Page 1: Grade 7 Science Summary - The Circulatory System

Section 1. The Body’s Transport System


Al-Anjal National Schools (American Division)

2nd Term – Science Study Guide

Chapter 16. Circulation

Key Terms: “students should know the spelling and the meaning of each word:”

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:traeH .2 tuohguorht doolb spmup taht nagro ralucsum ,wolloh A.ydob eht

:muirtA .3 taht traeh eht fo srebmahc reppu owt eht fo hcaE.traeh eht otni semoc taht doolb seviecer

:rekamecaP .4 sdnes taht muirta thgir eht ni detacol sllec fo puorg A setaluger taht dna tcartnoc elcsum traeh eht ekam taht slangis tuo

.etar traeh

:elcirtneV .5 taht traeh eht fo srebmahc rewol owt eht fo hcaE.traeh eht fo tuo doolb spmup

:evlaV .6 doolb stneverp taht niev a ro traeh eht ni eussi t fo pal f A.drawkcab gniwol f morf

:yretrA .7.traeh eht morf yawa doolb seirrac taht lessev doolb A

:yrallipaC .8 degnahcxe era secnatsbus erehw lessev doolb yni t A.sllec ydob eht dna doolb eht neewteb

:nieV .7.traeh eht ot kcab doolb seirrac taht lessev doolb A

:atroA .8 ftel eht morf doolb seviecer ;ydob eht ni yretra tsegral ehT.elcirtnev

:yretra yranoroC .9.lfesit traeh eht ot doolb seilppus taht yretra nA

Page 2: Grade 7 Science Summary - The Circulatory System

Key Concepts:-What are the functions of the cardiovascular system?- What is the structure and function of the heart?- What path does blood take through the cardiovascular system?- What are the functions and structures of arteries, capillaries, and veins?

- It’s called the circulatory system because its function is to “transport” materials all over the body.

- It is also called the cardiovascular system because it consists of the heart and blood vessels. Cardio means “heart” and vascular means “tubes”, or blood vessels in this case.


Parts of the circulatory system

1. The Heart 2. The Blood 3. The Blood Vessels (tubes that carry

blood through the body).

The blood carrying white blood cells, oxygen, messages from the brain, food to the body cells, and wastes away from the body cells.

Fuctions of the cardiovascular system:

carries needed substances to cells

carries waste products away from cells

blood contains cells that fight disease

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Carries waste products

away from cells.

Carries needed substances to


Blood contains cells that fight disease.

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Each time the heart beats, it pushes blood through the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system.The heart has a right side and a left side. The right side of the heart is completely separated from the left side by a wall of tissue.Each side has two chambers.

Each upper chamber, or atrium, receives blood that comes into the heart. Located in the right atrium is the pacemaker, a group of cells that send out signals

that make the heart muscle contract.

Each lower chamber, or ventricle,pumps blood out of the heart.

- In the capillaries, materials are exchanged between the blood and the body’s cells. Capillary walls are only one cell thick. One way in which materials are exchanged is by diffusion.


Blood Vessels

1. Arteries: carry blood away from the heart to our body.

2. Veins: bring blood back from the body to the heart. Veins have valves. Valves are flaps that keep the blood flowing in one direction.

3. Capillaries: smallest blood vessels. Oxygen passes through its walls to reach into the cells. Carbon dioxide and some wastes move from

cells into capillaries.

The overall pattern of the body’s blood flow consists of two loops.

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In the first loop, blood travels from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart.

Blood comes back from all the parts of the body oxygen poor and filled with carbon dioxide in chamber 1 (right atrium). It falls in chamber 2 (right ventricle) to be pumped to the lungs to take oxygen and release the carbon dioxide.

In the second loop, blood is pumped from the heart through the body and then returns again to the heart. When blood leaves the heart, it travels through arteries.

Blood comes back oxygen rich from the lungs in chamber 3 (left atrium). It falls in chamber 4 (left ventricle) to be pumped to all the parts of the body.

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Section 2. Blood & Lymph

Key Concepts:- What are the components of blood?- What determines the type of blood that a person can receive in a transfusion?- What are the structures and functions of the lymphatic system?


Key Terms: “students should know the spelling and the meaning of each word:”

1. Plasma: The liquid part of blood.

2. Red blood cell: A cell in the blood that takes up oxygen in the lungs and delivers it to cells elsewhere in the body.

3. White blood cell: A blood cell that fights disease.

4. Platelet: A cell fragment that plays an important part in forming blood clots.

5. Lymphatic system: A network of veinlike vessels that returns the lfuid that leaks out of blood vessels to the bloodstream.

6. Lymph: The lfuid that the lymphaitc system collects and returns to the bloodstream.

7. Lymph node: A small knob of itssue in the lymphaitc system that filters lymph, trapping bacteria and other microorganisms that

cause disease.

Blood consists of:

1. Plasma 2. Red blood cells

3. White blood cells 4. Platelets

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- Plasma is the liquid part of blood. Plasma is mostly water, but 10 percent is made of dissolved materials. Plasma carries nutrients, such as glucose, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

- Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells.

- White blood cells are the body’s disease fighters.

- Platelets are cell fragments that help form blood clots. They collect and stick to any site where a blood vessel is cut. Platelets then release chemicals that cause the production of the chemical fibrin. Fibrin weaves a net of fibers across the wound. The net traps blood cells and a clot is formed.


the capillaries, some fluid moves out of the cardiovascular system and into the surrounding tissues. The fluid moves into the body’s drainage system, called the lymphatic system.The lymphatic system is a network of vein like vessels that returns the fluid to the bloodstream. When the fluid enters the lymphatic system, it is called lymphLymph nodes are small knobs of tissue that filter the lymph as it passes through, trap bacteria and other microorganisms that cause disease.


The four major types of blood

Blood type A: can receive transfusions of blood that does not have a B marker (anti-A): type A or O blood.

Blood type B: can receive transfusions of blood that does not have an A marker (Anti-B): type B or O.

AB blood type: have no clumping proteins. They can receive all blood types. (universal receiver)

O blood type: have both anit-A and anit-B clumping proteins. They can only receive type O blood. (universal donor --> they can give

blood to all people with different blood types)

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Section 3. Cardiovascular Health

Key Concepts:- What are some diseases of the cardiovascular system?- What behaviors can help maintain cardiovascular health?


Key Terms: “students should know the spelling and the meaning of each word:”

1. Atherosclerosis: A condiiton in which an artery wall thickens as a result of the buildup of fatty materials.

2. Heart attack: A condiiton in which blood lfow to part of the heart muscle is blocked, causing heart cells to die

3. Hypertension: A disorder in which a person’s blood pressure is consistently higher than normal; also called high blood pressure.

Hey! Whatsup! Wanna keep your heart healthy? - To help maintain cardiovascular health, people can exercise regularly; eat a diet that is low in saturated fats cholesterol, and sodium; and avoid smoking.

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Atherosclerosis is a condition in which an artery wall thickens due to the buildup of fatty materials. One of these materials is a waxy, fatlike substance called cholesterol. Atherosclerosis restricts the flow of blood in the affected arteries.


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If atherosclerosis develops in the coronary arteries that supply the heart, the heart muscle receives less blood. This condition may lead to a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when the blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. Cells die in the part of the heart that does not receive blood. This permanently damages the heart.

