  • 1. This Is What I Could Do
    But I believe That You Can Do More
    Tuesday, 14 June 2011
    Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!

2. On 13/05/2010 I had joined to a Group (more than 50000 members), as a new member I read the posts and stopped astonished on this;
Is Global Warming finally being exposed for what it is?
I interrupted their hot discussion with the comment below and posted my thoughts & ideas regarding - which I called them "Hoax Theory" - in two discussions and after I finished they continued in their discussion so I left out that group...
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
3. When I registered in linkedin on 03/14/2010 I read the following; Over 65 million professionals use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas and opportunities. But I didnt imagine that by this short time I will reach to 3266 commentators, Please, please and please give me the time to read your valuable comments you can get a vacation for short period forget the net and web news and make a tour around the world.., or go to the villages in your country, and search for the olds who didnt know the computers, they have
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
4. practise and knowledge more than you imagine.. You havent the time, or .. Dont worry I will tell you what I know Before I am a naval architect & marine engineer I was farmer and manager for our farms in my village, I wait the rain and the sunshine.. And I heard people who lived more than ten decades.. This year throughout April no rain also we let the door open in the Christmas night.. When I ask the olds in my village they said it is the first time.. In 2008 I spent throughout February in Odessa where I wear my jacket once, or twice Also
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
5. I asked the olds via my girl-friend they said it is the first time I visited Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Turkey, Same same I get this answer: It is the first time; or Our climate changes rapidly Today Icelands volcanic?! Ok, cancel all the above Yes, the Global Warming is the hoax! My friend; You use the excessive heat in cooling.. in ventilation,. Finally, Before this day I blamed the industry professionals for our global warming.. Now I understand you, because up till now you dont know if our global warming is/isnt a hoax,
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
6. And friendly I ask you to answer my discussion 05/13/2010
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
If you believe that our Global Warming is a hoax, why you are member here?!
Special thanks for you (all commentators here) and for everybody who comments on that valuable discussion, Actually after I read some of those comments I don't know why I remembered the big bang..
There are two teams:
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
8. A: who says that our global warming isnt a hoax.. B: who says that our global warming is a hoax.. Someday the truth shall appear, tomorrow.., after one year.., 10,20 I dont know exactly.. I will suppose that will happen after 10 years, as the following (I take into the consideration that nobody forces you to be A or to be B and also you invent what you believe):
1 A: wrong and B: right A(%) works on excessive heat treating and doesnt care by other reason for our climate change B(%)
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
9. doesnt care or search for other reasons for our climate change
2 A: right and B: wrong A(%) works on the excessive heat treating and doesnt care by other reason for our climate change B(%) doesnt care or search for other reasons for our climate change In the first case we lose the efforts of A&B or at least A in finding the right reason In the second we lose the efforts of B So lets find AB team as the following:
A works on the excessive heat treating and in the meantime search for other reasons B Search for other reasons and in the meantime works on
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
10. the excessive heat treating By this team I think that our global climate shall be fine Again many thanks for you.
PM and AM, Sun and moon, Man and Woman...are very very different, but each one need other to create the meaning of our life.. I don't know if Newton was like the apple or not and I don't care for that, I am interested in Newton's Law, also I think everything in this life has two faces and for each question there is an answer Y,N.. Let's discuss till when we know and lose time and efforts and ..
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
11. When I stop my comments please don't consider that I cant answer or reply,but consider that I have other thing I do..
Dear all A&B
Actually I posted this discussion to find something new and more usefulI post this discussion to prepare for different kind of discussion between A & B.. For my opinion regarding the global warming I say: The scientists didnt surprise me with the big bang.. I said that to invite every open mind person in the team A to stop struggle and make something different,
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
12. I mean working on the excessive heat and search for other reasons for our climate change, andto invite every open mind person in the team B to stop struggle and make something different, I mean search for other reasons for our climate change, and working on the excessive heat, And in the meantime I ask kindly every person in the both teams to stop posting here, and to join my next discussion to learn me about haw can we be more gentles?!
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
13. Dear brother/sister, how can we be more gentles?!
In my opinion, the gentle person is who turns back what he has borrowed as it was or better So he conserves and protects We use air and fuel in combustion chamber to get energy and produce CO2 At least we cant inhale CO2 So how can we turn the air and the fuel to them initial condition or to use them in something useful Dear reader I am so interested in your opinion but please take into consideration that you abort
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
14. this discussion when:
Of course, if you leave me out, you delete it or move it to Job discussion; or
You fight or struggle instead of discuss; or You post links more than your thoughts because I find your opinion more valuable than the links; Please lets share our thoughts and work together to conserve and protect simultaneously
Special thanks for Saturday, 08 May 2010
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
15. The Theory... When we extinguish a fire in some forest we make barriers or some arid areas to separate what is burning from what we can conserve, but is that enough?! We must treat the fire source directly.. I dont mean to stop CO2 emissions directly, because simply it is so hard to be done.. I think that it will be a good idea if we work on three levels:
Increase the green forests;
Decrease the energy consumption; and
Treat the CO2 emissions.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
16. And in my opinion I consider that it is very important to begin in CO2 emissions treat, because I have some thoughts regarding, and I will explain it below, and please take into consideration that my thoughts are based on my knowledge and information regarding how I realize the nature But I ask you friendly to let me complete
I will consider here the following:
The heat transfers from the sun to the earth so hot air currents transfer from the hot place to the cold place. Our plant consists of 70% water and
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
17. 30%land. All kind of trees inhale O2 and release CO2 during the nights, and vice versa, Trees work as pump with a defined suction pressure.. The temperature of CO2 gas is higher than O2, Ozone layer expands in high temperatures and shrinks in low temperature, When CO2 accumulates in large amount it form a layer which decrease heat transfer through, and it reflects the heat Ozone layer receives in a define position the heat from the sun during the daylight and from the earth during the night and this layer expands under heat effect.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
18. And also I will consider the following:
The rays can reflect on some surface just when it makes an angle with that surface,
Our earth has three rotation movement, around itself, around the sun, around the centre of universe so its axis has different positions but when some point be closer to the sun there is another point far from the sun.
And I ask you friendly to do two things:
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
19. Put a mirror against the light ray then put it where forms 0 angle with that ray; and
Light a candle and watch it smoke then fix a blank paper on a horizontal distance from the smoke and spray some water vertically against the paper and watch the paper.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
20. Dear reader,
I ask you friendly to do two things:
Light a candle and put above its fire on a reasonable distance two balloons (same material) one ball and the second tube then watch which explode at first.
Light a lamp on a vessel contains water and put black paper between the both and watch.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
21. Nature, human and his activities:
Less green areas on land take %O2 in night and pump %CO2 in addition to CO2 from animals, CO2 human and his activities so at night air currents blow from lands to the upper layers in the atmosphere above the water. Less green areas on land take %CO2 in daylight and pump %O2 in addition to CO2 from animals, CO2 human and his activities so at night air currents blow from waters to the upper layers in the atmosphere above the land. Rainfalls mix with %CO2. Well, you can find out easily
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
22. that there is strange body in the atmosphere it is large amount of CO2.
CO2 emissions effects on our resources:
When CO2 accumulates in upper layers above the waters it forms CO2 layer which minimizes sunshine access to the waters so less evaporation and less and less and less rain.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
23. CO2 emissions effects on Ozone layer:
When CO2 accumulate in upper layers near the ozone layer it forms CO2 layer which reflects (S1) sunshine to the Ozone layer after defined time (%T) and stores the heat in (S2) amount to lose it quickly at night to reach Ozone layer after defined time (%T) and the remaining (S3) reach Ozone layer after (T) time at daylight, so Ozone layer expands in (A+ %A) amount at daylight and at night it shrinks in (%B) amount, so Ozone layer expands and expands and expands.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
24. CO2 emissions effects on some area which is more close to the sun as a result for earth axis change:
Now I want to talk about north and south, as you know the north is rich by lands and man activities so high CO2 ratio on north, and the South is poor by lands and man activities so low CO2 ratio, the nature is so gentle and she wants to do her ability so CO2 moves from north to south where there is no rain so CO2 increases and increases and increases, and when earth axis changes where some area in the south becomes more close to
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25. the sun but it has rich CO2 layer so it is exposed to some increase (%C) amount in the heat at daylight and loose at night (%D) but now the other areas have higher temperature so the hot air currents in the lower layers blows toward that area so we can see easily that area under warming in (C-D) amount. If you realize the nature you can easily find out that the nature works on closed cycle system, and because we are so selfish and stupid we still work on open cycle system Dear reader thanks for your patience
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
As Stated Above In My Comments: I Don't Mean To Stop CO2 Emissions Directly, Because Simply We Can't Do That; CO2 Is From Our Bodies We Cant Install An Equipment To Treat It... But I Think CO2 From Animals Before Humans Equals CO2 From Animals And Humans, Because The Decrease In The Quantity And Quality Equals The Population Increase. DEAR ENGINEER The Nature Was In Balance Before Humans And The Nature Should Be In Balance If Humans Respect Nature's Lows...
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
27. My Thoughts And Ideas Are Based On CO2 Issue, And You Can Insert Instead Of This Gas Any Gas You Think It Has Negative Behaviour On The Global Climate And Go On Your Mission And Try To Implement The Closed System When You Imagine, Think, Decide And Design.
If you cant, please try to find something useful or alter your course...
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
28. Thank you for your valuable comment, in my turn I appreciate your experience also. With regard to human nature I agree with you... Many civilizations had appeared and disappeared throughout the human being ages, but this time if I am not wrong it will be no more civilizations. On other hand if the earth will recover again, (Easy Comes Easy Goes) I am wondering about the evidence of our global civilization while as you know this threat is one of many.
Thank you alsoIt is difficult "sure" but not impossible...
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
29. As humans, everyone can't live forever but he can live for a 20, 30,...100 years so he is on continuing struggle with his being... Is He For Money Or Money For Him...
His Achievement Till This Moment!
His Satisfaction In HimSelf!
His Wishes Balance! Loser!! Winner!!!
What will Happen In Event Of He Makes HimSelf Out Of Coverage Area To ReCharge His Power???
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
30. He Has The Magic Power To Change His Three Dimension Position, Scientific * Social * Credit Card, Would He Change, Why?!
And More...
Finally, Nothing in this life is correct 100%, Besides that I am not an expert in the field of my discussion, I am Naval Architect & Marine Engineer but I am so passion to learn more and I ask kindly the experts here to show my wrong in studying this issue.
Thank You All! 7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
31. Thank you very much for this precious info... I am not an editor, could I share your comments with the members of my group? Climate is not change... May be I will check after reading your proposed book. Just I stopped on some parts of your comments and I would like to ask one question; Is developing the nuclear cycle by using of other element instead of uranium which can't be used in bombs or terrorist purpose possible and has the right to find the real support? So All Countries Worldwide (Especially those can't bear the high costs of alternative energy) Can Use Nuclear Plants?! Many Thanks In Advance.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
32. Sorry for late answer actually I have just read your comment. I agree with you, and I believe in human being power to correct the way, and just we must keep in our minds; We have the power to change everything around us and the chance to begin in ourselves, but we must remember that behind each disaster there is a minor mistake and all inventions begin in a simple idea so we must Live in the second as our home and realize how we can conserve it for humans benefits forever. Or let's say literally and figuratively; We live at free world and we are responsible for its freedom...
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
33. so there are no differences between the countries except those make all nations and enforce all nations to contribute together and to encourage their people to share knowledge and experience with peers, because we are living at free world which is so wide to collect us all together.
I don't know exactly may be this issue have a good results in gathering all nations to solve it.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
34. Thank you very much for this info... I am learning more... I wrote previously;My Thoughts And Ideas Are Based On CO2 Issue, And You Can Insert Instead Of This Gas Any Gas You Think It Has Negative Behaviour On The Global Climate And Go On Your Mission And Try To Implement The Closed System When You Imagine, Think, Decide And Design. I have a lot of concerns with regard to methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and the halocarbons and I hope the three colours Red, Black & Blue turn back to the horizontal case same before 1750...
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
35. Again thank you for the info regarding thorium reactors...
Do you know the duration of its operating lifetime?
Thank You
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
36. Dear ALL; I am wondering about Global Warming Solution on the short & long terms, could you help?! Many thanks in advance.
In my opinion the solution culture of this issue is not a Nice Bazzar or Solid Business Centre, because it is the first thing we should do to save what we can save...
Everything In This Life Changes Except Who Controls The Beginning & The End Of Any Change.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
37. Climate changes or doesn't change, it doesn't a matter because every member here agree with me about the excessive GHGs and the concern is present; So Dear Reader Could You Help!
Looking Forward a Lot of Answers!
1- Dear Reader if I don't comment, Please consider I read & wait the good chance to comment.
2- Dear Administrator, in event of nobody comments Please Delete it and
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
38. thank you very much for doing that.
Kindest Regards 14/11/2010
Dear All; No comments, No answers & No interests, I can heard easily the NUTURE says; thank you very much.
Dear Administrator you did not delete it so you don't care or you want me to complete; in all cases thank you very much for the membership which will always honour me.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
39. Before I begin in the senses and then the Advices I should say something here;As we have the freedom to learn from each other we are responsible to share our knowledge.
Nobody in the human history, human present or human future have to/ had to say I FOUND IT...
They had designed ships for a long time before Archimedes Law (this example is one of many)
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
40. I consider the nature (including human nature) my first teacher, I worked 15 years as farmer and manager for our farms so I know somewhat how to mix between what is theory and what is practical besides that I believe there are no new thoughts or ideas also when somebody say something
I believe that there is another one says that or like that because we are all together colours mixers where the nature is our source and who said that Newton was able to discover without the green/red colour?! I need more than 300 years to be as Newton, but I should do my responsibility to explain what I learnt from the nature.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
41. I wish I have high speed internet connection 24/24 and the time to read carefully the comments and the proposed articles in those discussion to debate them one by one...
I don't use other's thoughts but the truth is truth so my thoughts should like others thoughts, I haven't enough time to go to an expert to build my attitude with regard to this issue because I don't need time loosing where if each one here and there did/does what I did/do... we live in the Paradise.
I hate to talk about my doings but I should do to be sure that more than 2
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
42. active persons will read the advices to correct or build on:
7 months ago
Sense 01
Thanks God USA & BP Had Solved This Issue
There is no way to stop oil spill except they begin from the end May 13, 2010
They must begin from the sea water surface by using pipe till where they decide to put the plug as the following:
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
43. The pressure on that plug must be calculated, I will suppose it (A) They must design the same pipe (material and thickness) which was used On each connection they must put a weight equals A/N; N: number of the connection Of course the diameter of the pipe must be more/less than the previous one as per the leakage box, I don't believe that plug will stop oil spill because they will need to use another one.. anyway I hope that they success by plug putting.
Next day They begin in the Top Kill
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
44. To somebody
Now they must fix the box leakage with a base for a new pipe 2 reach to the final position
May 17, 2010
Box leakage must be fixed between the damaged pipe and the new pipe 1 After new pipe 2 fixing the weights must be removed at first then the new pipe 1 must be blocked with emergency plug (the new pipe 1 must be till a new pipe from well till the final position)
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
45. Very important remark:
They must prepare a large number of the high heavy viscosity pumps (I heard about the oil spill from a group and I read some comments then I said they have everything to do as soon as possible so I didnt care, but when I was posting my discussion about the global warming one of the commentators comment on the hoax discussion
Drill baby drill; The oil spill in the gulf is a hoax
Do something, Next day I went to my work where I heard one of my
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
46. friends said they try to put a plug I shouted:
They are wrong
At evening I used Google to figure out more proposed solutions and I read; Nuclear bomb, Mississippi River... I was afraid of the black seas and ocean, I prepared my message when I came back my home and sent it to somebody, Today I posted my discussions and before five minutes I read the article in a group about tube fixing then I completed the right solution May they read my messages and correct them build on or may
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
47. this happened by chance... Anyway I did what I did while the others debate on who is the responsible...
7 months ago
Sense 02
Alternative Energy On Board Ships
It was 2007 when the hot sunshine burned my skin and the winds dropped my helmet onboardMV:LadyBushra where I dreamt in the Green ship which would be driven by solar, wind and AZIPOD units.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
48. My dreams are invaluable?! Or, it is hard to be in the reality Somebody says:
Your Dreams Are Scrap
I Answered:
Thanks God I did something; the scrap can be converted into newbuilding ship...
On 05/17/10 4:19 AM, Professional at Wind Energy (Canada) wrote: --------------------
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
49. Tarek,
Where is the wind farm? You can get 1.5 to 2 MW wind turbines but if you have environmental and regulatory setback limits the area you might need to expand the land you have. The first thing you should do is a Wind Resource Assessment. That will determine the yield from various vendors, very important, and its at this stage that micrositing is done. My firm can help you but you have a lot of choices on that front.
Do you have a feed in tariff?Professional at Wind Energy
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
50. On 05/16/10 9:23 PM, TarekJabour wrote:
-------------------- I have question and I look forward to get its answer; If we need 20 MW from wind, how much we need equipments (air turbines' number and its place area which it must be fixed, there is enough wind (at least by 10 knots)
Thank you very much
On 06/22/10 5:41 AM, Professional at Solar Energy (France) wrote: --------------------
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
51. Hello Tarek,
Here is an average estimation :

  • Total cost : 110 millions $US.

52. Area : 580,000m The real cost and needed area depends on many factors and questions that we can answer only after a rigorous case study.
Best Regards /Professional at Solar Energy
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
53. On 05/16/10 9:10 PM, TarekJabour wrote:
I have question and I look forward to get its answer; To get 20 MW from Solar, how much we need equipments and how much we need areas (m3) to fix it,
Thank you very much
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
54. I remembered myself (in sense 05) when I was owner for something I can do and said; I wish I am owner for something I can do on marine propulsion to collect between the both in best economical way2 months later my scrap converted into newbuilding ship driven by winds energy...
May they read my messages and correct them build on or may this happened by chance...
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
55. Sense 03
Closed Room
You would like to realize very well GHGs effects on the climate and humans try these (but I am not responsible regarding what shall happen because I believe in the dangerous effects of GHGs on Climate Change & Humans Lifes)
1- After 2 years of continuing work from a large 2 stroke engine working on fossil fuel clean the scavenge space for 6 hours and when you finish
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
56. don't drink milk, repeat this for more than one time then make blood analysis.
2- Put in your bedroom plants and flowers (large quantity) and close the door and window daily (at night) for a month make a comparison between the reading of thermometer with/without plants and flowers in the same month in 2010 and 2011 also make the blood analysis.
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
57. Sense 04
Flow Through & Insufficient Burning
1- I hated that black smoke and the high noise of that old generator, in that time I didn't know enough about emissions and know nothing about climate change, all what I knew (as a farmer) that the rain becomes less and less...I hope that somebody read this to correct and build on...
I made an hole in the ground and fixed half barrel then connected the funnel to the barrel and get the result no noise no black smoke.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
58. 2- Make a minor hole in a bole and use a blower with a assending hot air pressure then watch the hole.
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
59. Sense 05
My Friend; He Is Not A GOD... He Is Scientist; Advisor Or The Doctor Who Solves The Problems
I will consider your doctor has the speech freedom and isn't a merchant Your doctor cant help you if you dont want to recover Your Doctor cant feel in your pain like you
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
60. I know that my writing is a common sense for a lot of readers but Thanks God The Fall of That Apple Was Common sense Also
Away From The God
Away From The Philosophy
Away From The Common Senses
And; Near The Tarek's Advices,
Please, Read Carefully To Correct Kindly Or To Build On By Your Needed Turn.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
61. Please Note I don't know the Global Plans To solve this issue on the short or the long terms for that I posted this discussion to know it then to avoid the possible repeat but nobody answered so;
Dear Reader If you don't read for the first time please reconsider m.a.
Tarek'sAdvices on the Global Warming Response 1- Global Warming Response is based on STOP not decrease... (When we focus on the top we may not reach it but sure our last terminal is higher than when we focus on the valley)
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
62. 2- Global Warming Response is not a nice bazzar or solid buisnesscenter because it is solution culture which requests more awareness from all countries and all people.
3- Global Warming Response requests from all involved parties and the stakeholders working on the long term goals not short ones as the following:
Green Technologies;
Stop fighting others technologies relying on the global warming issue
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
63. forget this issue and be more honest competitive and please consider nothing is perfect...
Let the customer feel that he is going to die while buying youI admit that you are my favourite beauty but if you are so demanded I can love others
If we compare present technology using and maintenance coast and its lifetime with green technologies coasts and maintenance and lifetime may be green technologies will have more cost
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
64. So lets the customer buy it on the long term
Fossil fuel Technology;
Focus on the global warming issue and believe that nobody can cancel you because we need to use Fossil Fuels so wake up and do more development
Develop sense 04; After the best filtration ground can take a good part from the emissions
Also Sea can do the same
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
65. Stakeholders:
Accumulated GHGs are the mean reason of civilization advancement so we must stop the debates and doing something useful:
Humans works on white clouds to get the rain so can humans works on the GHGS clouds to clean it and to turn it back to the ground; Nobody say this is big wrong
Because as the gulf will recover again
7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
66. It Was Posted In
Energy and Environment a subgroup of White House Group on LinkedIn Before 7 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
67. Hi All; If we decrease the exhaust gases' speed as we use the main engines exhaust gases in turbocharger, maybe we can use it directly in generator rotation by using the constant pressure turbo stage so we get enough time to deal with exhaust gases also we improve boilers heat exchange and scrubber efficiency then as British vessels used oil for fuel tanks heating before 1970 we can use sea water for heating sea water in ballast tanks.. (imagine circulating pump circulates ballast water from ballast tanks to cylindrical tank surrounding the funnel so we kill the species by heating and we treat the excessive heat), or we can use the
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
68. excessive heat in cooling... ventilation..., to decrease exhaust temperature to the extent which make good conditions for mixing of steam and remaining exhaust then to enter the mixture in condensation stage (we use steam to clean funnel sometimes as you know..)
Then we connect the funnel directly to the propeller area where the propeller can work as pump and mixer simultaneously and the cooling water of the main engine is guided directly to the outer part (the connection between the old funnel top and the propeller area) of the funnel...Could We Say Good By Emissions! Thank You Very Much
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
69. Hi;
Ecolinerswill use on average 60% (up to 99% in favourable circumstances) less fossil fuels so how they are THE ONLY WAY ! CO2 ZERO TRANSPORT.
I hope that you success in this great idea because global climate and owners' pockets need such these ideas so much.
Any way your idea (I think suitable for newbuilding) and I talked about large number of traditional ships which so hard to be excluded from the
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
70. market. Regards6 months ago
Do Ecoliners use fossil fuels or not (I talk in case of no winds) What's about Ecoliners working in wind, solar & wave power... You can use solar cells on the sails then I think your Ecoliners will be the cleanest, but if you use less fossil fuels I think you solve shipping problems with regard to GHGs emissions for not more than 50 years according to the present standards which are not valid after 50 years... I mean you use a little fossil fuels someday (may be near or far) you will
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
71. face the emissions problem.
Your Idea is great and I wish the success.
Some clarifications for my previous comment:
In case of heavy rain the emissions of all ships types (Green or not Green ships) mix with rain and sea water.
I didn't bring up something new because in all small boats the cooling water mixes with exhaust gases.
6 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
72. Hi;
You are right!
We have to do it all together... Now I am organising 2 training seminars in Syria:
1- For Marine Shipping Companies,
2- For Industry and Other Sectors...,
With Regard To Risk Analysis & Management to Achieve Personnel Protection, Property Protection & Environmental Protection.
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
73. So honour us by your coming (few days I will publish the details) Take with you everything you can share it with us about the ECOLINERS to continue the discussion; may our thoughts and ideas make the ECOLINERS more greener...
And you will loose nothing in case our idea or thoughts can't be implemented at present because you will have a good risk package for your new design (This is not advertisement because our gift will be ready for you after studying your concept)
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
74. Dear Administrator;
Please don't delete this because I don't advertise in discussion panel also our seminars are free of charge, Just I mean with this comment that We have to do it all together...
Was Posted In Green Ship of the Future Group on LinkedIn before6 months ago
Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
75. Hoax Theory on the Global Warming!
Thank you !