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The environment at makerere university is very tense and confusing.

Students are always excited about who will win.

Some times it is not easy to express it in words on the behavior of every students and the rally.

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On the eve of voting all the contesting candidates and their supporters have sleepless nights and wander around asking for votes.

On the day of voting they keep around the polling stations tirelessly asking for votes.

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Other candidates due to fear of losing, keep giving students their posters while they hang on trees, pin on dustbins and on building walls.

On the day for voting they keep showing the students their posters so that their faces are not forgotten.

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The electoral commission on the other hand prepares the ballot boxes and it also makes sure that it show the boundary between the polling station and the general ground.

This they do by tying ropes from tree to tree, or from poll to poll.

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Some of the contesting candidates keep calling their friends to come and vote for them.

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To make sure that they appear potential candidates in the students’ eyes, contesting candidates make a lot of promises.

How they will deal with Ddumba, Improve sanitation, petition to the University administration to abolish the 60% tuition policy before registration.

Prevent the 10% tuition increment.

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When it reaches time for elections many students can be eagerly waiting for new leaders due to the fact that new leaders come with new ideas.

Some students can be expecting their new leaders to work hand in hand with them and to handle all issues that the out going leaders have not worked on.

Some of the issues are hygiene both at campus and the halls of residence , tuition fees and missing marks.

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The electoral commission spokesperson said that this years elections were free and fair due to the fact that there were no cases of rigging votes before the voting day like how it has been before.

Every eligible voter who had an Identity card and examination permit was allowed to vote.

This year they did not have reports of irregularities.

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