Task Four Target Audience Appeal

Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

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Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

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Page 1: Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

Task FourTarget Audience Appeal

Page 2: Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

Front Cover Language

The language used on the cover of this magazine is very informal and aimed at the target audience, young teenage girls. The alliteration in “star style steals” makes it catchier and stand out to the younger audience. Also by using shock tactics with phrases such as “I’d drink my own wee” and “I lost all my fingers”, it will stand out and appeal to youngsters who will enjoy reading unusual articles. The slang that is used on the front cover such as “blimey” shows the magazines informality which is conventional for young teenagers. Also by using colloquial language such as “OMG”, it’s showing that this magazine is casual and is intended for young people as this is what they stereotypically talk like.

Page 3: Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

Front Cover Images

The cover image of Tulisa is targeted at teenage girls, we know this as Tulisa is very popular with this audience. She is wearing bright pink lipstick and dark eye shadow which will attract young girls as they will be interested in makeup at that age. The medium close-up eye-level shot makes her seem more friendly. One Direction member, Harry Styles, is placed in the terminal area which will stand out to young fans of this band as this is typically the music that they are most interested in. An image of Jessie J is also used next to the main image as this will draw attention to this article, also with a ‘Voice UK’ logo next to it shows its relation to the TV show which is popular with the age range the magazine is targeting. The images on the front cover are also surrounded by either a pink or purple border which follows conventions as it is targeted at young females as these are popular colours with this particular age range. Also the pink lipstick matches the rest of the colour scheme which draws attention to her face. All the images on the cover are all very cluttered and busy which makes the magazine look fun to read and full of interesting articles.

Page 4: Task Four - Target Audience Appeal

Front CoverColour

The colour scheme used on this front cover is pink and purple which is conventional for the target audience of young teenage girls. The strapline also matches the button that is next to Harry Style’s face which draws attention to them both. The masthead, the border around the ‘stars without make-up’ section and Tulisa’s lips are all pink which appeal to a specific target audience. By the lips being bright pink, it attracts the reader to them and therefore her face. The white background makes the main image stand out in contrast and the fact that Tulisa is wearing white clothing it blends in with the background, not taking any attention away from Tulisa’s face. The black writing also stands out in contrast to her skin and white background and also as it is the only text in black.

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Front CoverContent

From the front cover we know what the main content of the magazine will be. For example this magazine has images of artists all over it which automatically tell you that the content will be mostly, if not all, about singers and bands. The content is also conventional for a Top of the Pops magazine as it is aimed at young teenage girls and the artists that are featured on the cover are the singers that people of this age listen to. The cover story featuring Tulisa also has a cover line underneath the cover story which tells you a bit more about the feature. This, being about heartbreak, will be relatable to the teenage girls and make them want to read about it to get to know the artists better. The ‘star style steals’ cover line is also a typical article for this genre or music magazine as this appeals to young girls because they will be most interested in looking up to and being like the artists they listen to.

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The masthead of this contents page reads “inside the mag” which automatically sets off an informal tone, conventional for the target audience. The subheading of the different sections use the pronoun “we” and “you”. This engages the reader in the magazine and makes them want to read more. Abbreviated text is also used such as “celebs” which appeals to a younger audience as this is what youngsters talk like. The magazine also attempts to engage with their target audience by saying things such as “Yes, Justin Bieber was bullied too!” This is making an ill-judged assumption that all children are bullied during their childhood years in the hope that some teenagers will be able to relate to this.

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The main image on the contents page is the front cover of the magazine, basically showing what pages have which stories on. In the bottom left hand corner is a picture of a purse which will appeal to the target audience being teenage girls who are interested in fashion and in the terminal area is a picture of what looks like a male singer with his chest out, this will also appeal to the target audience and make them want to buy the magazine.

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The masthead of this contents page is bright pink with white text which stands out prominently compared to the other text on the page. The pink is also carried throughout the contents page with the page numbers being pink and also the purse which is conventional for the target audience. The yellow also connotes positivity which entices the reader to buy and makes the magazine seem fun and easy to read and therefore more people are likely to buy and read it. The white background enables all text and images to stand out rather than having a coloured background which could clash and make it difficult to read some of the text. This also gives the contents page a more organised feel which is necessary as the reader will refer back to this and want to find a page quickly.

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The contents of this page is mainly page numbers and information on where to find specific articles and features which is typical being a contents page. The purse in the lower left hand corner also appeals to the target audience. An image of a singer with his chest out is also on this page which follows conventions as this magazine is targeted at young teenage girls who will find this interesting and will attract them to read it.

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Double Page SpreadLanguage

The alliteration in the headline with “workout wonders” automatically draws the readers attention as it is catchy and therefore want to read more. This headline will attract a lot of readers as young teenagers will be interested in keeping fit and healthy. The standfirst also uses questions to engage and relate to the audience. The word “you’re” also engages with the reader in a positive way, and the more positive the reader feels the more likely they are to read more into this article.

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Double Page SpreadImages

The main image on this spread is of boy-band, The Wanted. The members are all set out so the more muscular member is towards the front and the not so muscular at the back. This is to promote the fact that the group is all about fitness and looks good which connotes positivity and will appeal to the target audience, being teenage girls. Another image is used in the middle of the text on the left side to break up the text but also to endorse the fact that the group are fit and healthy living as a whole.

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Double Page SpreadColour

The background colour of this spread is grey which enables any text or images to stand out. The pink and purple colour scheme is conventional for a magazine aimed at young females. This is carried throughout the spread and is used in the headline, kickers, pull quotes and the bands attire. The pull quotes next to three members heads are all either in pink or purple text boxes. This follows through with the continuous colour scheme but also draws attention away from the band members themselves. This is because the magazine is making them all out to be fitness mad by using props such as weights and benches when in reality they are not so by putting bright colours next to each of them it will draw the concentration towards their faces and the text. The clothing that they are wearing is black and white which also makes them stand out as these colours are not used elsewhere in this spread.

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Double Page SpreadContent

The content of this spread is all on an article about fitness, featuring popular group, The Wanted. The majority of text is on the left hand side which includes questions and answers with the members of the group. This alone will appeal to young teenagers as they love to be up to date with celebrity gossip as well as getting to know the artists better. There is also quotes around the spread which add extra information to the main feature. The text on the right is all about what the group “notice first” about a girl. This will be relatable to the target audience because they are putting a message across of how they want females to be and this will rub off onto teenage girls who want to be what The Wanted want.