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The Female Reproductive


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The Uterus

The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped organ also known as the womb.

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The Uterus is “home” to the developing fetus.

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The Uterus

The fundus is the upper portion where the fallopian tubes connect to the uterus.


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The Uterus

The corpus is the main portion of the uterus which expands to hold the developing fetus.


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The Uterus

The cervix is the lower portion which opens into the vagina. It contains a channel that sperm, and blood can enter and exit through.


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Gestation is the time required for a fetus to develop.

It lasts for 40 weeks, and if a baby is born before 37 weeks, it is considered premature.

There are 3 trimesters in a pregnancy.

There are 2 stages to gestation.

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Gestation: Stage 1

The fertilized egg implants itself into the uterus.

The infant is referred to as an embryo.

All of the embryos major organs are formed; birth defects may occur.

Pregnancy weeks 1-13.

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Gestation: Stage 2

The embryo has developed all of its major organs and is now considered a fetus.

The organs mature and begin to function.

The fetus receives nourishment from its mother through the placenta.

Stage 2 is the longest stage of gestation.

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The Three Stages of Labor and Delivery

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Labor & Delivery Stage 1: Dilation

Dilation is the stage when the uterine muscle contracts to expel the fetus.

The fetus presses against the cervix and causes dilation and expansion.

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Labor & Delivery Stage 2:Expulsion

As the cervix dilates, and becomes thinner it is called effacement.

Once the cervix is fully dilated (10 cm) expulsion begins.

Once the baby’s head appears it is called crowning, but If the baby’s buttocks comes first the baby is breech.

Ends in the birth of a baby.

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Labor & delivery Stage 3:Placental

This is the final stage of labor.

After labor the uterus continues to contract which causes the expulsion of the placenta.