Page 1: Get happy by becoming healthy! 3 ways health leads to happiness

Get Happy by Becoming Healthy! 3 Ways Health Leads to Happiness

Studies have shown that there is a strong link between good health and happiness. In other words, people who are healthy also tend to be happier than those who are in poor health. Obviously, neither our health or happiness is completely under our control. However, there are things that you can do to both improve your health and increase your level of happiness at the very same time. The following are three important steps that you can start taking today that can lead to a healthier and happier life. For More Information About choosing to be happy.

1. Stay physically active

Not only can exercising help to develop a strong physical body, it can also contribute to your happiness as well. Physical activity, including exercise, helps our bodies to produce antibodies (disease-fighting proteins) and our brains to release endorphins. choosing happiness by keeping illness under control, and endorphins are chemicals that help to improve your mood as well as promote feelings of euphoria. There is also research that suggests that exercising on a regular basis can lead to lasting happiness.

2. Eat Healthy Food

Eating healthy food not only helps to keep your physical body in good health, but the nutrients in these foods can also help to improve your mental health as well. Research has found that mental well-being and happiness are highest among individuals who eat plenty of vegetables and fruit every day. There are also certain nutrients, like iron and calcium, that help to induce good moods. For More Information About GettingBalance.

3. Get Plenty Of Sleep

Getting high quality sleep, and plenty of it, is essential to your happiness and overall well-being. Research shows that not getting enough sleep can lower your level of optimism, hurt your performance at work and cause you to overeat. On the flip side, a good night's rest will recharge your batteries and help you to relax so that you can have a positive outlook on life when you wake up in the morning.

Although we can't completely control our level of happiness, one thing that we can do to increase and maintain our good moods and feelings is to take certain steps to ensure that we optimize our health. When we exercise, eat healthy foods and get plenty of sleep on a

Page 2: Get happy by becoming healthy! 3 ways health leads to happiness

regular basis, these things have positive effects on our mental well-being and positive outlook on life and can lead to increased happiness.
