

Jan, 2015

Version 1.0

SESP Customer User Guide

Global Overview of SESP Program & Deliverables

Value Remote Plus

Value Plus Connected

Value Plus

Value Software Flex

Value Support Flex

The information contained in this document is the property of Honeywell Process Solutions and is strictly confidential. It contains information intended only for the person to whom it is transmitted. Information in this document is not to be copied, fax, reproduce, or distributed, in whole or in part, without prior express written consent of the author. All specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 2

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4

2. SESP Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4

3. Today’s Plant/Mill Operating Challenges .............................................................................................. 5

4. SESP Value Bundles and Entitlements ................................................................................................... 6

4.1 SESP Core Entitlements and Bundles .................................................................................................... 6

4.2 SESP Optional Entitlements & Bundles ............................................................................................... 24

4.3 SESP Customer Care Entitlements ....................................................................................................... 25

5. Brief Definitions of SESP Entitlements ................................................................................................ 25

5.1 SESP Core Entitlements ......................................................................................................................... 25

5.2 SESP Optional Services Brief Definitions............................................................................................. 27

5.3 SESP Customer Care Services Brief Definitions ................................................................................. 30

6. Systems Supported by SESP .................................................................................................................. 32

7. Who Should You Call For SESP Assistance......................................................................................... 33

8. How to register on Honeywell Process Solution Website .................................................................... 34

9. Electronic System Documentation ........................................................................................................ 44

10. Benefits Guardianship Program (BGP) User Guide ........................................................................... 46

10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 46

10.2 BGP Overview .............................................................................................................................. 46

10.3 BGP Bundles and Entitlements ................................................................................................... 46

10.4 Definitions of BGP Entitlements ................................................................................................. 49

10.5 BGP Optional Services Definitions ............................................................................................. 49

10.6 Product Lines Supported by BGP ............................................................................................... 51

10.7 Who Should You Call For BGP Assistance ................................................................................ 51

10.8 BGP Application Documentation and Updates ......................................................................... 52

11. Global Technical Assistance Centers and Support Contacts .............................................................. 53

12. Understanding Target Response and Resolution Time ....................................................................... 54

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 3

Account Manager

Field Service Manager

Contract Manager


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 4

1. Introduction

The Solution Enhancement Support Program (SESP) Customer User Guide has been developed to help you take

full advantage of the services available. The information contained in this guide will provide an overview of the

service entitlements covered under SESP and explain how you may utilize them to bring value to your


Note: Feedback related to this document should be directed to your local account team 2. SESP Overview SESP is a globally available, site-wide support agreement that has been co-developed by Honeywell and global

customers and has been uniquely designed to maximize the results you expect to achieve from your automation

control and information technology investments. SESP is intended for users of Experion® PKS, TotalPlant™

Solution (TPS), TDC3000, Honeywell QCS product lines– Quality Control System and PMD – Process Machinery

Drives systems and other Honeywell offerings that work with these core systems. The expectations to join SESP

remain the same for these systems as well, such as system needs to be at the current product release levels or

brought forward to current levels through the SESP One Time Upgrade process to join SESP.

While the benefits of Kits and Enhancements, Training Match, and other SESP deliverables have been available

to QCS and PMD customers for several years, recent Honeywell investments in Life Cycle Maintenance for these

products have increased the value and ease of keeping systems current. This continuous evolution is core to

value delivered through SESP offerings. Special focus on integration between products ensures continuing

compatibility between Experion PKS, Experion MX, and Experion PMD releases and a migration path for all


Benefit Guardian ship (BGP) is SESP like offering for support on Advance Solution Applications. BGP user guide

is covered in this document under a separate section.

SESP is a tiered offering, providing basic to advanced system support delivered as a bundle of services (Value

Bundles) focused on keeping installed systems operating reliably, system software and hardware current, while providing access to global technical experts and required documentation. It provides you with a choice in

how Honeywell supports your assets, allowing you to align your automation technology support needs with your business strategies.

SESP comprises a set of core deliverables (e.g. software updates, technical assistance etc) along with many priced “options” such as hardware refresh, training match and extended computer warranties. There are five

tiered SESP support “bundles”:

Value Remote Plus Decrease in revenue loss due to unplanned shutdown and production slowdowns

Value Plus Connected Decrease in revenue loss due to unplanned shutdown and production slowdowns

Value Plus Decreased cost to resolve performance problems, and 80% decreased operating cost

Support Flex Decreased operating cost

Software Flex Decreased cost to resolve system problems

The higher value bundles cover the lower value bundle benefits though not specifically mentioned. It is recommended to use these benefits as guidance/reference as you evaluate upgrading to higher value bundles.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 5

IMPORTANT NOTE: Value Plus Connected SESP bundle is withdrawn from Sales since Feb 2013, but will be supported for existing customers on it. Value Remote Plus is the new, enhanced Value Plus Connected SESP bundle delivering remote services. We encourage Value Plus Connected SESP customers to plan their transition/upgrade to Value Remote Plus for higher benefits. Check with your Honeywell representatives for details. This document retains the Value Plus Connected information for the existing customers. 3. Today’s Plant/Mill Operating Challenges

Demand for improved operational performance, combined with competitive pressures in the midst of

increasing system complexity and growing compliance requirements are forcing changes in the way process

plants keep their information and control systems up-to-date. The good news is that plant assets, if properly

managed and maintained, have an enormous impact on productivity and profits, contributing to:

o Higher quality products o Greater yield o Lower operating costs o Increased manufacturing flexibility o Improved regulatory compliance o Reduced energy consumption

Many organizations need a defined plan to extend the life of assets and a strategy for deploying the latest

technologies to reduce support costs and improve sustained performance. This strategy needs to cover the

challenges around lack of skilled resources, cost of maintenance and support and single source


Business Challenges addressed by SESP

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 6

SESP is designed to deliver quantified benefits around Reliability, Optimization and Lifecycle Planning

4. SESP Value Bundles and Entitlements

4.1 SESP Core Entitlements and Bundles Following table describes the SESP entitlements, its deliverables and how customer can avail these. It may be worth noting following two points related to Value Plus connected and Remote Plus entitlements. VPC: Requires a secure, remote connection between the customer and Honeywell. Remote diagnostics can be used to help proactively manage the plant’s network and installed automation systems. Honeywell recommends and can provide tips about the selection of appropriate technology, installation and test of the connection. VPC is withdrawn from sales, only renewals are allowed VRP: Requires a secure connection based on a Honeywell qualified technology (called Service Node). Remote connection to site via Service Node enables faster diagnosis and problem resolution.

VRP VPC VP SW Flex Sup Flex

Contract Offering Name: Value Remote Plus

Value Plus Connected

Value Plus

Software Flex

Support Flex

SESP Core Entitlements

Technical Support

Global Technical Assistance Access (GTAC) Normal Business Hours (5*8)

X X X Opt X

Remote Connectivity (Service Node) X Opt Opt Opt Opt

Remote Trouble Shooting (Over the shoulder) X X Opt Opt Opt

Remote Patch Delivery X Opt Opt Opt Opt

Remote Virus Protection X Opt Opt Opt Opt

Software Support & Enhancements

Software Updates (Patches) X X X X X

Software Upgrades (Enhancements) X X X X Opt

Migration Helpdesk Support X X X X Opt

Honeywell Online Support - Web Access X X X X X

Kits & Enhancement Preferred Price X X X X X

System Audit Services

System Audit Report (Annual) X X X X X

X: Indicates the service is “included” within the specified SESP bundle. Optional: These services are priced separately and added to contract upfront.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 7

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

SESP Support Flex

Software Updates, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Customer Resource Manual

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications: o Priority Notifications

(PN’s) o BeAware Advisories

(BW’s) o Retrofit Announcement

Letter (RAL’s)

View to Customer Service Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s).

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

SESP Support Flex

Value Benefits Support Flex,

K&E Pricing Flex

Special pricing on Kits & Enhancements orders (“K&E”). To be eligible for K&E pricing, Customer must return all portions of the Equipment replaced by the K&E parts within 90 days after Customer’s receipt of the K&E parts.

K&E special pricing will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for K&E through the Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

Place all K&E orders through the CCC.

SESP Support Flex

Value Benefits Support Flex, System Audit

Annual inventory of the Equipment/Software to verify the quantity, revision levels, and condition of the items listed in Contract.

Technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

timing, method and

duration of inventory;

report will be made

available to Customer

within 15 business days

after completion of the


Provide reasonable, safe and timely access to the Equipment/Software.


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 8

SESP Support Flex

Value Benefits Support Flex,

Software Upgrade Discounts

Discounts on software functional

releases (e.g. R431.2) and

software series releases (e.g.

R431.2) (individually and

collectively, “Software

Upgrades”) as specified in


Software Upgrade discount will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for Software Upgrades.

Place order for Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location.

SESP Support Flex

Value Benefits Support Flex,

Training Match

Dollar-for-dollar match (not to

exceed 10% of the SESP

Service Fee) of the amount of

Customer’s annual contribution

to the Training Match Fund as

specified in Contract. The

Training Match Fund may only

be used by Customer for either.

Standard or tailored Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses attended by Customer employees.

Registration fees for up to two Customer employees at the Honeywell User Group (HUG).

Training Match Fund

contributions must be made at

the beginning of the Agreement

term and on each anniversary

date thereafter and may not be

modified or cancelled. Any

unused Training Match Fund

balance remaining at the end of

an Agreement year, or upon

termination of the Agreement, is


Training paid for through the

Training Match Fund is not

eligible for any other training


Advise Automation College or, as applicable, the HUG registrar of the amount of the Training Match Fund to be applied at the time of training/HUG registration.

Advise Automation

College or, as

applicable, the HUG

registrar of the amount

of the Training Match

Fund to be applied at

the time of



Pay all travel and

living expenses of

Customer employees

for attendance at


Pay any training fees

and/or HUG

registration fees in

excess of the amounts

covered by the

Training Match Fund.


SESP Support Flex

Requested Services SESP Basic - Incident

Support, Telephone

Support Unlimited)

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with diagnosis and resolution of a reported Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Report the Incident by calling the designated CCC.

As needed

SESP Support Flex

Requested Services SESP

Basic - Fulfillment, Telephone

Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

N/A As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 9

SESP Support Flex

Requested Services SESP Basic - Problem Management,

Telephone Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Call the designated CCC and request root cause analysis of a reported Incident.

As needed

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

SESP Software


Software Upgrades, Software Upgrades

Software Functional Releases (e.g. R431.2); and

Series Releases (e.g. R431.2).

Note: Implementation of Software Upgrades may require off-process or on-process migration.

After a Software Upgrade is requested by Customer, a Honeywell representative places the Software Upgrade order through Honeywell’s software order desk. Software Upgrades may be delivered via file download through the

Request Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location. Regularly visit Website and review content.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 10

designated Honeywell online support website (“Website”) or other media (such as CD/DVD) as determined by Honeywell.


Equipment/Software is

at revision levels

required for the

Software Upgrade

and/or implement all

applicable migration


SESP Software


Software Updates, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Customer Resource Manual

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications: o Priority Notifications

(PN’s) o BeAware Advisories

(BW’s) o Retrofit Announcement

Letter (RAL’s)

View to Customer Service Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s).

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

SESP Software


Value Benefits Software Flex,

K&E Pricing Flex

Special pricing on Kits & Enhancements orders (“K&E”). To be eligible for K&E pricing, Customer must return all portions of the Equipment replaced by the K&E parts within 90 days after Customer’s receipt of the K&E parts.

K&E special pricing will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for K&E through the Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

Place all K&E orders through the CCC.

SESP Software


Value Benefits Software Flex, System Audit

Annual inventory of the Equipment/Software to verify the quantity, revision levels, and condition of the items listed in Contract.

Technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

timing, method and

duration of inventory;

report will be made

available to Customer

within 15 business days

Provide reasonable, safe and timely access to the Equipment/Software.


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 11

after completion of the


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 12

SESP Software


Value Benefits Software Flex, Training Match

Dollar-for-dollar match (not to

exceed 10% of the SESP

Service Fee) of the amount of

Customer’s annual contribution

to the Training Match Fund as

specified in Contract. The

Training Match Fund may only

be used by Customer for either.

Standard or tailored Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses attended by Customer employees.

Registration fees for up to two Customer employees at the Honeywell User Group (HUG).

Training Match Fund

contributions must be made at

the beginning of the Agreement

term and on each anniversary

date thereafter and may not be

modified or cancelled. Any

unused Training Match Fund

balance remaining at the end of

an Agreement year, or upon

termination of the Agreement, is


Training paid for through the

Training Match Fund is not

eligible for any other training


Advise Automation College or, as applicable, the HUG registrar of the amount of the Training Match Fund to be applied at the time of training/HUG registration.

Advise Automation

College or, as

applicable, the HUG

registrar of the amount

of the Training Match

Fund to be applied at

the time of



Pay all travel and

living expenses of

Customer employees

for attendance at


Pay any training fees

and/or HUG

registration fees in

excess of the amounts

covered by the

Training Match Fund.


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 13

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

SESP Value Plus

Software Upgrades, Software Upgrades

Software Functional Releases (e.g. R431.2); and

Series Releases (e.g. R431.2).

Note: Implementation of Software Upgrades may require off-process or on-process migration.

After a Software Upgrade is requested by Customer, a Honeywell representative places the Software Upgrade order through Honeywell’s software order desk. Software Upgrades may be delivered via file download through the designated Honeywell online support website (“Website”) or other media (such as CD/DVD) as determined by Honeywell.

Request Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location. Regularly visit Website and review content.


Equipment/Software is

at revision levels

required for the

Software Upgrade

and/or implement all

applicable migration


As needed

SESP Value Plus

Software Updates, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Customer Resource Manual

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications: o Priority Notifications

(PN’s) o BeAware Advisories

(BW’s) o Retrofit Announcement

Letter (RAL’s)

View to Customer Service Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s).

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 14

SESP Value Plus

Value Benefits Plus, K&E Pricing


Special pricing on Kits & Enhancements orders (“K&E”). To be eligible for K&E pricing, Customer must return all portions of the Equipment replaced by the K&E parts within 90 days after Customer’s receipt of the K&E parts.

K&E special pricing will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for K&E through the Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

Place all K&E orders through the CCC.

SESP Value Plus

Value Benefits Plus, System


Annual inventory of the Equipment/Software to verify the quantity, revision levels, and condition of the items listed in Contract.

Technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

timing, method and

duration of inventory;

report will be made

available to Customer

within 15 business days

after completion of the


Provide reasonable, safe and timely access to the Equipment/Software.


SESP Value Plus

Value Benefits Value Plus,

Training Match

Dollar-for-dollar match (not to

exceed 10% of the SESP

Service Fee) of the amount of

Customer’s annual contribution

to the Training Match Fund as

specified in Contract. The

Training Match Fund may only

be used by Customer for either.

Standard or tailored Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses attended by Customer employees.

Registration fees for up to two Customer employees at the Honeywell User Group (HUG).

Training Match Fund

contributions must be made at

the beginning of the Agreement

term and on each anniversary

date thereafter and may not be

modified or cancelled. Any

unused Training Match Fund

balance remaining at the end of

an Agreement year, or upon

termination of the Agreement, is


Training paid for through the

Training Match Fund is not

eligible for any other training

Advise Automation College or, as applicable, the HUG registrar of the amount of the Training Match Fund to be applied at the time of training/HUG registration.

Advise Automation

College or, as

applicable, the HUG

registrar of the amount

of the Training Match

Fund to be applied at

the time of



Pay all travel and

living expenses of

Customer employees

for attendance at


Pay any training fees

and/or HUG

registration fees in

excess of the amounts

covered by the

Training Match Fund.


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 15


SESP Value Plus

Requested Services SESP Basic - Incident

Support, Telephone

Support Unlimited)

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with diagnosis and resolution of a reported Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Report the Incident by calling the designated CCC.

As needed

SESP Value Plus

Requested Services SESP

Basic - Fulfillment, Telephone

Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

N/A As needed

SESP Value Plus

Requested Services SESP Basic - Problem Management,

Telephone Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Call the designated CCC and request root cause analysis of a reported Incident.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 16

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

SESP Value Plus


Software Upgrades, Software Upgrades

Software Functional Releases (e.g. R431.2); and

Series Releases (e.g. R431.2).

Note: Implementation of Software Upgrades may require off-process or on-process migration.

After a Software Upgrade is requested by Customer, a Honeywell representative places the Software Upgrade order through Honeywell’s software order desk. Software Upgrades may be delivered via file download through the designated Honeywell online support website (“Website”) or other media (such as CD/DVD) as determined by Honeywell.

Request Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location. Regularly visit Website and review content. Ensure

Equipment/Software is

at revision levels

required for the

Software Upgrade

and/or implement all

applicable migration


As needed

SESP Value Plus


Software Updates, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Customer Resource Manual

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications: o Priority Notifications

(PN’s) o BeAware Advisories

(BW’s) o Retrofit Announcement

Letter (RAL’s)

View to Customer Service Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s).

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

SESP Value Plus


Value Benefits Plus, K&E Pricing


Special pricing on Kits & Enhancements orders (“K&E”). To be eligible for K&E pricing, Customer must return all portions of the Equipment replaced by the K&E parts within 90 days after Customer’s receipt of the K&E parts.

K&E special pricing will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for K&E through the Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

Place all K&E orders through the CCC.

SESP Value Plus


Value Benefits Plus, System


Annual inventory of the Equipment/Software to verify the quantity, revision levels, and condition of the items listed in

Technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

Provide reasonable, safe and timely access to the Equipment/Software.


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 17

Contract. timing, method and

duration of inventory;

report will be made

available to Customer

within 15 business days

after completion of the


SESP Value Plus


Value Benefits Plus, Training


Dollar-for-dollar match (not to

exceed 10% of the SESP

Service Fee) of the amount of

Customer’s annual contribution

to the Training Match Fund as

specified in Contract. The

Training Match Fund may only

be used by Customer for either.

Standard or tailored Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses attended by Customer employees.

Registration fees for up to two Customer employees at the Honeywell User Group (HUG).

Training Match Fund

contributions must be made at

the beginning of the Agreement

term and on each anniversary

date thereafter and may not be

modified or cancelled. Any

unused Training Match Fund

balance remaining at the end of

an Agreement year, or upon

termination of the Agreement, is


Training paid for through the

Training Match Fund is not

eligible for any other training


Advise Automation College or, as applicable, the HUG registrar of the amount of the Training Match Fund to be applied at the time of training/HUG registration.

Advise Automation

College or, as

applicable, the HUG

registrar of the amount

of the Training Match

Fund to be applied at

the time of



Pay all travel and

living expenses of

Customer employees

for attendance at


Pay any training fees

and/or HUG

registration fees in

excess of the amounts

covered by the

Training Match Fund.


SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Incident Support,

Telephone Support


Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with diagnosis and resolution of a reported Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Report the Incident by calling the designated CCC.

As needed

SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Fulfillment, Telephone

Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

N/A As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 18

SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Problem Management,

Telephone Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Call the designated CCC and request root cause analysis of a reported Incident.

As needed

SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Incident Support, Remote

Support Unlimited)

Remote access to the

Equipment/Software by

technical support personnel to

assist with Incident diagnosis

and resolution.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Fulfillment,

Remote Support Unlimited

Remote access to Equipment/Software by technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 19

SESP Value Plus


Requested Services SESP

Remote - Problem Management,

Remote Support Unlimited

Remote access to Equipment/Software by technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 20

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Software Upgrades, Software Upgrades

Software Functional Releases (e.g. R431.2); and

Series Releases (e.g. R431.2).

Note: Implementation of Software Upgrades may require off-process or on-process migration.

After a Software Upgrade is requested by Customer, a Honeywell representative places the Software Upgrade order through Honeywell’s software order desk. Software Upgrades may be delivered via file download through the designated Honeywell online support website (“Website”) or other media (such as CD/DVD) as determined by Honeywell.

Request Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location. Regularly visit Website and review content.


Equipment/Software is

at revision levels

required for the

Software Upgrade

and/or implement all

applicable migration


As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Software Updates, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Customer Resource Manual

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications: o Priority Notifications

(PN’s) o BeAware Advisories

(BW’s) o Retrofit Announcement

Letter (RAL’s)

View to Customer Service

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 21

Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s).

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Value Benefits Plus, K&E Pricing


Special pricing on Kits & Enhancements orders (“K&E”). To be eligible for K&E pricing, Customer must return all portions of the Equipment replaced by the K&E parts within 90 days after Customer’s receipt of the K&E parts.

K&E special pricing will be automatically applied when Customer places an order for K&E through the Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

Place all K&E orders through the CCC.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Value Benefits Plus, System


Annual inventory of the Equipment/Software to verify the quantity, revision levels, and condition of the items listed in Contract.

Technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

timing, method and

duration of inventory;

report will be made

available to Customer

within 15 business days

after completion of the


Provide reasonable, safe and timely access to the Equipment/Software.


SESP Value Remote Plus

Value Benefits Plus, Training


Dollar-for-dollar match (not to

exceed 10% of the SESP

Service Fee) of the amount of

Customer’s annual contribution

to the Training Match Fund as

specified in Contract. The

Training Match Fund may only

be used by Customer for either.

Standard or tailored Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses attended by Customer employees.

Registration fees for up to two Customer employees at the Honeywell User Group (HUG).

Training Match Fund

contributions must be made at

Advise Automation College or, as applicable, the HUG registrar of the amount of the Training Match Fund to be applied at the time of training/HUG registration.

Advise Automation

College or, as

applicable, the HUG

registrar of the amount

of the Training Match

Fund to be applied at

the time of



Pay all travel and

living expenses of

Customer employees

for attendance at


Pay any training fees


SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 22

the beginning of the Agreement

term and on each anniversary

date thereafter and may not be

modified or cancelled. Any

unused Training Match Fund

balance remaining at the end of

an Agreement year, or upon

termination of the Agreement, is


Training paid for through the

Training Match Fund is not

eligible for any other training


and/or HUG

registration fees in

excess of the amounts

covered by the

Training Match Fund.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Incident Support,

Telephone Support


Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with diagnosis and resolution of a reported Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Report the Incident by calling the designated CCC.

As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Fulfillment, Telephone

Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”).

N/A As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Problem Management,

Telephone Support Unlimited

Telephone access to technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Call the designated CCC and request root cause analysis of a reported Incident.

As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Incident Support, Remote

Support Unlimited)

Remote access to the

Equipment/Software by

technical support personnel to

assist with Incident diagnosis

and resolution.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Fulfillment,

Remote Support Unlimited

Remote access to Equipment/Software by technical support personnel to assist with non-Incident related activities.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Requested Services SESP

Remote - Problem Management,

Remote Support Unlimited

Remote access to Equipment/Software by technical support personnel to facilitate identification of the root cause of an Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

SESP Value Remote Plus

Manage Services SESP,


A remote service account granting the Site secure access to the Honeywell Remote Service Center (RSC).

Telephone support to connect to the RSC.

Software to provide the secure remote connection.

Technical support personnel will contact Customer to coordinate delivery of the software.

Provide suitable infrastructure for remote connectivity in accordance with RSC requirements.

Install software and setup remote connection per RSC guidelines.

Provide the RSC with updates to

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 23

authorized users and network changes affecting the connection.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Manage Services

SESP, Patch


Honeywell approved security patches for the PCN operating system.

Telephone assistance with remote installation and configuration of the Honeywell approved patch distribution client.

The RSC will make the patches available to Customer on the Service Node, within 5 days of approval for release.

Ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place and applicable software is active.

Patch installation will be by Customer, unless otherwise agreed.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Manage Services SESP, Virus Protection

Honeywell approved virus signature files for the PCN operating system.

Telephone assistance with remote installation and configuration of the Honeywell approved virus signature distribution client.

The RSC will make the approved virus signature files available to Customer on the Service Node within 2 days of approval for release.

Ensure the necessary infrastructure is in place and applicable software is active.

Verify installation of virus signature files.

Have a valid anti-virus software license.

SESP Value Remote Plus

Manage Services SESP, Service Node Set Up

Use of the Service Node Hardware listed in Contract.

Telephone support to help with hardware set up for remote connection.

The Service Node hardware with software pre-installed will ship from Honeywell within 30 working days from the Agreement Effective Date.

Provide ship-to information.

Provide remote connection details as requested.

Physical installation of the Service Node at Site per RSC guidelines.

Return Service Node hardware on termination of contract.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 24

4.2 SESP Optional Entitlements & Bundles These services are individually priced, added up front to the contract

Extended Technical & Remote Services Support

GTAC - Support - Week days after business hours (With GTAC, it's 5*24)

GTAC - Support - Emergency after hours & Weekend (with GTAC it's 7*24)

Remote System Monitoring

Remote Perimeter Management

Firewall Hardware (between DMZ/L4)

Extended Virus Protection and Patch Management Services may include:

o McAfee software licenses (for all Process Control Network (PCN) nodes) o Virus signature management service for automatic multistage virus protection deployment at site o Verification of signature file deployment o Setup WSUS management server to support the manual deployment process at site

(Windows Server Update Services for handling security patches) Services with Preferred Pricing

System Performance Baseline Report (TPS) (This will be available for VPC customers)

Auto College Training Courses*

Safety System Audit Report

Process Control Performance (Loop Scout) Report

Alarm Benchmark Service Report

Services with Flexible Funding

Training Match (TM) for Automation College training with HUG registration option*

On Demand Tech Webinar Fund**

Hardware Support Services

Hardware Refresh with preferred price (Extends to virtual systems). The program provides a secure path forward to the latest technology, including the efficiencies of an updated system along with fixed cost management.

Computer Platform Extended Warranty (may cover a period of up to five years from the initial date purchased)

Labor Hours Inclusion

Labor efforts as required and applicable to entitlements could be added to SESP contract if missed to include in a labor contract (e.g. upgrade hrs, HW refresh, setup services for remote service, firewall configuration etc

*Additional Automation college training available at preferred price once all 10% of the contract value within TM is exhausted.

** Unused funds will be treated as TM funds

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 25

4.3 SESP Customer Care Entitlements Complimentary services available only for SESP customers

Expert Knowledge & Information Sharing

Technical Assistance Live (Monthly Webinar)

Customer Resource Manual

System Documentation

Customer User Guide

Monthly Customer Newsletter/Notifications

SESP Report

Service Consultation & Assistance

Expert assistance to identify right services you need

5. Brief Definitions of SESP Entitlements

5.1 SESP Core Entitlements

Technical Support

Global Technical Assistance Access (GTAC): Customer can contact Honeywell through GTAC by telephone for 5 days a week during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. Generally normal hours are defined as 8 hours per day however actual hours may vary globally by location. Additionally, Honeywell’s GTAC team works together to provide a global escalation process should a

technical need require additional resources to resolve. Escalation is managed by a well defined process

and takes into account global time zones and the Honeywell development centers.

Remote Connectivity (Service Node): One Service Node (includes hardware and software) setting foundation to allow remote diagnostics and other advanced remote services will be offered:

• Enhanced TAC support • Secure remote connection which is managed by site, allowing customer to control the

connections, so it’s open to Honeywell only when customers wants it to be • Log Analyzer (DCT Manager). Part of Service Node

• Service Node (and Relay Server) hardware • Service Node (and Relay Server) software

• Basic operating system software licenses (installed) • Service Node basic software license (installed)

• Service Node configuration • Files and telephone support

Remote Trouble Shooting: Enables faster time to problem resolution. Customer may place a call to GTAC and request remote connectivity.

Remote Patch Delivery: Provides for the latest Microsoft security patches with Experion compatibility test completed and made available for download through the secure connection to the Service Node.

Remote Virus Protection: Provides for the latest AV Signature files with Experion compatibility test completed and made available for download through the secure connection to the Service Node. Files are thoroughly tested and distributed.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 26

Software Support & Enhancements

Software Updates (Patches): Provides minor software bug fixes as they are made available. When possible these are also made available via the online support website.

Software Upgrades (Enhancements): Based on product release and roadmap, these upgrades are made available and are delivered to the customer when requested. Installation is available for an additional fee. Software upgrades exclude freight and customs/ taxes in some regions. Software upgrades are made available based on product release roadmap and will be delivered to SESP customers when requested. Honeywell does not automatically ship new software upgrades to customers. TO ORDER SOFTWARE:

Go to and login so you may view the form. Click on Support and Search for

Software Upgrade Order Form. The form should be within the Search Results. Follow the instructions on

the form and download the .zip file. . You may request a software order form to complete and email to software order entry at [email protected]. We suggest that you copy your Contract Administrator on the email message. Standard lead-time is 10 business days or to the Customer request date. The requestor should receive

notification that software order entry has been received and their request is being processed. If you need

help filling out any part of the order form, please contact your Honeywell Contract Administrator.

Migration Helpdesk Support: An expert functional team within GTAC, providing specialized technical assistance related to Experion software upgrades. Any travel or onsite support is not inclusive and will be priced and billed separately.

Honeywell Online Support Web Access: SESP customers will have around the clock access at, by logging in and clicking on Support, which provides documentation, system alerts, procedural information, training schedules, patch distribution and additional technical information.

Preferred Pricing on Kits & Enhancement Upgrades: Honeywell offers pre-designed kits that allow customers to upgrade to the latest technology providing the opportunity to take advantage of new functions and features while providing value for their previous investments in Honeywell equipment. SESP customers get these kits at preferred price (excludes freight and customs/taxes and cannot be combined with any other discounts).

Kits and enhancements are available as prepackaged solutions, designed to upgrade or support installed

Honeywell systems at a particular generation of technology. There are different levels of discounting

provided under SESP. Customers on Value Plus, Value Plus Connected and Value Remote Plus are

rewarded with the highest discounts All displaced equipment, removed during the kit installation, must be returned to Honeywell. Notify your

Field Service leader or site technician for assistance. Additional discounts do not apply to the SESP pricing of any kits and enhancements offerings.

For information regarding kits (content, availability, or pricing) your local or regional service team is your

point of contact.

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System Audit Services

System Audit Report (Annual): Provides an annual physical inspection of the site’s installed assets to ensure Honeywell fully understands what software and hardware is installed and running on the customers system(s). This ensures understanding of any compatibility issues, quantity and condition of equipment to be covered under SESP. The report can be used for internal compliance/audit purposes. Any scope extension will be charged separately.

The audit findings primarily serve three purposes.

1. Provide the customer with an accurate picture of their installed assets a. Audit findings can serve as a migration planning document

2. Allow Honeywell to keep an accurate picture of the installed base a. Honeywell keeps records of installed base data for customer notifications should there be

information specific to assets where the customer needs to be notified

3. Provide an accurate annual renewal package to the customer a. Annual audit findings are used to provide annual contracts to SESP customers

5.2 SESP Optional Services Brief Definitions Individually priced, added up front to the contract.

Extended Technical & Remote Services Support

GTAC - Support - Weekdays after business hours (With GTAC, it's 5*24): Provides access to GTAC, 5 days a week, 24 hours a day for emergency situations only. Emergencies are defined as a) loss of view, b) loss of control, or c) any situation that threatens the health or safety of the plant or personnel.

Note: Emergency and after-hours telephone technical assistance may not available in all global regions and countries. Your local account teams can verify specific capabilities

GTAC - Support - Emergency after hours & Weekend (with GTAC it's 7*24): Provides access to GTAC, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for emergency situations only. Emergencies are defined as a) loss of view, b) loss of control, or c) any situation that threatens the health or safety of the plant or personnel. This service is an additional cost to our customers.

Typically emergencies are categorized as loss of view, control or alarms.

Note: Emergency and after-hours telephone technical assistance may not available in all global regions and countries. Your local account teams can verify specific capabilities

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 28

With SESP, customers have the ability to call GTAC for the following:

Hardware support that Honeywell will provide:

o Assistance in diagnosing problems

o Installation advice o Reporting of issues via the (Product Anomaly Report) PAR system o Parts compatibility advice

Software support that Honeywell will provide:

o Assistance in diagnosing problems o Installation and configuration advice o Reporting of issues via the PAR system o Software compatibility advice o Advice for seeking assistance from and referring Customer to third party suppliers

“General” situations in which customer are not entitled telephone technical assistance:

o Third parties calling in for telephone technical assistance on behalf of the customer.

o Customers, requesting support for installed systems running on non-approved computers , non Honeywell supplied proprietary system hardware, or non-approved software.

Technical telephone assistance may include reviewing operational procedures, analyzing software and memory

dumps, and recommending what diagnostics to use. Honeywell may also request configuration and software

data in order to determine if the system problem is reproducible. System Implementation Support: Honeywell may provide telephone troubleshooting support and, if you are a

Value Plus Connected or Value Remote Plus customer, may request the use of the remote connection to speed

problem identification and resolution. Honeywell may also provide answers to questions regarding procedures,

documentation, operation, service, and system enhancements.

Remote System Monitoring: Provides availability, threshold, and trending information for the equipment designated for monitoring in that section of Contract. System performance, using threshold settings, provides for the detection of abnormal conditions such as resource depletion, device errors and subsequent notification. Includes system performance monitoring and reporting as well as quarterly updates on new performance analysis

Remote Perimeter Management: An ongoing management service explicitly targeted at managing firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems / Intrusion Protection Systems (IDS/IPS) on the perimeter of a Process Control Network (PCN) infrastructure. This service provides the customer a single point of contact (Honeywell) to implement any firewall and IDS/IPS modifications that are authorized by the customer. The service also provides proactive maintenance and remote troubleshooting of the PCN perimeter infrastructure

System Performance Baseline Report): This optional service will provide one System Performance

Baseline per LCN or Experion community per year on your Honeywell connected system. The report

provides an analysis demonstrating utilization and throughput of your system as well as providing

recommendations for improvement. In short, it provides a snapshot of the customers control system’s

performance. This knowledge gained from the SPB provides a reliable basis for planning control system

upgrades and enhancements and can help the customer prevent future performance problems

Auto College Training Courses: This allows customers to use Auto College training courses at 50% discount, if and only if full potential funds under TM has been exhausted (10% of SESP). Training Match thus extends to provide flexibility to avail more training at preferred price, to be used within same year.

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Extended Technical & Remote Services Support

Safety System Audit Report: System Audit covering Safety Manager (SM) and Fail Safe Control (FSC) will be performed. Output will be a report capturing the analysis summary of the data collected, data itself, conclusion and recommendations. The audit is created based on experience of Service and GTAC engineers to perform a system audit in a most efficient way

Process Control Performance (LoopScout) Report: This is a bench mark service, provides overall performance summary on control loops. It monitors regulatory control loop and control system performance over a period of time and provides deliverables in the form of standardized reports, performance benchmarking, web views, e-mail alerts, user guidance interfaces, problem resolution tools, and access to remote consultants. The results and recommendations will capture the overall plant performance against performance rankings and industry benchmarks.

Alarm Benchmark Service Report: This is a bench mark service that provides overall performance summary on control loops. The results and recommendations will capture the overall plant performance against performance rankings and industry benchmarks.

Training Match with HUG registration option: Provides dedicated training fund to utilize Automation College training courses and using this fund to register for Honeywell User Group (HUG) participation. Honeywell matches the funds invested by customer enabling customers to double their investment in training needs. Maximum Training Match fund allowed is limited to 10% of the SESP Contract value (contract value inclusive of optional services). I.e., for a SESP contract value of $100K, Customer can allocate up to $10K and Honeywell will add $10K to make it $20K funds. Training Match funds cannot be carried over to next year. This fund is like “use or lose” type

The Training Match fund can be used to cover up to 4 customer member's HUG registration fees. Thus HON matches 2 customer’s registration fees. The Limit of 10% of SESP contract value includes the funds that could be used for HUG registration. Ie, HUG registration is just an additional flexibility within Training Match funds.

Training Match funds can be applied for customers’ direct employees on standard Honeywell Process Solutions Automation College courses. BGP alone does not offer Training Match. Advance Solution training modules could be requested within SESP Training Match option.

On Demand Tech Webinar Fund: Provides dedicated technical webinars, specific topics of customer interest. Customers can allocate funds to get dedicated webinar sessions to their staff, on the topic of their interest. These sessions will be delivered by HON Subject Matter Experts (SME). Each session will be maximum of 2 Hrs. Two such webinars per year are allowed on every SESP contract, priced at $200/Session. Un-used funds could be added as Training Match funds and could be utilized for Automation college training purposes as per Training Match rules. These funds are like “use it or lose it” within current year.

If Training Match is not included, then unused On Demand Tech Webinar funds will be lost since they cannot be carried forwarded to next year.

Hardware Refresh with Preferred Price (includes Virtual systems): Allows customers to plan and finance an upgrade as part of their hardware support program. Provides the customer the ability to budget for planned payments on an annual basis allowing the site to upgrade the computer hardware for the specified nodes covered under the contract. This prevents need to request funding whenever individual node hardware requires replacement and schedule/plan annual spend on computer hardware upgrades.

Decide on hardware upgrade timeframe and select the Kits from K&E listing and determine funds needed to be allocated. HW Refresh event cannot exceed the term of SESP contract.

HW Refresh funds could be used to implement virtual system(s) when and if desired. However, HW refresh funds cannot guarantee a virtualization system. Virtualization requirements and estimation tool must be used to arrive at the funds needed. Customer must pay any delta amount resulted.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 30

Extended Warranty: Allows customers to extend the life of their hardware. Maximum life extension for

computer platforms is 5 years.

Labor Hours: Labor efforts required and applicable to SESP entitlements could be added to SESP contract if labor has not been included in a labor contract. Example: Migration Champion efforts, Upgrade hrs, HW refresh, Setup services for Service node, etc.

5.3 SESP Customer Care Services Brief Definitions

Complimentary services

Expert Knowledge & Information Sharing

Monthly Webinar Technical Assistance Live: Monthly webinar hosted by Honeywell GTAC, technology, consultant or marketing experts on topics most SESP customers have shown interest to listen into. Webinars are conducted live but recorded and made available on through webinar on demand portion of the support website.

Honeywell Online Support:

Online Support is an exceptional offering that provides 24-hour Internet access to problem resolutions,

scheduled fixes, electronic documentation, electronic documentation updates, announcements, product

releases, relevant technical information, and software updates. Note: registration is required to access Solution Support Online. Once registration has been verified for

entitlement the customer is notified via email. To Register:

1. Visit our web address: 2. Select the “Register” target in the upper right quadrant – Registration “Help” file located in the Footer

under My Account 3. Complete and submit the registration form 4. After notification, login at any time:

Honeywell frequently adds articles, notices, and System Upgrade announcements to Online Support which

customers and Honeywell employees can subscribe to. Subscriptions are emailed when a new document

has been posted to Online Support. To sign up, log onto Click “Support” Click

“Products A-Z” or “Product Families A-Z” Locate your product of interest then click the subscribe icon on the

right side. You can manage your subscriptions from the “My Account” section. Click “Manage my

Subscriptions on the right side of the page Solution Support Online contains several of the SESP entitlements – electronic documentation, Customer

Resource Manual, Software Updates, Customer submitted Service Requests, and the Monthly Newsletter

(HINTS). A guided tour of the Online Support web site can be arranged. Contact your regional Service Team to schedule a tour.

If you have comments / questions / suggestions about how Online Support serves you, or can better serve

you, please feel free to use the “feedback function” (within Online Support).

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 31

Customer Resource Manual: The Customer Resource Manual is for end users with LCN hardware/software and is available online. Updates to the manual will be provided as they are made available. The document is a technical manual provided to quickly convey significant new technical information, tips, and techniques that may or may not yet be covered in Honeywell's standard technical documentation.

System Documentation: Online accessibility to technical documentation including Knowledge Builder media.

Customer User Guide: Provides an overview of each of the SESP bundles and entitlements and will explain

how customers may utilize entitlements to bring value to their organization.

Monthly Customer Newsletter and Periodic Notifications: These materials are proprietary to Honeywell and Honeywell customers and contains Honeywell Information News and Tips (HINTS) and other relevant information.

Priority Notifications (PN’s) PN’s describe a condition that is of an immediate nature relating to loss of view, loss of control, or loss of data. Access at, by logging into the support section and in the search box type in Priority Notification. Use the filters on the left to narrow down the results or sort results using the sort by feature on the right. BeAware Advisory (BW’s) BW’s contain information that is not of an immediate nature. Access at, by

logging into the support section and in the search box type in BeAware Advisory. Use the filters on the left to

narrow down the results or sort results using the sort by feature on the right. Retrofit Announcement Letter (RAL’s) RAL’s contain information about a recall of a hardware product. Access at, by logging into the support section and in the search box type in Retrofit Announcement Letter. Use the filters on the left to narrow down the results or sort results using the sort by feature on the right.

Expert Knowledge and Information Sharing: Honeywell offers assistance to identify the services and resource you need. Experts can counsel on lifecycle planning or support needs and have tools such as the SESP business value justification calculator to help guide customers.

Note: access offers customers with Customer User Guide, Customer Resource Manual, Monthly newsletter and SW updates(patches)

All the documentations will be by default in electronic copy. A request for paper copy needs to be raised via email to your local Honeywell affiliate, service or sales team.

Honeywell continues to invest in the core offerings through new software releases, kits and enhancements (K&E),

as well as through the customer-led User Input Subcommittee (UIS). The UIS software enhancement releases

are delivered as part of software upgrades and updates. Honeywell will continue to offer new “optional” services. The five different SESP bundles contain entitlements that vary between the five offerings. Most of the

entitlements under SESP require that you initiate the request for the entitlement (e.g. order software upgrades,

call for Telephone Technical Assistance) Therefore, you have significant impact on the value you receive

from your SESP agreement by staying current on software and using the many entitlements. Honeywell

encourages you to take advantage of your core entitlements and selected options.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 32

6. Systems Supported by SESP Honeywell typically refers to customer’s systems by use of a Master System Identifier (MSID) and the

SESP program supports the following systems or platforms:

TDC3000 TotalPlant Solution or TPS

Experion PKS

Experion LS Safety Manager


Terminal Manager

QCS Product lines: Quality Control System and PMD – Process Machinery Drives systems Note: Products such as EBR, FDM, DVM etc that are linked with Experion belong to the Experion platform.

This list will get updated as the new products gets released

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 33

7. Who Should You Call For SESP Assistance

Should you have any questions regarding the SESP program or entitlements, your Honeywell account team

(Field Service Manager, Contract Manager, Account Manager, Contract Administrator, Renewal Specialist, etc) is

available to assist. Key Contacts The Account Team is ultimately responsible for delivering SESP to each customer. The team is usually

composed of three key people:


Account Contract

Manager Administrator The Field Service Manager (FSM) has overall responsibility for delivering the SESP service to your location(s).

The Contract Administrator is responsible for all administrative tasks with regards to your contract (e.g.

booking, registering, processing any paperwork, etc). The Account Manager is responsible for helping you

determine your service support needs and offering you solutions to meet your needs. The Contract Manager

acts as project manager for the contract and ensures that all deliverables of agreements are delivered as per

agreed schedule. He is customer day to day contact for contract management.

Finally, your account team is available to consult with you to align your long term system support needs with your

on-going business needs. The SESP program is scalable and can be customized to meet your needs now and

into the future. SESP has been designed so that the program can become a documented support strategy to

ensure that you continue to achieve system efficiency, operate reliably and achieve the full potential of your

installed Honeywell assets.

Account Manger

[Insert Name]

[Insert Email]

[Insert Phone]

[Insert Mobile No]


[Insert Name]

[Insert Email]

[Insert Phone]

[Insert Mobile No]

Contract Manger

[Insert Name]

[Insert Email]

[Insert Phone]

[Insert Mobile No]

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 34

8. How to register on Honeywell Process Solution Website

Following links gives you step by step process for registering and subscribing to Honeywell website.

Registration Link:

Subscription Link:

Here are the steps for registration.

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9. Electronic System Documentation This service allows the customer to access user documentation and updates for customer’s installed equipment

and software in electronic format with search capability using the 24/7 Solution Support Online website. To

access the information, follow the instructions below:

Go to and login with your unique user id and password.

Go to “Support” – “Product Families A-Z”

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 45

Choose your preference for Product Release:

Set the filter to “Support Manual”

Use the Search box again to narrow more as necessary, this will only search within your Product Release choice:

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 46

10. Benefits Guardianship Program (BGP) User Guide

10.1 Introduction

The Benefits Guardianship Program (BGP) Customer User Guide has been developed to help you take full

advantage of the services available. The information contained in this guide will provide an overview of the

service entitlements covered and explain how you may utilize them to bring value to your organization. 10.2 BGP Overview

BGP is a globally available, site-wide (and sometimes corporate-wide) support agreement that has been co-

developed by Honeywell Advanced Solutions and global customers and has been uniquely designed to maximize

the results you expect to achieve from your advanced application investments. BGP is intended for users of all

Advanced Solution products and can be included as a support component within the broader Solution

Enhancement & Support Program (SESP) from Honeywell.

BGP is a tiered offering, providing basic product to advanced application support delivered as a bundle of services focused on keeping installed applications operating reliably, keeping the software current, while

providing access to global technical experts and user documentation. It provides you with a choice in how Honeywell supports your assets, allowing you to align your advanced application support needs with your business strategies.

BGP comprises a set of core deliverables along with incrementally priced “options”. There are three tiered

support “bundles”: Benefits Guardianship Program (base program required in all cases – mainly reactive support)

Benefits Guardianship Program Plus (adds engineering services to base program – reactive & proactive support)

Benefits Program Maximum (adds engineering services & performance monitoring services to the base program – reactive, proactive & preventative support )

10.3 BGP Bundles and Entitlements BGP entitlements are shown in following table. It describes the description of deliverables, its delivery model and how customer can avail it. BGP can also offer optional 24/7 Emergency Telephone support for some of the more business critical applications such as Blending Movements & Automation and OptiVision.

SESP User Guide For Honeywell and Customer Use Only Page 47

Offering Service Description of Deliverables Delivery Customer

Responsibilities Freq.

Benefits Guardianship


BGP, Software Upgrades

Software Functional Releases (e.g. R431.2); and

Series Releases (e.g. R431.2).

Note: Implementation of Software Upgrades may require off-process or on-process migration.

After a Software Upgrade is requested by Customer, a Honeywell representative places the Software Upgrade order through Honeywell’s software order desk. Software Upgrades may be delivered via file download through the designated Honeywell online support website (“Website”) or other media (such as CD/DVD) as determined by Honeywell.

Request Software Upgrade through the Honeywell Account Manager or designated technical support location. Regularly visit Website and review content. Ensure

Equipment/Software is

at revision levels

required for the

Software Upgrade

and/or implement all

applicable migration


As needed

Benefits Guardianship


BGP, Online Support Package

24/7 access to:

Scheduled Maintenance Releases. (e.g. R431.1)

Software Point Releases (e.g. R410.3.)

Customer-specific Software Point Releases to resolve critical problems, if deemed feasible by Honeywell

Customer User Guide

Technical documentation and documentation updates.

Customer Newsletters

Notifications and announcements

View to Customer Service Requests (SR’s), Product Anomaly Reports (PAR’s) & Corrective Action Reports (CAR’s.

Note: Implementation of software updates may require off-process or on-process migration.

Deliverables are

obtainable through the

designated Honeywell

online support website

(“Website”), except that


Software Point Releases

may be delivered by

direct file delivery as

agreed to by Honeywell.

Register on Website and ensure access is limited to authorized users. Regularly visit and subscribe to areas of interest within the Website and review content. Maintain

Equipment/Software at

a supportable level

(‘current’ and ‘current-

1’ system releases) to

avoid encountering

known problems.

As needed

Benefits Guardianship


BGP Telephone Support

Telephone access to technical support personnel to assist with diagnosis and resolution of a reported Incident.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”)

Report the Incident by calling the designated CCC.

As needed

Benefits Guardianship


BGP Remote Support

Remote access to the

Equipment/Software by

technical support personnel to

assist with Incident diagnosis

and resolution.

Call the designated Customer Care Center (“CCC”) and authorize technical support personnel to establish remote access to the Equipment/Software.

Ensure remote connectivity infrastructure is activated in accordance with Honeywell guidelines.

As needed

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Benefits Guardianship

Program (BGP Plus)

AMS, Engineering Services

Services of technical support

personnel (either remotely or, at

Honeywell option, on-site) to: 1)

provide maintenance

recommendations at the

beginning of each Agreement

year, and 2) execute scheduled

pro-active and/or preventative

maintenance as further

described in Contract.

Unless otherwise

indicated in Contract,

technical support

personnel will contact

Customer to coordinate

delivery of annual


recommendations and

execution of the



Provide reasonable,

safe and timely access

to the


As defined in contract

Benefits Guardianship

Maximum (BG Max)




Remote performance monitoring of Profit Controllers listed for monitoring in Contract.

Periodic performance reviews with Customer at frequency stated in Contract.

Report of the findings of each performance assessment with recommendations for sustaining and/or improving benefits.

Technical support personnel will: o Contact Customer to

coordinate delivery and installation of performance monitoring software and initiate data transfer to Honeywell.

o Collate data gathered at Honeywell and generate performance reports.

o Summarize findings based upon performance assessment and review with Customer.

Reports (including recommendations) will be made available to Customer at the frequency stated in Contract.

Ensure the necessary remote monitoring infrastructure is in place and applicable software is active.

Attend mutually agreed review meetings to discuss APC performance assessment.

As defined in contract

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10.4 Definitions of BGP Entitlements

Technical Support

Global Technical Assistance Access (from GTAC and/or Advanced Solutions): Customers can contact Honeywell through GTAC and/or Advanced Solutions by telephone for 5 days a week during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. For selected product lines, customers can also contact Advanced Solutions directly or via local helpdesk. Generally normal hours are defined as 8 hours per day however actual hours may vary globally by location. GTAC and Advanced Solutions provide global TAC coverage spread across 3 poles (Americas, EMEA, Asia Pacific) Additionally, Honeywell’s global technical assistance resources work together to provide a global escalation process should a technical need require additional resources to resolve. Escalation is managed by a well defined escalation process and takes into account global time zones and the Honeywell development engineering centres.

Remote Trouble Shooting: Provides the ability to resolve problems faster. Customer may place a call to GTAC and/or Advanced Solutions and request remote connectivity for faster problem resolution.

Software Support & Enhancements

Software Updates (Patches): Provides minor software bug fixes as they are made available. When possible, these are also made available via the online support website.

Software Upgrades (Enhancements): Based on product release and roadmap, these upgrades are made available and are delivered to the customer when requested. Installation is available for an additional fee. Software upgrades exclude freight and customs/ taxes in some regions. Software upgrades are made available based on product release roadmap and will be delivered to BGP customers when requested. Honeywell does not automatically ship new software upgrades to customers. TO ORDER SOFTWARE: Contact your Account Manager or Field Service Leader or submit a Service Request (SR) requesting the software upgrade

Honeywell Online Support Web Access: BGP customers will have 24 hour access to Honeywell Online Support, which provides documentation, system alerts, procedural information, training schedules, patch distribution and additional technical information.

10.5 BGP Optional Services Definitions

The following options are individually priced. If selected, they are priced upfront in the contract price.

24/7 Emergency Telephone Support

Emergency After Hours & Weekend Support: Provides access to Advanced Solutions support specialists, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for emergency situations only. Emergencies are defined as a) loss of view, b) loss of control, or c) any situation that threatens the health or safety of the plant or personnel. This service is an additional cost to our customers.

Note: Emergency After Hours & Weekend Support may not available for all product lines. It is provided mainly for those advanced applications that are deemed business critical by the majority of our customers. Your local account teams can verify specific capabilities.

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Enhanced Benefits Program (EBP)

Defined Engineering Services: The customer can select a range of defined engineering services to include

in the program to develop a more proactive approach to support. Such services can include:

On-site services such as application tuning, system audits, backups and database clean-ups, run & maintain services, upgrade assessments and configuration changes.

Remote application consulting such as providing guidance on system performance improvement, system recovery, upgrades, platform migrations and customer-led configuration changes.

Benefits Guardianship Maximum (BGMax)

Defined Performance Monitoring Services: The customer can select a range of defined performance monitoring services to include with the Benefit Guardianship Program and/or the Enhanced Benefits Program to develop a more preventative and proactive approach to support. These services are designed to sustain (and potentially increase) the benefits from advanced applications while safe-guarding the investment made by the customer. Such Services can include:

On-site performance monitoring with regular performance assessment, reviews and reporting against attainment targets

Remote performance monitoring with proprietary software tools and workflow with regular reviews and reporting against benefit attainment targets

Note: BGMax Services are only available for certain product lines such as Advanced Process Control. Your local account teams can verify specific capabilities.

Annual Software Licensing

Annual Software Licensing: Annual Software Licensing is an application licensing structure that allows application licensing to be provided under an on-going service contract (similar to a software lease.) Use of this option can be used to effectively access monitoring tools and maintenance applications as part of the annual support services agreement.

Note: Annual Software Licensing is only available for certain software products. Your local account teams can verify specific capabilities.

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10.6 Product Lines Supported by BGP Honeywell typically refers to customer’s systems by use of a Master System Identifier (MSID) and the

BGP program supports the following product families, systems, and/or platforms.

Advanced Planning & Scheduling

Advanced Process Control

Alarm Management

Asset Management

Blending Movements & Automation


Operations Management (OMPro) Operator Training Simulators (UniSim Operate)


Production Control Centre (PCC)


Uniformance PHD UniSim Design

Note: Legacy-Matrikon products are currently managed under a similar Software Maintenance and Support (SMS) service framework. SMS-contract but will soon be migrated into the Benefits Guardianship Program 10.7 Who Should You Call For BGP Assistance Should you have any questions regarding the BGP program, your Honeywell account team (Field Service

Manager, Account Manager, Contract Administrator, Renewal Specialist, etc) is available to answer your

immediate questions. Key Contacts The Account Team is ultimately responsible for delivering BGP to each customer. The team is usually

composed of three key people:


Account Contract

Manager Administrator

The Field Service Manager (FSM) has overall responsibility for delivering the BGP service to your location(s).

The Contract Administrator is responsible for all administrative tasks with regards to your contract (e.g.

booking, registering, processing any contract documents/changes, etc). The Account Manager is responsible

for helping you determine your service support needs and offering you solutions to meet your needs. The

Contract Manager acts as project manager for the contract and ensures that all deliverables of agreements are

delivered as per agreed schedule. He is customer day to day contact for contract management.

Finally, your account team is available to consult with you to align your long term advanced solutions support

needs with your on-going business needs. The BGP program is scalable and can be customized to meet your

business requirements now and into the future. BGP has been designed so that the program can become a

documented support strategy to ensure that you continue to sustain application performance, operate reliably

and achieve the full potential of your installed Honeywell assets.

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10.8 BGP Application Documentation and Updates

This service allows the customer to electronically access user documentation and updates for customer’s

installed equipment and software with search capability using the 24/7 Solution Support Online website. To

access the information, follow the instructions below:

Go to and login with your unique user id and password.

Go to “Support” – “Product Support”

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11. Global Technical Assistance Centers and Support Contacts

Customer Care Centre

[Insert Email]

[Insert Phone]

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12. Understanding Target Response and Resolution Time

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