl loves Aruba very muchfor the climate, beaches,restaurants, the culture and heloves to meet every year with

his lovely Aruban friends.Carl even promotes Arubathrough a the Radio station “Kelkboom” on a worldwideprogram.

The certificate was pre-

sented by Mr. Ernest Gielrepresenting the ArubaTourism Authority togetherwith Management and staffmembers of the TamarijnBeach resort.

Carolus van de Wouw honored byATA at the Tamarijn Beach Resort

In 2004 a small, quiet cere-mony was first conducted atthe Costa Linda Beach by agroup of four veterans whohave since earned the infor-mal title “The Costa LindaVets.” The original group ofFrank Nini, Rich Lamonth,Bobby Nadal and GriffMcElroy, veterans of the U.S.Armed Forces, were joinedby their good friend HenryLavergne of Canada in or-ganizing the original eventthat has grown annually in at-tendance since. Sadly, BobbyNadal passed away in 2011.The intention is to provide amoment for all those whowish to pay tribute to those

who have made the ultimatesacrifice for their country.Anyone vacationing onAruba on Monday, for U.S.Memorial Day, is welcome toattend this annual ritual.

The short, poignant cere-mony begins promptly at10:00 AM on the Costa LindaBeach and last no more thenten minutes. It begins bycalling “The Detail” of visit-ing veterans to attention.There will be a reading oftwo stanzas of the poem,“For the Fallen” by EnglishPoet Robert LaurenceBinyon and a memorialwreath will be set out to sea.

All are welcome to jointhe annual MemorialDay service at CostaLinda Resort

This final event is open tonot only MetaCorp employ-ees, but an invitation is open tothe general public to stimulatetheir interest and discover theenjoyment of exercising regu-larly.

Organizers of the hikingprogram are the volunteers ofAll Distance Runners Arubatogether with Mr. Eric Gomez.A word of thank goes tofriends and family members ofparticipating employees whohelped to spark their interestby joining the walk

MetaCorp started theMetaFit program some 15years ago; its goal is to encour-age a healthy lifestyle amongthe employees. A dynamicgroup of staff organize the dif-ferent activities on their offdays.

At the beginning of 2013,MetaCorp started an annualexercise program calledMetaFit. After a few organizedactivities, MetaFit offered onApril 10 what turned out to bethe most popular activity todate, hiking.

Every Wednesday and Sat-urday afternoon, the energeticemployees of MetaCorp andits subsidiaries meet at diffe -rent spots on the island for abrisk walk. The walking dis-tances vary; starting at 5 km,then going to a distance of 10km and to 15 km. After morethan 20 walking sessions, theevent will culminate on June29 with the biggest challenge:the 3rd annual MetaFit HalfMarathon. This event is openfor any one who wishes to par-ticipate.

cause of the virus so far inMérida, according to localauthorities.

Authorities informed that,in view of the soccer gameheld yesterday in the regionbetween Venezuela and ElSalvador, a sanitary plan hasbeen implemented.

of being infected with thevirus and are currently under-going some tests.

For his part, the secretarygeneral of the state gover-nor's office, Luis Martínez,informed that 344 cases of al-leged influenza have been re-ported since May 20.

Five people have died be-

CARACAS -- Authorities inthe state of Merida, southVenezuela, confirmed 125cases of influenza AH1N1 inthe region. Denis Gómez,head of state-run health au-thority Corposalud, disclosedthe infor mation.

Gómez also announcedthat 20 people are suspected

Friday, May 24, 2013 5

Authorities report 125 cases of influenzawest Venezuela

MetaFit program fromMetaCorp Begins

In an Oklahoma City fu-neral home, some 250 familyand friends gathered yesterdayto mourn the loss of AntoniaCandelaria, age nine, one ofthe seven children who died inthe rubble of Plaza Towers El-ementary School.

Like most schools in tor-nado-prone Oklahoma, theschool had no purpose-builtstorm shelter for its nearly 500students and staff.

refuge in their trucks to avoidexposure to lightning strikes.

The Oklahoma Departmentof Emergency Managementhas said 2,400 homes weredamaged and 10,000 peopleaffected, in a community of56,000. Yesterday, GovernorMary Fallin's office updatedthe number of injured to 377,adding: "All people thoughtmissing have been accountedfor at this time."

Heavy rain was forecast formuch of the day, soaking thedisaster zone where residentshad just the day before, underclear blue skies, pickedthrough the rubble of theirshattered houses to recoverpersonal effects.

Localized street floodingcomplicated access for emer-gency and clean-up vehicles,while construction workers andutility linemen took temporary

ties in London and one in a vil-lage in eastern England, and an-nounced the arrests of a manand a woman, both aged 29, forconspiracy to murder.

Detectives are siftingthrough witness statements, so-cial media and security ca merafootage, while forensic expertshave been combing the scene inWoolwich for evidence.

Cameron has condemnedthe "barbaric" attack and said itwas likely terrorist-related,while experts said the murderhad the hallmarks of a militantIslamist attack.

Media reports citing wit-nesses said the men first ranover their victim in a car beforefinishing him off with theknives.

A government source said"we will be looking into thepossibility that they wereknown" to the security services.

security services.Both men, aged 28 and 22,

are believed to be Britons ofNigerian origin. One of themhad frequented meetings by thenow-banned Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun, its UK leaderAnjem Choudary told AFP.

The two chief suspects areunder arrest in separate hospi-tals. They are both stable andtheir injuries are not life threa -tening, police said.

In a brazen mid-afternoonattack in Woolwich, southeastLondon, the pair apparentlyhacked Rigby with knives anda meat cleaver before attemp -ting to explain their actions inan Islamist tirade to passers-by.

The victim was a machinegunner who served withNATO-led forces in Afgha -nistan in 2009, the defence min-istry said.

Police searched five proper-

LONDON (AFP) - British po-lice made two further arrestsyesterday and raided housesacross London following thebrutal murder of a serving sol-dier who survived a tour of dutyin Afghanistan.

Prime Minister DavidCameron appealed for calmafter 25-year-old Lee Rigbywas butchered outside a Lon-don army barracks yesterday,while an extra 1,200 officerswere deployed on the capital'sstreets in a bid to reassure thepublic.

The intelligence agenciesmeanwhile came under scrutinyafter it emerged that the twomurder suspects, who were in-jured in police gunfire at thescene, had been known to the

Police make new arrests in Londonsoldier killing

batants will not be injured orkilled, an assessment that cap-ture is not feasible, an assess-ment the local government"cannot or will not effectivelyaddress the threat," and an as-sessment that no other "reason-able alternatives exist" toaddress the threat.

-- The United States will re-spect "sovereignty and interna-tional law." The laws of warand international legal princi-ples will "impose importantconstraints on the ability of theUnited States to act unilater-ally - and on the way in whichthe United States can useforce."

-- If a terror suspect beingtargeted is identified as a USnational, "the Department ofJustice will conduct an addi-tional legal analysis to ensurethat such action may be con-ducted against the individualconsistent with the Constitu-tion and laws of the UnitedStates."

-- The administration as-serts a "reservation of autho -rity." The new procedures forlethal strikes "do not limit thePresident's authority to take ac-tion in extraordinary circum-stances when doing so is bothlawful and necessary to protectthe United States or its allies."

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Pres-ident Barack Obama an-nounced yesterday he signednew policy guidance outliningwhen the United States can use"lethal force" to kill terror sus-pects abroad.

Here are the main points ofthe policy guidelines, releasedby the White House, regulatingthe drone bombing raids --which until now have beencarried out secretly by the Cen-tral Intelligence Agency inPakistan, Yemen and Somalia.

-- Lethal force will not beused as punishment but "onlyto prevent or stop attacksagainst US persons, and eventhen, only when capture is notfeasible and no other reason-able alternatives exist to ad-dress the threat effectively."

-- Resorting to force musthave a legal basis and "onlyagainst a target that poses acontinuing, imminent threat toUS persons.

"It is simply not the casethat all terrorists pose a conti -nuing, imminent threat to USpersons; if a terrorist does notpose such a threat, the UnitedStates will not use lethalforce."

-- Before ordering lethalstrikes, there must be: "nearcertainty" that the target ispresent, that civilian non-com-

6 Friday, May 24, 2013

International newsObama releases rules for

US drone strikes

StoCkholm: AFP hotoshows firemen extinguish-ing burning cars in theStockholm suburb ofRinkeby after youths riotedin several different suburbsaround Stockholm, Swe-den for a fourth consecu-tive night on may 23, 2013.In the suburb of husby,where the riots began onSunday in response to thefatal police shooting of a69-year-old machete-wield-ing man, 80 percent of res-idents are immigrants andthe unrest has highlightedSweden's failure to integrate swathes of its immigrant population, but in this small,consensus-driven country, there was little agreement on how to solve the problem.

Thunderstorms pummel US tornado... Continued from page 1

Hilton and Sharon Stone."Unfortunately, after the end

of the festivities, Grisogonoemployees discovered that anecklace of high value, whichwas part of the collectionlaunched during the evening,had disappeared despite the se-curity measures in place whichincluded 80 security agentsand police," said the Swissjeweller.

The necklace comes com-

PARIS (AFP) - Thieves havemade off with a diamond neck-lace worth 2 million euros($2.6 million) made bySwitzerland's De Grisogono inthe second jewellery theft atthis year's Cannes Film Festi-val, the company said onThursday.

The heist took place duringa gala evening Tuesday organ-ised by the jeweller and at-tended by, among others, Paris

Friday, May 24, 2013 7

plete with 19 white diamonds,19 yellow diamonds, emeraldsand brown diamonds, it added.

A police source estimatedthe catalogue price of the neck-lace at 1.9 million euros.

This year's Cannes festivalhas been plagued by a series ofthefts, including the spectacu-lar heist last Friday of a millioneuros worth of jewellery froma hotel room occupied by anAmerican employee of Swissjewellery-maker Chopard.

Police said they were inves-tigating a complaint filed byDe Grisogono and that thenecklace had gone missing inthe resort town of Antibes nearCannes.

At least two apartmentsrented by film executives havealso been burgled during thefestival, with thieves takingcash, jewellery and other per-sonal items.

Necklace worth 2 mln euros

stolen in second Cannes heist

International News

where it went. A third personfrom the company was inter-viewed in connection with thealleged fraud on Tuesday andWednesday, the prosecutorsaid.

Selten's meat processingplant handled imports from var-ious European countries anddelivered to retailers, meatwholesalers, butchers, the meatprocessing industry and super-markets throughout Europe.

Since the horsemeat scandalerupted in Ireland in January,governments have scrambled tofigure out how and where themislabelling of meat happenedin the sprawling chain of pro-duction spanning abattoirs andmeat suppliers across Europe.

The scandal prompted theEuropean Commission to ordertests of food across the Euro-pean Union which showed thatalmost one in 20 meals mar-keted as beef was likely to betainted with horse.

Though the scare firsterupted in Ireland and Britain,there was no trace of horse-tainted products in either coun-try, with the highest numberfound in France, Greece, Latviaand Denmark in that order.

The scandal led to meatballsin Ikea stores, sausages in Rus-sia and frozen burgers inBritain's Tesco chain beingpulled from shelves by the mil-lions.

THE HAGUE (AFP) - Dutchmeat wholesaler Willy Seltenwas arrested yesterday for al-legedly selling 300 tonnes ofhorsemeat labelled as beef, thepublic prosecutor said.

The prosecutor's office saidthat Dutch food safety authorityNVWA arrested the man,whom media identified as Sel-ten, allegedly a key player inEurope's horsemeat scandal, aspart of "a criminal investigationinto labelling horsemeat asbeef."

The statement said the man'scompany was the same as theone searched as part of an ini-tial probe when Europe's adul-terated beef scandal erupted inFebruary.

Selten in April failed toquash an order recalling 50,000tonnes of potentially contami-nated horsemeat that hadpassed through his plant in thesouthern Dutch city of Oss.

The NVWA asked hundredsof companies across Europesupplied by Selten to checktheir products.

Selten's company was lastmonth also declared bankruptand placed under curatorship.

An investigation showed thatthis horsemeat was processedas beef according to the com-pany's accounts, which said thatthe business only sold beef, thestatement said.

The accounts did not sayfrom where the meat came or to

Dutch trader arrested

for 'horsemeat fraud'

for patients.The drug works differently

than the top sleeping aid on themarket at present, Sanofi'sAmbien, or zolpidem, whichboosts neurotransmittersknown as GABA receptors.

Merck said suvorexantblocks "wakefulness-promot-ing orexin neurons" fromworking. If approved, it wouldbe the first time the chemicalis released on the US market.

FDA doctors who reviewedthe research on the drug aheadof the panel meeting said it ap-peared effective but not safe atthe higher doses studied.

The independent panel de-bated the findings all day, withone of the main topics beingwhether a lower dose of 10 mgwould be safe, effective andavoid risks such as dangerousdriving from persistent sleepi-ness.

Merck's representative saidthe response from a 10 mgdose would be "quite smalland not very different from theplacebo response."

However, FDA reviewersbelieved the lesser amountwould likely work, leadingone doctor on the panel to re-mark that he felt he was in anepisode of the "TwilightZone," where the governmentwas saying a drug would workwhile the pill's maker dis-agreed.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Anindependent panel of expertsrecommended US approval ofa new Merck sleeping pillcalled suvorexant, but ex-pressed concerns over thehighest dosage and risks ofdrowsy daytime driving.

A majority of the panelvoted that the drug was safeand effective in most cases,but experts were divided onthe question of approving thesafety of higher doses if lowerdoses did not appear to work

8 Friday, May 24, 2013

Experts favor US approvalof Merck sleeping pill

GENEVA (AFP) - Saudi Ara-bia lamented yesterday thatforeign drug companies hadpatented the new SARS-likevirus that has killed 22 peopleworldwide in less than a year,slowing down the diagnosisprocess considerably.

"We are still strugglingwith diagnostics and the rea-son is that the virus waspatented by scientists and isnot allowed to be used for in-vestigations by other scien-tists," said Saudi DeputyHealth Minister Ziad Memish.

He told diplomats gath-ered in Geneva for the WorldHealth Assembly, the UNhealth agency's decision-making body, that the coron-avirus that first emerged lastJune had been "sent out of thecountry."

"It was patented, and con-tracts were signed with vac-cine companies and anti-viraldrug companies" which nowneed to give their approvalevery time another lab wantsto use the virus, he said.

"I think strongly that thedelay in the development of.... diagnostic procedures isrelated to the patenting of thevirus," Memish said.

WHO chief MargaretChan expressed outrage atthe information.

"Why would your scien-tists send specimens out toother laboratories on a bilat-eral manner and allow otherpeople to take intellectualproperty right on new dis-ease?" she asked.

"Any new disease is full ofuncertainty," she said, urgingthe WHO's 194 memberstates to only share "virusesand specimens with WHOcollaborating centres, ... notin a bilateral manner."

"I will follow it up. I will

look at the legal implicationstogether with the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia. No IP (intellec-tual property) should stand inthe way of you, the countriesof the world, to protect yourpeople," she told the dele-gates to thundering applause.

So far, there have been 44lab-confirmed cases world-wide of the virus which untilnow has been known as thenovel coronavirus, or nCoV-EMC, but which this weekwas redubbed the MiddleEast Respiratory SyndromeCoronavirus (MERS CoV).

Saudi Arabia by far countsthe most cases, with 30 con-firmed infections and 17 fa-talities, while cases have alsobeen detected in Jordan,Qatar, Tunisia, the UnitedArab Emirates, Germany,Britain and France.

The virus is a cousin ofSevere Acute RespiratorySyndrome (SARS), whichtriggered a scare 10 years agowhen it erupted in east Asia,leaping to humans from ani-mal hosts and eventuallykilling some 800 people.

Like SARS, the new virusappears to cause an infectiondeep in the lungs, with pa-tients suffering from a tem-perature, cough and breathingdifficulty, but it differs fromSARS in that it also causesrapid kidney failure.

Memish stressed that a lotof uncertainty remains aroundhow the virus spreads andwhat symptoms to look for,pointing out that some pa-tients have instead of respira-tory difficulties shown signslike diarrhoea and vomiting.

He also said diagnoseswere problematic and in somecases tests needed to be per-formed two or even threetimes.

SARS-like viruspatent complicatingdiagnosis: Saudi

Health &Living

WASHINGTON (AFP) - TheH7N9 strain of bird flu canspread among ferrets and coulddo the same among humansunder certain conditions, ac-cording to lab animal studieson the virus published yester-day.

So far there have been noknown cases of human-to-human spread of the new virus,which has infected 131 peopleand killed 36 since it firstemerged in China in March.

If the virus were found to beable to spread easily amonghumans, experts fear it couldtrigger a widespread pandemic.Animal studies are a first steptoward understanding how eas-ily the virus might spread inpeople.

Scientists infected lab fer-rets with a sample of H7N9taken from one of the peoplewho died from it, and foundthat the virus spread amongferrets in direct contact, saidthe report.

The virus was also found tobe transmissible by air, thoughjust one of the three ferretstested became ill in this way.

The study also tested pigs,which are considered evencloser than ferrets to humans,and found that pigs could be-come infected but that they didnot pass the virus to each other.

Ferrets that were infecteddid not show symptoms of ill-ness right away, even thoughthey had the virus in their nasalsecretions, which the study au-thors noted was typical in pan-demic and seasonal influenza.

After the infected animalswere autopsied, the virus wasfound to be replicating in theupper as well as the lower res-piratory tract, and viral RNAwas detected in the ferrets' tra-chea, lungs, lymph nodes andbrains.

Mittal, who was not in-volved in the research, said thatit is not unusual for certainhighly pathogenic viruses toreach the brain, but it is notoften seen in human flu pan-demics and more research isneeded.

Some symptoms might in-clude confusion, dizziness, se-vere headache and neck pain,he said.

H7N9 birdflu canspread inmammals:study

its marine and coastal environ-ments with over 10 designatedas no-take fishing zones.

In addition to these commit-ments, Defend Paradise, acampaign designed to generatefunding for marine conserva-tion in the Caribbean and raiseconsumer awareness of themarine environment waslaunched.

stressing the importance ofconservation throughout theregion."

"Governments and theirpeople, companies and theirconsumers, and local commu-nities all must work together toprotect this beautiful region,"said Glenn Prickett, Chief Ex-ternal Affairs Officer for TheNature Conservancy. "Thisevent has demonstrated that nolonger is protecting natureviewed as a luxury, it is criticalto the success of the region'seconomy."

Commitments announced atthe Summit by individual gov-ernments to support these ef-forts included theestablishment of a nationaltrust fund to protect biodiver-sity in The Bahamas; adoptionof a Protected Areas SystemPlan to protect 33 percent ofmarine and coastal environ-ments in the British Virgin Is-lands; the establishment of 14fish sanctuaries in Jamaica; acommitment to double thenumber of protected areas inPuerto Rico; Grenada's reaffir-mation to protect 25 percent ofits marine and coastal environ-ment; and Belize's commit-ment to protect 30 percent of

much economic growthwithout a healthyCaribbean environ-ment, and we can't havea healthy Caribbean en-vironment withouthealthy economic de-velopment. Solving the

energy challenge and marineconservation challenge in theCaribbean go hand-in-hand."

The event, launching thesecond phase of the CaribbeanChallenge Initiative (CCI),was co-hosted by the PrimeMinister of Grenada, Premierof the British Virgin Islands,and Sir Richard Branson. Theevent's sponsoring partner wasTiffany & Co. Foundation, andthe event was organized byThe Nature Conservancy, withsupport from Virgin Unite, thenon-profit entrepreneurialfoundation of the VirginGroup, and the Carbon WarRoom.

"We are honored to be partof such a historic event, andwe applaud our fellowCaribbean nations participat-ing in this Summit," saidPrime Minister Dr. the RightHonourable Keith C. Mitchellof Grenada. "We are charting apath for future generations,

lion USD to preserve and pro-tect the region's marine andcoastal environment, and ac-celerate efforts to transition torenewable energy."Protecting and harnessing thenatural world is the greatestopportunity of our lifetimes,"said Sir Richard Branson,Founder and Chairman of theVirgin Group. "We can't have

NECKER ISLAND, BritishVirgin Islands -- In a joint ef-fort to safeguard and bolsterthe Caribbean region'stourism-dependent economy,15 Caribbean governments and17 corporations met on NeckerIsland, home of Sir RichardBranson, in the British VirginIslands last weekend and com-mitted approximately $64 mil-

Defending Paradise: $64 million and ImmediateAction Committed to Protect the Environment and Accelerate Renewable Energy

Friday, May 24, 2013 9


From left, Richard Branson, British Virgin Islands Premier Dr. Or-lando Smith, and Grenada Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell listento Costa Rica’s former President and businessman Jose MariaFigueres speaking during a Caribbean Summit of Political Busi-ness Leaders at the home of Richard Branson on Necker Island,in the British Virgin Islands. “It’s just so important to get everysingle Caribbean country 100 percent behind protecting the won-derful sea life and the wonderful reefs and mangroves, and there-fore the species that occupy our oceans,” Branson said.

10 Friday, May 24, 2013

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The Netherlands' publicdeficit came in at 4.1 percentof gross domestic product(GDP) last year, the fourthyear in a row it has breachedthe EU's 3.0 percent ceiling.

The public deficit, whichalso includes local governmentand health spending, declinedfrom 4.5 percent of gross do-mestic product in 2011 and ahigh of 5.6 percent in 2009.

The country is implement-ing a programme of spendingcuts in order to squeeze the

KLEVE (AFP) - Dutch PrimeMinister Mark Rutte saidThursday that his governmentis sticking to its target of bring-ing its deficit back within EUlimits by next year and will notask the EU for a delay.

"We are endeavouring tobring the budget deficit downto 3.0 percent (of output) in2014. We're not going to askfor extra time," Rutte told anews conference following ameeting here with his Germancounterpart, Angela Merkel.

Friday, May 24, 2013 11

deficit back under the 3.0 per-cent ceiling.

The Dutch goverment alsoannounced it would explorethe sale of the one-third stakeit owns in British-based ura-nium enrichment specialistUrenco.

The government said in astatement that the council ofministers had approved explor-ing the sale of part or the entirestake, and was in discussionwith the other shareholders inthe company which suppliesnuclear fuel to power plants inEurope and the United States.

The announcement came amonth after the British govern-ment said it would considerselling its one-third stake,while German power compa-nies E.ON and RWE indicatedin January they would put uptheir equal shares of the re-maining third in Urenco.

Dutch media estimate Ure-nco to be worth some 10 bil-lion euros ($13 billion).

However the Dutch govern-ment indicated it would notsell its stake unless the "publicinterests concerning non-pro-liferation, nuclear security anddeliveries were guaranteed inan effective manner."

Urenco was created in 1971following a treaty betweenBritain, Germany and theNetherlands on nuclear enrich-ment.

French nuclear fuel com-pany Areva has expressed in-terest in acquiring Urenco.

Dutch Finance MinisterJeroen Dijsselbloem told law-makers in a letter that plans byBritain and the German powercompanies to sell their stakeforced the Netherlands to jointhe sale to protect its interests,as it would have little voice ifleft a minority shareholder.

Netherlands reaffirms deficittarget of 3.0% for 2014


considered the pillar of the in-ternational financial system,was named the world's seventhmost powerful woman byForbes magazine.

Tapie, a former politician,went to prison for match-fixingduring his time as president ofFrench football club Olympiquede Marseille.

Prosecutors working for theCJR suspect he receivedfavourable treatment in returnfor supporting Nicolas Sarkozyin the 2007 presidential election.

They have suggested Lagarde-- who at the time was financeminister -- was partly responsi-ble for "numerous anomaliesand irregularities" which couldlead to charges for complicity infraud and misappropriation ofpublic funds.

The investigation centres onher 2007 move to ask a panel ofjudges to arbitrate in a disputebetween Tapie and Credit Lyon-nais, the collapsed, partly state-owned bank, over his 1993 saleof sports group Adidas.

Tapie had accused Credit Ly-onnais of defrauding him byconsciously undervaluing Adi-das at the time of the sale andargued that the state, as the for-mer principal shareholder in thebank, should compensate him.

PARIS (AFP) - IMF chiefChristine Lagarde faces anotherday of questioning after beinggrilled for hours Thursday byFrench prosecutors who are de-ciding if she should be chargedover a state payout to a dis-graced tycoon during her timeas finance minister.

Lagarde has downplayed theinvestigation, but the stakes arehigh for both her and the Inter-national Monetary Fund, whichhas expressed confidence in La-garde.

Lagarde, 57, was seen leav-ing a Paris court late on Thurs-day after being quizzed byprosecutors for around 12 hours."See you tomorrow," she toldreporters as she left the building.

The Court of Justice of theRepublic (CJR), which probescases of ministerial misconduct,is seeking an explanation of her2007 handling of a row that re-sulted in 400 million euros($515 million) being paid tocontroversial business figureBernard Tapie.

Criminal charges against La-garde, known for her intellec-tual prowess and elegance,would mark the second straightscandal for an IMF chief, afterher predecessor DominiqueStrauss-Kahn, also from France,resigned in disgrace in 2011over an alleged assault on aNew York hotel maid.

Her court appearance came aday after Lagarde, the firstwoman to run an organisation

IMF chief grilled inParis court over2007 payout scandal

ultra-deep waters under athick layer of salt.

By way of comparison, theso-called Marlim field, whichis the most productive oneBrazil now has operating -- at600,000 barrels per day -- hasa recoverable oil volume of 2billion barrels, Chambriardsaid.

Another, called Roncador,has 2.5 billion, she added.But Libra is another thing al-together.

"I have worked in the oilindustry for 30 years andhave never seen anything likeit," she said. "Something thissize will raise eyebrows allover the world."

Brazil's sprawling pre-saltoil reserves were first discov-ered in 2007.

Libra will be auctioned offas a single bloc, under 2010legislation that increases thegovernment's control over thepre-salt reserves and its shareof the profits.

RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) -Brazil will auction conces-sions to operate an offshoreoil field believed to hold upto 12 billion barrels of crude,the government said Thurs-day.

The tender process willtake place in late October,said Magda Chambriard, di-rector of the National OilAgency. New estimates arethat the so-called Libra oilfield holds between eight bil-lion and 12 billion barrels ofoil -- the largest find ever inBrazil, she said.

The field covers 1,500square kilometers and lies in

Brazil to open hugeoil field to auction


Crossword AnswerU.S.A.

Dutch Antilles









(per 10,000)
















































Current as of:


All rates for amounts up to AWG 100,00 per item.

Spock; what is your analysis ofthe character and how do yourelate to him?

Quinto: I have a tremendousrespect for the character, actu-ally. I think he is very compas-sionate but also very balancedand logical. He strives for alevel of equanimity that issometimes difficult to find inour lives as human beings. Ithink, to a certain extent, I’m alogical person like he is, but Ican be incredibly impulsiveand emotional in my responsesand reactions to things. I’m aGemini, so I feel like I possesa similar kind of duality that isbeneficial for a character likethis.

NDS: Are there more STARTREKS in your future?

Quinto: We have signed todo three more.

Quinto: No. I thinktoday the industry andpeople in general arepretty accepting of one’ssexuality, other wise Iwould not be sitting heretalking to you. I thinkthat the personal pricethat I had to pay was notcoming out, and theyears that it took me tocome to terms with my-self and accept myself,finally coming to thepoint where I felt likemaking that declaration.It requires a tremendousamount of self-examina-tion and preparation. Theprice I paid was a per-sonal one; now I have no inter-est in anyone who is anythingother than supportive, becauseI feel that we live in a worldand at a time when this kind ofassertion needs to be morecommon. For me to be one ofthe leads in STAR TREK andbeing openly gay is somethingthat I take great pride in. WhenI was growing up, nowherethat I looked could I see some-one like that who inspired me,so that motivated me to cometo terms with myself sooner,because I thought I could rep-resent that for many youngpeople who are struggling withtheir sexuality. I know that Ihave already made an impactbecause I hear from them allthe time. That’s my goal andthat’s something that I’m enor-mously grateful for. I don’t feellimited in my work or my op-portunities. All of the peopleI’ve worked with have de-clared their support for me. Ilive an authentic life and that isthe goal for me.

NDS: Why do you thinkothers have not followed yourlead?

Quinto: Because people areafraid obviously, and I have nojudgment of those people be-cause it’s an incredibly per-sonal journey and they areconditioned to be afraid. That’sthe responsibility that societyhas to step up to. The wave ofequality is cresting, it’s all overthe world , it’s a movement andI didn’t want that movement topass me by. I wanted to be apart of it and I think that morepeople will in time, becausetimes are changing and experi-ences like I am having will be-come more common. There arepeople who did it before I didand it is because of them I didwhat I did and the chain willcontinue; it’s a cumulativeprocess and I’m glad to be apart of it.

NDS: Coming back to

more training andpreparation for me. Ifeel like I went intothe beginning of theprocess of feelingconnected to mybody. and that al-lowed me to inhabitthe character prettyeasily, but it still tooka few days to adjust tothe character becauseI’d been away from itfor so long.

NDS: Kirk andSpock have a veryspecial friendship andeach watches out forthe other. In your per-sonal life, whowatches out for you?

Quinto: I surroundmyself with a veryclose and tight knitgroup of people, theyare my inner circle, I

always rely on them and theycan always rely on me.

NDS: Do you think theywill be there in a dangerous sit-uation?

Quinto: Hopefully, I thinkthey will.

NDS: Part of the title of thisSTAR TREK is "Into Dark-ness." I was wondering if foryou, personally, there was a pe-riod of darkness in your life,and when did you see thelight?

Quinto:Professionally, therewas a period just before I wascast in HEROES where I wasfrustrated with my career. Iwas really depressed, like justabout every actor is. I askedmyself what am I doing andshould I continue to do it, or isthere some thing else that Ishould do that would bring methe level of happiness that act-ing does, and if there is, I hadbetter start looking into it.Then HEROES came alongand it was like winning the lot-tery, and then winning the lot-tery again with Star Trek. Ittook me into the light. I’ve hadsuch a rich journey and somany creative opportunities.Now I have my own produc-tion company. I’ve been able todo all these things because ofthe exposure that I’ve had; it’sfulfilled me and brought me toa place of satisfaction and hap-piness. You can’t have the lightwithout the dark. I think it’simportant to embrace all as-pects of yourself and I try to dothat in as many ways as possi-ble.

NDS: Is that why you cameout and declared you weregay? Did you think your pro-fessional opportunities woulddiminish?

12 Friday, May 24, 2013

-- Director J.J. Abrams hascaptured the imagination of anew generation with the firsttwo installments of his STARTREK trilogy, the latest, "IntoDarkness" now playing at the-aters on Aruba. A crucial as-pect of success for thisretelling of a beloved fran-chise, which spawned a gener-ation of devoted fans, and, wasthe casting of the principals,particularly the iconic andchallenging role of Spock. Formany, Leonard Nimoy ISSpock, but Quinto has master-fully made the part his own,bringing a vulnerability andhumanity to the characterrarely revealed during the TVepisodes.

Originally from Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, Quinto reportshis father is "100% Sicilian,while my mother is Irish,Scottish, French, part Chero-kee and Black Foot Indian. I’ma mutt. People ask me if I’mItalian, I say I’m American”He was bitten by the actingbug while still in high schooland won the Gene Kelly Awardfor his performance in The Pi-rates of Panzance; he then en-rolled in The Carnegie MellonUniversity School of Drama.

Though his success can becredited to his roles on TV andin films, he expressed “a strongdesire to do theatre again assoon as it is humanly possible.It’s how I forged a relationshipwith the craft of acting and it’ssomething that is always goingto be where my heart is—onstage. I don’t have a particularaffinity for musical theater as Ido for plays, but that’s not tosay that I wouldn’t visit itagain some day as I get olderI’d like to do Sweeny Todd.”

Quinto appeared on severalTV shows before landing alead role as the epitome of evilin "Heroes," playing "Syler."The range he displayed duringthe series' run, from a killer

with no conscience, to a sym-pathetic character and backagain, demonstrated his talentand range; eventually winninghim the coveted role of"Spock."

TMN Hollywood Corre-spondent Noel de Sousa con-siders the new STAR TREK:INTO DARKNESS "ener-getic, exciting, action packedand visually spectacular. I’msure that the Trekies will loveit and the non-trekies will fineit hard to tune it out." He metwith Zachary Quinto in Lon-don while the actor was attend-ing the world premiere.

NDS: You have been awayfrom Star Trek for four yearsnow and the team is back; whatwas your reaction when youfirst read the script?

Quinto: I was both excitedand impressed by the magni-tude and the scale and scope ofthis movie. It was a bigger filmand a little bit more challeng-ing to shoot as a result. Spockhas a lot more physical actionin this film, so it required a lot

Exclusive interview with Zachary Quinto: Bringing Spock to life for a new generation of TrekkiesBy THE MORNING NEWS Hollywood Correspondent Noel de Sousa

Quinto likes cats

Quinto as Spock

least is the future value of theinvestment. To further en-hance this, Gold Coast man-agement have inaugurated anumber of in-house servicesand have recently become af-filiated Interval International,the world’s largest network ofvacation ownership propertieswhich provides an unlimitedinternational pool of investorsto tap for ownership and rentalprospects. Property exchangefor a vacation in another desti-nation is also availablethrough the Interval Interna-tional affiliation. Gold Coast’sown rental services have alsoproven highly successful in as-sisting owners in renting theirvillas; 24-hour security andmaintenance services also tipthe scales when it is time tomake a decision. Aside fromall this, housekeeping, childcare, catering services , carrental through its partnershipwith AVIS car rental are alsoavailable as well as pre-shop-ping services so cupboardsand refrigerators are stockedupon arrival, which can alsobe arranged through theirproperty management depart-ment. Personnel are also avail-able to assist in arrangingrestaurant reservations and is-land activities.

Visit their website: formore details and availabilityor call 586-2200 to arrange apersonal tour.

ties such as those at GoldCoast, make it easy for someowners to see a valuable returnon their investment.

The design of the resi-dences and public areas isopen, airy and spacious, takingfull advantage of the island en-vironment, with quality con-struction and finishingavailable. Partnering with twoof Aruba’s top providers ofkitchens and bathrooms en-ables developers to offer cus-tom options allowing buyersto individualize their homes.An elegant and chic furniturepackage is available or islanddesigners will assist owners infinishing the décor to theirspecific tastes.

There are many aspects topurchasing property; not the

Friday, May 24, 2013 13

of 260 town homes, villas andcondominiums with a stunningclubhouse complemented bytwo additional communitypool areas , The Clubhouse isabout to start construction andwill offer to the communityhomeowners and visitors 2tennis courts, full service spaand fitness center as well as astunning pool area and is ex-pected to be complete by early2013. It will also house arestaurant and mini-market.

Owners who purchasedupon the groundbreaking onlya few short years ago, are al-ready enjoying a nearly 50%appreciation on their invest-ment, particularly those takingadvantage of the on site man-agement’s rental services pro-gram. There is always a greatdemand for Aruba and facili-

the response to our concept.” Fito, with his sister Mayrin

and brother Rudy operate CasBon, which has been con-structing homes and buildingdevelopments for all budgetsfor nearly twenty years. “GoldCoast Aruba is the jewel in ourcrown,” observes Fito. “Wewere very excited about thisproject and the scope of actualand planned facilities andamenities. We have spoken tocountless island visitors to findout what they would reallywant in a permanent residenceon Aruba, and took fromthere.”

Input from frequent vaca-tioners who have dreamed oftheir own home in Aruba con-tributed to the realization ofGold Coast Aruba which whencomplete will be a community

-- Management of Gold CoastAruba, the island’s newest andmost innovative gated com-munity, reports that sales havebeen very good and encourag-ing as the global economy re-covers and people looking topurchase vacation homes havefound that Gold Coast is anoutstanding investment value.Director of Sales, Fito Croeshas noticed a surprising per-centage of owners in reality donot spend a great amount oftime personally to use the vil-las or town homes they pur-chase, but are takingadvantage of Gold Coast’srental services to turn their in-vestment into ready income.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the island,”he remarked, “but I am grati-fied by how many are buyingbecause they felt secure withreal estate investment onAruba. They really study thehistory and economy of the is-land and are impressed withthe political stability and con-tinually increasing value ofprime locations. Gold Coast isin the heart of Malmok, con-sidered Aruba’s most exclu-sive community where thevalue of properties has only in-creased over time. It is onlyminutes to the best beachesand all the action, and yet of-fers a quiet and secluded get-away; we are very pleased by

Gold Coast Aruba: This is the time to invest

fries is enough to be shared bytwo. He was very amused towatch a famous French chefdemonstrating the best way tomake fried potatoes on a gour-met cooking show and couldonly comment “He stole myrecipe!”

Try them the English way-with vinegar, and you’ll won-der how you ever ate frieswithout it. This same 5-starchef also swears by Gouda asthe best topping for the idealgourmet cheeseburger.

5 Burgers is now openearly until 10-ish at night; de-livery is available to both thehigh-rise and low-rise hoteland beach district at now extracost for orders over $50. Enjoya great lunch without everleaving the beach by calling586-3904. However, we sug-gest you stop by and enjoytheir authentic, heartfelt hospi-tality; it is not unusual for ei-ther owner to sit and chat,sharing their knowledge of theisland while making sure pa-trons are happy with theirmeal.

Farmer’s or Man Burger (al-most 12 ounces of choicebeef), and a Western Burgerwith Aarons’ secret-recipecrispy onion rings. All of thesecan be personalized with an in-credible array of toppings,(mushrooms, jala-peño pep-pers, bacon, cheese, lettuce,tomato…whatever, the listgoes on) at absolutely no extracost.

5 Burger portions areENORMOUS! Aaron suggeststhat even their small serving of

made fresh daily and 100%pure beef, the kind that madethe hamburger a traditionalAmerican treat.

However, beginning at 7a.m., patrons can now order 2eggs any style, (omelets with3 fillings are $7.99) toast andcoffee with unlimited refillsfor the special introductoryprice of only $4.49, ($5.48,with bacon) or All-you-can-eatpancakes, for $6.99, again,with free refills on fresh cof-fee. Breakfast is served until11 a.m. Famous for their friesmade from fresh potatoes,Aaron has been working formonths on devising the mostirresistible home fries recipe,chunky and tender with skinsstill on; after much testing andtasting, he got the thumbs upfrom his harshest critic, Rosie;so this is another treat youhave to try.

A glance at their burgermenu will certainly tempt youto return for lunch or dinner, tosample their famous specialtyitems such as the Gouda,

--A favorite stop for a greatburger for lunch or dinner hasjust expanded their hours andmenu to offer some of the bestbreakfast bargains to be foundin Palm Beach. Owners Aaronand Rosie Walisever are livingtheir dream: a home on para-dise while welcoming all andsundry to their proud under-taking, 5 Burgers Aruba. Thecouple’s fanatical dedicationto giving their customers whatthey really want has resulted ina unique menu from an inter-

nationally known franchisewith a “5”, which now in-cludes breakfast.

“You never get a secondchance to make a first impres-sion,” believes Aaron. Uponentering 5 Burgers Aruba inThe Village Mall in PalmBeach, one is struck by utterlyspotless surroundings and asmiling, friendly, attentiveservice crew. Of course, themain item on the menu isburgers-the way they weremeant to be, thick and juicy,

5 Burgers Aruba: Now your best breakfast bargain!

14 friday, May 24, 2013

wearing tyres supplied to F1this year.

Talks between Pirelli and theteams about the details of anynew deal for next year havestalled, leaving Pirelli frus-trated and warning that it willsoon be impossible to complywith the demands of any con-tract for 2014.

It is believed that Pirelli hasagreed a commercial deal withF1 ringmaster Bernie Eccle-stone, but that general deal re-quires the support ofagreements between Pirelli andthe teams and also the rulingbody, the International Motor-ing Federation (FIA). Someteams are understood to be re-luctant to reach any agreementwith Pirelli.

During a news conference inMonaco, Hembery said thatPirelli had already set an inter-nal deadline for an answerfrom the teams, but declined toreveal the date.

"I have always said we willnever declare an internal dead-line, but clearly time is alreadygetting too late. Things are get-ting extremely serious."

MONTE-CARLO (AFP) -Italian tyre suppliers Pirelli onThursday gave Formula One astark warning about their cur-rent stalled talks on a new deal-- and warned they are ready topull out at the end of this sea-son.

Pirelli's motorsport directorPaul Hembery said that thesport was facing an "extremelyserious situation" which mustbe resolved quickly. If not, hesaid, Pirelli would find it im-possible to make new tyres forthe 2014 season.

"Apparently on September1, we are meant to tell them(the teams) everything thatthey need to know with thetyres for next season, but nowwe are in mid-May," he ex-plained.

"You can imagine how ludi-crous that is when we have notgot contracts in place. Maybewe won't be here."

Hembery's warning comesafter a series of negative com-ments from all sides followingthe pit-stop-decorated SpanishGrand Prix earlier this monthand an open war of words be-tween the teams about the fast-

Formula One: FrustratedPirelli ready to quit, sayschief


The Spaniard holed a 25-footputt for an eagle on the par-518th and signed for a level parround of 72 whilst Lee West-wood was two shots better offafter coming home in 35, two-under.

Finland's Mikko Ilonen shota five-under par 67, a strokebetter than Spain's GonzaloFernandez-Castano, who waslevel with Scott Henry fromScotland, whilst Italy's MatteoManassero was round in 69along with Thomas Bjorn andGeorge Coetzee from SouthAfrica

Austrian Martin Wiegele wasfour-under par, after threebirdies on succession after theturn, with five holes left whenplay was suspended for the daydue to darkness.

Kingston, 47, lost his cardlast season but after a consistentstart to the season in SouthAfrica showed some of theform that made him a two-timewinner on the European Tour ashe strung together four birdiesin his final seven holes.

McIlroy found it a struggledespite his pre-tournament as-sertions that rumours of his im-minent switch of managementcompany would not hinder hisgame.

The Northern Irishman madefive bogeys in six holes fromthe 14th whilst McDowellhanded in the same score of 74after a horrific double bogeyseven on the last.

A frustrated McIlroy said: "Itwas tricky. The conditions ob-viously were not ideal so it istough to shoot a low score outthere. I felt I was doing wellafter the first 12 holes but I justlet the round get away from me.

Spain's Miguel AngelJimenez, the winner in 2008,came back in 40 to finish four-over par.

WENTWORTH- (AFP) -South Africa's James Kingstonposted a six-under par 66 tolead the first round of the Euro-pean PGA Championship onThursday on a day of frustra-tion for Rory McIlroy.

McIlroy shot a two-over par74, the same score as GraemeMcDowell, whilst fellow RyderCup player Luke Donald, whohas won the Wentworth eventfor the last two years, endedsix-over and is in danger ofmissing the cut.

Paul Lawrie was a shotworse off and Ian Poulter col-lapsed to a four-over 76 on aday when the threat of lightningbrought a 90-minute halt to theaction.

But Sergio Garcia finally didhis talking on the course afterthe racism row and war ofwords with Tiger Woods thatmarred the build-up to the Eu-ropean Tour's flagship event.

Golf: Kingston leads,McIlroy in Wentworthwoe

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) -Safety recommendations madeby America's Cup regatta direc-tor Iain Murray in the wake ofBritish yachtsman AndrewSimpson's death will be maderules of the event, officials saidon Thursday.

Tom Ehman, vice com-modore of the host GoldenGate Yacht Club, said the 37ideas to make the powerfulAC72 catamarans safer werepart of an overall safety plansubmitted to the US CoastGuard of part of the request fora race permit.

And there was concern theregatta permit might be turneddown by the Coast Guard in thewake of Simpson's death and aspectacular capsizing of an Or-acle team AC72 on San Fran-cisco Bay last year in which noone was hurt.

Simpson, an Olympic goldmedalist and crew member ofSwedish team Artemis, diedwhen Artemis' AC72 capsizedwhile training on San Fran-cisco Bay on May 9.

He was apparently trappedbeneath a solid piece of theboat and could not be revivedafter being found. The exactcause of the accident is stillunder review by Artemis andby an America's Cup panelheaded by Murray.

Buoyancy aids, body armorand helmet beacon locator de-vices were among the recom-mendations announcedWednesday by Murray -- allideas discussed by teams mademore urgent after the death ofSimpson, nicknamed "Bart",two weeks ago.

Yachting:Safetyideas willbecomerules forAmerica'sCup











W L Pct GB28 18 .609 --

28 19 .596 0.5

25 21 .543 3.0

24 22 .522 4.0

19 27 .413 9.0

26 19 .578 --

25 19 .568 0.5

21 22 .488 4.0

21 24 .467 5.0

18 25 .419 7.0

30 17 .638 --

25 23 .521 5.5

20 27 .426 10.0

19 27 .413 10.5

14 33 .298 16.0

28 18 .609 --

24 23 .511 4.5

23 24 .489 5.5

17 27 .386 10.0

13 34 .277 15.5

30 16 .651 --

29 18 .591 1.5

28 18 .591 2.0

18 27 .429 11.0

18 27 .405 11.0

26 21 .553 --

26 21 .553 --

26 21 .553 --

21 25 .457 4.5

19 26 .422 6.0

american League






La anGeLeS



national League




ny MetS


St. LouiS








San franciSco


San dieGo



MLB Standings

x-Clinched Playoff Spot; y-Division Champ

W L Pct GB













and a league-best 2.41 steals agame.

James received all 119 pos-sible first team votes for themaximum possible 595 points.Durant was second on 555 fol-lowed by Paul on 537, Bryanton 521 and Duncan toppedcenters with 392 points.

The All-NBA Second Teamincluded two non-US players,San Antonio guard TonyParker from France and Span-ish center Marc Gasol fromMemphis, plus Oklahoma Cityguard Russell Westbrook andforwards Blake Griffin of theClippers and Carmelo An-thony of New York.

The All-NBA Third Teamincluded Miami's DwyaneWade, Houston's JamesHarden, Indiana's PaulGeorge, Golden State's DavidLee and Lakers center DwightHoward.

Duncan, 37, collected his 10thAll-NBA First team selectionbut his first since 2007. In his16th NBA season, Duncan av-eraged 17.8 points, 9.9 re-bounds, 2.7 assists and 2.65blocked shots while hitting acareer-best 81.7 percent of hisfree throws.

Durant, on the team for thefourth time, averaged 28.1points while hitting 51.0 per-cent from the field and 90.5percent from the free throwline, both career bests.

Paul, an All-NBA FirstTeam selection for the thirdtime, had a league-best 4.26assist-to-turnover ratio. In 13games, he had 11 or more as-sists while making no morethan one turnover.

Paul, the 2013 All-StarGame Most Valuable Player,averaged 16.9 points, an NBAsecond-best 9.7 assists a game

file photo: Tony Parker (l) and Marc Gasol (r)

CHICAGO- Chicago Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher

elected to call it a career and announced his retirement

from the NFL. Urlacher's retirement had little fanfare,

mostly due to the fact that the offseason began with his

departure from the team he spent 13 seasons with over

a monetary dispute with the parties only as far apart as

$1.5 million.

Friday, May 24, 2013 15

take on the Western Confer-ence champions for the leaguecrown. San Antonio leadMemphis 2-0 in the Westernfinals.

Dwyane Wade added 19points for Miami, while ChrisBosh chipped in 17 and re-serve Chris Anderson scored16 on 7-of-7 shooting. DavidWest scored 26 and Roy Hib-bert added 19 for Indiana.

After forcing overtime withhis three-pointer, Georgeopened overtime with a braceof free throws to give Indianaa 94-92 lead.

Heat center Chris Andersenmade two free-throws to knotthe score at 94-94, but Pacerscenter Roy Hibbert's basketagain put the visitors ahead96-94.Wade's layup tied it again, but

George responded with a driv-ing layup, drawing a foul andmaking the free-throw to putIndiana ahead 99-96 with 2:05remaining.

Bosh then scored on a sec-ond-chance basket and wasfouled. He, too, converted thefree-throw to tie it with 49.7seconds left.

A layup by James gave theHeat a 101-99 lead with 10.8seconds remaining. After ascramble in which it seemedthe Heat had made a steal,George emerged with the balland went up for a three-pointattempt but was fouled byWade.

George calmly stepped upto the line and made all threefoul shots, but in the end hejust couldn't stop James.

MIAMI (AFP) - LeBronJames drove for a game-win-ning layup as time expired togive the Miami Heat a thrilling103-102 overtime win over theIndiana Pacers Wednesday ingame one of the NBA EasternConference finals.

James, recently named reg-ular season Most ValuablePlayer for the fourth time,lived up to the billing with hisbuzzer-beating exploit, ensur-ing the reigning NBA champi-ons retained home courtadvantage in the best-of-sevenseries.

James finished with 30points, 10 rebounds and 10 as-sists for the ninth post-seasontriple-double of his career.

Paul George had given Indi-ana a 102-101 lead with threeclutch free throws with 2.2seconds left in overtime.

But after a timeout, the Heatinbounded the ball and got itinto their superstar's hands --and James did not disappoint.

With George just out of po-sition defensively, Jameswhirled and attacked the bas-ket, making the left-handedshot to seal the victory.

George had sent the gameinto overtime with a three-pointer in the last second ofregulation.

The winner of the series ad-vances to the NBA finals to

NBA: MVP James delivers winner

as Heat beats Pacers

NBA: LeBron ..........continued from page 16

The Miami Heat superstarwas joined on the lineup cho-sen by a media panel by NBAscoring leader Kevin Durantof Oklahoma City, Chris Paulof the Los Angeles Clippers,Tim Duncan of Aan Antonioand Kobe Bryant of the LosAngeles Lakers.

NEW YORK (AFP) - LeBronJames, who won his fourthNBA Most Valuable PlayerAward in five seasons thisyear, was the only unanimouschoice on the All-NBA FirstTeam all-star squad an-nounced by the league onThursday.

It was the 11th first-teamnod for Bryant, matching therecord set by Utah Jazz Hall ofFame forward Karl Malone.

James powered the Heat toa league-best 66-16 record andwas the only player to lead histeam in scoring, rebounds andassists -- pouring in 26.8points, grabbing 8.0 reboundsand passing off 7.3 assists agame.

James also had career-bestaccuracy rates of 56.5 percentfrom the field and 40.6 percentfrom 3-point range and at age28 became the youngest playerto reach 20,000 career points.

Bryant, on the team for theeighth year in a row despitethe Lakers barely strugglinginto the playoffs, averaged27.3 points. The 34-year-oldplaymaker moved past leg-endary Laker big man WiltChamberlain into fourth on theNBA all-time points list.

continues on page 15

16 Friday, May 24, 2013

NBA: LeBron unanimous selectionto All-NBA top squad
