
How four tough, diverse chemical packaging jobs

were solved with Bemis Bags.. .

' J)TOhX&Îïtl Develop a shipping container with special properties to resist the corrosive action of tfcie contents. . . and to cost less than the rigid containers previously used.

caustic materials \

SOlutlOTl · A special multiwall paper bag, made by Bemis . . . a sewn valve type with a polyethylene-coated inner sheet . · . that cost only about one-third as much per hundredweight (including filling and closing labor) as the containers previously used. Further savings were made in storage space of "both empty and filled containers and in lower snipping

\ ^ costs due to reduced tare weighit.

powdered . aluminum ^

pVOhl&T7tl The product naust be protected against moisture and the shipping container must also be tough enough to stand up in ex­port shipment.

Solutions Bemis Waterproof (laminated-textile) Bags, which gave^ the necessary moisture protection and the required durability (they're the toughest shipping bags made)· Furthermore, they save the shipper" a lot of money, as the bags cost about 40 cents each, as compared with $1.25 for drums of equal capacity. There is also a substantial salving in empty container storage space·

3 5 3 4 C & E N J U L Y 2 3. 1 9 5 6

polystyrene , crystals ^

problem: Develop a shipping container t h a t will (a) keep the poly­styrene crystals entirely firee from foreign matter, even down to lint particles, (b) withstand the rigors of export shipment, involving multiple handling, exposure, etc., and (c) cost less than the double-packaging (with overslips) previously used.

solution: A special type of laminated-textile valve bag developed by Bemis. The bag is constructed of tough burlap laminated between two types of special paper - . . providing ample strength, resistance to abra­sion and freedom from lint. An ingenious method of sewing prevents burlap lint from getting into the polystyrene. Substantial savings are

V ^ made on every bag shipped, not only on bag cost but also on labor.

f ρΤΟυΙβΊΎΙΙ Find a lower cost, easier handling shipping container for ion exchange resin beads in which the moisture content must be main­tained at its original approximate 45%. The material was previously shipped in fiber drums.

Solution I A Bemis Waterproof (laminated textile) Bag, with a loose poly liner. After being filled, the liner is tie-closed and the burlap bag is closed by sewing. Advantages—Necessary moisture content is retained. Shipping weight is substantially reduced. Bags are more easily handled and require less unloading time. Drum disposal problem is eliminated. There is a storage space saving of 30% on filled bags and an even greater saving in empty container storage space.

resin beads <


Whether your shipping container problems are similar to any of these . . . or far removed from them . . . it's likely that Bemis can help you reach a money-saving solution. Write, wire or phone us. You will soon know whether we can help you.

Bemis mm General Offices—St. Louis 2, M o .

L^^JL· Soles Offices in Principal Cities J U L Y 2 3. 1 9 5 6 C & E N 3 5 3 5

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