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HIPPS (Refer to P&ID RFT-0000-PPI-10170.01)

HIPPS valves XV-172/173 are provided to protect the low pressure section (design pressure of

63.5 barg) downstream of pressure control valve 860-PV-170. The HIPPS valves 860-XV-

172/173 are closed by 2oo3 voted high high pressure 860-PAHH-171A/B/C downstream of PRS

which are set at 57 barg. The operating scenario under which HIPPS is actuated are :

¨ When a valve downstream of pressure reduction valve is closed inadvertently.

¨ If the pressure control valve fails to regulate pressure.

The loop response time of the HIPPS is set at 2 seconds which restricts the pressure increase in

the low pressure section, due to closure of downstream valve, to 110% of 63.5 barg in the worst

operating scenario.

HIPPS valves conform to SIL-3 rating and other components in the HIPPS system conforms to

SIL-4 rating.

When the HIPPS valves of all the trains are closed due to any process upset, it will also initiate

closure of facility ESD valves.

In addition, XV-172 is also closed in case of a PSD (Process Shut Down) like malfunction of the

pressure control valve PV-170 i.e. when there is a deviation of the valve position more than 10%

than controller output signal or when the pressure downstream of PV-170 reaches 55 barg.

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