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Date 6/29/15


HEADLINESYesterday's Prophecies - Today's Headlines




Netanyahu to Gaza flotilla: Surely you got lost and meant to help the Syrians being butchered

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Prime Minister congratulates Navy, lashes out at 'hypocrisy' of passengers

IDF intercepts Gaza bound flotilla without incident, redirects vessel towards Ashdod

PA's Abbas gives Hamas Tuesday deadline to join unity government

Hamas leader confirms rumors of indirect talks with Israel

B'nai B'rith calls for closer Jewish-Catholic relations during meeting with Pope

Report: Islamic Jihad leader to end hunger-strike after Israel agrees to his release

Rocket alert sirens sound twice in 30 minutes in northern Golan Heights

IDF: Golan sirens result of Syria battles

Lebanese Druse leader: Israel playing a 'very dubious and suspicious role' in Syria

Three killed in mortar attack on Damascus - Syrian state TV

ISIS purportedly threatens to 'slaughter' Christian Arabs living in Jerusalem

ISIS marks anniversary of caliphate amid Ramadan calls for violence

Walmart cake wars: The Confederate flag vs. Islamic State

House Homeland Security Chair warns Americans to 'remain vigilant' ahead of July 4th

Illusion that Iran is building nuclear weapon must be dispelled: Rouhani

If Iran deadline missed, 'reasonable' to keep talking for another 3 to 6 month

Deadline likely missed in nuclear deal - Hayden says Iran

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has 'upper hand'

Nuke talks to miss target; Iran foreign minister heads home

Ministers depart, but US says current talks are final round for a nuclear deal

Trump: 'We look like we're beggars' in Iran nuclear talks

US army strikes militants threatening coalition in Afghanistan

Five dead in suicide blast at Nigeria leprosy hospital

Parliament approves referendum as Greece's future hangs in the balance

Greece will close banks Monday as panic spreads

Greece imposes capital controls, banks to remain shut

Greece confirms banks to close until July 6

Euro sharply down as Greece crisis deepens, default looms

The world is defenceless against the next financial crisis, warns BIS

Puerto Rico governor says island can't pay its public debt

Artificial Intelligence Machine Gets Testy With Its Programmer

Man Shoots Down Neighbor's Drone, Ordered to Pay Damages

Officials issue warning about debris from failed SpaceX launch

5.4 magnitude earthquake hits near Niltepec, Mexico

5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near L'Esperance Rock, New Zealand

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Ubinas volcano in Peru erupts to 23,000ft

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft

Sinabung volcano in Indonesia urupts to 14,000ft

Europe braces up for powerful heatwave

Sierra Leone will jail Ebola law violators

Kansas judge blocks ban on so-called 'dismemberment abortion' procedure

Illegal charged with child pornography tells judge: 'Just deport me'

These 35 Companies Just Told America Exactly What They Think About the SCOTUS Gay Marriage Ruling

Rand Paul: Government Should Get Out of the Marriage Business

Mississippi in limbo over high-court's same-sex marriage ruling

Texas AG: State workers can deny licenses to gay couples

Israeli Opposition MKs propose US-inspired gay marriage bills

Turkish police use water cannon to disperse gay pride parade

Colombia's interior minister urges courts to legalize marriage, adoptions for same-sex couples

Momentum grows to scrap Pentagon's ban on transgender troops

Legislation Introduced To Make Single-Person Bathrooms Gender Neutral In NYC

Baltimore police open probe into new shooting of unarmed black man

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 (Featured Article at Bottom) 

IN TODAY'S NEWSLETTER...  Inside Israel's Secret War in Syria     ISIS in Jerusalem: Christians Threatened and a

Temple Mount Takeover       On eve of Iran deal, US retreats on inspections

of nuclear past, speeds up sanctions relief     Nearing Midnight: Blinding and Binding

America   The Most Dangerous Mountain In The United

States: What Would Happen If Mt. Rainier Erupted? 

Supreme's marriage decision creates dire prophetic situation  

Daily Devotion: Christians and the Sabbath    Featured Article: Behold! I Tell You a Mystery!

 Inside Israel's Secret War in Syria -  It was a random, friendly encounter between a soldier and a convicted terrorist. In February, Sudki al-Makt was driving through the Golan

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Heights, a mountainous plateau that Israel has occupied since 1973, when he arrived at a military base near the Syrian border. An Israeli soldier came out to ask him to turn around, and the two struck up a conversation. A resident of the Golan and a supporter of Syria-Israel's longtime enemy-al-Makt, 48, spent more than two decades in prison for plotting to attack Israeli military bases. Three years ago, when he was released, he allegedly intended to help the Iranian-backed Syrian regime in Damascus and its Shiite Lebanese ally, Hezbollah. The Israelis, he believed, were working with Sunni Islamist rebels across the border, and al-Makt allegedly set out to prove it. The soldier he met that day, Hillal Chalabi, 19, was in his first month of service in the Golan, and he and al-Makt had something in common: They were both Druze, members of a small sect of Islam that exists mainly in Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Most of the 120,000 Druze in Israel are citizens and serve in the military. In the Golan, however, many refuse to accept Israeli citizenship and remain loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. During that brief conversation, al-Makt allegedly turned the young soldier into his informant. He told him Jabhat al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda's militant group in Syria, was threatening Druze on the other side, and that to save them, he needed Chalabi's help. The soldier gave the older man his phone number, and later that day al-Makt called for his first tip. Several injured Syrian rebels, Chalabi allegedly told him, were crossing into Israel for medical treatment-a policy Israel says is purely humanitarian. Chalabi allegedly told him where to wait to film the Israelis transporting injured rebels to a hospital.  That evening, al-Makt came to the lookout point with a video camera and two friends. The footage, which later aired on Syrian TV, was dark and failed to capture anything concrete. But al-Makt and Chalabi allegedly stayed in touch, and nearly a week later they made plans to meet again. That meeting never happened. Soon afterward, Israeli authorities arrested them, and the details of their relationship are described in an indictment against al-Makt, whose trial opened in Nazareth in June. He is charged with espionage and other security-related offenses for publishing reports on Facebook and YouTube about the Israeli army's activity in the Golan and allegedly contacting Syrian officials with promises of secret information. The trial touches on one of the most sensitive questions in the Middle East today: Is Israel cooperating with the Syrian rebels in the Golan Heights in the war against Assad? And if

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so, how? Why? And with what groups? Much of what the indictment calls "secret Israeli army activity" is blacked-out in the document, and al-Makt's lawyer declined to comment. But Yamin Zidan, his former attorney, who wasn't allowed to represent him at the trial because he lacked security clearance, believes the full indictment, if disclosed, would reveal what Israel is really up to in Syria. "The conversations," he says, "show the level of cooperation between Israel and the rebels against Assad." '50 Shades of Black' Since the Syrian civil war broke out in 2011, many observers believe Israel has been bombing arms shipments from Iran, Assad's ally, as they've passed through Syria en route to Hezbollah in Lebanon. But Israel denies supporting any side in the brutal conflict. Since February 2013, however, the Jewish state has provided medical care to injured Syrians. So far, 1,600 of them-most badly injured-have been treated in hospitals in northern Israel. The effort has produced uplifting stories of injured Syrian children saved by Israeli doctors. But the majority of patients have been young men of military age, and as the al-Makt trial shows, their affiliation with the various rebel groups remains shrouded in secrecy. Since 1974, a United Nations peacekeeping force has been stationed in the Golan Heights to monitor the cease-fire between Israel and Syria. For the past year, most of the peacekeepers have been stationed on the Israeli side after Nusra abducted a U.N. battalion from Fiji in Syria (they were later released). In their latest report to the U.N., the peacekeepers mentioned several meetings along the border between armed Syrian rebels and Israeli soldiers. They saw the Israelis take injured Syrians into their vehicles and load rebel trucks with sacks. What was in those sacks remains unclear, but Israeli sources, speaking in an off-the-record briefing, say the contents included food and blankets for the winter. The U.N. report doesn't specify which rebel group the Israelis were helping. As in other areas of Syria, figuring out who the rebels are is often a complicated process. The groups that have operated along the border range from secular nationalists such as the Free Syrian Army (FSA) to Islamist radicals like Nusra and its splinter groups. There's also a low-level ISIS presence. But the main force operating in the area, Israeli sources say, is Nusra. "What we have on the other side is 50 shades of black," says an Israeli senior army official recently, on the condition of anonymity, referring to the black flags used by Nusra and

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other Islamist groups. What the Israeli military will say on the record is that it is offering medical care to injured Syrians. Over the past year and a half, for instance, Israeli doctors in the Rebecca Sieff Hospital in Safed have treated around 500 of them. "If you ask me whether we are treating Nusra fighters, I can tell you honestly-I don't know," says Dr. Salman Zarka, the hospital's director. "We don't ask them which group they belong to, and if we ask how they got injured, it is to differentiate between a blast injury and a penetrating one. We don't care who our patients are-we just try to save their lives." The Israeli military says it has a kind of "don't ask, don't tell" policy when it comes to the injured fighters and assumes radical Islamists will not feel comfortable getting treated in Israel. The doctors I met say a few rebels demanded to be sent back once they discovered they were in Israel. Until recently, Zarka was a colonel in the Israeli army and ran a field hospital along the border to treat injured Syrians. He is Druze, the first to be appointed as a hospital director in Israel, and is well-aware of the rumors circulating in the area. "Many in my [Druze] community ask me, 'How can you help the same people who may shoot our brothers across the border?'" he says. "But what should I do, let a man die? Even if there were a Nusra fighter sitting right here, with a bullet in his abdomen, should I shoot him again? Or as a doctor, should I save his life? To me, it's clear, and the fact that Israel is treating its enemies is proof of the country's real humanitarian commitment."  I met four rebels in May on the first floor of the hospital in a room overlooking the Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights. The entrance was closed, and an Israeli soldier kept an eye on who went in and out. One of the young men had pins and screws in both legs and says he was a fighter for the FSA. His legs, he says, were broken and he asked to be taken to an Israeli hospital because local doctors couldn't treat him properly. "I was protecting our village from Assad's forces," he says. "[I] was injured in a bombing from a plane." The young man, who asked that I not use his name, says he was looking forward to returning to the battlefield.  'A Jungle on the Other Side' After I left the hospital, I drove north along a narrow road to Majdal Shams, a Druze village nearby. The area is mostly dry and mountainous, with a smattering of extinct volcanoes, some of which house Israeli army basis. As I drove, I occasionally heard explosions and saw smoke rising from the ground on the Syrian side. Sometimes, the fields caught fire from the mortars.

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 As I drew closer to Majdal Shams, the fighting seemed to intensify. Not far from Hader, the Syrian village directly across the border, I heard machine gun fire and saw tracer bullets. The Druze live on both sides of the border, and many of the same families reside in the two villages, separated only by an electronic fence.  Unlike most Druze in Israel, who serve in the army, many of the Druze in Majdal Shams have long been supporters of Assad. But the war has begun to change that, especially among younger villagers. Today, the village is divided between those who support Assad and those who back the rebels. One reason is the regime's brutality. Another is Israeli protection. "Deep down, everyone here knows that they owe their security to Israel," says Dolan Abu-Saleh, the head of the Majdal Shams municipality. Abu-Saleh says Israeli authorities promised they will protect their relatives if Nusra or ISIS attacks Hader. "There is a plan to evict residents of Hader here to Israel, to safety," he says. "There are understandings, and Israel knows how to make sure that Nusra does not attack Hader and the other Druze villages around." To him, this is comforting; he has family on the other side, and in Syria Islamists have kidnapped, killed or forcibly converted Druze. Saleh Tarif, a Druze leader and former minister in the Israeli government, is also confident Israel will help his fellow Druze in Syria. "I can carefully estimate that Israel is using a dual approach-it has certain understandings with groups like Jabhat al-Nusra, and it also uses its power to threaten it not to take certain actions," he says. "It's a jungle on the other side, and Israel has to do what it can." Israeli officials will not confirm their Druze policy here, but have offered hints. "The [Israeli] alliance with the Druze people does not stop at the border," Major General Amir Eshel, the commander of the air force, recently told a meeting of Druze leaders.   But in mid-June, Nusra fighters killed 20 Druze villagers near Idlib, in northern Syria. And for the first time, the Druze on the Israeli side of the border held demonstrations in the Golan Heights, publicly demanding that Israel protect their Syrian relatives. Not long after the killings, Nusra apologized, saying it regretted the incident. Which is perhaps why Israel seems content with having radical Islamist militants on yet another border-at least for now: Its enemies-both the Islamists and Assad-are fighting one another, and the Druze who support the Syrian government may soon become unlikely allies of the Jewish state. "Our situation in the northern arena has never been better," General Yair Golan, the Israeli deputy chief of general staff, said in early June. "Throughout Syria and Lebanon, there are international

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jihadi organizations which do not act against us and are busy fighting Assad, Hezbollah and Iranian forces." Yet the situation along the border is still in flux. After my visit to Majdal Shams, fighting intensified between the rebels and the Syrian regime. In mid-June, sirens sent thousands of Israelis in the Golan scrambling to shelters, and the rebels-it's not clear which groups-have reportedly surrounded Hader. As the fighting continues, al-Makt remains behind bars, and the Israeli soldier who allegedly helped him will soon face a military court. The details of both trials will likely remain secret-much like Israel's role in the war on the other side of its northern border.


ISIS in Jerusalem: Christians Threatened and a Temple Mount Takeover - By Ahuva Balofsky -   "The kings of the earth believed not, neither all the inhabitants of the world, that the adversary and the enemy would enter into the gates of Jerusalem." (Lamentations 4:12) The Islamic State (ISIS) has appeared in Jerusalem, with fliers attributed to the terror group being posted in the Holy City, reported Israeli media over the weekend. According to Israel's Channel 10, the fliers were posted as early as Thursday. ISIS does not have an operational presence in Israel, but many Islamists support the terror group, with dozens of Arab citizens joining the fighting in Iraq and Syria. Earlier this month, rocket fire from Gaza into Israel was blamed on these supporters, allegedly attempting to stir up unrest between Israel and Hamas. The leaflets threaten "revenge" against Jerusalem's Christians and were signed "ISIS Palestine". According to a report in Haaretz, fliers welcoming Ramadan were posted Saturday, reading: "We tell the heretic Christians, you must clear out immediately or we'll massacre you

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on Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan, and one month is time enough to evacuate." These were signed "Islamic State, Jerusalem Emirate," according to the paper. Haaretz noted they may have been a prank. Meanwhile, reports have appeared on social media of the ISIS flag being flown atop the Temple Mount, the holiest site for Jews and a holy place for Muslims as well. Once home to the First and Second Temples, the Mount now hosts the al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock shrine. Temple Mount activist Rabbi Yehuda Glick told Breaking Israel News, "The situation on the Temple Mount is very worrying. The situation in general among Muslim leadership where, for some reason, celebrations like Ramadan are immediately interpreted as a celebrations of violence and terror is something that is very sad, mostly on the Muslim side. "Of course, in terms of the State of Israel, we think the government of Israel should implement order on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount should not be a place for demonstrating, and definitely not ISIS. I do hope that the authorities and police make sure it doesn't happen again." As early as November, ISIS spokesperson Mohammed al-Adnani expressed the group's interest in Jerusalem. A videotaped statement from al-Adnani was quoted in the Jerusalem Post at the time, saying,  "We want Kabul, Karachi, Riyadh, Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus, Jerusalem, and Cairo, Sana'a, Doha, Abu Dhabi, and Amman. The Muslims will return to power, to be the vanguard and lead in every place."  


 On eve of Iran deal, US retreats on inspections of nuclear past, speeds up sanctions relief -  

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 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday, June 28: "We are seeing a clear retreat from the red lines that the world powers set recently and publicly." Addressing the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem and later the Knesset, he added: "There is no reason to rush to sign this bad agreement which is getting worse every day."  Netanyahu was referring to three major concessions approved by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry in the final stage of negotiations for a comprehensive nuclear accord with Iran. They are outlined here by debkafile: 1. After barring International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections of suspect sites for years, Tehran will now be allowed to submit a paper with answers to queries about its past clandestine activities at those military sites, such as suspected tests of nuclear bomb detonators and explosives. That document would effectively draw a line on Iran's suspect past debkafile: Iran has submitted countless documents to the IAEA, none of which gave specific replies to specific questions. The UN Security Council accordingly passed a number of resolutions requiring Tehran to come clean on the military aspects of its nuclear program. Tehran ignored them. Now Obama and Kerry are letting Tehran off the hook on its past secrets.  2.  Obama and Kerry have withdrawn the "anytime, anywhere" stipulation for snap inspections of suspect nuclear facilities, as mandated by the Additional Protocol signed by Iran. They now agree that international monitors must first submit a request to an "Iranian Committee" (not even a joint US-Iranian committee) for advance permission to inspect nuclear facilities.  This would leave Tehran free to approve, deny, or delay permission for inspections. 3.  Washington has backed down on its insistence on predicating sanctions relief on Iran's compliance with its obligations under the final accord. After Tehran countered with a demand for the sanctions to be lifted immediately upon the signing of the accord, the Obama administration agreed to remove them in three stages: a)  Straight after the deal is signed. b)  After ratification of the accord by the US Congress and Iranian

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Majlis. This process is expected to take place by the end of 2015, and so Iran will win two multibillion windfalls this year without being required to meet any obligations beyond its signature  Obama counts on the support of 34 US senators. In any case, Congress is not empowered to reject or delay the deal c)  All remaining sanctions will be lifted when implementation of the accord begins. Nothing is therefore left of the original US pledges to link sanctions relief to Iran's compliance with its commitments or President Obama's solemn vow to "snap back" sanctions any time for any Iranian violations. The IAEA is virtually left without teeth.


COMING SOON!Our new video is in production, and this may be the most important video that we have ever produced.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night, is a video that every believer should own.The Rapture and the Thief in the Night is an excellent video for witnessing and evangelizing here and now! More importantly, it is also a video that each one of us will want to make sure that our loved ones, that missed the Rapture, will have and watch and prayerfully accept the Lord's gift of eternal salvation! 

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  We must all face the facts and realize that all of us have friends and family members that are going to miss the rapture. In our new video, "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night," we give a step by step explanation of what has happened, why it happened, what to expect next, and what they must do and what they must not do! Prayerfully our friends and family members will watch this DVD before the Rapture and not miss it, but some will certainly be Left Behind! Every believer needs to watch this video and share it with their unsaved friends, and family members. This video explains why the Rapture is the Blessed Hope of every believer and how this event is different from the Second Coming. It also explains what a person is to do if they miss the Rapture, and the events of the Tribulation, the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. It is an excellent witnessing tool that will prayerfully keep many from missing the Rapture, at the same time it's also, a valuable guide for those Left Behind.  "The Rapture and the Thief in the Night" will be released on *7/23/15, Pre-Order your copy today. When you Pre-Order one of our videos, not only are you making sure that you will be one of the first to receive it, you are also helping to fund the video.  Production Costs

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 Also, there is still time to enter our drawing for the Bible Commentary sets, see below for more information!  

 Nearing Midnight: Blinding and Binding America - Terry James -  I can't get out of mind the stories of how the victors over kingdoms would sometimes slaughter the families of the defeated king, then blind him. He would then be bound and led into captivity, if he wasn't himself killed. We, of course, know of such a biblical story of the Babylonians blinding and binding Israel's king in such a way (Jeremiah 52: 11).  In that instance, the king had invited the Babylonians to see all the great treasures within Israel's Temple and governmental coffers. That foolish act soon brought the visitors along with the military hordes to bind and

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rob the nation, taking whomever they chose into captivity to be subservient to the captors.  Jesus' words should echo in the spiritual ears of Bible believers today, upon observing things going on within the American government: "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house" (Mark 3:27).  Also, the apostle Paul's words should ring loudly in forewarning: "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Timothy 2:13).  The above seems to me to apply to what's going on with our own nation in a sense. Our population, even our senators and representatives, have been blinded. The Trans-Pacific Partnership deal that is being forced upon America showed the vast riches of this country to those who lust after them. This portends, in my view, the blinding and binding of this nation's citizenry-- actions that will soon take us into captivity under global gulag.  The very people we elected in the 2014 midterm elections now seem to be ready to cave to the wishes of an administration that has demonstrated time and time again it is not the "transparent" entity it promised, but one that wishes to keep us in the dark while it plots changing America into a socialist world order.  Prophetically speaking, it could perhaps be no other way. America must lose sovereignty and national autonomy. The world must be loosed from the dollar that monetarily interlinks the continents, thus prevents globalization as envisioned by the minions that are prophetically scheduled to appear in these final days of the age, as foretold by Paul the apostle.  "Evil men and seducers" (women, too) are indeed waxing worse and worse, as the KJV would have it. We are to just keep our noses out of our governmental masters business while they plan our futures of global gulag. In much the same way, Ms. Pelosi said of the Obamacare debacle, "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it." Republican Congressman Paul Ryan declared about the TPP trade bill, "It's declassified and made public once it's agreed to."  One Senator isn't buying it. His protest follows.  It has become increasingly clear that the President's Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is far more than a trade deal. It forms an enduring,

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self-governing political entity with vast regulatory power. Yet fast-track - which has led without fail to the adoption of every covered agreement since its inception - would rush it through with less legislative scrutiny than a Post Office reform bill...  The President has refused to answer the most simple but crucial questions about how he plans to use fast-track powers. He will not even answer whether he believes his plan will increase or reduce the trade deficit, increase or reduce manufacturing jobs, or increase or reduce wages. Concerns raised about how this new Pacific Union will impact our sovereignty have been met with only a continued unwillingness to reply to any questions about the limits of its reach and power. (Jeff Sessions,, SEN. SESSIONS: SLOW FAST-TRACK NOW, BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, June 21, 2015)  The TTP deal will doubtless give President Obama authority to make all sorts of arrangements that he has been wanting to make in treaty negotiations. He couldn't successfully complete those because of congressional and public opposition. The well-founded fear is that fast-track executive authority will have us waking up one day to find that we must give up our guns to the confiscators. Such authority might be tied to international or global agreements buried in the details of the TPP, thus bypassing the Second Amendment and all congressional oversight.  Because of the same hidden treaty-like protocols, we might also find on that morning that we now must pay confiscatory taxes to the global community to which we are tied through the TPP or whatever hybrid develops from that arrangement. Perhaps we will also be told that our homes will now be fitted with special thermostats to bring us in compliance with carbon emission standards/electric usage, etc. These possibilities might be in the offing, according to those who carefully monitor the climate-change fanatics who surround this presidential administration and the climate-change controllers around the world.  My own congressman and senators -- in whom I've placed considerable hope -- have caved and are now supporting this TPP, fast-track deal. Apparently, they, like others who are embracing it as "good for America," have learned nothing. In responding to an email sent by my son in which he expressed concern for the TTP deal, the congressman said the following:  "I have been contacted by a number of constituents who are concerned that TPA [Trans Pacific Agreement] cedes too much authority to the President. This is simply not true. TPA strengthens the system of checks and balances in the Federal Government and gives Congress

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and the American people a say in trade negotiations. With TPA, we are, in fact, intensifying--not weakening--congressional oversight to all future trade negotiations.  I suppose the intensive oversight Congress and the people will be given must first be denied us by blinding us, because the TTP is hidden from our view. We are told we must trust that it is the best thing for us. The question is: Why should we?  First, this is a president who is determined to change America to a socialist economic system. He has proven this at every turn. The economy has gone swiftly downhill in every reporting period, once the truth has been fully revealed.  Secondly, we apparently haven't learned the painful lesson that more of our liberties are taken from us with each passing trade deal. When our sovereignty is made subservient to global regulations, our national protections dissolve.  Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA (which was also fast-tracked, as were its successor trade deals). Since that time, other trade catastrophes have resulted. For examples, CAFTA, KORUS and the Panama Free Trade Agreement.  We have now come to the worst of the lot, the TPP, which, under the guise of free trade, would put raw economic power, at America's expense, into the hands of a few powerful monetary elite.  The blinding of the nation is not only fiscal and geopolitical. It is spiritual, as its citizens move ever farther away from God and the moral foundations on which the Founding Fathers placed America. Its binding with the chains of global godlessness seems to be on the fast track.  The Lord, however, is never surprised, and eternally in control. The time is quickly approaching when He will deal with those who want to replace Him within the affairs of man.  "He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure" (Psalms 2: 5: 4-5).

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 The Most Dangerous Mountain In The United States: What Would Happen If Mt. Rainier Erupted? - By Michael Snyder -   Is the next major volcanic eruption in the United States just around the corner?  Mount St. Helens and the Yellowstone supervolcano get most of the attention, but many geologists are actually far more concerned about the potential danger that Mt. Rainier poses.  It has been called a "time bomb", "the most dangerous mountain in the United States" and "one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world" due to its proximity to major population centers.  Scientists tell us that it is a matter of if, not when, the next eruption will happen, and even a minor eruption could result in tens of thousands of Americans being literally buried alive in super-heated mud.  So what would a full-blown eruption do?  It would potentially cause death and destruction on a scale that is almost unimaginable. On May 18th, 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted with the power of 500 Hiroshima bombs.  At the time, very few scientists anticipated that Mount St. Helens was capable of such a powerful eruption.  But Mount St. Helens is not even the most dangerous volcano in the state of Washington.  If Mount Rainier were to erupt with the same force that Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980, the loss of life would be far, far greater.  The following comes from Wikipedia... If Mt. Rainier were to erupt as powerfully as Mount St. Helens did in its May 18, 1980, eruption, the effect would be cumulatively greater, because of the far more massive amounts of glacial ice locked on the volcano compared to Mount St. Helens[33] and the vastly more heavily populated areas surrounding Rainier.[38] Lahars from Rainier pose the most risk to life and property,[39] as many communities lie atop older lahar deposits. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), about 150,000 people live on top of old lahar deposits of Rainier.[8] Not only is there much ice atop the volcano, the volcano is also slowly being weakened by hydrothermal activity. According to Geoff Clayton, a geologist with a Washington State Geology firm, RH2 Engineering, a repeat of the Osceola mudflow would destroy Enumclaw, Orting, Kent, Auburn, Puyallup, Sumner and all of Renton.[32] Such a mudflow might also reach down the Duwamish estuary and destroy

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parts of downtown Seattle, and cause tsunamis in Puget Sound and Lake Washington.[40] Rainier is also capable of producing pyroclastic flows and expelling lava. Most people don't even know what "lahars" are, but they can be exceedingly deadly.  Just imagine a tsunami of super-heated mud that is hundreds of feet thick traveling at highway speeds.  In fact, scientists believe that Mount Rainier is capable of producing massive lahars that could move at speeds of up to 50 miles per hour... Heat from an eruption will melt ice and glaciers on the mountain and turn them into mudslides moving up to 50 mph, with the potential to be more than 400 feet deep in nearby valleys. Rainier has had a history of lahars, ranging from more than 5,600 years ago to only 500 years ago. The largest of these debris flows - the Osceola Mudflow - occurred 5,600 years ago, covered 212 square miles of land from Rainier to Kent and was hundreds of feet deep. The cities near Mount Rainier have early warning systems, but the truth is that once a lahar is unleashed it would be necessary to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people from the region in less than an hour.  Does anyone actually believe that would be possible?  Here is how one author described the danger that residents could potentially be facing... The numerous towns and cities that occupy the surrounding valley would all be at risk for not only severe destruction, but complete annihilation. Residents of cities like Orting, Sumner, Buckley, and Enumclaw are estimated to have no more than 30 minutes before the lahar, speeding down from the many rivers that flow from Mount Rainier, buries their homes and businesses beneath as much as 30 feet of mud and debris. Even the larger cities like Auburn, Puyallup, and Tacoma itself are not safe. Auburn and Puyallup, with nearly 80,000 residents between them, would be covered in 20 feet of mud in less than an hour, and Tacoma, at almost 200,000, is estimated to be hit with nearly 10 feet from the lahar. It is hard to even come up with the words to describe how horrific this would be.  It would literally be a "river of death" hundreds of feet high burying everything in its path in super-heated mud.  Once a lahar is within sight, there is no possibility of outrunning it.  The only hope would be to get to high ground in time. If Mount Rainier were to experience a full-blown eruption today, it would likely be the worst natural disaster in U.S. history up to this point by far.  And scientists tell us that such an event is inevitable...

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 The nature of this impending and INEVITABLE tsunami is, this isn't just water flowing, this is giant boulders, whole houses, a million huge trees, cars, ships, people, cows, we saw this in Japan recently, all smashing along relentlessly and not ending in a minute or an hour, but going on and on and on, piling into narrow bays and pinned in by high hillsides...this makes the tsunamis WORSE, not safer! The Puget Sound bay is not that deep.  So the resulting multiple high flood events pouring into several parts of the Puget Sound will cause a huge wave to jump ahead of the flood and the bulky mess of debris pouring in will displace more water and it will flood huge areas that are at sea level and even, like in Japan, make huge waves smashing up hillsides, wiping out everything, tearing down trees, rocks and buildings. Once this wave of destruction hits, no one will be able to save others because it will go on and on and on for several hours at least. Those that have studied Mount Rainier tell us that there is evidence that the mountain has produced at least 60 lahars in the past. And according to the Seattle Times, there is a "one in seven" chance that Mount Rainier will produce another one within our lifetimes... Chances are one in seven - worse than the odds of having a house fire - that a moderate lahar will happen in a person's lifetime. But these are not normal times. Mount Rainier lies along the Ring of Fire, and right now volcanoes all along the Ring of Fire are waking up. A couple of months ago, I wrote an article entitled "The Number Of Volcanoes Erupting Right Now Is Greater Than The 20th Century's YEARLY Average".  Since that time, the number of volcanoes that are currently erupting around the world has grown even larger.  At this point, 41 volcanoes are currently erupting, and the vast majority of them are along the Ring of Fire. When Mount Rainier is ready to erupt again, scientists tell us that there will probably be an increase in earthquakes in the area first.  And there have been about 20 earthquakes in the general vicinity within the past two months. So let's keep an eye on it. 

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Of course it is also possible that we could see a major eruption at Mount Rainier without any significant warning whatsoever. In any event, a full-blown eruption of Mount Rainier would cause death and destruction on a scale that is absolutely unprecedented in modern times, and scientists assure us that such an event is in our future.   


Supreme's marriage decision creates dire prophetic situation - Bill Wilson - The Supreme Court has trampled your freedom of speech and of religion with its arrogant invention of a new right by twisting the due process provision of the 14th Amendment. In the majority opinion, the Court warns that if you disagree, you will be vilified, something not lost on Justice Alito, who wrote in dissent: "I assume that those who cling to old beliefs will be able to whisper their thoughts in the recesses of their homes, but if they repeat those views in public, they will risk being labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools." Jesus said in Matthew 10:22, "And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake." The hate is about to be revealed to American Christians. Justice Robert's dissent concurs: "Hard questions arise when people of faith exercise religion in ways that may be seen to conflict with the new right to same-sex marriage-when, for example, a religious college provides married student housing only to opposite-sex married couples, or a religious adoption agency declines to place children with same-sex married couples. Indeed, the Solicitor General candidly acknowledged that the tax exemptions of some religious institutions would be in question if they opposed same-sex marriage...There is little doubt that these and similar questions will soon be before this Court. Unfortunately, people of faith can take no comfort in the treatment they receive from the majority today." Justice Thomas agrees: "Aside from undermining the political processes that protect our liberty, the majority's decision threatens the religious liberty our Nation has long sought to protect...In our society, marriage is

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not simply a governmental institution; it is a religious institution as well. Today's decision might change the former, but it cannot change the latter. It appears all but inevitable that the two will come into conflict, particularly as individuals and churches are confronted with demands to participate in and endorse civil marriages between same-sex couples...the majority's decision short-circuits that process, with potentially ruinous consequences for religious liberty." Christians who stand firm on the Word of God are about to enter a period of history where they will be demonized in this country. Moreover, bad things are likely to start happening all around us. It is important to not respond with emotion or anger as people will be seeking answers. We know those answers are found in Christ alone. Jesus' words to the Disciples in Matthew 10 can serve as a guide. He said in verse 16, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." He said not to fear those who could kill the body, but not the soul. He said to confess Him before men and He will confess you before the Father. Be wise. Be strong. Be courageous. Stand fast on the Liberty by which Christ has set you free. No man can take that freedom from you, even in man's great oppression.

 Daily Devotion: Christians and the Sabbath - Greg Laurie   There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. -Hebrews 4:9-10 Of the Ten Commandments, there is probably more confusion about this one than about any other: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Exodus 20:8). So let's understand what it is and what it isn't. This commandment originally was given to the Hebrew people for a day of Sabbath rest, which, by the way, is Saturday. This commandment to keep the Sabbath is the only command that is not repeated in the New Testament. It was given to the Jewish people but not to non-Jews. 

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Jesus never taught anyone to keep the Sabbath. In fact, He was repeatedly accused of breaking the Sabbath. The Jewish leaders came down on Jesus because He healed a man on the Sabbath day. Religion and rituals began to overtake the whole purpose of what the Sabbath was. Jesus told the Pharisees, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath" (Mark 2:27). The apostles never taught anyone to keep the Sabbath. The Jews met in their synagogue on Saturday. The early church, made up of Jews and Gentiles, met on the first day of the week, Sunday. Why did they meet on Sunday? That is the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. It was a New Covenant. Some have taken the Sabbath and have tried to turn it into a law that Christians should keep. But the Bible addresses this in Colossians 2:16-17, saying, "So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ." The Sabbath was pointing to and was fulfilled in Jesus. One word could sum up our faith: done. It was done for us by Christ on the cross.





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 "Behold! I Tell You a Mystery!" - By Matt Rice -  Musterion is the Koine Greek term we have transliterated as "mystery." In the New Testament it is defined as:  "...the secret thoughts, plans, and dispensations of God which are hidden from the human reason, as well as from all other comprehension below the divine level, and hence must be revealed to those for whom they are intended."[1]     In other words, a "mystery" is revealed divine truth.  It could never have been guessed or imagined by sinful humankind.  God wants to tell us something incredibly important (Col. 1:26), something we would have never come up with on our own. The apostle Paul uses the word 21 times in the New Testament.     1) For  the partial hardening of Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in (Rom. 11:25)-no one would have guessed that God would temporarily lay Israel aside in order to graft Gentiles into the rich olive root of His people.   2) For  Jesus Christ Himself! (Col. 2:2)-It was incomprehensible that the infinite and eternal God would become a man, through a virgin, to die for the sins of the world.  

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  Once the sinner believes in Christ, he or she is immediately placed "in Christ" (en Christo) making that person the recipient of unimaginable riches (Col. 1:26) and blessings.     3)  In the plural for "...secret(s) or myster(ies) too profound for human ingenuity"[2], which were entrusted to the apostles for the benefit of Christ's church (1 Cor. 4:1).    4)  For the creation of a new organism,  the Church (Eph.3:3-10)-no one would have thought that God would create a new organism through which to manifest Himself to the world.     5) And for  the catching away or Rapture of His Church (1 Cor. 15:51).  It is with this last point I would like to offer a few insights. "Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed" (1 Cor. 15:51).  Let's consider several aspects of this mystery.  We will look at it in the order the inspired text places it: "Behold" (idou)-comes from the imperative form of the word "to see." Here it means: (you must) "see, look, behold...[it is to arouse] the attention of hearers or introducing something new"[3].     One wonders how many believers or their pastor-teachers today are arousing attention to this important biblical mystery. Don't feel guilty if you are daily looking for His coming! You are obeying your Lord.   "Therefore, be on the alert-for you do not know when the master of the house is coming, whether in the evening, at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning-in case he should come suddenly and find you asleep. What I say to you I              say to all, 'Be on the alert!'" (Mark 13:35-37). "I tell you a mystery"-in addition to the above definition John MacArthur adds: "This term refers to truth hidden in the past and revealed in the NT...In this case, the Rapture of the Church was never revealed in the OT."[4] "We will not all sleep." The apostle Paul tells us that believers in Jesus Christ never die, they sleep (koimao-a word from which we get our word "cemetery"). Jesus had earlier used the word this way in John 11:11: "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go, so that I may awaken him out of sleep." His disciples, being rather spiritually dense at this moment thought He was speaking of literal sleep. To clarify the situation, Jesus simply tells them: "Lazarus is dead" (11:14).    

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 Shortly thereafter, Jesus performs one of the most amazing miracles ever witnessed on this globe. He simply speaks the word and the decaying corpse of Lazarus is instantly changed (undoubtedly "in a twinkle of an eye"), giving us a temporal example of the permanent resurrection yet to come. "...but we will all be changed." What does "changed" (allasso) mean? Fortunately, the context provides the answer. In 1 Corinthians 15 we read that the resurrection body will be imperishable (v. 42), glorious (v.43), powerful (v.43), a spiritual body (v. 44), "heavenly" (v. 48) and  (made in) the image of the heavenly Man [Jesus Christ] (v. 49)-which confirms what the apostle John also wrote:  We will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is (1 John 3:2).     In regard to this coming "change" of all believer's bodies the  Expositor's Greek Testament adds the insight that Paul goes on to declare that "the change will be universal, that it will extend to those living when the last trumpet sounds (v. 52), amongst whom he then hoped that many of the present generation would be found."[5]     I would be remiss if I didn't add that famous quotation from C. S. Lewis about the nature of the resurrection body:  It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree helping each other to one or the other of these destinations.    It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities, it is with the awe and the circumspection proper to them, that we should conduct all of our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics. There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations - these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit - immortal horrors or everlasting splendors."[6] "...changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet..." Who in their right mind would propound that one day there will be a whole generation of people, possibly in the tens or hundreds of millions, who will not physically die, but instead suddenly disappear and be made immortal?     What an outrageous impossibility this would be. Yet this is exactly what

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Holy Scripture has declared!  It has been revealed as a secret from the heart and mind of Almighty God, which makes it a certainty.   "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away" (Luke 21:33).     This change will happen "in the blinking of an eye." The Greek word "twinkling" (hripe) refers to a very rapid movement...this has traditionally been translated as "twinkling" which implies an exceedingly fast-almost instantaneous-movement of the eyes, but this could be confusing to the modern reader since twinkling in modern English often suggests a faint, flashing light in conjunction with..."of an eye." "Blinking" is the best English equivalent...although it does not convey the exact speed implicit in the Greek term."[7]   This lightning fast transformation from mortality to immortality will occur "at the last trumpet."    In summary, God, through the inspired apostle Paul, commands us to look or pay attention ("behold") to a long-held divine secret ("mystery") which no one could have guessed, but God in His perfect timing has now chosen to reveal to His children; that an entire generation (probably numbering in the multi-millions) will not see death ("sleep") but   be instantaneously ("in the blink of an eye") changed from mortal to immortal, powerful and glorious creatures made in the image of Jesus Christ.     In light of the convergence of multiple biblical last day's prophecies, it appears that the Rapture of Christ's church may happen soon. "When you see these things happening, recognize that the Second Coming is near. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all things take place" (Luke 21:31-32).  It is difficult to pinpoint any specific event that would define the last generation in terms of the disasters listed.  However, Jesus was talking to Jews in the land of Israel.    Could he perhaps be saying that the generation which sees these things happening will not pass away until all things take place?  Psalm 90 defines a generation as lasting 70-80 years (Psalm 90:10). If 1948 is taken as the starting point (of Israel back in the land), then the reader can do the math.  And don't forget to minus the seven-year period of Tribulation.    Although no one knows the day or the hour of Christ's return for His Church (Matthew 24:36), Jesus enjoins us to know the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3) and the season of his return (Luke 21:29-33). 

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 Brothers and sisters, "straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near" (Luke 21:28).  M. Lawrence  [email protected]   [1]  A  Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich, Frederick W. Danker   (BAGD), Second Edition, p. 530.  [2] Ibid, 530.  [3] BAGD, 370-371.  [4] The MacArthur Study Bible, NASB Updated Edition, p. 1726.  [5] The Expositor's Greek Testament, W. Robertson Nicoll, Eerdmans, 1979, Vol. 2, p. 941.  [6] C. S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory And Other Addresses.  [7] The NET Bible, Biblical Studies Press L.L.C, 1996-2005, p. 2248.   


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