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Why measure that when we need to show this?Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma Libraries

April 20h, 2016


1. Whatarewemeasuringnow?2. Whatdoweneedtobemeasuringtomorrow?3. Howarewegoingtodothat?4. Conclusion

Whatarewemeasuringnow?Let’stakealookwherewefocus&whatwereport:• ALAwebsite:


– Circulation– ILL– Referencecalls– Accesstocomputers/internet– Funding/expenditurelevels– #oflibrarians– #ofhoursopen– Amongothersimilarmeasures


Whatarewemeasuringnow?Let’stakealookwherewefocus&whatwereport– Pt 2:• ARLwebsite:

– Collectionsandcollectionexpenditures– Salarydata– Overallexpenditures– Personnelcounts




DefinedAs:P1. StudentSuccessP2. FacultyImpactP3. CommunityImpactP4. BrandEquity


• CreatingExcellenceintheLibraryExperience:Virtual&Physical

• BuildingonExcellenceinSpecialCollections• SupportingOUCampusResearchandDataStewardship• ChartingaNewRoleforScholarlyCommunications• StrengtheningSkillsandCapabilities (theteam)


This report began to move us in the right direction.“Not only do stakeholders count on higher education institutions to achieve these goals, they also require them to demonstrate evidence that they have achieved them. The same is true for academic libraries; they too can provide evidence of their value.”

Available at:


Called for us to look at (among other things):• Determine what libraries enable

students, faculty…, and staff to do

• Develop systems to collect data on … user behavior, while maintaining privacy

• Record and increase library impact on student enrollment

• Link libraries to improved student retention and graduation rates

• Track library influences on increased student achievement

Whenweneedtoshowthis…Michael Keller, University Librarian at Stanford, has suggested we need to measure:

1. Actual use of library resources & services in teaching, learning and research.

2. Engagement with professorial research projects,

3. Responses to changing environments4. Recruitment of new professionals5. Re-training of existing staff


• New initiatives/services started.• Metrics used in measuring the impact.• Positions created/eliminated in library staffing• Alignment of positions with research and training

on campus• How much content is purchased in digital vs

analog form? How much are they used?• Library renovations & assessments used to

measure success?

• How well is the library growing its funding?• What are the satisfaction ratings of communities

served?• How many collaborations/partnerships are formed

& maintained? Outputs from same?• How well are the collections of resources

supporting the mission/goals of the University?

AtOUwethinkweneedtoshowthis… CC-BY CC-BY

LibraryLicensed& DIgitalContent





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• Infrastructure• Connect all the silos• API’s• Tool to utilize value provided by connected silos.

Photo copyright: iStockPhoto. Not for reuse.

Tothat,weneedthis…• Data Governance

• Must be backed at highest levels of organization• Broad involvement in Governance Committee

• Institutional Reporting• IT• Libraries• Finance• Administration

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Tothat,weneedthis…• Data Governance

• Create a website, be transparent!• Publicize• Create workflows – minimize delays!• Create a Data Dictionary (this is slow work)• Delegate• Establish metrics to measure success• Lots of time…

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Tothat,weneedthis…• Create partnerships:

• Across entire campus • With vendors for:

• Open API’s• Standardized API’s

• Create/Buy Tools for: • Reporting• Analysis, for example…

The road ahead…
