
How did I appeal to my target audience?

There is consistent house style throughout my magazine, this appeals to my target audience as they are able to recognise the magazine. For example the colours are black, red and white. Red connoting aggressive and power which is stereotypical of rock music therefore appealing to an audience interested in the genre. The use of fonts are also consistent as they important aspect are written in san serif fonts. This presents the magazines as simplistic and uncluttered as the audience are able to clearly see the important aspects.

The use of the free posters

appeals to the target audience

and it is likely the poster will be of

artists that they admire and

therefore they are persuaded to

buy the magazine.

The plus section appeals to the audience as it gives hints of the contents of the magazine. This encourages the audience to buy the magazine as the artists/bands are ones in which are likely to be current in music news.

The use of images also appeal to the target audience. They appeal to the audience as the audience are modern, trendy and young like the conventional Images of the artists. The image with the number ’45’ is of a young female artist who is looking into the camera. This makes it appear as if she is looking at the audience and as she is on her own she looks independent and strong.

The image with the page

number ‘43’ appeals to

the audience and it is a

bold image of an artist in

a exotic location. This

interests the audience as

they are excited to find

out the reasons why the

dedicated musician has

taken time out of his

career to go abroad.

The image of Michelle with

the electric guitar appears

to the audience as there

interests include playing

musical instruments. It is

also a stereotypical

representation of rock

artists therefore the

audience will recognise that

the magazine strongly

appeals to there interests.

The use of images appeals to my target audience throughout the whole of my magazine as they are

specifically taken for the purpose of the articles. The image has been used in contrast with the

article to make the artist appeal calmer and less aggressive as the articles use of pull quotes has

suggested. This makes the whole article appear more realistic and therefore appeals to the reader.

The article appears to my audience as it strongly focuses on the individual

artist and their career. It has minor elements of there personal life to give the audience background information but its soul focus

is in informing the audience about when the artist will continue work. For example tours and new albums.

The fonts used are bold and san

serif which appear to my mainly

male leaning audience and

promotes the masculinity of the

magazine. My image are mainly

of female artists which suggest

the diversity of RADAR and how

its sole intention is to focus of

current music news.

The use of pull quotes from the magazine appear to my target audience as they discuss current news which the audience want to know, they also show the inside information of the magazine and how they have uncovered exciting news from various music sources.

The use of humour throughout the

magazine appeals to the target

audience as it promotes the mode

of address to be realistic and

relaxed in contrast with it being an

informative magazine. There are

elements of personality within the

magazine which make the reader

laugh as they may have the same

stereotypical impression as RADAR.

The use of the pull quote from the double page spread article appeals to the audience as it shows the rebellious nature of the artist and how they do not generally behave the same way as other musicians such as pop artists.