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IN7 V4.1 - High Speed Signaling Links over ATM networks

Product Specifications


This document describes the functionality that would be implemented in the Version V4.1 of the IN7

product. This document is Compaq Confidential and may be distributed externally under non-disclosure


Document Reference: SS7ATM_PSP_EXT

Date: July 7, 2000

  Compaq Computer Corporation

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  Copyright © 2000 by Compaq Computer Corporation

 All Rights Reserved.

Printed in France.

The information in this document may not be changed without express written agreement of Compaq

Computer Corporation.

Change History

Revision Date DescriptionV1.0 July 7, 2000 Creation


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1.  Table of contents

1. TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................................................................................3

2. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................5

2.1. TERMS AND ACRONYMS................................................................................................................................................6

3. REFERENCE AND ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS..........................................................................................................8

3.1. R  EFERENCE DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................................................................8

3.2. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS...........................................................................................................................................8

4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY......................................................................................................................................................9

4.1. SS7ATM CONTEXT .......................................................................................................................................................9

4.1.1. The ATM feature into IN7 stack .........................................................................................................................9

4.1.2. Metrics for calibrating IN7 SAAL .....................................................................................................................9

4.2. PRODUCT COMPONENTS..............................................................................................................................................9

5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 11

5.1. GOAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................................................11

5.1.1. Mixed configuration ......................................................................................................................................... 11

5.1.2. Graphical Interface...........................................................................................................................................11

5.1.3. Standard recommendations............................................................................................................................ 11

5.2. NON-GOAL REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................................11

5.2.1. Postponed requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11

5.2.2. Waiting-list requirements ................................................................................................................................11

6. SOFTWARE CAPABILITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 13

6.1. ATM CONNECTIVITY.................................................................................................................................................14

6.1.1. Firmware............................................................................................................................................................. 14

6.1.2. Handling congestion and recovery in the board ........................................................................................14

6.1.3. Board configuration and management ......................................................................................................... 14

6.1.4. IN7 Trunk and HSSL entities state relations ...............................................................................................14

6.2. SAAL IMPLEMENTATION .........................................................................................................................................14

6.3. SAAL LAYER MANAGEMENT I NTERFACE (LMI)..................................................................................................15

6.3.1. SAAL Entity Management................................................................................................................................15

6.3.2. TRUNK Entity Management............................................................................................................................16 

6.3.3. HSSL Entity Management................................................................................................................................17 

6.4. CONFIGURING SAAL VIA S7MP SCRIPTS.................................................................................................................18

6.5. IMPACTS ON EXISTING IN7 COMPONENTS..............................................................................................................20

6.5.1. DNB device driver .............................................................................................................................................20

6.5.2. Management APIs .............................................................................................................................................20

6.6. SAAL POSSIBLE EVOLUTION.....................................................................................................................................21

7. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 22

7.1. E NVIRONMENT .............................................................................................................................................................22

7.1.1. Hardware ............................................................................................................................................................ 22

7.1.2. Software ..............................................................................................................................................................22

7.1.3. Users ....................................................................................................................................................................22

7.2. PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................................................22

7.3. I NSTALLATION AND PACKAGING.............................................................................................................................23

7.3.1. Installat ion .........................................................................................................................................................237.3.2. Packaging ..........................................................................................................................................................23

7.4. LICENSING.....................................................................................................................................................................23

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7.5. PUBLICATIONS AND TRAINING .................................................................................................................................23

7.5.1. Publications.......................................................................................................................................................23

7.5.2. Training ..............................................................................................................................................................24

7.6. I NTERNATIONALIZATION ..........................................................................................................................................24

7.7. COMPATIBILITY..........................................................................................................................................................24

7.7.1. Product Compatibility .....................................................................................................................................24

7.7.2. Standard Conformance ....................................................................................................................................24

7.8. USABILITY ....................................................................................................................................................................24

7.9. R  ELIABILITY ................................................................................................................................................................24

7.10. MAINTAINABILITY ................................................................................................................................................24

7.11. SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................................................................25

7.12. EVOLVABILITY........................................................................................................................................................25

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2.  Introduction

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment

 by Compaq Computer Corporation or its affiliated companies. Compaq Computer Corporation assumes no

responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

The purpose of the Product Specifications Phase is:

•  To determine which key attributes from the Product Requirements will be implemented in the product. The

Product Requirements represent the complete set of customer needs. The Product Specifications is a detailed

subset of the Product Requirements, based on resources and other constraints.

•  To translate the selected subset of the Product Requirements into Product Specifications used by engineers,

writers, and other team members during the project.

•  To describe :

•  Product deliverables

•  Capabilities

•  Features

•  Functionality

•  Quality

•  Performance.

•  To define minimum ship criteria, product volumes, and any other factors required by the product team.

The Product Specifications document definitively describes in measurable terms the goals, capabilities, and external

characteristics of a software product. It is a commitment by the development team of what it will build.

The Product Specifications document responds to the Product Requirements document. It will:

•  Be the input for product design work •  Help to identify the tasks involved in creating the product

•  Be used to estimate the resources needed to deliver the product

•  Be used as a measure against which the product is evaluated

This document should include, at least:

•  High-Level Product Description

•  Functional Description of High-Level Pieces

•  Capabilities, Functions, Features and Option Support

•  Prioritize these, ranking each one as the following:

•  Goal

•   Non-goal (postponed and waiting-list)

•  Identify all interfaces that will require a specification to be written to assure interoperability and for concurrentengineering

•  Map of Product Requirements to Product Specifications

•  Show how the Product Specifications address each retained requirement

•  Identify all the requirements that are not covered by the Product Specifications

•  Restriction and Assumption from Product Requirements

Revision ControlThis document defines the contents of the product. Application of Documentation Control Procedure (TE-PRO-0016)

is vital for the project; after it has been finalized and approved, the Product Specifications are frozen. All change

must apply the Project Change Control procedure (TE-PRO-0012).

•  The project team cannot add functionality that was not listed in the Product Specifications.•  The project team cannot delete or reduce functionality that has been listed as a goal.

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•  The project team cannot change the category of functionality after the Product Specifications have been frozen

(for example, a goal requirement cannot be reclassified as a non-goal requirement and vice versa).

The Product Specifications document is the result of the study of the User Requirements detailed in the Product

Requirements document [R1]. Once finalized, the Product Specifications are the main input to update the first version

of Engineering Project Plan document that gathers the deliverables, milestones and costs.

2.1.  Terms and acronyms

Term Description


Asynchronous Transfer Mode

A switching and multiplexing technology based on the segmentation of voice, video, and data traffic

into equal length cells which are then interleaved over a physical connection in a time-asynchronous

manner. This contrasts with TDM where different traffic sources are assigned fixed timeslots


ATM Adaptation Layer 

Layer within the ATM model that supports Convergence Sublayer (CS) and Segmentation And

Reassembly (SAR) services into/out of ATM cells. Different AALs exist:AAL0: this layer nullifies AAL. Data to be sent should fit in an ATM 48 bytes cell.

AAL1: supports CBR traffic, such as video

AAL2: supports VBR traffic, such as packetized audio/video

AAL3/4: supports VBR traffic, such as Frame Relay, X25, SMDS. Being replaced by AAL5.

AAL5: leaner version of AAL3/4, supports Frame Relay, X25, IP,…

CBR  Constant Bit Rate

CLPCell Loss Priority – 1 bit in ATM cell header : if set to 1, indicates that the cell can be discarded in

cased of congestion

CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer 

E1European Signal Level 1

2.048 Mbps transport rate within the European PDH hierarchy, supporting 32x64 Kbps channels.

GFCGeneric Flow Control – 4 bits in ATM cell header, mostly used to extend number of VPIs supported,as

its use is not standardized yet.

HEC Header Control Error – checksum over the cell header 

LMI Layer Management Interface


 Network-Node Interface or Network-to-Network Interface

The NNI is better characterized as a switch-to-switch interface. The ATM Forum has defined a Private-

 NNI (P-NNI) to connect switches within a single management domain.


Plesiosynchronous Transmission Hierarchy

A public transmission hierarchy based on a non-synchronous alignment of octets at different levels of 

multiplexing. PDH is only bit-synchronous . PDH networks are in the process of being replaced with

SDH networks. Examples of PDH transmission rates include E1 and T1.

PTI Payload Type Identifier – 3 bits in ATM cell header 

SAALSignaling AAL

Defined in Q.2100 series. Contains among others protocols like SAR, CPCS, SSCF-NNI and SSCOP.

SAR  Segmentation And Reassembly

SSCF-NNI Service Specific Coordination Function at NNI (Q.2140)

SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol (Q.2110)

T1 1.544 Mbps transport rate, supporting 24 channels

UBR  Unspecified Bit Rate

VBR  Variable Bit Rate


Virtual Channel Identifier – 16 bits in ATM cell header 

A label used to identify connections between two ATM stations. Together, the VCI and VPI labels

establish an ATM end-station address.


Virtual Path Identifier – 8 bits in ATM cell header 

Used to identify each VP across the UNI or NNI. The VPI is an 8-bit field at the UNI; 12 bits at the NNI(no GFC).

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Table 1 List of Terms and Acronyms

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3.  Reference and Associated Documents

All documents are available on IN7 Engineering Site Scape forum (SSF) ) located on

under SS7 Engineering/Development Projects.

All the project documents are under SS7ATM SSF.

Note: the Product Specifications of the DNB device driver should be available soon under IN7 Engineering SSF, but

as it is not ready at the time of writing the present document, it is not referenced here below.

3.1.  Reference Documents

q  SS7ATM - Product Requirements V 1.1 [R1]

q  SS7ATM – Alternatives and Feasibility Study V 1.3 [R2]

3.2.  Associated Documents

q  ITU-T Recommendations Series Q.2100 [A1]

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4.  Executive Summary

4.1.  SS7ATM context

4.1.1.  The ATM feature into IN7 stack 

This chapter briefly describes the new IN7 V4.1 feature, which is a high-speed signaling links over ATM function.

The main objective is to provide the ability to carry MTP3 traffic over high load link sets between any STP and IN7

supporting this capability.

This objective will be achieved by using the ITU-T SAAL specifications and AAL5 protocol over E1/T1 channels.

The IN7 stack implementation for high-speed signaling links will look like:

MTP3 / MTP3-BQ.704 / Q.2110

SSCF at NNIQ.2140


 ATM layer (AAL5)

Physical layer (PDH 2 Mbit/s link)




The physical layer will be performed by using the PT-PCI37x-p board from PTI which include the MPC860SAR 

 processor and provides dual E1/T1 connectivity.

This processor handles AAL5 layer on top of ATM connectivity.

The SAAL layer is a new component to be implemented and that will be fully integrated into the IN7 stack. It will be

implemented as running within the FEP process, but may be eventually embedded in the board later on, in case of 

 performance problems.

4.1.2.  Metrics for calibrating IN7 SAAL

SAAL layer developed into IN7 product should conform to relative ITU-T Q.2100 recommendations.

IN7 SAAL layer should be compatible at least with relevant Ericsson Switch.

4.2.  Product Components

Here is a list of new components involved by this project:

•  SAAL software

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•  Firmware handling AAL5

•  SAAL, TRUNK (under SAAL) and HSSL management entities

Here is a list of existing components to be modified:

•  Management relative packages (S7MP scripts, MGT API, DIR, FEP)

•  Management tools (ss7configure, GUI, DNB tools)


•  MTP3

•  DNB Device driver and Starlet

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5.  Detailed Requirements

5.1.  Goal requirements

The following requirements are complementary points to ITU-T (and ANSI) recommendations in order to fully inter-

work with other vendors’ high-speed signaling links implementations, according that Telcordia (formerly Bellcore) do

not provide any recommendations for such specifications.

•  VPI and VCI values will be fully configurable via standard IN7 management procedures on new HSSL entities.

•  Errors reporting and monitoring will conform to IN7 standard error reporting mechanism.

•  G.804 compliance is fully performed by the MPC860SAR processor tuning, including:

•  scrambling

•  no use of TS0 and TS16 for E1 links (implicit use of G.804)

•  Maximum supported signaling information size is 272 octets

•  Possibility to have mixed link sets, i.e. regular 64/56 Kbit/s over E1/T1 or V35 links and ATM over E1/T1 links

within a same link set.

IN7 MTP3 will support extended changeover messages (XCO/XCA) and will support an FSN encoded on 3

octets when changeover occurs on a high-speed link. However, the maximum number of messages to be

retransmitted is limited to 128 per link (regular MTP2 requirement).

5.1.1.  Mixed configurationA mixed configuration of regular E1/T1 links (or V35 links) and ATM links will be supported among the same

 platform. However, this capability is not applicable on a single FEP.

5.1.2.  Graphical InterfaceAs this new feature will be fully backward compatible, the management of ATM functionality through GUI interface

will also be supported. In fact, the impact on GUI is not so important, as an SS7 link within GUI will map either a

High-Speed Link or a Regular Link.

5.1.3.  Standard recommendationsCHINA and ANSI recommendations (T1.645 for SSCF-NNI, T1.637 for SSCOP) should be implemented.

5.2.  Non-Goal requirements

The following points are non-goals or limitations addressed by the current high-speed links feature implementation:

•  4 Koctets signaling information size (Q.2210 recommendation but not a requirement)

This feature will not be implemented in IN7 MTP3 as no upper layer use this capability

•  OC-3, OC-12, J1 connections

5.2.1.  Postponed requirements N/A

5.2.2.  Waiting-list requirements•  full support of Q.2210 recommendations (4 Koctets signaling information size) if needed by upper layers to


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•  J1 and OC-3 connections

•  mixed configuration within a same FEP

•  embedded SAAL software

•  SS7-MTP2 firmware embedded in PT-PCI37x-p ATM boards, i.e. those boards will support only ATM specific


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6.  Software Capabilities

The software implementation for handling high-speed signaling links can be depicted as:


PCI / cPCI Bus


device driver 

UpStream / DownStream

Boot Background



Framer E1/T1








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6.1.  ATM Connectivity

The hardware board handling ATM connectivity with dual E1/T1 links is the PTI PC-37x that includes the

MPC860SAR processor. This processor handles CPCS and SAR in order to provide AAL5 transport layer.

6.1.1.  FirmwareIn order to send SSCOP messages coming from the host through an ATM link using AAL5 (and vice-versa), a

firmware should be developed based on current firmware architecture for PTI boards. This firmware is made up from

different parts:

•   programming the E1/T1 framer 

•  an AAL5 API to provide an easy way to transmit/receive frames over ATM network through the processor 

serial interface, including:

•  general MPC860SAR initialization

•  creation/deletion of an AAL5 channel

•  transmission/reception of frames over an opened AAL5 channel

  issue commands•  report events and counters

•  a bootstrap

•  downstream and upstream modules for storing messages from/to host

•  a background scheduler for processing messages from host and from network 

6.1.2.  Handling congestion and recovery in the boardOn transmission, DNB device driver handles congestion for downstream messages. When congestion occurs, driver 

reports an error exception on write() driver call.

On reception, firmware relies on the mechanism implemented within MPC860SAR processor. When reception buffer 

is full, any incoming AAL5 message is discarded. ATM cells can also be discarded in case of congestion if CLP bit

in cell header is set to 1.

On board failure, there is an automatic restart of firmware, as it is done currently with regular E1/T1 boards. There is

also an automatic reconfiguration mechanism used by the board at restart.

Upon a board reset or failure, DNB driver will detect this event and will report an alarm to IN7 management layer.

6.1.3.  Board configuration and managementThe ATM board will be configured and managed in the same way as it is done currently with regular E1/T1 boards.

The same tools will be used to download the firmware (pt_download) and to trace its activity (pt_trace). The

firmware version will be reported via the tracing mechanism.

6.1.4.  IN7 Trunk and HSSL entities state relationsThe state relations between HSSL and Trunk entities are based on the same model than the one used at MTP2 level

for Trunk and Data-Link entities. In ATM case, there is only one HSSL per Trunk, so that a critical problem occurring

on a trunk entails an HSSL going out of service.

6.2.  SAAL implementation

The SAAL software will be implemented within the IN7 stack. It will be the transport layer used by MTP3 when

carrying information over high-speed signaling links. IN7 SAAL will implement SSCF-NNI (Q.2140) and SSCOP

(Q.2110) recommendations.

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As an IN7 entity, SAAL software will be fully configurable via IN7 management interface. S7MP scripts will be used

to configure these high-speed signaling links. IN7 GUI tool will handle new SAAL entities transparently with the

same user interface.

SAAL software, its protocol entities and its LMI objects, will be implemented as C++ classes. First implementation of 

these classes will fully integrate the FEP process. However, SAAL software will react as an independent thread.

Indeed, it could be eventually embedded in the board so that an independent thread will be quite straightforward to


SSCOP protocol is the main class for handling SAAL traffic over ATM AAL5 connections. In order to provide a

reliable transfer for MTP3 packets, it implements a transmitter and a receiver as specified in Q2110.

SSCF-NNI specifies the interface for using SSCOP. An API at SSCF-NNI level will be developed for MTP3 level use.

This API allows to pass commands from MTP3 to SAAL and to report indications from SAAL to MTP3.

MTP3 (or MTP2_SWITCH, to be defined in design) should be modified in order to use SAAL instead of MTP2 as a

data-link transport layer. Also, MTP3 should handle FSN/BSN encoded on 3 octets for extended changeover 


6.3.  SAAL Layer Management Interface (LMI)

The FEP subsystem entity tree with the new SAAL branch will look like:

SAAL entity is a meta-entity (like MTP2). It cannot be instantiated more than once.

HSSL entity and TRUNK entity (different from the one defined under MTP2) can be instantiated as many high-speed

links to be handled. Even non-local high-speed links can be instantiated in SAAL LMI (for LMI redundancy


There should be always only one HSSL entity for one TRUNK entity. The TRUNK entity is to be defined before the

definition of an HSSL entity, as there is a reference to an TRUNK into HSSL characteristics.

Note: all timer characteristics will be reported in hundredth of seconds, for IN7 coherence.

6.3.1.  SAAL Entity Management

SAAL entity is a container entity. It can not be instantiated more than once.

I denti f iers Def ini tion Syntax Settable Default value  

NAME  name of the entity OctetString[8] no 0

UID  uid of the entity OctetString[16] no empty


VERSION  software version OctetString[4] no X400

SDU_SIZE  size of SIF used at MTP3 layer uint32 no 272

Status STATE  disabled, available or failed uint32 no disabled




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CREATION_TIME  time of entity creation OctetString no

NB_OF_ERRORS  number or errors that have occurred Counter32 no 0


SOFTWARE_ERROR  event reported when counter increased uint32

LEVEL_FAILURE  event reported when program stopped uint32

6.3.2.  TRUNK Entity Management

SAAL TRUNK entity is equivalent to MTP2 TRUNK entity when running signaling protocols over High-Speed

Links. This entity contains all characteristics to fully define the physical interface, whether it is E1, T1, etc… It also

contains all characteristics to define the ATM protocol running on that link. If, in the future of IN7, SAAL will run on

top of optical fibers, then TRUNK entity will contain extra characteristics to fully define OC links.

I denti f iers Def ini tion Syntax Settable Default value  

NAME  name of the entity (1..9999999) OctetString[8] mandatory

at creation

UID  uid of the entity OctetString[16] no empty


DEVICE_NAME   physical device and associated port.

Example: pt39a0 (cf. chapter 6.5.1)

String[6] mandatory

at creation

FEP_NAME  represents the FEP handling the link String mandatory

at creation

TRUNK_TYPE  type of trunk: E1, T1, J1, ADSL… uint32 no

E1_REMOTE_ALARM  specific to E1: USE_A, USE_AIS uint32 at creation USE_A

E1_CRC4  specific to E1: ON, OFF uint32 at creation OFF

T1_FRAMING  specific to T1: D4, ESF uint32 at creation ESF

T1_ENCODING  specific to T1: B8ZS, AMI uint32 at creation B8ZS

T1_BANDWIDTH  specific to T1: 56Kbit/s, 64Kbits/s uint32 at creation 56T1_YELLOW_ALARM  specific to T1: YA_NOT_TRSM,


uint32 at creation YA_NOT_TRS


T1_OOF_RATIO  specific to T1: 2OVER4, 2OVER5,


uint32 at creation 2OVER6

CELL_HEADER_GFC  ATM cell header : GFC value on xmit


uint32 at creation 0

CELL_HEADER_VPI  ATM cell header : VPI value on xmit


uint32 at creation 0

CELL_HEADER_VCI  ATM cell header : VCI value on xmit



uint32 at creation 5

CELL_HEADER_PTI  ATM cell header : PTI value on xmit


uint32 at creation 0

CELL_HEADER_CLP  ATM cell header : CLP value on xmit


uint32 at creation 0

ATM_SCRAMBLING  defines ATM scrambling: ON, OFF uint32 at creation ON

ATM_IDLE_CELLS  defines the idle cells: UNI, ITU

Empty header for UNI: 0x00000000

Empty header for ITU: 0x01000000

Empty payload : 0x6A6A6A6A

uint32 at creation ITU

ATM_QOS_CLASS  Quality of Service: CBR, UBR or VBR uint32 at creation VBR  

ATM_A_LAYER  AAL0, AAL1, AAL5 uint32 no AAL5

ATM_TIMESLOTS  mask of all timeslots used to carry ATM


uint32 at creation 0xFFFFFFFF


STATE  disabled, available or alarm uint32 no disabled


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CREATION_TIME  time of entity creation OctetString no

FW_TIMEOUT  no response from firmware Counter32 no

TKCNT_LOSES  device unreachable Counter32 no

RX_CARRIER_LOSES  full frame of 0s received Counter32 no

RX_SYNCHRO_LOSES  synchronization loses Counter32 no

AIS_TRANSMITTED  number of transmitted AIS Counter32 no

AIS_RECEIVED  For T1: number of blue alarms Counter32 noALARM_REMOTE  For E1: A bit set. For T1: yellow alarm Counter32 no

CODE_VIOLATIONS  number of code violations Counter32 no

CRC_ERRORS  errors in CRC4 for E1, CRC6 for T1 Counter32 no

EFS  time of Error Free Seconds Counter32 no

ES  time of Error Seconds Counter32 no

SES  time of Severely Error Seconds Counter32 no

CSES  time of Consecutively SES Counter32 no

CRITICAL_ALARMS  number of Critical Errors Counter32 no

E1_FEBE  specific to E1 if CRC4 is enabled Counter32 no

SLIPS  number of Elastic Store Slip


Counter32 no

HEC_ERRORS  number of ATM HEC errors Counter32 noCELLS_TRANSMIT  number of ATM cells transmitted Counter32 no

CELLS_RECEIVED  number of ATM cells received Counter32 no


TKCNT_LOSES  event reported when device becomes



TKCNT_RECOVERED  event report when device can be

reached again


CRITICAL_ALARMS   problem with the trunk line uint32

CLEARED_ALARMS  alarm condition has cleared uint32

6.3.3.  HSSL Entity Management

SAAL HSSL entity is equivalent to MTP2 DATA_LINK entity when running signaling protocols over High-Speed

Links. . This entity contains all characteristics to fully define the SAAL protocol running onto that link.

I denti f iers Def ini tion Syntax Settable Default value  

NAME  name of the entity representing the PLN

used to define an MTP3 link (1..4096).

 Note that this name should be unique

among (HSSL + DATA-LINK) set.

OctetString[8] mandatory

at creation

UID  uid of the entity OctetString[16] no empty

Characteristics TRUNK_NAME  name of the already created TRUNK 

entity linked to this HSSL

OctetString[8] mandatory

at creation

FEP_NAME  represents the FEP handling the link,

derived from attached TRUNK 

String no

TB_SIZE  transmit buffer size. uint32 at creation 128

TB_CGT_ONSET  congestion onset threshold in TB uint32 at creation 30

TB_CGT_ABAT  congestion abatement threshold in TB uint32 at creation 50

RTB_SIZE  retransmit buffer size uint32 no 128

RB_SIZE  receive buffer size. uint32 no 128

K  cf. Q2110, this value is derived from

SAAL::SDU_SIZE (0..65528)

uint32 no computed

J  cf. Q2110 (0..65524) uint32 at creation 4MAX_CC  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 4

MAX_PD  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 500

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MAX_STAT  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 67

TIMER_CC  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 200 ms

TIMER_KEEPALIVE  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 100 ms

TIMER_NORESP  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 1500 ms

TIMER_POLL cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 100 ms

TIMER_IDLE  cf. Q2110 uint32 at creation 100 ms

TIMER_T1  cf. Q2140 uint32 at creation 5000 msTIMER_T2  cf. Q2140 uint32 at creation 30000 ms

TIMER_T3  cf. Q2140 uint32 at creation computed

N1  cf. Q2140 uint32 at creation 1000


STATE  disabled, out of service, alignment,

 proving, aligned ready, in service,

unknown (in case of a non-local link)

uint32 no disabled

SSCF_STATE  cf. Q2140 uint32 no out of service

SSCOP_STATE  cf. Q2110 uint32 no idle


CREATION_TIME  time of entity creation OctetString no

PDU_TRANSMITTED  number of SSCOP SD PDU transmitted Counter32 no

PDU_RECEIVED  number of SSCOP SD PDU received Counter32 no

ALIGNMENT_FAILED  number of alignment or proving failures Counter32 no

UNSOLICITED_PDU  number of receipt of unsolicited PDU Counter32 no

UNSUCC_RETRANS  number of unsuccessful retransmission Counter32 no

LIST_ERRORS  number of other list elements errors Counter32 no

SD_LOSS  SD PDU lost, must be retransmitted Counter32 no

CREDIT_CONDITION  number of credit condition Counter32 no

DURATION_INS  duration of link in the In Service state Counter32 no

SL_FAILURE_ALL HSSL failure – all reasons Counter32 no

SL_FAILURE_NORSP  HSSL failure – No_RESPONSE timer Counter32 no

SL_FAILURE_EXCES  HSSL failure – Excessive error rate Counter32 noSL_FAILURE_CGT  HSSL failure – Excessive congestion Counter32 no


IN_SERVICE  link in service uint32

FAILURE  link failure (any reason) uint32

CGT_START  start of link congestion uint32

CGT_END  end of link congestion uint32

ALIGNMENT_FAILED  initial alignment failure uint32

TIMEOUT  timer (any) expired uint32

START_PROVING  start of proving period uint32

STOP_PROVING  end of proving period uint32

PROVING_FAILURE   proving was not successful uint32

SSCOP_ERROR  SSCOP error report (any reasoncf.Q2110)


SSCOP_UNITDATA SSCOP Unit Data report (cf. Q2110) uint32

LP_OUTAGE  start of Local Processor Outage uint32

LP_RECOVERED  end of Local Processor Outage uint32

SSCF_REPORT  events (any) detected by SSCF (cf.



6.4.  Configuring SAAL via S7MP scripts

 New qualifiers need to be defined for SAAL, TRUNK and HSSL entities. These new tags definitions will be:

Entity Qualifiers Shortcut Description

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TRUNK /devname /d Mandatory: physical device and associated port

/fepname /f Mandatory: FEP where link is physically attached

/e1remotealarm /e1r Optional: cf. LMI

/e1crc4 /e1c Optional: cf. LMI

/t1framing /t1f Optional: cf. LMI

/t1encoding /t1e Optional: cf. LMI

/t1bandwidth /t1b Optional: cf. LMI/t1yellowalarm /t1y Optional: cf. LMI

/t1oofratio /t1o Optional: cf. LMI

/gfc /g Optional: cf. LMI

/vpi /vp Optional: cf. LMI

/vci /vc Optional: cf. LMI

/pti /p Optional: cf. LMI

/clp /c Optional: cf. LMI

/scrambling /s Optional: cf. LMI

/idlecells /i Optional: cf. LMI

/tkcntloses /tkcntl event: cf. LMI

/tkcntrecovered /tkcntr event: cf. LMI

/criticalalarms /cr event: cf. LMI

/clearedalarms /cl event: cf. LMIHSSL /trunkname /tr Mandatory: name of physical TRUNK  

/tbsize /tbs Optional: cf. LMI

/tbcgtonset /tbcgto Optional: cf. LMI

/tbcgtabat /tbcgta Optional: cf. LMI

/k /k Optional: cf. LMI

/j /j Optional: cf. LMI

/maxcc /maxc Optional: cf. LMI

/maxpd /maxp Optional: cf. LMI

/maxstat /maxs Optional: cf. LMI

/timercc /timerc Optional: cf. LMI

/timerkeepalive /timerk Optional: cf. LMI

/timernoresp /timern Optional: cf. LMI/timerpoll /timerp Optional: cf. LMI

/timeridle /timeri Optional: cf. LMI

/timert1 /timert1 Optional: cf. LMI

/timert2 /timert2 Optional: cf. LMI

/timert3 /timert3 Optional: cf. LMI

/n1 /n Optional: cf. LMI

/inservice /i event: cf. LMI

/failure /f event: cf. LMI

/cgtstart /cgts event: cf. LMI

/cgtend /cgte event: cf. LMI

/alignmentfailed /a event: cf. LMI

/timeout /timeo event: cf. LMI

/startproving /sta event: cf. LMI

/stopproving /sto event: cf. LMI

/provingfailure /pro event: cf. LMI

/sscoperror /sscope event: cf. LMI

/sscopunitdata /sscopu event: cf. LMI

In the case of the first implementation of SAAL layer, no new verb will be defined within SAAL.

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6.5.  Impacts on existing IN7 components

6.5.1.  DNB device driverThe device driver should be able to identify new ATM boards. Although PT-PCI37x-p is quite identical to classical

PT-PCI37x board in terms of hardware, a different prefix name will be used for both types of board at management

level (s7mp) in order to differentiate their capabilities. Indeed, at configuration level (ss7configure), board types

should be different in order to download the right firmware to the relevant board. Device driver (and Starlet) should

 be modified to handle the new device-id and associated firmware.

DNB tools should also be modified to download ATM specific firmware to relevant boards.

Each framer (attached to a trunk) of the board could be used to handle traffic, so that two trunks can be handled by a

single board. The following naming convention will be used to refer to a PTI ATM board:

pt39xn, where x is the slot where the board is assigned to the rack, and where n is the trunk used (0 or 1).

 Note that no divert timeslots facility will be available.

The driver will provide two communication channels for dialog between firmware and hosted SAAL, that is one for 

data and the other one for management purpose. In case of board congestion, a kind of priority will be given to

management channel versus data channel.

6.5.2.  Management APIsOnly portable API (on all OS) will support the new functionality.

However, non-portable API (VMS case only) will still be compatible with this version of IN7, even if the new

functionality will not be supported for that API.

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6.6.  SAAL possible evolution

In the case of non-satisfactory performance of FEP process including SAAL software, and supposing that board is

capable to support the SAAL workload, the SAAL part will be eventually embedded in board, as depicted below:


PCI / cPCI bus


 Note: current experience of PTI boards show that there could be some memory problems when handling new


device driver 

UpStream / DownStream

Boot Background



Framer E1/T1








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7.  General Requirements

7.1.  Environment

7.1.1.  Hardware

ATM connectivity should be fully compatible to both PCI and CompactPCI bus interfaces.

This feature is targeted on Compaq Alpha Servers (PCI and cPCI) and on Proliant Intel (PCI bus on cPCI frame).

Connectivity will support E1 and T1 links.

Hot-swap capability will not be supported in first firmware versions.

7.1.2.  Software

High-speed signaling links feature will be fully integrated to IN7 V4.1 (ITU, ANSI and CHINA) and will be available

on following operating systems:

Hardware Platform Tru64


4.0F and +



V7.2 and +


NT 4.0



Alpha Server – PCI bus  a  a  

Alpha Server – cPCI bus  a*

 Proliant Intel –PCI bus  a  

Intel – cPCI rack    a*

*: Only if cPCI rack available before end of September 2000.

All others platforms are not supported.

7.1.3.  Users


7.2.  Performance

 New SAAL feature should not consume too much CPU and memory, so that the workload of the hosted SAAL

software is expected to be equivalent of the workload of the hosted MTP2 software for running V35 links, at a same

throughput level. IN7 performances should also be equivalent to standard E1/T1 links in terms of throughput, either 

considering board performances (around 850 TPS) than host performances (today more than 2000 TPS per FEP,

depending on FEP capacity).

RTT (round-trip time) delay should be equivalent to the one observed for regular IN7 E1/T1 connections for a same

throughput. That is, it should not be more than 80 ms when running a standard TCAP application at 50% of theoverall maximum capacity.

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An optional feature for embedding SAAL software in the board should be available, if needed, in future releases of 

IN7 high-speed signaling links in order to have an equivalent FEP activity when running classical E1/T1 links, if and

only ATM board supports it in terms of performance as well.

7.3.  Installation and Packaging

7.3.1.  Installation

This feature will conform to IN7 installation strategy.

7.3.2.  Packaging

This feature will conform to IN7 packaging strategy.

7.4.  Licensing

This feature will be part of general IN7 licensing.

7.5.  Publications and Training

7.5.1.  Publications

All the documentation and publication will be detailed in the SS7ATM documentation plan.

The documentation set supplied with IN7 will be modified in order to reflect about this new high-speed signaling link 

feature implementation. The full documentation set contains (documents to be modified in bold):

•  I N7 Techni cal Descri ption 

gives a general description of the product capabilities and interfaces.

•  I N7 In stallation Guide 

describes how to install IN7.

•  I N7 Enti ty Reference 

describes the IN7 entities with reference tables of their attributes.

•  I N7 Platform User’ s Guide 

describes how to configure, control, and monitor a IN7 platform with reference to the supplied management

 program, System 7 Management Program (S7MP).

•  I N7 S7MP Command Reference 

is the reference for the commands of the supplied management program, System 7 Management Program


•  I N7 Management Application Development Gui de 

 provides information to help you use the IN7 Management API to develop SS7 network signaling point

management applications.

•   IN7 Application Development Guide

 provides information to help you develop service applications for SS7 networks using the IN7 Application

Programming Interfaces.

•   IN7 Application Part, Volume 1, IS41-C API User’s Guide

 provides information to help you develop compliant service applications for use in American cellular networks.

•  I N7 Troubleshooting Guide 

gives diagnosis and recovery guidelines to help you solve problems with IN7 and its associated software .

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7.5.2.  Training

IN7 training courses need to be updated.

7.6.  Internationalization


7.7.  Compatibility

7.7.1.  Product Compatibility

This new functionality will be fully compatible to IN7 V4.1 and higher versions. There will be an ascendant

compatibility on existing IN7 software, so that IN7 including SAAL feature should behave exactly the same as it

does today while not using any functionality of this new feature, for example using only DNBC4 or DNBE1 boards.It should be backward compatible also for MGT API purpose.

7.7.2.  Standard Conformance


Firmware will be identical whatever the SS7 protocol suite used, that is ITU-T, CHINA or ANSI.

But, firmware will be slightly different if it is running on a PCI bus or on a cPCI bus.

Rolling upgrade is not supported.


This section lists the International Standards applicable to the IN7 SAAL component:

1.  Q.2110 B-ISDN AAL – SSCOP2.  Q.2140 B-ISDN AAL – SSCF-NNI

However, first implementation of IN7 SAAL will not support the following features, which are optional in the above


•  support sending of UD PDU

•  support sending of MD PDU

•  local user initiated resynchronization procedures

•  remote user initiated resynchronization procedures

Also, IN7 SAAL first implementation will not support Q.2144 recommendation: B-ISDN AAL – LM for SAAL at NNI

7.8.  Usability

The strategy for user interfaces in terms of help, training, error reporting will follow IN7 strategy. The IN7 trace

logging facility of the FEP will be used for SAAL software. The IN7 firmware logging facility will also be used within

the firmware.

7.9.  Reliability

Firmware errors will be treated the same way as current errors occurring on standard E1/T1 boards.

7.10. Maintainability

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This feature will conform to IN7 software product maintainability strategy.

7.11. Service and Maintenance

As SAAL software is fully integrated to IN7 product, maintenance service is available through IN7 common

maintenance procedures.

7.12. Evolvability

This new feature will conform to IN7 product strategy.