
Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Planning and Works 

Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for Nepal

(UNDP/ ERRRP-Project: NEP/07/010)

Report of the Training Program

on Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings

for Masons in Birendranagar  

August 28 ‐ 31, 2009  

In association with

Birendranagar Municipality and UNDP/ERRRP-Project

Prepared By: UNDP/ERRRP Project

September 2009


Table of Contents

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 1 

Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 1 

1.0 Training Outline ...................................................................................................................................... 2 

2.0 Objective and Purpose of the Training Program .................................................................................... 2 

3.0 Time Duration ......................................................................................................................................... 2 

4.0 Participants ............................................................................................................................................. 2 

4.0 Course Design Concept ........................................................................................................................... 2 

5.0 List of Resource Persons ......................................................................................................................... 3 

7.0 Training Proceedings .............................................................................................................................. 4 

7.1 Inauguration Session ............................................................................................................................ 4 

7.2 Tools and Training Aids ........................................................................................................................ 4 

7.3 Course Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5 

7.4 Class Lectures ....................................................................................................................................... 5 

7.5 Exam and Exam results ........................................................................................................................ 8 

8.0 Execution Arrangements ........................................................................................................................ 9 

9.0 Feedbacks and Suggestions from the participants / Evaluations ........................................................... 9 

10.0 Valedictory / Closing Session .............................................................................................................. 10 

11.0 Output of the Training ........................................................................................................................ 12 

Appendix A: Detail Course Schedule .......................................................................................................... 13 

Appendix B: Participants Details ................................................................................................................. 14 

Appendix C: Photographs ........................................................................................................................... 15 

Appendix D: Participant Attendance Sheet ................................................................................................ 19 

Appendix E: Resource Person Attendance Sheet ....................................................................................... 20 

Appendix F: Registration List in Inauguration Ceremony ........................................................................... 21 

Appendix G: Pre Test and Post Test Questionnaires .................................................................................. 22 

Appendix H: Exam Result of Pre and Post Test ........................................................................................... 23 

Appendix I: Distribution Materials .............................................................................................................. 25 

Appendix J: Copy of Certificate ................................................................................................................... 26 



U N D P / E R R R P   ‐   P r o j e c t   i.  


We would like to express my gratitude to all those, whose support enabled us to complete the

training program on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in

Birendranagar Municipality and preparing training report for the same.

We are grateful to Mr. Suresh Prakash Acharya, National Programme Director, UNDP/ERRRP-

Project and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works for providing us with

suggestions and guidance which has been a valuable organizing training program.

We would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Jorn Sorensen, Deputy

Country Director, UNDP and Mr. Sohel Khan, Regional Coordinator, UNDP/ERRRP Project for

their presence as a part of UNDP monitoring role in training program and their appreciation. We

would like to thank monitoring team of UNDP / Nepalgunj Mr. Narendra Kumar Mishra and Mrs.

Baijanti Giri Singh for their participation and observation in the program.

We have furthermore to thank to Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet, Chief Executive Officer, Birendranagar

Municipality, Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi, Civil Engineer and focal person of UNDP/ERRRP

Project from Birendranagar Municipality, resource persons who has confirmed and supported to

go ahead with the program. We would like to thank to municipal technicians and staff for

coordinating all necessary activities that facilitated in the timely arrangement of the programme

We thank UNDP/ERRRP project team for their support on completion of the training programme. Chandra Laxmi Hada

Project Engineer / Training Coordinator


Email: [email protected]

Amrit Man Tuladhar

Senior Divisional Engineer

Department of Urban Development and

Building Construction


National Programme Manager


Email: [email protected]

Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


U N D P / E R R R P   ‐   P r o j e c t   1 

Executive Summary

Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness (ERRRP) program was initiated by

UNDP/BCPR (Bureau of Crisis Prevention and Recovery) with the support of government of

Japan. This being a National Implementation (NIM) project of UNDP, the implementation

responsibility of the project is Ministry of Physical Planning & Works, Department of Urban

Development & Building Construction (DUDBC). Therefore, UNDP/ERRRP project has been

continuously strengthening the Earthquake Risk Reduction Management capacity of its selected

municipalities in 5 development regions of Nepal since April 2008. . The project focuses on

capacity building programme through training, sensitize people and giving awareness as well as

establishing linkages with partners at different levels for earthquake disaster mitigation to transfer

the technology of earthquake resistant construction to reduce the impact of potential earthquakes

and respond to disasters more effectively in Nepal.

In the past experiences several destructive earthquakes caused extensive damage to lives and

property. Rapid urbanization and unplanned development has led to the situation that millions of

people in various parts of the country are at risk from earthquake. For a seismically vulnerable

country like Nepal, to mitigate the problems due to pre and post disaster, earthquake resistant

construction is now quite essential. All the municipalities have accepted the need of Masons’

Group for the safer construction in their municipality. The training program is a part of

comprehensive program of capacity building under the project and will be tailored with

technological tool development and building capacity of institutions for taking up the initiative in

a sustainable way.

Accordingly, with the joint effort of Birendranagar Municipality and United Nation Development

Programme / Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for Nepal

jointly organized training program on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings” for 31

numbers of masons from August 28 - 31, 2009 in Birendranagar. The principal aim of the training

is to create awareness about seismic hazards on structural system among the participants and

provide basic knowledge and skill on earthquake safe construction procedure to masons in


Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


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1.0 Training Outline  

The Birendranagar Municipality and United Nation Development Programme / Earthquake Risk

Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for Nepal jointly organized training program

on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” at Hotel Satkar in Birendranagar

on August 28 - 31, 2009. A total of 31 numbers of participants were attended in the program.

2.0 Objective and Purpose of the Training Program

The principal aim of the course is to create awareness about seismic hazards on structural system

among the participants and provide basic knowledge and skill on earthquake safe construction

procedure to masons in Birendranagar. The main purpose of this course was to enhance the

knowledge and skills of existing skilled workforce involved in building construction business i.e.

masons, carpenter, steel fixer / Bar benders and Local petty contractors who work as head mason

and overall in-charge for house construction

3.0 Time Duration

The duration of the training period was 4 days which held completely from August 28 - 31, 2009

in Birendranagar Municipality.

4.0 Participants The training was attended by 31 male masons who are engaged in construction of buildings.

Capacity building and training of masons of municipal members was called by issuing letter and

advertising in local paper through Birendranagar Municipality. In covering the gender issues,

Brahmin = 1, Kshetris = 10, Janjati = 3, and Dalit = 17 were attended in the program. A list of

participants and their details has been attached in Appendix B.

4.0 Course Design Concept  

According to the field visit and municipal level meeting of April 30, 2008 at Birendranagar

Municipality, the participants of meeting felt the necessary of various training and awareness

programme on earthquake risk reduction and preparedness. From the discussion with municipal

Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


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technicians and staff, the focal person of UNDP/ERRRP Project filled up the training need

assessment form and prioritize trainings accordingly. On the basis of that need assessment and

further discussions with focal person and the municipality request letter, we analyzed the need of

trainings for Masons on earthquake resistant constructions of buildings.

This course was designed to upgrade the skills of existing masons, carpenters and steel fixers for

construction of earthquake-resistant houses. The training was provided by resource persons and

municipal engineer. The course has covered in such a way that will increase awareness, enhance

the theoretical knowledge and build the capacity at the local level on earthquake resistant

construction of buildings through education, practical training, field visit, film show, group

discussion, exam of trainees and construction of technological demonstration unit.

As Masons are the second line engineers in construction of houses, it is most important to provide

them the basic technique of construction of earthquake resistant buildings along with various

engineering methodology of building construction in the seismically active zones.

5.0 List of Resource Persons

The technical and overall coordination was provided by Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada, Project

Engineer and Training Coordinator of UNDP/ERRRP Project. The resource persons for the

training program were:

S. No Resource Person / Speaker Designation /Organization

1. Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada Project Engineer and Training Coordinator, UNDP/ERRRP Project

2. Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi Civil Engineer and focal person of UNDP/ERRRP Project from Birendranagar Municipality

3. Mr. Rabi Ratna Shakya Senior Divisional Engineer, DUDBC, Surkhet Division

4. Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet Chief Executive Officer, Birendranagar Municipality

5. Mr. Bhimsen Shrestha Civil Engineer / Urban Planner

6. Mr. Ram Chandra Thapa Civil Engineer, DUDBC, Kathmandu

The responsibilities of the resource persons were to guide the participants and also to assist in the

work exercises.

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7.0 Training Proceedings  

7.1 Inauguration Session At Inauguration, Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet, Chief Executive Officer of Birendranagar Municipality,

Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada, Project Engineer and Training Coordinator of UNDP/ERRRP Project,

Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi, Civil Engineer and focal person of UNDP/ERRRP Project from

Birendranagar Municipality, Mr. Rabi Ratna Shakya, Senior Divisional Engineer / Expert,

DUDBC, Surkhet, resource persons, municipal technicians, Municipal Staff, ERRRP members

and Participants were attended.

Speaking at the program Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi, gave the welcome speech.

The training program was started lighting the panas by chief guest, Mr. Rabi Ratna Shakya.

Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada highlighted the training objectives and gave the brief information of

ERRRP Project. She has mentioned about the training schedule, rules and regulations.

Mr. Rabi Ratna Shakya mentioned as DUDBC is also giving the mason training in different areas

of Nepal. Since ERRRP is giving this training in Birendranagar DUDBC can focus on other

places so that people get a chance to learn.

Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet shared that house owners who come up with earthquake resistant design

to get the building permit in municipality, they are getting certain discount in fee. He is

encouraging the community members to incorporate earthquake resistant features in their

building. He wished all the participants to enhance knowledge through training and try to

incorporate in real site.

Mr. Prakash Paudel, Section Chief of Birendranagar Municipality facilitated the master of


7.2 Tools and Training Aids

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The photocopy of the handouts / Reading Materials, Bhawan Nirman Nirdesika, ERRRP bag,

Note Copy, required stationeries and IEC materials were provided before starting the class

lectures. The photocopy of the handouts was distributed to participants for reference.


7.3 Course Methodology The format of the teaching was basically power point presentation by the resource person

followed by interactive discussion in each session. The training module was designed, which is

balanced blend of theory, practices, field visit, hands on exercise and discussions. The

construction manual “Bhawan Nirman Nirdesika” in Nepali was distributed to participants as

participants hand book. The following tools have been used during the training program:

• Lectures / Presentations

• Question/Answer

• Practice/Exercise

• Technological demonstration unit

• Site visit to under construction sites

• Exam

The lectures are followed as per the training schedule by the resource persons. (Refer Annex A).

7.4 Class Lectures

Day 1: August 28, 2009

The session started with expectation collection from the participants. Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada

facilitated the expectation session. The ground rule of the course was defined. The pre test exam

containing 15 questions related to earthquake and building construction was carried out to

ascertain knowledge level of the participants.

Session started with introducing terminology of earthquake. The learning was introduced with

interactive session. The session started with sharing various terminologies including overview of

earthquake, effects of earthquake, preparedness, etc. The session was followed by question and

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answer session. Slides and a film on earthquake of Nepal, Kobe, Pakistan and India were also

shown to participants. Basic building structure was discussed with the participants by showing

slides and modals. Various models were described to explain about the type of building and

constructions. The topic covers:

Course overview, expectations by participants/ Pre Test

Overview of Earthquake / Cause and Effects of Earthquake

Dharan Darpan / Video Demonstration/ Shake Table Demonstration

Ways of earthquake risk reduction and preparedness

Site Selection, Building Configuration and Layout

Various Construction Materials & It’s Characteristics

Planning a Building and Layout (Exercise – 1)

Apart from participatory lectures, trainees were given planning exercise of building layout so that

they can layout in actual site. The day was closed for summing up the various sessions discussed

on first day.

Day 2: August 29, 2009

The second day started with recapping the session undertaken on the first day. The topics covered


Construction of Load Bearing Buildings (Brick, Stone, Block Masonry)

Construction of R.C.C. Frame Structure Buildings (RCC Framed)

Video Demonstration / Shake Table Demonstration

Foundation Construction of RC and Masonry Building Construction Technology

Alternative Building Materials / Appropriate Technology

Repair and Strengthening of Existing Buildings

Construction of R.C.C Frame Structure building and Load Bearing Buildings

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Day 3: August 30, 2009

The third day started with orientation on Practical Exercise. After an orientation on practical

exercise, the two groups were formed for two different demonstration units. The detail drawings

of the exercises were provided to the participants for reference. Trainees had ‘hand on exercise’

of construction of earthquake resistance of load bearing and frame structure at the premises of

Birendranagar Municipality.

Practical Exercise on Load Bearing Construction Unit:

Trainees were trained how to tie the bars of bands and made the load bearing walls with bands,

and understood the points of precaution for strengthening the building for earthquake. R.C.C band

details of plinth band, sill band, L-junction, T junction, placement of vertical rod at the corner and

side of openings as an earthquake safe building

Practical Exercise on R.C.C. Frame Construction Unit:

Columns and Beams are main elements of the RCC frame construction. They should be designed

for Earthquake resistance and detailed as per the ductile detailing aspects. The masons were

trained about the concept of foundation, importance of foundation in disaster resistant

construction, preparation of layout i.e. marking and checking of right angles, importance of specs

and working drawing i.e. trench, consolidating soil, mortar specifications, base concrete

courses/bonding/corners/joints etc. and need for bond stone or brick etc. The masons are trained

how to tie the bars of pillars, horizontal bands, beam etc and fitted to column and beam junction.

In the practical session, the demonstration of load bearing and frame structure construction were

completed by the participants with the guidance of municipal engineers, resource persons and

project engineer of UNDP/ERRRP Project. People can see the constructed structures for

permanent technological demonstration unit in Municipality premises.

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Day 4: August 31, 2009

On last day, after the lectures course on

Quality Control and Workmanship in Construction

Role of Supervisors in Earthquake Safe Constructions

The presentation was followed by discussions and experience sharing by the participants.

Participants are taken to a under construction site of residential buildings where they saw the

existing technique of constructing buildings and noted deficient features on those buildings by the

group held. The field trip to construction site was facilitated by municipality office and resource

persons. Later they explained in the classroom and described the need of adopting earthquake

resistant technology.

Post Test:

The post test exam of similar questionnaires was given again after the training to assess how

much the audience learned from the training. So post test exam was done and finally carried out

the evaluation and feedback from the participants.

At the end of the day, closing ceremony was held together with certificate distribution to all

participants from the chair-person and the chief guest.

7.5 Exam and Exam results

Exam was taken with 15 questions having Yes/No answers on earthquake resistant construction in

first day and last day. Trainees received maximum 9 and minimum 1 marks before the training

started. On the last day after completing all the lectures, trainees were again given the similar

question format and received maximum 12 and minimum 1 out of 15 questions. Out of 32

trainees, 17 received greater than equal to 8 marks and rest attempted some of the questions &

some of them were illiterate. A list of questionnaires and marks obtained by the trainees has been

attached in Appendix G and H. 

Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


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8.0 Execution Arrangements

Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Physical Planning and Works, Ministry of Local

development, UNDP/ERRRP project executed the programme in collaboration with

Birendranagar Municipality. Additionally the UNDP/ERRRP Project provide support to

strengthen the institutional, administrative, technical system for earthquake vulnerability

reduction. The Municipality provided support for the successful implementation of the


9.0 Feedbacks and Suggestions from the participants / Evaluations

Participants were given the feedback paper with two different colors and requested to submit after

filling-in their comments & suggestions. Here are some of the feedbacks, comments &

suggestions after filling-in their sheet:

Received knowledge on earthquake resistant techniques on building construction which

will use in future building construction. Incorporate earthquake resistant elements in new

construction of buildings.

In this training, they got to know new ways, learn more and the right way of construction.

The training provided us new knowledge

These trainings should be organized at different places for awareness.

Provided resource materials are very fruitful and resource persons made every session

interesting. Training is very good which is beyond our imagination

They felt the need of at least 3-4 such trainings per year and other masons as well need to

be trained.

This training is really good and they wish their friends can also take part in this training.

The follow up training for the trainees after certain duration felt necessary

House owners also need to give some orientation on this technology

They were eager to have such kind of training again and suggested to make it longer.

After the overview of those two sheets, the training program was found to be successful in many

ways for the participants. Thus, masons training along with construction of earthquake resistant

buildings are most important parameter in reducing vulnerability of the municipality to


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10.0 Valedictory / Closing Session The valedictory session attended by Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet, Chief Executive Officer,

Birendranagar Municipality, Mr. Jorn Sorensen, Deputy Country Director, UNDP, Nepal, Mr.

Sohel Khan, Regional Coordinator, UNDP/ERRRP Project, Mr. Amrit Man Tuladhar, Senior

Division Engineer of DUDBC and National Program Manager of UNDP/ERRRRP Project, Ms.

Chandra Laxmi Hada, Project Engineer and Training Coordinator of UNDP/ERRRP Project, Mr.

Rabi Ratna Shakya, Senior Divisional Engineer, DUDBC, Surkhet, Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi,

Civil Engineer and focal person of UNDP/ERRRP Project from Birendranagar Municipality,

resource persons, municipal staff, ERRRP member, media persons and participants.

Mr. Janak Bahadur Shahi shared the information about earlier trainings already conducted in

Birendranagar and their positive impact to the community. He stated that the project was

successful in achieving its training objectives; there still exists a need for additional assistance in

terms of capacity buildings for contractors, municipal engineers, community members and

awareness programme to be earthquake safe.

Mr. Ram Chandra Thapa highlighted the need for adopting earthquake resistant technology and

even mentioned house owners need to be aware for safer constructions.

Ms. Chandra Laxmi Hada shared the brief information of training brief and mentioned the

ERRRP project initiations. She believed that all trainees were aware and provided with the

opportunity to explore their existing knowledge and skills. She highlighted that masons training

along with construction of earthquake resistant buildings are most important parameter of

earthquake vulnerability reduction programme in the earthquake prone areas.

Mr. Rabi Ratna Shakya expressed the need of awareness programme in disaster prone countries

like Nepal.

Mr. Jorn Sorensen, Deputy Country Director, UNDP-Nepal mentioned that he is really glad to

attend this important training program. In the past experiences several destructive earthquakes

caused extensive damage to lives and property in Nepal. Rapid urbanization and unplanned

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development has led to the situation that millions of people in various parts of the country are at

risk from earthquake. For a seismically vulnerable country like Nepal, to mitigate the problems

due to pre and post disaster, earthquake resistant construction is now quite essential. He is very

hopeful about the movement of mason training on earthquake vulnerability reduction will enable

the city to meet the fury of nature as when situation arises. He thanked to municipality and

ERRRP team for their good effort and conducting successful training.

Mr. Amrit Man Tuladhar has translated in Nepali of Mr. Jorn Sorensen’s remark to the


In concluding session, Mr. Lalit Kumar Basnet emphasized importance of the subject not only for

better preparedness to natural disasters but also to the common faults made in the construction

fraternity facing accidents in day today practice. It is also said that the trainees of this programme

will be used as trainer in development of the Birendranagar city. He welcomed Mr. Jorn Sorensen

and Mr. Sohel Khan and ERRRP team in Birendranagar and felt really proud to have them. In

Birendranagar Municipality, it is declared that the house owner who has come up with the

building design and followed the building code on the process will get the 50% tax

reduction. Lastly he wished for safe and happy journey and gave thanks to UNDP/ERRRP

Project team for their effort. At the end he delivered vote of thanks and concluded the


In closing session, Mr. Prakash Paudel facilitated the master of ceremony.


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11.0 Output of the Training

At the end of the course the 32 participating masons from the municipality

Were aware on cause and effect of earthquake, earthquake preparedness and trained on

earthquake resistant constructions of buildings.

Got basic knowledge and skill on earthquake safe construction procedure

Were aware on importance and effectiveness of earthquake resistant elements in


Got the opportunity to know various new things on earthquake resistant construction


Build capacity to convince the potential house owners to construct earthquake resistant

buildings by incorporating earthquake resistant elements in new construction.

Apart from that the municipal engineer and sub engineer also gained the capacity building on

earthquake resistant technology and taken lecture class for the participants with the help of

UNDP/ERRRP Project Engineer.

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Appendix A: Detail Course Schedule  

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Appendix B: Participants Details

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Appendix C: Photographs Inaugural Session of the Training

Class Lectures

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Practical Session 


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Site Visit to Under Construction Buildings

Closing Session

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Monitoring from UNDP Team

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Appendix D: Participant Attendance Sheet  

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Appendix E: Resource Person Attendance Sheet  

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Appendix F: Registration List in Inauguration Ceremony  

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Appendix G: Pre Test and Post Test Questionnaires  

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Appendix H: Exam Result of Pre and Post Test

Exam Result of Training Program on Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons in Birendranagar

S. No Name of Participants Pre Test Exam Result

Post Test Exam Result

1 Amrit Prasai 5 8

2. Bal Bahadur Sunar 4 9

3. Chandra Bahadur Sarki 6 12

4. Chatra Singh Rokaya 7 9

5. Chitra Bahadur Sipaili 6 9

6. Dal Singh Biswakarma 7 12

7. Dhan Bahadur Sunar 2 5

8. Dhan Man Lama 2 12

9. Ganga Bahadur Sunar 0 1

10. Gopal Singh Thakuri 4 8

11. Gopal K.C 9 12

12. Gopla K.C 4 5

13. Jale Bista 0 7

14. Khadak Bahadur Sunar 8 10

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15. Khadka Bahadur Kumal 1 8

16. Krishna Pandey 7 10

17. Lalit Bahdaur Shahi 3 6

18. Laluram Chunara 2 1

19. Mohan Bika 0 4

20. Nar Bahadur Thapa Magar 0 1

21. Padam Bahadur Sunar 0 9

22. Prakash K.C 5 13

23. Purna Bika 0 8

24. Purna Dhoj Limbu 4 8

25. Rame Kami 2 4

26. Ratna Bahadur Biswokarma 0 3

27. Sher Bahadur Sunar 4 7

28. Shiva Raj Giri 0 2

29. Som Bahadur Gyawali 8 12

30. Tek Hamal 4 11

31. Uday Raj Gharti 0 1  

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Appendix I: Distribution Materials  

Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


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Appendix J: Copy of Certificate  

Training Report on “Earthquake Resistant Construction of Buildings for Masons” in Birendranagar Municipality 


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For further information please contact:

AMRIT MAN TULADHAR Senior Divisional Engineer / National Programme Manager Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery Preparedness Programme for Nepal (UNDP/ERRRP-Project:NEP/07/010) Department of Urban Development and Building Construction Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL Ph: (977‐1) 4262365 | Fax: (977‐1) 4262439   G.P.O. Box No. 26004, Kathmandu, NEPAL 

  email: [email protected]  website: 
