  • 8/13/2019 He Children of Ham in Ancient Texts


    he Children of Ham in Ancient TextsEdited by Wally

    The KJV BibleThe Children of Ham

    And the sons of Ham; Cush (northern Sudan), and Mizraim (Egypt), and Phut (East Africa), and Canaan (Palestine). And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD:

    wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Sennar in Sudan).

    Genesis 10:6-10

    And they (the sons of Judah upon entering Canaan) found fat pasture and good, and the land was wide, and quiet, and peaceable; for they of Ham had dwelt there of old.

    I Chronicles 4:40

    Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of HamThey forgat God their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt; wondrous works in the land of Ham, and terrible things by the Red Sea.Psalms 105:23106:21-22

    And the lord said, like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom,

    Ethiopia and Seba for thee.

    Isaiah 20:343:3

    And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down.

    Ezekial 30:4

    (Pharaohs daughter) I am black, and comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

    Song of Solomon 1

    Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength and it was infinite.

    Nahum 3:9

    Kebra Nagast (Ethiopian bibleThe Glory of Kings)

    Solomon has taken a wife not of his color, who is moreover black, for he has married the daughter of Pharaoh.

    bl-mar, m. A BLACK MAN, NEGRO, i. e. AN ETHIOPIAN, Al. 51, Orkn. 364 (referring to A.D. 1152), distinguished from the Saracens and Arabians; three blmennwere sent as a present to the German emperor Frederic the

    Second, Fms. x. 3: in romances blmenn are mentioned as A KIND OF BERSERKERS,q.v., Finnb. ch. 16, Kjalnes. S. ch. 15; cp. ScottsIvanhoe, note B. See AN ICELANDIC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY by Richard Cleasby and

    Gudbrand Vigfusson(1874)

    3 Blau Mhors (Libyan Moors/Tuaregs)

    TheIrish annalists were a lesson to all with their division of Norse invaders into White Foreigners, Norwegians(Finn-gaill), and Black Foreigners, Danes(Dubh-gaill), but it was a lesson no one heeded; nor do we know why they

    distinguished them by colour.See A HISTORY OF THE VIKINGS by Gwyn Jones(1968)

    TheWelsh chroniclers, for example, made no such clear distinction. The Danes coming in by way of England and the Norwegians by way of Ireland were pretty well all black: Black Gentiles(y Kenedloed Duon), Black Norsemen(y

    Normanyeit Duon), Black Host, Pagans, Devils and the like.(CONT.)See A HISTORY OF THE VIKINGS by Gwyn Jones(1968)

    Princeof Maine Mor(moor) was accompanied by his father Eochaidh, and his two sons Breasal and Amlaff.Eochaid mac Run, known in English simply as Eochaid, was king of the Picts from 878 t o 889 He was a son of Run, King

    of Strathclyde, and his mother was the daughter of Kenneth MacAlpin (NIGER VAL DUBH)

    Thereare turning hither to our shore lithe keels, ring-stags [ships] with long sail-yards, many shields, shaven oars, A NOBLE SEA-LEVY, MERRY WARRIORS. Fifteen companies are coming ashore, but out in Sogn t here lie seven

    thousand more. There lie here in the dock off Clif f-holt surf-deer [ships] SWART-BLACK and GOLD ADORNED. There is by far the most of their host.Helge Lay, i. 197-206.See SCANDINAVIAN BRITAIN by William Gershom


    Therewas a man hight Thorvard; he married Freydis, a natural daughter of Erik the Red; he went [219] also with them, and Thorvald the son of Erik (100), and THORHALL who was called the hunter; he had l ong been with Erik,

    and served him as huntsman in summer and steward in winter; he was a large man, and strong, BLACK AND LIKE A GIANT, silent and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Erik to the worstSee SAGA OF THORFINN


    Accordingto Egils Saga, of the 2 famous sons of Kveldulf, Thorolf was tall and handsome like his mothers people, but Grim t ook after his father was black and ugly. Grimssons Thorolf and Egill, born out in Iceland, repeated the

    pattern- Thorolf was the image of his uncle, tall, handsome and sunny-natured, and many Egill was black, even uglier than his father, totuous and incalculable,..etc.craggy head, broad nose, heavy jaw and swart visage.See A


    Theevidence indicates that Blacks in ancient times came to Britian from Spain, Felix Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, West Africa, India, Persia and what is today named Denmark. These Negroes were builders, scientists, masters of ocean

    travel and inventors of letters, according to Higgins, they built Stonehende, Gerald Massey agrees pg 11 Book of The Beginnings.See Ancient and Modern Britons- MacRitchie pg 2

    TheDanes, then were like the MOORs-black. Like them, too, they were Picts, as more than one eminent writer has proved. The title ofGROM(WOAD-STAINED) is not confined toHighland genealogies, it was the actual name of

    a grim old pagan Dane who ruled overDenmark,(it meant daub).See page 121, -David MacRitchie- Ancient and Modern Britons: Volume One (Ancient & Modern Britons)

