

· High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Risk-Based Inspection Guide for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3

Prepared by " W. Shier, M. Villaran, W. Gunther

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Prepared for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

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High Pressure Coolant Injection · (HPCI) System Risk-Based

. Inspection Guide for· Dresden Nuclear Power Station, .Units 2 and 3

Manuscript Completed: January 1993 Date Published: February 1993

Prepared by W. Shier, M. Villaran, W. Gunther

J. W. Chung, NRC Program Manager

Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973

Prepared for Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 NRC FIN A3875




A review of the operating experience for the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 and 3 is described in this report. The information for this review was obtained from Dresden Licensee Event Reports (LERs) that were generated between 1980 and 1989. These LERs have been categorized into 23 failure modes that have been prioritized based on probabilistic risk assessment considerations. In addition, the results of the Dresden operating experience review have been compared with the results of a similar, industry wide operating experience review. This comparison provides an indication of areas in the Dresden HPCI system that should be given increased attention in the prioritization of inspection resources.













- ABSTRACT .............................. _........... Ill

SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vil

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1x

INTRODUCTION ..................................... . 1.1 Purpose ...................................... . 1.2 Application to Inspections ......................... .

HPCI SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .......................... .

ACCIDENT SEQUENCE DISCUSSION ................... . 3.1 Loss of High Pressure Injection and

Failure to Depressur.ize ......................... . 3.2 Station Blackout (SBO) With Intermediate

Term Failure of High Pressure Injection ............ . 3.3 Station Blackout with Short Term Failure


3.5 3.6

of High Pressure Injection ....................... . ATWS With Failure of RPV Water Level

Control at High Pressure . · ....................... . Unisolated-LOCA Outside Containment .............. . Overall Assessment of ~PCI Importance in

the Prevention of Core Damage ................... .

PRA-BASED HPCI FAILURE MODES ............... -. ... .

HPCI SYSTEM W ALKDOWN CHECKLIST BY RISK IMPORTANCE ...................................... .


SUMMARY ........................ -.................. .


1-1 1-1 1-1






3-2 3-3








A-1 SUMMARY OF INDUSTRY SURVEY OF HPCI OPERATING EXPERIENCE HPCI PUMP OR TURBINE FAILS TO START OR RUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1





Figure No. Page

2-1 Simplified HPCI Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2


Table No.

4-1 HPCI PRA-Based Failure Summary 4-2 .-

4-2 Dresden HPCI System LER Survey Compared with . Industry Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3

5-1 Dresden HPCI System Walkdown Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2

6-1 HPCI Failure Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

6-2 HPCI Pump Turbine Fails to Start or Run - HPCI Failure No. 1 Subcategories Identified During.the Industry Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2

A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start -Industry Survey Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

A-2 Summary of Illustrative Examples of Additional HPCI Failure Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9




This System Risk-based Inspection Guide (RIG) has been developed as an aid to HPCI system inspections at Dresden. The document presents a risk-based discussion of the HPCI role in accident mitigation and provides PRA-based HPCI failure modes (Sections 3 and 4). Most PRA oriented inspection plans end here and require the inspector to rely on his experience and knowledge of plant specific and BWR operating history.

However, the system RI.G uses industry operating experience, including illustrative examples, to augment the basic PRA failure modes. The risk-based input and the operating experience have been combined to develop a composite BWR HPCI failure ranking. This information can be used to optimize NRC resources by allocating proactive inspection effort based on risk and industry experience. In conjunction, the more important or unusual component faults are reflected in the walkdown checklist contained in Section 5. This, along with· an assessment of the operating experience found in Section 6, provides potential areas of NRC oversight both for routine inspections and the "post mortems" conducted after significant failures. The two tables contained in the Appendix to this report contain detailed information on selected failures which have been experienced. This should be used by the inspector to gain additional insights into a particular failure mode.

A comparison of the Dresden and the industry-wide BWR, HPCI failure distributions is presented in Table 4-2. Although the plant specific data are limited, certain Dresden components exhibit a proportionally higher than expected contribution to total HPCI failures. The following components are candidates for greater inspection activity, and the generic prioritization should be adjusted accordingly: lube oil supply system; turbine control valve; turbine steam inlet valve; and the HPCI support systems.

As the plant matures, operational experience is assimilated by the utility's staff and reflected in the plant procedures. For example, the incidence of inadvertent HPCI isolations due to surveillance and calibration activities is expected to decrease. Conversely, in time, aging related faults are expected to become a contributor to Dresden HPCI failure distribution. The operating experience section has identified several aging related failures at Arnold, Hatch, Cooper and Brunswick, generally in the pump and turbine electronics .

. This report includes all HPCI LERs up to mid 1989. Subsequent LERs can be correlated with the PRA failure categories, used to update the plant specific HPCI failure contribution and compared with the more static HPCI BWR failure distribution. The industry operating experience is developed from a variety of BWR plants and is expected to exhibit less variance with time than a single plant. This information can be trended to predict where additional inspection oversight is warranted as the plant matures.

Recommendations are made throughout this document regarding the inspection activities for the HPCI System at Dresden. Some are of a generic nature, but some relate to specific maintenance, testing or operational activities at Dresden.

1. The plant actions to monitor and control the temperature in the HPCI room should be reviewed, and the effect of the loss of room cooling on continued HPCI operati~n should be evaluated.



2. Within the context of the use of HPCI in an ATWS event, the capability of the licensee to perform the necessary bypasses of the system logic should be evaluated periodically.

3. The turbine exhaust rupture disks should be installed with a structural backing to prevent cyclic fatigue failures.

4. The inspector should confirm that the licensee acknowledges the complexity of the :turbine speed control by having a trained staff to test: and repair it ..

5. Licensee response to NRC Bulletin 88-04 should be reviewed to determine if the design of the minimum flow bypass line is adequate.




The authors wish to express their appreciation to Dr. J.W. Chung, the NRC Program Manager for this project, for his technical direction, and to the Dresden senior resident inspector, Walt Rogers, as well as representatives from Commonwealth Edison, for their support during a visit to the site to validate the contents of this document. Gratitude is also expressed to Anthony Hsia of NRC who coordinated and participated in the site visit.

Finally, we wish to thank the members of the Engineering Technology Division of BNL for their review of this report, and to Ann Fort for preparing the manuscript.




l.l Purpose

This HPCI System Risk-Based Inspection Guide (S-RIG) has been developed as an aid to NRC inspection activities at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station. The High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system has been examined from a. risk perspective. Common BWR accident sequences that involve HPCI are described in Section 3 both to review the system's accident mitigation function and to identify system unavailability combinations that can greatly increase risk exposure. Section 4 describes and prioritizes the PRA-based HPCI failure modes for inspection purposes. A review of BWR operating experience review is presented in Sections 4 and 6 to illustrate these failure modes. This inspection guide also provides additional information in related areas such as HPCI support systems, human errors, and system interactions (Section 6). A summary and list of references are provided.

1.2 Application to Inspections

This inspection guide can be used as a reference for routine inspections and for identifying the significance of component failures that occur at Dresden. The information presented in Sections 4 and 5 can be used to prioritize day-to-day inspection activities. This S-RIG is also useful for NRC inspection activities in a response to system failures. The accident sequence descriptions of Section 3 in conjunction with the discussion of multiple system unavailability (Section 6), provide some insight into the combinations of system outages that can greatly increase risk. The operating experience review provides some of the more important failure mechanisms (including corrective actions) that are useful for the review of licensee response to a system failure. This system RIG can also be used for trending purposes. Table 4-2 provides a summary of the industry wide distribution of HPCI failure contributions, and presents a comparison of the Dresden HPCI failure distribution with industry experience. Certain HPCI failure modes (i.e., turbine steam inlet valve failing to open, turbine stop valve and control valve failures, and turbine speed control faults) appear to account for a disproportionate fraction of the Dresden HPCI system failures and are candidates for increased inspection activity. These areas should be reviewed periodically as additional plant operating experience is compiled.


• I



The· Dresden High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system is a single train system consisting of steam turbine-driven injection and booster pumps, a barometric condenser, piping, valves, controls, and instrumentation. A simplified flow diagram i~ shown in Figure 2-1. The system is designed to pump a minimum of 5600 gpm into the reactor vessel over a range of reactor pressures from 150 to 1000 psig when automatically activated on a reactor water level low-low (-59 inches) or drywell high pressure (2 psig) signal, or manually initiated from the control room. Each automatic initia.tion signal is "one-out-of-two-twice" logic. Two sources of cooling water are

. available. Initially, the HPCI pump takes suction from one of the two condensate storage tanks 2/3 -~ 3303A or 2/3 3303B through a normally open motor-t)pcrated valve 2(3)-2301-6 (F004( The pump suction automatically transfers to the suppression pool on low CST level or high suppression pool level. This transfer is accomplished by a signal that opens the suppression pool suction valves 2(3 )-2301-36 (F042) and 2(3)-2301-35. Once these valves are ·fully open, valve-position-limit switch· contacts automatically close the CST suction valve. Events that raise the suppression· pool · temperature above the HPCI system design limit for suction ·source temperature may require a manual suction transfer back to the CST.

Upon HPCI initiation, the normally clo~ed injeetioh valve 2(3 )-2301-8 (F006), automatically opens, allowing water to be pumped into the reactor vessel through the main fecdwater header B. A minimum-flow bypass is provided for ·pump protection. When the bypass valve 2(3)-2301-14 (F012) is open, flow is directed. to the suppression pool. A full-flow test line is also ,rroyided to recirculate water back to the CST. The two isolation valves, 2(3)-2301-10 (FOOS) and 2(3)-2301-15 (F011), are equipped with interlocks to automatically close the test line (if open) upon generation of an HPCI initiation signal. ·

The HPCI turbine is driven by reactor steam. The inboard and outboard HPCI isolation \ valves in the steam line to the HPCI turbine (2(3)-2301"4 (F002) and 2(3)-2301-5 (F003)) are normally open. to keep the piping to the turbine ·at an elevated temperature permitting rapid startup. Upon receiving a signal from the H~CI isola_tion k)gic,. these valves will close and cannot be reopened until the isolation signal is cieared and the logic is reset. Isolation valve 2(3)-2301-4 (F002) is powered from 480V AC MCC Bus 29-1 Bkr. Dl and controlled by isolation logic system A; isolation v<ilve 2(3)-2301-5 (F003) is powered from 250V DC MCC 2(3) Bus (2/3)B and controlled by isolation logic system B.

Steam is admitted t() the HPCI tu~bine through supply valve 2(3 )-2301-3 (FOOl ), a turbine stop valve 2(3) TSY, and a turbine control valve 2(3) TCY, all of which are normally closed. Exhaust steam from the turbine is discharged to the suppression pool, while condensed steam from the steam lines and leakage from the turbine gland seals are routed to a gland seal condenser (E-036).

1Standard GE valve designations arc given in parentheses in this system description.







From Unit 3 HPCI


2(3)-To 2301-

Unit 3 6 HPCI






HPCI Turbine

- 2(3)·2301-81 .

Steam Su pl

Turbine Exhaust



From Reactor Water

Cleanup System-n....-xto-.

From Feedwater --~ .....

Line B

2(3)-2311-39 -2(3)-2311-36




2(3)· 2301-


Figure 2-1 Dresden Unit 2 High Pressure Coolant Injection'Showing Component Locations





The role of the HPCI system in the prevention of reactor core damage is valuable information that can be applied in the normal day-to-day inspection activities. If a plant has its own Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), this information is usually available. Howeyer, not all plants have PRAs. Thus, eight representative BWR accident. sequences based on a review of the available PRAs have been developed based on design and operational similarities that can. be applied to other BWRs for risk based inspections 1

• These eight representative sequence account for an average of 87% of the core damage frequency for seven BWR plants. Since the HPCI contributes to five of the eight representative sequences, this information can be used to allocate inspection resources commensurate with risk importance and allow the inspector to focus on the important systems/components.

3.1 Loss of High Pressure Injection and Failure to De.pressurize

This sequence is initiated by a general transient (such as MSIV closure, loss of feedwater, or loss of DC power), a loss of offsite power, or a small break LOCA. The reactor successfully scrams. The power conversion system, including the main condenser, is unavailable either as a direct result of the initiator or due to subsequent MSIV closure. The high pressure injection system (HPCI) fails to inject into the vessel; The major sources of HPCI unavailability include a .disabled system due to test or maintenance, and system failures such as turbine/pump faults, pump discharge valve or steam turbine inlet valve failure to open. The CRD hydraulic system can also be used as a source of high pressure injection (HPI), but the failure of the second CRD. pump or unsuccessful flow control station valving prevents sufficient reactor pressure vessel (RPV) injection. The operator attempts to manually depressurize the RPV, but a common cause failure of the safety relief valves (SR Vs) defeats both manual and automatic de.pressurization of the reactor vesseL The failure. to depressurize the vessel after HPI failure results in core damage due to a lack of vessel makeup.

3.2 Station Blackout (SBO) with Intermediate Term Failure of High Pressure Injection

This sequence is initiated by a loss of offsite power (LOOP). The emergency diesel generators (EDGs) arc unavailable, primarily due to hardware faults. Maintenance unavailability is a secondary contributor. Support system malfunctions include EOG room or battery/switchgear room HVAC failures, service water pump, or EOG jacket cooler hardware failures. HPCI is initially available and provides vessel makeup.

The high pressure coolant injection system can provide makeup until:

the station batteries are depleted, or

the system fails due to environmental conditions, i.e., high lube oil temperatures or high turbine exhaust pressure due to the high suppression pool temperature and pressure, or

the RPV is deprcssurized and can no longer support HPCI operation .

the HPCI high area temperature logic isolates the system or long term exposure to high temperatures disables the turbine driven pump.




Plant procedures should address means to maintain DC power for as long as possible to assure a continued source of water to the HPCI. These procedures should also provide contingency measures (such as supplying fire water via RHR system) if the SBO progresses until reactor pressure (decay heat) can no longer support HPCI. The plant procedures should also be consistent with the BWR Owner's Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines.

The reactor building environmental conditions can also impact long term HPCI system opera­tion. The reactor building HY AC and HPCI room cooling are dependent on AC power. There is the possibility of spurious activation of the steam line break detection logic, and although the high area temperature isolation logic may be inactive during SBO conditions, there are p0tential environmental qualification concerns at elevated temperatures. The plant actions to monitor and control high area temperature, during an SBO, should be reviewed including any calculations necessary to establish a time frame for the implementation of these actions.

3.3 Station Blackout with Short Term Failure of High Pressure Injection

This SBO sequence is similar to the previous sequence except the high pressure injection systems fail early. The sources of emergency AC power, i.e., the emergency diesel generators (EDGs) fail primarily due to hardware failures. Secondary contributors are: output breaker failures and EDG unavailability due to test or maintenance activities. Support system malfunctions, such a·s ser\!ice water failures in the EDG jacket cooling water train,

· battery/switchgear room HY AC failures, or test a.nd maintenance unavailability are significant contributors to the lo~s of emergency on-site AC power.

Station battery failures (including common mode) are an important ·contributor .to this ·sequence, because HPI systems and the EDGs are DC powef'dependent. In the SBO sequence, HPCI unavailability is dominated by turbine/pump failures and maintenance unavailability. Core damage occurs shortly after the failure of all injection systems.

3.4 ATWS with Failure of RPV Water Level Co·ntrol at High Pressure

This sequence is initiated by an anticipated transient with initial or subsequent MSIV closure and a failure of the reactor protection system to scram. Attempts to manually scram are not successful; however the Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS) is initiated. The condenser and the feedwater system arc unavailable. The BWR Owner's Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs) recommend RPV water level reductions for control of reactor power below 5% and the BWR representative sequence was based on that philosophy.

This sequence postulates a failure to ensure sufficient RPV makeup at high pressure to pre­vent core damage. There are two failure modes:

1. The operator fails to control water level at high RPV pressure. This results in high core power levels, continuous SRV discharges and suppression pool heatup. After the sup­pression pool reaches saturation, containment pressurization begins. High pressure

_ injection fails due to high suppression pool temperature prior to containment failure.



2. The high pressure injection (HPCI) system foils, primarily due to pump failure to start • or testing and maintenance (T&M) unavailability. Injection or inflow valves, suction switchover, or loss of DC power arc other potential system failures. HPCI pump failure to start or run, pump unavailability due to testing and maintenance activities, and Service Water EOG jacket cooler inlet or return valve failures are the major system failures.

The inability to maintain RPV water level above the top of the active fuel (TAF) requires manual emergency dcpressurization that is expected to result in core damage before the low pres­sure ECCS can inject.

The continued operability of HPCI during an ATWS event is critical. Within the context of this accident sequence, (i.e., time available for success) the licensee capability to perform the logic

. bypasses should be evaluated periodically. With regard to HPCI system availability, the remaining sections will discuss system failures and availability evaluatil)n. ·

3.5 Unisolated LOCA Outside Containment

The initiator is a large pressure boundary failure outside containment with a failure to isolate the rupture. (This sequence is also termed interfacing systems LOCA.) The piping failure is postulated in the following systems: main steam (50% ), feedwater (10% ), high pressure injection (33% ), and interfacing LOCA (7% ). The percentages indicate the estimated relative core damage contribution of each system~.

An interfacing LOCA initiator is defined <.t"s the initial pressurization of a low pressure line which results in a pressure boundary failure, compounded by the failure to isolate the failed line. The failure is typically postulated in a low pressure portion of the core spray (CS) system, the LPCI, shutdown_ cooling and (to a lesser extent), the HPCI pump suction.

The unisolated LOCA · Qu.tside containment results in· a rapid loss of the reactor coolant· system (RCS) inventory, eliminating the suppression pool as a long term source of RPV injection. These piping failures in the reactor building can also result in unfavorable environmental conditions for the ECCS. Unless the unaffected ECCS systems or the condensate system are available, long term RPV injection is suspect and core damage is likely.

There have been several HPCI pump suction overpressurization events, primarily during surveillance testing of the normally closed pump discharge motor-operated valve 2(3)-2301-83

This is of particular concern for the discharge configuration with a testable air-operated check valve in addition to the normally closed 2(3)V because of the valve's history of back leakage.

The HPCI interfacing LOCA initiator seems to be less of a problem with the configuration of a normally closed 2(3)-2301-8, primarily because another normally open 2(3)-2301-9 is closed prior to the 2(3)-2301-8 surveillance. However, the concerns of the previous configuration are also valid here. There must be reasonable assurance that the normally closed 2(3)-2301-8 valve is leak tight during plant operation and, prior to stroke testing, confirmation is necessary to assure 2(3)-2301-9 is fully closed and will provide the necessary protection for the upstream piping.



3.6 Overall Assessment of HPCI Importance in the Prevention of Core Damage

As previously stated, the high pressure injection function (HPCI/RCIC/CRD) contributes to five of the eight representative BWR accident sequences. The system failures for all eight BWR sequences were prioritized by their contribution to core damage (using a normalized Fussell-Vesely importance measure). The HPI function in aggregate was in the high importance category. Other high risk important systems are Emergency AC Power and the Reactor Protection System. The HPCI system itself is of medium risk importance, because of the multiple systems (e.g., RCIC and CRD) that can successfully provide vessel makeup at high pressure. For comparison, other systems with a medium risk importance are: Standby Liquid Control, Automatic/Manual Depressurization, Service Water, and DC Power.





PRA models are often used for inspection purposes to prioritize systems, components and hu­man actions from a risk perspective. This enables the inspection effort to be apportioned based on a core damage prevention measure called risk importance. The HPCI failure modes for this system Risk-Based Inspection Guide (System RIG) were developed from a review of BWR plant specific RIGs4-8

, and the PRA-Based Team Inspection Methodology1 . The component failure

modes are presented in Table 4-1, grouped by risk significance. There are four failure modes of high risk importance, four of medium risk importance and 15 of lower risk importance for a total of 23 failure modes. The Fussell-Vesely Importance Measure has been used to determine these rankings. This importance measure combines the risk significance of a failure mode or unavailability with the likelihood that the failure mode/ unavailability will occur.

PRAs are less helpful in the determination of specific failure modes or root causes and do not generally provide detailed inspection guidance. This makes it necessary for an inspector to draw on his experience, plant operating history, Licensee Event Reports (LERs), · NRC Bulletins, Information Notices and Generic Letters, INPO documents, vendor information and similar sources to conduct an inspection of the PRA-prioritized items. Information useful for prioritization of inspection resources has been obtained by performing an operating experience review industry experience related to PRA derived failure modes for the HPCI system. Licensee Event Reports (LERs) generated between 1985 and mid-1989 were surveyed for HPCI related failures and approximately 200 were identified. Sixty-two LERs did not have a PRA-based failure mode; these LERs generally documented system challenges, administrative deviations, and seismic/equipment qualification concerns. The remaining 140 LERs documented 159 HPCI faults or degradations. As presented in Table 4-2, these failure modes have been categorized by PRA failure mode to provide a relative indication of the contribution to all HPCI faults.

The failure rankings shown in Table 4-2 were estimated based on PRA-based risk importances, operational input, and current accident management philosophy. The failure mode identified as HPCI pu~p or turbine fails to start or TJJ.n was .ranked as "high risk importance" (Table 4-1) and -also accounted for the iargest number of LERs. related to the HPCI system identified in the industry survey. Thus, as shown in Table 4-2, .this failure mode was analyzed in greater detail to identify the various causes listed in Table 4-2 .. A summary of the significant causes of this failure mode are provided in Appendix A-1. In addition, selected examples of all other PRA-based HPCI failure modes are provided in Appendix A-2.

A more extensive LER analysis has been completed for Dresden i.e., all LERs documented between 1980 and 1989 were reviewed to identify failures applicable to HPCI. The results of this review, tabulated in Table 4-2, indicate that several failure modes show a higher percentage of occurrence than the industry survey results. These failure modes are: ·

• HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run due to: 1. turbine speed control faults 2. lube oil supply faults

• Turbine Steam Inlet Valve Fails to Open

The entire survey of Dresden operating experience is discussed in Section 6.



Table 4-1 HPCI PRA-based Failure Summary

High Risk Importance

Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run· System Unavailable Due to Test or Maintenance Activities" Turbine. Steam Inlet Valve 2(3)-2301-3 (FOOl) Fails to Open"

. Pump Discharge Valve 2(3)-2301-8 (F006) Fails to Open

Medium Risk Importance

CST/Suppression Pool Switchover Logic Fails" Suppression Pool Suction Valves 2(3)-2301-36 (F042) or 2(3)-2301-35 Fail to Open" Normally Open Pump Discharge Valve 2(3)-2301-9 (F007) Fails Closed or is Plugged Minimum Flow Valve 2(3)-2301-14 (F012) Fails to Open, Given Delayed Activation of

Pump Discharge Valve, 20)-2301-8 (F006)."

Lower Risk Importance

CST Suction Line Check Valve (FOl 9) Fails to Open CST Suction Lin~ Manual Valve 230i-22 (FOlO) Plugged Normally-Open CST Pump Suction Valve 2(3)-2301-6' (F004)

. Fails Closed or is Plugged Pump Discharge Check Valve 2301-7 (FOOS) Fails to Open (Flow Back) or Fails to

Close (Interfacing LOCA) · Suppression Pool Suction Line Check Valve 2301-39 (F045) Fails to Open . Normally Open Steam Line Containment Isolation Valve 2(3)-2301-4 or -2301-5 (F002 or

F003) Fail Closed Steam Line Drain Pot Malfunctions . . Turbine Exhaust Line Faults, including: ,

• Normally Open Turbine Exhaust Valve 2301-74 (F066) is Plugged" . • Turbine Exhaust Check Valve (F049)' Fails to Open

Turbine Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker (F076,077) Fails to Operate False High Steam Line Differential Pressure Signal" False High Area Temperature Isolation Signal" False Low Suction Pressure Trip" False High Turbine Exhaust Pressure Signal" System Actuation Logic Fails" Suction Strainer Fails to Pass Flow

"Indicates a failure mode found in the Dresden operating experience review discussed in Sect. 6.



Table 4-2 Dresden HPCI System LER Survey Compared with Industry Survey

All BWRs Dresden Failure Description Failure Ranking2 Comments

Failure Number of Failures' Failure Contribution (%) # of Failures Conlribution1 (%)

llPCI Pump or Turbine Fails lo Start or Run '

turbine speed control faults 16 11 4 16 4

lube, oil supply faults 11 7 3 ·12 4

turbine overspeed and reset problem 8 5 0 0

....... inverter trips or failures 7 4 0 0

. turbine stop valve )

failures 5 3 '

0 0 I

turbine exhaust rupture disk failures 5 • 3 0 0

flow controller failures 5 3 0 0

turbine control valve faults 3 2 0 0

loss of lube oil cooling 2 1 0 0

misc.-valid high flow 2 1 0 0 .. during testing '.

Fails to Start or Run . SUBTOTAL 64 40 1 7 28


Table 4-2 (Cont'd)

ALL BWRS Failure Ranking1 Dresden Failure Description Comments

Failure # of Failures Contribution1 (%) Number of Failures3 Failure Contribution % .

System Unavailable due to T&M Activities 43 27 2 0 0

.. False High Steam Line Differential Pressure Signal 10 6 3 l 4 S,7

Turbine-Steam Inlet Valve (FOOl)'Fails to • Open 8 s 4 4 16 4

Pump Discharge Valve (F006) Fails to Open 8 s s 0 0

Systems Interactions Fail HPCI 3 2 6 2 8 4,11

Suppression Pool Suction Valve 6 4 7 l 4 6,9 (F042)Fails to Open

Minimum flow Valve -(F012) Fails to Open s 3 8 l 4 6,10

System Actuation Logic Fails 4 3 9 1 4 8

False High Area Temperature Isolation Signal 3 2 10 0 0 S,7

False Low Suction Pressure Trip 2 1 11 0 0 S,7

-False High Turbine Exhaust Signal 1 <1 12 0 0 S,7

Normally Open Turbine Exhaust Valve Fails Closed 1 <1 13 0 0


~ I


Table 4-2 (Cont'd)

Failure Description

CST/Suppression Pool Switchover Logic Fails

Support Systems Failure


Failure # of Failures Contribution1 (%)

1 <1

Dresden . Failure Ranking2 Comments

Number of Failures3 Failure Contribution %

14 0 0 9

15 8 32


Tuble 4-2 Notes

1. Failure contribution is expressed as a percentage of all significant HPCI failures as developed by the Operating Experience Review.

2. Failure ranking is a subjective prioritization based on PRA and operational input, recovery potential, current accident management philosophy and conditional failures, as applicable.

3. Dresden significant HPCI failures are based on a review of all available LERs (1980 to 1989).

4. Although some caution is warranted due to the limited plant specific data, this failure mode seems to comprise a disproportionate fraction of the Dresden HPCI unavailability. This area is a candidate for enhanced inspection attention.

5. Failure importance was upgraded from the PRA-based ranking of Table 4-1.

6. · Failure importance was downgraded from the PRA-based ranking of Table 4-1.

7. HPCI isolation and trip logics· are significant contributors to unavailability. The system can be isolated by a single malfunction, yet instrument surveillance intervals can be greater than the more reliable actuation logic.

8. Unlike the system trip and isolation logic, the actuation logic arrangement (one out-of-two twice) diminishes the importance of a single instrument to reliable system.,operation. At least two low RPV level or two high drywell pressure sensors must fail. ·

9. ·The lat.est BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines deemp.hasize the suppression pool as an injection source. · ·

10. Conditional on the delayed opening of the pump discharge line valve; F006.

11. Unlike the rest of the failure modes listed herein, "Systems Interactions" is not PRA-based. It was id,entified as a significant failure mechanism during the operating experience review and is discussed in Section 6. · .. .




Table 5.1 presents the HPCI system walkdown checklist for use by the inspector. This information permits inspectors to focus their efforts on components important to system availability and operability. Equipment locations and power sources are provided to assist in the review of this system.



U\ I


.. : . :·_._.· .. :····: .:·:·.-:·-.: Description ·

A. Components of High Risk Significance

Turbine Steam Isolation Valve

Inboard Steam Isolation Valve

Outboard Steam Isolation Valve

Pump Inboard Discharge Valve

HPCI Inverter

Table 5-1 Dresden HPCI System Walkdown Checklist (Nomenclature for Unit 2)

Power Source and Locati~~ . . . .. . · · Standby .· _Position ·

Note: All circuit breakers should be closed (ON)







Torus Area El. 510

RB Bus 2A-2B 570RB

MCC 29-1 517RB

517X Area Turb. Bldg. RB Bus 2A-2B 570RB






n. Components of Medium Risk Significance ~

CST Suction Isolation Valve 2301-6 HPCI Room SE Open Corner

Pump Outboard Discharge Valve 2301-9 HPCI Room NE RB Bus 2A-2B Open Section 570RB

Pump Minimum Flow Valve 2301-14 HPCI Room NE - Closed Corner

Pump Suction From Suppression Pool 2301-35 HPCI Room NE Area RB Bus 2A-2B Closed (2 Valves) 2301-16 (Unit 3: Torus 570RB


Full Flow Test Valve to CST 2301-10 Closed

.Actual Position



Industry-Wide Operating Experience Review

An operating experience review was conducted to integrate recent industry experience with PRA derived failure modes for the HPCI system. The period 1985 to mid 1989 was searche<;l for HPCI LERs and approximately 200 were identified that were applicable to the PRA failure modes for HPCI. Sixty-two LERs did not have a corresponding failure mode. These LERs generally documented successful system challenges, administrative deviations, or seismic/equipment qualification- concerns. The remaining 140 LERs ·documented 159 HPCI faults or degradations. As presented in Tables A-1 and A-2, these failures have been categorized by PRA failure mode to provide a relative indication of their contribution to all HPCI faults. Thirteen of the 23 PRA failure modes had corresponding failures in the data examined. Each of these thirteen PRA-based failure modes is discussed below. Selected LERs, identified during the operating experience review; are summarized to illustrate typical failure mechanisms and potential corrective actions. Where applicable, other sources of background information, including NRC Bulletins, Information Notices, Inspection Reports, NUREGs, and AEOD reports are cited. Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 & 3 failure experience over the plant life is also integrated in the discussion of each HPCI failure mode.

The illustrative LERs for the first failure mode, "HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run," are presented in Table A-1; the LERs for the balance of the failure modes are presented in Appendix A"2.


Table 6-1 HPCI Failure Summary

Failure Total Number Description Failures*

I Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run 64 2 System Unavailable Due to Test or Maintenance

Activities 43 3 False High Steam Line Differential Pressure

Isolation Signal . __ 10 . 4. Turbine Steam. Inlet Valve (FOOi) Fails to Open 8 5. Pump Dischifrge Valve (F006) Fails to Open 8 6 Systems Interactions Fail HPCI · 3" 7 System Actuation Logic Fai_ls 4 8 False High Area Temperatur~ Isolation Signal 3 9 False Low Suction Pressure Trip 2

10 False High Turbine Exhaust Signal 1 11 Normally Open Turbine Exhaust Valve Fails

Closed 1 12 CST/Suppression Pool Switchover Logic Fails 1 13 Suppression Pool Suction Valve (f042) fails to

~9 6 14 Minimum Flow Valve (F012) Fails to Open 5


HPCI Failure Contribution (%)



6 5 5 2 3 2 1


<1 <1

4 3

Developed during the HPCI Operating Experience Review which examined HPCI LERs from 1985 to mid 1989.



Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 & 3 Operating Experience Review

A licensee event report (LER) operating experience review was conducted for t~e Oresqen Nuclear Power Station Units 2 & 3 and was compared with recent industry experience with PRA derived failure modes for the HPCI system. Reviews and evaluations were made of 73,.LERs for Dresden 2 & 3 related to the HPCI system covering the period January 1, 1980 through February 28, 1990. Fifteen (15) were found to meet the failure categories identified in the generic industry survey. In addition, Dresden 2 & 3 had 8 events related. to support system failure, 2 events related to systems interactions affecting risk, and an event that is a precursor to a loss of coolant accident outside containment. The LERs reviewed did .. not identify any more test and maintenance unavailability time than is normally assumed ,in a PRA.

. . Of the fifteen (15) LERs that were considered significant: ·seven (7) were related to Pump or Turbin~ Fails to Start or Run; one to a False. High Steam. Line Differential Pressure Isolation Signal, four were related to the Turbine Steam Inlet Va)ves Failing to Open; another due to the Suppression Pool Suction Isolation Line Failing to Open; o_ne_ due to the Minimum Flow Valve Failing to Open; and one due to System Actuation Logic Failure .. In addition, there were 3 cases of Simultaneous Unavailability of Multiple Sys~ems.


Of the eight (8) support system failures, seven (7) were related to room coolers. While the other failures rpentioned above are. at or below the industry average, the failure of room cooling stands out for Dresden 2 & J. The two systen:1 interactions events were. brought about by the fire protection deluge system initiating from an ionization detector sensing high humidity and dust.

Review of the most recent LERs is recommended )Jy the 1system engineer, as many as 5 reflecting turbine turning gear problems have been reported recently.

' "

6:1 HPCI Failure No. 1- Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run · · .. ' ·

The major contributor to HPCI system unavailability,. both from a. risk and operational viewpoint, is the failure of the turbine driven pump to start or continue running. This failure mode includes many interactive subsystems and components that can make root cause analysis and component repair a complex task. For the purposes of this study, this failure has b.een defined as those .components or functions that directly support the operation of the pump or.turbine. The "HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run" ba.sicfevent accounted f6r 64 failur~ or 41 % of the HPCI faults in this five year operating experience review.·. · · ·

Table 6-2 provides a detailed breakdown of the subcategories of HPCt Failure No. 1 - "HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start or Run". Representative LERs for each of these subcategories are summarized in Table A-1 along with the most likely root cause, the corrective action taken in each case, and any applicable comments. This information should provide the inspector with additional insight into ·the particulars of each subcategory.

6.1.1 Turbine Speed Control Faults

HPCI turbine speed is controlled during all modes of operation by providing hydraulic mechanical positioning s.ignals to the turbine control valves to regulate the amount of steam admitted to the turbine. A cam position unit positions the control valve via a camshaft in response to speed demand signals from the motor speed changer (MSC) or the motor gear unit (MGU).



The purpose of the MSC is to control the turbine acceleration rate during initiation os that the turbine does not overspeed, to provide speed control during testing, and to serve as a backup to the MGU in the event of a failure of the flow controller. The MGU provides mechanical-hydraulic speed control in response to the flow demand signal from the flow controller during automatic initiation. It controls flow rate over a turbine speed range of 2000 to· 4000 rpm.

As indicated in Table 6-2, the turbine speed control faults in the industry operating experience database are a significant portion of the total failure mode causes.

Table 6-2 HPCI Pump Turbine Fails to Start or Run - HPCI Failure No. 1 Subcategories Identified During· the Industry Survey

Subcategory Description

Turbine speed control faults, including

EG-M control box Motor speed ch.anger

(EG-R actuator remote servo) Resistor box Ramp generator/signa·1 converter box Magnetic speed pickup cable Speed control potentiometer

Lube oil supply faults Turbine over-speed and auto reset problems Inverter trips or failures · Turbine !?top valve failures .... Turbine exhaust rupture disk failures Flow controller failures Turbine control valve faults· Loss of lube ~ii cooling . . . Miscellaneous: ·Valid high" steam flow during testing

6 5

2 1 1 1


LER Failures


11 8 7 5

·5 5 3 .r ..

2 L


·' A summary of the turbine speed control failures identified in the industry LER survey is provided in Table A-1. Many of these are related to the electronic controls which exist at other · BWRs (not Dresden or Quad Cities). ' · '

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 identified the following turbine speed control faults:

• LER 82-021 (U #2) - HPCI system failed to respond to auto or manual mode of flow control due to a component failure on the amplifier board of the flow controller.

• LER 90-002 (U #3) -· The Flow Controller, 2340-1, showed no indication of flow while HPCI. was ·operating in test due to a failed amplifier in the flow transmitt~r. This event is not as serious as other turbine speed control faults because the HPCI can still function but manual control becomes more difficult.



LER 82-027 (U #2) - The HPCI Motor Gear Unit moved between high and low speed stops without Operator action because of an imprqp_er grounding of the power supply.

LER 83-062 (U #2) - The HPCI Motor Gear Unit moved between high and low speed stops without operator action because of the failure of a HPCI system controller operational amplifier. This amplifier failure was caused by a high HPCI room temperature of about 120°F due to broken fan belts on the room coolers.

Lube Oil Supply Faults •' .

The subcategory consists of eleven failures to provide sufficient lubricating oil to turbine components. As presented in Table A-1, most of the faults are related to the auxiliary oil pump.


The _expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 identified the following lube oil supply faults:

LER 81-033 (U #2) - The Auxiliary Oil Pump tripped and motor was found burned due to a stator winding becoming loose and coming out of its slot..

LER 87-012 (U#2) - HPCI turbine tripped before getting up to speed due to a premature tripping of the Auxiliary Oil Pump because of a loose hydraulic control system pressure switch contactor arm.

LER 87-002 (U #3) - HPCI turbine tripped before getting speed due to a premature tripping of the Auxiliary Oil Pump due to an improper pr~ssure setting on the pressure control switch.

Turbine Overspeed and Auto Reset Problems

The mechanical overspeed trip function is set at 125 percent of the. rateq turbine speed. The displacement of the emergency governor weight lifts a ball tappet that displ~ces a piston, · allowing oil to be dumped through a port from the oil operated turbine stop v~lve.' This action' allows the spring force acting on the piston inside the stop valve oil cylinder to close the. stop valve .. The overspeed hydraulic device is capable of automatic reset after a pres~t tim~ delay. ·

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3. did not identify .any additional events in.thi~ category. · · · · ·

6.1.4 HPCI Inverter Trips or Failures

. . The ·HPCI inverter is powe~ed from a 125 V _DC b~s and ultimately powers the turbine speed control circuit. The_ results_ of the industry survey of inverter failure.s is provided in Table A­l. Additional information on inverter operating experience is available in Reference 9. · ·

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 and 3 did not identify any additional events in this category. · ·

6.1.5 Turbine Stop Valve Failures .

The turbine stop valve HV-2301-1 is located in th,e steam supply line close to the inlet connection of the turbine. The primary function of the yalve. is t9 close quickly and stop the flow of steam to the turbine when so signaled. A secondary function of this hydraulically operated valve is to open slowly to provide a controlled rate of admission of steam· to the turbine and its governing valve.

6-4 (


The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 and 3 did not ·identify any turbine stop valve failures since 1980.

6.1.6 Turbine Exhaust Rupture Disk Failures

The HPCI turbine has a set of two mechanical rupt_urc diaphragms in series that protect the exhaust piping and turbine casing from overpressure conditions. When the inner disk ruptures, pressure switches cause turbine trip and HPCI isolation signals. Low pressure steam flows past the ruptured diaphragm through a restriction orifice directly into the HPCI room. Rupture of the second disk would vent the turbine exhaust into the HPCI pump room without flow restriction. The nominal rupture pressure is approximately 175 psig.

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 did not identify any additional events in t!iis category.

6.1.7 Flow Controller Failures

The flow controller in conjunction with the electrohydraulic turbine governor controls turbine speed and pump flow. The flow controller senses pump discharge flow and outputs a 4 to 20 milliamp signal to the turbine governor to maintain a constant pump discharge flow rate over the pressure range of operation. · ·

Dresden 2 & 3 did not report any incidents involving flow controller failures.

6.1.8 Turbine Control Valve Faults

Dresden 2 & 3 did not report any events involving the turbine control valve faults. Operating experience related to this failure mode is described in AEOD Report T90610

6.1.9 Loss of Lube Oil Cooling

The loss of lube oil cooling can be caused by faults in the cooling water lines and to and from the cooler, cooler leakage, or flow blockage. A prolonged loss of lube oil co_oling can lead to turbine bearing failure. A summary of the industry survey of lube oil cooling failures is provided in Table A-1. ·

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 did not identify any additional events in this ~~~ .

6.1.10 Miscellaneous

Another potential system failure involves the practice of running the auxiliary oil pump to lubricate the turbine bearings or to clear a system ground. Monticello used this practice to attempt to clear a ground in the electro-hydraulic governor. When the fault did not clear, a system test was initiated to confirm HPCI operability. When the operator opened the turbine steam admission valve to simulate a cold quick start, the system isolated on high steam flow. The operation of the auxiliary oil pump caused the hydraulically operated turbine stop valve to move from its full closed to its full open position. When the stop valve leaves the fully closed position it initiates a ramp generator that provides_ the flow control signal to the turbine steam admission valve, allowing it to move to the open position. Since the auxiliary oil pump had been running for some time the ramp generator had timed out and a maximum steam flow demand signal was sent to the control valve. This prevented the turbine steam admission valve from restricting steam flow as it normally would during a turbine start resulting in high steam tlow and a valid system isolation.

6-5 .


In summary, the T&M compo1h:11L of system unavailability must be continuously monitored by the inspector to assure it is as low as possible. The licensee should be administratively limiting the time that the HPCI system is in test or maintenance during operation. System restoration should be vigorously pursued; HPCI should not be down for days, if it can reasonably be repaired in hours. If feasible, portions of the system should he tested during outages. In addition, HPCI unavailability can also be minimized by adequate root cause analysis and effective corrective action to avoid multiple system outages to address the same failure. Other, less frequent, contributors include inadvertent or unnecessary removal from service and system isolations during calibration or surveillances.

The LERs for the Dresden Units 2 & 3 did not indicate any additional unavailability time due to maintenance or test activities in excess of that normally assumed in a PRA.

6.3 HPCI Failure No. 3 - False High Steam Linc Differential Pressure Isolation Signal

The HPCI .system is constantly monitt1red for leakage by sensing steam flow rate, steam pressure, area temperatures adjacent to HPCI steam lines and equipment, and high HPC.I turbine· exhaust pressure. If a leak is detected, the system responds with an alarm and an automatic HPCI isolation. The steam flow rate is monitored by two different elbows in the steam piping inside the primary containment. The flow measurement is derived by measuring differential pressure across the inside and outside radius of each elbow. If a leak is detected, the system isolates the HPCI steam line and actuates a control room annunciator. '

This failure category has 10 LERs which constitute 6% of the total HPCI failures. There is a generic concern associated with Rosem'ount transmitters .due to oil leakages· that affect' instrument accuracy. There was one incident in this category (LER 87-017) at Quad Cities Unit in 1987. A Group IV-isolation took place during the performance ofthe HPCI monthly operability surveillance test due to a failure of the Rosemount differential pressure transmitter that detects excess flow in the HPCI steam supply line. In February 1989, Rosemount issued a Part 21 notification concerning the loss of oil problem in sensing cells of some of their Model No. 1153 and.1154 transmitters.

Additional information can be found in lnforma.tion Notice 82-16 11 and NRC Bulletin 90-01,· Supplement 111

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 identified th~ following event:

• LER 82-27 (U #3) - The isolation valve for HPCI pressure switch 3-23890 developed a leak which depressurized the sensing line, cat;1sing a high differential pressure between switches which isolated the HPCI system. This event was caused by· loose ·packing in ,the isolation valve for pressure switch '3-23890. ·

6.4 .HPCI Failure No. 4 -Turbine Steam Inlet Valve 2(3)-2301-3 (F001) Fails to Open

Motor operated valve 2(3 )~2301-3 (FOOl) is a normally closed; DC powered gate valve. This valve opens on automatic or manual initiation signal, provided the turbine exhaust valve 2301-74 (F066) is open, to admit reactor steam up to the turbine stop valve.

At Dresden 2 & 3, four failures related to the turbine steam inlet valve and the inboard steam supply isolation valve have been reported over the period of 1980 to 1990.

• LER 80-039 (U #2) - The HPCI Steam Supply Valve, 2(3)2-2301-3, failed to open due to torque switch, type SMB-1, open and close contact being stuck open.



LER 81-030 (U #2) - The valve disc on HPCI Steam Supply Valve, 2(3)2-2301-3, was installed backwards, not allowing the condensate to drain from the pipe and further causing the. pipe to be filled with water.

LER 89-029 (U #2) - The HPCI Inboard Steam Supply Isolation Valve, 2(3)2-2301-4, failed to open because of a dirty auxiliary contact found during maintenance on the HPCI room sump. (This valve is normally open in standby, closes on isolation, but could fail to open in a case like this on re-start).

LER 81-038 (U #3) - HPCI Inboard Steam Supply Isolation Valve, 2(3)3-2301-4, had no open position, and in an attempt to cycle the valve, the breaker tripped and valve position was unknown. Cause of event was valve packing leak in which moisture entered the valve operator and shorted out the limitorque motor. ·

In addition on Unit 2 there have been 4 LERs (LER 80-017, LER 80-018, LER 82-030, LER 85-020) concerning the failure of the Inboard Steam Supply Isolation Valve to close.· This mode of failure does not present significant risk consequences because of the two other motor operated;valves downstream which would close.

6.5 HPCI Failure No. 5 - Pump Discharge Valve 2(3)-2301-8 (F006) Fails to Open

Motor operated valve 2(3)-2301-8 (F006) is a· normally closed, DC powered gate valve that is automatically opened upon system initiation. The failure of this valve to open disables HPCI

· injection into the reactor vessel. There have been 8 pump discharge failures documented in the operating experience review, accounting for 5% of all system failures.

There were no LERs in this failure category over the 10-year period reviewed for Dresden.

6.6 HPCI Failure No. 6 - Systems Interactions

Systems interactions refer to unrelated system failures that can disable HPCI. Although there is no associated PRA category, the operating experience review identified the following system interactions that disabled the HPCI system:

1. During a fire protection system Sl!rveillance test, approximately one gallon of water drained onto a battery motor control center (MCC) causing a circuit breaker overload trip and valve inoperability.

2. A cracked flow control valv.e test coupling sprayed water on a battery MCC and disabled a. main steam line drain loss of power monitor. HPCI was disabled when the MCC was deenergized to inspect and dry the components.

3. Activation of the fire protection deluge system in the control room HVAC system caused the HPCI trip solenoid to energize and disable the system. Other systems were disabled as·an analog trip system panel was effected by the moisture. ·

4. An automatic sprinkler system in the HPCI room activated after a system test. The probable cause was vapor buildup from the leakoff drain system that activated on ionization detector.

5. Setpoint drift in a Fenwal temperature switch caused activation of a deluge system during a HPCI turbine overspeed test.



6.7 HPCI Failure No. 7 - System Actuation Logic Fails

Startup and operation of the HPCI system is automatically initiated upon detection of either low-low reactor vessel water level (-59 inches decreasing) in the reactor vessel or high drywell pressure (2 psig, increasing). The HPCI system can also be manually initiated by arming and then depressing the manual initiation switch in the control room.

The following failure in the system actuation logic occurred at Dresden 2:

• LER 89-025 (U #2) - A master trip unit (MTU) malfunction caused automatic isolation of the HPG system. The root cause was a design induced deficiency within the ATS panel such that removal of adjacent MTUs results in spurious trips.

6.8 HPCI Failure No. 8 - False High Area Temperature Isolation Signal

The HPCI system is constantly monitor~d for leakage by sensing steam flow rate, steam pressure, and area temperatures adjacent to the ~team line and equipment. If a leak is detected, the system is autom~tically isolated and alarmed in the control room. This category accounted for three HPCI failures (2% of all failures) in the industry survey.

. At Dresden, there _were no LERs over the 10-year period related to false high area temperature isolation signals. However, there were four LERs (LER 86-028 (U #2), LER 80-008 (U #3), LER 82-008 (U #3), and, LER 88-006 (U #3)) in which a number of temperature switches were out of calibration and in all cases the drift was higher than the required setpoint. In addition, there were seven (7) LERs related to HPCI room cooling heatup (see section 6.15) that could be the cause of a false high area temperature isolation signal.

6.9 HPCI Failure No. 9 - False Low Suction Pressure Trips

The purpose of the low pump suction pressure trip is to prevent damage. to the HPCI pumps due to loss of suction. Pressure switch PS-2360 actuates to cause the· turbine stop valve to close. There have been two turbine trips attributed to false low suction pressure signals identified in the industry survey. However, Dresden 2 & 3 has not reported any HPCI system iso.Iationsciue to false low suction pressure trips since 1980._ · ·

6.10 HPCI Failure No. 10 - False High Turbine Exhaust Pressure Signal

-. The high turbine exhaust pressure .signal is one of several proteGtive turbine trip circuits

that close the turbine stop valve and isolate the HPCI system. The high turbine exhaust pressure signal is generated by pressure switches PS-2368A and B, and is indicative o(a turbine or a control system malfunction. The operating experience review found only one LER. No LERs noted involving false high turbine exhaust pressure signals at Dresden 2 & 3 since 1980.

6.11 HPCI Failure No. 11 - Normally Open Turbine Exhaust Valve Fails Closed

:The failure of any of the turbine exhaust valves to open results in a turbine trip due to a valid high turbine exhaust signal. Dresden 2 & 3 did not report any LERs involving failure of normally ~pen turbine exhaust valve 2301-74 to close back through 1980.



6.12 HPCI Failure No. 12 - Condensate Storage Tank/Suppression Pool Switchover Logic Fails

In the standby mode, the HPCI pump suction is normally aligned to the condensate storage tank (CST). Upon a low CST level signal via level switch LS-2390A and B, or a high suppression pool level signal via level switch LS-2351 A or B, the suppression pool suction valves 2(3)-2301-36 (F042) and 2(3)-2301-35 automatically open with subsequent closure of the CST suction valve 2(3)-2301-6 (F004). System operation continues with the HPCI booster pump suction from the suppression pool. ·

The operating experience review found one example of a degraded HPCI pump suction switchover logic. One of the suppression pool level switches was out of calibration due to a slight amount of foreign material that was deposited on the float. · ·

This PRA-based HPCI failure mode has become less important due to changes in the BWR Emergency Procedures which generally advocate the continued use of water sources that are external to the containment. This avoids potential ECCs degradation due to high suppression pool temperature (HPCI high lube oil temperature) while simultaneously increasing suppression pool mass. ·The end result is that an HPCI pump suction transfer to the suppression pool is no longer that desirable, and the operator, especially in decay heat accident sequences, is likely to bypass the

. switchover logic to maintain the CST suction source, or to realign if a switchover to the pool has occurred. Therefore, the inspection focus should be on the continued viability of the CST as an injection source during an accident sequence. For example, does the CST have sufficient capacity to satisfy long term injection requirements or are procedures and training in place. to provide ma~u~ ·

There were no LERs in this failure category over the 10-year period for the CST· I suppression pool switchover logic for Dresden 2 & 3.

6.13 HPCI Failure No. 13 - Suppression Pool Suction Line Valves 2(3)-2301-36 (F041) or 2(3)-2301-35 (F042)Fails: to Op.en·

.. At Dresden 2 & 3, there are two 250. VDC suppression pool HPCI pump suction valves, 2(3)-2301-36 (F041) and 2(3)-2301-35 (F042)in series with a check valve.instead of the 2(3)V·and check valve arrangement often found at BWRs. The HPCI system is. initially aligned to the condensate storage tank. The suppression pool suction valves are opened and the CST suction valve is closed on a CST low water level OI: a high suppression pool level signal. The importance of this failure mode has been diminished by the current emergency procedure guidelines which emphasize the continued use of outside injection sources. This requires operator action 'to bypass the HPCI suppression pool switchover logic to prevent the opening of tDe suppression pool suction

,·valves 2(3)-2301-36 and 2(3)-2301-35. This is especially true for the decay heat removal (non ATWS)' sequence where it is likely that the CST makeup can be maintai~ed. · ·

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 identified the following event: . . ..

• LER 83-068 (U #2) - Pump Suppression Pool Suction Valve, 2(3)-2301-35, failed to open upon receiving an open signal due to a broken lug to the number 5 terminal on the limitorque valve operator.



6.14 HPCI Failure No. 14 - Minimum Flow Valve 2(3)-2301-14 (F012) Fails to Open

. The minimum flow bypass line is provided for pump p,rotection. The bypass valve, 2(3)-2301-14 (F012), automatically opens on a low signal of 300 gpm when the pump discharge pressure is greater than 125 psig. When the bypass is open, flow is directed to the suppression pool. The valve automatically closes on a high flow signal. During an actual system demand, the failure of the minimum flow valve to open is important only if the opening of the pump discharge valve 2(3) 2301-.8 (F006) is significantly delayed. In general, this combination of eve!'lts is not probabilistically significant. With regard to system operation and testing in the minimum flow mode, the licensee response to NRC Bulletin 88-04 13 should be reviewed to determine if the design of the minimum flow bypa$S line is adequate. Unless there is a design concern or a recurring problem with any component, inspection effort should be minimized in this area.

The expanded LER search for Dresden 2 & 3 identified the following event:

• LER 89-014 (U #'2) - The HPCI Minimum Flow Motor Operated Valve, 2(3)2-2301-14, failed to open because .of moisture intrusion into the motor windings as a result of ceiling/foundation leakage.

6.15 HPCI Support Systems

The high pressure coolant injection system is dependent on other systems (called support. systems) for successful operation. These systems are:

DC Power For sy,s~em control, pump and valve movement.

Room Cooling , For HCPI pump room cooling to support long term operations. This function requires service water (for cooling) and AC power for the fan motor .and ventilation from HVAC.

HPCI Actuation . RPV level and prii:nary containment pressure instrumentation for system initiation and shutdown.

During the HPCI Operatio11al Experience.Review the influence of support systems ·on HPCI availability was apparent. The loss or degradation of the DC battery or bus that powers HPCI has a straightforward effect. f3esides the battery charger problems or fuse openings, the more unusual DC system problems included a battery degradation due to corrosion of the plates. The suspected cause was a galvanic reaction due to plate weld metal impurities. Another concern is insufficient voltage at the load during transients which could trip the station inverters or fail MOVs (Browns Ferry 1, Brunswick 1 & 2 and Nine Mile Point 1). This would be of particular concern during a loss of offsite power or a station blackout event.

The loss of room cooling's effect on continued HPCI operation is not as clear. The system is typically required to support long term HPCI operation. Besides the random failures which can occur at any time, there is one sequence specific effect that should be examined. During station blackout, the room cooling is lost when continued HPCI operation is critical. The licensee actions to preserve·HPCI operation should be examined. For example, some plants will open pump room doors to promote . corrective cooling, but that does not necessarily assure continued HPCI operation. The licensee should have pump room and steam line temperature calculations or have other procedure provisions (bypass high temperature isolation) to assure long term HPCI operability.



The- RPV level or high drywell pressure instrumentation is required for multiple ECCS systems including HPCI. The operating experience review did not have any pertinent examples because the ECCS actuation instrumentation logic does not activate HPCI directly, but uses intermediate ECCS systems to relay the signal. .

In ~ummary, support system problems can impact HPCI operation sometimes in a less than straightforward manner. In the context of specific accident sequences, these support systems may be more prone to failure. The inspector should verify licensee awareness of these interaction relations and confirm that compensating measures are adequate.

Dresden 2 & 3 had the following support system failures that are of high risk importance.

LER 88-013 (U #2) - HPCI declared inoperable due to a blown fuse in ATS Panel 2202-73A which was caused by the failure of a card for Master Trip Unit (MTU) 2-7541-46A.

LER 85-006 (U #3) - While at full power the service water to the HPCI room cooler was valved out due to a personnel error. Outage of service water occurred somewhere between 1-14-85 to 1-23-85. Corrective action is that all service water supply valves to the coolers will be locked open. ·

LER 85-016 (U #3) - HPCI room cooler fan breaker was smoking due to a shorted motor contactor coil making HPCI inoperabl'e. · · . · ·

LER 83-062 (U #2) - HPCI room cooler fan belts were broken which caused temperature of about 120° F which in turn ca'used failure of HPCI system controller operational amplifier.

LER 87-018 (U #2) - HPCI system room cooler inoperative due to broken drive belts .

LER 89-022 (U #2) - HPCI system room cooler fan belts were broken and HPCI declared inoperable due to potential of increasing the area temperature and subsequent isolation should H.PCI be required to initiate and conti?ue to function in a severe accident. , ·

LER 85-003 (U #3) - While at .93% power, HPCI was declared inoperable due to broken drive belts found in the HPCI system room cooler. ·. ·

LER 89-004 (U #3) - While at 93% power, it was determined that the HPCI system ·room cooler fan belts had broken requiring HPCI to be declared.inoperable.

6.16 HPCI System - System Interactions -Unlike support system failures, such as room cooling or DC power, systems interactions refer

to unrelated system failures that can disable HPCI.

For Dresden 2 & 3 the expanded LER search identified the following systems interactions affecting HPCI operability:

• LER 81-079 (U #2) - The fire protection deluge system actuated in HPCI room· causing HPCI system to be declared inoperable due to tech spec requirement of allowable water

· content in HPCI oil sample. Cause of fire system initiation was believed to be the high concentration of humidity and dust particles which actuated the ionization detector.



• LER 81-039 (U #3) - The fire protection deluge system actuated in the HPCI room and the HPCI system was isolated. Cause of fire system initiation was believed to be a high concentration of humidity I steam vapor which actuated the ionization detector. (This event is further discussed in the generic industry report).

6.17 Simultaneous Unavailability of Multiple Systems

There were 3 cases of simultaneous unavailability of safety systems (including HPCI) for the Dresden Units. Each Unit had a case where an electromagnetic relief failed to open during surveillance testing with the HPCI system inoperable (LER 81-079 (U #2), LER 81-025 (U #3)). The third case for Unit 3 was more complex (LER "86-013). With HPCI inoperable, a core spray valve, 3-1403-48, would not close, and the 2/3 diesel generator f~ilcd to close into Bus 33"1.

6.18 LOCA Outside Containment

Unlike the previous HPCI failures which describe the unavailability of the system for core damage mitigation, events have occurred where HPCI is a potential LOCA outside containment. These LERs consist of degradation of the steam line isolation function, pump suction line overpressurization, and steam supply line and injection line ruptures. The generic industry study discusses several potential HPCI LOCAs that occurred at Dresden 2 & 3. In addition the following event occurred which potentially could have failed the injection line.

• LER 89-029 (U #2) - HPCI declared inoperable due to elevated piping temperatures in the pump discharge line. The 260° F temperature was caused by feedwater back leakage through the closed injection lines. Discharge piping supports were damaged, attributable to waterhammer caused by steam void collapse upon system initiation. In addition to the potential for Bi ping damage, steam binding of the pumps is also a consideration. Information Notice 89-36 4 provides additional information on elevated ECCS piping temperature.




This System Risk-Based Inspection Guide (System RIG) has been developed as an aid to HPCI system inspections at Dresden. The document presents a risk-based discussion of the HPCI role in accident mitigation and provides PRA-based HPCI failure modes. In addition, the System RIG uses industry operating experience, including illustrative examples, to augment the basic PRA failure modes. The risk-based input and the operating experience have been combined in Table 4-2 to develop a composite BWR HPCI failure ranking. This information can be used to optimize NRC resources by allocating proactive inspection effort based on risk and industry experience. In addition, component faults are summarized in Section 6, and provide potential insights both for routine inspections and the "post mortems" conducted after significant failures. These components should be given additional attention during future routine and specialized inspection activities.

Summary Comparison of Dresden 2 & 3 Risk-Related LERs to Industry-Wide Risk-Related LERs

A Comparison of reportable HPCI events experienced by Dresden 2 and 3 with the composite BWR HPCI failure distributions is presented in Table 4-2. Although the plant-specific data are limited, certain Dresden 2 & 3 components exhibit a proportionately higher than expected contribution to total HPCI failures. These components are candidates for greater inspection activity and the generic prioritization should be adjusted accordingly. ·

Specific components of importance at Dresden 2 and 3 relate to turbine speed control faults, lube oil supply faults, and support system failures. Compared to the industry average, however, and considering this station as composed of two nuclear power plants the risk-related failures are at and in most cases below the industry average with the exception of room cooling failures. The failure of room cooling stands out for Dresden 2 & 3. ·

. The Dresden 2 and 3 HPCI failure distribution of Table 4-2 can be periodically updated as the plant matures. this report includes all HPCI LERs from 1980 up to September 30, 1989. Subsequent LERs can be correlated with the PRA failure categories, used to update the plant­specific HPCI failure contribution, and compared with the more static HPCI BWR (ailure distribution. The industry operating experience is developed from a variety of BWR plants and is expected to exhibit less fluctuation with time than a single plant. This information can be trended to predict where additional inspection O\:'ersight is warranted as the plant matures.

- . . . ~ - - .

Potential Plant-Specific Inspection Areas

Based upon Dresden Units 2 & 3 operating experience derived from the analysis of its LERs, the following recommendations are made for HPCI system inspections:

A. HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start o.r Run

(1) Inspect the turbine stop valve actuator stem at the split coupling to determine if there are any signs of cracking.

(2) Observe the adjustment of the. stop valve balance chamber.

(3) Inspect the turbine throttle valve lifting beam bolts to determine if any are loosely fitting or are cracked.

(4) Inspect the Flow Controller gear train and fasteners and determine if the fasteners show any signs of becoming loose.



(5) For automatic operation verify that the auxiliary oil pump switch is not in the pull-to-lock position.

(6) For the lubricating oil system, evaluate the latest sample analysis of lubricating oil from the tank sump for a) particulate content greater than 5 microns, and b) wafer content to assess the potential for overspeed and bearing wear, respectively.

(7) Review the preventive maintenance program for a) cleaning or changeout of EG-R actuator and remote servo, and b) changeout and filtering of the lubricating oil system.

(8) Determine if the. turbine is actually rolling due to a steam leak, and review the preventive maintenance program for eliminating steam leaks from turbine steam admission valves.

B. Motor Operated Valves

All of the motor operated valves in the HPCI system are gate valves with the exception of the minimum flow valve which is a globe valve.

(1) Inspect for the following: a) any separation between operator stem and gate; b) adequate stem lubrication; c) torque $Witch adjustment screws have been tightened; d) torque switch assembly configuration agrees with procedure; and e) observe if any corrosion exists in the clutch mechanism.

(2) Verify adequacy of PM program for safety-related motor operators and solenoid operators.

(3) Verify adequacy of PM program for valves.

C. Instrumentation

(1) A generic concern relates to loss of oil for Rosemount transmitters models 1153 and 1154.

(2) Review emergency operating p~ocedures to determine if steps are described for overriding the high ~rea temperature trips in the event of a severe accident. .

(3) Review the calibration 'sheets to determi"ne if some setpoints need more frequ~nt adjustment than others.

(4) Check wh~n the condensate storage tank )eve! switches were last cleaned.

D. Room Cooling

(1) Determine if there is sufficient ventilation for Dresden 2 and 3 area temperature monitors. . . .

(2) Identify if the service water supply valve to the room cooler is locked-open.

(3) Identify when drive belts were last changed-out and estimate the time. interval before next change-out is required. (Are they part of PM program?)




1. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Technical Letter Report, TLR-A-3874-T6a, · "Identification of Risk Important Systems Components and Human Actions for BWRs," August 1989.

2. Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Docket No. 50-322, Long Island Lighting Co., June, 1983.

3. NRC Case Study Report, AEOD/C502, "Overpressurization of Emergency Core Cooling Systems in Boiling Water Reactors," Peter Lam, September, 1985.

4. Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Technical Report A-3453-87-5 "Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Unit l, PRA-Based System Inspection Plans," J. Usher, ·et al., September, 1987.

5. BNL Technical Report A-3453-87-2, "Limerick Generating Station, Unit 1, PRA-Based System Inspection Plans," A. Fresco, et al., May, 1987.

6. BNL Technical Report A-3453-87-3, "Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, PRA-Based System Inspection Plans," A. Fresco, et al., May, 1987.

7. BNL Technical Report A-3864-2, "Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Unit 2, PRA-Based System Inspection Plan," J. Usher, et al., April, 1988.

8 BNL Technical Report A-3872-T4, "Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2, Risk-Based Inspection Guide," A. Fresco, et al., November, 1989.

9. NUREG/CR 5051, "Detecting and Mitigating Battery Charger and Inverter Aging," W.E. Gunther, et al., August, 1988.

10. NRC AEOD Technical Review Report T906, "Broken Limiting Beam Bolts in HPCI Terry Turbine," April 18, 1989·.

11. NRC Information Notice 82-16, "HPCI/RCIC High Ste~m Flow Setpoints," May 28, 1982.

12. NRC Bulletin 90-01, Supplement 1, "Loss of Fill Oil in Transmitters Manufactured by Rosemount," March 9, 1990.

13. NRC Bulletin 88-04, "Potential Safety Related Pump Loss," May 5, 1988.

14. NRC Information Notice 89-36, "Excessive Temperatures in Emergency Core Cooling System Piping Located Outside Containment," April 4, 1989.








Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails. to Start - Industry Survey Results

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance


EGM control box malfunction Two similar failures attributed to aging EGM printed circuit boards will be Each of these EGM control box

effects due to long term energization and replaced at eight year intervals. failures occurred at older plants possibly elevated ambient temperatures. Additional HPCI pump room cooling and appear to be aging related. An EGM printed circuit board failed and added. caused a false high steam now signal. The second failure involved the electronics in the control box chassis.

EGM control box had a ground. Two printed circuit boards replaced.

Miscalibration of null voltage settings. Recalibration of voltage settings.

Failed transistor in the EGM control box. Box replaced. Surveillance procedures being expanded to.verify

> I

proper functioning of the output speed circuit.


Motor speed HPCI failed auto initiation surveillance Error was not detected during a changer/EG-R because the electrical connections between previous test at 160 psig. Procedures actuator malfunctions. governor control and governor valve revised to functionally test the

electrohydraulic servo were in error. governor. control system during the low pressure surveillance testing.

Capacitor failure in motor gear unit. Replaced capacitor Failure may have been caused by Ambient temperatures in excessive HPCI room equipment areas should be temperature. verified with specifications.

Improper gaping and foreign accumulation Component replaced or serviced. on contacts.

EG-R actuator grounded at pin connection Corrosion products removed. due to the accumulation of corrosion products. There were three occurrences of this event that have been attributed to a design change in the actuator pin connections.


, Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start - Industry Survey Results

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance

Dropping resistor Resistor box design deficiency-special test Resistor box modified to ensure assembly problems. showed output voltage insufficient when EGM control box will receive

input voltage at design minimum. required voltage under worst case

: conditions.

Resistor Failure Resistor component replaced ..

Ramp generator/signal Slow HPCI response t.ime attributed Gain and time settings reset. Setii1~gs had not been modified converter box. incorrect turbine loop gain and ramp time based on power· ascension test

.settings. program.

Magnetic speed Cable damaged during HPCI maintenance Cable repaired. pickup cable. preve11ting speed feedback to the speed

controller. ..

Speed control Loose control room panel terminations. Repaired panel terminations. potentiometer.


Auxiliary oil pump Microswitch within pressure switch' fails. Microswitch replaced. 2 additional failures due· to pressure switch fails. .miscalibration, and ·one

anributed to a piece of teflon tape that blocked sensing orifice .of switch.

Loose hydraulic control system pressure Component adj_usted. switch contacting arm.

Auxiliary oil pump Pump bearing failure degraded pump Pump replaced. .Similar event-pump motor failure. performance/lower discharge pressure, bearing failure was possibly due

bearing had been recently replaced- to daily use to supply oil to potential human error. turbine stop valve.

Additional low Human error. All control valves Valves correctly positioned; handles 'Two similar events have occurred bearing oil pressure mispositioned. removed. Surveillance revised to at other plants. occurrences. check oil pressure during turbine


Lube oil Paraffin in lube oil coated piston caused Piston cleaned. The process of periodically contamination. binding of hydraulic trip relay. sampling lube oil should be



Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start - Industry Survey Results

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corret:tive Measures Comments Inspection Guidance


Electrical termination Loose electrical termination on. solenoid Wiring to the solenoids will be The corrective action for a failures valve coil disabled the remote reset restrained to reduce strain on the similar earlier event apparently

function. Failure allributed to· nonnal terminations. did not address the root cause of HPCI vibration. the failure.

Overspeed trip device Overspeed trip device tappet assembly Tappet remachined. Similar occurrence at another tapped binding. head was _binding in valve body'. plant.

Polyurethane tappet, previously machined per GE guidance. had experienced additional growth.

Loose hydraulic control system pressure Repaired contactor arm. None. switch contactor arm.

Drain port blocked. Erratic stop valve operation. Blocked drain Drain port Cleared. Additional information on port in overspeed trip and auto reset turbine overspeed trips is piston assembly caused trip mechanism lo provided in NRC Information cycle between tripped and normal Notice 86-14 and 86-14, Supp. I. positions. . ..


Inverter tripped and could not be .reset Replaced inverter. due to a failed diode. See Ref. 14 for effects of inverter - .. .

aging· and preventative measures.

Inverter failed due to the failure of an Replaced inverter. A similar event involving a internal capacitor. ruptured capacitor occurred at

another plant.

Internal electronic Inverter overheating due lo a failed Repaired or replaced cooling fan. faults integral cooling fan.

Inverter failure due to blown fuse. Replaced fuse.

') I


Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start - Industry Survey Results

Fa-ilure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance

-Inverter trip due to high voltage setpoint Equalize voltage was reduced drift.

i allowing inverter to reset.


Control. oil leaks. Oil leak developed at pilot valve Flange bolts torqued. Similar event at another plant. assembly/hydraulic cylinder Oange bolts were loose.

Pilot oil trip solenoid Valve stuck open due to disintegration of Valve's expendable pans now valve. diaphragm that caused valve plunger to scheduled for replacement at every

stick above the seat. third refueling outage.

Valve would not open due to excessive Piston rings were fabricated from Further discussion in IE Circular leakage of piston rings in hydraulic resin impregnated leather. Vendor 80-07. cylinder actuator. recommended replacement every five

years. Potential aging concern.

Mechanical valve Valve and actuator stems separated at split Balance chamber adjustment was Similar failure occurred involving Overstress and ultimate failures. coupling. Balance chamber adjustment performed in 1985 per GE SIL 352. a loose valve position sensor fracture will usually occur

drift believed to have caused increased Adjustment will be checked quarterly bracket that caught on actuator at the undercut on the

momentum and disk overtravel. for a minimum of 3 quarters. housing when the valve opened. coupling threads due to The valve failed in the open reducing cross section. position. Incipient stem failure may

be indicated by circumferential cracks in

, . threaded stem area.


Cyclic fatigue. Inner rupture disk failed due to cyclic . Both disks replaced with an Improved design appears to AEOD Report E402 fatigue (alternating pressure and vacuum improved design that has a structural eliminate the cyclic fatigue provides additional within the exhaust line). Vacuum occurs backing to prevent nexing during failure mode. .examples of turbine

( during cold quick starts with cold piping. exhaust line vacuum conditions. exhaust rupture disk failures.


Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start - Industry Survey Results

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance

Water hammer Exhaust diaphragm ruptured by water Blocked line cleared; rupture disk A similar event has occurred at induced disk rupture. carryover from exhaust line drain pot due replaced. -· another plant. Duration and

to a blocked drain line. frequency of exhaust line blowdown increased.


Failures appear to be aging Ambient conditions in Failure to control in Defective amplifier card and solder joint Repairs performed. related, yet it appears some areas containing this automatic. attributed to aging. licensees do not intend to equipment should be

... periodically replace sensitive verified against equipment or otherwise address specifications. the root cause of these failures.

Dropping resistor failed in the instrument Resistors R26, R24, and zener diode amplifier circuitry due to normal heat of C24 all appeared to be affected by operation. ambient temperatures and were


Intermittent operation of internal switch The slight oxidized contacts were contacts did not allow the controller to cleaned and lubricated. In the long read the now setpoint in auto. term, permanent jumpers will be

installed to bypass the switches.

Gear train failure. Loose fastener caused intermediate gear to Procedures will be revised to require unmesh which prevented adjustment of the· a periodic check of the gear train controller setting. and fasteners.

Miscalibration Flow controller indicated a now of 400 Controller recalibrated. gpm when system not in operation. Failure attributed to miscalibration.


Control oil leak. Oil supply line nipple leaking because Nipple repaired; plant personnel plant personnel stepped on line to gain informed of failure cause. access to control valve.


Table A-1 HPCI Pump or Turbine Fails to Start - Industry Survey Results

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance

Throllle valve lifting Six of the eight lifting beam bolts failed Licensee to change thread lubricant; Per AEOD Report T906, beam bolting failure. due to stress corrosion cracking of non-metal bearing petroleum jelly improper heat treatment and the

improperly heat treated bolts. The recommended. use of a copper based anti-remaining two bolts were cracked. seizure compound were major

contributors to this failure.

LOSS OF LUBE OIL PCV _F035 had an incorrect diaphragm Formation of a procurement Additional LER reported a COOLING installed due to inadequate controls to engineering group. diaphragm failure resulting in a 5

update plant information with industry gpm leak. No cause stated. PCV-F035 failures. experience.

MISCELLANEOUS Used auxiliary oil pump to nush oil A modification was proposed to The periodic use of the auxiliary Operating procedures through the governor to clear a ground. eliminate ramp generator initiation oil pump is a common practice should be reviewed to Subsequently, system isolated on startup on auxiliary oil pump startup, unless .that can disable the HPCI ensure that cautions because the oil pump causes the stop and a valid initiation signal is present. system. identify HPCI system control valves to go full open. inoperability when the

auxiliary oil pump is running.







Table A-2 Summary of Illustrative Examples of Additional HPCI Failure Modes

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments Inspection Guidance

HPCI Failure 3 - Differential pressure transmitter failed due Amplifier card connection was Rosemont Transmitter NRC Information Notice False High Steamline to inadequate connection of amplifier -secured. 82-16 provides additional Differential Pressure condition card was either incorrectly information on steamline Isolation Signal seated during installation or worked loose. pressure measurement.

·-Miscalibration and a stuck pressure Wrong conversion value caused Rosemont Transmitter indicator disabled both divisions of high miscalibration and was corrected. llP transmitters.

Transmitter· operating outside tolerances Recalibrated transmitter Conservatively narrow instrument due to incorrect setpoint· adjustment tolerances were used during the

.. setpoint adjustment. The instrument was a Rosemount

I Transmitter.

Setpoint drift cause spurious system Setpoint was adjusted. B:irton transmitter ' Increased calibration isolations frequency may be


Setpoint draft caused by moisture intrusion Unknown Barton transmitier. through the dial rod shaft seal.

HPCI Failure 4 - Mechanical/then11al binding of disk due to Interim corrective action was drilling This failure was attributed to Turbine Steam Inlet inadequate clearances. a hoke in the valve disk. Double procedural and training Valve (FOOl) fails to disks were to be installed during a inadequacies. open .failure refueling outage as a long

' term solution.

Thermal binding of disk Replaced motor gears and installed The thermal binding can occur A four hour system larger power supply cable to motor. for -2 hours after system is warmup may be required

returned to service following a by procedures to .. cooldown. circumvent this problem.

Motor failure Surge protection added to shunt coil Motor failure caused by high of DC motor control circuitry. - voltage transient in shunt coil

that occurred when supply breaker. opened.

Failures No. 2 and 6 are discussed in Section 6 of the text.


)> I

....... 0

Table A-2 Summary of Illustrative Examples of Additional HPCI Failure Modes

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments

HPCI Failure 4 - Motor failure. Valve repaired and torque switch Mo!or windings failed due. when (cont'd) adjustment screws were correctly torque setting out of adjustment

torqued. due to loose torque switch adjustment screws.

Valve moior failure due to incorrect steam Valve motor was replaced. lubrication

Licensee review determined that valve Removed step starting resistors. Other DC MOVs were also might not open due to insufficient torque. evaluated.

HPCI Failure 5 - Mispositioned auxiliary contacts in starting Replaced contacts. Pump Discharge time delay relay for valve motor. Valve (F006] Fails to

Valve motor failure Open Valve motor replaced. Failure attributed to heat related breakdown· of valve motor ipternals.

Licensee review determined that valve may Step starting. resistors had not been Potential problem may affect have insufficient torqu~ to open. considered in the torque analyses other DC MOVs

and were removed.

HPCI Failure 7 - Fuse fa.ilure due to elect~~cal grounding. Fuse replaced and ground corrected. System Actuation Logic Fails System failed to actuate due to inadequate Design modified. Further discussion in AEOD

seal in time. Report E407.

HPCI Failure 8 - Failed power supply resistor. Resistor replaced. False High Area Temperature Isolation Failed temperature monitoring module. Module replaced. New model replacement

Signal considered.

Design error. Minimum intake setpoint temperature was increased.

Failures No. 2 and 6 are discussed in Section 6 of the text.


Inspection Guidance

Other safety related MOVs were also affected. Procedures were revised and torque switch limiter plates were installed.

INPO SER-25-88 and NRC Information Notice 88-72 provide further guidance.

INPO SER 25-88 and NRC Information Notice provide additional guidance.


~ I



Table A-2 Summary of Illustrative Examples of Additional HPCI Failure Modes

Failure Desc. Root Cause Corrective Measures Comments

HPCI Failure 9 - Pressure switch isolation valve None. Isolated pressure switch actuated False Low Suction inadvertently closed. due to changing environmental Pressure Trip conditions.

HPCI Failure 10 - Corrosion of pressure switch seals. Pressure switch replaced. Seal corrosion allowed moisture False High Turbine into casing and shorted wiring. Exhaust Pressure Signal

HPCI Failure II - Exhaust line swing check valve failure Check valve replaced. Failure or check valve was Normally Open blocked MOY attributed to overstressed cycling Turbine Exhaust due to high exhaust pressure. Valve Fails Closed

HPCI Failure 12 - Level switches out or calibration Switches replaced. Accumulation of foreign material CST/Suppression Pool on float caused failure. Logic Fails

HPCI Failure 13 - Motor failure. Winding insulation Replaced motor. Voltage surge High voltage transients occurred Suppression Pool degraded due to high voltage transients. protection added to circuitry. as supply breaker was opened. Suction Line Valves Fail to Open Torque switch out of adjustment. Recalibrated.

Limit switch out or adjustment. Replaced limit switch.

' Valve stem separated from disk. Valve repaired. Three bolts failed due to tensile

overload. Other similar valves were inspected.

HPCI Failure 14 - Valve inoperable due to damaged motor Switch replaced. Damage resulted from overtravel Minimum Flow Valve starter disconnect switch. or operating handle due to poor Fails to Open design.

Failures No. 2 and 6 are discussed in Section 6 or the text.

Inspection Guidance

References [21] and [22] provide further information.

These valves were manufactured by Associated Control Equipment, Inc.

Design changes may be required as a result or this failure.


No. of Copies




-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

A El Bassoni OWFN 10 E4

W. D. Beckner OWFN 10 E4

K. Campe OWFN 10 E4

J. Chung OWFN 10 E4

F. Congel OWFN 10 E4

B. K. Grimes OWFN 9 A2

J. N. Hannon OWFN 13 E21

A Hsia OWFN 13 Dl

E. V. Imbro OWFN 9 Al

H. E. Polk OWFN 12 H26

4 Dresden Nuclear Plant Resident Inspector

4 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Region Ill Regional Administr;1tor


No. of Copies

2 B. Gore Pacific Northwest Lab. Richland, WA 99352





Brookhaven National Lab.

W. Gunther (10) R. Hall J. Higgins J. Taylor R. Travis M. Villaran

Technical Publishing (5) Nuclear Safety Library (2).

J. Bickel EG&G Idaho, Inc. P.O. Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID 83415

J. Lyons Illinois Dept. of Nuclear Safety 1035 Outer Park Drive Springfield, IL 62704


NRC FORM 335 12-891 NRCM 1102, 3201, 3202



BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET (See instructions on the reverse}

High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Risk-Based Inspection Guide for Dresden Nuclear Power Station, Units 2 and 3


W. Shier, M. Villaran, W. Gunther



(Aulgned by NAC. Add Vol., Supp., Rav., and Addendum Numbert, 11 any.)




February 1993 4. FIN OR GRANT NUMBER


Technical 7. PERIOD COVERED (Inclusive Dares!

8. PER FORMING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS (If NRC, provide Division, Office or Region, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address; ii contracror, provide name and mailing address..)

Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973

9. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION - NAME AND ADDRESS Ill NRC, rype "Same as above"; ii conrracror, provide NRC Division, Office or Region. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and mailing address.)·

Division of Systems Safety and Analysis Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ~ommission Washington, DC 20555


11. ABSTRACT 1200 words or less!

A review of the operating experience for the High Pressure Coolant Injection .. (HPCI) system at the Dresden Nuclear Power Station Units 2 and 3 is described .. in this report. The information for this review was obtained from Dresden Licensee Event Reports (LERs) that were generated between 1980 and 1989. These LERs have been categorized into 23 failure modes that have been prioritized based on probabilistic risk assessment considerations. In addition, the results of the Dresden operating experience review have been compared with the results of a similar, industry wide operating experience review. This comparison provides an indication of areas in the Dresden HPCI system that should be given increased attention in the prioritization of inspection resources.

12. KEY WORDS/DESCR!PTORS (Lise words or phrases that will assist researchers in locating the report.)

BWR Type Reactors-Reactor components, BWR Type Reactors-Reactor Safety, Reactor High Pressure Coolant Injection, High Pressure Coolant Injection-Risk Assessment, Reactor-Risk Assessment, Reactor Cooling Systems, Reactor Accidents, High Pressure Coolant Injection failures


NRC FORM 335 (2-891



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Unclassified (This Report}

Unclassified 15. NUMBER OF PAGES



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