




Plot Summary.....................................................................................................................................3

Depiction of Law and Lawyers......................................................................................................5

Gender Roles....................................................................................................................................7

Portrayal of Politics....................................................................................................................8

plot summary

In 1995, during theKashmir conflict, Hilaal Meer, a doctor agrees to perform an appendicitis operation on the leader of a pro-separatist group. To avoid detection, he performs the operation at his house, much to the chagrin of his wife Ghazala, who questions his allegiance. The next day, during a military raid, Hilaal Meer is accused of harbouring terrorists. A shootout ensues at his home, during which the leader of the separatist group is killed and Hilaal is taken away for questioning. The doctor's house is bombed subsequently in order to kill any other militant hiding in there. Several days later, Hilaal and Ghazala's son, Haider, returns from his university to seek answers about his father's disappearance. Upon arrival, he is shocked to find his mother singing and laughing along with her brother-in-law Khurram. Unable to understand his mother's behaviour, he begins searching for his father in various police stations and detention camps with the help of his fiance Arshia, a journalist.

Depressed by the growing closeness between Ghazala and Khurram, and unable to find any leads, Haider begins to lose hope. However, Arshia encounters a stranger, Roohdar, who asks her to inform Haider that he will be able to provide information about Hilaal. Haider contacts Roohdar, who turns out to be part of a separatist group. Roohdar then narrates the story of how he met Hilaal in one of the detention centres, where they both were tortured. Hilaal attributes his imprisonment to his brother, Khurram. Roohdar tells Haider that he simply wanted to pass on his father's message to him: revenge for Khurram's betrayal. Thereafter, angry and swearing to avenge his father's death, Haider becomes mentally and emotionally scattered and starts to behave and act strangely. His uncle Khurram, after getting to know about the meeting of Haider and Roohdar, narrates to him that Roohdar has killed his father. He is in dual mind as to whose narration he should believe. He discloses his state of indecision to Arshia and also states that Roohdar has given him a gun to kill his uncle. Arshia unintentionally discloses to her father who informs Khurram about the gun. Khurram immediately orders his men to send Haider to a mental institution.

Next morning Haider is all set to kill his uncle but cannot accomplish it because his uncle is inprayersand then is captured by Arshia's father who orders to kill him but Haider manages to escape. He contacts Roohdar, who suggests getting trained in Pakistan to avenge for his father's death and Haider agrees. He calls his mother and informs her about it to which she asks him to meet her once before going to the other side ofborder. During the meet, Ghazala discloses that she had disclosed about terrorists hiding in their house out of fear to Khurram unknowing that he was an informer of the Indian army. Arshia's father traces them and is about to shoot Haider when Haider shoots him in the head and escapes.

Tormented from her father's death at the hands of Haider, Arshia is deeply hurt and commits suicide. Meanwhile Ghazala finds Roohdar's number from Arshia's diary and she calls him. Haider goes to his pickup point, i.e. the graveyard where his father was buried. At the graveyard, Haider contemplates about the universal nature of mortality. Unaware of Arshia's death, on seeing her brother in the graveyard it hits his mind that the body is of Arshia. He runs towards her body where her brother sees him and informs Khurram. A fight ensues between Haider and Arshia's brother resulting in Arshia's brother's death. Khurram arrives with full force and a gunfight ensues, meanwhile Roohdar and Ghazala also arrive at the spot, where Roohdar drops Ghazala. A fierce exchange of bullets and bombs leaves only Haider and few men on Khurram's side alive. Just when Khurram is about to kill Haider with a rocket launcher, Ghazala requests a chance to convince Haider to surrender. She, goes to Haider, confronts him but he says that he cannot die before avenging his father's death. Ghazala tells him that revenge only results in revenge and there is no ending to this cycle, but Haider who is determined to avenge his father's death does not understand. Ghazala kisses Haider, steps outside, only to reveal that she has been wearing a suicide vest. Khurram and Haider rush towards her but she pulls the pins of thehand grenaderesulting in a big blast causing the death of the rest of the men and Khurram being gravely injured with his legs being amputated. Haider goes to his mother's remains, cries a lot and goes to Khurram in order to shoot him in the eyes as per his father's wish but is reminded of his mother's words "revenge only results in revenge" and thus decides to leave Khurram. Khurram begs Haider to kill him to free him from burden of guilt and to avenge his father's death but Haider doesn't kill and leaves.


In the movie Haider, many Acts have been used by Haider to show the people that they have rights under law for the specific situations of which they were particularly unaware. There was existence of grave human rights violation across the valleys of Kashmir. Thousands of people just disappeared into thin air never to be seen again and thousand others killed in the name of law and order.

Haider tries to show the true picture to the people. He enlists the various laws in place.

UN Council resolution number 47 of 1948 and Article 2 of the Geneva Convention and Article 370 of the Indian Constitution relating to the question of existence of the people in Kashmir.

Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Section 5 Rule 4 Point A. Any commissioned officer, warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or any other person of equivalent rank in the armed forces may, in the disturbed area, (a) if he is of the opinion that it is necessary to do so for the maintenance of public order, after giving such due warning as he may consider necessary, fire upon or otherwise use force, even to the causing death, against any person who is acting in contravention of any law or order.

AFSPA was a draconian measure whereby any soldier of the Indian Army can, fire upon or otherwise use force, even to the causing of death where laws are being violated. No criminal prosecution will lie against any person who has taken action under this act.Ever since it was brought into law in 1991 (In Jammu and Kashmir), not a single army or paramilitary officer or soldier has ever been prosecuted for murder, rape, destruction of property, or other such crimes. It is a shameful and horrific history, about which India knows little and cares even less. What makes Haidersuch a special film is that, unlike other works that have dealt with the Kashmir Conflict, it does not pretend that history does not exist. There is no doubt that the security forces did torture detainees in holding cells across the state. The film has a scene where captured Kashmiris are tortured in a place called MAMA-II, a nod to the infamous torture center on the banks of the Dal Lake in Srinagar. Laws were twisted to such an extent; they ended up helping the oppressors and not the oppressed.

Haiders uncle Khurram was a lawyer wherein he has been depicted to be corrupt and money minded. This was evidently visible when one old man came to him to ask for help as his son had been taken away by the Army and he replied to it by saying that, In Kashmir, God in the heaven... and the army rules the earth... And the army has its bible AFSPA (the Armed Forces Special Powers Act). Further he says that he could only help his son by framing false charges against his son. So, in this movie lawyers have been depicted in a very stereotypical Bollywood manner where lawyers are considered to be dishonest, money-minded and what matters is who is more beneficial for oneself and has deeper pockets.


In the movie a typical background of the Muslim society has been shown. As it is in the Islamic culture, women remain behind the pardah with their heads covered with scarves. In the movie also initially Ghazala has been portrayed as a typical obedient wife, who never questions her husband. When her husband allows a terrorist to stay in their house risking the lives of his family members, although she raises her voice, but to no use. In the end she had to give in to his choice of letting the terrorist stay in the house, even after knowing the consequences for this action.

Later on when Indian army takes away her husband, she presumes him to be dead on the basis of words of her husbands brother. The movie depicts the harsh reality of women of Kashmir who are forced to live as Half widows. The women are unaware whether their husbands are dead or alive. In that situation they cant remarry either. She falls for her husbands brother and decides to marry him. Here she has been shown to break the stereotype of not remarrying just after the husbands death, especially in Islamic culture. She has been depicted as a strong woman who follows her wishes and heart. Furthermore, she has been depicted to fall in love in with her own son. She loved him too much. They have been shown to be kissing in the end, which is again the breaking the stereotype.

On the other hand, Arshia is the girl who loves Haider. She has also been shown as a strong character. She defies her own father and brother and continues meeting Haider against their wishes. She did not give into their demands. Even though they tried to stop her, but for the sake of her love she defies them.

Both Ghazala and Arshia have been depicted as strong characters in the movie that help in changing in the plot of the story and bringing about the twists in the story. They have successfully portrayed the plight of women of Kashmir and breaking the typical stereotypes of the society.


Indian films about Kashmir rarely stray from the established narrative, one of the Indian army courageously fighting armed insurgents determined to deliver Kashmir into the arms of Pakistan. A film about the politics of Kashmir is emotive issue there were calls from the right wing in India to ban the film for purportedly being anti-national and for showing the armed forces in a negative light. Political cinema is not renowned for its neutrality, nor should it be, for that is the responsibility of a documentary.

As far as the basic plot goes, the film is an adaptation of Shakespeares Hamlet set in terror-torn Kashmir of the early 90s with the disappearance of Kashmiri civilians forming the crucible for the lead character Haiders Hamletian inner turmoil. Hamlet merely provides a rudimentary template for the movie, with highlights from the play serving to remind the viewer of the movies ostensible claim of being an adaptation of it.

In Haider, the prevailing Kashmir conflict and the loads of political douche involved with it has been portrayed in a brilliant manner wherein there are various instances such as Khurram getting his own brother caught and then getting him killed to marry his wife Ghazala, Salman brothers betray Haider and try to get him killed although they themselves get killed in the end, Arshias father being a policeman was involved in all the illegal activities such as capturing and torturing of innocent civilians, killing them and showing them as militants, and various other activities, Haider using the help of militants to take revenge for his fathers death, and so on.

Vishal Bhardwajs realism is a politically correct one which treads the safe oft-beaten path of lambasting the Indian State and holding its Army solely responsible for the radicalization of Kashmiri youth, comfortably ignoring the pivotal role of Islamist supremacists.

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