Page 1: Goal 4.04 :  Factors Affecting Health and Disease

Goal 4.04: Factors Affecting Health and Disease

What is a “disease?”

It’s when an organ system doesn’t function properly.

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Types of Diseases: Noncommunicable

Can NOT be transmitted from one individual to another.

Lip cancer due to smoking.

Gout due to alcohol abuse.

Heart Disease






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Types of Diseases: Communicable

CAN be transmitted from one individual to another.

AIDs (Karposi’s Sarcoma)

H1N1 Flu


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Disease and Genetics: Diseases that are passed from one generation to the next.

Familial combined hyperlipidemia Huntington’s Disease

Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Neurofibromatosis

Hereditary Blindness


3. One Wrong Letter

Tay Sachs an incurable disease carriers for rare condition

running time 08:57

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Disease and Parasites: Diseases that are caused by parasites.

Tse-Tse Fly

Amoebic Dysentery




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Disease and Toxins: Diseases that are caused by toxic/poisonous chemicals.

Botulism – caused by Clostridium botulinum

Can be destroyed by heating food to 80 oC (176 oF).

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Disease and Toxins: Diseases that are caused by toxic/poisonous chemicals.

Mycotoxins/Aflatoxins – caused by fungi.

Ricin – protein produced by castor beans.

1 mg can kill a healthy adult.

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Disease and Nutrition = good nutrition fights disease.

Nutrients = substances that the body needs to obtain energy and raw materials.

Basic Nutrients:Carbohydrates energy Fats store energyProteins chemical reactionsVitamins (small amounts) growth/activityMinerals structure

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Vitamin Sources Functions

A Dairy products, eggs, fruit, dark-green vegetables

Healthy skin, bones, teeth, hair, vision.

D Fortified dairy products, eggs, liver; made by skin in sunlight

Healthy bones, teeth; helps use of calcium.

E Green leafy vegetables, whole-grain foods, seeds, nuts

Maintenance of red blood cells

K Green leafy vegetables, milk, liver

Helps blood clot


Whole-grain foods, pork, liver, legumes (peas, etc.), nuts

Helps break carbs down


Dairy products, eggs, whole-grain foods, green leafy vegetables

Normal growth

B12 Meats, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs

Maintains nervous system, formation of red blood cells

C Citrus fruits, tomatoes, dark-green vegetables

Helps form connective tissue, fights infection

Vitamins are essential substances needed in small amounts.

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Minerals are nutrients not made by living things.(We get minerals by eating foods that have absorbed them.)

Mineral Sources Functions

Calcium Dairy products, dark-green leafy vegetables, legumes

Healthy bones and teeth, aids in blood clotting

Iodine Seafood, iodized salt Helps release energy

Iron Red meats, seafood, green leafy vegetables, legumes

Red blood cell function

Phosphorus Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products

Healthy bones, teeth; release of energy

Potassium Fruits, vegetables, grains, meat and fish

Protein synthesis, muscle building, growth, pH regulation

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What’s missing from these meals?

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Disease and Environment = diseases that are caused by the environment in which we live.

Air Pollution:Respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, allergies, etc.

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Water Pollution:

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Smoking: It does a baby bad.MiscarriagePlacental Abruption (placenta detaches from uterus)

Premature BirthLearning Disabilities

Second Hand Smoke:Contains over 400 chemicalsAsthmaEar, Sinus, & Respiratory InfectionsCancer

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Alcohol: It does a baby bad.Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) = damage to fetal development from alcohol consumption by the pregnant mother.

Affects growth, mental development, and physical development.

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Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens.

1st Line of Defense = barriers(skin, mucus membranes, cilia, tears)

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Macrophages = large white blood cells that attack and eat pathogens.

Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens.

2nd Line of Defense = Macrophages (BIG white blood cells)

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Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens.

3rd Line of Defense = Macrophages + T-Cells + B-Cells

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Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens.

3rd Line of Defense = Macrophages + T-Cells + B-Cells

Assignment Discovery: An Inside Look At The Flu

An Inside Look At The Flu: Transmission Of A Virus

An Inside Look At The Flu: The Influenza B Invasion

An Inside Look At The Flu: Pain With A Purpose

An Inside Look At The Flu: Battle Against The Flu

An Inside Look At The Flu: Losing The War

An Inside Look At The Flu: The Fever Front

An Inside Look At The Flu: B Cells Are Winning

An Inside Look At The Flu: Beating The Flu Virus


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