
Draft Agenda (15 October 2017)

Global Dialogue on

Technology for Resilient Cities 17-19 October 2017

International Environmental Technology Centre, UN Environment

Osaka, Japan

In collaboration with City of Osaka



As the world population grows and concentrates in urban areas, cities are facing ever increasing challenges

to manage the adverse impacts resulting from continuous environmental, economic, and social changes.

Environmental shocks and stresses, such as climate change and other natural and man- made disasters, can

pose significant threats to the lives of the urban population. To maintain and promote the social, economic,

and environmental wellbeing of cities, there is an urgent need to strengthen their capacity to respond to

such challenges as well as to prepare for potential risks in the future.

The importance of urban resilience and climate resilience has been highlighted in recent international

agreements: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development (2015), the Paris Agreement (2015), and the New Urban Agenda of UN Habitat III (2016). In

response to such calls, cities are mainstreaming resilience in their policy making and proactively taking

actions to transform themselves through various global efforts, including the Making Cities Resilient

campaign (UNISDR) and the 100 Resilient Cities project (Rockefeller Foundation).

One of the tools to help achieve such goals is technology. For example, the technology deployed in the

provision of urban environmental services that withstand extreme conditions has a critical role to play in the

promotion of urban resilience. In the waste management sector, technological innovation can help reduce

the emissions of greenhouse gases during the treatment processes, thereby contributing to urban climate

resilience. In addition, by converting waste to energy through the process, clean technology can help further

mitigate climate change impacts.


This Global Dialogue will explore how technologies can contribute to urban resilience against various

environmental impacts. A focus will be given to climate change and other environmental impacts such as

natural and man-made disasters. Although technologies in the waste management sector, as one of the

pillars of the IETC programme of work, will have a prominent place in the discussions of this Dialogue, other

technologies and approaches are also within its scope.

The Global Dialogue will cover various aspects of technology for resilient cities including:

Global and regional climate change adaptation and mitigation mechanisms

National and city waste management strategies

Financing technologies

Education, awareness, and capacity building

Social aspects of urban resilience

Management of hazardous waste

Private sector involvement


Sessions Tuesday, 17 October

Day 1

8:30 - 9:00 Registration (at Geihinkan)

9:00 - 10:00 Opening Session (at Geihinkan) (Eng/Japanese interpretation)

Opening Remarks:

1. Keith Alverson, Director, IETC, UN Environment

2. Hiroyuki Nishiura, Director, Global Environment Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Opening Keynote Speeches:

1. Seigo Tanaka, Vice Mayor of Osaka City

2. Rolph Payet, Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Group Photo

10:00 – 11:15 Plenary Session I (at Geihinkan) (Eng/Japanese interpretation)

The Role of Technology for Promoting Resilient Cities

Chair: Janice Ian Manlutac, Resilience Urban Advisor for Asia, OXFAM GB Asia

Keynote Speeches:

1. TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT FOR AGENDA 2030 Speaker: Mark Radka, Chief, Energy, Climate and Technology Branch, UN Environment


Speaker: Joseph Runzo-Inada, Chief Resilience Officer, 100 Resilient Cities - Pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, City of Toyama, Japan


11:15 - 11:30 Tea/Coffee


(Day 1 continued)

11:30 - 13:30 Parallel Sessions

A1 (Geihinkan)

Technology for the Management of

Hazardous Waste and Chemicals

A2 (IETC Meeting Room)

Technology for Municipal Solid Waste

Management and SDGs Summary: Summary: The objective is to show how decentralized

and locally appropriate technologies for municipal solid waste management can improve resource efficiency and contribute to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in small cities in developing countries of Asia and the Pacific.

Coordinator: Shunichi Honda, IETC, UN Environment

Presenter: Ryutaro Yatsu, Senior Advisor, IETC, UN Environment Presenter: Masayoshi Kurisu, Deputy Director, Office of Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society, Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan Presenter: James Mulolo, Projects Coordinator, Africa Institute, Pretoria, South Africa Presenter: Jean-Paul Leglise, Chair, Hazardous Waste Working Group, International Solid Waste Association Promoting Solutions for Hazardous Waste Presenter: Ferda Gelegen, Deputy Head, Investment and Technology Promotion Office, Tokyo, United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Asbestos and ODS Presenter: Kakuko Yoshida, Regional Subprogramme Coordinator for Chemical and Waste, UN Environment, Asia and the Pacific

Coordinator: Ram Tiwaree, Economic Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Division, UN ESCAP

Introduction to the Session Presenter: Ram Tiwaree, Economic Affairs Officer, Environment and Development Division, UN ESCAP Local partnerships for implementing sustainable solid wastes management technologies Presenter: Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, Secretary General, United Cities and Local Governments Asia Pacific, Indonesia

Integrated Resource Recovery Centre (IRRC) approach of solid waste management: experience of Waste Concern Presenter: Iftekhar Enayetullah, Director, Waste Concern, Bangladesh

Why should 3R and resource efficiency matter to urban resilience and SDGs? – Lessons from Regional 3R Forum in Asia and the Pacific Presenter: Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, Environment Programme Coordinator, UN Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan Korean 3R policy and its relation to SDGs Presenter: Jeong-in Kim, Professor, Department of Economics, Chung-Ang University, Korea

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch


(Day 1 continued)

14:30 - 16:45 Parallel Sessions

B1 (Geihinkan)

Technology for Pollution Prevention and

Waste to Resources

B2 (IETC Meeting Room)

National and City Waste Management

Strategies: Think Globally Act Locally

Summary: The objective is to share proven and demonstrated technologies for prevention of pollution from waste, including waste to resources technologies.

Summary: The objective of this session is to exchange experiences of countries on national and city-level waste management strategies, action plans, and demonstration projects.

Coordinator: Iyngararasan Mylvakanam, IETC, UN Environment

Resource efficiency and pollution prevention Presenter: Mushtaq Memon, UN Environment, Asia and the Pacific

How to create a conservation network for river environment in the local society with technology Presenter: Sadao Harada, Department of Public Management, Osaka Univ. of Commerce, Japan Technical options of the conversion of plastic and wood wastes into resources Presenter: Yoichi Kodera, Chief Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan

Technologies for utilising agricultural waste as fertilizer Presenter: Supat Wangwongwatana, Senior Instructor and Advisor, Thammasat University, Thailand Technologies for utilising solid waste as biofuel Presenter: Sunil Dhingra, Senior Fellow, TERI, India

Coordinator: Claudia Giacovelli, IETC, UN Environment Coordinator: Amrita Sinha Kataria, Manager, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Chair: Claudia Giacovelli, IETC, UN Environment

UN Environment work supporting developing countries with national and city level waste management strategies Presenter: Claudia Giacovelli, IETC, UN Environment IETC Pilot/demonstration projects in Cambodia, Myanmar and Maldives Presenter: Kazunobu Onogawa, Director, IGES CCET

The Aruba Experience Presenter: Michael Raymond, Waste Management Service Company, Aruba (SIDS)

CCAC and UN Environment work supporting solid waste management improvement as part of a climate change mitigation strategy in Penang Presenter: Phee Boon Poh, Penang State Minister on Welfare, Caring Society and Environment, Malaysia North-South Cooperation: City Exchange Results: Copenhagen/Sao Paulo Presenter: Gabriela Otero, Coordinator, ABRELPE, Sao Paulo, Brazil South-South Cooperation: City Exchange Results: Nairobi/Durban Presenter: John Parkin, Deputy Head, City of Durban Yokohama’s Resilient Urban Development through Waste Management Presenter: Shuichi Namai, Director, Asahi Incineration Plant, City of Yokohama, Japan

Discussions and matchmaking exercise: Four groups of mentor cities lead discussions with mentees


Suggested cities include: Umea, Durban, Yokohama, Buenos Aires, Kitakyushu, Penang

17:00 - 19:00 Reception hosted by IETC and Osaka City (at Geihinkan)


Wednesday, 18 October 2017 Day 2

9:00 - 10:30

Plenary Session II (at Geihinkan)

Enabling Conditions for Deploying Technology for Resilient Cities

Chair: Kunihiko Shimada, Chief Executive Officer, KS International Strategies and Special Advisor to the Ministry of the Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan

Keynote Speeches:

1. ROLE OF THE GLOBAL ADAPTATION NETWORK TO SUPPORT URBAN RESILIENCE Speaker: Barney Dickson, Head, Climate Change Adaptation Unit, UN Environment


Speaker: Young-sam Ma, Director, UNITAR CIFAL-Jeju, Korea


10:30 - 11:00 Tea/Coffee

11:00 – 13:00 Parallel Sessions

C1 (Geihinkan)

City–City Cooperation and Private Sector

Participation for Promoting Resilience

C2 (IETC Meeting Room)

Financing for Technology

Summary: The objective of this session is to introduce

case studies regarding the latest environmental technologies for resilient cities through city-city cooperation and public-private partnership.

Summary: The objective is to provide guidance on how financing can be obtained to fund solid waste projects as part of a resilient strategy.

Coordinator: Makoto Mihara, Manager for International Cooperation, City of Osaka

City-City Collaboration and Public-Private Partnership on Climate Change Measures Presenter: Arata Ichihashi, Chief Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection City-City Collaboration on Climate Change Measures Presenter: Junichi Sono, Director, Kitakyushu Asian Center for Low Carbon Society, City of Kitakyushu

Coordinator: Sandra Mazo-Nix, Coordinator, CCAC Secretariat Chair: Helena Moulin Valdes, Head, CCAC Secretariat, UN Environment

US perspective on landfill gas utilization projects Presenter: Kirsten Cappel, Program Manager, US EPA

Challenges for financial sustainability of waste management in Africa Presenter: Satoshi Shigiya, Deputy Director General, JICA


Kawasaki’s City-to-City Collaboration and Public-Private Partnership on Transferring Environmental Technologies to Overseas Presenter: Takako Ono, Associate Manager, International Cooperation and Research Project Promotion Group, City of Kawasaki City-City Collaboration and Public-Private Partnership on Climate Change Measures Presenter: Makoto Mihara, Manager for International Cooperation, City of Osaka

Science, Technology and Innovation (STC) for Resilience: UNDP 2nd Phase Korea Facility Program through South-South Cooperation Presenter: Woosung Lee, Science and Technology Policy Institute, Korea

Advancing project implementation by providing capacity building and expert support on financing waste infrastructure in cities Presenter: Amrita Sinha Kataria, Manager, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group SOURCE: Innovating in the Digital Age to Change the Way Infrastructure is Developed Presenter: Pierre Sarrat, PPP Specialist, Office of Public-Private Partnership, ADB (online presentation)

Financing strategies for waste management in Bangkok Presenter: Nateetip Jungsomprasong, Chief of Research, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand

Q and A

13:00 - 14:00 Lunch

14:00 - 16:00 Parallel Sessions

D1 (Geihinkan)

Education, Awareness, and Capacity Building

for Resilient Cities

D2 (IETC Meeting Room)

Social and Environmental Aspects of

Resilient Cities Summary: The objective is to share experiences on education, awareness, and capacity building approaches related to resilient cities and to discuss innovations and explore partnerships.

Summary: This session will cover various social and environmental aspects of resilient cities from the perspectives of international agreements that shape policy to gender, inclusion, and equity in building a resilient cities.

Coordinator: Mahesh Pradhan, IETC, UN Environment Academic Curriculum on Holistic Waste Management (Asia Pacific) Presenter: C. Visvanathan, Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Development, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Academic Curriculum on Holistic Waste Management (Africa) Presenter: Mohamed Tawfic Ahmed, Professor, Suez Canal University, Egypt Sustainability Literacy Test in the context of Sustainable Development Goals Presenter: Jean-Christophe Carteron, Director, CSR, Kedge Business School, Marseille, France (online presentation)

Coordinator: Julie Greenwalt, Urban Environment Specialist, Cities Alliance The Global Development Agenda as cornerstones of an urban resilience framework Presenter: Atsushi Koresawa, Director, UN-Habitat, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Fukuoka, Japan Ecosystem-based approaches as a technology for resilient cities Presenter: Nina Raasakka, Programme Officer, Climate Change, UN Environment, Asia and the Pacific Inclusion and Equity in Resilient Cities Presenter: Julie Greenwalt, Urban Environment Specialist, Cities Alliance The role of gender in building resilient cities Presenter: Annette Wallgren, Gender and Environment Officer, UN Environment Asia and the Pacific


World University on Waste Management Presenter: Sivapalan Kathivale, Head, Environment Preservation and Innovation Centre Sdn bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (online presentation) Sustainable Campus in an urban context: Case study of Kyoto University Presenter: Jane Singer, Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University Curriculum Development for Resource Efficient Cities: IMAREC project Presenter: Gunther Straub, Project Coordination, Centre for Natural Resources and Development, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilient Cities Presenter: Yuki Matsuoka, Head, UN International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction Office in Japan Concluding Remarks Oyun Sanjaasuren, IETC Advisory Board Member; Chair, Global Water Partnership; President of 1st UN Environment Assembly, ex-MP, Mongolia

Enhancing Incomes, Empowerment, and Opportunities for Domestic Workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh Presenter: Janice Ian Manlutac, Resilience Urban Adviser for Asia, OXFAM Policy case study on resilient city in Korea Presenter: Hunjun Lee, Researcher, Seoul National University, Korea

16:15 - 17:00 Concluding Session (at Geihinkan)

Chair: Linda Godfrey, Principal Researcher and Manager, Waste RDI Roadmap, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa; and lead author for the UN Environment Africa Waste Management Outlook

Discussions and Conclusions

17:00 - 17:15 Closing Session (at Geihinkan)

Closing Remarks:

1. Katsumasa Seimaru, Director, Waste Management and Recycling Division, Kinki Regional Environment Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan

2. Keith Alverson, Director, IETC, UN Environment

17:30 - 19:30 Farewell Dinner hosted by UNITAR CIFAL Jeju (in the Atrium, IETC)


Thursday, 19 October 2017

Day 3

Field Visit to Biwako Environmental Business Exhibition

8:00 Depart Osaka for Nagahama (by bus)

10:00 - 11:30 Tour of Nagahama

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 Depart Nagahama for Biwako Business Messe (by bus)

13:30 - 16:00 Biwako Business Messe

(Seminar, booth visits, EV driving experience)

16:30 – 18:30 Nagahama to Osaka (by bus) Nagahama Biwako Environmental Business Exhibition (Biwako Business Messe) will be held from 18 to 20 October 2017. It is a trade fair to exhibit products, services, and business models that aim to reduce environmental impacts. There were 30,000 visitors in 2016 and 37,000 visitors are expected for this year.


Practical Information

Venue Registration, Opening, Plenary I and II, Reception (Day 1), Concluding and Closing: Geihinkan 2-163 Ryokuchikoen, Tsurumi-ku, 538-0036 Osaka

Parallel Sessions (A1, B1, C1, D1): Geihinkan

Parallel Sessions (A2, B2, C2, D2): IETC Meeting Room (2nd Floor), UN Environment 2-110 Ryokuchikoen, Tsurumi-ku, 538-0036 Osaka

Farewell Dinner (Day 2): IETC Atrium


Contact Ms. Aki Yamaguchi [email protected]

The logistics of the Global Dialogue is supported by Global Environment Centre Foundation.

Geihinkan UN Environment
