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  • 7/28/2019 Guidelines Mtech



    1.The Scheme:

    1.1 IETE Governing Council has approved four stipends in ET and IT&CS(combined)streams of AMIETE on merit basis (to be decided by the IETE Board of Research andIETE Governing Council ) for pursuing M.Tech studies at institutions/colleges as listed in

    Para 1.3 below in the following broad disciplines of interest to IETE:

    Microwave and Radar EngineeringScience & Technology of Electronics Telecommunications Electromagnetics Information Technology Instrumentation & Measurements Circuits and Systems Medical Electronics Electronic Devices & Components Nano Technology and Nano Materials Opto Electronics Power Electronics Computer Science and Engineering

    1.2 Students seeking admission in M.Tech courses offered by the institutions/colleges aslisted in Para 1.3 below in the broad area of Electronics, Telecommunication, Computersand IT would be eligible for consideration of the stipend.


  • 7/28/2019 Guidelines Mtech


    1.3 Eligibility for stipend is subject to getting admission in any of following institutions/colleges in India in their M.Tech Two Year Regular Courses as per the broad areas definedin Para 1.1 and1.2 above:-

    All IITs, IISc, IIITs, NITs and ALCCS (IETE) All Govt Universities Engineering Colleges/Institutions BITS All Govt aided Institutions

    2. Nature of support:

    The financial support will include a monthly stipend of Rs 10,000 per student. Thegrant of stipend is subject to the condition that student should not be receiving anyemoluments or funds for the proposed M.Tech course from any other source ororganization. The freeship/ stipend /fund being received by the applicant, if any, would bededucted from the amount of stipend of Rs 10,000 per month, if selected.

    3. Duration:

    The duration of each stipend will be for a period of two years covering the M.Techstudies period. Continuation of the stipend during these two years will be based on the halfyearly or semester wise performance of the student

    4. Scope of the scheme:

    IETE Graduates in ET, IT and CS streams of AMIETE examinations should first seekadmission/get enrolled for M.Tech studies in any of the institutions/colleges as listed inPara 1.3 above in a discipline of interest to IETE as defined in Para-1.1 and 1.2 above.After securing the admission, the candidate should submit the application to the Secretary

    General, IETE HQ, New Delhi during the month of July only. The application must beduly recommended by the Head of the Department/Faculty and counter signed by the Headof the Institute/College where the applicant is enrolled.

    5. Selection:

    The applications received will be processed for consideration of IETE Board ofResearch and for subsequent approval of the IETE Governing Council. Selected candidateswill be individually informed.

    6. Monitoring:

    The progress and performance of selected candidates for continuation of stipend wouldbe monitored on the basis of six monthly or semester wise examinations conducted by theInstitution. Attested copies of marks sheets should be submitted by the student after eachsix monthly or semester examination to IETE HQ for the perusal and information of theIETE Board of Research. In case of unsatisfactory performance as assessed by the Board,the stipend would be discontinued for the further remaining period.

  • 7/28/2019 Guidelines Mtech


    7. Funding:

    The amount of the stipend of Rs 10,000 per month per student will be appropriated fromthe IETE TTL Research Fund of IETE.

    8. Application:

    Application on a plain paper endorsing proof of admission for M.Tech studies as per

    Para 4 above and attested photocopies of AMIETE degree certificate and Marks Sheetshould be submitted to the Secretary General, IETE HQs, New Delhi at the address givenbelow .

    Secretary GeneralInstitution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE)2, Institutional Area,Lodi Road,New Delhi 110 003

    The cover containing the application should be boldly marked on the top asApplication for stipend for M. Tech Studies.