Page 1: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

, •

7.15 p.m.-Or. Paul.

9.00 p.m.-Thirty Minute Theatre.

10.00 p.m.-Lt. Muldoon.

11.00 p.m.-Sportscast.


I THEDAIL Y NEWS --------------------------~~~~--------~--------~--------------------.----.-

. ,

1. . ' .... \f}Ij",d f.4~.: .. ~-~ ~ PRESENTS

Piano Concerto No.2 in F Minor :n'~i1aht,. 3t

Charles Hutton & Sons (Price 5 cents)

--------------.------------Vol. 62.· No. 1 S4 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND~

• ,

l)iscover Re,mains Lewis To Of Treasure Ship Present Of Spanish Fleet Demo?ds .' Of M,ners

Hope 0 Peace -ul World As Big Four TalliS End

1 n1lrl'lIIol'.r 1 ,.ensure Has Been SOllght By NORMAN WALKER

WASHI~GTON (AP) -King Coal is staggering up from his knees-which means that John L,\ Lewis, who has been strangely silent of late, ·may soon be

Children Die IReds Agree That Home Burns Tensions Relaxed

For 400 Yem's

TOBERI\IORY (Reutel's)-Treasure {ever soared in :::, Scotlish fisl)ing "i11age Sunday after salvage experts : •. :~\'tmc{'d they belie\'cd they had at last discovered the Ii. ~:';l\'C of a Spanish Armada galleon which sank here I:;,t';\' -l00 years ago laden with doublo~ns and a king's

r.,WI1. ,,----------

Seven When heard from again.

Prosperity hal Improved fuel de· mands. Mines have generall'l step. HULL, Que. (CP)-Seven of 12 children in Nault who was asleep on .. lofa.

"Tragedy' Of ~loikrn War Lessened" EisenlwtfJeT Says

ti H 11 f'l b d t d th 1 S d They broke down the door of an

ped up opera ons from two or a u amI y were urne 0 ea ear y un. ay, addition at the rear of th! house three days a week to a full five trapped in the second storey of their frame home, where the children's grandfather dal:;"ls, as president of the Unlt~d One son and five young dauh· Jacques Nault, 18, a roomer, and Was sleeping and .. roused him. By STANLEY BRIDDLE

j."I;·,t'. ~~gcr 10 he prescnt I ,::J tllr trcasure ship Is raised Wl01·ld i'\T.ews ,. 7. ::1\' ~iit and water which have "' I 1 ,.

Mine Workers Union, has held 'off ters of Mr. and Mrs. Aldorla L~u. Ferdinand Blais, 79, the children's SISTER CLASPS BABY GENEVA (Reuters)-The Big Four heads of gov-making any new contract demands rin died. The parents . and five grandfather, who 'were slC'~ping But I wall of flame prevented ('rnment were all home, or en route borne, Sunday nigbt,

has been In economic doldrums. side t~e city for the night. b~~::. a rs, escape2 wil pamfu ~:~~re~r~~st~~:~hing the !C\'zn after expressing ~atisfact~on with .tbeir week· long con-

~i:.t:1 Irea,urc hllnt~rs lor lour . " haI'C mOl'ell inlo allihe :---Brie~.f.s--... , hotrl space In Ihis peace· J.'

U:'r i,lancl oi ~Iull off Scot· :'; Ilr<t coast.

t::rnd-and scraps of histor),­Ir,~ galleon Was called either .\:~:iraulc III }'lorcl1cia or the 'r <Ii Floren cia alld shc was


Todd, 36·vear·old British screen star, stopped here WednesdatJ CII route to Toronto for a oricf 1,i~it. Todd's tour is in connec· tio'l Idlll the film "The Dalll Busters", Second' World War ~torll in which lie plays the Icadillg role.

for two years while the Industry older children W'i!re viSiting out·.1 t I . h . I

During that period other unIons Vlcllms' were: Gilles, 7, Annette, The children's parcnts were visit· Hull fJ're fl'gllters arr'I\'cd 811nosl ference to lessen mternat.lo.nal tensIOn. .

I tt 9 DI 5 d L 2 mg fmnds at nearby G.Dl BT%U Immedl'ately but could not cnter Last of the leaders to leave Gen· f h th th . I! II.

have ask~d and obtained wage In. 14, Nicole, 13, Suzanne, ~O, Pau·. . creases but LClI'ilf has kept silent. e e, , ane,. ~n ISe,. ~rll Q \I' e er e crUCla ssues

The coal Iinion clllcf no," 15 stili The blaze, worst Ilm disaster In • I 5, ue. the hou~e until lhey hall the blaze eva \l'as Sir Anthony Eden. Bdore G T r d E

." th Ott H Ii dl t . til Naull and tll'o passers • by, under ~onlrol 20. min~t\!s later \ flying to London Sunday el'ening, erman ~elum Ica ~~n ani duro,. 1;""'1';\ 10 b~ carryi!u: enough 1':1 t.' nal' thc \l'a~es of the troops !i:~: II ith the Armada and lhose r:'::~ ~ in Holland read~' 10 attack

is mum on his plans. e awa· u s rJC n recen George Boulay, 2.\ and Dick Drys. ' the. prime minister said the reo c?n\I·1 ~ can 1J'i!. reso vc • years, broke out at 2:30 a.m. EDT I I ' EJSE~HO\\ER HITS l\IARK

STARTING TO lI-lAKE ~lONEY in the home at 54 Caron Strcel, in (a c, 24, bolh of Hull, \\'~re dril'cn They found tll'O bodies at the sults of the "summit" talks were ' .. ' I the norlhwest part o[ the cilY, back by flames when they tried 10 foot of the staircase and two on\ "good" and' adrled: "If they are, Tbe !"mlster

s also were orde~ed

r···~'·tl Eti:i,: rp S1IIP

RERUIJ.D FAMED HUT (l'~ :':OC'l'nh !"ay !'hr carri-:d a ,. r::d rro\l'l\ a, \\'1'11. in rcndi­- i," I~r roronation o( Phillip 01 n,\n ES SALAAM, Tang,anyika ,::', i~ \\'("tmin5ter Ahbcr. an. cn~~llcrs:-The African hut where I co: (.,iled hy storms and a hardy B~I~lsh explorer Stanlc.~' met Dr. ['::"11 ncrt. L1I'In!:ston will he Nbullt and con· 7~r 1~:J,\lrc ~hip ran Into rOIl)lh YCl'ted Into a museum.bY the Brit·

;r::;r~ anll out oC prol'isions ~nd Ish colon~' (If TanganYika. The hut ": t., ~lll'hor in Tnbcrmory bay was damaged In a recent fire. ~ . -r 1.11' "I ~Iu\l.

;; .. : ,.'ntlllamlrr. a Spanish Gr~n· , r,' .l'kl~· caml' 10 tcrms with

, : ... :,1 r:lidlain ~lacLcan, prom· c·: :1 rXl'hJlIgc for food to help

-1,',n de~rease the ~lacDonald I' il~ II hom he was feuding.

the Spanial'ds had their •• ····','·'n<. howel'cr, the~' were

1:.:":1< to go home. When one oC " r::m<men heard sails being tin·

h~ impeluousl)' broke Into r::np"wder store. struck flint

. b:r,,' up the ship. That was In


duction totalled 383,128 Jme ounce! in It/t\V, down slightl!l from the MoV, 1954. output of 383,630 fine ounces, the bur· cnll of statistics reported on Wednesdav. During the fir.d five months of the lIear, pro· duction rose to 1,811,976 fine ounce! from 1,714,754 in the corresponding period last lIear.

::;~. ml:~S1\'E 1I0llny RUSSlANS CELEBRATE ~ r.-.ral clmrter, drawn up by LONDON (AP)-The Russians-

I. gives fight~ to Ihe cclebl'at~<l Navy Day Sunday and ~II\I its trea:'lITc, if all~', firsl ~Iuscoll' radio coupled b03sts of

::~ I:Jrls nOli laler the Dukes SOl'iet sen power with as~uranccs I' A:;:. iI with lhc prol'i,lon tha I the lIe(1 f1eel does not "lhrealcll

;'~r rent of treasure found shan an~·body." The radio broadcast a " Ih~ rrown. ~tatemellt by an admiral listing

I.: I~e la>t ~el'rral ~'rars, the among the aeeompll~hmants of \'I:l'h ha. hern Ihe expens!l'e I Rus~lan 5ealarer~ the dlscovel1' of ' •. <c.. of Ihe prl'~ent nuke o( I Ihe Antarctic. Norwcglan cxpl(lrcr

I:. bn [)oll~ln~ Ca mphell, who I Roald Amundsen I~ ~ener~lly credo ;ril,' inl~mtcll In hrin~in~, ilNI with discoverln, the South

:'lr ~nlilJuc ~hip Cor hislorical' Pole in 1911. .

. .romr<1 nrar his !(nal Sun· ',ira:r cxprrts ~rr. reporteel

.;. t h-lIl1;;ht 10 the ~urrace with '!. ::;,n a ~~\'en.fOlll cased tim.

. :'r hi;~est piecc (olln<1 50 far.

WEATHER 'i"ll:: 5unny. High todny 70.


Scott. Alilne, 57, Canadian·born presidcnt 011 tile 625,000· member AFL International Brotherliood 01 Electrical Workers, died of a heart at· tael: earlll today Oll his farm near Portland. Ore. HI! WII.!

burn in VanC01l11er.


Mine olvners eoncede they arc reach the screaming children up· the upstairs landing. In an up· they arc in gen:!rous measure due by thm chiefs. to develop ~lud~eJ starting to make some money Firemen said it was callsed by stairs. slairs c1o~et they found the body' to president Eisenhower." of how to IOl~er commumcallOn again. But they say thl'! coal busi. an olo'erh~ated eleclric rangelle. The fire was first scen by I: of the oldest child, Annelle, with! SOl'iet Premier Nikolai Bulga· an~ trade bamers amon, the lour ncss hasn't yet returned to nor. The namc~ went liP Ihl'oll~h the neighbour, lj.yeilr.old Andre Isa. 1 Ihe body of the haby, Lise, held 1 nin labelled thr. eonferencp. R "nell' nat~ons. . mal. Producllon is running abO'.lt kitchen walI and ~ct the upstairs I bellr.. whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt ~ele~::r~t ~.rl! :"fP.' 9,000,000 tons a week, and they rooms and roof abla7.c. I With Drysdale and BOlliay hc I of one of the YOllnger children at; between eouals." T h I! ~oalrrri I~ y .. ihl~ res~ ~ I~en owef. say it wili have to increase by an. THREE ENTER HOUSE enlercd the hOllse anrl awakened her lert. I marshal, who flew to Berlin Sun· ~r . e m.~n 0 .•• ~hcon'h:ehncfh olher million or so a week before I day lor a \'isit t Communist East Ie sJnc~rJ Y II I II Ie e they really wlll ba happy. ' I Gdrmany. said the talks "will have pres.sed hiS pr,oposab, his ~mon~1

The Industry Is holding 115 breath Pari-I a melnt St-III Sailor PUllches without doubt R nowerlul echo In ~hal m anll narmth ,,!f {nendsillp to see whether Lewis mRkes a bid int~rnRtional relaiions." tn. the sl!cret .talks hit the mark on Aug. 1. That is the date R 60- Ad ' l' E A similar "iew was expresseu WIth the Ru~slans, they fel~, a~d da

" notl'ce of contract terminall'on •• IDII'a s ye Sature'lay nl'~ht by EI'<, enhower J'ust made, the, biggest. ImpreSSIOn. In lI';uld have to be served to bring Slttln' g In Longest ' before'hc flew hom~' to Washing· the \\ests ~anlp3lgn to. con~mc. r"'" .. ~.m"" ~ " ,,' 0".' F aces Trial ~'; ~t~:t~:::~~;~~:;;;::::~ "l~~~I'~' ·~r.i::~,:'~':l~':::;

, and Ihe dang·Jrs of "the over. RUSSians s;!emed even more .Im.

SENSITn E MONTH S. I H. t PLYMOUTH, ~~FR14. (AP1- whelming tragedy of modern war pressed at the. en~ of the week . esslon n IS Dry A . I AI d d" than at the begmnmg by the Am· October Is a peculiarly sensitive ' dmlra Sir exan er !Ira den AarLeJ leAsGs'REED 0" AGENDA erican delegates' desire for peace, month for the Industry. Producers Saturday ordered Able Seaman, . " Tltay feel that now Russia no are in the midst of making long. . James !lIcSporriln to stand trial rrcf1ch ~I'emler fd~ar d Faurf~' longer will be able to label the term sales, arrangements for win. OTTAWA (CP)-The current session of Parliament on. al ~h~rge,lI~lrl' strikEing

t Vidce.~d. IV 10 ew 'domtle en~ ~t und ay t I· United States leaders "",armong·

ter coal deliveries. Next Oct. I, as. . ' .' mlr~ 0 ry "I lam a on ,lIrmg ernoon, sal. Ie SPIfI an mil u~ ers" a dal-a, would mark the second full IS vlrtually certam to be the longest m modern hlstory. an mspechon parnd~ last \\ cdnes' Ilndersta?dlng shown at the Palals INiI ORII1AI, CIIATS USEFUL year In which Lewis has failed to Ther~ noW appears littlc doubt • .. day. des Nahnns h'~re would leave a Well informed sources said her. exercise his contract termlnallon that the 139-day record established ~~e :~:I;s~FC~~~:~~t~,:e::eIS i~~f~\ Sir Alexander ',Irmally dircded ;:~II~~[~:::~d mark" 011 inlernational that. h~ far the most fnJitful dis· option, ~t the lasl session will be ~mas~ed. Credit members a cO\\1'\ martial to ass~mhle n~xt .,... . '. I" cUS'lUll~ took place outside the

Along with the speculation on The record would be equalled \\ed· 'The Intler wa'nt all ndi amI 'I'hursda\' al the llel'oll(lorL nanl . I!I~ cn~; ler~:(~ ~at~lr: a>. conference chamlm·. 'l'here were when LelVi~ wlli ~erve liP nelV de. ncsdny. . l I '.' ..." •. 0 .\ ba'e 10 'tl'l' the s'lilur ,anlll SI~1I co, lalll, W. c,. ~III ClIli m311V inforlllal chals. Including mandft il more gnessing un whal :;~okesm~n for all parties believe aenevl~~~pne~S:~ilhb()~~,.re';II.~~~.ed slJa~ ',j'he hcai'illd 11;;" 1;l'Ill'ide 50me: ~1:;.lllldaIIJUI.IS a!'- all·~I~n~1. (I he ,1~ad·1 pril'ale cUJlversations between Ei·

Ihe I. Y I.. Un' I -Iner' n '" .... lsme~~tUII ... IJe'ih. ,. . , I .. n - I el, lal III siX 1.11 S I, ~e"IIlJl, I I . h' S I \\. 'Id Y na lT~. o~ , ... s 0..... . ~ . v'

l _ rcgllialiun bv. the eBC is IInfair IncheallOn of why Ihe sailell' who'. a '''1 II II "t' - f th ": ,en 10ller aliI IS. eeonl 01

hal'e an $18.35 basiC dally wage ably WIll nol he c eaned up IIntll. .'. I t· I . Iv't t·.k II ' f' _I a~lccl 011 a , IC I _Ills II ~111' War comrad'~' in· arlllS Marshal but al'erage earnings Including Thursdalo' or Friday. The govern. It:!em!se !he publlcly .• owned.cnr· l ; a~~s. Sl~ .c.- I' ~ IlIt~ ~e. I~,e 1 OIgcn<b ,Ind hid down a blucpnnl Geurdi Zhukov SOl'iet de[enc, overllme are $1945 'Employers ment I~'banking on Friday II'hich ponhon IS a competItor of pm'ale ,IIIO S"ex a mua .. ne tl~t for follow·up by 1~5ser statesmen. I mini~er' ,

, • • I . ..' I broadcaslers .. c porran lI'as Ju~t ~ 011'10" 115 '1'1 XL II m tI ill . also contribute 40 cents a ton of \\,ou d bc the 141st sitting day. '. distaste for In~p,ntion pal'ildcs 1 • Ie ne. . me on IS II pro· I The I!i~anlic Palai~ des Nalion. coal produced' toward the union The Commons noll' has sat 136

1 A' C A There ha! be;; some ;Iisp~ril: ~'Ide th~ ,~o1Jd o[h whet.her)h~ i lI'a! silent and almost deserted

wclfare fund.. . days. It startcd sittings .lan. 7 and Ir adets t Inaccounts or what happened in: ':<Il1l1m,IL. me~t;~g as .lUSh Ie I Sunday ni~ht, a few hours after Some mine oWlJ'l!rJ fear Lewis' I'cce.s'd for 12 days at Easler I I II . 'd t h' h I h Ihe oplJmlsm explesscd b~ all fourl the deparlure of 1I1e last h~ad of " . or .• I d N' . IC IDCI en II' IC oeCllrrc< a oard lader, RIJ',ia and Wcstern 1 '

next 1I0al may be an el'cn $20 he last scss on openc ov. 8, WI" : (DIS Berry \\'hil2 Ihe admiral was' C •• ': n . i gOl'ernmenl. But already, as Irsser dally basic wage an_<1 a 50'cent Ion. 1953 .. had I'ccmes at Easler anc! a IlllgtOll I c~r;Ying nut his in~pection. , s:al~'m~~l \\:Ill"thatm~r li

way. a,~, of[icial" packerl the~r bags, thert.

na/:e royalty for Ihe welfare lund. Christmas, and prorogued June 26. . .! One report Wa~ that the !'calnan I t Ie til :Cnl". \\0 or leomln" i was talk that the Bll: Four would 'The anthracite. or hard coal, in. 1054. WASIltNGTON rep) 1'1' t. i hauler! orf and hellcd the admiral i mee 111gS. .: once again convene "at the lum· duslry in Pennsylvania already . ' . ! - lell)· t ' th r A tI ., I. At Ihe r.nd 01 AII/!ust ID Nell', mit" j( n'ccssary pal's a 50.cent.royalty. Such an In. TOUGH O~ ~nmBt:RS SIX'. ,dapper C~lla?ia~ a~r cadets t~;t h~ ni~~~d ~l~sio t~l~ ~~h ~~(~ York. when the U~itC!l :-iation:; dis.j The talk arose f~um the fact that cre8'e In wages and royalty would This seSSIon .has been tough on armed here Sat11lda~ fm a three· b tt d (. 'th l' h d armame'll CllmnnSSlOn sllh· com, Faure used the word "adjourned" run "about 30 ceny an hour, con. members, particularly those o[ op· week tour of the Umled States a~ u e um III lIS ~a. miltce, comprising the Big Four when he closed the con[erence. It slderably more than the 15 to 20 posltlon parUas. Hours were long part of a~ exchangc program In· . ' and Canada, conve.nes. Prh'a!'z is known that when the British cents "package" setUements In the In the early stages due to a recorr! volvlng ~Ir cade~s of Canada, the at the alffJeld,. the ~ad~ts pre-I commenls by RUSSian leaders In government first sugg·asted thr steel and auto Industries. amount of committee work outside U,S., Britain and .other countries, senled a Canadian ensign to U.S., thcir Geneva talks suggest that, meeting in May, jt had in mind a .

the chamber .. and there has heen DraWn from Air Cadet League Air For.ce cadet corps and ~hen: a~rcement is not likely on Pres·' second such conference to endorse MAY SEEK SIIORTER DAY llLOe letup ~mce committees werc groups across Canada. they lamlcd ":erc driven by bus to the Umre,r-. idcnt Eiscnhr""cr's offer to }~t the. whatever aOl'eements' the forelga

closcd out III ~al'l)' June. . from 7IJonh·eal. at .Washlngton's ~Ity of Maryl,md, wherc they will: nussinns peck at American mil·' ministers c~an conclude. There's speculation that Lewis The Prog~'cssl\'e C~n?cl'vatlvc .fll. s~I,n.baked Bolhng air b:l~c anrl sla)' hcrz. 1 ital'), hillcl'dnt, ;ind bascs i( tllp The final agl'eement Saturday

Temperatures 7,,! II'; I'll (CP)-~Iillhnum

... ·.1111 t~m!lcratuJ't~: 1I11n,

52 60 58

............. M 49


Max. 87 66 75 75 81 80

'74 77

AI..GIEIIS (hP)-Two Algerian r~bcls werr hilled,· three olhers ser· lously wounded, nnd 14 wcn caJl' tured· by French {orees Saturd'I' night In a mop·up operation east of Constanthie.l'olice said the reb· els had taken part In a series of terrorist aUacks since last NONm· ber.

~~;c:~SOats-6pe~s~n5thOhratevre wa'onrke~gahYt: Ibn51cr agamst incle(l\ute cxtcn~lon II cre grc;.ted hy Lt. Col. lIcrhzrt I 'fhe group 11'1\] ~pcnd a wee!; In; n us,;ians will do the samc for lhc end"d de3dlock 0 th twi vital o[ tile I\'I<l~. powcrs of Defence }'l'o· G. B<;sl\'lck and Lt..Col: .Hnr~y, Wnshin;;ton. and then spend two; [nilcll States. : issu~s rhat had the

hour day duetion Mmlster Howe }asted 10 B1ustrm of the U.S. Cml Air \ weeks touring U.S. For:e eg· i 2. In October in Geneva, \Vh~n entire week- German re·unifica· They actually put In about tI'h days, delaying considerallon of the Patrol. . tablishments belore returmng to the Big Four foreign ministers Willi tion :!Dd an all·European security

hours of work a day. They get a esllmates. After a brief reVlC\v. ceremony Montreal Aug. 15. o' th arl'est ctual indication system . half.hour off for lunch and spend When It became known the ses. - "IVC eel a . about an hour on the~verage trav· sion would extend well Into July, R I E H 'N Qu C b '-F--elling to and from the mine en" the Lilmals devised a holiday plan oya 5 nroufe . orne U.S. avy Plans een ur s ast trance to t~ unduground work for themselves. A large number of site, Quebec and Ontario Liberals were F U ' S' A . D·' B

Anthracite miners already have away from ottawa during the first r' om Camp topla . 19 retic nVlng y 6:; 59 62

•••••• t I." I :;6 62 54

" \ •••••••••• 1.1 I" 53 ............... :,9

..••.. 55

Nfld. Skies

75 76 75 r.a 74 80 iO liS

a seven.hour cfay. 'The soft coal two weeks o( July. They have since • D 1 (. r K mlner~ had the same before the return:!d nnll olher members fl'OIll 01lt'I"lhOn n re ). ent war btlt they ext-~nded their work more distanl points bnl'e gUllc: c.\I\JP uTOPIA, 1'.H, •• Tllly :1-: at stal( parlies. \1'0 I (;01'111111 I " I\" day to nine hOIlT! during lhe wal' h~I~Je fur gUild., •. I WI~h"lI g~lIcral dcarlng liP or; HruII'lI uf St. .Iuhll·ti. tht' Itcl:i· ! II)' I-:l:I'U:>': c. r.~" I.UNIHIN (Al'\-'I'I;~ Queen 1131 and dropped back to eight hour; lhe 1~I'ge. Llb~I'al 1II,3)UI'lty. I.I~ I trUII1!IIi: 111111 . a. pay IWI'adt! tl!~ i 1I11'IIt,Il S!(I.·M:·jur II':I~ III. cll:u·)(.,·, \I';\SIlIN(;'J'lI~ ~ .\1' 1- ·~·It~ .\1. S , lU"I'~11 I" cllrll I~'t lII'il'ilii Ity lht artel'ward. th; lIuu.c enablcd the 1113nl0 \1~llkl week 10llg tl'llllll!l C:I1III' fill' ::\11., uf lhe aIT:lII!,CIlIt'lIls 11'1' 1111' N;lry .III1Ullllccd SUlilby II \1'1111111' )'''11111( 1)lIk, uf.I\I'1I1.

l\'Ithuut the govCJ'(lIllcnl belllg'ol IIlilitia gl'Uup at Cump Utupla \ party 31111 all whll attcllct"11 11"'!'e! i 1I"rlal;c il, !Ji~gt'~t Arctic UIIcr.'; 'I'h~ SlIIulay ~:xl'rc,~ says she Some Indu~lry sources feel I.ewls placell ill any dan.g;r whet! ,·ole.lhas come (0 .1 close. Alung with I'CI'Y satisfied. 'I'he tl':lllIllIg: liull this "lIl1llll~r, senllill~ tli ship, has onl,·n·11 all ,iI'my iIlSh'lIc1uf

may 3eek • seven.hour day fur soil were c.alled. Oppo51tJon parties had: the other lIlilitia Regimenls of I wound up for the HcgilJlcnt with' witl! 5l1pplie~ to 1I~)l'.t,h,el'!1 base:, ane!: 10 aeeollll,allY h~r c~'I1"ill \\,~Ien. roal miner~ without reduction in no snch plan. I' . ' eqUipmenl for bUltOlOg the Distant' cI'er he goes alit 111 a car 10 keep th'~lr present elght.hour pay. ThIs ATl'ENDANC~ GOOD th'C ~oyal Nc,,:foundlnlld Regi. i (wo days out on the r~nges where Early Warning radar Iinc across i II'31ch, though Ihe 1!I.year·old duke


{;lIp official,! amlollnce<i tile startino timcs lor Calladn·We.~t I!Ulif! teuui~ lllatc/lc.~ f'ricJul/. Sat Imlay aud SlIucluy IHlvt been Pllt {Illrm! Cllle hOllr to permit eOlllplete telecastino 0/ cl'ents. Tlw matches 110W aTI!

~chedlllerl to start at 2.30 p,m. ADT Friday, 3 p.m. Saturdall and 2.30 p.m. Sundav.

would help IPrud the work In In Al~endance by members of all ment IS now on Its W?y hack I the three point fll'c rocket the top or the continent. ! will not he harrell Irom rlril·in~. Industry hard hit by unemploy' parlles has been reasonably good tired but happy. fhe tramlll/l launchelI' (bazooka) Illc Stcn ma· Ic:ehrcak~rs, cargo ships. tanker:; I Thz' duke, ~ cadcl at the Royal ment. for .the last two or three .weeks. was rounded out towards lh~ end c~lille carbinc and the rifle were 1 and I'ariou5 types of landin;: ~hip3 i Academy in. Sandhu~;;t. ~lal'm.ed

ISRAELI'S INJURED Durmg the defence productIOn de· oC the week by 1I series o[ beach Clrer! and hand grenades were willleal'e from both ea!'t and wC5l 1 the RO~'al Family wllh hl3 third .. .. •• .. .. .. 7.45 p.m. TEL AVIV (Reuters)-Three Is. ------------ bate at lea~t 30 or the 51 C~n!er. partie5. The Warrant officers thl'oll'n. TlJe range work was coast plJrt; scon to make their \1'2)'1 hi;ihll'ay accident WIthin a rea!.'

TIDES raeH settlers were wounded when Israeli Army spokesman said Sun. vaU\':s were on h~nd at ail ~!":s. and Senior i\CO's held olle on concentrated on qualifying' all to remole points alc?S tile Arctic i \I~en he. wa5 hanged .up a ~'eek ~loxnA\'. JULY !!!i

(Standard Time) ............ 4.29 a.m .

11,36 a.m. and 11.56 p.m. hand grenades were hurled through da~·. He said raiders were beUeved qOI e~nment radiO and telellsl.on Wednesday at O\'enllead Beach penonnel of the Regiment who perJm€t~r of the continent, Each c! I' ~60. !'Ie .u!fered head mJur!e, but 5 the Windows of their homes at Pa. to have come from the Egyptian. polley IS the mo~t controverSl81 • I the ·el'eral <epar,!e ,uDpl\, expedi· now I:; pronounced ful1y recoI:ered

___ ._5_7_a_.m_._a_n_d_6_M __ p,_m_.~tI=sh~~=1l~ag~e~,~w~e=rt~~~B=e:e:r:~:e:b~a,~a:n~h:e~M~G:a:~~d:r~~:,_._' _____ ~Is=~=e~d:n~I!~~h:e~d:~:a~t:~:.~T~h:b~W~m!o~~~lesfromca~andhadd~ier!.iliese lI'e~o~ ~ Hn:vill~m~~;~~~_'and~~~~bparl~~rebel . the. men and Junior NCO 5 held use them. The fmal exercise a! ~uppltes and·equlpment in and the this week at. w~icb he receives his

t- f t-' IE' tt d their party at New River Beach the week was held on Friday I shins back out before the early army COnlml!SIOn~

...... IS ac Ion n' uro' p' e A ens on Thursday. At the party for mcotnlng when the whole Regi-I Arctic "'inter ei<)!es sea route;, .' ...


the men and Junior NCO's all ment wen! out into the field and \\,'th rd'.. I porh, 1I.lll me~t \\lth Icebreak~rs I so I IC_. and b2-m pushing east past POInt wl"re transported out to the a mock attack was held. The reo "Perhaps the most spectacular Barro\\,6 at the norlhern Ii of

t . beach In military vehicles and cmit training platoon who had mi.s6io~;" a ~a,'Y ann~unc~ment Ala~ka,' about Aug, 1, to mo\'~ on

esul S Of 8-11' Fo rei f ' e some of the hardier types braved not the tactical training for an said, IS ~ol'mg .materlal ID forI toward Cambridge bay and through . , u on ere nc the usuallY quite cold water for assault acted as the enemy while the .DEW lme. Shiploads of radar SimpSOn strait.· Another force will

. _ . " a swim. Free drInks were sup. the IIdvancei:l training platoon ~~~:I~~cr~e mt~~t ~ :h~e~o~l:n:~~ start, p~shing t~ward Greenland,

By ALAN HARVEY the, four.poWer negotiations national dlplomac'l from the subtle f W t G eh I plied for those who wished them made the attack. A large num· through Amundsen and Coronation Ba!fin Island arthnil other eastern

G h I I

gra says es erman ~nce· and full advantage was taken of ber of blank rounds and thunder If d SI t't d lelt pomts of the no ern perimeter.

ENEVA (CP)-British at tePa a s dci Nations Is that and cagy expertise of officialdom lor Konrad Adenauer now WJII go gu an mpson s Tal, an E . "the IIkellhood of a Third World up on' to a new height." to'Moscow "as a ma 'who gave this. This party was held near flashes (slmllatcd hand gran des) at the station sites." . uropean . opinion - re- War has diminished to vanishing Pravda d2clares the "summit" away the trump card~ whose po. the Gull and Hcmlng. . were banged off happily In t'he FIRST .sm~s IN ~O:\IE AREAS

general satisfaction point." . . . conferenCe "will: go' down In his. lley was abolished-as a man, who A restaurant beside the beach ,CDurse of the assault which was .The eIght to ~e used the results of the Big EISENHOWER DOMINATES . tory . as the beginning of a new represents ol)ly the past, not Ule run by Col. Manzer, R r~tlrcd highly successfuL On F\ridny Will be cqUlp!l~d .. \\':t~1 he\Jcop.te~sll INSIDE

The Observer" another' London stage" In East.West relations. lis future , • . Syngman Rh·ee and army Lt.·Col. he bar! hotdogs, night all rank~ of the Regiment to scollt aheae! fu hk.ely openlD"S confcrence. pnper, takes a generally hopelul work "wili contribute to the Chiang Kni.shek became Irksome coffee, soft drinks and apple pie rather unhappily packed their or sort SPOtts ID the r~' ;F~ Un I Iha man Who conceived tlie lio~ but In Jl~ main editorial reo strengthening of 'trust between the (Lo the West) when the tough anr! icc ercam l'cauy for the hun· bags for the long trip home and nDUnCt~men ~IOlmtmkcn e la I' Ie 1

fI! a mcclinll ut the "summit" grels that the West apparenlly did governments and peoples o[ thcse course was switched' to the soft one h t d 't . opera Ions WI a c some s npsi I I d N ,t,rs a;o, Sir Winston Church. not make known 113 ess~nUal politi. countries." The Communist parly In Asia. The Chancellor now sharcs ~~ men w cn they ~\'an e I. on Salurdn~ morning .thcy fell Into ~reas n,;!I'cr before pcnetratcd1 ~,5-Sell 5 an eWI. ~al r~p[Jrted "much gratified" cal objectives. .' pap'~r and Izvestia,' the govcrnment the fate oJ .Ol~se men." T e .party WO\llI~ up w th a huge In (or the film I pamdc at Camp by sea.· I 6-"Trar.'I Canida. Pro· ,1~ IIr'.\'~ from Geneva. Its point Is thal Russia brought organ, predict Improved chances Adenauer's Christian Democratic I bonfire. arollml which, all Utopia to clim~ aboard 111e trans- More than 7.'O,OO{), tons of cargo gress"_dltorill.· , pap'~r editorials welcome on the cold War not by words but Qf solving Internatiomil problcms part~' said the con[erence had pro· ed for a singsong. The SCllIor,lports to .the ail' port. The 5Um· 3nel a!mo~t 4,000.000 b~rrels o~. f!'c 7-The Legion Corner. . declarallon as a by, its actions, and Allied.leaqers In. detall when the foreign minis- dueed a "us~ful starting poin!!' fm' NCO's:and Warrant Officers held Imcr camp was over and will hc and OJI WIll be tal;en mto eXlstmg News •.

• ::I,j'.ft It3rt til a more hopeful shollid make .clear that "'hlle the tel's meet In Octobel'. . . ef[orls to settle East.West proll· their party at Ovenhead Beach nothing but s(jmelhlng to tnlk radar and weatl:er statio~s and •. to 12.13-Women" New. ,nd In intern&tional relations. West will not resort·to force. to USEFUL STARTING POINT lems. . .. at a cabln owned by a Mrs. Sa- about dllrillg the' winter mont11s the neW DEW lm~ positions. Chit Chat. Frrnch " lDnguni;l SwIss redress the balanre, It does not British newspapers of varied Rome's big n T~mpo sa)'s "tha ward of St. Ge(lrge, 8 small town until the Royal Newfoundland T~ lu!el tt,heer fr\~I~lhl t\ anood c~rr~;; . '14-Moyle reviews. The .Tollrnal de Geneve, accept the subjugation' of eastern political. complexions emphasi:re hllman figllre of EisenhOWer stolid' '11 1\ At tll~ 1 al'ty the peNlOlI.. I 1.'.1 le c. 0 mood of diplomacy has Ellrope by RII~sla: . . Germany s~1I1 'remaln~ the ,"bi~ Ollt". at Geneva a~d declares, he Jle~, I~ c mp. I' lJ.. f Regiment ngai;l (OI'IIIS III' 011 the shiJl~. II lankcI·s. fuur ·p.lsseh·g~r . 16-Sport. but the essential problems In a separale arllde, the Rame problem"-and the West German "easily . distinguished him~elf o"erIN.C~ S • lad qt!lte a I,HIIII el .. 0 parade square [lIr another 1111111· ~ype \'e~scis 8n,c1 ~4 uther \'e\~els '·7_Coinlcs.

, newspaper UY5 th~ conference wu pres~ sees a new situation ·devel. a too eolorlc'55 Eden a Huloanin o(\lflec dllnks lahl 011 IIllh plcl,le~, 111 f Tt·· IIIclllrtlng lanlllng and tlr),uock ""n'ilm. Th, Sunday Times "domlnatp.!I completely" by 'Pre~l. oping. litlle force ~~d a Faur-a i~' minor saltce! bis('ult~, prct7cls and Io'ari· i er our ml I 13 group. summer shiJl~. . .. II

)[ th. dear conduaiOllI of . dent' Eisenhower, who "lifted Inter- . The Soelalist.incllned'Berlin Tele- tone." . oUs.o!her foodstuffs usua.lIy eatcn Icamp. ';,' One task force, from PaclfJ .--~-----------I .

. 1

. ( ~ .

:~ . • ,I.

, ,


Page 2: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

, ;


, (

Grand Falls News tT acab-omn" g Duke Edin~urgh "Modern TJ K " so~les hcvc b~n c~oscn by the , •• C«uncll of InDustnal DC~igl\ en

GRAND :rALLS-'MII& Annie On Educa' Ii"on, E-_L!L10ts i<'~eaJT! the .. d\'icc or "liss r:Liz~beth \\'ray Xe~ei- of Boston, KISII., I former XIJ.llJ it. ti y r~hion dlre:tor' and LondoQ resident of Grand Falls, iJ now CAMBRIDGE, Eng., (Reulers)- F C. N U'· ,~.!Z!:1agkg Director of liltcrn:~ vacationing here Ind Is the guest TheD!lke of Edinbu~gh today told or . J~o :on:.1 Textiles. Tile s~lcction 0/

R.~~A..F. Of/.:

Resel of MI'I. Gillord C. Plnont of leading, educationalists from 15 • goprts gc06s atld ta;'5 was niade

F aL-ll B " R °d V' • F Junction Road. countries about two dangers lacing ,in rO!lsultalion with the trade a' OOwa ngus' eSI ent mtors i rom )(Us Me~er II III employee 01 their universities in the growth of The "Modem U.K." f;t~t1d r, '~~jatiOl:s concerned:

, . Gilchrist Departmental stores III' Q!eeJaUzltion. the C.N.E. It Toronto (from 26lh i . '_' F 'ed P A . , IL I d :Boston, Ind, lilt lw neently She object 01 education would August to 10th September) will S?eCIALL Y CHOSEti

,. Grand Lodge Convention

Fro'm The Provlnelal Grand ,Lodle IIf

~ew{oundland, Ladles Onn,e Bene\'olent Association, opened lis Iwenl)'-sennth Innual session In Ibe Yasoni~ Hall at Springdale. Thl Grand Mistress, Wor· ,hlpful Sialer Ada 'Hampton, of Bishop's rallJ, pretldln" Rliisted hy tIM GrIIld LodJe ofllc.n, Ind past .... nd mlatreuel, with dele­,Ite. present from III parts of

~ague MIll... asses way ,.fJug_ an ~':'~=~ h=: !r,!!:~r, !orr. clins, ~~er· r~:!1r l:~ Ic:t 111 t!tc b=".r.!=~I. d!!-Igi\'e Canadians a chance ot fec. FOR CANADIAN TASTES GRAND FALLS-The leacu" "'ill 'GR.I,ND FALJ.S-'\'c regret.. to I GRA:-lD FALLS-~ow \'isIHnK· eer at Bay Roberts. Miss, Mcrcer t~J!s o! education. and a UDlVl:!r- Cor the third successive year the Flying Officer

, ' l the'd b J G d F II G d ,.' 11 1\1 L II I dB be rcturning to Boston ncrt Sit)· mIght losc its power to make b' t B i . h d '1 II all "n c' lil" 'clc . th f h b. known .~ the JCxplolts Valley repor eat 11 ran as; ran J' a s are cssrs es e ' , .' or mould studcnt; into responsible . cs contcmpor~ry I' ~IS es gl1s ' . ~ .. E o. ~. c,ors bo 0 W om are Football League. Monday afternoon Il :I o'clock, I Spike of LeaUlington, Midlands wee!:. and WIll be accompame~ by mcn in an effort to condition itself m a wide rang~ of praducls. More mlide. spe,c~al ~Horts to cn;ure, fishing at Third F

No entrAnce tee for year 195&. of I well·know'l native ot Brlgus. nnd Jeff HC!ll"st of Colchester, Mrs. T~os. ?Idlord oC Grand F aJJ~, to their needs DC those of the state. llan 500 exampies are~ now ready Ule SUitabIlIty u_ the chosen gOod, th dd I : Teams "ho have Ipplied Ind C.B., In the per~on of Mr. Michael England, members of a group who Will Visit It~r daughter,' Mrs, The duke, chancellor of two uni. for shipment t? Canada, announ., Cor ~he necds. when ey su en, now admltte4 to fllrm Iealll! are fowler age 84 years. The !ate sent here on i\lay 21th by tlte Frances Dunlap In Boston. v'mitics was addressing the opcn- ces the Counci. of Industrial De· markct. The I.pinlon of ~u"uon,.and half out" of a as follows: , ' , Mr. }'owler has been residIng In Decca Navlgatcr Coy In connec· ing of ~ seven-Illy conlerence of sign In London. Tlte Council is representatives of Canadian bU), Th. Jirl'. head was I

Gran4 Flm. Grand, Falls, for the past ' six tlon with laying trans Atla:1tie Ca adia W Emopcan university rectors. It Is the orgllnizatf'ln which applies Ing houses was sought at aplto bid .h. Wal unconsclol BlaIIop'. Falls Leglonalru; years, with hls daughter and son- Cable from Clarcnvllle to West n n omen the first time in 200 years that the strictest standard~ to the vIew held earlier this year In llCAF officers immedia Bishop'. FilIi lrbh. In·law, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Wbe. Scotland. They erected three T V' ° R d C) ° rector~ from most of Eur0lll;'s goods ~ubmltted by U.K. manu· London,' and experience aln', artificIal respiration af Bot'''ood.' Ian of lIIemc:rla! Avenue. radio staUons lr. connection wllh 0 ISIt e una countnes have met together to dIS' {acturers before approving them. .; . ' g 14 Ilurby picnickers, Corl

,n hi cuss common problems Th d' h[ hid at the CanadIan National Exhl~ k d Games will be played at Bishop's He Is 5urvJvo!d by hIs wife, five t s cable wO\'lt, one 'at Greens·, " e goo s, W c onc u e cv- . ' and Coo an the Newfoundllnd. '

Amon,·the d1stln,ubhld llIests .. ere :The Premier, Hon. Dr. J, 1\, Smallwood, Dr. r., W. Rowe, Min­Ister of Mines Ind Jlesources, Hon. D. L. Vlrdy, Dlreetor of Tourist DI\·.loplllent, Capt. 1.. T. ' Stl~k, M.P., BOIl. Baxter MOflln, M.H.A., Ihe Grand Mister III the ... L.O.A. It W. Bro. ,l$.ac Dlwe, His Honor, ~tayor Grlnt of Springdale.

These men addressed the Grand I.oilge "Ith very far reaehinl Ihouahts of "'halls required of II! to ha\'" peace In a world of strif ••

Reports tabled b:-, the Grand lI~eretlr)', Nr~. Glad~'~ Cllombs Ind tile Gr"nd Treasurer, !tIrli. Rachel Goulding show this a .. ocl. Ilion to be In I lOund flnanelll condition Ind the oubtandllll pr.,. Irp,,~ made durio, the put year.

Th. Ladies Orange Benevolent .Association now has 112 lodlles In the pcovince ilf Newfounlllilld with a m.mbmhip of Ipproxlm· ateh' li'l thousand.

'On Friclay nl!\ht the p.ople IIf ~prin&dlle Plt.nd.d their 1105p[, talily to Ibe delegalf~ with I .plendid banquet ",!th the dlstl,,· lui~hed lue~b proposing Ind re­Ipondl,,! to the u.lual to ... t~.

On Sundar aft.rnoon • mammolh parad, l!IOk plRcf. with members IIf the Ordfr of Ihe L.O,A. Ind I.,O.B.A. comin, In from communl. tifs nur Illd f.r.

Premier's Visit GRAND FALLS-Premler,Smlll­

.. ood. I_panled by his .on Bill Ind Mr. O. L. Vlrdy, Director of Tourist Development, Irrlved at Grand Falls IIIldnlght list Wed­nesday and .. ere ruests of A.N.D. Co. at Gralld FilII Housl \lnW Thursday mornlq.

Prellller Smallwood told the DAILY NEWS It Grind 'all' tblt they .Itt eMoute to Grand Loll,e ••• don It Sprln,dale. TheT tnval­led leross eGunlry frmn st. Jobn" tty motor "hlete.

The Premier and Mr. Vardy will be retumln, to St. ·John' • ." air, while BUI Smallwood will travII by car baa to St. John's.

Visiting New York GRAND FALLS - Two YOUIII

Jadilt of Gralli! Falls, Joy Farr and Mlrinl Cornick lelt here on Sundar by express tor New York, where they have been appointed to attelld the annUlI NatIonal M­Hlllbb' 'of Jehovah. Wltnes ... which tabs pllce next weell: In the Yankee Stadium. Both youn, ladies are members of Jehovah WJm.. eoqre,atiOn at Gl'IJId rallL

FaUs, Botwood and Grand Fill. daughterslnd one son. The daug'1l pond, one at Random Island, and ' TORo!'~~O, C,CPJ-Six Canadian The Duke warned that "we m~st ~rythlng ,froin the finest bone ilIon during troe last, two Yeal'l .nd their famlUu, fo] toml ,amu will bl It BlIhop'l ters are, ,Sister Mary Angela, of the third at Portugal Cove SI. women WIll visit Communist China take care not to. treat ma~, ~llh cllalna to Cumiture and carpets, has also been taken into aCCOunt IIIPplied blankets to 11

, th Met I St John's John's' East M" Spike Is a dl I lor three weeks this summzr a~! his Immc~se vnfl~ty of prejudIces will again be shown in a gay, . , '~e thUd wbil.' the JI Falla. " , e ercy oven, n. ' . I . '" ese guests of the all.Chl·n Federatl'on' I a.n~ emolt~ns, as Just another sta-, 'kli Lt' d' " This e~hibit will demollstrall 111

Games' will be scheduled lor Mrs. Ronald, Melvin, Sula Road, eng neer and Mr. Hearst is a a IItSIlcal unit • . . Man has sue- spal ng" se 109 eSlgned by " Jl'Iifldal respiration , every Tuesllay and Friday. Grand Falls, Mrs. Henry Chafe radio engineer. In Grand }'a1l5 of Women. ceeded in changing things but he' Neville Ward adn Alec Heath- once more th"t BritaIn can do the corponIJ went oul

Elch team mu.t'lppolnt I line. at Petty Harbour, Lewis they are guests of Mr. and Mrs. The women. members o! the I' has nat changed much himself." IVO of Britain's outstanding young mor~ than simply supply the linl ,tel I doctor, aflo notif, man.' ',,' Madden, "Bolwood Highway, George Mercer 3 Road Avenue. Congress of Canndian Women. a designers. , traditional products for whicb tire department Ind tJ

lleferees:-Tllp •• Conway.·two Grand Falls, Mrs. Gerald Whe· Communist group, have alrendy TORONTO, (CPJ- Jerry Magee, A feature of this year's display she has always had II ready maBT then, thl RCAF more ttl ,be ,appointed. Ian .R.N. MemorIal Avenue Grand Chlel 'Fire Warden Ben Stead attended Ihe first World Congress Q,ltario am~t~ur gol! champion, will be devoteri arranged in eight keto It wlll prove th i th U' r· bruthln, ltarted and

F II d n Leo Fowler ' of l\Iothcl's at Lausanne Swltzer- set an unofCIclal course record at b Di I'd ' a e ,K, th .. : Failure of telm to fIeld pI8~'ers 'a ft, an one so , is back at his Whitbourne bead. land, July 7-10. While therc tllCY the Tor 0 n to Lambton course ays. sp ay wm ows wl11 be is in tile vanguard of good :nod. 0 er me ... ta

Ihe ~am forlel!. lIamp.. :! points ruldlria at Gal\der Airport, an,d quarters following 8 look at lhe wel'~ Invitcd 10 I'isit China by Chi. Thursday. Magee's score Was 63, dk?tvohted to cutlcdry, glass, pottery. ern design. and It will gil'e th City firemen broua for win, 1 po!nt for draw. on&-5tep brothel', Peter at Bell big Labrador ('Ircst lires.' Two of nesc delegates. eight under par and one stroke un. I c enware an - other products. , ,I relplrator.' Th. Be)

,July, 12-lIotwood ,·s. Irish, at balnd. To all of whom We extend the fires arc IIUt but onc, north 'der the official COlll'f'~ mark held and there will be spectacular vISItors to the exhibit an telllpted to find out· Botwood. deepest sympatl)y. of Grand Lake, Is stili burning. They arc e~pected 10 return tOI by pro Willie Lamb and severall textile displays. unity:, of ~eelng how well the nil ! Jill belDnged to an~ 01

July 1S-G, 'all. VII. Lellan.' Canada early lR Septcmber. olher golfer.. The fashion fabriC"!! and acces· will blelld with th. old. of picnicker. b

aI~~iy It-.atwood \,1. G., Fall.. Special Speakers ' E ,-- ",- --'--"'------, --- ~ece._sfu_L ___ ..,..

July 22-Jrish v •• Lejianalre.. GRAND FALLS-rAt the United • July 2S-G. Falls vs. ,Iriah. Church, Botwood; on Sunday there Ni' e ry July B-JJol\vood v.. Llllion., will be two special speaker~. At

alrt.. the morning service Mr. Charles AUJlllt 'J-Irlsh V" Jolwood It Neeves, Director of Alcohol Edu·

BI.hop'., cation {or the Province of New-Aup.t I-J.egionairtl VI. G, foundland will address Ihe tongre·

Fall.. , gaUon: Ind It the eveninR len'ice Aupst II-G. Falls "iI. lIotwood. Rev. D. S. Peterson of st. Matl­Au,u.t 12-Lellonalre. v •. In.b. hew'. Presbylerian Church, Gr~nd AUlu~t IS-lrbh \'S. G. Falb. nIls will preach on lhe ~ublrct August It-Le,ionlires \'I, Bot. "The Great Divine E,'ent loward

wood. wh!ch ollr world b moving." To Team. mUlt hll flllly dre~5ed. ~ol~ Iheseservlces everybody b

Any f!lO!wfttr tllnsiderfid fllnJu, inVIted. • OUt by referpt ""lU b. rlisallnwed. On Monday evening at R 0 clock

Field will be lined. Corner In the United ChurchH~1I Mr. na~s .tuek, Nee\'c~ will show ,I sOllnd [ll,m Ind

')(r. Xen Goodvear hu donll,d explain some matterJ relatlllg 10 trophy and m d'l 1 h . alcohol and II! effect on Ihe hu· Ihlp tUII\, e liar e amplon· man bod)'. You are Invited to see


Youth Arrested A 1'1-"l&r-oI4 youth of SI.

'obn'. WI. taken Into' police cus­tody here on Silurday hlvllll hitch hike!! hi. way from Mon trill to Grind Falls.

The :!,outh was In destitute eon. dition when found by the pollee. H, tol,4 them he had, rec.ntly ~olned the .teamer 'Shelburn.' at st. John'. and went to Montreal wllere h. ,ot drullk Ind mined hls IIIlp.

The: youth told the po lie. ' lie tlrved lOme tim. In the rtform school It Whltbourne Ind en lel\'. In, that InstltutJon li. joined the steamer Shelburne, It St. John' •.

He WI! arral.n~d beIore )Jails· trate Abbott 'on Saturday IIIef was fienlenced to :. da~'s, after which h' will be lent to his home at St. Jo/m',.

Electrical Workers , GRAND :rALLS - ~lec:t.rIcal Worke~ Union, Grand Fall. held 10 annual Ilectlon Dfficer. duro In, the put wlek, when the tol. lowillf Jlew off1cen were eleettd. at'rhln .Tanet. Vice. President Ted Dawt, Becordlng llleretal')' Walter Scott, Financial 8earctlf)', Ronald GrUIl1I and tre"urer, .AndIe", .atrd, Sr. The newPreald.nt Stephen Jlnel re­plae,. ~. Jack Scott who hi.

this £11m.

Bulldozer Damages Car

GnAND FALLS-At appro:date' , '

ly 11.45 Saturday nigbt, I motor . ear owned by Mr. T. H. Anderson, and parked off the road, opposite his residence on Carmelite Road, was damaged to the exlent of ,250.00 'when It Tlas blt by the bllde of a bulldozer, belni towed on I trailer, for J. Goodyear and Sons of Grand FIliI.

It's learned that the drh'eway to Mr. Andenon's residence Is now blocked off, owing til I con· structIon Job now uw!erway III that area, Ind IS resurt Mr. hnd­.rson ,nad hI. vehicle parked oU the roadside juat opposite his home.

The ~rucll: lowing I trailer wa~ entering. Carmelite Road from Hill ' Road and aPPlrently tbe driver of the vehlele mIsjudged the distance Ind the blade of the bulldozer hit I .llIn post at the Junction of the road and 1150 Mr. Anderson'l motor car that was parked just around the eomer.

Telep~one Officials

been President for past two years. GRAND FALLS-Mr. Dell an

Vacation • engineer with the Automatic

Telephone and "ElectrIc Coy of Liverpool Enalnnd, and Mr. Jack Lynch Supt. Avalon Telephone

• seconds ,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,of every day

The Blu. Peter, a ~t .. low-lln. lboard prine. on the evenl~ reported her, loss to b

Welther eonditlons III tltl way along and iliad. without Incldent


Ylirmera from the 1m brou,ht early nl blge' to 51. John', I

eabbage 11 oCt I ·pound.

local leHue .lVlllabl. on Saturday

oys t Ki,

; 'ILL-

GRAND FAI.LS - Mrs. JUiJl Liddy ot New York, eldest dluah. ter of 'Mr. end 11t'.. Glor,. Le­Molne, Grand Fall, Irrh'td here o..ver:, the weekend to ,pl!Dd I

vacltion with her parents. Mr. Leddy WII accomplnled' by her Ion James and dlu.hter Marlon. MI'I.: Le,ddy II .. , been re.ldln. III Ne,w ~ork for the pa~t,35 year ••

Coy, St. John'., were visitors to Grand Falll this weekend, where Mr. Dell 1l1:lpected equJpment be· Inl installed In two new Branch Exchange at Bishop. Fall. Ind Botwood. These Branches are be· In, erected by Avalon Tel CDY. and will mean 500 new dIal tela· phone. for each town, BIshops Falll Ind, Botwood. somebody '" . RODS

'fOil FAST, :, . ON.THE.JOt ' , ,'JlIPAIAS AND, '

COUNTLESS , ' CONmtUCnON ' , , USB Of ALL kl.NDS .. '

~:, ,7 SIllS ,~'" ". ~, , III U' AMI .. ·UH ....

buys Incredible b~t true - this is the am'aziiJ~ result of the ever.growing preference for Chevrolet ... ' Day.;" and day·out, Sundays only excepted, the~e's a proud new Chevrolet owner every • .19 tlecOnds. ' You see them here, you rice them there, you lee them everywhere-enjoying the.pleasures of having chosen ChcYru!ct. And because motoramic' Chevrolet is luch an overwhelming

, favorite this year, to a greater extent than ever before, . Otevrolet leads in popularity - value - sales.

, '

Incidentally, while you wIre reaJ;nl lhi!, four Chevrolets wer; b;~ght J '

A CENElt.4L ~orolts r.4LU!



Da~b ;

. - ............ 01

For .,

Eight ducks, the daily bag

i.n 1955 it ' Service Resour,

beLter off

on sho weapons remai

details resp hunting in th

contained in t will appear on beginning or tb,


Page 3: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

cell. do' the lina

for whlcb ready mar.

the D.1\. 100d :nod;

Ilu th.

.. _---

I ~. ,.f


R.C.A.F. Officer"

Rescue Girl Lawyers;· oO.B~.:

:Shipping'C 0 n c Iud e ...........

From Drowning The Church Lad. Brigade open· ed their fifth .Camp In Harbour

Flying Officer Bob Pearce and FIt. LieutJim McCrae Grace on Monday laat with a both of whom are stationed at Torbay Airport, were out strength' of one hundred Ind

Local \Company Wins National Sales Contest

W'hln 'the .lIo1al. CommI!IIIoll.. Oft !'6rII1tal ShIp_ .. ~ fn

Provincial Annual Meeting

Jobn'l toa.y, legal eoUllsel re-presenting Newfoundland will be The twenty-seventh annual session of the Right Wor-two young Newfoundland lawyers, shipful Provincial. Grand Lodge of the Ladies' Orange Messrs. Douglas Hunt and JQhn Benevolent Association of Newfoundland convened from Crosbie. They will act In place' of July 15th-19th in the town of Springdale with the R.W. the Hon. P. J. Lewis, who was tp Grand Mistress, Sister Ada Hampton presiding. .

fishing .t Third Pond behind Petty Harbour yesterday seventy·slx. Thla hal inueased Norval R. Blair and Joseph M. Collins of MaJ'estic

dd 1 during the week and on Saturday

"h!n they IU en y came upon a little girl, lying "half in night the roll showed a Itrength Sales, Ltd., in St. John's, will fly to Las Vegas, Nevada, and half out" of • river that empties into the pond. of 196. The camp Is divided into this weekend for a three-day expenses-paid holiday. hav. conducted the case lor this

province but haa been prevented The Grand Lodge Officers w~e 'l1It Jirl', head "al above water four line. and the Line Comamnd. Their company is a winner in a national sales contest

~t ,hi "u unconscioul. The two N H '. I ers for the llrst few daYI consist- d b Cd' W r h h JC"r officers Immediately applled ew Osplta If: ed of: Line No. I, Lleut H. Mos. sponsore y ana tan es mg ouse and t ey will join . I Irati d n d d II LI more. than 50 Westinghouse dealers and salesmen from

.nilici. relp on an CI e on I 0 de: ne No.2, C.S.M. C. Mur-atarby picnickers, Corparall Dunn S pene . dock; Line No. 3, Lleut. J. V. across Canada. • nd Cook and the It. C. A. F. Rabbltts; Llna No. '" Lleut. M. The group will fly from Malton Airport at Toronto .nd their famiUe., for ald. Tbey The official opening of the new Kirby. With the increase. in the by TCA Viscount aircraft, leaving Sunday. The largest ~pplitd blankets to wrap around International Grenfell Mission HaS· staff Lieut. J. French of Bell Is- Canadian group to invade the famed Las Vegas roulette ~f thlld wbUe' the men applied pltal toole pllce yesterday .t North· land wu appointed Line Com­llIificlal rllplration and onl of welt River, Labrador. • mander of Llnl No. J and Lleut. stronghold, • they will receive official welcome from the 1M c{lrporall went out and .ecur- Detail, of the ceremonlll aren t J. V. Rabbitt. was transferred to City of Las Vegas and the Chamber of Commerce before t4 a doctor, alia notifying the city Immedlltely Ivanable, but both Line No. 4, tbereby releallng night clubbing along the glittering "Strip." \ trl department and the RCMP. Hon. Dr. F. W. Rowe and Han. L1eut. M. Kirby 10 that he eould M Bl' d Men' '11 t d !r then, thl RCAI' offlcera bad S. J. HeHerton "era prelent. give his full time to the very im- r. alr an r. 0 ms Wl meet s age an screen

krathin, ltarted end thl doctor portant post of Camp Sports and stars, swim in plush hotel pools, visit Boulder Dam and ,,,dtrtd other lIIedicll a .. islance. Recreation Ollicer. Lleut. Com. enjoy other of the facilities of the unique Nevada holiday

cilr firemen brou,ht. aloll, aSS d mallder J. M. C. Facey lind Capt. spot. Jtft'irator. The lteAI' 1111" at· unny un ay It. J. M. Noel have relinquished ------------:-----------IImpted to find out if the little The JIIercury hit II blgb a. ea their performancel of the duties tJI btlonged to InJ: of the ft.arby degrees in the city yesterday and of Quartermaster and Paymaster pups of picnicker. but "ert UII' the lUll, which appeared in the respectively, 8.\ld thele highly 1m­pJlfmful. . afternoon, dre" out thousandl of portant post. bave now been .u·

Four ,'njured As Car Leaves Road Prince"

•• nn .... In Port

ptople to beache. and covel, high· lumed by Lleut. C. Scurrey. Capt. road. alld IOUlltry 1.1111. Noel and Lleut. Commander Facey

are retalnlllg their appolntmenh III. 21C Ind Aljutsnt and Officers Mell President respectively. Continue Probe

'tl:t 5.1!. Blue PrIne., which lost T H h· )lr ruddrr Thursda,. IS milll ".It urr a Its I! Clrt RacI, arrived In port har. I I lid Lif Offi L "I:lld~!". nom n on W e cer es . thl 'Blue Peter. a lister "''', Tuck II eontlnuln. hla innltIga· r-t I t~I\'.Une aboard the Blul tioll Illto tun habltl thll summer . 4!n the e\'enln, after Ihe by lPendln. lOme monthl on lone­:t~fd h.r loss to her ownera. 17 DI .... til and in Hudson Bayl 1\'palhM' eonditlonl wera lood He will Ilso .tudy the coloniel at

In 1):1 ... ,. alan. and thl tow was Cape Wolstenbolm •• u41 1<ithllUt Incident.

Cabbage Avai1able

Tumel'l from tbl st. Philip'. brought wly ftew locl1 eab­to 5t. John'. 011 Satllrday. ubbaRI i. offering at 2S • pound.

local lettuce 'l1'li' 1110

IlIlilablt on Saturday at the door.


PepperreU Parade Rained Out

:RaIn and laId· cancelled out Saturday', parade at PeJ'!lerrell for Ambauador Stuart of the united State ••

However, other eeremonlea Iii· eludlnla reception It the Officm Club "ent Ihead II acheduled.

E·njoy Holiday

Four persons were Injured last of the four II In critical con dillon evening when the new Chevrolet "in hospital here. . oar in which they were riding The accident occurred about plunged off the road on the seven miles from Holyrood, and Salmonlcr Line, and turned over the ear apparently overturned on several times. the 50ft shoulder of the road. It . While none of the names of the tumbied over an embankment and

car'l occupants have been released witnesses said it rolled over five by RCMP,·it Is understood that one times before coming 10 rest.

The following promotion. have been made by the Cllnp Command· ant, Major A. E. Hemmens: To be Acting Chief Sergeant for Camp, Cadet L/Cpl. D. Osmondj to be Acting Leading Seaman for Camp, AlB G. Harvey and AlB G. Noelj to . b, Acting Lance Corporals for Camp, Privates J. Martin and G. Martin; to be Acting Cadet Lance Corporals for Camp, Cadets W. Shea.ves Ind r. Noseworthy. Travelling Three Cars

On Thursday, July 21, loml of '. • the lads went to the Range for B R k 1£ Hi h rifle practice and In the evening y OC et . ave g way a movie Ihow anti Ilng·song was WINNIPEG (CP) _ Three top Three Car! went off the highway held In the Mell Hall, which. WII officials of the Royal Aeronautical on the old "COW Path" at Seal Cove thoroughly elljoyed by the lads. Society, London, are of the opinion Saturday afternoon, but as far as

On Friday a very luccessful in. that passenger • carrlng. rockets can be learned there were no In· spectlon wal held when the Lieu- and revolutlonary·type Civil air- juries sustained by the occupants. tenant Governor honoured the craft are not on the books of air· i plane manufactures. . T~e accidents .look place on the camp w til his presence. During the Rather, a period of " cnsible de. section of the highway now being Inspection Ex·LIeut. Len Earl velopment" is at hand, with the widened and .resurfaccd and all took movie plcturel of the parade, civil aircraft industry concentralin within a distance of about 200 to after which he .hot 10m. general on Improving existing types of 300 feet. One of the 'cars lVas in scenes of camp life Including the planes-particularly jets-to make the bushes about 40 Ieet from the lad, at Mesi. We appreciate nry them both faster and safer. highway highly thl. intcrest 1n our affairs. The officials, In Winnipeg reo -' ------

On. FrldlY morning a notlce cently on their way home from the

. I Dr. A. lit. Ballantyne, secretary of F . Cl vill . ' breakfast .t me. The textol this the Bociety, D. ·C.·Smith, he'ad' of ,or. a' "en e

from attending because of lIIneu. seated In a splendl~ demonstrahon This matter being of dominion. 'of the Honour Dnll by Fr~edom

wide Intere&t and International in Lodge No. 1123 and graCiously Its xope It Is no little honour for welcomed by its first Worthy the two 'young lawyers to be call. Mistress, Sister Irene Gillard . ed upon to represent their pro-I Co~sages, th~ work of the Jubilee vince at the hearings and the reo Guild of Springdale, were pre~ent· cults of the deliberatiOn! will be ed to the Grand Lodge Officers looked forward to with keen In. and Past Grand Mistresses by the tere&t. present Worthy Mistres&, Sister

Lynx Plentiful Bonne Bav Area

Lynic are reported plentiful· in the Bonne Bay area; 'And taxi· men. operating from Woody Point to Deer Lake report spotting the occasional moose.

.Nellie Boyles. A splendid address was read by

the Grand Mistress, R.W. Sister Personal Bell Iso News Appears Today

Due .., un(Ol'lleea, drcum· Mlncel, the Bell bland News had to be held oYer Saturday, and II Included ID ihls morn· Ing'. Issue. Thl! Dtxt edition will Ippear on Wednesday.

Dinner For Bill Lynch . A complimentary turkey dinner

was held at the Old Mill on Satur· day night by the Executive of the SI. John's Branch of the Canadian Legion, wilh' Bill Lynch, the popular circul proprietor, as the guest of honour.

Capt. Gordon Warren, O.B,E., President of the Branch, was the chairman for the occasion, and af· ter An excellent menu he present· ed nr. Lynch with I sealskin cap and gloves as a memento of the appreciation of the success which had attended the 1955 visit of the circus.

Capt. L. C. Murphy, who had been Dominion Vice President when the circus made its initial appearance In Bannerman Park, proposed the health of the guest of honour In a reminiscent speech, to which a suitable rcsponse was made.

Ada Hampton, which 'showed in Mrs. Matthew Quilty of Monck complete detail the outstanding Avenue was admitted to the Gen· , progress made by the Association eral Hospital on Friday for treal­In the Province of Newfoundland. ment, and is reported 81 makin.

Distinguished visitors to the satisfae10ry progress. Session were the Premier, Hon. C.!If. Lane, General Secretary Dr. J. R. Smallwood: Hon. Dr. F. of the Newfoundland Federation W. Rowe, 10llnlster of Mines and of Fishermen, will be leavinl Resources; Hon. O. L. Vardy, Di· some time this week on a good· rector of Tourist Development; will visit of locals In the Burin Hon. Baxter Morgan, M.H.A. for Pcninsula area. Green Bay District; Capt. L. T,. -e-Ie-ct-e-d.--------­Stick, M.P., Honorary Sovereign Past Grand Master of British Grand Chaplain, Mrs. Nellie America. the Grand Master of the Boyle, Springdl)le.

h Grand Secretary, Mrs. Glady. L.O.A., R,W. Bro. Isaac Dawe, t e b hid Mayor of Springdale, H. C. Grant, Coom 5, S1. Jo n's, re·e ecle. . M.W. Bro. Berkley King, Grand Grand Treasurer, Mrs. Rachel Censor of the Grand Black Chap. Goulding, Grand Falls, re.eleeted. ter of British America, R.W. Bro. Grand Deputy Secretary, Mri. Waller Jewer. GrandMaster of the Annie Seaward, Bell Island. Grand Black Chapter of Newfound. Grand Deputy Treasurer, Mrs. land, R.W. Bro. Albert Stanley. Lily V. Jewer, Botwood. Past Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Grand Director Df Ceremonics, Albert Rowe, Associate Grand 11rs. Ada Jl(erccr, Corner Brook.· Master of the Grand Black Chap. Grand Lecturer, Mrs. Carrie

~[artin, Heart's Content. ter of· Newfoundland. R.W. Bro. W. J. Cuff, Past Grand Lecturer Grand Deputy Lecturer, Mrs. of the Grand Lodge of the I,.O.A., Dorothy Locke, Little Bay Islands. Bro. John Shears and R.W. Bro. Grand Auditors, Mrs. Mae Snow, Nathan. Penncy also visited the Bay Roberts; lIfrs. Lily Porter, Grand 'Lodge Session on behalf of Petries; Mrs. Delphine While,

Buchans. the Dominion Regalia Company and presented souvenirs. Immediate. Past Grand Mistress,

Splendid addresses we're given ~!rs. Sarah Hann, Channel. by the visiting' brethern to which This Grand Lodge Session had the several Past Grand Mistresses a record attendance with delegates responded. from all parts of the island. It

Tbe Grand Secretary. R.W, Sis. was most interesting and enjoy. . able and the delegatcs take the

ter Gladys Coombs, and the Grand Treasurer, R.W. Sister RaclJel opportunity, tbrough the medium

of this paper, to express grateful by J. G. Higgins, Q.C., a former Goulding, tabled their' reports til k t th i f S . Dominion President; W. R. Dawe . which show this Grand Lodge to . d 31n Sf °th.

e kP~odP e 0 dPnng

Short addresses were also given

o B . h .' b . d f' . I . dT a e or elr In ness an gra· . .E., C as. Parsons. M.M.; ~laJ. ~ m a soun mancla con I I?n, 'cious hospitality. .

F. W. Marshall. M.B.E., and Lleut WIth 112 Lodges of the Association I Th t t th I S '1·' . d th J '1 0 d e wen y·scvcn annU3 es· CD . Joseph 0 Driscoll. an. ree u~ell1 e • range ~o ges sion closed with the singing of thl

act!I'e In th15 ProvlDce, With an I N t' I A .. K• C ·myaterIoully appeared on the door fl!th annual Amrican Aeronautical New Mayor I n S m e n a m P of the Sergeants !Ileal during conference at Los Angles, were

• IIotice il a. fo11owl: th t h I I d tid J hn ~ IIImmer 1110\'" aloftg and 10 lellnett; Ind, Frank Nixon. . C L.B Se g b X . e ec n ca epar men, an 0;· . .. .

it the IICOn' Kinsmen bo7" 100 Yard Dash Sr.-1st, Philllp • H' b r. eaGn ell, IIdinsby, aerodynainlcs expert. ·:)lalphK. Mercer ha5 becn elect· 11 .. tome to a clo.. '1'1111 Cook; 2nd, Brlell 011ver. ar Dur • rncI, PLACE IN TRANSPORTATION ed IS ..the new Mayor of Claren· eoMiltet! IIIllnly of boys Burdin Jr.-lit, DaDny Iqulnl,' Electrka1 Contractor •. (Ine. '19~~) "Bfore we try to revolutioni7.e ville. He wa~ choFen by a meet· 11{ t C I' t

thl lint Jtilllll'lell Scout Troop 2nd, JOI MaCabe. All th. latest In W!rInl Tech. ch'U aircraft," said Mr. Smith "we Ing of recently eiected council· if. () or y {' IS On Sunday afternoon in eon·

ol'erall membership of approxi. i a lana r.,,:~:n ... _ .. ___ _

matel)' six thousand.

many ef the aetlritlel Hurdlu Sr.-1'" lrilll Oliver: Dlque., lJIeclalisti III ON·OFF ~u~a~~I~~e~i~!i:Nz!ot~:epf:~t~f lon. I I 0 d junelion with the Grand Lodges .... ","" IOne.rned .eouting. lor ZIId, Bull Cole. ' If you have a problem In Wiring the airplane in transportation. Here • S n Jure of the L,O.A. and. Grand Black

Stouls It Wli a time 01 lear' n. . Shot Putt Jr.-John Bennett. eoml to UI. We do the 1m- I C d I urprised at the B'h M ' Chapter the T,.O,B.A. paraded to Ind pllylnl tOiether and for IIhot Putt Si . ...;..Phllllp Cook. possibl.. n~m~~: :nd ';:~e5 of p~opie thatl' DC ans Iners Y~sterday Ifternoon .. m.o~or the new United Church nnw in

bors who' "ere not directly Inter Hut'Relay-Cyrll Brennan, Also we nserv. for ourselvel the lise aircraft-young parents with I R T W I elyehsdl who has not .been l~cn,l1f1ed I· the proces~ of heing buill. The '~lltrrntd with lCOutinl It ".. • Ba5l1 Col., Kevin Power. right to accept or reFUSE children, and the like-who go by eturn 0 or { 5 sal to hal'e collided With a car ~linister. Rev. Beaton Hicks, ex· I j b

nlnne. just becnuse It'. the fastest . on the Portugal Road, He· tended a \I'arm \\'clcome to the reo '\

• ne" eonception flf Softball Throw Jr. _ Danny Iny o. ,.. k h I I \ 'l1'li1 brought Into their Squires. Thll Ippear. to refer to their way to tra\·el." lI~lncr~ of Ihe Buchan~ Miners: was ~a 'en to ~sPlta n ,an un· prescntatives of the Order and I 'lil'r~olnt. Softball Throw IIr. _ Edward efforts to ~I~e th. new light 11,,:- Most notable changes In aircraft Umo~ retur~ 10 work there this: conSCIOUS condlt!on. • preachcd an inspirinl: and thought I Baile". turea Installed by themselve. In design and structure in the last 15 morning, gOIng. back on the job Fu.r~her details of .the man s ' prol'oking sermon, taking his text I

J th I M I years, the group said, was in the a£ter 51·day strIke. conditio? or of the ACCident were from thc first Chapter of Acts·. I High Jump Jr. _ lst, rranle e reS!. As t can be imagined . "stiffness" of wings and fuselage. The new wage conlract awards not aVailable la~t night. "Y ·h Ii b ,,,'tn t .. ! art happy to report that

lias IIOt one case of home­I~JtnfJ! Ind the weather again haa

,oad to us for with tbe n· of three days fine weather


Nixon; 2nd, Harold Conway. the Officers Mess has been blam. It was not uncommon now to have 5" e • a e ,I esses un 0 me. , High Jump Sr.-1st, Tom Wake. ed for this. half.lnch.thlck metal skins on air. a cent mcrease which will be The officers were installed in a !

ham; 2nd, Bernard O'Toole, Saturday was another bad day craft, with two.lneh plate in th9 increascd by a further 2 cents in· colourful ceremony by Past Grand: Midget Race-1st, Billy O'Toolej al far u the weather was. con. no~, something unheard of during crease per hour on November 16. EI'senhower's Plane Mistress, R.W. Sister Frances shar·1


The highlight of this camp was omnlKht hike which took

on the 15th and 16th of this The lite of the hike was

2nd, John Cook. cerned. It, rained all day and the the last war. ron, assisted by Sister Phoebe

S ts h d t bIn addition, short. stubby wings, ltd E t R d th f II ..

Two Mile Road Race Sr.-1st, por a 0 e postponed. These cutting down on hlgh.speej drag, n ru ers In er B G d owe an e 0 owmg Past Bernard O'Toole,' 2nd, Thomas will now be held on Monday after. ypasses an er Grand Mistresses: M.W. Sister I

was the vogue. 0 d Conway. noon.'. These things ran so.mew~at .con. Old PurIty For a time yesterday, there were E ith Puddester, R.W. Sister Fan· I One Mile Road Race, Jr.-1st, On Saturday afternoon the Camp trary to aerodynamIC prinCiple. reports that President Ewight D. nie 1\1. Clouter and R.W. Sister I

Arm, Holyrood. This place fasciDftting to the boys la it a rhost house and It was only m1lch difficulty that the boy~ kepi out of the house during

Harold Conway; 2nd, Joe Paquette. was invited to a free movie by Mr. Thin wings meant, among other B ildo •• Eisenhower !Day bc landing at Elfreda ·Cuff.· The following cow· I Inter Hut Tug-o'.War-Won by Mike Hayes. We re~ord our deep things, a higher landing speed, ex· U mg . either Gander or Ernest Harmon prise the slate of officers for 1955: ,

Lynx Hut. plalned Mr. Dunsby. Air Force Base en route home [rom 'Grand Mistress, Mrs: Ada H~mp· i Special Prize-Harold Purchase. appreciation to Mr. Hayes for this EFFECTIVE 1I1ETHOD . What was formerly the old Pur· ton, Bishop's Falls, re·elected. I Outstanding Rookie-DAvid SIan. very kind Invitation and the lads To offset that, experiments In lIy Factory building 011 Brien SI. lhe Geneva conference. Grand Deputy Mistress, Mn. I·

.. II j d th I tl I t k ff d b lh "('t . h) Howel'er, the presidential plane ley. rea y en aye emse ves. vcr ca a e·o s as usc Y e I now IS R ware ouse was entcr· Hilda Ford, Humbermouth, reo i. 1I1e hours of the IIlght. Dur· our star there the boys visited

Top mountain from which of the surr01lndin. country­

could be admired.

A vcry' Inportant part of the V.S •. Navy Convair, ~I'ere being ed by intruders during the week· ovel'liew Newfoundland and land· elected. I Brigade both on weekly parades carrlod out.:Most effectlV~ method, end holidays. ed . in tlie United States for a ·re· I and at camp Is the Religious train. however, appea,red to be ID the usc A watchman working in 8 build. fueling stop before going on to Grand Junior Deputy Mistress, Junior }o'ootball - St. Pat's­

Danny Squires, Jerry A)'lward, Wa)'ne Austin,' John Cook, J05.

Paquette, Jos. McGrath.

of "defieeled Jets", whereby the . '. Washington. Mrs. Elsie White, Carbonear, re·· Ing given us by the Chaplains and motors in conv'Jntional jets cou I~g nearby, raIsed t.he alarm and during our stay .here In Harbour be deflected downwards to gil'c the city constables wer~ quickly on Grace Rev. L. A. Ludlow, Rector planes more lilt at take.offs and the scene. Bllt the Intruders had

Tne camp came to in end with SPOrts Da~' and It night a beau·

.camp fire. lollowlng Is a list of the

100 Yard Da~h Jt.-1st. John

Senior Footb'all-AU·Stars-Ed· ward Balley, Brien Oliver, Cyrn Brennan, Ronald Lyons. Thomas Wakeham, John Bennett. ,

AllnonDce Bag Limit

of St. Paul's Church, bas been in landings. A test meteor 'jet was made good Iheir escape. residence In camp and has con. being tril?d 0111 now in Ihls way. ducted our morning and eVening . Dr. Ballantyne said the RO~'al R d d scrvlccs. He has also taken a very Aronautical Society, which draws etar e keen interest In the lads. Oh its individual members mainly A10d Saturday evening he conducted a from aircralt Industry. research CI-~ldren's groups, co·rdinated studies and reo ill PreparaLion Service lor Holy search in England.. • 0

Communion. Its publications, in whlcl.1 papers SOCIety • Sunday morning opened with on mathematics and phYSICS \\'~re

one hundrcd and six all ranks at. reduced to "Hane engineering," Third I,\st· oC subscriptions tending Corporate Communion at arc distributed 10 30 countries. The Retarded Children·s Aid

Eight ducks, fh'e geese and eight Wilson's snipe will St. Paul's Church. Rev. L. A. Lud. Society gratefully acknowledges the daily bag limit {or waterfowl hunters in Newfound- low was Celebrant and he was as· $4 000 F the following SUbscriptions:

in 1955 it was announced today by the- Canadian sisted by Rev. H. M. Battcn of . ,::ro or A. H. Murray & Co. Ltd ..• $15Q,OO

Waterfowl. Upper Island Cove and by Capt. C. R. Bell Ltd ........... ]00.00

Service. Department of Northern Affal'rs and v L A h S r '0 . B I · ,- S Ltd 10000 • . s as e vcr. . . ne 00 { .. yre "" ons .• ....... . •. \alinn,,, I Resources. In Labrador, hunters will b(' ~ome- At ten o'clock the Brigade as. Crosbie & Co. Ltd. .. .... 100.00

better off as the regulations allow a daily limit of sembled for parade to SI. Paul's FREDERICTON (Cp)-A $4,900 Ronaid H. Ayre ......... 50,00

d k f· d . ht W'l ,. Church for Dlvioe Service. The bid. entered in a London, England; Nfld. Coal Cd. Ltd. ...... 50.00

uc s. we geese an elg 1 son s smpe. parade of 282 strength was under alletion for a single volum'~ of Diamond Engin~ering Co. •. 50.00 lhere hal'c been no changes ----~-----­In the boundaries of the to Nov. 18. the command of Major A. E. Hem· Audubon's "Birds of Amrica" hoas Nfld. Tractor & Equip·

districts from last "car and Scoter, Elder Ind OId·squaw Ducks IlU!ns, Camp Commandant, who lVas Bdrawn .atkt~ntion tto loneblof Newd· ment Ltd ............. . , ltd b l'unSIVIC s mes va ua e - an T 'I \". Ltd

II'lItrictlD.n. on shooting method. Regular Sea80_ ass s e y Capt. R. J. M. Noel, tid' • & ". ,y mter .. .•• • S d I mos gnere posseSSIOns, Yd"

weapons rcm31n the same. Avalon and Burin Peninsulas, econ n Command and Camp '!'te work containing 117 colored London, N. . an Pails d t '1 tl t Dec. 3 to Jan. 28, 1956. Adjulant, Capt. V. L .. Ash, Lleuts. plates of birds. was originallq is, Ass'n of Fashion Ltd ... e al s respcc ng wa er· Northern L' abrador, Oct. 1 t If iii d II R R b 'I KI k J M B'I F hunting In the 1955 season a . as e, • u y, n. I' y, . sued In four volume;; and the com· rs. aSI . earn ....... ..

contained in the regubtlons Nov. 24. . V. Rabbltts, G .• 'rench, J. French, pletes,~t is valued at $28,000. General Motors Acceptance will appear on posters. befor.e Southern Labrador, Nov. 1 to H. Dalton, R. Leamlng. W. R. Can· In the legislative library herc, Corp ......•..... , .• .•• 20.00 be,innlng of the open seasonS. Dec, 25.,' nlng and B.S.M. L. ).I; Bartlett. the l!uartct of gol!J.looied, mor~cco. North Harbour, P.B.. pro-·

Remainder of' Province, Dec. 3 Other. Officers \\'ho attended the bound books' are ,kept under g ass, ceeds of concert by ehil· lh~ t f 1 ill' LI_·t J 26 1938 parade Included Colonel E' W their pa~~s opcned one at a time dren from 6 to 11 years 12.40

wa er ow seasons w DC 0 an.., .' . . . . ", by librarians. . 1011011'5 (all dates Inclusive): Scoter, Elder aDd Old.squaw Ducks Best" Officer Commanding .New·· Mrs. T. A. MacNab ...... 10.00

(other thaD sCoter, Elder Additional' leason In coaital foundland Regiment C.L.B., Major Eieazer Davis .•.••. ;.... 10.00 'Id OId.squa" Duck.), Geese .atera oDI)'- G. M. Stirling, Orficer Cummand· Lieuts V. C . .sparkes, G, Snow. W. S. Z. MacMillan .......... 10,00 aid Wlh.D'. SDlpe- Avalon and Burin Peninsulas, Ing Avaion BaUailon, MajorS. G. ~{e'rcer of Bay Roberts, Capt. Dr. Biaclder ....•••• ,.... 10.00 AI'a!on and Burin Peninsulas, 'Jan. 27, 19~6. to Feb .. 29, 19~6. Saunders. Director of 'Muslc on S. Hunt. Lleut H. Bennetto! Bell: Dr, R. snll:eris ... :...... 5,00

1 to October 31. Northern Labrador, Nov. 211 to Hcadquarters Staff,· Major F. D. fsland, Capt. C. Pittman. Lieut .. ~lIss Helcn Leslie ,...... 5.00


GROUP 1-;..... REGULAR 97c Blue or green stripes on white. spun rayon •. Long sleeves .. ; ....... : .. 7 5'.

--_._-_.------. GROUP 2-REGULAR 1.75 All White Crepes and Sheer Crep·es.· Some with colored embroidery; 1f2' or

long sleeves ...... ····~· ...... $1· .35·

WOME~/S:: ~IN.~.: ~OOL .. : .

S· ·H··O"R T' S'" . . . . . . . .

Colors giey, blue, brown and fawn.' 5PECIAL ..... : ...... ,: ... ; ......... ,;, .. 7Sc

:\n."~.__ Labrador, Sept. I to Dec. 211, ' Press, Qual-terma'ster Hcad~uar· D. A. Edwards. and Siond Lieut. III~s. Wilson Spracklin ..... G.OO ,r. It. Southern Labrador, Dec. 26 to· 1m, Lieut. H. Noel, Ass:tfant II. A. Bishop. .. . G. W. D. Allen .. ". .•.••• 1i.00 I

t------~I i~Ulhtrn Labrador, Sept. J to Jan. 211, 19116. Quartermaster Hcp.dqu~rters; ~laj. The Colour Officer 1\'i~S' 2nd ~1:55 G. A. Case ....•.. :. :l.CO II. . Remainder of .Provlnce, jan. 27, G. S. Burling, Paymaster' Hcad. Licul. G. French, who Ii'~~ ll, nl:cd. Fr~n'; 5tll~:cs ....•.•••••. 1.00 II

i;:~a:ndcr u[ Province, Sept. 10 19l18, to Feb. 29, 19~8., Capt. J. Noseworthy, (Continued on page 20) . W~rd Randul ............. 1.CO .. .'

, . ,!- '


t· !

,. !

Page 4: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

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l 11 1'1 . "

. : ·t '1' ,t t' ~ "

,t • I. " ! r , I '; I·

o· ," , . , .;

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. . ' ~' .




Items ,Bell Island' News ..

Sport Activities

---A SEMI.WEEK:.:LY-.:F~EA~T:.:U.=RE=--_______ """':""_""";' _____ - __ '..J.-___ -_~NA, NEWFOUNDlAN? _______ -----------------

Boys Club Town Council Awarded Service Medal

Died At Grace Hospital

Her mnny friends on Bell Js. Hil numerous friends on Ben land Iln\"e learned with sincere

Island were delighted to hear that regret of the passing of Mrs. lUb-lnspeetor M~ J. Keough was Andrew Somerlon of Pertugal a recipient of a twenty year ser· Cove, which ocrured at the Grace vice medal this week at Frederic· Hospital on' 1'uesday • morning ton, N.B. July 19. The deceased lady waf

Sub·Inspector KeouGh joined the a daughter th~ late Mr. and Mrs, Newfoundland Constabulary when Richard J. Somerton who resld· very 10uns. First doing Street ed on the Isla:ld fro many years duly in Sl John's he was later where Ihe late Mr. Somerton was attached to the C.I.D, An efficient Haulap,e Superintendent with the and clpable ofllcer, he soon join· Company unUl his retlrment td the attenUon of his superlous lome years agu. and before many years had pass· Mrs. Somerton was a malt td 'WAS made a full fJedRcd scr· charming personality and will be IClllt and later sent to Corner ,adly missed, by a\1 who knew her Broot I. officer In charge of that here and on t'IS local mainland, IbUOII. After Con[ederation he She was In ho 62nd yerur. Left assumed similar duties wilh the to mourn hel' pa~slng are 1I'lov· Royal Canadian mounted pollee Ing husband ht Portullal CO\'e: Since his trans[cr to Frcderlcton one daughter, l\Iable (Mrl. ,Cyril he '11'18 promoted to sub-Inspector, Churchill) at Sl. John's, two bro· Ind .nly rrccnUy was appointed thcrs, William J. Bell Island and l'rrsonncl Officer for Newfound· George lit Portugal Cove; fouil' land and Labrador, Prince Edward sisters, Mrs. Harold Butler Ind hllnd and New Brunswick, with Mrs. FI'ank l\lIlcheIJ of Long, hudquarters at r'rederlcton, N.B. Pond 1I1anucls, Mrs. E. G. Rome·

. . , roy, St. John's and Mrs. Harvey A lIah"e of Caht'~t, Ferr~land, Leege of Halifux, N.S.

ht Is 45 years old. HIS wl(e Is the Deepest 5~'ml)athy Is elitended

Notes Portugal Cove

(By C, M, F, F,) This is II sal~ sca fishing town lIere cI'ery morning the men go

The past week' has been a busy one lor a number of Boys of Bcll The one hUlldred and thirty Island who have taken part in first meeting oC the Waban a TOlin

down ' acth'ities sponsored by the Wa· COllncil was held In the CouneU To I'icw Brll Isle across the sea. ban a Boys Club, Total number of Chambers on 'fhUD'sday July 21,

participants at all activities was 1955 with Mayor Hutehlng, In two hundred and fifty three. lh chair and lhe following Coun, Wbcre great rocks shadow the

sloping street ' And t h~ dawn cool reek of fog Is

sweet Swept in from the Bauline shore

The big difficulty We have en· cmors prescnt: Depuly.j!aYor countered for the past three weeks Templeman, S. Neary. Mr. Boone has been overcome. Up to the T. Kent B. Murphy K, Hunt, G, prescnt on rainy Day we had, no :Martin and Town Manager Il, plnce in which to carry., On a Halleran.

This is the place where the taxies programme, Monsillnor Bartlett Members of t'he executi~e 01 llather has given us permission to usc the th'e Dominion Volunteeor Flrt

Drivc down 10 the wharl to check Gymnasium of 5t. ,KeVin's Scho?I, Brigade were present to niscul\ Ihe wealher. and we arc deeply mdebted to 111m thc dlspo~itlon and maintcnante

Countin~ heads on incoming (or his generosity and helpfulness, of the fire engine. By a resoili. ferries, A baseball clinic was held on tion of Counrillors present the

Thursday night at thc. C. ,of E. fire engine I! to be, passed Ol'er

wind Academy under the dlrechon of to the bridge who will excerln Sergeant Harry Swan of Fort sole control of its use with tht

patch Pepperrell, Sergeant Swan gavc Council taking care of malnten,

Where a lifting leeward comes Ihrough.

And II shaking sail with a or 11'10 the boys a most cnll~htening talk ance and fueling. '

(n the wake of the flying gulls on the finer points of baseball, Hi! talk was followed by two splendid

This is a large urine weathercd films. Harry Swann has offcred (Photo by Slo\'e Neary) cOl'e, th~ Boys club further assistance

The driver of a black Ford Sedan escaped \':ithnut injury recently, when his cal' Where theholl5es lean to tbe winds and wc arc most appreciative. f 1 I f abol'c Montion should be made of the

craclted off a pole and then plunged 0\"Cr an ten ool cmban (111cnt at the JDttom 0 excellenl attendance of tl"O of our d d ' 1 hI 1 All down the rocky hills. " Fancy Hill. The cal', as seen in above pho to, was H111agc C0l1S1C era' y in t 1e hoys during the past weeks, Tom.

accident. The vchicle has not ,Vet beclll'emovec\ fr0111 the scene. \\'here Ihe chilllnel's smoke £1on~s I my Power and Gus Nugcnt have

Town ManagCll' Halleran ft.

ported on corrcspondence to thl Department of Public Works eon. eel'lling the dust meanace an! meeling at Mines and Resourr!l concerning surface mining Optr· nUon.

former mary Hughes, daughter ol to tlte breaved family. Mr. Illd Mrs. John A. lIughps or -------------------r:Mines To C19~,e Town Squart, Wabana. Rell Island. We oHer our sincere congraU':1

hlue to ~rcy, IShown exceptional interest and And the fillrf piles high on many ha\'c been most helpful at all

a day, times,

The Council appro\'ed ~ mol, IItion to install approximate" {c!rty to fity lillbts in area~ tho! arc prcscnlly without any and the 'I'own :\lanager Is to make. sUfl'ey wlt'h tile Wabana Light & Power Co, so that they may he installed i!11mediatel~·.

and they art the proud parents ol lations to this outslandlnJl nath'~, People In The fJevvs iFnI' Vac;xJion ,When the ~nallpinl! ropes are be- The boys of West ~lintcs con· , hyed, linue \0 aUend e\'eninR activities

:I chlldrell. Ncwlounrlland.

Drop In to , •• your friendly Nlagal'll Loan awllDt. He'n mak. It ••• y for you to get the friendly Loan that IVlt. you be ... are Important tact. for you about Niagara Loan ••

Wit. CCII'I ge' a Ntagatrl "I ... rlIy loan1-Anyone with a repulalion for honelty and Ihe ability to repay.

How mud! cim be borrowed from Nlagara7-Up 10 $15001 somelimes, more.

How .,&rIck'y can , ,e' IftOnoyi'-Samtllmes In 20 mutesl within 24 hours for most loans.

How 'on9 CG/I , talco to ropay7-ln the table below, there are lust a few of many plana. They 111111 give you some Idea of time periods allowed for dIfferent omovnts ; • ; frem " to 24 months. And for all people who have uneven Incomll during the year, such o. ferme,. and schoolteachers, .peclal payment schadule. IIIay be arranged on loan. OboVI $500.

Ate fill .... cllarges til. samof-Up to $500 general. , 'Y, YI., but remember, at Niagara, you get life

lNurance at no exIra cost. AIIoYe $500, the larger the amount and the longer the timrMlle lower 1M rate; Compare; •• often you, !'b~ more money at len cost at Niagara.

II ut. ........ on roc. worthwhller-Ye., here II • real family peace-of.mlnd feature. At no extra ICItt to lOU, loans of $1500 or III', are IIfe·insured. ....... you 'get thl. protectfon whlll you barrow.

... • frIemI Itave to "bacIc" my toan1-No, .. ldOlll do borrowers prefer an endoned loan. And lIanlcablo .ecurlty, of coune Is not needed.

•• lIICIIIy ways 01 IIorrowlng .......... 1-You can .e any of thlle four NIagara Loan piaN; 1. On can, IrucId, etc., only owner slgnl. 2; Husbcmd.and·wlfe, en fumlshings. 3. On buslntn equlpmenL 4. On farm IIodc and equipment.

.. , ..... private Intwvlow1-Yes, your interview at Niagara will be private, courteou., and friendly. ""y .. "oop'o borrow monoy1-A few reoson. or. to consolidate a g~oup of small debts, to r.duce \or,,1 payments for car and truck repolrs, 10 milt emergencies I to repair or modernize h_l, 10 enlar,,1 a businessl for seed, stock, fertilizer for farmsl and ta ta1Ie advantage of low prices, when calh II paid.

Do man, peopIo borrow1-YII, In Callada, 1 fallllly In 4 borrow each year.



CAS" • II ,. 20 24

,100 $17.15 $ 9.4' H.7. 250 4US 23.64 19.46 "'00 7Ul ".12 SloIS 600 106.95 56.55 <16.65 $36.41 ,31.45 7~0 133,40 7D.35 57.85 45.\.' 38.9S

1000 177.40 '3.20 7M! 59.10 51.35 1500 266,O~ 139 .. 0 114.50 88.85 7MO


.. CAl MAO iviNow. 'ATIIIIm aT ."a .. IIIW IXlIUUI) YOII GIT , AND YOU PAY •• 05.7.5.:1 .................................... 12 MOnthIat$10 .2 ... 03;.;:. ..................................... HI rwonlht at$33 "'..35 •• ; .................................... 20 months at $55 1~'3.20 •• :; ••••••••••••••••• II .......... t •••• ,2-4 months .t t75


_!m.lt_.:MBW!~,~. UL,


CHURCH Hill DIAL' 7067-1

W. hay. a branch In CORNER, BROOK,

Mr. Harry Go\'cr of SI. .Johu·s Isspendlllg R hlllday on the Is· land \'islting his uncle and aunt I\Ir. and !\Irs. John Gover.

1I1r. G, J. Collins of G, F. Walsh and Compnny, was here all a bus· Ine3s u1'ip for hl~ firm during the past week.

Mrs. Thoma, P. lIIurphy left this week on a holiday visit to her brother, !\Ir Wll[red Bennett In Hoston. MMS, she WD~ accom· panled by 1I1rs. Waltcr Dicks.

Mrs. Edward J. Kent 1, on an extended holidilY to her daughters In the U.S ,A.

Mir. Fred Davis representative of offlce macillnes Limited was here from St. John'. Thursday on a bUsiness trip.

lIIr. and lIIrs, Clarke arc spend. ing their vacation at their shack on the Hodge Water Line.

Mr. Gerald Pown' of Ille Siore Record office is now on vacation o nthe local mainland. He is ac· companied by Mrs. Power.

I'oIrs. A. T. Bonnrll Is sepndlng a holiday with relatll'es and 1rl· ends at Sydney, NOl'a ScoUa.

Mr. Tow LaMon of Grlmbsby, Ontario Is presently here, on a business trip.

Mrs. Rore Speedy returned to the Island. Thursday afternoon after IpencUng I few daya with relaUvea ,at Portugal COVI.

Mr. and Mra. Georgi Basha, visited the Capital with their ear on Thwraday.

Mrs. Andrew Normor. 11 spend· ing '. holiday with friend,' and relatives at Corner Brook.

lin. J. M. Hunt wa. in 81. John', Wednellday on I 1'0uUne s110ppina trip.

, Mr. and MIr •• Albert Miller, Jr., returned from I vblt to St, John's Wedn8lday afternoon.

'Mr. J. D. Taillon, Purchasinl Agent with the Minlnll Company II presently on his annual vaca· tlon.

Mr. Ivan Gratton of the Swift Canadian Complny b pre~ntly h •• in the blterest of hi. firm.

in large numbers, Our special This is the plJCC whrrc fishermrn thanks to 31r, Jack Jlighmorc for

:'Ilr. 1':OI'111an Cohen has pur· 'rhe Colloll'ir'J: notic:- Ol'N, t,h(' ,Climh up tbe steep hill once asain ! the \'r:y great interest he has cha5cd n ncw Ford car. signnture of II. n, DI~~:cy, Vu'c 'And scan the star rilJed 51.y, sho~\'n 10 our work,

I Prc!iidcnt and G~ncml :"I!unng('r: Nexl week we shall tllr, -I'ank Power of Burhans' of Dominion \\'~bana Or!' Ltd,,: Where rioors sland open in rain again with more news

arrived he:·:-. ." fcw. cI~~" ~!lo on i was P:!'ICd, a,: the ClImpallY'~ : or shine. Waban a Boys Club.

The Town Manager I'epotrtl! he back 1011 progrcss of road COl1ltruction from the and illformed the Coullcil that thl

next project to be starled will bl ill Lhe Mercer SI. Area. A hollclay \IslL to .111S .Islel. :'III'S. I plant ) eslc!lln~. ! Anll snorrr sl1lelb arc warm and i

Slephen ~I~'C~st .\\'cnul!, ! si~:::l a~~orl:~~(,c ~";:I~lp~;:~.E~l~~:1 I The \\~:::~~\I's hal'e seaward eyes, I J amhol'ee Troup p,~~IC meeting adjourncII ~t 11 l\Ir~, Thomas l\lyler was ;l re·' ~g\'ecmcllt respecting I'ucalion5! I

cent visitor to St. Johu's, lhe Company wishes to advise I Br('al.\\'atrr oul 10 the sea flushed 1 The popular. Bell Islan~ Jam, III H employees Ihat all mines and de· rock, I hOl'cc

l TrlollP ,Willi dbe leavmg folr Iuany appv

1I1r, and l\Ir~, Hunler Butler part men Is, wldl thr e):~cfltim .. o[ lIas mc!!!! it safe for ferries to the ocn Illal? nn next wee, .. who wcre 011 II holltiay I'lsit to oadlllfl nnel stockpile ol~('rnlIOn!i dock. where they WIll stnge a number Returns their families tnd frlcnds return· m:d office pr:'sonncl. \'1111 cc~~c Coming over (!'Om the Iron hie, o[ sho\l'S lind dances. They arc cd II) lheiol.· home in Toronto last opc!rations nt is p,m. on Saturday, :_~ _____ , .. _____ ... ______ 'I,eheriuled for Upper Island CO\'l', week. July 231'd, Iol' the S:Hllll1cr l'ac'l cial jobs will be pcl'formed duro 'I Thursdal' and Friday, July 28, 29. .\lany happy returns o[ tilt. ~ar

ntion period. Fllll scale opcrnlioll~ ing the \'acation pcrion. Pay for Fr~sh\\'atcr, Placentia July 30, and to Mr. Bert Stares who cdcbralrl :'Ill'. illiller Dick. International will be rcsumed at 8 a,m, on ::.lon, thc wcek cndln;, July 16th will be I at Willcss Bay on Sunday, July his birthday on Sunday, July 24

reprcsentallve 01 tllc C.I,a. oniv· dny, August bl. In ad~IUon to al'ailahle at h~ regular pay 5111'1' :n. All music lovers who aHen,j -cd Ilere this week on"a busblcss teh abo\:e'l1oted c,;c2Iltioll;;, all tions on Friday. July 20th. or at are in for a ,real treal, so don't Happy birthday grcetings Ihon~h trip, authorizell repair and m~illtcn the Pay OffiCI: during thc week I fail Lo attend !he show when Ihey J belated 10 Leslie Tarrant who

lIIrs. Enward malic a hIlSll1C~S trip to the Capllal dUI'lng the past week,

lILr. and 1111's. Stephen 1I1~'ers arc spendlnll t'he weekend with friends on the local mainland.

His many fricnds will be lllea!· ed 10 learn that Mr, PeteI' Drover the popular 1'1Irlugai Co\'o '('alil driver who Ullderwcnt a SC'J'lous operation In a city hospital is now mlleh Improved, and returned Lo his dull~s 011 the COl'e Road Thursday moming,

Mr. Jacob Noseworthy PaYOlas· tel' Dominion Wabana Ore Limit· cd Is now on vacation.

Maneco Making Special Trip

The motor vessel Maneco will be making a special trip to Har· bour Grace Sunday at 8 a,m. for the benefit of all Bell Island friend! wishing to attend the CLB Drum Head Service In the after· noon on the Camp Grounds In the old historic town. The ferry will be leaving for the Island again at 'l p,m.

The lads are having a grand time under canvas and are look· Ing forward with much antlcipa· tlon to seeing their parents with them on Sunday. In this connec­tion we have been asked to inform all lads of "3" Company who in· tend lo\ng over for Sunday to 'be on time at the Beach so that they won't miss their passage on the ,hlp.

ance, c0l15trncliol1, and other SIH! bCriininlng AI.o,~ust 1st, par you a \·isil. 8 years old on JUly In,

r----~·-·----·--------------------------l I I





lilt's the tobacco that counts r Player's contain only the finest

Virginia tobaccos. Specially

selected 10 give you mildness

and true lobacco tosle for

pure smoking pleasure. Smake

Player's-the mildest, best­

tasting cigarette.


Sam son's strenzth was In his hair


, .

His r.11s of powsr beyond compare

Bu~ todlY he'd be no man·or·the·hour I

Compand with Burgess battery powBr I

BURGESS , TIJ, SlIWgtsl oJ Ihl1/llll1


Chrom. protected 10 alva 5IJ!I mora pow~r, li,hl and life. Sealed In steel. Guarailleed leak· '

, pfOOl. Finest batteries sold ••• any· ' So, better buy Bur&m. " ' t!Q.


~~:e$lIIM.ILDII Plain or Corlt TIp Player's reach your storekeeper In spedal

/!1!!!l:foIlJ cartons, designed to kllp Ih. cigorelles fresh and prolect their flovour. Buy a package or an /!Je:foll/ carton today. '.

• ....... ,.1 ____ -----



Smoke Player'l-for at lea,t a wlek. Let

your ,taste discover the mildness, the na·

vour, the pure smoking pleasure of fll11

V-Ifglilla Tobaccos.


e .~<I""""'"

Construction ourably as i., I

In the mcant hoped to ha\'

Bell Islal Kiwanis

The Bell Islaro held its regular In the Legion CII day evening at I

President Ad!! cd and welcomt guests: ~[cssrs.

King, Bob Norl Kenny ~IacLcoll Hammond,

Th. guest f

George Dycc, " Iwimming and ' Dyce is the nel' Kiwan!! Ewlmm address on thi, topic was h~nd!

manner. He wns dy Russell and Inkpen.

Next week it permitting to I

the picnic ,t:rOIlI clement wc"tltr picnic will be lion.

Activitv I 01

Water FJ JUly month !

very busy ono front and a la,'j. have visiled th: To date this y, Ore has been ~ next few mom shippinJ: scene considerahle. ( Ihipped to dah gone 10 lhe V.l ~ent to Holla: 316,3HI to Gel' mainder 149.19 td to Sydney

, 8 CI


·i LIG b ....

' ......

Page 5: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

"f lb~ Illy tdtbraltl


THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, jJJLY 25, 1955 5 . ..

san ws Speed limit-70 MPH Practical Highways Can't Be Built for Faster Speed

- \,

..,' ~- .. ,' ..

L (Photo by Steve Ncar),)

Clwlruction of the Ncw Fcny Terminal on the Bell Island side i~ progressing fay:

.: ; •• : •. -JI'-"~'

By DOUGLAS LAnSEN road was widened from 18 to 221 NEA Staff Correspondent feet accident on it were slashed

WASHINGTON-(NEA) - U.S. 39 per cent. Shoulders should be motorists have hit their top 5peeu eight feet or more wide for maxi· limit. mum ~afety, It has been found.

On the newest, divided super· Three·lane and four·lane undi· highways they can drive safl'ly- vldnd h!ghways arc dangerous . ~nd legall~'-bctwcen 60 and 70 and obsolete for rural roads, and miles per hour. And on some new second·best for city traffic, the en· city express·ways, such as In Los glneers claim. Angeles and Detroit, the limit of Divided four·lanc, or slx·lane snfe driving is proving to be about highways, with controlled access 45 miles per hour. . arc the· safest types which ca~

But practical hlghwa~'s cannot' be buill. In the few places where be built for safe speeds above thaI. traffic volume Is great enough to And because the present safety warrnnt an eight·lane divided

. standards for hiGhway construction highway, ~nfcty studies show thnt m'o those whiell will govern ronds I new danger factors tend to enter built undcr the Prr.sidcnt·s propos· the picture. Accident~ arc caused ed 101 billion ooliar pro/lrnm-or by drivers cutting across lanes. pny compromIse _ these speed The dropping U.S. highway death IImit.~ \\'1\1 exist for a long time. rate per 100,000,000 miles travel·

Thl~ Inlol'matlon i~ reve~led by cd, according to the experts, proves highway safety experts h~lplng to what the addition 01 about 4,000 promote a new, non·political ciU· miles of divided expressways since zens Ilroup ealled the Highways the war has done for safety. for Survival Commitlee. Members In 1946 the rate was 9.8. By .include safety organizations, molor 1950 it was 7.6. Last year it was clubs nnd highwllY users anxious 0.5, an dUlls .year so far it is run· to hal'e more, saler ruads built in nlng 6.0. Other factors such as the U,S. national safety campaigns are a . Alread~ the. network of modern cause of this decrease, too. But roads bUllt slRce World War II better roads is raled the most im· has begun 10 cut the traffic death portant.

I'll;-abh' as i~ c\'idenccc1 b~' the nbovc photo and should near completIon by Septem?e~. J:l :ho' meantime a tempol':1I'Y Innc1ing i~ bcing built for the ~lmcr Jones, and It IS

l:.'rcd to ha\'c her on thc Bell Islnnd-PoL' lugal Cove Service in a week or ten da,Ys.

B~ll Island ---'---New Fire·Engi~le--·Airport ExpansiOll mte. .Evldence from safety rc. The famed Pennsylvania Turn· senrch programs Indicates that pike has been consistently several complete modernization of all roads points below the national average In the U.S. could cut the accident despite some charges that it was

HIGHLY comPLICATED, IlIGlILY SAFE: This elaborate P3ttC1'1l is an acrlal "Iew of tbe earn· 1 pic:!: highway nctwork aroun r1 the Pentagon. It's the safest ro adway of Its kind In the U.S.

-Kiwanis Doings ~~~\~I~~r~' Volunteer Fire' Brigade,

_ Bell Island. T!1r Brll Island Kiwanis Club! A:t~lltion: Mr. Donald Gosse.

~drl ils rC;:I1!ar wcckly Illrchcon I Deal' Sir: :~ Ihr \.I';:ion Cluh nooms wcdncs· I Furthcr to our meeting of .luly Col' r\'cnin~ al 6.:10. i 21st. Ihe Council has Instrurted

At Charlottetown OTTAWA-CP-Thls ~'ear's ex·

tcn~i()n of the runway at Charlot· tetown airport will not prejudice the city's bi dCor an even longer rllnway wilen the need for It de· I'elops, Transport Minister Marler saill Frida)'.

lie spoke In Uie Common~ Ip re-

rate as much as 43 per cent. a dangerous highway. Research studies by the Aula. But the Merritt Parkway through

motivc Safety Foundallon, U. S. New York and Connecticut. for Burenu of Public Roads, the High. example, has always had less than way Research Board and various half the national average death state highway commisisons reveal rte. The elaborate divided high· the following specifications for the way network around the Pentagon best highways which engineers can and extending Into Virginia is th~ build today to permit the maxImum safest roadway of its kind In the safe speeds: U.S. with a death rate of 1.5.

More than thrce-quarters of aU The. brand new expressway sys·

gineers toward safety Is to try to limit roadside signs and stopping places, such as filling staUons anel restaurants. A study made in Min­nesota reveals that as the num· ber of signs and stoppin~ places increases per mile, there is a di· rect increase in the number of accidents on that road.

One of the most complex salety problems the road engineers face

in building fulure highways Is Eetting up a standard for delerm· ining when an underpass or spe· cinl entrance 10 a highway from a side road is necessary.

Ac~ident rales are higher al ali crossing,\. But the question is: whcn is it economical to eliminate or improl'e a crossing?

When the country's roads arc [ully modernized ,the people are

driving at the maximum uf. speeds, [urlhcr cuts in traffic ac" cidents will be up II} the driver. Ihemselves and to the car maker. to build greater safety In autos.

Carl E. Fritts, engineering offi­cial at Lhe Automotive Safety Foun­dation, ~stimates Ihat an average of one life can be saved annuall, for each 10 miles of modern high· way which is built.

rr('~idcni Addison Bown prcsid· : mc that the Fire Engine presently r~ and welcomed the followin~ \ locate II in the Fire 11011 in the ;-;(,ltS: )Irs;rs. Ernie Cotton, D. I !\o. 2 area is noW ready for Irans· l;:r.~, Bob :'\orman. .1. Par~on~, \. fcr \0 the Fire Brigade.'· };cnny )lacl.rlld. Bob ~Iore, Ron The Council will take carc of the l!:,:nnwnrl. I machine and it is to rcmain part

The j;ucsl spraker was :l1r. maln:enullce and fueling· of the r.r~r~r nyCl', "Ilis s:lbJrcI wa, \' of their equipment, but respon· p::nminl: ancl water safcty." ~Ir. ,sibllity for 115 disposition and use r'l,r i~ lhe ncll' Instructor of the: i5 now \'csted in the Fire Driglce h;"anis Ewlmmin~ Pool nnd his i throu;:h the Fire Chief, MI'. n ,,:r.rr~s on lhis ,'cry important !\ormon

ply to questions by Nell A. ~!athe· ~on L-llcens. .

lIIr. Matheson said be had fell thal Ihis ~'ear'~ cxlens\on, length· cnin~ the runway liP to a busy highway, migh prejudice hopes of getting a longer runway laler.

)Ir. Marler said there seemed to be a real need lor this )'CCI"S ex· tension of the runway 10 4,000 feet from 2,800 fcet to handle planes of the DC·3 t~·pe.

ronds to be built within the ncxt tern through the city of Detroit, 20 years wJ11 be the conventional recently opened, has had a 2.3 two·lane type. Trafife. volume rale. This Is being reduced us Ihe studies show ht~t where there is number of streets connecting with H} passage of less than 4.000 vehl. it are cut down by channeling traf· c es per day, t\V~ lanes are enough. fie Into fewer entrances.

But for maxImum sar t tl road should be be' C y Ie The expressway death rate Is 24 feet wide 'A l\~~I~n f2 Dnd 60 per ccnt lower than the fatality showed that ' wh n no s study rate on Detroit's other streets.

en a section of Another effort oC highway en·

TORONTO (CP)-MarH)'n BelPs .LONDO~ (CPJ-High commis,\ VATICAN CI'l,l' (Rcuters)-·the fath.~r, Syd .Bell, I~Ct by plane for SlOner and Mrs. Norman Robert· Pope is again receiving Infra·red England Frida)' WIth his yo~tngcr son left London Frid~y with thl!il' ray treatment lor arthritic pains d~ughtcr, Karen, 12. The)' wlll. be 14·year.old da~ghtc:, Judith, for a in his right shoulder. The 79-year­\\lth the p.year-old Toronto sWIm. two·month hohday 111 Canada. Rob· old pontiff has suffered olf Bnd aD mer durtng her. attempt to swim erlson, returning to Canada lor from these pains for about tWe) across the Enghsh channel. roIar· his first home lenl'e in several y·~al's. Sometimes they also ex­ilyn, only person ever to swim years, was to sail Frirlar evening tend to the arm anrl hand, and across Lake Ontario, is training atl (rom Liverpool aboard the Em· make it difficult for him to raise Folkestone. press of France. his right arm In the gestur, of

~r.ic \\·as h:mdlcd in a masterly '1'he Council full>' realizes the ::-,.nl1~r. lie was Intrmluced h~' Ell. tremcl1llous service thllt Ihe Fire r.) Rm!ell and thanked by Gil· Srlgmle is Ilil'ing ulIscllishly to F D lr.~i'rn. I :~Il C0l11l~1l1n1iY nnd it Is their j ur ean ~rxt wC'ek it is hoped wcalhcr smcere WIsh that when fl1n.ds be.!

t!7:r.ittinl! 10 have a picnic Oil! come ~\·allabl.e till'~' may· III ses Awav I~' p:cn:c ~round,;, hut ~hould in. I the Bn~ade With the t~·pe ~[eqtl1p· ~ as - 01 r:rrr.rnt \lcather intrrH'llr. the I111C~t so necessary for the Job they REG1NA (CP)_Alphonso Knight will he hcld at I he I.e. hal e to pcrform. McNeill. orten called the dean of r:on. Yours truly, Canaelian fur breeders, died here

Per VIVIAN DlCI'S, l~rjc1ny foliDwing a lengthy illness. HUBERT J. HALLERAN, He was 75.

Town Manager, Mr. McNeill was the first man Wabana '1'011'11 Council. ttt: see the value a! mutations in

the fox.farmlng b!lslness, and was Activitv On


Exl-!L1"tl"On Game the originator of the white faced ,1\11: month ~o far has bt'rn n llU platinum fox. Known as the Me· , Neill platinum fox, the breed has '

'P~y busy Olle along the wMer. On Sunda>' allernoon a baseball I: ont and a lar~e !lumhcr of ships Icam from Pepperrcll All' Force been exported to all countries. i

\later Front

bH "i~iled this port to load Orc. Base will mect the locnl All.Stars lIis fur farm at Fort Qu'Appelle, . T~ rlale this year 8.11.634 tons of in an exhibition game at the Sask., was the largest In western Orr ha~ bren ~hlpped and In the Sporls Field. Canada. A few months ago, Mr. rr\! fr\\' months nelil'it)! on the This will ile tlte first time for McNeill transferred hl~ entire mink herd to a Whitbournr, NfJd., ':',pin!: srene ~houlel im·rras.-! I the ~ea50n thnt Ihe all Stars piny· rn:1~.dcl'ahlc. Out IIf the amount! ed together and shoulrl gil'e an ranch operated by hl5 son, George. I;,ippcd to dah' 32-1,095 tOllS hal'e i idea of how they will stack.up Mr. McNeill WaS a native of ,ronr 10 the U.K. 31.130 lJa~ ilecn I against St. John's in the pla)·.ofl _c_o_rn_II_'a_II_, P_._E_.l_. -----­"nt 10 Hollar-e1, 10.40(1 U.s.A., I series. with the !irsl game being played 3Ifo.3}!1 to Grl'many and tile re· The Hml finals to rlrcide Inc on Bell Island and on July 31st l:'>lnrtl'r 140.190 has been shipp·! Easlern championship is sche. the local tram will play in the rd to Sydney N.S. I duled to ~et underway on July 30 elty Ban Park. .

~nd washday d~~dgerY ••• o EASY AS

~. Pop in

the washad clothfls

with an


Set Ihg dial Take out clean, perfectlY dried clothes


LI ... ,f ....








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Page 6: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

ij '1' • '.' ,6 THE DAllY NEWS, MONDA.,., JULY 25, 1955 L • ~,,::..._.:.:.::.:::.::::.:...:.:;.:.;.;;.:..:,;,;,;;;;;.;.;;~~.;.;;..;....;;;;.;.----(:; , -I reconnaissance wit h ! n each other's \

.. . '!' .. :;~ The Daily New 5 bou~~:r::~i that the world. is not rea:dy for :' .: J orompt acceptance of this revolubonary

..... -'.: n. DAl1.Y NEWS I. a morninl paper .idea does not mean that it is impractical. BY WAYFARER -INFANTS' & CHILDREN'S WEAR , I· .. blllbed la 18M, and publisbed at th. ~i ~. 1'1 Ken Bulldin .. 355-359 Duckworth Street, It was. made to add emphasis and force to ;; " .: Sl Jolm' .. Newfoundland, b7 RoblnloD .. America's sincerity in the cause of peace f . ': Compall1, LImited. . and it seems to have broken through even '\ rEIIIID O' T1fE CANADIAN PIBSS the Russian calm. When Bulganiri said h: '![ .:i The CalUldlan Press il excluslveiy en· and his collea"ues had been deeply mcvea ~I:: . 1, tilled tu the use for republication of III by thi& expres~ion of Eisenhower's sinceritJ• • .,.. tblpatcltes III thil piper credited to b bl tIl' th truth . 'l!' ,\.;,; he was pro aye mg e . ~ II 01 to The ASIllClated Preas or Reuter. • r t t ••. : LJd allO the local news pUblished therein. But to a nation which was a po ICe s a e )'11 ':j All Pre .. lervlce and feature articlet in before the Communist revolution, this idea .t .' tIIiI paper Ire cupyrigbt and tbelr relll'Oo of laying bare its military secrets is not one

·'1 . h .. 1,· , .' daetlOD iI p-oblblted. . that can be easily accepted. ret t every ,'~~ ,.. Autburiled al Heond e1aSl mall POlt fact that the United St\ltes would b~ will-'{: i'~: 0Ulct Departmtllt, Ottawa. ing to go that far is. impressive .evidence

. ';f ~. \: of her peaceful intentions and deSIres. The :~f. \ ' lIember Audit Bureau of Russiqns may be suspicious and sceptical ~f !'4 Circulations but it is difficult to believe thha~ kth.iS •. , t dramatic proposal did, not find a c m m .?f I DAR! SUBSCUPTtON RATES: the'lr armour that would inspire some new ~"l I Callida ............... ,S 8.00 per anDum conciliatory ideas to emanate from their

United Kingdom and all side.· Forelp COImt;ries .... $12.00 Jnf anllum

GOLDEN ARGOSY way. It would build about 3,000 new housing, units to eliminate every urban slum. in . Newfound· land. It represents more than the Government of Newfoundland has poured into all the new Industries. It would probaj)ly build the third paper mill proposed' by the Fo.r. estry Commission. It would dram thousands of acres of bogland and perhaps turn them Into lush mea· dows. It would provide ten coastal ships o( the size of the Cabot Strait or perhaps a score of mod· ern motor vessels to give us a first.elass freight and passenger service on our coasts.





MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955 ..

Trans-Canada Progress

Them Young

When we saw the William Car· son In her Montreal dock In Feb· ruary, she. looked like a pretty good hunk of money but not even Illeven million dollars worth. We had· been told by a Uttle bird bc· fore we saw her that sbe had cost more than ten millions but we were Inclined to ScepUclsm. Even allowing for engine repairs follow· Ing her trial run, her stabilizing fins and a varIety of other fea· tur~s, she still didn't look. like ele'vcn millions. But not only ~as that much been spent on her. AI· most as much again has bcen laid out to provide fitting accommo· dation for this outsize In ferries at both Port aux Basques, and North Sydney. And all that having been done, when she sails for the first time to Newfoundland the port of Argentia, to be specially· equipped to handle her, will be the reception ,point. Starting

T'he organization of the midget base- If the portrait of WIlliam Car· SOli which was to have the place

Twenty,five niillion Is a stag· gering sum of money. ottawa could have spent it usefully in a dozen different ways to help strengthen Newfoundland's economy and ex· pand her useful services. Instead, the whole lot has been squandered with a reekiessness that makes one wonder just how ottawa has contrlvcd through the years to remain solvent.

b~ll teams is a reviva,l of ~n old idea on of honour In the saloon has been a broader scale.' hung, the stern features of the But that is not the whole

Sleeveless, printed coHon dress with flared tail and

. short sleeve. K nit ted Cotton. Cardigan, 3 to 1.98. _____

·l , Little by little, the eastern gap f~ the • Trans-Canada Highway is being bridged.

One of the great foudations of good dour Scottish doetor must look story. Argeutia Is now being pre· sportsmanship in St. John's in the with no small measure of dlsap· pared for the arrival of the

h t t proval upon this expensive ship Golden Argosy. Originally, she veal'S of this century \vas t e compe I IOn which bears his honoured name. was designed to carry only pa~k. for t1"f shield put up by the late Judge Perhaps, he would not altogether aged freight. That is cargo which Johnson for contest between boys undel' approve because he was a careful is put In movable steel containers. twelve years of age in St. Bon's, Bishop man who dcspised spendthrifts. There are no derricks, no hatches. Feild and the Methodist Colleges. In fact, there Is reason to believe And her capacity was of the order

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Three "ears ha\'e passed since work was .begun ~n the section between Gambo and 'Gandcr and now the line is through and ·cars can mo\'e O\'er a rough and usable road with the help of a temporary bridge. , The longer stretch from Gambo to CIa renville still remains to be built. The allocation for this year's work was twice as great as that provided in the east~rn region in the 1954 budget. It amounts, m­eluding $300,000 for bridges, to $1,800,000 but this is hardly likely to provide for more than fifteen miles of road built to Trans­Canada pre-paving standards. And if this be II. fair measure of the work this grant ""ill do, it may take anothe~ two years be: fore the road from St. John's to Gander

The contests included the' major team that a new name should be given of 800 tons of cargo. How much Is her. The Road de Luxe bears a it going to cost La run her as a

dames and a general sports meet and many name Intimatcly related to the freighter between North Sydney : renowned athlete of the twenties received circumstances In Ivhlch It was and Argentia? HoW mueh will she his start in the Johnson Shield competition. built. WhY' not do thc same for lose on each trip? What will the . The midget baseball club operates on a the Carson? If a dignified title is 'ultimate bill come to?

wmbe~~. . There is need for an acccleratton of

pace. It has been ob\'ious from the demand upon the sen'ices of the Clarenvi11e-Gander rail fern' that this will be a much-used road. F~om an economic standpoint, it ought to produce more returns tha~ an~ other !:cction and this atone should give it

much more extensive basis and embraces required, perhaps Golden ArJlosy 11 would serve the purpose. At the

far more of the city's children who wi other end of the scale, there is learn at the right age to be good sports, to White Elephant or Ottawa's Or· work as a team and to acquire athletic phan or Canadian Folly. A host skills. It should be successful, and as of other suitable ,names could circumstances warrant it, the plan should easily be chosen. \~e arc te~Pted,

d th f f t' g in fact, to have a competition to be extende to 0 er orms 0 spor In see just what kind of inl'entive, rivalry. ' ness In this respect people may be

Within the past few years there has able to reveal. been an immense revival of interest in youth training in St. John's. The various cadct corps have brought thousands of boys within the scope of training in discipline. co-operation, co-ordination and general smartness. The Kinsmen and various boys clubs are bringing youth together for con­structive purposes. And the cumulative effect of this great new interest in the welfare of youth should find very satis­factory expression in the community life

But when you look seriously at this thing, you are likely to be shucked bcyond all measure. Here Is a shIp that was built long before she was needed to perform the simple funclions of II passenger and motor ferry and, by the time all facilities have been provided for her at Port aux Basques, the grand tO,tal 01 expenses, may amount to twenty,five million dol­lars. That Is more than half the current budget of the provincial govcrnment. It would pay family allowances In Newfoundland for two years. It would complete and pave half the Trans·Canada High·

All thesc m!1lions have been spent to fulfill mueh earier than was necrled a pledge In the terms of union, a simple undertaking to provide facilities for motor tour· Ists and for the Increasing needs of the Cabot Strait Service. ot· tawa which has turned down sup· pJcm'entary benefits to fishermen which would have had immediate and constructive rcsults, has spent twenty times as much as these would have cost to build one ferry steamer. The thing Is fantastic. It must surely represent the most colossal blundcr that the bureau· erats In Ottawa have yet been able to put to their credit.

II. special priority. The whole approach to the Trans­

Canada on a bits-and-pieces basis has been wrong. The whole job should ha\"e been 'put out to tender with money se~ aside to enable building, grading and paVing to be completed at a much faster rate. A paved highway across the island would produce hundreds if not thousands of incidental jobs on a permanent basis and it is in this light that the whole project should have been looked at from the beginning.

of the future.

What Others Are Saying

. One thing 15 certain. We must greet her in a manner. consistent with her cost. There should be brass bands and flags flying and perhaps a special statue to com· memorate the Department of Transport oughl to be Ict up on the dock, Nothing less than a gold· plated one would do.

WHAT! NO LAWYERS? (Calgary Albertan)

~Iore Nations Seek Cabinet Ministers, Premier Manning Is noW in the position of

having no lawyer at all on his side of the leglsla· ture. Very rarely has tha~ situation developed In any province or nations. And yet he must have an attorney·general. Custom dIctates that· the at· torney.general be firs I an, attorney. Bu! If there Is no ~ttorney to call on, whalls the premier to do?

U.N. ~Iembership Company Dil'ectors OTTAWA-CP - Two cabinet

members, Mines Minister Prudham and Transport Minister Marler, still are directors of companies, both of which are family·owned corporations.

~ Supporting Fish Prices We are not at all impressed by the

arguments put up by opponents of' pric~ support {or salt codfish that one effect would be to cause importing countries to impose dumping duties, . :: None of the countries importing salt ~fish would do anything to incre~se the Cost to their own consumers and this is one thing that immediately calls into question the validity of the argument. :: But the method that has the greatest ~erit is not subsidization in the usual sense. In fact, it may not involve a subsidy 't all. That depends on marketing con­iiitions in each season. : This was the scheme introduced by the

Commission of Government in 1937. It proved highly effecli~e in r~storing in­terest in fish producllon and lts net cost was relatively low. •

NOTE ON NATIONALISM (London Spectator)

When I was dining In Glasgow the other day the walter brought me a tray of mustards, "English m'ustard?" he Inquired, and then correcled him· self: "BrItish, I should say. One has ~o be 'careful these days." But ne looked al me curiously when I asked him to fetch me a British whl5ky and soda,

-:0:-WRONG 'l'URN

(Believille Intelllgencer) Judge M. D. Elston of Louisville, KentUcky,

will pay the fine of a woman taicl driver who made an iliegal left turn. The most It ran cost him In cash Is~, I~ Is too little for the judge's offence. He instrucled the taxi driver to make the lJIegal tum' because he was in, a hurry to get to traffic ed his taxi driver to break tite law and the reason court, \\'here he presides. In other words be order· why he ordered the law· brokell is exactly the Jame reason which prompts most of thll offender. who appear before hlm-th urge to hurry.

, NEW DELHI (AP)-India was reported Friday to be taking the first tentative steps 5ecklng United Nations membership for a number of A3ian and European countries-hoth Communist and non·Communlst.

Diplomatic Informants said Prime Mlnlstel' Nehru sounded out Russians and British leaders, In the COUirse of his visit to Eur· ope, advocating UN· membership for all nations represented at the Bandung Aslan·Afrlcan confer· ence-except Red China-and for the Communist east European satelliles, Austria and Italy.

Sources here said the Russians agreed with Nehru but did not Indicate whelher they believed all the countrlcs should be admit· ted as part of a "package deal"­or· whether each application should be considered separately.

The Afriean·Aslan applicants would Include Ceylon, Japan, Nepal and Libya. '.

It was explained here Red China was made an exception :: The basis of this scheme was to set a

minimum price to be paid to fishermen for each grade of salt codfish, This price was

_--------------.... since Its entrancels not a ques·

. geared to production costs and was not set at an arbitrarily and artificially high level.

Strength For To-day tlon of admission but whether Cblna's 5eat should be occupied by the Reds or the Nationalists.

:: The fish was taken in by suppliers and . By EARL I •. DOUGLASS exporters at the agreed scale and the 11-..;..-...;...---;.....-----' Protest Action Government undertook to refund to buyers , THA'l' ETERNAL DESTINY .n~, losses they may have suffered through "And seek not ye what we shal1 eat Ind what For Takim! i . '" t th d yf! shall, drink, lIelther be ye of. doubtful mind. u

the inability ,of markets 0 pay. e ~gre.e For· aU these !hlngs do the nation. of the world Lob prices. If the fish was marketed ~Ithout seek after." Short st-ers lOss, no support payments was requ1red. In these words we find set forth God's Idea CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) ';; It had all the merits of simplicity ,in of success In contrast with the world's Idea of sue· The Prince. Edward Island Suo administration and of letting the producer celS. According to worldly standards, success Is plreme Court has taken under thow in advance of the season the least he measured by possession: according to God's aland· under consIderation the appeal

h . h arda, success Is measured by use. of 21 lobster fishermen against could expect for his catc . It 1S a sc erne Our Lord'., attitude' . toward, possessions re- d 1 f· convictions of catching an reo that could be tried to-day with sma 1 ear fleets '~he perfect wisdom of God. John the lalnlng "short lobsters." . ' ~ punitive action by importing countries. Baptist ate locusts and wIld boney and went about The court took the matter un-,; clothed only In a breechcloth. To blm things were dcr advisement after two' days of I wrong In themselves and vlr~ue consi.sted in doing argument that centred about the

E" ha Of If' t- without things as much· as possible. On the other lagallty of a tbl'ee-mile limit on : XC nge . norma Ion hand, Jeslls did not look upon possessions IS wrong Canada's territorial watcrs.

Stanley Knowles, CCF·Wlnnlpe, North Centre, asked in the Com· mons Friday whether any other ~abinet members are company dl· rectors In view of the announce­ment Wednesday that Revenue Minister McCann resigned June 20 as a director of Guaranty Trust· Co.

Prime Minister St. Laurent re­plied that he has not ma., any special Investigation but thinKS that one minister Is connected with a family firm created before the minister entered the cabinet.

Late, bolll Mr. Prudham and "Ir. Marler told a reporter they lUll are directors of companies. The mines minister II president and director of Prudbam Building Sup­plies, Ltd., of Edmonton. 'The transport minister, as execulor of the will of a relative, Is director of Hutchins Investment Corp. of Montreal, a family-owned Invest· ment company •

TORONTO-CP-Julian Roffman of Toronto's Meridian Productions has won the 1055 Blakeslee award with the motion picture. "Gate 27" which he produced for CBS·tele­vision, it was announced Friday.

Tbe award, presented by the American Heart Association each year for the most outstanding con· tributlon to science In the, public information field, honor5 the memo ory of the late Howard W. Blakes· lee, science editor of The Associ· ated Press.

"Gate 27" is a dramatization of the chievemcnts of reserch into hert dlsese. It ws televised in the CBS series, "The S~rch". ·r

;. , • In themselves, but wrong only when men misused Crown prosecutor D.O. Stewart ~ No intern~tional conference of any time them. Po~esslons, he Implied, are part of, the said "the existence or non·exls·

b8s heard an offer so startling and far- equipment by whleh God trains men's souls for tence of a Car.adlan three·mIle mching in its ultimate effects upon re- eternity. Put the possessions in their right place, l!mlt or any terrltolflal waters is

. ' say; Jesul, and they are blenings put them In their immaterIal because the offences ations between nations than that put· wrong. place" and they will curse ~be lOul and were commllted on Canadian

In error but you can never legal. ly catch a short lobster," he said.

Defence council J: O. C. Camp· bell told t1le court Thursday that by common law the high seas be· gin at 10w·watCl" mark. He sougbt dismissal of the ,convictions be· cause Canada nas enacted no laws regarding territorial .waters ex: eept u.nder certain provisions o~, the CrimInal Code. '

f~rward by President Eisenhower 'at plullge it Into hell, . - •. , soli." , ,;., I)'iday's meeting of the Big Four; . God gives UI . .the' blenlni! of ,life-be they Mr. Stewart said that under ,~ What the American President proposed many or few..:lto·.see· wh'at use .we wllf make of federid regulations afCeeting the

1 h them. \'ie are here In· the world beIng trained for lobster fisherIeF "lawful excuse" "P.S a, comp ete exc ange of military in- eternal life In another world, and the way we be, means proof that the fish were . f&rmation which would include facilities have toward things and toward life's' events Is an properly caught. , for the agreeing countries to carry on aerial Importsn: matter in the shapin, of our desUnies. "You .may catch, a short lobster

6. years ..................... SET




Puff sleeve, printed cot· ton dresses with pique trim on sleeves and pique collar. 3 to 6 year!.. ......



CoHon ere p e covered 89 with colourful designs. Panties are plastic lined. C _------1 "Fit 6 to 18 months.......... .



With bib and elastic 9 7 back. Colours red, blue, C win., green. fit 3 to 6 years ............................ .



2 pleee, cotton broad­cloth: Smart two-tone e 0 lou ·r s and colourful trIm. Fit 2 to 6 years ....


ROMPERS Coloured broadcloth. White trimmed, s h 0 r t sleeves and collar. Col­oured stitching, Fif 1 and 2 years ................ ~ .. tI ..... ' 8Se



Printed broadcloth top with stiff, plain eolqur~d pleated skirt with belt. 1 to 3 yeou .... : .............. ·



. , Colourful printed pat· ternl with lace trimmed collar Clnd yoke. Fit 1 to 97e 3 yeCirl , •.•.••.•• , .•..•.••••... ,.

. "


COTTON BLOUSES -. S h or't sleeves. Colou~ white, nil green, tanger­in., red, tan, blue~ Plain and lace trlmmed. Fit 3 to 6x ............................ !.

7ge <


'PHONES: 4141, 3409; 3414, 3416, 3422, 3423 .


Of III 1

Tl War Vl


OUR nIS,\ r.I.1-:11 AWAY FRO:

We hn\'c sc\'or31 ,~,scr\'iccmen who JIlainlantl reccil'in; ,ur"ieal trcalmenl, ~cc~i\'ed from som( nolrs which arc n and shllw, ·10 an e whieh is hEing Inkl il. of uUl' \'eleram aW~Y from home a ho~pitals.

V cleraus who ; hrre 10 Ridgewood. cd. IlO first 10 Lal (800 beds) fllr a the usual rnutinp l.rcJIIilCul is need, Ihey arc looked af hefl,re heing Irall~

l\r1b' (nc~, :\n, 16 was on Ihe Ihil'll hed room, nry C'

al I hat limc I\'a~ till ,lark. had hecn a nCA Scclion of III fnr ~ome timr. mill cd as c1ning well ~,

til·cl)' guml hcallh fWd tu hcd.

ItII)(;E" "lIirlgcwood" is

wood lleallh an, Cenlre, Deparlmcn ,\!fairs, SI. John. : TlwI'C, Herb Taylll First fi\'c lIundn patient. Incidclltall: lie is I he 1'l'c~idclll

rouncil, ».:hich ilia)

nice COlltplilllPllt Soldier 11'0111 the " lie rlid nul suffer of his leg, as prrl·j hut has had 111'0

~nuthcr pending: prohahly 18 since 1

l'IlE 1',\1' Joseph White, 1

harker! for _ ()rrr~ Company. anll joi Battalion at J-:rinl" Ir~n;fcrrcd tu "BOO ~harcs the ~ame \.

: n"hel'tslln, 49;. I

:!utters," Ward C-: .1~:230168, Patrie ~-----~



Plastic, rubb. or asphalt til~

atlracth'c colours is a economical

answel' tu II flooring prabl,







Page 7: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

.. •

THE DAILY NEVvS, MONDAY, ·JULY 25, 1955 '1. »-)

IhNe, and Ihey tell'phon .. d their I monsters thnt c\'~r usurped a.

Of Iuterest To

war·tlma Commanding Officer. He drove In his car Imme~lltely to the scene and there was a plus· ant te·unlon. The. Major came 'to ~he bus anl presented a cigar to each of the patlents-I real hu·. man touch. On' the return to the ho~pilal, the houle orderlY had an Iisue of Legion cllarettes-,a pack· age per man.

Morning Devotional Bro,adcasts

N· ; e· w. . R 0 I e For I net King as onc' o( the craftf~~t' 1 throne. :

12,000 PAGE nOOKS . . f'

S . ,

c~;'ctal')' and head oC rcsclrclt

.R I- 'C' h a rd. J.·h I- rd'.' i f!ll' the fI'i~nds is Natalia Ihy!l lVar Veterans


Leg~oll Corner by L.G.M.

on: IlIS.\nU:U n:Tf.IIA:-.iS I the Royal Nn\:y is In Pavilion 1. .\\\'.\ \. I'Rml 110M"; • lie has bcen a patlenl there Cor

)Vhen one hean .0 much I1'0UI' lng about' trlvlalltles thel! days, It is refresblna· to find a voice away from home speaking In laud· atory terms of the fihe treatment accorded these men, who at eVI!ll·

IIde are ~tlll suU~rlnl from the lerrlble aftermath of war.

CYRILANDREW8, R.C.!. Cyril Andrewa, SB.15807, Royal

Canadian Reiliment,. Veteran oC Korea, 13 months !er\'lce Is •

(Pholo by Larin, MontreR\) LT. COL. G .. L, LALONDE,

. O,B.E., E.D,

Hammond. She i, getting together. MONTH OF AUGUST, 1955 the last of Ihe documentation and l-"Mr. J. G. Barnes. . lelt~rs .tor a 2,OOO'page book., ..

2-Rcl'. R, O. Dal'ics, Corner By JOY MILLER in Ihe public mind o( a handhtl Miss 'Hammond POil'llS to a pile Brook. ' NEW YORK (AP)-You would of reprehensible murders; mostly\ of papers: "Our research ~hClw~

3-Rcl'. J. II, Winsor. , not recognize old crookback any· o( people lined up between him clearly that Ri~h~rd' had no md: . ~Ca t A Pike Grand Falls I more. and the thron:!. live for commlttmg the all-oged 5-C p. A H it 'tt ' . Richard III of 15th·cenhiry Eng'l Over the cenluries therc hnve I crimes ami [urther• his two·year

Canon . W· P oWdl . land, long charged with murder· been those who 5uspectc(1 Richard, l'ci;:n-he was killed' at 32 you

6- apt. R. . on. ing the little princes in the tower, was given a first class job of char· i knOI'.'-W3S marked by wise and 8-Chaplain J. C. Johnson. is bcing outfitted with a. sparkling ackr assassination. There is little i lreneficial l~gislation. In short, he 9-lIIajor H. Pilgrim, Corner new reputation. doubt that H~nry VII, Ri~hard'3' was a populal', i,ntelligent mon·

Brook. I The tailoring job-perhaps cut enemy and successor, scrapped arch, quite enlight~ned for IIIB

10-Chaplain D. C. Schroeber. on 111'~ hias-is being perfor.mell b), (he actual recorrls and paid hack period...· • ll-Rc\O: A. J. Barrett, Grand a group of .theatrical ami profes· historians to writc the account of •

Falls. sional people Who decided last -Richard's brier reign. Amon,l( Ihe murders laid ~t summer thnt nearl), 500y rars \Vas Richard's door nrc thosc of King

12-Rev. J. A. Goldsmith. long ~nough for Richard to skulk Ami thc~e sub~r.ned chrolliclc~s- lJ~m·y. y1 a~d his son Edl\'ar~, 13-Rev, S. J. Dal·ies. through his lory as a hunchbacked as the Crlcnds like 10 call thc·ll:-i RICltald 5 I\lfc, Anne. and . Ills

,'". h;l\'e ~C\'~ral Nc\\,[uuncllamllu\'Cr a year and a hair, and Is reo pAtient at Ridgewood with his left 1', ,r:";l'('mrn who arr now on thr : portrd as makltlll satisfactory pro· arm broken, lIS the' result of an r :,1.11111 rrcri\'lllg mrdlcal ami. ~ grcss: ., accident while pll)'lng bueball. It ~ ::'~:";II trratmcnt, allli wc hM'e \. }I:'\I'. AmllNISTRATIOS Is anticipated that he 11'111 be pro· :"." ",\ Irum ~nmr nl them a {ell' Our informant Is enthusiastic ceedlng to Newfoundland on thlrly : '," 1\ hidl are mllst Inlcres(ins:. ajlOllt "Ridgewood," lis la)'out Inll Ida}'! lean, commenclnl August I:! ,\"'"', to lIlI rxtent. the rarC'! mana~elllent, lie says 1t·1~ a vcry' 15th. . " .,:\ I; Iii ill~ lakl'n. as we sec III : beautilul place, with Admlnlstra· LAST POST .:. ": "ar ntel';lIlS whll arc no\\' i 1Ion Building, large dining hall, 'l'he late Mlchul Mnddlgan,

Lieut. Colonel G. L. Lalonde, O.B.E., E,D., Acting Deputy Min· ist@r of· the Deportment or Veter· an. AfIalrs, is due to arrh'e In St. John's b)' TCA this a£lornoon, July 25,· on a routine. i,nspecllon . visit o( D. V. A. lacllltics and

15--l\!ajor C ·Hiekmon. S1a~'cr. ., w:arc ~hakcsf.~arc'~ ,~o~lrces for hl,~ I bl'~ther ~.CO~g~ and. t\~c t,;'() ,ht:!~ l6-Rcv. R. S. Purchase, Curling. They banded together as Friends IlIsloflcal tra~cdy Richard Ill, I pr"lce~, Ltf\\;llU. Prmce ,". "aJc~, 17-Rcl'. R. T. fIImer. o[ Richard III, Inc., dedicated to I which portrays the last_.Planlagc .. ~~~~~~·(:~l)~}::_.~:!rk..:_~ lB-Rev. D. S. Palrrson, Grand making a gentleman out of Rich·

Falls. arll. 19-8r. Major A. Moulton. Among Richard's lalter • day

friend~ arc Helen Hayes, Charles 20-Rc\'. W. Langille. MacAl'thur, Richard Aldrich, Stark 22-Rev. A. Brunctt. Young, Robert Montgomery, Mrs.

; .... \I't,m hUllle and .In dilferent , w~lch is con\'erled In til an, enter· Reg, No. 49 01 the Blue Puttees, ":":.,1." I tamment cenlrc at night, four was laid 10 rest from lancaster

\,.,.",,11' who arc s~nt from, larl:e pa\'!lius, I; 2. 3, 4, about 28· Hospital, where he died In St. 'r:" :., lIuts:cwomi. WI' ar~ inlurm· '3~ heds 10 each. There. were then U;GJON CORNER-TWO ..... r'. c" flr,1 tn Lallca;trr ,1ll1spllal OIcr 100. pa1lenls Ihcl!'; perha)ls John, New Brunswick. Herbert .~'" hrdH . fill' a l'IlCl·I,.up, and sel'cnty·lIl'e pel' cent. o[ the Old Taylor and· Joseph WhILe of the ::r ".'1;]1 rllulin!' Ip:;ts, ('Ie. If Guanl, with the rc.macndcl' or the Royal Newfoundland R~gimenl ::[ :'1'<'111 Is nl'c!ir!i illlmrdlatcl~' Y!ll1l~~~l' soldiers pIcking up afler and Patrick Summers, of th~ :~n ;,~,' l(l(lt;rtf alt!'I' l'illhl away, sur~lcal work at Lancast~r. Royal Nav)',' were present at the ,c:, '" IlI'illl: Irall~rcm·d. John J. 1 he surrounding grounds are last obseqntes. lif"'. : Br~. XII. 16B, JJluc l'nt'!re) tended wlth care and good laste- THINNING RANKS "c' ,'II till' Ihird flal. in a four·, thcr~ arc flower beds e\'erYlI'her!!i 4448, Michael J. Ebbs, Royal .": : ,"'Ill, Hry cl1mfnrtahlc, alld I bowlcng alle~', : JI.ym. nas!um, tele· Newlounitland Rrglmrnt. ,': :.1 tlOnr '.\'a~ Ihe IIlIly occupant. l'lslon, traele tramcng bUilding, and LEG AMPUTATED

:~ "'d\ hr('n a pat lrnl in the: all sorls of facilities. 20BI, John Cahill, latc Royal " ... ~\·";:'.111 of Ihe :(;cnrral here I The Ncwfoundland Veterans Nfld, Reiliment, had his lett leg. :: ''':1~'' tlml'. and I~ nml' rcpurt· i who aro thcre write me In' ap. ampl1laled at the Genel'hl Hospital I ,. ;' ,:"jnl: 11''''1 and in co~ara. ,preeiati\'e lerms o( I'arlous cour. on Wednesday lasl. A resident of ! :"r', ,,,,,II hrallh, althlluGh clln·. tesil's; for Instance when lea\'e is the ll'on bl~, he hRo two' brothrn I : ~r:, :,1 hrd. I granted, hal[ fare 'on trips; Sum. w~n al~o url'ed In W'orld War I, i

H1J1li1:WOOJl mer Picnic at ,Hamplon (twenty. lIhchac!, who died recently, and I "!;:';~f'l\'oml" b raile!1 Ridge.: £i\'e miles away) b), the Canadian was ~Vllh the Canadian Expcdi.! ,! IIralth and Occupational' Le~ion (Ladles) with bus run, :~oenc~ru:o;e~t and Martin, .258 o( I ,,"'"r Ilcllartmenl of Vrterans I turkcy supper, and all the trim· u ee!, who was killeel .. " " at Beaumont Ua I!I J I \'~,.:r." !ot. .John, ~C\I' Brunswick. mlngs; games, bowlinG, carels, etc. m , u y 1, 1916. T",,'. Herh TUlloI' (Heg. No.7, I Eric Robertson of "Ours" II'on Ihe :':': I i,e IIl1n;ll'cdl j" still a "Bouby" prize In the bowling VISIT KING'S GRAVE

. I I f I i OTl'AWA (CP)-A wreath·laylnll ;.: ':::. lIa'idcnlall)', 11'1' karn that I srrc~s, a . o\'r ~~ oun ~ n pen. ceremony Is scheduled at Ihe :" .' ,!w I'('<',idl'nl of thc l'alll'n\5' I \\ c 01 e alsn adllsed that a gra':.e of former prime minister \.' :r.,:I. }hkh lI\a~' he laken as n ~ IllIitc!l. numbe.r of tree tie.kets {or Wilham Lyon Maekcn~le King who ~.". (fI!plillll'lIt to the Old: the bu~ tn 1I1\ln, free mOI'ICS, etc., died 11I'e years ago FrIday, Lib. : :,::- ~ 11'11111 the Tenlh Pr(lI·lnce. I ~~~, I III IudI'd In the consideration eral memb2f5 and former mem· I 'i. ,;:11 11111 surr~r the alllputlltioll J:IHIl 10 Ihc~e pallenls who had bers ~r the Common~ and sl'natol'~ I ~ h!' I,'~, as prt'I'j()u;ly l'e)lortClI, ! IInce wurn so g~!lantl~: Ihe untCorm I~om roronlo and York South willi ';: :,;,; h'lIl twu. (llll'l'atlons and lof the Empire s Semcr. \,lSlt MOIl.nt Pleasant c~melery" Toronlo, 'I he group \\'a~ ol'''anizeci I

".:~, r llrllding: this rl'prcsl!nts HU~JAS TOUCH by David Croll, Liberal r:;ember I ,,' : .. 11-:, 1B silll'c 101U. I.ast week, after dinner a bus of Parliament for Toronlo·Spadlna.

TIll'" 1',\TII'.,'·TS· . ' ..' called at Ridgewood and took the J .. "plc White, 1241, who tm·. al'ailahle patienls lor a drl\'e

~··~t'l /01'. o\'rrs~as with "E" 1 countr~'wRrds - about Iorly mlies ~'.~r:·II:·' am!. jolnrrl I~e Fh'st i and the !lame dlslance relurn, ~· .. ~,,".I al Ercnhur~h, lias lat~r' Chocolate bars were dlstrlbuled :;,r.:rrrrd to "B" Compan),. Jle I and a stop made at a roadhouse' :··:t~ lhr ~amc warel with Eric i where Ice cream anll ~oct drlnk~ ~ ":-:":.n, . 497, oC "The Blue I' were Jen'ed and cigarettes is8uecl. .:"f·. \\ arel C-4. One of the olel Canadian soldier! .'\~:m1fiR, Pntrlck Summers, DC I met three of .hls former Battalion


Llghlnmg slruck an tlectric wire supplying power for a cable elel'a. ' tor hlah In' the Austrian Alps Thursday. The eluntor jRrr~d to • ~uddrn stop, throwing about 50 person~ 100 feet dOWh * sleep ~Iope, Two were kl!!l!d and 13 were mjured lerlously, Tbe lift, I plat. form surrounded by • low rail, h u~ed to earr), worker~ and ,ight. Seers to the Kaprun water dam.

"Face lifting" a ;'oom with ceiling tile, fJoor

tile or paneling make! ~~~~~~ all the difference.


r:"::i~. rubber, ur .;phatt tile in

;1ttrdc!i\'e ("iIl111'$ Is an ('CullumJcal

"1:''0\'('1' to the t:~,(jrin::: problcJn





. , . ,

Redecorating can be done

economically 100 I


BeautUul, silver· tone ceiling tile CAn do wonders {or a room •.• ,






Under and' by vlr1l1! of ~he p()wet'~ conlerri!d on me by the Food and Drul~t Act, Chapler 51, o( Ihe Rel'bcII Slatutes o[ ,New· foundland, 19112, and of all other powel's enabllng me In this be. half, I do hereby make tht fol· lowing regulalloni.

Daled at St, .Tohn'. HIli 8th da, of July A.D. 19:15.

Sed. s, 1. HEFFERTON, Mini_in of Be.lth. --REGULATIONS

1. These regulations may be elted as . the Food and Drugs (Amend. ment) Regulations, 195~.

2. The schedule 10 the Jlegul.· tions made under the Food arid Drugs Act, 1950, dated the 16th day of August, A.D, 1950 alld publlAhed In the Newfoundland, Gazette on ~he 23rd day of August, A.D. ·1950 as amended by the lfegulaUons made under the laid Act, lIated the 24th day oC Feb­ruary, A.D, 1951; and published Iii the: Newloundland Ga~ette on the 8th day of March, A.D. 1951,

.• i amended by the regulations made under the said Act, da~ed the 10th day of April, A.D, 1951 and published In the Ne.,lound· I.nd Gazette on the 17th day of April, A.D. 11151, as imended by the regulations made under the said Act, daled the 91h day of August,A.n: 1~1I1 and pUblished In the New(oundland Gaz~~te on th 2ht day of AUlUlt, A.D. 19!i1 i •• mended by add In. the~to the Collowlna paraar,ph: ' . Happy Vallcy-the area known

DS Ihe I!ocal Improvement Distr!ct of Happy Valley as de!!ned by the order of the Lleutenant·Gov. ernor .In Council dated the 15~h day of March A.D. 1_ Ind Pllb- . lIc1htdln the Ne\l'lotlndland G.7.ett~ OD ,tblS IBth. diy III Mlire~, A.D. 19~, .

23-R~v. T. E. Smith, Corner Ep Sullil'an, James· Thurber and Brook ' Cornclia Otis Skinner. .

MASS SUICIDE 24-Rc\'. Jack Scntt. CIIANGING HISTORY DURBAN, South Africa (AP)- 25-Rcv. R. E. Shepp~rd, Grbnd Their Idea or an honorable Rich· .

'rhc bodies of five Indlah girJ~, Falls. ard plays hob with the history whose ages ranR~d from a to 26, k h J d . t d were louod hanging Iromezlnz$hc3 26-Rcl'. F. Vipond, I boo s. He as ong stoo convlc c or trec5 near Ihcir home hcre 27-Capt. A. Rideout. early Frlda~', The girls werc the 29-Rev. R. R. Bahb. dcillght'm of an' Indian market' 30-Capt. A. S. Pritchett,


gardener and it Is thought thot Corner Brook. they decided on mass suicide be· 31



Nfld. Armature VJo~·ks Ltd.

. .0 ,'~

I . -Mr. R. Reeres. ~~~~Is~~~nr t~~~rtt~h~e~u:~~ ~~c~ NOTE


11 If )·ou fi~t~ that ~'Oll

eloer bl'olh~r. ,cannot I your POSI Ion on this

list. ~'ould you kindly 'arrange for a .substitule and/or contact Rcv .. S. J. Davies, 6 Forest Road, 50

that ":llorning Devotions" may continue uninterrupted through monlh o( August. Thank you. BAMBRICK ST. DIAL 4502

HURRY! HURRY! We have the greatest range of SUMMER STYLES,

including high and low w~dgies, open and c1os;d

heels and toes that would be top value at any

price but at these LOW PRICES they're a sen­

sational give·away I









Size. 5 to 1.


Sile. 2·7~


'~tJCiati, ,~~~


Your once in a SUMMER TIME·opporlllnity '0 save on WHITE, GRACEFUL PUMPS, Come and see the many c.ool style~ (in broken lines) that are going'

for the low, low of !

, 3.75


Mesh valTlfls!.SiZ'es 2 to 7Yz .. $1~96


Men's and Boys' .ROMPERS Oxford style. Wine, Brown, Grey, White,

. '.'

2.75 and 2.95







Sizes 8~·3


. ~


.. ,. .. .'



I ~


I L\ -I

BUILDING MATERIALS DIVIS/ON All tM trade. menlloned In

Section 9 sub·seclion (2) o( the Act.

"', , 1~ ........ ~ .. ~ .. Ii .... ~ ................ ~ ............ ~ .. ~ ........ ~"~"~·.·""""""""" .... .m ........ 1IL

DIAL 102'1 JlylS,t1 ., .~i

., f .. ./

,~ .

, ~ .

: ,


" !

I .

! , I


. ;.

t,. .'

:1 /. ',' r:·· ..


Page 8: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

. , I ..

, . . I;..._TH;;,;;.E .;,;DA;.;ll;.;.Y..;.N,;,;;;,EW..;.S~'.;,;,M_O_NO;.;.A..;.Y_, J;.;.UL;.;,Y..;;2;.;.5'..;,',;.;95.;...3

PerSonal Dunphy and is to be mmled ilt Bay-de.Verde on Wednes:!ay, July 20th. to Miss ~largaret Noonan, of that place.

Miss Mercedes Finn, R.N" Is Carbonear News Dislinugished Why Grumble?

CARBONEAR, July 16....:.Thm I was no speaker, no business, no

CAHBONEAR Ju'l 16 _ Wctl. \ appoinlrd chairma~ and o~IY one , y.' I guesl at Thursday s mectmg 01

Visitors nesday aftcrnoon we were han· 1 ',' CI b . The mectin oured with a "isit from the RI. I the Kill ams u. g

Mr. Lloyd Forward, In em· plor" of the Pllheries .Research DePt. lJ lpeDdln, hlJ annual vaca· tlea with bII parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. co. Porward.

due from Gander on Wedncs:!a)', on a visit to her father, Mr. W.:B. 1--' Finn, and other relatll'es, ,. ':

II I d 'I" It! 'I tIl' ,closed at 7,30. ~n. ,or "acuona: .. os or. \ It was followed by a Direclor!'

GUIIII Master Mason, fhe RI. Hon, .' Ih 'I emorial Librarr Th E I f E I· t I 'I"~ t I meehng IR e ,. ., \~lisc.ellaneous

TIle fonowln, left by Thursda)"s upreu for Ginder, where they wi1l en .... In the building trades: HarrJ Saunders, Frank Saunders, Herbert Burden, William Penney Ind FrInk WIIJh.

,1IrI. Eli Pillrim and daughter, I,.; Imved from Roddlcltlon. b)' the S.S. "Northern Ranger", to spend a six "'eeks h!.'lIday with !il'l.' Pillrim's sisler, ~!rs. Alfred HIllier.

Mr. Peter O'Rlrlley I~ "islting fdeiHI. here, hl\'lng arrl\'ed from Sydney. N.S. a IeII' d3)'$ ago. Mr. O'Rlelley left for the abol'e town fifty.two years ago and has resld· ed there enr since. His old friends are 11.d to renew his acquaint· !!lee.

. Mr. elld Mrs. Berkley Garland 1!1:! :!1uihter left on Saturday for

. the!!' horne III Bo!ton, after a '.it!t to relltil·es.

lli. Je!!l'h Dinn, ef New York, !j:!!lt ! r.ouple of ''.'eek! with his !l!cther, '!T, William Dinn, of thi! t:lll'lI. H! abo visited his brother, !it. R~v. ~!onslgnor Dlnn, 11 5t. Clare's Hospital.

lIr. Ind Mrs. James Kirby of Concord, N.H., USA, are visiting town IS the guests of Mr. Klrbfs ,Ister and brnther, Mrs.

Mr. Max Pike arl'ivcd from Bos ton a few days ago on an 1'1511 He Is the guest of !.Ir. and Mrs Charles Notl and a cousin uC'Mrs Nod. He Is a mteh~lllc by trade and Is recuperating (I'om an r.ocl, dent suffercd in 1\):2. U:s home is In Somcrl'i\le.

Mrs, S, Dudcr ar.d r1uu:;htcr Ida hal'c rrlurned to their home In St. John's after sr:nding a 1:011· da)' \\'lIh friends.

Mr. Don O'Dri~col1, 01 r. C. O'Driscoll Ltd., tnd Mr. Bishop, 01 G. E, BRrbour COmpRn)', were in tOli'n during tbe wcek, 011 bus· Iness for their Ilrms. . I

Rev, Bro. lllnnon Is making his annual \'Isit to town and, to all appearances, Is enjoying a daily swim just as much as ever, for he can be seen every day makln[: his way to and from the seashore.

Dr. J. G. Lynch and children were visitors Lo town on Friday. , Understand they are vacationing at Salmon Cove.

. - I IIfrs. William Saunders, Sr., who

was visiting IIfr. and IIfrs. James ' Smith, at S!. John's, Is home and I

feeling the better for the holl· day.

Arthur Penney, Long' Hili, and . .,. ~'r. John Kirby, Masonic A,·cnut. M~S, Lockhart Penne) II ho 1\~5 .

It b thirty.lhrrf yt'ilf8 since Mr, I recel~'lng Ircatment pI the General , Kirby "isited ~ewJolln'dland ftnd! HI/spital returned home during b Itts many improvement~, but, : Ihe week. ' I like mAn\' m~rc who 'h~I'e brrn I ---~I\'ay for' ,uch ~ 10n~ timr. ht ~ra)'or W. r. Sallndr.r~ •. ~Ir~. mi!le~ ,ome familiar (ilCCS. How· I Saundr.r~ aorl ~!r. ~ncl llr~, (,r.or~~ nrr, be is harp,\" In renrw Ae.: ~Iedbr~ left b~ cal (In ~lIncla~ for, quaintancr. with SOniC of his old: miami towns.: on their annual ~ chums and just as happy to make yacation. ~Ir. saunders Is manal:~r I

ntl\' friends. His relatil'cs are de. of Harl'c)' &: Company ~ Carbon car) all out to make his and Mrs. Ltd. and Mr. Hedges IS employed lighted to hal'e him and are going with Cameron Brothers. Kirby'. visit a happy one. Mrs. H. McMahon and Mrs. W.

Mil! Dcretn M~ores Is ,pending , t .. ·o \1'eckJ '·!!~n with her t:tndmoth!f. ~!n. Eli Gillingham, at LO'1 tr l!l!nd COI·e.

L. Maunder who are on a vlsil from Somerville, Mnss., are spend· Ing the next week with relatives at Lower Island COl'e where they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Sparkes.

~!r. OWfn Dunph)' ~rrll'ed from ~techenl'lll~ ~ le'l' r\a~'s ago. He it ih! .!en 01 !dr. and Mrs. Thomas

. . .. - .. -. -.... -... :. --.. - . -• •

Expected In Newloundland 10' day Is Mr. Heman Willshire, of New York, a former resldenL of Lower Island Cove. Mr. Wiltshire left Newfoundland In 1913, after graduating from the Methodist College, In St. John's. During the last war he spent some months at the AmerIcan Base In Slephenl'me and aparl Irom that hps seen the shores of his nath'e land onlr once in forty ycars. Mrs: G. F. Saund· ers of this lawn is a cOllsin and the chances Rre he will be I'isitln; her lalcr.

Mb~ lIi1dR 5aundm is "acationing wilh her aunt uncle Mr. and Mr~. Gordon rolt, at Winterlon.


And Par·

Reg Parsons, son nf Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons has accepted temporary work, wiLh the Nord· eastern Fisheries Ltd" at Harbour Grace.

Fred Saunders, son of Mayor and Mrs. Saunders, Is presently doing relief work with Harvey & Com· pany (Carbonear) Ltd. He will be relie"lng various members of the staff as they go on vacatlon.

Sl F ear 0 g In on anr In on. • [ \ 'llich was to dll

l(),\'er i or Ht II' D G'I the purpose 0 \ • , . or. eputv rant Master, It elatl"'e 10 the swim • " CIISS rna ers r • and Dr, Alexander F. Buchan. Rt.. I Funds to finish tht

Bride-To-Be . War. D. M, r ~r3cFarlane, 1IBE, ~~~f a~~o ~et it in operati~n 1Ien Han. J. G. ,\, (Scot), Wor. Bro.) d b Ihat we would jlJd-.

B NEAR J I Ifl ~II ' approve, Y • CAR 0 ,u y :- ss I II E, Cowan, Hon, J, G. W. (Scot) I it will be upened "cry soon Mil'.

Inez Penney who .was 'h1~rrled, ,on \' and Wor, Bro. T: Fred Homer, 'l\Ioving ;mong Lbe people your Tues?3Y last, Jul) 12, IIa8 gJlcn II~". G. M, (Scot) and were reo re orter heard that I number 01 a ml,scellaneou5 shower at. Ihc I cCII'ed by Wor. Bro, Ben Davis, ci~zens arc peeved because thl marriage. ~!any ,of her friends lof Lodge "Carbon ear" No, 1043. Pool has not he opened bllt \\'hf~ were prese.nt a5 Ilell U A number! They were escorled to the she learned that lillie or nn hrlp

i o[ well wl~her5 who, though Re'l ~!a!Onie Hall where short ad· had been given by the ~pn'ral I qual~tcd WIth her could not he I dres5cs were marie. HOII'cI'cr, due! public she was compelled In 11\

I conSidered personal friends, Inez, to the shorlnesN of the visit. the 1 "Wh)' Grumble~" II secm~ thlt I is highly eslc~med by III \\:ho I set programme had to he vcry I not so I'cr... long ago htll\ f'~ know her and It is not surpriSing short much to the regret of holh I I h i rI d riftv ann ( 10 know she receil'ed ~ome IOl'ely I'isit;rs and mcmbcrN of r od"e I t Ire de d

unr r~ anf a CI'-rcill-r IOUtt , I h' " " ,hun rc COplCS 0 • • •• glCh. Games, elc., mar e t e el'cn· "Carbonear" The ~Iost Wor Grnnrl ' k' f d LI' ns 'h d I . I h ,., • , ter as 'mg or ona 0 a )'Pft

:ng. pass all too ~ easan!. S, e was Masler Mason exprcsscr! pleasur\: sent oul and out of that nlimbPr a5~lsted In opemng the gIfts by at being in Carbonear anrl at \ only two had heen answerf.d and

I MI.s Noel and ~u~pcr was alo sup· seeing an inleresting as it was I the Circular Leiter. ~lany 01 ermtended by ]Ollss Noel. ~hort and some of his words will those grumbling are parent) 01

ring in the hearts of his hearers children who would he u~in~ the

T I S ,for many years. Pool regularl~' but If thry hAI'e nnt eac lers carce. At 7.30 p.m. members o[ Lodge made a contrihution then we I!k "Carbonear" attended a Joint "what right hal'e they to 3rlll1l.

ble? The answer must he "Xo CARBONEAR, July 16 - It take charge of classrooms and the I R' hI" D r liII d 4

would appear as if teachers Ire sixth a malc to teach in th Ig. ona IOns are 5 ore! • .' , .. e so \\'hv not 5r r rt ~'our5 todal' 10

I scarce and Ihat many class·rooms higher grades and 10 assIst In sup· I K: . CI b .

"II b I " Ille IwaniS II. : II I e I'acant n the coming i s! 1! pUC1SJilpUn 'JJB1S lUil,IUO;) ----- - .. --- -----

I school year, This Is a dcplorable : s,qdasof 'IS 01 sandde aures arl L :lleeting of ~Illwns in the ~Imnil situalion but iL may 1I0t be a~ I 'Jlr.1' aliI Ull tJUHJC,I' OU I Temple at Harbour Grace \\hm I it loob. Chec.kin:: on the scholl,ls : 51 3JJIll AIOUl( a.11 se Je] os pue: OI.IC~ a~~in lhe~·. listened. 10 th,

i arou~d here lIe fllld that the. Unl,t. 1l00qJs q~!H SJurr.r 'IS JO] paJllJas I dlstln~Ulshcrl mllor~. delll'er .OUI. 'I ed, Church, Board ,of ~ducatlOn I~ I uaaq til led!Jupd y ·:lU!UIP.Jl I standmg addresses. \\ e leal'e It 10


stili seekmg application Crom ervision of games and physical the Harbour Gracians to eJabor11. teachers for six positions, fil'e 'to i [ult. ' on the I'isit. etc. -----

From Raw Materials *!

Left to right: Dr. Alcxamlcr F. Buchnn, Rt Worshipful Grand S~crelnl'Y; Rt.. Bon. Lord Mar-donald, Grand Master Mason; nt. HOIl. The Earl of Eglmtoll and Wmton,

Rt. W'orshipful Deputy Grand Master.

. the Labrador by the S.S. "K~·lc". Bcssie, Willie anrl ~'reddie. Moth· Softball I'

The young ladles are members of er and: baby are reported doing I

the teaching profession and Ihey well. CARBON EAR-The local Soft· i

are taking tbls trip as part of. - ba'lI Team visited He~rl's ContenL ; their summer vacation. • Mr. and ~Irs.' John Luther who during the week and played a mix· ,

. _ spent their holiday undcr canvas I ed team from; Trinity South eom· I Capt Frank Poole 01 Bellcoram called here during the week to munilies, It was exciting and wit· I

rccentl~ took charge of the Earlc pick up their JlIt!e .daught~r, nessed by mari~ fans, It ended In a Freighting Company's freighter Joan, who was hohdaymg WIth viclory for ouf;team in a 7·5 score. I th "Thomas S. Gorlon." her grand·parents, Mr. Rnd Mrs. On Saturday. the same team play· i

e John Lllther, Pond Side. They ed against a i,am from Bay Rob· ~ The S,S, "Kyle sailed for the hal'e all returned to their home erts. It was played on the U,C,!

Labrador today and In addition in 51. John·s. Academy Groil.hds and resulted 1n i to taking mails and passengers " , ' • ! a 4·3 win for our local squad. ! she toolt a large quantity nllumher i Mr,. \lllha.m . J.ulhe.r arr,lI r.d I i and cement, besidcs much general, from Clal'enville on Friday, nJ~h", i ~!r. Pike left Carhonear and thl~ : cargo. \10 ~pend the weck.end l\'Ith hl~: is his first \'i~it home, Mrs, Pike'

__ ! parents, Mr. and Mrs. John: made a visit here in 1947. ~Ir.; Mi~s Violel Smith whn ~I3S hecn , Lulhcr. Pike knol\'~ very, \'Cry lew, ~ts:

spending a month's l!acatJon with I only the odd person he,. ~ her aunl, ~trs. II. ,I. Fr~.nrh, I'~'I ~Ir, ~nrl ~Ir~. Stcphrn l'ik~ 01 he also sees ma~y improl'emp.nls I

turns Lo Iter home at Normiln ~ "~I'rl'cll. ~lnf~,. arn in loll'n and! and, he Is vcr)' h~ppy 10 b~ b?ck COI'e, on SatJ'uday. \ ~IIC5t~ of ~lr5, Waltel' (}~Ir.s. South· I 011 na~h'e !oil and he i5 enJoymg

I ~idc. It is fOl'ty.lhree years ~incp, 1 the Irlp \'Cry much, Miss ~tar~aret. Pennr..'" of Sal· , ~"----,--- ----.---------------,--.. - .. ;.~.--- .. --- .--­

mon Cove, iJ l'i5iling her J;rand· mother, ~tr5. E, Slade, ~Iasonic AI·eml~.

Miss Lillian Whilcway 01 St, John's is "lsIUng Mr. anti Mrs, James Pike.

Mrs. Snowden Mercer 01 Bay Roberls Is due here on Thurs· da)', to spend a short holiday wlLh Mr, and Mrs. ·James Pike.

THE WONDER WOOD PRODUCT NUFA·PlY i.\ rn(Jr1~ from the best raw malerials obtained from Ih~ N~w. fondlcind, African and American forests, - •

NEWFOUNDLAND .•..• famous silver birch. AFRICA. , ••• Genuine Mahogany. AMERICA , •••• Oak and Walnut.

These superb 'raw materials help make NUFA·PlY the best for panelling.

Fim nl,-;I_I to North ~nel is HMCS Labrador, "hie!! recently made ilS WlJ 1h."Ollih pe!usea! fro:n Atlantic Ie P!cllic. We're proud Ihalthe three lpee!a!i!' budtlandingcraf, Ihe emi:d to {my men and 1U~l!~ to Arctlt sh('~ bases '<eft made of welded aluminum -and thll they iUd the job. Miss Shirley Pye, nurse.ln.traln.' Mrs. Garland ,(nee Margaret

Inll at the Grace Hospital, spenL Taylor) arrived from St. John, the week.end with her mother, N.B. recently, on a visit to her Mrs. Clarence Pye, LeMarchant parents, Mr. and· Mrs. Edward Street. Ta~'lor, Bristol's Hope. We regret

Aluminum Is active In the palnll and clcl'ence of our coasts, Ikia ud IIOrtbem wasta. So It

~ is aood to bow that Canada Is the world', seCD1Id laraest alu­IIIiaum mppJler with live pro­

: duciaa pluUs in Quebec aDd . IIritiJh Coltlmbia.



Miss Muriel Pike Is "Isltlng St.

to have to report that Mr. Taylor Is quite 1II. He has our best wishes lor an' carly recol'rry.

John's toda)', busincSs and pleuure combined.

Mlses Helen Earle and Hester Ember!)', the latter a re81dent or·Verde, were passngers to

,Mr. and Mr;:-Arthu; Colhollrne I are receiving the congratulations o[ their friends on the birth of I a twell'e pound boy, on Tuesday, July 16th. Another brolher for


T HERE'S no doubt about ·It,· •• the most Inexpensive meat meal on the market Is

dellctous, tender Jenkins Brand BEEF. Serve It cold - - It's wonderfull Heat It and add vegetables and you have a delicious stew with rich beel gravy straight from the can. And don·t forget, Jenkins Brand has all the goodness and all the flavor of fresh. beef costing much more than this can I Avail­able In 12 oz, and 15 01., tins. AIM try AVOfolDA,LE Chicken ~n the Bone


Newfounclland Representative


I i

'CHARLES' R •. a'ELL Ltd. Offlc"; ST •. ~OHN'S an'd CORNER . BROOK

. . . ..

r . t

NEWHOOK-FORWARD The groom waS . sifpported by his cousin, Norman Newhook. Fol·

CARBONEAR, July I6-A quiet lowing the c.eremony the bridal wedding took plnce In the United party motored to Pike's Hotel, Church ]\fanse on Saturday last, Harbour Grace; where the reeep· July 9th" when Rev. L. H. Perry, tlon was held. Later In the week B,A., united In marriage Jane, they left for New Harbour where daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert they will reside II} fl1ture. We ex· Forward, of the South Side, and lend to them best wishel.,Ior a Gordon. son uf Mrs, and the lale happy married l1Ie. Mr. Arlhur Newhook, o[ N~~v I'riol'.tu Iler inarriage Mrs. NI!I\" l.lul'l.lUlIr. UiI'~11 in nHlI'I'lug~ II)' h~r \ bouk wn~ Ifnd~r~d lwu ShOW~I:~, eldest bmlher, Geol'g~, ~he louhd Ih~ first II'U~ gll'~n in the V.l·. ,'ery nice III IIlue·nylun nd uver 111111, 011 the Suulh Side. anti waf !nee, willi while acce~~urics allli B lIIi~ctllluneous; Ihe secund, a line~ beall\llul corsage. Shc WIiS al· Olle, was given at Ihe home o[ Mrs tended by her ,sister, Mrs, Edward Frank Hussey. Both shoivers Wert

l''rench who wore pale green largely attended and the brlde·lo nylon, with white accessoric8. be received lome lovely gifts,

to the Finished Product It costs less than you think to give

your home that modern look. Mahog­

any Is truly the wood which other

Use NUFA-~Iy' with all the fine quali­ties that you look for in wood. Easy workability _ •• Light weight ••• Variety in colour ••• Proper finishing.

~ . ,

jly21 ,25

cabinet woods are judged. 11 hal the

necessary strenglh for every cabinet


Ask your local' dealer for lowes'

prices before you buy on the Main­





FOrWard-P Nuptials

CARBONEAR -v:edding took placl! Church, Carbonear ,:30 p.m., when 11 pey, ,became the b James Forward wi perry offieLating al Coppin providing tl

The bride 15 the tel' of Mr. and Mr Jley, Long's HilL the son of ~. am Forward, Sr:, Carb

The bride enter on 'the, arm of her .t\bram Penney. radia~t1y lovely in length gown oC w pylon tulle over 5

JIe~ved lace bolero, veil was caught by ned net and seed I rled a bouquet of rl

The maid of Han &tndant was Miss ( Wore a ballerina IE mauve nylon tulle matching headdres! bouquet of carnatic Fonvard, younger I groom,. performed best man.

During the signi Ister Mrs. George ref)' beautifully"!' You."

The reception wa Step·Inn, Carbonea lJIoon was spent at Ins. The happy COL

taken up residence C:rbonear South.


les o[ the Woma~ of the Carbonear Church had a bus~ t\'enlng toda~', as Ihe many pa trons the annual Garden .igbt it look cd as if "auld be smaller IS the cl'cning ad fcen that most of patrons werc pres, Ihere wcre cnougl 10 make up for thl

It was a succei wbat really mailer nancially and soei: about Garden Par and talk with peol seen for a long not since the last fhe leas were bel .vcr generous if 'ery, very tasty, cakes, 'cookles and

Heard one visitl )aw much grand "as here last." A ment from a persr

, her cream pies. TI W.A. are to be cc

. their line spread.

~Ielvin A. CARBONEAR, .

'\\'as reech'ed today .t ·St. John's, N.B, Girvan, for many o[ the local brant of Nova Scotia. ~een ill for some I • patient in a St, at the time of his

The late Mr. Gi knownand highly e of principle and ly qualities endea with whom he cal both in business , life. He was a talc, for many years sa of the United ChI lave of his talent eve!')' community ,,"orlhy . cause seE ~elp failed In aPI

e marri ed. Miss ~50n, of this tOWII daughter, surl'h'es "hom lI'idespread ~elt In our toil·n. a ci~cns your re deepest Iympathy. '

Ohiiu Mrs. Yeta Maud

1rIfe of Capt. Wm '1~ WeUsway W~, Sc died at ber home lowing a brief lJJ h rears old.

'nIe deceased, a ~fld., was the daul

fro and Mrs. Ste !Urin, Nfld., and hOllle in. Malden I before moving to ~req. She had Iii

est 32 years. lIrs. Murley wa!

lIona 'Blma Chapte Centre Methodist ( eJe 15 at the churc , Besides her hush :arine ofifeer, Mrl

o brothers Job :10, botli ~f Me If' lers, Mrs. Jam, 'Ir~.Yorlc, and ?lfr '~g of Medforr

-n'Iee5 will be I ':-On Funeral I ~ tmOOll with ReI

hlnson Memol ell . in IIrth Officiating. ,Puritan Lawn


Page 9: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt


y the

ct hal 1he


r lowes'


liiE DAILY. NEWS. MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955 ,

Child Beggars Belie'/New S,oviet Man'~G:sR~:::m ,~E~,~~;~:;'~~~', By LEON DENNEN Vcinov was Ihrown into Russias East Germanv tr~n5port commission tndny (1I~,

NEA Staff Correspondent grim junglc where In order to . . . . mis~ed an a~plication by. Cana~nan:':~

C\RBOXEAII · .. ·'"!;:;;; .. \tu

F or\"ard.Penney Nuptials c,\RBO~EAR - A \"ery pretty

aruding t(lok place at The United (~ur~h. Carbonear, July 12, at ,.~O p.m .• when Inn Marie Pen· r.ry. brcame tile bride of Robert Jl:nC5 Forv.·ard with Re\,. L. II. rerry o((ie\ating and Miss Phyllls r~jl~in providing the music.

. . ' . By ARTHUR GAVSHON 'NatIOnal Rallways to Illsconhnn"l!" NEW YORK-(NEA)-Even In survIve. the waifs were forced m· GENEV'-AP-A -cnlor d·IPlo·: I .-1 \' hel'''cen

h dl " I I j 11 If' '1 d I' ,,,., - .1_~ pas;cngcr ser Ice ..

I e Red "para se, r s ng uvcn e 0 a car7cr 0 Juve~1 ~ e mquency. 'I mat says Britain·s. plan for a de- . Charlottetown. Summcrside. anr! dtllnquency Is IS baffllnll a prob- Stealing and kIlling, th~y . de· militarized area In Europe' is,; Tignish in Prlnee E~ward Island;:. lem as It iR in the "capitalist" fended themselves. ferocIOusly intended mainly to disarm East i ror eight months of the year.;. ;.:'7' United States. against a government that robbed Germany I . ': ... ~

Especially widespread Is begging them of their parents-their very If Ru;sia insists that the de. I A' HOWt~Ver't' the f bloardl approve~::; b Illd th tre

" of th place I'n II'fe They developed . , \llseon mun Ion 0 oca passen~,'" Thc bride Is the youngest c\aug­

Iff of llr. and Mrs. Arthur Ben· roC!'. Lon:;'s Hill. The groom is tte son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert r~rward. Sr;, Carbonear South.

y C I ren on e B e", I '. . • militarized area should extend be· I service b~tlveen Charlotletowl1·.~· "Socialist Fatherllnd"-and quite thClr O1yn code of morals and- yond Germanr. the informant said I Souris and Elmira; Charlottetown frequently In the very shadow of paradoxically enough-represe~ted . Friday, Britain then will ask· that I and Murray Harbour; and Char-the well.pollced Kremlin. the strongest, element In the light· parts of East Europe-such as ~ 10Uetown and Mount Stewart junc-,'

Youthful waywardness _ as the ly regimented Red "paradise." West Poland and Czechoslovakla- ~ tlon and Georgetown betWeen May;':

The bride entered the church ~~ the arm of her brother. Mr. .~~ram Penney. She looked r:diantly IOI'cly In her ballerina ! gown of white lace and r.) I~~ tulle O\'er satin with lonll ,:mcd lace bolero. Her flnger·tlp leil was caught by a band of rul· r.rd nct and seed pearls. She ear· r:ed 3 bouquet of red ro!es.

Soviet rulerl see It-Is not as serio There are still thousands of be Included. 1 and Dec. 15. .,.;.; ous a threat to their dictatorship Th B 't'i h 1 t t homeless children roaming the e rl s pro ec res 5 on a The board added that In the case"l as the current religious revival cllles of Russia-though their num. firm Western decision ·that there of the discontinued ser\'iceral1:'~ among Russia's youth. However, ber Is now somewhat reduced. must be no shrinkage of the NTA I way passenger service mU5t be the muzzled Red press can no long- In addition. to the regime's eru. area if the Russians in future Big operae~d If main highways are npt er Ignore It as merely a "capital. elty, In the Soviet Union _ ju!l Four negotiations accept the Idea! open tobeavy traffic before D~\,., ist" vice. as In "capitalist" America _ a of demilitarization. This decision I 15 or alter May 1.,. '. :~:;~

Writes Moscow KomsomDletz, monotonous existence, !heer bore- was endorsed in Paris .last week i . . : ;;,:' new~paper of the Moscow Com. dam and an unhappy family life by the (oreign ministers' council I '~:lf; munist youth Organl!8tlon: It 15 are some of the reasons that drive of the 15·natiim Atlantic pact. . ' " not unusual In the' SoYlet Union many young Russian boys and The Big Four agreed Wednesday mains a matter of ne,oliatlon. t,,-·

Thr maid of 1I0nor, and only at· Itrod"nt was ~I1S5 Clara Noel.· she FtC a ballerina length gown of ~"lI\e nylon tulle o\'er satin with ~~:c!lins headdress and carried a ~,uquet of carnations. Mr. Harold r,'rward, younger brother of the ~r';\lm. performed the duties of i'f't man.

for children to approach people gitls to beco'me juvenile delln. to examine Prime Minister Eden's it joint East·Wcst teams of Inspet~1 In the streets Ind beg: "Auntie, quents. demililarization idea along with tors would be empowered 10 rangif! Uncle, give us some kopeks, give • other proposals designed to rein· freely to see that the Jimilatlon~ us 1\ piece of bread." YOUNG RUSSIANS IN BREST. LlTOVSK tum Inquiring laces to ward an American photographer' Obviously to holster morale-to force East·West securily in Ihe are obsen·ed. . ~.'

In Moscow's suburb of Babush. In 1953. They are allo turnln g lnqulring faces away from regim entation and to\\"3rd religion. revive faith in the vanishing Com· !cnsitive parts of central Europe, :. ~.J kin, . one "morally depra\'ed" cou- munist idcal-the Red pre~s h now It Is included in the directive The' British leader eri"lsaged';·~' pIe made their four ,children pro. criminals receive the same pun· "paradise" in 1933 was five husky the millions of. waifs, 'Russia's or· devoting much space to praising which the Big Four hope to lor- i Ihe informant said, that all troopi: . fesslonal beggars. hilmenf as their elders •. They are Russians heating a little pick- rhaned. children, were not all the the "new" Soviet man-while con· mulate' for the further study of I should be withdrawn from the de-

Allhough-accordlng to Moscow even lodged In common pollee ata· pocket who tried to snatch a purse victims of war and famine. demning juvenile crime In the their foreign ministers In Geneva militarized zone. Arms lac tori" !larin;: the siGnln!: of the Reg·

t,:rr ~Irs. George Parsons sang H~' beautifull)' "I'll Walk Beside \"0:""

Kom~omoletz-the mother was I tlons with drunkards, brawlers nad from a woman. He couldn't have Many were kids deliberately de- "capitalist" u.S. next o"ctober. would be barred. Air bases' aila~" healthy woman, she used to go In. common criminals. been more than eight. He was prived of their 'parents by the Red Eden hasalso proposed. over guided missile ranges would' h.,,·: Writes Pravda: "The Sovl t to Moscow every day with the chll. Juvenile crime _ though now bleeding badly and .seemed like a regime. " e and above the creation of a de· to be pulled bar.k. In pracliet!.~·

The rec~ptiori was held at the S:ep·lnn, Carbonear. The honey· r:~o~ \ra5 spent at· Qulnton's Cab­i;.! The happy rouple have now I,~rn up residence at their home (;;bonrar South.

dren and put them on a street again on the Increase-Is nothing frightened little beast. I still rc- ma~i ~~herated fron: Ihe ~naIDS of militarized zone, that force and these restrictions would apply' ti]" ~ where parents and children would new In Soviet Russia. It has been member vividly the Soviet waif, Voinov himself was a motherless ~api a 1st slavery, 15 real master I armaments limitations be impo3ed the forces and Installations of the ; hold a drinking bout. rampant since the beginning of dressed In rags, as be was beIng child of six when his father, a sue. ~~ ~i~~~u~try-th~ t~!iV~, builder lin a tran~continental ~trip running Communist world. The whole pro-

Children of 12 are legally sub- the revolulion when gangs of chll. t~ken to the police station where cessful engineer, fell victim to one ommums I e. along both sides of the Iron Cur· jed is con51stent with filled Brit. jec! to the death penalty In the dren-who roamed the country like another beating awaited him. of the mnny blood purges in Rus- This I~ typical Red doublelalk. taln. The depth of this strip re- ish·Amerlcan policy to try to rml< Red "paradise." No special pro- packs of hungry wolves-became Yet 50 light was Soviet censor- sla, and the boy lost home and ~~:: :a:,:n:e~l~d ~~:~~~n t~~r::~~ 22, sailing again July 23. back the Iron Curtain by peaceful~' visions thus exist In Russia-un· \ the terror of Russian cities. ship that It was only year~ later, family forever to become a "ward shows Increasing signs of passive Belle ble II leaving Halifax means. ".:'; like In "capitalist" America - for The first leene I wltne!sed dur- reading Nicholas Volnov's lascln- of the statc'·. -I! not yet active-resistance to July 26, due St. John's July 28, . '-' treating juvenile crime. Young Ing my first visit to the Red aling story, that I learned that From a happy home life, little the dictatOr!. sailing again July 29. To make the proposal less till,"

Bedford II leaving Halifax July attractive to the Russians, Frerreh: Garden Party CA!lBOXEAR, .1ul~· 19-The lad·

1'\ ~I Ihe Woman's Association ,: illt l';rbonrar South United l~"fCh had a bus~' ~!ternoon and l\ today. as they catered 10 I".' many ratron! who attended I'r ;;r,nual Garden Part~·. At first it looked as if t he attendance • ',~Id he smaller than usual hut I' t~r e"cnin~ ad\'aneed It" was Ht~ Ihat most of the regular rm~I1' were presrnt and that ::m wcre cnouch strange faces 10 m:.I;e up for the bthers.

11 \\"a~ a success and that Is I~~t really matters. a success fl· undally and soeiall)·. One thing Ib(lUt Garden Parties you meet ltd lalk with people you haven't 'ten lor a long time, perhaps, tDt since the 13st garden party. ti:e teas wcre better than ever laT ~enerous If anythlnll and my. "ery tast~·, wlth plenty of II~e~. cookies and cream pies.

Heard nne visitor say "never IIII' much glnd cream pIes I IU here las!." A pretty compll· ::rnt from a pcrson who knows hr crram pies. The ladles of the 11'.\. He to be complimented on the:r fine spread.

~Iehin A. Girvan CARBOXEAR, July 16-News

lU reech'ed toda)' of the passing It 51. John's, N.B .• of Meh'ln A. Gin-~n. for many years manager Df the local branch of the Bank ~! ~ O\'a Scotia. Deceased had ~~rn ill for some months and was 1 pitient in a St. John hospital It the time of his death.


7.3o.!CBC News. 7.35-Top of the Mornlnr. B.DO-CBC News and Weather. B.I5-Muslcal Clock. 9.00-Mornlng Devotion •• D.I5-Program Preview. 9.20-Plano Playtime. 9.30-Melody Scrapbook.

10.0O:-Know Your Newfoundland. 10.1O-Hlt of the Day. 10.15-Irls Power. 10.25-CBC News. 10.30-Triple Treasure. 10.45-Breakfast Club. HA5-Llght and Lyrical. 11.45-Reglna McBride. . 12.00-Announcers Choice. 1l.15-Dlnnel\ Bell Breakdown. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.45-Aunt Lucy. . 1.00-Mld Day Serenade. 1.45-L8ura Limited. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. U5-Doyle Bulletin.

2.00-Words and Music. 2.2!l-Domlnion Time Signal. 2.30-0££ the Record. 2.45-0pen Road Show. 3.30-Trans.Canada Matinee. 4.30-CBC News. 4.3S-Tlmely Tunel. 4.45-ChUdren's Story. 5.l5-Musle of the west. 5.SO-Flsherles Broadcast. 5.45-Musieal Program. 6.00-Intermezzo. U.25-Program Preview. 8.30-Supper Guest. 6.45-lnterlude for Music. 7.00-CBC News and Weather. 7.15-Curtaln Calli. 7.30-Tops Today. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. . 8.l5-Hour of St. Francis. B.45-MusiCBl Program. 8.30-Recltal. 8.45-Muslcal Program. 9.00-Hawail Calls. 9.30-Rlcochet. 10.0~Summer Fallow. 10.SO-Concert de ·Cologne. 1l.SO-CBC National New.,


The Bristles won't come out···!


VlO-Breakfast Club. nO-News. 7.30-News. 7.55-Nc\\'s, B.OO-Breakfast Club. B.30-Hit of the Da)· • B.35-News.


STEAMSHIPS M.\'. Lunan loading at Montreal

July 23 for St. John's. ?I.V. Dundee loading at Hamil·

ton July 28, Toronto July 29 and

III I I 27, due st. John's July 29, sailing Premier Faure suggested that til.; sa ns aga n Ju y 27 (Halifax and military strength of GermanY-" New York). again July 30. I 't d Belle Isle II leaving Halifax even afer that country s unl e -.-

Fort Avalon leaving New York '11 shoul dbe fixed at levels now per-' Aug 3. due st. John s Aug. II, sa • mitted for West Germany. Besides"

July 28, Halifax Aug. 2. due SI. . I A g 6 109 aga n u . a whole carefuliy spelled out rang.·. John's Aug. 4, railing again Aug. 6 (Corner Brook and New York). CLARKI' STEAMSHIP CO. 10f armament curbs, West Germ8!1l.'~

. now. can raise ,no more hlan 1100,,,, Fort HamIlton leaving New York Novaport due st. John's July 000 soldiers, sailors ar,d .aIrmen •. ;.-

Aug. 2,. SI. John, N.B., Aug. II, 211, sailing Rgaln July 27 (Bay. ' . Halifax Aug. 8, due 51. John's Aug. Roberts). Faure's propmlls known to b~ : 10, sailing again Aug. 12 (Halifax) Sheldrake leaving Montreal July acceptable to West German Ch~n::

• Montreal Aug 1 for SI. John's. 8.40-Name the Newfoundlander 9.00-A Date With Denys. 9.15-Man From Yesterday. 9.::O-A Dale With Denys. 9.45-Burlons of Banner Street.

Fort Hamilton leaving Halifax 27, due St. John'. July 31, laillng celior Konrad Adenauer • Aug. 17, due St. John's Aug. 19,

10.00-News. 10.05-A Dati With Den)". 10.55-News. 1l.OII-Club Time. 1l.55-News. 12,00-Club Time. 12.15-Bank of Happiness. 12.30-News. 12.35-Muslcal Moou. 1.30-News. 1.4S-Tune~ For Today. 2.00--Betty Grable-Harry James. 2.55-News. 3.00-Dollars ·on Parad ••

M.V. Perth loading at' Hamilton Aug. 5, Toronto Aug 6. and IlIon· treal Aug 9, for St. John's.

FURNESS WARREN LINE Newfoundland due Halifax July

22 and Boston July 25. Leaving Boston July 26 and Halifax July 3D, due St. oJhn's August 1. Sail· ing for Liverpool Aucust 2.

sailing again Aug. 22 (Halifax). ag~~\'!~~t i~aVlng Montreal Aug. ' . The British decision to confine . Fort Avalon leaving New York lith, due St. John's Aug. 10th, demilitarization mainly to E~st.

Aug. IB, leavingS!.' John, N.B., sailing again Aug. 12th. Germany arose from fe,ars expr:s~ . Aug. 20, leaving Halifax Aug. 23, Sheldrake lea\'ing Montreal Aug. ed .by some of Ihe smaller ~Il!ed due St. John's Aug. 25, sailing 13th due St John'! Aug. 17th nalions. They doubted the wlsd~m again Aug. 27 (Corner Brook and U" . 'Aug 19th ' of Eden's demilitarization' project N Y k) sa 109 agam • • . ell' or • Novaport leaving Montreal Aug. because they felt the . RussIan,·

NFLD. CAN. STEAMSHIPS \24, due st. John's Aug. 29, sail· would seize on It and apply'. Belford II due 51. John's July Ing again Aug. 31. It west of the Iron Curtam. -----_ .. -_.-_._---

: 4.00-News. , 4.05-Newfoundiand Parade. 4.35-Bonk or Happiness. 4.45-News. . 5.00-Club Time. . 6.00-News and Weather. 6.05-,Supper Serenad~. 6.40-Rlding Along With a Song, 6.45-NcIVs. . . 7.00-The Barrelman. 7.15-Doctor Paul.

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool July 26, due St. John's August 1. Leaving for Halifax and Boston August 2. due iIalifax August 5

. and Boston August 8. Leaving 1 Bo~ton August 9 and Halifax Aug· I ust 13, due St. John's August 15. Salling for Liverpool August 16. ALL

7.30-The Bargain Hour. B.O()....:.Nfld. Wholesale. a.30-PenthuDse Parly. 9.00-30 Minute Theatre. 9.30-Tlme out for 1tlelody. 9.45-New~.

lO,OO-Lt. Muldoon. 10.30-0n Night Stand.' 10.45-News. 11.00-Sportscast. 1l.45-Club 'rime. 12.00-News. 12.oI-Club 'Time. 12.:lO-News. IZ.35-Club Time. 1.00L New5 In a Minute and

Close Down.

Newfoundland leaving Liverpool August 13,. due SI. John's August 19. Leaving for Halifax and Bos­ton August 20. due Halifax Aug· ust 22 and Boston August 25.: Leaving Boston August 26 and I Halifax August 30, due St. John's i Sept. 1. Sailing again same day for Liverpool.

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool August 27, duc st. John's Sept. 2. Lea\'ing for Halifax and Boston Sept. 3, due Halifax Sept. 5 and Boston Sept. 8. Leaving Boston I Sept. 9 and Halifax Sept. 13, due, st. John's Sept. 15. Sailing again I same day for Liverpool.


·i;: LADIES' . SPRING ',;~{

.' ~ .;

and SUMMER COATS;~' .:::' -'-

20% Off TO CLEAR .. ,~

Thp late Mr. GIrVan lI'al well knownand hlghl)' esteemed, I man H· ------- ---------

Newfoundland leaving Liverpool I Sept. 14, due St. John's Sept. 20. I

Leaving for· Halifax and Boston Sept. 21, due Halifax Sept. 23 and


DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR ~l p~inclple and his many man· . a r r 1 s · · · , Iy qualities endeared him to all 'ilh whom he came ill contact, th ° t b h °th

vous MONDAY, July 25

h.llh in business and In private e pain rus WI 'I ° h dl L~ , c. lie was a talented singer and a name to Its an e 6.00-Slgn on Bnd Dundlal. far many years sang in the choir 6.15-Sundlal News. cf the United Church. He also B.OO-Today's the Day. . 8.l5-Rex Koury. " lin of his talent to just about ask 8.30-1t Happened Last Night. ntry community project and no IO.OO-Corfee Tlllle, 10flhy cause seeking financial 11 OO-Pepperrell Juke Club. hlp failed In appealing to him. "" r p.m. ~r married Miss Marjorie Good. .J 'OU i~:gLr~!I~~I~r~c~.lnet. lIOn. of this town who, wilh a 12.45-At Ease.' • tlughter, sUfI'h'es him, and for J e' a 'er l.OO-Turn Back the Clock •. 'hom "'idespread sympathy Is UI 'I UO-You and the World. 1!lt . 1.45-Bob Crosby.

• In our 10\l'n. On behalf of our 2.00-Bud's Bandwagon. tililrn5 your reporter extend. .for 2,30-Martln Block. t!rpt5l sympathy. . I J ~ 3.00-VOUS Record Room.

4.00-Sports unlimited. 4.15-News.

I 4.3~Toplc. and luul •.

Oh" .' , 'Ra r' r,·s 5.00-March of Event •• Ituary 5.15-News. . 5.30-Mllwaukee Vs Boston. . !IIn. !tIeta Maud (Wau) Murley, 7.45-Blll Stern. ~~ of Capt. Wm. R. Murley of a.OO-Meet Corliss Archer. ~ Wells",ay W" Somen'lIle, Masl., D • t B h a.30-Two for the Money. tl~ It her home June 29th" fol. rain· rUB es l~:~~~~~WOOd Radio Theatre. ~n~ a brief Illness. She was 10.15-Sports Desk. ... mrs old. '1 10.3o.-:.Muslc Till Midnight. . The deceased, I native of Burin, tile 12.0O:-Slgn Off and Anthem.

~nd~ Was the daughter of the late C JON

Boston Sept. 26. Leaving. Boston Sept. 27 and Halifax Dc!. 1, due St. John's oct. 3. Sailing for Liver· pool October 4.

FURNESS RED CROSS Fort Hamlltonleavlng Halifax

July 23, 9ue St. John's July 25,

12.30-News. 12.35-Bob Lewis Show. tOO-Ncws. 1.01-Bob Lewis Show. 1.l~NelVs. l.30-News Digest. 1.35-Sports. Par,de. 1.40-Bargain Hour. 1.45-Bowring's T.V. 1.50-Mantovanl Melodies. 2.00-News. ' 2.01-PclTY Mason. 2.1~Road of Life. 2.30-Matinee. 3.00-News. 3.01-Housewlve5 Club (prizes) • 4.00-News .. 4.05-Spot the Star. 4.15-Fanch Party.

, 4.30-Ranch Par):!'. 5.00-News. 5.0I-Record Shop. 6,OO-New~.


REDUCED TO CLEAR AT $15.7S Limited Quantity



S"ECIAL $24.95 Make an early .sel~tlo~ a~ quantity of slxesa~ 1i~lted.­

Sixes 34 to 44 .



. :.:

. .... . ',';(' .. , .

r. and Mrs. Stephen Wail of r t II· Nfld., and had made her ,ar~eB se lng MONDAY, July 25

in Malden for many years l::J' ----------~tore mo\'lng to her present ad. ' • b h 7.00-Wake Up Ind Live.

6.01-CJON Bulletin Board. 8.05-Record Shop. 6.15-Sports .Parade. 8.25-News. 6.30-Hospitallty Time. 6.45-The Octopus. 7,OO-News.



tltss. She had Jivea on Fellsway paint rUB ~:i~~t~:~'gtbFor The Day. tit 32 years. 7 N b ~~ .. rl. Murley was a member of ,·n the 7.35-Bob lAwll Show.

~OD' 81ma Chapter, Easlern Stir, 7.45-News. . '.tIltre Methodist Church and Clr- 'Z.lIO-Bob Lew\J Show. tlt 15 t th h h 8.00-N eli's. a e e urc • 8.05-Bob Lew Show.

Besides her husband, a merchant EM PI R' E' R.30-News.· ~ne oflfcer, Mrs. Murley leans BRITISH .' 8.35-Bob Lewis Show_ ".0 brothers, John alld Joseph ~:~::es, Box Review. ,IU. both of Medford, and two ECONOMICALLY PRICED D.30-Flnal Year. I~ttr~. Mrs. James Moulton of 9.45-Women'J News.

York, and Mrs. lsaae (Alma) 10.00-News. '

7.01-Courtshlp and Marriage. 7.15-Famous Fortunes. 7.30-News . 7.45-Dark stranger. B.OO-News. 8.o1-Music Over Forty. a.30-Eddle Cantor. 9.00-Ncwl. 9.01-Album of FAvorites. 9.l5-Famous trIals. 9.45-Dosco News.


. .. , "

~-I .... ~

of Medford. . 10.o!-Parade Of Hits.

Stnices will be held It tbe Mlr· F M O'LEARY LTD 10.45-.10In Blanchud Show. ~ . . . 10.50-Parade of Hits •. ... D Funeral Home Saturday, . ' ." t n.OO-News. "'\('l'I1oon with Rev. F. Mazzeo of '. •. . .' '. .' 11.01-BIll Ring Show. lobill.!on . lIemorial Methodist I ll.1t1-Tennmee Ernie.

IO.o1-Famous Rescues. 10.l5-Bright Star. 10.45-Bary Wood Show. 1l.OO-Nalional News. . 11..15-Sports Parade. 1l.30-Late Night Thcatre. 12.00-New8 • 12.01-IIouse Party. 12.30-Newl. 12.35-House Party. 12.~4-News.


Chulth ortltlatlng. Burial wlll be BUILDING MATERiALS' DIVISION 11.30-Imprlsoned HearL Puritan Lawn Memorial Park, 1l.45-My Other LoVI.

• '1:& ..... 1. jly18,25 12.DO-News. .. ___ -., lIw. ... __________ -----..... ---..: . 12.02-BobLewil Show.·

12.5s-Prayer . 1.00-Queen and Sign Off •

"" , : I.~

, (

: . , I

'i 'I ,

I ..

Page 10: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

, I

I : ; I



'Pursuant 10 the pro\'lslons of Th1: Life and Accident Insuran ce Agents (Licensing) Act, chapter .,. of The Revised Statutes of Ne wfoundland, 1952, the following persons have been authorized to transact the business of Insurance In th~ Province o£.Newfoundland f or the yenr ending 31st Dec., 1955:


Ad.m~ and Sons. Limited .......... Springdale .............. : ................ All classes other than Life Adey. William II .................. Clarenvl1\e .................... , ......... , .AIl classes. Allied Aviation Scn'lee Company

of Newf(lundland, Limited ........ Gander ................................... AII classes othel' than Lile Anthon\' Robert Charles ........... 306 Hamilton AI'enue, 51. .lohn's .......... AlI classes. Mh. John ........................ 96 Campbell Menue. St •• Iohn's .......... Lll~. A.~hboome~ Limit~d .............. TlI'iIllngate ................................ All classes olher Ihan Lile Attree, Norman ................... 201 Sawborne Streel. Nell' Glasgow ........ All classes olher than Life. ••• I(lhn~ton ~nrl Cn. Ltd ....... Wat'~r Street, St .• Iohn·s .. . .......•.... All clas.cs olher tllan Life Baird. Jamcs !IIackinson .......... "Barnridge". Waterlol'd Bridge .

Road. St. John's ...................... All classes olher Ihan Lile Rarrctt. Frank W ............ " ... 80twoO<l ................................... I.i'e RartlclI. S. Bond ........ " .. " ... 62 Carilloo Road. Corner Brook ............ A!I olher than Li£e Battcock, EdWard F ............... Goo~e Bay ..................... " ........ Llro Rattcock. William J ................ 102 PrOWse A\·enuc. St. John's ........... .J.ife Best. George S •..•.••••• I •••••••••• 1i'oJ;:n •......... I ••••••••••••••••••• I •••••• IJiCe.

• Billard. Lambert ................. Channcl .................................. All classes other Ihan 'Llfe Bishop, Arlhur B ................... Stephenville Crossing ..................... LI(e Botwood Stores, Limited ........... Bolwood ........ ,... . .................... All classes othcr Ihan Life Rrinlon, Donald E ................. 18 Cook Slreet. St. John·s ................. LICc Brown. Wilson C ................. "Amherst Co\'e .................. " ........ LiCe Buffett. G. ind A. Limited ........ Grand Bank ......................... " ... AIl classes othcr than Life Bugden. Allis(ln .............. " ... 6 Moores LaD~. Corner Brool; ............ Ufe nur~n. Hayward T ............... Badger ................. .. ................ J.ICe Burt, Willis John .................. 14A Station Rotd. Grand Falls ..... : ..... A'I classes undcl' than We Burton, Samuel .................. LaScie ................................... All classes other than Lile

I Butler. Charles 0 ................... ApI. 2, Pine Bud A\,enue. st. John's ...... AU cJas~.~s Canadian National Railway Co .... 360 McGilJ Street. Montreal ..........•..... Ali c1as~s excluding LiCe Carter, Adolphus A ................. Wc~le)'vll1e ................................ All classes Caul, Leonard .1 ................... 27 Power Street. St. John's ............... Life Chafe. Walter Chesler ............. 116 Springdale Street, St. John's .......... Lire I . ,

I I . I j'l J ;1 I ., .. \

t'hlle. Willlam G .................. 23 Cheslnut Street, Gandcr .............. All classes elicluding LiCc Chm. Conrad S .................... 1441 Drummond Street. Monh'~al .......... Llfe ChuN:hill. Win~ton B ............... 29 McFarlane Sireet, SI. John '5 •••••••• '" .l.iie Clark'. Frtderick R ................. C:1rp~slnn. Roao, St. John's ................ All clas~rs Clarh. Norman O ................. Norl'l.~ P~tnl, Bonne Bay .................. All cla,;r. othcr th~n I if Clark~. Wallact ................... :-:1'11' Per1~ca". . ......................... A!' classes olher Ih~n iiI~ r,jeary. Joseph r ................... 180 Topsail Road. 51. .Iohn $ .............. Lire Co,lc~, Philip James .............. B(ltll'ood .......... . .................... All classes Coll~r. 'lhomas W ................. 8 Berleau ","cnue. SI. John's .............. Life Coml~un~y Mart Limitcd. The ..... Buchans ......................... , •. , ...... fl.1I clmes other t'l Lir Cook. ~o.ld J ..................... Bighop's Falls ............................ All cl~sses olher I;':: Lil! Cooke. AlUus Joseph .............. Harbour Grace ............................ LiCe QlCf, Wi'U1am John ................ Humbermoulh ...... ; ................... All classes Da~'e, H. '.A. and Sons ............ Waler Street. St. John 5 .. , .. ; ............... 11 clas!es other than Lile Dall'e, Rol~rt ..................... 18 Craig miller Av-~nue. 51. John s ......... Li·e D3Y, Hugh ·)ames.,' ............... Millertown ................................ ,Li:e D3~', Mark ........................ Musgravelown .................... • ........... IJ rla!ICI othc th Li Dixon. Geo. ·.r. Ltd ................. Fortune ' ................... ' ............ ,\'1 cla~~.,. ot! r than Life Dewling. Th,?'r,8S E ....... " ....... 309 Southside noad. St. J~hn·s ........... All c!a~;;: ler an fe Donnclly. \\ Uham F ............... 50 Prescot~ Street. 51. John s .............. A11 classes Down~~', Alban' J. . .. ,' ...... ~ .... Stephcnvil,e ........................... All clas~es Downmg, James' Eil~r~ ............ 5135 Maylair Avenue. 1IIontreal ............ All classes Duffitt. Gerald ..................... Clarenville ................................ All classe~ Ih 11 L Duuan, Richard' Joseph .......... 3 Power Streot, Gander .................... J,lfe 0 cr lnn Ifc Earle, Frederick .Rallph ............ Fogo .. : ................................... LiCe Edens, Gcrard Met) ................ 32 EIsI\'lck Road, Corner Road ............ Lire }:mberlr. Randolplr ................ Grand Bank ............................. ,Life Fairfield, Elll~ and Grant Lid ..... 410 St. Nicholas Strect, Monlreal . All "las th th ........ • scs 0 cr "n L'C rud,'. lIugh C ...................... 42 Empire A\,enuc, St. John's .... Llle • I e,

o 1 • • • • • • • :; rinlc\'. Charlc~ 0 .................... 2100 "c~t 61h Sirect, Gan', Indiana All "Ia th t'l . ', ? Lid' ......... ,'!SCS (l "I' lan III f lett. Harold" ........ " ............ 3 .. 1 eM arc Innt Roa . 51. him s . All I'" tl" ' e

, ....... c as'cs ° ICr than Lil F(llt~ .. Jn~eph II ........ , ............ 14 DHlmolllh Place, 51 .• Iohn ~ .... L'lf' C • iIn: G IB k ........ e Foolr, .Iohn RenJam ...... ...... ram an· .................. ,... All I I i

h A 12A \\' t A • k ........ c' asses oller Ilan Lil FFonl~~" JJoh" 5''': ·1 .. ·• ............ 1 Ch eSh .'I·lel·lnuc5· colrnher. Broo .......... All c1a~~c~ c

ow fr. n n tanls aufi.... ........ urc c " t. ,0 n s ....... 'II I' I F h G d L '7 r. II A St J I ' ....•.. " c a<scs cxc OIling LiCe renc, .or On ................... ) .0 vcnllC, . 011\ S ....... • Lil • . French. William Edw Rrd .......... 64 Pinc Bud Avcnue, St. John's ............ L.t Garland, Charlcs Da\~i:; ............ Watcr Street, Harboor Grace ............. 'Alie I . h Good. Reginald Edwlard .......... 2 Davon Row. St. John's ................. 'Lil e asses 01 ~r than Life Good 'RW Hb G ........ c \\'In. • arrcn ... _ ..•••••••. ar our race ...............••••• L'f . Gosse. James Howard ............. Roos?vclt Avenue, Glend~le ....... :::::::- J.:I~ Gough. Edward P ................. 122 Foresl Road, SI. John s.. ...... J If Grand Bank Fisheriu Limited ..... Grand Bank ................... ". " ..... :I',e I I G A th D L k . .. ..... ,1\ C as~cs ullrr 1:1<111 LiCe feeD, r ur .................•.. eer a e I ••••• t , I •• , , •• I • I I I , •• • L' r GreeD. Edgar Thomas., ............ Gaultois ...... ; ........................... Allie I G D I 1 Plaeenti ........ c a~ses rHne, an e ......... ••••••••••• a ..••••.••.•.•. , •..•.•..• I. All 1 Haines, Edward George ... " ...... Portland ................................. , 'II classe~ . Hal'lburto John P LeIl'lsport' ...... " 11 e ass'~S other tilan Life n, ......... _....... e ........................ All I Hall. Clallde ...................... 117 Military Road. St. John's ............. Lil c asses other Ihan Lile HaUer. John H .................... 101 Pleasant Street, St .• Iohn·~ ........... 'lie . Hammnnd, L. and Co. (Can.) Ltll. 200 51. ,Jam~s St. West, Monlrea\. . ........ l\ elas~es Hanll. William J~mel .. " .......... 42 Stalion Road, Humbcrmoulh ............ All classes olhcr than Life Hillrahan, E. D .................. , lIarhour Grace .............. \ ............ A I classes olher Ihan Lir~ Hanrahan, 'Patrick .1 .............. dB Hayward AI'cnuc, 51. John's ............ AII classes olher than LUe H.n·!~· and Comp~ny, Limited .... Watrr Slrrct. SI .. rohn·~ ................... ~:fe . Hawkins, Thomas R ............... , Winler Place, 5t. .Iohn· .................. 1 classes other than LUe Henlly, AI~ysius G ................. ~ Catherine Street, 51. John·s .............. Llle , Hierlih" Mr- Rulh GanAer" ........ All classes . ~. .,. ' ""'" I....... II '" •••• , , •• , • " , , •• , •••• , ••• •

Hill. Gerald I ............... _ ...... 54 Cornwali Cresc~nt, 51. ,Iohn·s .......... All classes olher Ihan LiCe 'Hillier. Rnbert James ............. Midstream Avenue, St. John's W ........... Life . Mucock, G. S ....................... Brigus ...................................... Life 1Iolden. Eric S ...................... 2!8 LeMarchant Road, St. John·s .......... AII classes other Ihan tUe Hollett Sons and Co., Ltd ............ Burin .............. : ..... , ................. All classes Holohan. Gerald .................. Provost St., New Glasgow, N.S ............ All classes other than LUll Homer. Thomas Frederick ........ 21 Newtown Road. St .. John·s .............. All classes other thaD Life Ho\\·eU. William . Roy ............. '.' Bond Street, Carbonear ... ~ ................ Life Howse. James Bo)'ce .... _ ........ H 'Golf Avenue, St, John·s ................ Ali classes otha.r than Life TJuelin. Edward Eric .............. Port aUle Basqu~~ ........... ".: ........ .J,!fe . lIumphrie ... Wilson T ................ 12 First Avenue, St. John'~, ....... " ...... Llle l1yn~~. Clyltr C .. " , ................. !it. rlntans ........ , .... , ........... '" .... Lifp .lan~~. Cla)'tun A .................. 49 Campbrll Avenue, St .. Iohn'.~ .......... L!le .lane~. William ('yl·iI ............... af Elswick Road. Corner Brook: ........... LICc K.\\'anagh •• Iohn Harold ..•.••.••.•. ;'55 Laird Blvd .• llounl Royal. ............ Life K~epinj!. Richard ~I" .............. Mililown .......... " ...... , ............... All cla';5e~ Kendrick, .Iohn D ................... 135 .Casey Strcel, SI .• Iohn·s .............. 1Me Kennedy. Edward F ............... 7 Emnirc Avcnl1c; 51. John'~ .............. Life Kirb~', Xorman S ........ · ........ \. P.O. Box 250. Gander ............... " .... All dasses other than LUe Kni~ht. Lester G ................... Jackson's Cove .... ; ............... ""'" .AIl classes other than Life Lake aDd Lak, Limited ..•• II .... Fortune ........•• :. """ " t. 'It .. I. It •••• Life ~ Lake. Aubrey .... I ........... " ..... Fortune .. : ........... " .................... AII classes other than Life' .t.aMon, l.eo G •.•.. t •••••••••••••• , P.O, Box 35, Gander ....•...••.• , .•.•• , .•.. Llfe . " Levesque. Paul J .................. 5749 Trans .Island Ave., Montreal.. ........ All classes other than Life Lewisporte Whok!salers Ltd ....... Lewlspor~ ................................. All c1ass~s Llnlield. E. J .................... : Twlliingale .................... : .. :" ...... All classes olher Ihan Life' tJtUejohn. William N(lrman ....... 177 Campbell Avenue. St. John's ........... A11 classes other than Life Lnveridgp, Malcolm G ............. 1'wlllingate' ........ ; ................. ; ...... LICe . ~CI,. W. J. B .................. Deer Lake ........ , ........ ; .............. Lile Ludlow. Donald Parker .......... ; 306 Freshwater Road. SI. John's ........... All classcs other Ihan Llle tUlh. Emesl P ...... , ............. Waterford Bridge Road, St. John's ..... " .. Life ~cCarth)'. Lester Joseph .......... St, Lawrence., .............. d, ........... Llfe, lIftCarth)·. M. J ................... Flat Island ........................ " , ........ All classes other than Lile -cKa1, John A ................. ". Harvey Street, Harboor Grace .. " ........ All classes other than Life ¥.cKenzie. John ......... ' ........ 6 Queen Street, Grand Falls ............... All classes other than Life lfdAod. Donald" .............. · ... 27 Linden Court,St. .lo'lO·s ................ Life . ~tcLend, Rnbcrt F ................. Pine Bud Place. 5t. ,llIhn's ................ Life Mdlillan, Stewart Z ............... 5 Becch )llaee, SI. John's ................ , .LHe ' McQul!Cln, Edmunll C .............. 25 Alennder St., Saint .Tohn. N.B .......... Lllc . I . .

~upherson. Douglas W ........... 9 Allandale Apt~ .• SI. .Iohn·s ..... ., ...... All ciassrs olher )han Life )Iaher, Peler .Ioseph .............. 64 Lc~larchant Road, St: .lohn·~ ....... : .... AII clas~t>~ . "!alone)', Gerald ................. )line A\,~nue ApIa,. Grand,Falls ...... : ..... AIl classes , YlllUrl, William D ................ Blshop'~ Falls .... : .... : .... : ... ; .... , ..... Llfc .' .. ~aifitcl. Eric 8 ..................... 4.1.Tllnction Roar!. Granrl FHlh .. , ....... : .. AII classes oth'er th~~ Life ~Iar~h and McLennan Limilt.d .... :;07 Place d' Armes. Montl'eal .. : .......... Li(~ . )lar~hall. Eric .1. .................. Ra.\' llobcl'\.I .............. : ................ AiI classes M3r~hall. nich:ud , , ............ Bul·ln ..................................... All elasses other than tHe Martin, Claude IJdstone ............ LaScle .................................... All CIISIIS' other than Life' ' Martin. Erie R~ .. 1 .... 0' •••••••••••• HearL's Content .. , .•• I'::' I .....•• t ••• " ••• Life ' , Martin. Waller ................... Port aux Basques ................... / ........ All classes olher than Life !latthews, Claude ................... 11 Hill Road. Grand Falls .................. All clasa~s other than Life

~. . , .

. ,


Malthc;vs, Murdock ................ MiIlel'town ................................ A!l classes other than Life lII'2ade. lIarold A .................. Main Street. Stephenville .................. Llfe . Meehan John F. : ..... ., ......... Old Placentia Road. St. John's W ......... A!I class";)s other than Life Mews Henry G. R ................. 53 Rennie's l\lill Road. Sl. Jollll's .......... L!fe ~ll1cs: Joseph T .....•....•...••... j2 Washington Strect, Gander ....•..•.•... I.~Ce Miller. Martin .................... 36 Cornwall Crescent, St. John's ........... Llfe . Milchell. John W ................... 18 Mill Road, Grand Falls." ... ; ......... A!I classes ol~er thao Lile Moores George R ................. 130 Bon:l\'cnture Avenue, SI. John s ........ Llfe Moorcs: Milton W ................ Clnrenville ....... ' ...................... A!I classes Morrissey .Iohn ,loseph ............ 13:; Mililary Road. SI. .Iohn·s .............. L.le Moulton Albel·t nusscll ............ L~\I'ins Co\'c ............... · ............... A~I classes MClllton' Jo,eph A. ' ............. Bul'iit North .............................. L!le '. !IIunn, \\0 .. A. In3urance Limited. Board of Trad'~ Building, 51. ,lohn·s ........ AI1 classes othcr than'L!fe M"rler Thomas r. L!mitJd ..... , .. 11arystoll'n ............................... A~I c1asS'~s olher than LICe MUrph): Andrew F. . .......... 4t GI'eening's Hill .................... " .... 1.lfe Murphy; George Slan:cy ........... Freshwater, r.B ........................... A!I classes other Ihan Lltl Murphv, 'I'ercnce 5 .......... " .... 4 Wallace Place, SI. ,John s ................ Life . Neal \Villiam R ................. , .. 100 Walcrford Bridge Rd, St. John's ........ AII classes other than L~fe Nca~,' Gerald .................... Bell Island ............................... AII classes other than Llfe Ncwl~~mlland Trust Company ... :. Tractor Building, Corner Brook ........... AI! classcs Norris. John Bernard ............. 1 Byron St., St. John·s .................... All ~lasse5 . Noseworth~', John A. L, ............ Stephenville , .. : ............................. A!I classes other thnn Life Nur£c. Allan 0 .................... 36 Golf Avenu~, ~t. ,Tohn s ................ Llle Paris, Winburne M. .. ............. 102 Intern'l A\'latlOn Bid., ~Iontrenl ........ A!I classes Pcr~ons, Hlrold W. D ............. Pilley's Island .................. ; ......... L!f.a' Parsons. Thomas .........•.•...... lOS Bonav2nture Avcnue, St. John s ..•.•... L!le Paley. Albert C ................... St. Anthony., .... , ........................ Llfe Pa)'Il'~, Ralph B .................... l Glrland Avenue. T,'rnnlu 12 .............. A!I classes other Ihnn LUt Pearce, Frank .................... Burin ...... , ................ " ...... "." .. L!le Pellc), Melvin George ............ Corner Brook ............................ L,le Pollard, James H ... , ~ ....... : .... 38 Cornwall lIei:;hts ................... : ... A!I classel Pond, Allan Sa IT.ucl. ............... 3:; Cashin Avcnue; St .• lohll's .. , ............ L!fe Poole, Harvev D ................... 136 Elizaheth Avenue, SI. John s ........... LIfe . Polter. AtIolphus ................. T.clI'isporte ................................. A~I classes olher than Lile PI'etly, John Harvcy ............... B!~hop's Falls ............................. L!le Randell, ErncF.t. ................... Cork Place. St. John's .............. " ... LI(e . Reid W. Angus .................. Reid Bid .. Duckworth 51. 51. ,lohn's ........ AI! dasscs olher Ihan L!te Rob-;l'tS. Claude S ................. 7 N~rth Strccl, Corner ~rook ........ " ..... ~!I class'~S other Ihan Lile Reberts. Harold ,I ................. 45 S~ott Slre?t, SI. John s ............ " ... Life Robson GcorJ!e Il ................. 173 Nicholsnlle Roat!, D~er Lake .......... All classes olher than Lire RO"ers' Ell William ............... 67 lla;vward Avenue, St. John·s ............ All classes . Ro~a)'~e, Edll'ard P .............. 53 Job Street, St. John's .......... " ...... A!I classcs other than Life Rooke. Harold F ................... Gltnningsville. N.B ........................ Llle . Rowe. Eric G ...................... 3S Queen's Road, 51. John's ............... A!I classes otlier than Lile Rowe, James B .................... Corner Brook.". .. . .................. L!fe Russcll, Edward ......•............ 1 Stoneyhouse Street, SI. John's ......••... Llfe LIf2 Ryan Thom~s J ................... Norris Arm ............................... Ali classe, other than L'l St. G~orge, L. J ................. Hcnrt's Desire ............................. All classes olher Ihan I e Sael'lour. Hr.rold A ................ LCII'isporlc ................................ A!I classes S"cviour, Maxwcll C ............... Duchnns ...... , ........................... LI(e S~al'P~. Doyle M. . ............... P.O. Box 19, Buchans ..................... All classcs other than L!fe Sheppard. George Freem~n ........ Happy Vnll·~y, Labrador, ... , .....•.••..... A11 classes olher than L!le Shcphcrd, Harry L ............... Box 11, Clarke's Beach .............•..... AII classes olher than L!lc S·mms. Wi11i~m Frank .......... 33 Lindcn Court Apts., St. ,Tohn's , ........ A~I classes oth~r Ihan LIfe Sk,mcs, Reginalrl Thomas ............ 57 Ea~t Valle)' Road, C:ll'ncr Brook ........ L!(e Snclgrove, R<!1in:i<1 ............ , c3r~; Post E:dlansc, Goesc Bay .......... Life 'r S~urrell. William A ................ Kclhgl'clI's ................................ A!I elas~es other than LI e 5=1uires, Raymond ................ 51. Anthony ............................... Life L' S~per, Gcor,1c H ................... Cnrbanenr ................................ A!I c1asscs otllcr thnn ICe Stan:ord, Gerdd Lindb-~l'g ........ Manucls ................................... L!le Stan5iord, George ............. Gander ................................... L~fc St~plet~n, Miehnel P. : ....... : ... L~jl~fl'hant Street. Il~~'bour Grace ........ Llrc . Slc=r.l 100m-r.nee AgenCies Llnlltc<l "at=r Strect. St. ,lohl1 •... , ............... ,All cJassr~ I 1'( Limiled ......... .-.......... Cornel' Brook ............................. 1.11 rlassr, othrr t Ian i!t St~~I" Limited .................... J. c\':isporte ................................ All cJa~s~s oUlCI' th:;n I e Sle;i~fortl, Geor~e E .............. l'lrh~ncnr ' ... " ... " .................... Lilc Stephen. John Erncst ............. 161 Sunnl'sicle A\'c.,;csidr. QU,e ......... Lile S~~venson. William Hcnr>· .....•... Water Street Wcst, Harbour Gracc ...••... l.!fc Stonc, William D. B ............... St~a<ly Brook ............................. Llfe Strong, Roy Lawrcnce ............. P.O. Box 185, LCII'i5110rto ................. AI! dasses . Stroud, Carson Job ...... , ........ 15 L:;rch Plae~, SI. John'~ ................. AIl classes othcr than L~(e Swyers •. T. T. amI. Co., Ltd ......... Bonnl'iEt~ ....... . .................. All classes other t~an L!le T11)'lor. Alb=l't Eric ................ 6 ~l~morlnl Avenue, Grand Fans .......... A!! classes other tllan LIfe Tarlor. Maxwell ........... " ..... TGo':rrdn No\·a ................. : .............. LL!'re ; Tn;-br, Rob~rt n. ................. ~n elr ................................... ! e '1'~mQbm·". H:.rry ............... · Bonnv sta ................. : ............... Llle . Thel;,n.,. \\,ilbu~hb;v ............ D~er Lake ..... ., .. ., ...................... All class'~s olher than L!Ce T:lolllp50n W. Bramwell .......... Botwood .. " .............................. All classes other than L!fe Thorne, F. James ................ Box 65, Curling ........................... AII classes other than Life Tirer Norm~n W ................ 112 Bnrne; Road, SI. John's ................ Life Tille'.' Frank 'Bt!rt~n ............. C13renvillc . .. .......................... All clnsses other than L!le Tra~s' Cnnnda Airllnll5 ............ Nfl"!. Hotel. SI. .lohn's .................... Al! classes olher than Llle Tl'irl;ctt Frederick B ............ ;. 78 West Valley Rond, Corner Brook ........ Al1 classes othcr than ~fe Tue!;cr,'Gcrnld C .................. Town Square, Bell Island ................. All classe .• oth~r than L!fe Vnt~r;, Elmer W ................. GJencblc ...................... " .......... All classes othcr than LIfe Vinicombc, John JOE'Jph .......... 12l·Springdale Str~et. 5t, .lohn·~ ........... Life . Warr. George Limited ............ Springd~le ..... '.' ......................... AlI classes othr.r than Lile Warrcn James Robcrt. ........... 1 Pinr B.'Jd Avenue, S1. .Iohn'~ ............ Life

, . \ 'f

Wel!~: Frederick ~I. ............... J'l.i Le~(nrchnnt Rond. SI. .Iohn·, .......... Life . I \\'e'l. Jo'raill; ...................... Blle 'erIc ........ " ..................... L, e .

\\,hil~, Alphon~o .................. Triton ........ ..... . .................. All classc.i nlhrr th;;n Lire I White, Art:lUl' /\. T ... , ............ , Ir.i Pcnn.l'lI'cll Road. St .. Iohn·~ .......... L!fc

White ,Ioseph Franci:; ............ Gnose Bay ................................ L,r";) White: Llo)'d Wellington ............ Pasadcna ... , ........................... ,. L.ifr. White, SInn ....................... cUl11c.n),.Chanc~ .......................... Life . \\,h;t~hcad, 'fhe E. A. Co ........... 27651. .Iames Sl. W., ·.'Ionll·~al, Que ....... , All rta.;"r~ other than Life \\,iIIiall1s1~n. Erne,t L. R .......... P,O. BOli 70, Droc!(\'ille, Ont ............... AlI classes . \vinter, Kenneth G. . ............. Jladger's Quay ............................ A1I classes (lthel' than L~fp. Wiscombe, William II .............. Creston ................................... A1I classes oUlcr than Life Yelman. Joseph .................. Grand Falls" ........ ., .................. Life

Dated arSI. ,1olm's this 11th dlY of July, 1955. W. nT. 1I1ARSJlALL, SUllcrlntemlcnt of Insurance. _.-_. '---'---'- .•.. _----

British Film Notes "The Dam Busters, which re­

cently had its world premiere, at· tended b), Princess Margaret, al the Empire Theatre, London, is a war film, based upon Paul Brick· hill's hook, with a !irst·class script by n. c. Sheriff. Il lells the story of the dcslruction of Ihe Ruhr <lam! hy a special ~qlladron of Laneastcr bombcrs of Britain's RO)'al Air Force, led by Wing·Com· mander Guy Gibson. and using a specinl bomb Inventcd by Dr. Bar· nes Wa1\is. This was one of the great stories 01 the war, and, ac· cording to one crillc. "the film is worthy of the event."

It begins with Dr. Wallis's ef· forts to perfect his bomb and to convince the authorities that so lanlastic a dC\'ice will really work.

1 Once Ihe Idea has been accepted

I b)' Air Chief l!arshall Sir A. Har· I'i~. things begin 10 mo\'c.

In a lal'~e "ud \'ery' competent cast, two characters sland out-the anxious, slightly eccentric but very human and determined sci en· tist of Michael Redi;rave.· who dom. inates the first half of the film, and the quiet authoritative por. trait of Guy Gibson giVen by Rich. ard Todd. which dominates the second half. The Associated Bri. tish film was made with close Air Minlslry co·operatlon. The air. field location scenes lVere filmed at Scampton. the real base of the original squadron, and authentiCity and accuracy were observed throughout.

"The Ship. That Died of Shame," which rcccntl;v had Its world premiere at Lhe 'Orleon Theatrc ,in Leicester Square. Is based on the story by Nicholas Monsarrat. au. thor D[ "1'he Cruel Sea."

11· deals. with poslwar fruslra. lion~ and thl1 lact that the best

, wartime sCI'\'iee men often beconie mis[ils in eh'!lian lile. The "Ship" Is a motor gunboat, splendidly handled in )I'u and subsequently bought by t Iree of lis crew. It is used tn sml ;;gle goods. forged

currency and even an escapinl.

mUl'del'cr, across Ihe. English Channcl.

'l'he guiding spirit of thes~ op· erations Is the lough, cocky Hos· Idns (Richard Attenborough,) formerly seein·ln·command. His erstwhile Commander (George Bakcr) somewhat reluctantly joins him alter failing 10 gct II postwar job. and 5~ tlocs ex· Petty Ollicer "Birdie" Dick (Bill Owen). 'rhey

. become involved with a biggcr gang whose slooge is Roland Cui· I'cr. and aiso wilh the British Customs (led by Bernard Lee).

Produced by Michael Relph and Basil Dearden for Britain's Ealing Studios, "The ship' that Died of Shame" is to be premiered across Canada on October 1st, 1955.

• • • "Johnny on. the Run"-a 'chil·

dren's film made by International Realist, a British. company-has won an award for the best chll· dl'cn's film 01 the year at the Stamford Film Council's Festival at Stamford, Connecticut. . The film, which tells the story of a PoUsh orphan boy who runs away from unkind foster. parents to find refuge In an International Chlldren's vllJage in Scotland, is the ilrst prodUction from the Children's Fund Foundation to be stiown In the United Stales.

Assi!!ned To L

Special Duty OTTAWA-CP - Lt.·Col. Anglls

Orr Monk. 47. at Kingston, Ont., deputy direelor oC electrical and mechanical engineering at army , headquarters, ha~ been Rs~igncd to " spccial outy with Canadian Ar· ~enal~. Lid., the army announced I Friday. I

He joiped the Royal Canadian I Ordnance Corps in 1939, Rnd was head of the mathemalic~ depart­ment of the Canadian I{haki Uni· vcrsily in England after the war. ! He has held his present position ' since 1951.

HALIFAX (CP) - The Nova Scotia bureau of information an· nounced Friday that the Halifax ' Junior Bengal Lancers wJl\ be the subject of a color film dislrlbuted as a Warner sport scope.

RKO Pathe film produced Doug· las' Sinclair will do a study of the junior equestrians and their Ie· tivltles which include stable man· agement, pony training, grooming and maintenance of equipment.

It was awarded a Silver Gon· destln·alion. this tim. in home dola award at Venice In 1953. waters.

Two new films, "Proud Ships" "The Oilmen" deals on the and "The Oilmen," recently com· broadest possible canvas with what plcted by the Shell Film Unit and the Royal Duteh·Shell group is srown in London are to be releas· and does. The lilm is presented cd in Canada during the next few mainly through the eyes of a months. quarter million men and women

"Proud Ships" tclls of Ufe in a all over the world who work for lIeet (If 011 tankcrs. The Officers the company, It demonstrates and crew of the SheJl tanker "Lip· many individual 5teills, profcssions arus" are secn on the normal run and technologies thallogethcr find lrom Curacao, West Indies. 10 a oil. refine it, transport it and port on the east coast of the Unit· market It in. its many forms and cd Slales. 'rhat Ihe ship is part of fracUons as an essential ser\'ice a greater scheme for world·wide for the world. Modern townships transporlation of oil and Its pro- or communities are seen rising up ducts, however, becomes clear where once was a jungle, and a when an emergency 'on the other society forms In which the weJl· side of the globe makes the opera· being 01 the oilman and his family lions department In Lnndon divert is par am(lunt .and thcir individual. I her while still at sea to another Ity given free play.

Hot SUNBURN today yet dancing to~ighl

••• thanks 1o NOXZIMA! Noxzemo Brlng5 QuIck, Cooling lucce .. rully used at Fint Aid H_ Scathing Relief From Sunburn- pital' at many famoul Ameri ... Greaseless, Doesn', 5101';- Lets beache •. Don't suffer needtessly-

k A d PI I C f tl get Nouema at all drug and <_ You War n oy n am or . "6" 65" 89" $16" me he counters. ~ ~-. .... 't, • ~

Imagine! Cool heavenly relief from jar" Greaseless-doesn't stain! fiery suoburn-often in onty 3 •• <­ond,!'Soow.whil. Noxzema is modi-cat.d - .oothe •• helps heal painful ~~"."'~'~ sunburn. Grea •• leu doem't stain clothing or bed linen. JUIl smooth it on-dre .. right .fter­ward. Nonemo Used at !leach First Aid Hospitals, Nouema ha. been


only 654 for purse' travel· office

-WITHOUT BUR.N'ING, "1, '. l/" . Use NOXIEMA .( ~ 'i : ',,>

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5047 I



IlUCIIANS - On ' s and teachers 0

"'I,,,rl~1l Sunday Schou •... ,A.',c.nIID of the SUI

W. Price, allendc(! Indian Lnl:c. 'j

laken to the lak' bus anrl prh

Candy ano pri1.r wcre distribute altcrnoon wa~

accompan .".'."~ Wiltiams, lefl

the A.N.D. Com 10 spend the da,

were met by )!r enginccr of

lUning Co .• and all~ at the staff house, I\"ere guests oC thc ( lI"erc laken on a Ion

portions of t the townsite gener: Intercsting and in~' concluded with alle: Ihe llart~· retnrned I

at 5 o·clock .


IIi; many frirnos "~re ~Ia dlo learn ' Hcao hM hrcn oi" Ihe Wc~t Coa~L San he had heen a patie eight month,. ~Ir. 10 Jluchan~ on July

)Irs. ~Ieh'in Stat &1rl Penney arri,·c on .July 15th to ;.1 ding of their nicce \'elman. During tl "erc guesls of the Ai50 guests DC :\Ir. man wcre Mr. anrl ) and daughler Bar Falls. Other out·oj guests includNI :llr lIu:der of Springd Barron and Regir Corner Brook, S. M Falls, Miss l{ay D dcr, Miss !IIargar, Millcrlown, as wei ri,iting Guidcr .. Ir camp in the ~lillc

Mrs. A. Hancock ,on Boh foro. Ir/t on July 191h. Iirl Samuel nrace. ~(

h~r ten ~'rar olrl' .'n from 51. .Iohn·,; 10 hrl' departure, ;;n, II ~r1;s at Buchans brolhcr·in·I.,1\' W.

~Ir. and :-(r~. ! and (amily return( July 15th after ~p with :llr. L.nnon and ~!rs. ~!atthcw tune Hr.

~!iss .lune Bart her home at Bot\\', During her two was a guest of :llr Price.

J. n. Flynn 01 t

" ( \'1.,.

.\-.-~ 4

Page 11: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

Section 11 ... The Daily News ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955

carried a bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums.

DC ans ews The bride was attended by lIIiss

. Flol'ence Soper as maid of honour, I Rnd her sister, Miss Loretta Yet·

man, as bridesmaid. 'rhey IVcrc gowned in ballerina length dresses or pale blue and yellow nylon net flvel' taUeta, l'espectiveh·. with

the adjoining diningroom a delic· ious buffet supper, prepared by the bride's mother, was serllCd from a long table tastefully decor· ated with bowls of fresh flowers and ccntercd by the three tiered wedding cake. Liquid refrcsllments were ser.vcd throughout the even· inc, and dancing was indulged in.

Ft'(!I.\:\S - On Tursday the ;.::' 3nd trachrr~ 01 the united .:;(lI :;l1nll:l~' School, \Ilulpr the ','c:,hip 01 the Superintendent,

,,'. pricr, attended a picnic at .~ 1~lli:1D I.~I:e. The children r:r l:.~rn to thc lake in the com· .. '; hu~ aD!\ private!)' o\l'nrri

.", l~nriy nnd l'ri7.cs [or ,".-ious ~' •• c\ \I fir r1btrihutcd anrl an rn· ~:.;,·c ::f:crnuon \l'as ~pent h)' the

by his went to Norris Arm St. John's was obliged to return them. ., short slecI'ed bolel'os anti malching The young COIl pIe ·Ieft [or Gan· nil .July 15th 10 spend their annual on Sunday, July 17th for further Miss A. M. Murphy lell "Ia Pan gloves. Thcir headdrcsses were der on Sunday to enplane for holiday with 11.11'5. Flynn's parents, treatment.. She was accompanied American on Jul" 16th for a 1'1'51'\ IJlue floral and yellow featherecl K' kl d k h Ih '11 b # J bandeaux re;pcctively, and their Ir an La 'c were ey WI e ~Ir. and 1111'S. M •• T. While. by her husband, . to the U.S.A. boqucts wcre composed of yellow guests of lhe groom's family duro

1111'. and Mrs. Gordon Carey and Allan Lannon left for Gander on HORNWF.IE.ID,......DIyN~GT~JAN and white baby mums. The, bridc's ing Ihe honeymoon. For travelling fainlly left on July 14th to spend July 15th enroule to Montreal the bride wore a pastel blue suil I

their vacation visiting relatives at where, on July 23rd, his marrlad. The Chllrch o( SI. John the young ,sistcr Joyce m~de a very 'th h't I j k t d h't .. ~ lnvely flower girl; shc was dressed WI IV I C Dr on ac e ,an W I e Fortune Harbour. 10 Miss Eva Bald, daughter of Mr. Divine was bcautifully decorated In a witite rufflcd floor length accessories. The rcturn trip will

Mrs. Oliver L11sh of Badger 5pent and Mr~; Henry Bald of East An. wilh multi·coloured garden flowers gown wilh a banll o[ while (Jowers be made by motor car to Sydney, ~ few clays last week as a guest of gus, P.Q., will take place. for the wedding o[ Marian Dorot· In her hair, and carried a' basket N.S., thence by train to Buchans her niece Miss Kay Janes of Deer Mrs, W. H. Higgins, accompanied hea Yetman ancl James Thomson of mixed blooms. Page boy was where they will in future reside. Lake. by her children Jocelyn and Scott, Hornell Which was celebrated by little Murray Warren who charm .. The bride Is employed on the office

Mr. and Mrs. C. Luter and In. left for Montreal "Ia T.C.A. on the pastor 'Rev T Short at 730 5taff of Buehans Mining Co. and ((I:'\TI:ST \\'1~~lmS TO Cant, returned from 8 holiday at July 181h. From ilontreal they pm on S;lurd~y 'Jul 16th Th Ingly carried out his dutics or is active In Girl Guiding, holcling

nl!C'IU:>\S Corllcr Brook on Saturday after plan to motor to Ottawa "'here b'ld' I th d 'h Y ( • ' de ring·bearer. The groom was at· tl k fAt' C t I f

ri • I 18th " I' e s e aug tel' 0 .. fr. an tended by Hugh Wadden, as best Ie ran 0 c 109 ap a n 0

f-, ~1"1I a)'. "u r ' II num· noon's Iraln. Ihey will spend the next Ihree I1"rs Roy C Y tman of Buch"ns Buchans 3rd Company. The groom i~ l:~r 1955 conte~t o[ the Ncw. " • • e . .. man, and Mr. Roy, Yetman, Jr., ." iI:I;~ Fore~t Prl'tection As. 1II1ss Shirley Whlffen of Grand months as guests of Mrs. Higgins' and the groom Is the son of Mr. brother of Ihe brldc. Mrs. Elizabeth is also in, the employ of the Com·

o I I k parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Laird. and Mrs. Robert Hornell of' Kirk· Yelman of st, John's, aunt o[ the pony and since coming to the min· :~.'n. accompanied by nlr. Falls s spend ng two wee! YI. Leonard Wells, who recently r~ I d L k a I 1 I'ng town In 1950 has been a most ~ an a e, n ar o. bn'de, rendered the \veddlng musI'c, .,~ \i'i11inms, left Grand Falls cation as guest of Mr. and Mrs. I dId 1 bi .' s gne his position as manager of As the brld. e entered the church and soloist durl'ng the sl'gnl'ng of popu ar· nn very va ua e memo

~'.' A.~.D. Company's track Peter Moone~·. B h H t I I ft b f B h h k t uc ans 0 e, e Buchans on on the arm of her father, the con· the register was Mrs. W. A. DaIVe er 0 ue ans . oc er earn. I.' ;FOII the da)' at Dllchans. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Harris, for· July 15th. While enroute to Dark gregation sang the hymn "0 God h b tlf 11 "I'll TheIr numerous friends join In '. nrc mct by )Ir. H. J. Ahllott mer residents of Buehans now reo Cove, Gambo to join his wife and of Bethel." She was radiantly ViW' ~k s~ng l;er~ "ea~A u ?i ) wislhng Mr. and Mrs. Hornell every

c'cy rn~incer of Ihe Duchans siding at Toronto, ant., spent a three children, he stopped off at lovely In a floor length gown of U ah es e G' °luG Id . G urlrda? happiness In their married life. .. ,~: Co .. and aller Innchron at week 85 guesls of Mr. Rnd Mrs. s crs were Ir 11 es ~ra me "'~~r ~I~{C hOIl~e, where they George Barnes. During their visit Gander to vIsit his mother. Mr. conventional white, with a very Torraville and Bertha Follett. As

Section 11

~it . If. M,'Rtl. U. S. p'~'1 oC .... • Coot.1MS b1 HtA-.... '1-21

, I.

"Fred says he doesn't want to spend our vacation at an expansive resort hotel, but I say he doesl"

wr't~ of the company, they they also spent some tIme with Wells has been ,JIucceeded at the full t~ple skIrt of nylon over satin the bride and groom left the \:.1;cn on a tour of the Oller. relatives at Fort Blandford, Nor. hotel by Mr. Frank GouldIng of featunng a hlp length peplum o~ church they passed through a guard S T iah

:',;, r\'rl:ons of thl' plant and ris Arm, and Clarenvllle. Gander. . brocaded lace flowIng to near floor of honour comprised of Girl Guides ea r s _. t"'ln<ite ~cner311~'. A most Miss Mary Dunne of Harbour Miss IrIs Peddle Is spending her length at the back. Over Ihe strap- of Buchans 3rd Compan~' F F' Work on th enew vessel, being The vessel, christened earlleJ ~""",, "d 1"1,,,,,,, "olt G,,,, "h. with h" moih'" h,d " .... 1 ""II" .. st. Job.', with I.~ bodi, •• 11". with .,1.. i,. . or errv h,i11 ,I lb. D"i. Shlph'i~i.' Ibi' , ... hy "" SL L .. ",I, "II, ,.":,, ;,., .lIh ,II",,"" '" "d h'" ""'"., II,. .. d .. ". '00 ,,, .1,,,, ft.h. """.·1.· •• 1.1" "d, Ih. bold, ,~'" m, I'hl" 'mm,di, f,nowl" Ih' "'., ,I I, h pd., m' ,i,I", "ill b, 'p" at the Grace Hospital. lace jacket wh'ose IiOht fitting long many a wedding supper for Ihe QUEBEC-CP-The luxury ferry Company at Lauzo~, Que., acrms , , , • de art

• r.17~~' rrturncd to Grand Falls Dunne and family at Deer Lake, . A party of 22 Girl Guides, In sleeves tapered to 'points at the hridal party was held at Ihe Star Bluenose, ~cheduled to operate he· I the S.t. Lawrence rll'cr Irom .~ue a.ted hy t~e .CnNR for Ih~ p r: II'cl~ck. to Buchans on ,Tply 16th to th I S II hit pleted olhclals 11 ent o( han-p rt charge of Mr~. Lee Gill and Miss wrists. Her circular lIylon net veil Hall where Ihe usual toa,!! were, tween Yarmou , N .. , an Bar \' r.c, IS a mm' com. '... , . . -.' . I r"

rI'nsos .\1.' . ,i'" h " .• i,l" M". W. H. ..,h.. " .. ,,,. C,",II. • .. f I, 11111". ,I Ii.,,, Ii, ,,,' ib ,,~h,1d ,. h" """d, .. , , ",,,1100 I" "m. l ""h", AI,.. f. ", .. ,.d I. ""I,,, • ""I. "'': ,,," .. ~ II "" "I "I,,: Th' !'" "II b. "' ,. !: "'.: :: ,.~,.'n" Irirnds :1Orl ; nn~n~~~~~;;t. Cha'rles Woodland of town on ,Tuly 18th, 10 spend a place hy a tiara of nylon f1oll'er lour hundred !(ucsts took place I go ~ea trials I~te next week, it \. ~r.r\'icp. With a nllnlm~'m of d~lay I so~e 1.)0 car~ a~r~;oo pa, .eogel.,

"., .,. ,tlO Irall~thal ~I~ Dalld'Whit~ume S,A.C~~ ~ent~d _~_~_~~o_r~~_~~u_n_d_~~e_an_I_.a_s.~M_~_.~p_~_a_ls_s_tu_rl_ri_erl~~_·it_h_p_c_ar_l_s,_a_n_d_s_he~la_t_p_.a_o~P'_m_._in._t_~~a_ur_li_to_rl·_u_m_._I_n~._as~IP_,a_rn_~_,d~Fr_lr_I~_~~_~._ Ifnohrt~e~rlpveloplnthetrlab.ilt ~~ ~ crp~~ ____ ~ ~ .. ' :,,' brrn th'rhar~ret from, \\'cck "isilin~ hl~ parents Mr. and .. , \~ ',.1 ('na~1 s~natnrnlln whrre ~ ~II'. Bert Woodland and rpturned .. '.cj hren a l'~l1cnt for thp pa~1 10 hi~ station .Julv 16th. He wa~ ,:.~ '"onlh'. ~Ir. IIracl rrturned' accompanied by 2nd I.ieut. Hazel . r., ;:.'11' n.n .11l1~· lfith. Powell of Lon~ Pond who also left

"~:' \Irlnn Starry Rnri ~Ir. ~n Salurday [or Wind~or "'here r : i, !'(nn~?' armed from Badger ~he will be in charge o( the S. A. , .. ;:iy l;)t.h t~ r.tten~ the \I'~d. Corp5 for the summer months. ::: ~[ thm. niece, ~llss .. Mal'l8n During their visit they attended a \n:~:l. Durm~ thl'll' \'lSlt t~ey ceremony at the S. A. Citadel when ';;c ~:lr,ls of the Yetman (nmlly, Donna Ada, Inlant. daughter of Mr • . t.) ::Irsls of ~Ir. and Mrs. Yet· and Mrs. Woodland was dedicated. :;;. \\rre )Ir. and !lfrs. ~Iax Willar IIIlss Laura Higdon left on Sat· :~;. d.llI~hler Barbara of Gr~nd urday to spend her vacation at :; .. '. Olher out·o[·toll'n wcddlng New Harbour . with her grand· :~!.t' lDelude~ ~!r. ancl ~Irs. Nat mother, Mrs. A. Woodman. ,,~l~cr of Sprlngrlale, MISS Ann Miss Hilda Barnes S. A, teacher E:7.(.n and Rc;dnald Reid of ' I \':::r:- Brook, S. Mcinnis of Grand at Clarenv\1le, Is spend ng a hall· • II \1' K D I [G da)' at Buchans as guest of Mr. Ii ; .. "5 ay caney 0 an· d O[ J DI '. 'I'" 'I ~ t Kit h n f an "rs. ames xon. [/" • I., .' ar .. are ceo ):.:Irrtol1'n. as wcll as a group o[ Mrs. Herman Cluett, accompanied r.'.~Jn: Glliller.1 from ~Iaple Leaf h)' hcr daughter Donna, left on (l':'~ in the .\liIlcrtoll'n area. .Tul)·116th to visit her relatives at

'.1:; .. \. Hancock anrl, her grand·. Winterton. While on vacation they ,., R .. h I'nrrl. Irfl for King's COl'e will 81;0 "islt IIIr. Clu'etl's family " ,la;y 191 h. Iier dallghlrr Mr~, al Garnl~h. ;;"1::rl Ill'acc, accompanied bl' I Mis~ Mar~arrt ~Iulllns who had :,. lr;l ;r~r nhl' ,on Barry, arril'NI ! heen \'i~lIlng Corncr Brook a~ !_." ,~ . .Iohn·,; to I'i,it hrr hrlure : ~ur~t nf Mr. and Mr~. Ernest Lind, .,. ':r;wlurr. and will ,penrl ~ix ~ relurnee! home on .1uly 161h. .. ":. "I Iluehan~ a~ /:urs! n[ her! iltls~ ElIzabetll Hiscock and Mr. I

~<.\ ;"Il.lall' W .• J. W. Felrll. I Mac \\'al~h arc spending a ,'a· i '.!: .• nrl )Ir~. Samuel Lannon i cation iI'lth relatives at Winterton. i

;"' !;,mll)' rrturncd to Buehnns on ~ll's. Ted Peters 15 sp~nding a' .".':. Ijlh altcr ~pcnding a holiday \Icck at Windsor as guest of Mr . •. :, '11'. I.annon·~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mercer. ' 1:1 :~r<. ~Iallllcw Lannon, at For· Misses Pearl Flight, Daphne :;~r Itr. ~lulllns and Edna Jones o[ the I

\1'" .Iune Bartlell relurned to 1 office starr o[ E. V. Royal Stores I" h(':n~ at Rotll'ood on .Iuly 16111. lell on July 18th for Swift Current ~,~I~: her two week, "Islt ~he cabins where they will spend a ':; 'I 'lIest of ~Ir. and ~Irs. n. W. \I'eel:'s holiday. Miss Betty Mullins Tr;ro. accompanied them.

.1 11. I'lynn of the Buchan, Min. Mrs. Alan Sharpe who last week


'''''ATER HREET. ll:'::~,=5,29



SAIL BO'AT . ' 21 ft, long, with' 21 ft,spar, Excellent rigging and cq,nvas •

. .

i , , 'PHONE


8.0118 . .


CABIN CRUISER Complete with new super six, Gray Marine, 150 H.P; V drive

engine with 1 to If:z reduction gear with only opproximalely 100

hours running time. Engine in perfect condition. Sleeps four •

,Equipped .with all rubber foam matlresses covered with blue

leatherelte. Dinette - Galley - Toilet -30 gallon fresh water

Tank _ 110 gallon special steel gas tank - Brass Shoe Rudder­

assembly hydraulic Reverse Engine control. Lead covered wiring,

Interior and exterior Lighting fixtures. Excellent compass. Cruising

speed B~-2' knots or 2200 revolutions maximum. Engine revolutions

3400. A new 4 burner propane stove and new propane cabin



CABIN CRUISER With shelter top. Flexiglass sid~s, Without moto.r.


\ ,

: ' I "


~; . \

, ~I ;

, ,:

Page 12: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt


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.. 12 THE DAllY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955

About People "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean • For Monday, July 25

ChitChat Column Present-For You and Y curs ••• Some upsct £eems likely, but it should be of a minor nature and tan probably be avoided altogether if you aren'ltoo touchy. This could be a crucial time in your domestic life, 10 be cautious. Avoid being abrupt or over critical. Despite turbulent thought., tty to 1:8 cheerful.


UID,u 1II0wn 'nI. Sonpltn of the St. John"

Citldel, Adami Avellu" pthertd at tlll home of lin. Albtrt Hunt, Liverpool' AVeJlue, on Thursday evenllll to IIl'e a bridal shower In honour of JoIbs Audr.y Leue, R.N ... of the staff of the Graee HOIpttat Gifts fl'll' the shower were opened by the lister of the bride-ta-bt, MISI F. Legle, and cmit 'lfere read b)' Captain Sybil )lutiOIl. Xisl Ltue wl1l bt Mar· ried It Hire BlY on Au,utt 18P1 to Mr. Domino HOll·se. "

,oISlTUiG CRY )lr. Jerry Petitt, Jr., 0' Halifax,

lonaerly of EngJl.h Harbqur, For· tune Ba)', anind ,In the city last wttt on I buslneu trip and b nlbtered at the Newfoundland HottL His Iitber, Mr. Jerry Petil., wha for the pist feW years bIB been' IMnl at Halifax, Is now In hil 81th year and Is \'llltlng his daulhler, Mrs. BuckiDghlm, It CIII'IItr Brook.

FOU.TDNEY Yr. an4 Mn. :ad; Keln and two

chlldrell rtctntly vilited the city from Sydney, N.!! •• and are no'lf diltift, re1_lifts at. Wesleyville before returning to their home at Sydnt)'.

nDre WESLEYVILLE Mn. S. Carter and Mba Elul

Carter are It present I'!siting the rltT from Wesleyl'ille and are the JIItS!s er Mrs. carter's son, llr. A. Carter, Cabot Strett.

. RETUI!'O:D JlOME Mr. Ind llrs. Elwood ~lcDonald,

Forest Annuf, 'A'ho wtrc visiting the BUrin Peninsula and St. Pierre, returned to the city on saturda,.

ON nC.UION Mr. and Mr.. Arthur Winsor,

call'er Annue, are It present • pendin, I ncation with relatlves at Wesley\'IlIe.

nREMES'S PICNIC The annual firemen's pIcnic "a.

htld on July 20tb It Mr. HewItt's farm, Logy Bay. Guests which In- I tludcd the wi\'es and children of tile firemen and officers numbrr· ell about 200 and I wonderlul . ,.rty nl enjoyed by IU. Games cl all aorts were pla)'ed Ind food 'Q5 in Ibundance to nllk. tbls a day to be remembered.

WELCOME PUTT About twenty·five fri.nd. (If

S/SIL Bob Beeker ,Ithend at the !lome of' Mr. Ind Mrs. J. Nl!well, Empire Aven Ut, latt Tuelday to meet bit parents, Mr •• and Mrs. Walter Beeker, who are lIere .n 1Iollda, from Lolli Island, N.Y. 1011 IIId his mother IInl a duet durlnl thl.venln, and Mr. Geor,e

. Je),ce pve a .peeeh of welebme, whlc:h WII responded to by Mr. lec:ker.


Mr. alld Mrs. Aaron lalley ar­ri,'eI! In the city on TbursdQ . , !tom Port Union and are reatater-ed at the Newfoundland Hotel.

IVIPUSE A ItIJ'prist party was Jiven on

" Thlll'lQy It the home of Mn. Etlle1 Watson, Btri ... Avenue, In lIollour of Kia Doris Sklllnr, who II IMviD, bert oa Alllllit lat II)' JULS. NewftlmdlUld to tsn up I ilew POliti. ia Lueaboura.

and are registtred at the New· foundland Hotel.

NEW . 11t1SINES!!J Mlis Ethel l!arrett, I'reshwat~r

Road, will be openln, her new buslnell in children'. clothing to· morrow mornin,. Her shop Is .ituated at the corner of Gowtr and Prescott Streets. It~r many fribnds Wish her luccees In htr new venture.

VISITING ON LEA"E LIeut. R. M. !lane of H.~t.C.S

Magnificent II visillng lhe elly on leare and .18 ·the .uest 01 Mr. and Mrl, Georle lIorwlIOd, Gienrldge CretcenL

LEfT 'OR BO!!ITOS Mill Nellie Colerldle, wbo was

vlsltlnl h.r motber at Trinity, leit htre on 'Frlday to return to ber home at Boston. While. In SI. John', Ih. was the guest of Mrs. ~. W. Hayter, 46 Colonial street.

nOM BONAVISTA Miss Joan Little of Bonlvlsta is

at preaent vlaltinl the . olty on holiday.

nOM BURIN Councillor G~orle l!utlett and

Mn. B.rtlett of Burin arrll'ed in the city ytlt.rday for the .nnull conv.ntlon of Mlyor and Munl· clpaUtltt, whleh optn, thli morn· In,. Tbey' ar. rellster.d It the Newfoundland HoteL

JlOME raOM VACA.TION Mr. and ~'rs, Cluny !llCk,,'GOd

Ind Ion CaMn recently .rril'ed back in the city after lipendlnk a short vacation at Wesleyvi11e.

LEFT FOI ROLIDAY Mr. F. L, Wood, Portugal Cove

Road, accomplnled by hit. .on Doullu, . Geoffn, Hiscock,. HUllb Frater and David Sperr'll, llrt over the w~ek"nd. tor a campln. trip.

st. Joseph's CllUrch was the &celie of a charming double ring wlddlng. when ~Iary Margaret, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MUll, 15 Quldl Vidl Road, became tile bride of Ignatius' Patrick Col· lins, loster·son of Mrs. Catherine and the lale Patrick Gam bin, 142

~-':::;;;;;::=:;;:;;::;"'-i Prowse Avenue at i. Nuptial Mass ceremony at 9.30 a,m., May 28th.

. Rev. Father A. L. Penney oUi· I elated. Kevin Francis and Vlnccnt Mills, brothers of the bride, acted as Mess servers. Ignatius Rum· boldt played the wedding music and Miss Dorothy Ann Brockle­hurat was the soloist. The HIBh Altlr 11'15 beautifully decorated

Between Us Women

Collins~M·ills ..

the bride' looked chnrming in a long sleered redlngoate of em· brOidered nylon lact OVEr satin and nct. Her inatching nylon vcll was attached to a pearl and rhine· stone tlarra and she carried a bridal missal, decornted with strcamers of swcetheart roses .

. Pest ••• The fir" of the World Future ° •• Wilhin the lifetime War 11 d.iclators to tome to griel of mar.y of UI, there probably met his downfall 12 years ago will be unmanned carlh·£ntel· today. The Fn!cist Grand COun. IHe vehicles in ,p~ce-600 miles eil repudiated Mu!!olini'~ kader. above the surface of the canh. ship by a vOle of 19 to 7.


The Day Undtr Your Sign" AnitS (r..t~ Mmh 11 to AptillDI LI!RA (Sept. 13 to Ott. 22) [\"',11 a. lfIillure t'rror tan Iud tl) the PCf}ftle tend .1) Waftt llnller lUrrt'ltt (~'1. u:ll!cinr: IJ( nrcfullr plan,. 10 lake Ii~ur:uionl. '0 Jnu'U (}1'1' !o be rr.Olr urt too.,. [Illicnt Ib.n ult1:l1 ror I ,,·hile ....

TAURUS (April2t to Mly lDI SCORPIO rOct. 21 t. Ncr. m u l'OU Irt In the rale, firM, "~"('h \'ou ttfld to Ilf'come t.() at's:::"l~d h \Ihl ·\lS::~('U Illat \OU rdt";,n Itom ru~tln, 'Y(lU at" r!oint: thai r:ll.l fail to l:e .. t fer orders rigfn r:ow. what others 1rc taring.

r,!~.HNt IM.y 21 10 JU"' 21) SAGITTARIUS INcv.ll 10 D.c.21; Snn'f r('at:, iTilportanf. tiJjeuin'- (out.! non'l r.ta~nifr a ~itm.ll~n t!tll u Jl\'ir.~ tillmln&.:e 10 )Our ulisb(tion It til; .. )tU '!jne-crn. II isn', nel,h' ~~ t~ "I time. )"U Ihink. Tirne will sol"t It.

CANCER (Juno 22 t. Mv 221 CAPRICORN (D.c. 22 to Jan. I~) A'")f('t, are fnorthl,. rCI:rdint any ron· In lMyjnr, rot,,:,.rd. !orr.e di"Utu' 1":1~"

i miti~u ~:itt. tCftulivti. t'in.lnclal out· baTt to bt m~de-r-ostibll frlcnd, d ! look II rxlU ~C4d1 £00. Ihe fair •• tat~lcr \'ar~ct)'.

I leO IJt:ly 21 !. Aug. 221 AQUARtUS (Jon. 20 to Feb. II) Att I~sitivtli' wtl~n :t0u ,'!t • rhnee There' are many ol1J~rtllnitict ,\':aih.U,.

I to ark:lnI::~. KUll th "b if yOu're- loo~. but don't makt a move withoul (onlide:.

I in, for I bttttr j'lrJJilion. ina: all lI(ton. .

VtRGO [AU9.11 to Sopt. 221 PISCES (fib. t9 t. hI.rc~ 101 PI," Itti,ilies ureiuUy Ir.r! with rt~tl1 T,\:e ure or )our'J. Utt. ll"ll.1 ttt time 'ltd m~bfY In~·oh'ed. You tan rt.tJCurr.tnh toc:aT. Also be t1ptcial1y C31::.. m&1.:e ,reaf ,",vin,.. tiOUI whfn dri,ing.

C 19S5, Fifle! £ntrrrriltS, Int.

I Your Child's The Major's Wife iListens In

I I-IEALTH PEPPERRELL A F B - ~lajor . . John Barron. Information Smicel I Officer at Pcpperrell, does a pml

BY EDWI;l/ P.JORDAN, !II. D. discussion program Thursda)' night on VOUS, the base's Armed Forces

PARENTS SIIOULDN'T BLAME Radio Stalion. He frequently in. SELVES FOR MONGOLOID CHILD . vites VIPs and docs a good job I~r

It Is believed that each ycar a big audience. He has ~el'e~ heeD f~~'.:"~~::~ Mills, youngest brother of the I work in the parish of SI. '!cr~sa about 3000 to 500U children are quite sure that his Wife hsten~ bride. and in particular with the born in the United Stal'2s Who are One .Thursday, talking about thl ace'pLel<l1

Duties of best man were per. i Catholic Youtll CI!1b. considered to b~ mongoloid be· eady history of Canada he men· formed by Kevin Whelan, while The groom responded and In cause of certain ph~'siocal features tioned Callada's early heroes, Count ThomM Mills and Angus Dowden tu~n proposed t?e toast to. the and retarded mentality. Frontenac, Bishop Lal'al and thl order to Al'i!lll acted liS ushers. Reception was bridesmaids, repl1ed to by Kevin Althoug~ a tragedy wilen it oc· great Administrator Talon. ...."n .. STD;.,~.~~N·:o D:i held at Smithville where the usual Whelan. Ma~y congrntulat~ry meso f:~s ;e~~IISw~f:~a:~:s;~\I~c p~~t "Did you listen?" thc Major a!k· , TOROl"o'TO, 0110' toasts were honoured. The duties sages were received. ~urmg the hcrs should lose sleep since it oc. cd. " of Master of Ceremonies was ably reception. The br~de s . mother curs i only about one child in "Of course, she answered.

Her attendants were Miss Gert· erformed by James Hickey. wore .navy b1~e With pmk .ftc· severa~ hundred. The Major thought for a mo rude Mills, sister of the bride. as p . ' CCssorles and a corsage of pmk When It does happen, however, ment. maid of honour, Misses Beatrice Among the distinguished guests roses while the mother of the It creates enormous distress In the "Can you name tile three men WILLIA~I, 01 Walsh and Catherine Dunne as were Right Rev. Monsignor E. P. groom was drc5Scd in alrforce parentS and their friends and re· we discussed?" You Mine," a steal bridesmaids. All were gowned Maher, Rev. Father J. Fcnnessay, blue with white acccssories and a iatives and I am .frequently asked "Of course." mtables across th alike In strapless nylon net and . and Rev. Father A. L. Penney, all scarlet red rose corsage. tol~S'i:~JiioLISM, the skull Is "Tinkers, Evers and Chantl, the last few \ lace of blue wllh matching boleros from St. Joseph'! Parish. Rev. The bridal trip was spent in small, and round, the slits for the wasn't it?" said the Major. the tables Ind halo headdresses. LIUle MlsB .Father Penney propOSed the toast touring the Avalon PeninsuaL The eyes are narrow and tilted alld a "Well," she said, crcasing h!l-ue-erBI!da;.ountry girl fI Theresa Tral'crse acted as flower to the bride and paid special bride travelled In powder blue and fold is present over the inner mar. brow, "I remember Tinkers and record, one o[ th



Rlrl, gowned In blue net with halo tribute to ber work as a membcr navy with white accessories and a gin of the eye. Chancc, but Evers escapes mr." western hit p with tulips lnd snapdragons, huddress. The dutlc! or ring· ot the St. Joseph's choir. The corsage of yellow roses. They are 'The cheeks are often red, the to popularity s

01 I • I b h f tb b'mer were performed by C •. nllllll'oom was commended for his now residing at 142 Prowse Ave. hair 1s coarse, the . teeth.· appear Lu Croc' reo t . in Hollywood a ~'e: "Now .what have I said. \\'1'on~?" I'en n marr age y er a tr, late, the tongue tends to protrude Cy ils climb Up the

bewJldered husbinds' often ask • and the nose Is stubby and de· it has ca'rried

themUlvos .mr their wlvek tille y' R d R T PI-cn-Ie D-In,ner In Ca' 'rport Children's Puzzle pressed; with the noStrils angling Lorrie to stard( otfenlfl fj)r what BeenU to tae hUB· ear- oun oses. forward. song was mori lIaild llke no rei'llii! ~t ill. . ... --'" " .... - The name "Mongolism" comes Records in the m

But an,. wom.n 1mIlW, t~erll h ' from this appearance which is Myrn~ and Buddy I maritaldy naml~, in III iif these p · d ( I d f F something like that of tbe far· vocalizing. It has perf.cU,. "humleu" remark., rovi es ar oa 0 un .e. "J~.I1. , eastern ra~ knOWn as mongols. 60,000 copies Rnd i

"b th.t whit you IN ;01111 to . :. 10. 'Iq ".'!t ,~ Most Mongoloid children arc on the western so~ wur?"-uktd of It "'1ft who Is '11 10 happy and friendly. During in- rating . all dnssed for a party and a mom· ... p faney th.ey Ire gre~t imitators and 'IO HOLLY\"OO eat before WI. perfttUy' pl ... eeI ,,~.r ... '1' learn to speak properly and the '1

with the clress aha had all, . " PI 3' 1>' often like music. They rarely Myrna, the tal "I wish yoU'd tneh IIY. 'flU, boW ..,. • l' voice tends toile rough and harsh. l00·odd resident

to dD that"-5~iI bf allother • • ~ 1 A good many do Dot live beyond ck to Hollywood WO!ftall III front d. tb. wife. It !D' '10. their teens. With her doelD't ml\lar wheth.r the hus- 31' , NUMEROUS POSSmLE causes Don Guam band la Pralslnl anothtr WIII'n'l J.t· .... 1. ".~ have been !uggested, studies, and Who hal' tonking or her iblllty to pilnt a <1'- abandoned. Some people think, or the son.!!s \I'

1'OCI1Il or •• ke "'Up eoytrt, no 5' ~, at I-mt have thought, that MOn· and will sin wife wanb her hUlb,nd tblflklbg ~~ gollsm comes from some' here· brown·haired )'01

a.-other wom.1l toulel tlath ber ditary tendency, the exact nature graduated ftl aDything. . of which has not yet been dis- Clnud Bay

"What are you being 10 fancy covered. burning ambition-for?"-aaked of the wife who hils In recent. years, howerer, most national hit pa knocke!l borseH out to Btt an 1m· of those who have studied the sub- music is presslve table ~r I lliut she ject agree tbat there is a definite and I want to wants to thLDk 1M hasn't gone to relationship betw~n the age of the hit parade, to she !!I7_~~e1al trouble. . . .' mother and the frequency of Mon- ththe words of 'IIIOWwn. .. , IlIT toITLY golism In a chUd, that Is, the older en sing thE lTJrA.n . the mother the greater the ehanee Western music

la,l/tJ tt ~11 IllUb 'WtllI of having a Mongoloid child. 5 from with )ta".. II, Oft Ut. "a, 'h. l'd1 of Many doctors feel that Mongo. er return tile "auh hn plal'" to 'trve OVNG MAlUUED COtJPLES I. nu~11 ,,& .btir fuilll. ... loid children should be sent to an on~~i~ l,tt-oven ftr IllfP'rl "DoR'\ 1'1, ,_U ,'''tr tor plont-, '''01'.'e4 -_ '''e ole-.' ......... _1 institution as lOOn IS possible t nOlI D.LINOII 'Why IIOt ,tty "tll,v, IUpPtt with ,.'- WI n wo' "'. .. ... ..... .... ". ... after birth. s arting In

Mn. 11. Bordeft .JroWllen (Flbr, va?" ilV GAYNOR 1I1ADDOX pepper, 8 sliced sandwich ,buns, 3 This early separation before em- mean an . d Il da lemal'klq til a pilot.".,,, tr -tn l'lrk Forest. nt, so miles tablespoons 80ft bulter or mugu- oUoDnI ties have been formed education hut!

.. 11ft Hillier) III er' UlMer .... J&h!Ituktft oftM wUtlt,un. from Chicago, young ~ouples like Ine,V .. teaspoon celerl' uIt. seems to be frequently the b!st Is more im!)orl Diane url,.tI ill It. Joh"" W~d .• 1\4 at I".it 11.,0.'" "I), "I~, " J to entertain neighbors at CDrjiprt Place tUbe atellk! In I dish. solution both for famU1 and child. right now. neaday, .lui, JO, from Chlea.e, III nil ~erltlllt 'Wtrt . I bock-ollt I.: f\n. ... B '* D picnle~ . over the Weekend. Bob Combine salad 011, sherry or liberry AFTER MAKING· THIS state-)(rr. 11nnmeU .. the dlulhttr ot THIN," VII HacI .... ' and Nancy Mahnke and Jim and flaVoring, garlic, salt and pepper. AN INTERESTING FELLOW ment In a previous column sev· )(rr. Elizabeth HlUltr, II Warbur,. , Rose. in !lltt troc:l!et - border ·Jean An<lmon are' graduates of Pour 011 mixture over steaks and The children are gat)iered .ar. eral mothers wrote me that they Prettiest cover abo\'c ,unlIlItlll'e StrHl, Sl Job .... Her h~lId is 'aybll "That WUII t .xUU, the III p1fltlpple 4ealpl Prettiest 'by Iowl Stbte College. They told U5 sprinkle with celery slllt. Drlzxlc olmd the cage of this mteresling I disagreed and that they had mpt fashIonsl Easy-crochet dli~ . enlln.... er tleetro-mlltlve ~'!~~::~ft~;t =t' : ~I~~: to pro~ct a ebair Ilr buffet! eo how they dD it. some of the marinade on the but· felloW and they are mueh plea~ed Mongoloid children at home with cape in pmied;~~el~ di,vilion. of oellVl\ Mol1>n. Mn. __ . r .~ ".~e a ,.~.I. .......... IthlM11 '!!t' _lUeellt,.ed.I!!I~uttolfull.!akwe.lth Th., keep advance preparation tered rolls, Remove sklaka froln. with his' antics. If you WOjUl!1 11k leI considerable sUcccss. Pattern I:

.. ..-.- ... no .. """ .... ... "'1"" III for thl! plcnl~ me~1 down' to lItUe marinade· and grID on an outdoor' a picture ot tbl! feilow, 0111 a Since the degree of mental reo cape In sizes small, m.IlIlUIll

~~Iabl ... a .. Dt. tI, whe HU,\tld. '\Vhll mak' lb' ... ptr~ p,u.ra mIl Ea.y crochet dl· more thin ,hopping for the fl'loo. grlil until browned on both sides. the numbered dots together, start· tardatlon of a Mongoloid child large. Use ~ply fingering r'''II"ere II attendln, CIalftr MIl..., Ata4- ~tlf b.tIIII~a •. It.l" IIlnr rettlllll., eb.rb. Chair back 1& 14 The' menu Is oft~n cooMt-on.tbe. S~rve between roll bttlvea. ing with dot number one and end· vari'es u well as the hom'2 cir- or m~rcerized crocheta and knit'lesll!1"II uaJl1aQS. '" SUllmer ca.,. 'l'W. II ~Il' ... lIt • \lfl4tI'J~1I4 ... hat thilr l( 18 lllC!~ I, No I'iO colton spot type. Mlnule"lteaks or ground • BAKED LIMA BEAN Ing with dot number fi[ty·lhre~. cumstances, there are indeed oe· ling cotton. Easy to rln_.\orelr1ITb fiirt trip ........ '. 1'" wi ... art _t ~"t.' sed TWIN'lY.i1VE CENTs In beet an tookM Over the cbareoa1 CASSER~LE Try your paints or crayons on thiS casions when home care is per- Send TWENTY· FIVE -' . eoills lor thla ~Uel'll htamps can· grm and eaten between bakers' One cup tomato uue~, 1 cup Cllt- plrcture, baps best.. coins for this pattern (stalmp;~.;;r~I~~~~ no. COIND 1I0OI . . I\ot '" .~ctpttd) to ST. JOlIN'S buill tully by ),bIlngst>erl and sUp, " eup finely ehDp(I3d onion, One thing seems definil'2: the not be accepted) to ST •

.... lad lite. wan. Dt .. · or ..~ OM 'fOVa DAILY NIW8 Cllhiehtlld. Arti grownup. alike. . \\ cup btcfflll IUlar, " tUP light WORKED FOR T1~IE birth of a 1Irongoloid child,. while DAILY NEWS, Pattern DEPT.O

'" cOrair Bro* aIrhtd ta tilt 1111 GZN'fV4 (AP)-..... 11l' ."" .. Dttt.j~~_ RONI' I'RtET WEST, FI'Il' an extra lauch th~y marina\Je molasses, 2 tablerpoona vlnegne, TORONTO (CP) - Suburban a shock to the parents, Is not FRONT STRE'IT, WEST, TOR " climb hal ~ ~ tilt II)I'IIt au I1't lila aM otbtr Ill ... '.·l •••• at- TOlONToI ONT, Print plai\lly the minllte steaks In salad on and 1 teaspoon drr mustard, 1" quarts Seuboroullh pollce Thursday de· their fault and there is nothing TO, ONT., Household Arts Dept., April of thi~ : ---..o-.a at. the'. NiWfoundaDd tM'JIlInl the 1iaufDmlt" .~tt N A .1," ADH_, PATllaN dry sherry. There's always a tos· ~ooked large lima beans, 'h pound scribed the techniqUe of tw.o boys, about It which reflects on the Address. Print PlalnlY~~~.~:;J~ an award in ._- went on I monun, ililltitMnJ NU~BEJ\.· . sed aalad:and a fruit pie Dr a·cake diced baco!!. . age 12 and 15, charged with house .. parents,. the medical care, the ADDRESS, PATlERN female we HettI. tour Frid.,. to Mtln~, 401111 •• i.~ ORDER our· 1~ AlIce. Brooks from one of the. excelllmt food Combine tomato uute, catsup, breaking, Pollee said one boy en· dkll, or anything else which could ORDER our 1955 Alice third spot i

aw.,. at tbi -otner eDd lIf .t.kt 1'Iar4lecratt Catalogue. En 30 y shops In the vlllage. Usually there onion, brown lugar, molasses, gages a member of the household have been done In the 11ght of our Needl-2craft Catalogue. with Bud no. PORI' lUX USQUEI G'iIri •• B1i~ln w~s ,", ~teJ and pagn of exc\Ung new Is a casserole dish, too. \'inegar and dry mustard. Alitr. In conversation at the front door present knowledge. . pages and pages of exciting "WID.".' Dal'e l"1t1N11t""lJIruahch~v, Collmll· di.IIM· - ItnIttlng, cl'(lChet, em· STEAKS IN A BUN nati layers of beans, bacon and while the other enters by the rear. Parents, therefore, should Dot desi~s _ knitting, crochet, dOD! weeki

.... iDd lin. Otcir.. NOI'IIIIl Urlnd'!D the cllJ 111 tilt "pn. JIIttrda7 IroIiI port. au iaiqilu .. I 1IuIln... and' pltisur. \rip . '.

"Itt pan,,, tilt', llId D.c. Kin· .litoIatry, II'bn-Glil, toys and 1I0Vel· Eight cube' 'steaks, t,i cUP.lalad sauce In I gr/lued. (2.qu~rt) .eas· The two boys, missing from their blame themselves for tbls mls- broidery, Iron-ons, royS and wUl join the II ~.GMl'Il ~\IkOv •. 'Ilt .. ,a~ UtSI. ~\ld 15 tents for your topy oil, ~ cup sherry or sherry flavor. serole, Cover and bake iii a slow homes here for two weeks, were fortune. The chances that other tlesl Send 25 cents for In. AURust. Aft ~'yaUed hi OliD e.ln, With a lJ! thi. wonderful book now. YtiU'll big, 1 clove garlic, cut In larl!"! oven (325. degrees F.) for "said responsible for several recent children born liter will be normal of this wonderful book noll'. v .. r ... ·u trip, MYrna 5

';,vili ~Ototiltel ••• eo~ .. : '. want to order Ivery ·deslgn.1n ill pieces. 1 teaspoon snlt, l4(easpoon ho~r~. robberies of money and jewelry. are about 2OJ. '. iiiiiiiiiiiwia.nititoiiioirdieirie.vieryiiid-2isiigini-:::" eYe on TVo -------------....... .' ..


Refreshing as an or:ean


It's lemon r:hiffon for me. lt peps up lagging


. appetites

At hom.e or "by the seall'

1 . ,

Page 13: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt



• . '

" '. , ... . , '

• . .. . . .

IMt DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY:25, 1955, 13.

Record Shipping Season

. Sports Wardrobe! "

Dr. Jordan Says



CHURCHILL, Man. {CP)-Can· ada's "northwest passage" is in for a recore! shipping season this year.

As Hudson bay quivers under breaking Icc, shippers are prepar· ing for Uta entry of the first bo~t In~ this northern Manitoba. port, 610 miles north of Winnipeg. The

G II h· . H bb W' dd Warkworth, first ship to dock here ,. ,·ng am ,. s e ,·ng on four previous occasions, Is being

An important question comes ' -:--_. . '. '. challenged for the honor this year from a reader who asks if It Is by the Irish Cedar. O. K. to take Iodine tablets with. A report rom he Common· out consulting aph yslelan, Before wealth shipping committea in Lon· discussing the subjeet of Iodine and don has been a large factor In \/1' Its relatives the "Iodides" further, creasing business optimism for the I should Uke to answ~r the ques. Hudson bay route, London insur· tlon by saying that 1 do not con. ance underwriters, acting on thc sider It advisable, • advice of the joint committee, have

Iodine Is cue of the hem leal agreed to )!rant insuranCe co\·er· . elements. To most people, It Is age at minimum rates for a fur· perhaps bestkn oWn In the form ther five da)'s this year. of tincture of Iodine which is an SHIP TO ocr. 15 I antiseptic In use for many l'aars. This means that "esseli may An Iodide, of which there are sev. leave Port Churchill up to Oct. 15 eral kinds, Is a ompound of without any extra surchargl'. ,A 25.\ I d! i d to th

l I per-cent surcharge noll' applies to o ne a ne some ng ese, ship" !ea"I'ng the port batween Oct. 1

Tincture of Iodine Is not taken ~ • internally but some of the lodl~s 15 and 20, I

The London decision was based 1\

arc. . d b IODINE OR THE Iodides have on the view that the Hu son ay certain definite medical uses, passage compares favorably with \ though there are stilt some serlo the st. Lawrence sea route although \


ous gaps In our knowledge of their attcntion and publicity have bC\'!n I functions in tlla body. focussed 'on the southern water· I

Iodine preparations have long way. had a use in certain forms of Thh year at least 39 ~hips are 4682 .0-20' toxic goiter, particularly In pre. expected to enter Port Churchill, ,,~

'. ' . . .


,"," ""''' with Ohl. dI..... " ••• , u" ... mI', .. n, tn. __ /J ~ for operati~n. In some cases of tors, glassware, liquor and othfr ,,-~, asthma and Indeed. In some other manufactured pro d u c. h to the b I Jiff th Pral'rl'e provinces. 'They wl1l be un. ~lom·to· e. y·sew eN WIJIlo

disorders of the human body, d rf I p rate to k au eool loaded here and sent by rail to a e u se a 5, eep 7

lodldas appear to have a bene. and prettv aU "ummerl Pedal cpt ct.liar I. SUCII ' love· for face. Button

lints below-so I" "(\\Ir figure! You'll

,ell' this smart new dress

w'lde network of outlets In western .• rielal effect, though the reasons Canada. . pushers, shorts - with adJustablt wh.\' they do so are sometimes constructl'on ""110 gracefUl top. In 1954, 36 .~hips called at Church· ~" rather obscure. t I ma I r er Ion I ill and a record of 12,485,000 bushels 0 sew n ny co a v s s

ANOmER USE FOR the 10' of grain were transported to north· Pattern 4682: Misses, Maternity ~l1k sh~ntung, or crisp

You'll wear It­thrClugh summer!

dldes has boen their ddltlon to SI'ze 10 12 l' 16 18 20 SIZe 16 > ern Europe. Figures for 1953 were s" .. ",· ' salt In the prevention of shpple 31 ships and 10,785,000 bushels. top lakes 2".. ard, 15-inch 4 ~nlarllement of the th~'rold gland It is. expected that all pravlou8 yard collar contrast pedal push·

4i52: 1I1~sl'~' Sizes 10, 1h. 18, Size 16 takes m

3.;.lnch labric.

(simple goiterl In those areas III be ers take 214 yards. ' where the drlnkln!! water does not totah for grain delivery w sur· This pattern easy,to U8t, slmpll contain enough Iodides, - On Thursday evening, June 30th, Ing nylon net with lace triangular Ing of the reglsler, grey dressmaker ensemble with llas~ed this year. ' to seW, is t-'!sted for fit. Has ell1!\'

There Is no doubt that Ihls has at 7.30 the little United Church at Inserts, with short hcmldrcsses and After the ceremony the enll're navy accessorips, with corsage of IIAZARDS DECREASE lele 'lluslrated l'lsl"'ctlon" l'atlern eas~' to u~e, slm­iCI'. i~ tested for fit. Has

ilIudrated Instructions. .FI\'E CENTS (35

'The extension Wal at. p I fi, .~, ~.

had a remarkably tine effect on Portugal Cove was fmed with jackels to match, and Iheir. nose. party motored to the Old Colony lilies of the vaney anrl rosr~. The Send THIRTY·FIVE CENTS (SS cutting down the number of ~o. guests and visitors to witness the gay boqucts of chrysanthemums where the mother . of the bride honeymoon was spent at Topsail, tributed to decreasing navigat\o~all cents) In coins (stamps cannot be

pi Ith goltrou nlar" ments I hid . C B hazards from Icebergs. An aerla a~cept·d) for this pattern. Print

Po w s e "e ., marriage of M Idred Dorot y, on Y an roses to harmonize with each aSSisted by the bridal party recelv· ., thi ~ <

But Iodin products alte In

I~ patrol hu been set up s sea· pl'I'nly SIZE, NA'.IE, ADDRESS,

en' daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wallace costume. The little flower girl, cd the guests. She was attired In h f' t II It I b I" •• ternal1y may prodUce undesirable If' I B t Pre\'lous to her marlrage Mu. son for t e Irs me. s e ng STYLE NUIIIBER, coins (stamps cannot ba ~ {or this pattern. Print


effects as well as desirable ones. HIbbs, to Will am Roy, son 0 Mr. "I ss et y Lou MaeDonald, was an afternoon dress of royal blue Gillingham resided at Portugal provided for ships as an aid In Send order 10 ASNE ADAM!!, Their contlnuad use beyond a and Mrs. K, J. Gillingham of AI· admired by all attired In a three- lace a~d crepe, with white acces- Co,'s and was the recipient of avoiding Ice that may be' on or care of ST. JOHN,S DAILY NEWS, rertaln point (which varies from bany Avenue, SI. John's. , tiered dress of pale biue nylon sories, with corsage of lilies of the many pre.nuptlal showers to han· near the ~hipping 'lane. Pattern Dept. SO FRONT STREET Irrllatlon of the skin and muc. The Church was beautifully deca- lace, with short veil to match,.and valley and small roses, while Mrs. our the event. Mr. Gillingham Is A DC,3 will fly over the bay IS WEST TORONTO O!'IT.

Person to person) may result In rnted with early summer bloom carried a basket of swectheart Gillingham wore a dress of ro~e . long as any threat of Ice remains ' -------.. b II Th r II I ! a popular employee of the Avalon to advise ship masters of the 10' F D~"t .. ) 10 FRONT ST,

TOIlOl''TO, ONTARIO. uous membranes, and the scats reser\'ell y WI te roses. e It e r ng·bearer, mauve ace and crepe with naVy Telephone Co., Ltd., Rnd a prom· cation of Ice f1o~s and where open 23 Entrants or This may be shown by the all' satin bows, as the bride looking Douglas MacDonald, wore r.onven· accessories and corsage of leath· Inent member of their athletic leads may be found.

pearance of skin rashes, 'Inflamed radiant In a traditional gown of tlonal black ,'civet And satin, and ered carnalions and roses. club, and the many useful and A series of flights early In July 0 · S · WILLIAM, Onto (CP)­~line," a steady repeater

eyes, runnln~ of the nose, laryn. white chant!lly lace and nylon he with his sister per[ormed their A sit,down supper was served, cClstly gifls testify to their popu· showed the western half of the bay ntarlO, 'Vim gills, and othar unpleasant s)'mp. power net, entcred the church with duties with the savolr·falre of the bridal table being decorated larity. They are residing at 14. still was dotted with heavy ice. The

Albany .Avenue, SI. John's, tid i C d' N toms. It can even result In pim

• her father. Her full.length veil adults. with lulips, and Its main attraction eastern half was clear. Buta heat TORONTO (CP) - With 23 en·

Pies, hives, or bolls, was held In place by a tiny pearl The groom was attended b" Mr. the lovely square three.lay wed. wave that has swept thrClugh the rants a rea y n, ana Ian ,a·

turntables across the continent few weeks, has

the tables for I tittle country 11r! from nearby

, May they have many' ,.·ears to- th t' I E hlb't' ffl' J'al toda" stUdden coronet, and her boquet Gordon Hibbs, Jr.,' as best man. ding cake. Mr. Gordon Hibbs, Sr., North may succeed In clearing e IOna x I Ion 0 c S ,

It h b C t d th t If I geth~r filled with love, life and h hi . I c d II'mot of 25 n the num·

as e n rep or e a , o. wu of red roses and white car. Mr. Fred Gilllnllham, Mr. Carl was toastmaster for the event, and entire lane before t e s ppmg sea' p a e a 0 dldes are continued too long, an. d b H d M G d H' b II h happlnesJ, son starts. ber of entrants for the' big Lake emla, mental depression, nerv. nations. She was alten ed y Mrs. owse, an r, or on Ib s, Sr., ate usual toasts were honour· Add d t th I nt I Ontario swim this year. ousness, sle~plessnes~, and the Madge MacDonald as matron of were the ushers. The ceremony ed, Ihe loast to the bride being • Gowns-London, New York .and th e. 0 ~d~e t!"pr.o\·em~ ~r; CNE sports director. G~or::e'

h M Ed d 'lit h II wa perro med bv Rev N K handled by the Rev. LeGrow in Paris Assoclatl'on, Ltd. e growmg re uc Ion m par' h" 11 like may develop, In he pres. onour, rs, mun "c e, sr. .•• around times. Last year the aver· Duthie said t ey ongma Y eX',

ence of tuberculosis Iodides may Miss Margaret Gillingham and Miss LeGrow, who made the occasion a his amiable manner, AIler supper Flowers _ Waterford Nurseries alle was 3.6 days com oared with peelcd 15 10 vic for the S15.oo0. cause the disease to become ac. Jean Carter as bridesmaids, who very Impressive ceremony. Nuptial a social evening was spent, the Ltd, (Boquets), . 5.6 days a year' earlier. prize moner, and thatl• th~t CNE,

Ba\' ret·o~d. one of Uta tall songs

western hit parade, has to popularity since It wu

Ilolirwood a ~'ear ago and itl climb up the hit-parade

liVe whera It was apparenUy un. wore mauve, grecn yellow and'pink music was supplied by Mrs. Cecil bride and groom leading the first The .Dceded times are a r~su1t was forced -to set the 1,,11 as a der control before.' respectively, Very charming In. Martin, the bride'! cousin, while dance to the strains of the Rhythm Flowers-Mr. Wm, King, Portu· of betler grain deliveries, beltcr safety measu~e.

deed, they looked In their full. Miss Betty Cooze sang "Because" King's Orchestra. The bride's go. gal Cove Church and Tahle shipping nuality of the grain' and f The A CNE2SI~ ~h~(U~Cd ,to run length strapless dresses of billow. "ery beautifully, during the sign· lng away costume was a navy and Cake-ifrs. A, W. Parsod!. Ihe growin)!, abh

ilitd71 of C!lUrr.

hi1l r~~th ~~'sl\'imine:: i·n illl! lake at It has carried 1Hear·old Lorrie to stardom. lon~ wu record~d for Ab. FOR REASONS SUCH as these

Records in thp. movie centre the taking of Iodide tablets reg· )I,'rnl and Buddy DuVal doing ularly, el'cept where the amount

~~_~-----~~-~---------------------~.---~~~~~~~=~- ~nedorq 0 an! ~u~men. .' D h' 't d ili

N 'M' The grain ele,'ator ~t the port was, on~ lime. lit Ie PI~ ure 9

e W a n a g e r S t P iers for senior eamp headquarters filled last hll and tliat mp ?n51 ,Wlm as the long~st. ~\'Idest, most . , . con s rep ares and raising dollars for scouts com·l lhat thi, year can!o for ~i" 5hiP'\' spread·out ~wlm In hI5to~l'. II has sold more Is known to the physician and he 60.0(01) copies and Is In the top can teU wh~ther It Is prodnctlng O~ the western songs popular. good or harm, would seem to be t' rather a risky procedure,


TO HOLLYWOOD ThIR brief Iseusslon of odlnc ~lyrna, Ihe talk of Cloud should not be ended ·without ·re·

l!J'l.odd residents, b head. ferrlng ~ the use of tincture of to Hollywood to do mol'!! Iodine on'the skin, At laast up to

ing from areas whera dolJar credit i. clc~n'cd and ready for shipm~nt Sel·enteen·r~ar.old l\1arl~~'n Bell,

For Jamb r Is ·tight. ' I d . i of Toronb became the tlTst per·

B k· M' t 1 0 ee· . a rAea ~dT • b' e! to thp: 50n to swim the lake last SUI!I"

n 0 n r e a "While we need Inlerpreters," n a I IO~ IS ~m!! mao Po • i er makin the 40·mile trip in 21 '

a . By ROBERT RICE Gcn Sprv said "the bo" them ~Ievatnr which 11'111 pro\'ld~ 5Uf{I', hm

• g • , Canadian Pre5~ Staff Writer '" ,.~ cient IIrain rp'PHe for at le~.I' ,mrs. LONDON (CPl-A mammoth. !cl\'es seem ,~ 'get along 'in spite l. '~ht hi .' I Of Ihe 2~ entrants this )'par. 10

or language' (\lrf~rence5. They usc: CI~ more 5 P!· ' UP. Canadians,' ~eV~n from Ihe [ airJi[t early In Augu,t will signs and gestures and talk, anrll Port officials are al.o making a,' Uniter! Stales, fOllr from Egypt carry 2,000 British a\)d French boy they understan~1." ,Iudy oC the pOF.,ibility of channel. \ and one each from Denmark and· .:~:din:!I, With her will be her a few years· allo-and perhaps to· The appolntmant h announced c' . •

. non Guarascl, and his da)' In some places-It Is common Stanley E. Goodwin as manager t . Doris, who ha\'e. combined practice to put IIncture of Iodine the Bank of Montreal's St. ,Tohn'

'Ilit~ the sonu which Myrna on almost any kind of skin dis· branch. He succeed! F.·S, Sharpe

.couts to a 55·nation scoutin\! jam. The camp I'.'IIt end Au!!'. 2R. Ai Hng northern S3FkatchP\I'Rn and England. . . . ,oree near Niagara Fal\~, Onto I lift '11 I J -In r.ontrast 10 the span.the.Allan. reverse a r \\'1 return Ihe Brit ;I!anitoba timber throu!!h Chure l' '--";--:---'h-'--~r be·

!~n: and will sing. order. who Is leaving to take up the po~ I,h and French scouts to their ill. Export of this ba.,ic product\· spark. b\l~I~e5S el"! as e

tic air operation, thrca Brazilian homelands, through the northern palsage would fore In h:,·r,ry . scollt~ Rre driving a second·hand jeep thousands of m!le~ from South r ____________________________ -------1

,America to the campsite on the

brown.halred youngster, who Although' of superintendent of the bank': . nadlJated from grade II somehmes . eslrable, Manitoba and Saskatchewan dl! little Cloud Bay school, has tincture of lodlnecan Imtate the tricts with headquarters at Wlnni·

b~rninl{ ambition-to be tops ~kln a eadlng skin specialist pag, 'Mr, Goodwin has been man l'lt roalional hit parade. once. told me that he had about as ager of the bank's Belleville, Onl.,

music Is the best on mucn. trouble trying to treat the branch for four years, I shore of Lake Ontario.

other scouts are travelllng' by . ship and plane from countries scat-'

I t t th skin of those who had treated them Born at Grenfell, Sask., :Mr.

and wan ~ op e na- selves with tincture or' Iodine as hit parade," she uld. "I try he did with the original skin dis. Goodwin later moved to Saint

the words of the song I ease John, N.B., where he joined the then sinl them from my , bank In 1923, He has since gained

Western music Is slncore· conslderabl'.l experience while servo from within." Ing at a number of offices through·

.io,no\l"in~~ er return from Holl",- C tit At out eastern Canada, In 1939, he ~Iyrna anticipates she wl1l onven on was appointed accountant of the I tour of the United States, y . Fredericton, N,B., branch, Subse·

starting In September. ankee StadIum quently, he served as assistant mun an end to her' manager at Ha1l!al', N.S., and a'

tdur.ation but she f~eh her Forty delellat~~ from Newfound. an assistant superintendent at tit: II more Imnoriant than her land conkrellallon~ of Jehovah's assistant general manager's de

right now. Witnesses arrh'e In New York 10- partment In 'l'orClnto. COSCERT day to attend an assembly of ,leh. The only break In Mr. Goodwin's banking career occurred durin~

lingil1R rareer began about qvah's Wltne.,ses .t Yankee Stad. the last war when he enlisted with 1\I~~l.!'lt' f!IU 1&0 when she picked up lum, New York, starting Wedne~' the Royal Canadian Army Pay

hrother's lultar a~d Itarted day, July. 20th. Mr, S. JRnczyn, Corps, Ha served as paymaster,· on It. H\!r first public mlnl;ter In charRe of travel for and ,as Field Cashier with varloti~ WlI! durin I I Christ· the Newfoundland delegation, an·' units In England, Italy, Holland and

I at ;er :chOOI.ln 1~ nounced today that a total number Belgium, In July of 1945, he wa~ .hlt .. It1 • ...: b ~I:~e an ling severa of 50,000 Is expected to attend awarded the M:B.E. ~emob!1lzcd

a s. from the Eastern Seaboard of the with the rank of major, he rejoined

ImrS cdlll SI.uIIn •. ~Itan .Ingl~hl,bnhradlo United States and Canada the B, of M., and became assistant

I"a wa. ~ en t ere.' 'manager of the bank's Halifax company heard ~r and Mr. Janczyn described this as- Halifax main branch In 1946. . to hl\'e her ecord duets ~embly as one of • world.sweeplng While at B~\1ev!lle, Mr. Goodwin

.ft .... II~rrlll;; be Id serlcs of ele\'en Christian conven· took an active p~rt In community

of th~1I rnh .rap tlons. "In .195.1" Mr.. Janczyn affairs. He was a .director of the y y .. r I e was ltd .", . Belleville Chamber of Commerce

1~~~~~~~~~ln award In. Cleveland as po n e out, we had one Interna- and of the'Rotary Club .. He was female west~rn alnller. t~onaI gathering of ministers In also an honorary chairman of the third spot In the' duet 1\ew York at YRnkee Stadium that Canadian National Institute for the

with Buddy DuVl1. dr. WI peak attendance of lell,829 Blind, and was an.orlglnal director , Da\'e, with whom from 97 lands. This year we hope of the Bay of Quinta yacht club

.~tjonl "'eelr1y radio pro- our combined Ittendance 11'111 and a director of the Bay of

I ~'I in the party I~ Holly· double that... Ql,Ilnte lloU and country club •. n Auxust. After the Holly· .. trip, !IInna Illd, she has Already conventions have been G . " G I

tYe on TV. held this Bummer in ((hicago, Van- overnor· enera ___ ......:... __ . . couver, Los' Angeles and Dallu, ' . .

C~ Texas, Beginning next week the Aw' 'arded Degree . SADIAN! TAItE PART remaining ones IIf this series will S, E, GOODWIN

DEVENS, ,Mall. (,ut)- be held in Europe .t London, I M dt ·• .

Ind American evaeua~ Paris" Rome, Nuremberg, . Stock- n e Ierne wealth. Joinzd Wednesday II holm and The Hague . . He noted that .the college Is tlie

Medicil Unit AuxlUary. .! LONDON-CP - Governor·Gen, youngest of three serving the l"~:ultlonl of the RCAr par. Arrangements have nOIf been eral Vincent Massey Friday was cour!e of medicine In' England

terad around the globe. -

FmST IN CANAD,\ The, big attraction-the' eighth!

world jamboree or scouts-is being I staged for the first time In history I In North America, at a one.mile'j 8quare camp at Nia~ara·On·Thc· Lake. I

The Canadian.born International i \ director of boY' sCOllls, Maj.·Gan. D. C. Spry, describes the camp I "as II huge Im'cstment in citizcn· ship-a place where "couts from' around the world can meet and I'

make new friends." The last jambore-~, held In Au;·!

tria In 1952, was easily accessible I to European scouts, he said. But. this year, for the first time, it is! being held in North America, and I 3,000 Canadian scouts will attend. [ Another 1,500 will come from the' United States. Th~ remainder will congregate at

the campsite from 53 countries. Most of them are expected to be in Canada by Aug. 16, two days be· fore the opening Aug. 18.

During the' camp, the youths will participate In SCQuting competitions, games, campfires, and tour. ..

PARADE IN TORONTO On Aug. 26, th'.! scouts wili move

en masse-by train, bus and boat -~ Toron~ for a gala parade at the opening ceremonies of the Canadian National Exhibition.

Lord Rowallan, chief scout, will take a salute and then open Inter· national scout day at the exhlbl· tlon.

"The logistics problem of 'mClv· Ing 10,000 scouts from \h'.l camp to Toronto and back. again Is tremen· dous," said Gen, Spry, Planning for the. ga thering started months ago, and Includes details such as providing food suitable for scouts of Moslem faiths, gettln,g Interpre·

In combIned mln.oeuvre. completed to send oyer' 4,Il00 dele- elected an honorary fellow of the and the only one organized for the he~~ lfe~ICaId?roup sta- gates from the United Statea and Roya.1 College of Obstetricians and Whole Commonwealth.

Is "'-~.d Ie vana an Iroup, Canida 10 the European assemblies. GyJileeololllsts, . "It seems to me of great 1m· 010.... -- n ancouver CI11I1 D I t f L tI I . ' . -I'\'t Ind co-operate wIth U e e,a es. rom. I n Amer CI, Dre.ssed In flowing academl~ porta nee," 'he' said, "that as our

\Ve. are pleased to announce

that we have appointed






LONDON. ENGLAND ~uillment and procedure .i Africa,' Autralll and the Far East robes, Massey accepted the honor poUtical 'bonds chang~ In char· Ft. DI!\'ens eVlcuaUon 'centre. will also attend In ,'Europe, New- .t I special ceremony In the Col- acter, we should Increase the C.~adla~~ 11'111 partlclpate in foundllnd represented It leiS House, It was, he laid, an str~ngth and the variety !If .our

l\'llh r.uropean rescue lhe European assemblies by Mr. honor entlr~IY unearned by him scientific and cultural links. ::duc!.@d from Brltlla II' Stlnley.Jlnrzyn of St, John'. Ind but 'One eoveted by medical men "I ,am Itlll and Increasingly

lummer. . Mr. Georle W. Stover 'of 'BbtwoOd; in every' part' of ·thli" 'coDuiioti/ 'cDDvlil!ied'that 'th'e"'cimlmo'riwealth

Is the greatest single gcnt for peace I Bnd civilization In the world to· day ,and I welcome organizalions I such as yOllr~, not only for their ow~ ~a,ke, but for this addilio~a.I,I,'-__ --------.... ..:.--..;..-,;...-------."--....;.,;.......;-..;.---..... -service." . . , . .


, ..

i , i'

:: ., ,


Page 14: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt


.' . " ..


STAR eye. One not 10 famous who did Will Atte,nd take cases like that. own day.dreaming. that he paid

He was so absorbed In his Defen C n XXXIII how th'!! reporter had promised to no llccd whatsoever to the car !!.l:ce.o egc

JOE AGNEW had "his key·ring write up a story all about him that had been discreetly and effi· orr AWA-CP-Col. W. St~tt

Death Has Three Lives Theatre The Page ~fonday

Comment On" Current Movies "CAPTAIN KIDD, AND out as he approached the garage maybe put In, too,' how he was clently behind him ever since he Murdoch, 42, of Ottawa, ' THE SLAVE GIRL" and In the moonlight selccted tlte on call at homr at night if any. pulled away from the driveway of staff duties at army ·"""4U;'..

• __________________________ ---~, ... .;..--. nat key to the padlock on the body needed a 'cab Ipeclal. If he of his house. It slowed down to ters, will aUen dthe Impenal Callfornil, which baa been pre- If you like the gay, debonair, docll'. , did put that In the paper, Joe a'snail's pace behind him as hc fence College in Britain nexl

tAPITOL PARAMOUNT lerved IIxacUy a, it was when swashbuckling type of movIe H'!! stopped and frowned when Agnew reasoned happily, thou· turned to the rJght, and his eyes UlrY, the army announced which the late Douglas Falrban'ks he found I~ wasn't even locked, sands of people would read about were only concerned with looking Col. lIIurdoch scn'cd ol'erseas '

built In the 18110'1, actual period N h of the film, made 50 popular (and who hasn't) ow t at was funny. He always 'it and as a consequence there ahead [or a gU:npse of the woman the Second World War in . then you will have a gay and locked It when he put the taxi might be a lot mOll'e calls like whom he was to gallantly pick up nnd norlhwest Europe, .... ,,"""',.

To-day NOt"Playing For tbe Icene~ of train robbery" thrilling time at the Star Mon, up at night. Long as he could this one In the future. and escort hom'!! 50' her reputa· iog the Royal Riflc~ o[ .nd enlline and coaches of the day where Tony Dexter test his remember, he'd never forgotten Maybe he'd even be able to lion might not besmirched. from 1943 to 1944. He h3;

'"KILLlIlS FROM SPAC." RANDOLPH SCOTT, IN period was rented from the Sirrea trusty blade in typical swash. to lock it before. build up a sort of special clienteh! (To bo continued) his presenf position since 195\. "RAG! AT DAWN" Rallwa), Company. All the thrl\1. buckling manner. wen, maybe he had been a lit· In time, so he could really be in ----------.--:.----------...1

The IIIJpense-paclied ,tory of lnl action and the beauty of the The plclure, a United Artists tie excited about calling the pu· business on his own and not have , an American scientist who II fore· The head.on clash of history's country.lde hi. been captured for rcal!!se, !! "Captain Kldd and the lice and all, he conceded as he to split wilh a company. ed to help a strange race of peo- first notorious band of outlaw. the f,Creen In the exceptlon"l Slave GI.rI," and the salve girl Is opened the double. doors wide By that time he was on BIs· pie from another plant conquer with history's first ireat outlaw Technlcolor phlltography. very much worth fighting for be. and got under the steering wheel. coyne Boulevard speeding smoolll the earth is told Is the Caplt01 hunter lets the thrilling action cause she Is lovely Eva Gabor Yeh.Thot must hnve been it. Iy northward with no traffic to ACROSS 54 Cereal grain 'l'here', newest offering "Kl11e1l's of "Rage at Dawn, ' openlna tom. Contralted l~ the thrlll, and "Captain Kldd" opens with th~ He'd been going over In his mind think about, IU he daY·dreamed 1 Screen star, 55 Impression From Spice" which openl tom or· morrow at the Paramount Thn. excltment Is a romanci which redoublable captain escaping the the story he would tell Irma. Sort happily on, the one·man taxi Howard -- 56 Atmosphere row. Ire, with Randolph Scott topping develeps between Scott nad Mala gallows nt Excutlon Dock In Lon. of building It up a little bit, business mushrooming ta a vol. 5 He may be 57 Toolh stump

'1 ... __ s_c..,.re_en_St_or __ . Jr to Previous PuZ'le

,;,~~ P A ~1;~ Ii: 'I.. N ~t;;

,,~JA 1"\ I",

111 e' i" 'I> IS,R

The startllnl drama, produced a stellar cast which Includes For. Poweu. al the lovely 1!stU' oC don In 1701. From thcre on you maybe, to make It sound marc ume that requIred him to put on zeen at - DOWN and directed by W. Lcc Wildei' rest Tucker, Mala Powers, J. Car. the Rello Brothen. Kenneth To· are treated to 5wl£t drama, swif, Important than It really was, But a whole fleet uf cabs, and with 8 ~~e~:rs In t Scolti!b river for RKO Radio, re\'eals the met. rol Naish and Ed"ar Buchanon. bey, who Itarred ~s the Air Force te I kil II I ty [. d that was just Lo pleasc Irma. She very special and trustwOll'thy I' 2 SOI'iet rh'er

.. ,E . ..L A: T''E

A E!' ';t " tol .. "lieutenant In "The ThinK," hal a r ove·ma I, P en 0 swor· I rna Ion 3 Ignile

.' hod b)' which the huge,eyed sup- Ssott portra~s an ex·Confed.. a featured roll as Scott', under. play and some of the most en· always waited up for him no drivers, of course. FellolYs like picture -$ 4 Aut!> part . ermen from Asotron Delto, plnn rate spy engl:gcd by I Chicago de- cover acent, and Howard Petrie. ehanllng scenery you could wlslt 110w late he was, and was him who had a sort of sixth £ense ! U Iroquoian 5 Wearies

to exterminate the people of tcctlve agency to round up a vic. Ray Teal. William Fmelt. Tre- tOTs lee, pestering him to tell hcr about certain things you might ! Indian 6 Garden Earth. lous band of dtsperadoes, known lere is buried treasure of all the Interesting thin!lS that had say, because he would bulld the Ii 13 Electrified implement

When their slln began to dIe. as the Reno Brother8, whollet vor Bardette and Denver Pyle are course and thcl'e Is a band of the happened to llim that day. She reputation of his company on that /. 14 ~;~;~i~~ FolD 7 Conclusion the Aatronians found thclr vege. tho pattern for the Daltons, the prominent in t!le cut. " most 8uthorotatlve black.bearded never could get It out o[ her head sort of special service and he'd 15 Merit 5 He is quilt taliDn disappearing due to the Youngers and Jesse James In the "Rile at Dllwn." 'was directed irates doing their dirty work just that hacking was just like any take mighty good care that any 16 Color 9 Pm! cooling oC their planet. Tholr crimson pages flf America'. great- by Till) Whelan and produced wehn you think all Is well. ' kind of work. She'd ask driver wOll'klng for him was ab· 117 Mountain 10 Row efes srew Immense to combat est era of banditry. The story by Nal Holt for RKO Radio, die· The story Is ~omewhat off the him what important people lIe'd solutely discreet and could be (Fr.) 11 Entangle the over growing darkness and deals wilh their train robberies, trlbutfon. Horace McCoy wrote usual and does not rely entirely crurl'ied, how pretty were the trusted to do a job like this one t ~~ ~~~~;ry ~~ ~~i~~nSe~ad they were forced to migrate. They their bank hold,upi and their the' .creen play from a .tory by on beauty In distress and pieces- women and did any of them make tonight and never open his mouth : 21 Gotltle~s 01 ip\'aded nelghbllrlng planets cols· e,'entual capture, thanks to the Frlllk Gruber. of.elght but there is afst mov. passes or Invlle him Into their about it. No sir, Not even If the ,! the dnwn er to tbelr SUII which was be- courage and wits of the man I. Ing belle\'eable sequence of houses for a drink when he took lady's husband was to have her i 22 Romanian Ilnnlng to exolre completely, In signed to bring them to jUltice eve'nts which wUl sUtl'ely keep home. trailed and come around and of, i 23 ~oinl order to sUS'"ive the Astronlans against la'emel1dou. personal odds yoUL' blood tingling. And generally he couldn't think fer to pay him a lot of money to 126 M~:h~es decided to toke ol'er Earth, the "Rage at Dawn," Is said to at· CORNWAI' The color ·Is brllliant, the set· o[ anything' much to tell her, but tell where his wife had been be- )30 Number cnly planet In our ~olor system taln a remarkable degree of rea. l.L lings are romantic, the ships, night had been different and fore he brought heT home. '31 Plant capable of supporting their pop- IIsm due to the fet that all In. guns, costumes anl' olller trap, he'd been full o[ It when he put Now, that wall a good thought. : 32 Huge tub ulatlon oC on~ Billion. terlor and extfrlor scenes were pings take you back to the lustv taxi up and went in. It had never happened just that i~ ~onsume

Thl Astronians plan to launch filmed in and around Columbll M onrlay days When romance and hnnd.t~. lIe I~as so full of remembering way in the past, but maybe the 35 R:T~~~~t' an in\'3slon fr()m outer space at· HistorIc State Park near SonQl'a, hand fighting was the order of about It now as he backed the talk with Michael Shayne had 36 In' attendance tel' tlley hal'll annihilated the the day. cab out of the driveway to the brought It to his mind and made 38 Coal-digger Earth people with vast armle of morrow. John Payne, Llubeth There are excellen perfOJ'man. street that he didn't pay any at· him see just what might happen. 40 He w,orks at alant.slzed earh'orous Insects Soctt and Dan Duryea comprise KATHRYN GRAYSON, IN ces by the principals Tony Dex. tention to the dnrk automobile • • • the, - of which they arl!, breeding. the star names heading an out· "SO THIS IS LOVE" ter, Eva Gabor and' Alan Hale parked Inconspicuously at the SUPPOSE" private detective 41 ~~!\~gcblld

The onl}' thing ihcy need to stand!ng cast, Benedict Bogeaul and the supportlng cast has been cllirb half a block ~way. like Mr. Shayne, now, was to be 42 Kind 01 complete their horrendous plan produced the pictl.JiJ'e for RKO slected wltll unusual care. Joe's sixth sense was a little hired by the husband of the ladY . pudding is Inrormation conrernlnll the Radio Allan Dawn, one of the Kathryn GrJlYBon !tars In War· '1'he treasure chest seem full of lacking wilen he failed to nole he was going to pick up on 14Bth t4 Muslcline ncxt nuclear explosion a~ the screen's foremost In hll proCess' ner Bros,. 1Ilu.~ic81 piclurization pelf the pirates act all pirates that the parkc.1 car pullcd away Street. Supposp. now, that a pri· ~ mamI:lal Ihotopes and ladla\lon' released lon, directed. John Alton. Acad· of the Jlfe of America's greatest are 'expected to act Jlnd Captain from the curb without hcadlights vate eye like Shayne was to be 4. M~s~cal fL'Oni an aton! bomb are neres. emy winning photographer for singers, Grace Moore, In the Kldd seems mO<l'e the hero recent and swung in bellilld him as lie hanging around lIer hOllse at 2 4B uQUallllY d

his brilliant wcrk of "An Amerl. T I I I !l1 "s Til I ., nru y croll' ury ,for the ndlp growth Illd can In Paris" !limed th d • ec I~, CD or m a ISS authorities claim he was, than the turned the fJr~t corner. a,m. see who Ihe came home 50 Perlainlng to pronlc breedhlj( of their gargan. ture tale. e a ven Love, which opens Monday at black,hearted "main he has been . But he was too full of think· wilh. an EJa

tuan insect army. Pa"ne pI h h the Carnwall Theatre. painted for overlong. All In all about how he had finally had And he drol'e up with her In 52 God of love


1 3 q 11-



73. Il~ 115 ,30

33 3b


lf1. 1'13

IfI 5'(.


c ", Oil

22 Dregs 23 Pace 24Rlp 25 Poker ftake 26Pau!e 27 Slave part 28 Back of the

neck 29Mix 3 t Dispatched 34 FiddUn, .

R0'lI3n 37 Wisest

) b 1 13


p IrfIEI ~

38 Witticism 39 Buries

~;r iOiE!

41 Temperal, ~2 Painful ~3 Presenl\J ~5 "Emerald hIe' ~6 Fool (Jewi!h) 47 Scatter, as ,

hay ~9 Extinct bIrd 49 Boundary

(comb, fo~m) 51 Body p~rt

8 ,~ iO

Iff 11 .


• -

~7 :1.& tlr

~2 t31

~ 131.

' ~ '3)

i ql

~i~ III ~ ~ 50~ ~.

~. 91' ;

50 'I 1 Th An I I II t I h ' ay~ a rane er'w ose I Gil' I I t' t t II hi b H Id .1.· h th 53~'!;:'WJI r~ck

e ler ,can sc en ~ 11'10 as wedding day becomes rIddled The ,tory of Grace Moore, the "Captain Kldd and the Save ,r n erc~ llIg 0 e 5 ca. e wall .... op er cre acctss to thiS inrormation Is Pllt with bullets whe a US M II I Tennessee air! who went from 8 Is 'very good entertainment. Irma, lind how he d added on 1\ and then drive 011. And It wasn't ::=-----.;".-:....-----------under a hypnotlc,lIke tmnce and In" an. small town chOIr to fame and for. Aubrey Wisberg and JAck Pol· few touches to make It sound llke dlf!lcult to envision anoUler car

-~: .~~,,:;.~. ' ',' "r. .

is f d I d tl ' I 'ddl A nterrllpts the marrIage ceremony h 'd btl t... II r II I hi f I hi t t crcc 0 0 lelr 11 ng. to charge hi ill dl tune a3 the atar of the Metropoll. lexfen who produced In RS50cla, e een smDr er t IOn ."e po ce, 0 ow ng m, orc ng m n 0

rash and It~lIartlll1g plan Is COli' kllli m W I a cowar Y tan Opera. was filmed In Technl. tlon with Edward Small, wrote • • • the curb a short dlstaict from : cei"ed to o~t number the Astron. ng. Payne haw three houra to color. this unusual slory of action lind SHE'D listcned to the embe1· her house, a man like Shayne ~ lans: The film comes to an end prove his Innocenci and to un: lIshed Etory with open·mouthed geling out and talking tough out •

cover Dwryea, cast I. the Mar. romance. ' after an astounding and breath. shal, as a desperado with I Jyi"" Appearln~ In top supporting admiration, too, making him out of the side Df his mouth while hc : bkina climax. tongue bent M'I'" tol .. Ire Merv Griffin, Joan Wei· A h N F be some kind of hero for re- demanded to know where thc':

The screenplay for "Kl11ers t'n revenge, 51 don. Dougla, Dick and Waiter not er ew err \7 pDrting It to the',pollce and all, woman had been that evening. i from Space" was written by Bill Scott is seen I tbe malt dellrable Abel Griffin makes his screen J and even wondering if there Welle not II private eye like i Raynor from an Ql'lginal story by girl In Cliver Lode who remalnl In lbe role of a Broad· OTfAWA-CP-A new Icrry be, mightn't be a rewnrd for him if Michael Shayne, Joe Agnew con· : Myle. Wilder. true to her man when he teems wa)' long and dance man. who tween Nova Scotia and Prince Ed· the glrl.klller was caught as a ceded to himself. A man like that i

to be lullty. meets Grac. Moor. nd helps ward Island 11'111 cost an estimaled result of his quick· thinking. had more Important case, than Other taking part includ. Do- her step from a chorus line into $2,000,000, Transport MlnLster Mar· He'd discouraged that Idea, but just checking on an enring wife. IPICIAL ADDED ATTRACTION

John p.,.n., L.lzabtth Scott, In "Silv" Loci,"

lores Morna, Emile Meyu, Alan the limelight of IUcen, Many top ler asld Friday. he remembered the Inter· Seemed like he'd read that Halo, JII'., Tarry Carey, Jr., John pel'tonalltles of the stage-people He said $1,250,000 will b~ spent with the skinny reporter Shayne didn't take case! like that. Hudson and Robert Warwick, Kar who knew Grice Moon person. this year on the ferry which is nnd the famou~. detective, and All right. Some other private

When a quartet of dusty, tried den De Worl. who wrote "Count ally-acted III advisors during the scheduled to ply between Wood Rrim horsemen ride Into SlIl'er the Hours:: IPII "Appointment In filming. Some of them are rep- Iflands, P.E.I., and earlboo, N.S. Lode leeklns a man for murder. Honduras, tWII recent Bogeau', resented In thl musical blgrapby. It will have a maximum capaCity much ,'Iolence grip~ t1 th prodUction, 101' RKO Radio. Is They Include Mary Garden John of 60 automobiles, wi f I Ie a ere credited with the story and Icreen McCormack, Otto Kahn a~d ot. The ferry, Mr. ],farler told NeJl,

Ie peace u community and play. h B. Matheson L-llcens In the Com· lynch law, hysteria I'lolcnce Ind "Slker Lode" Is fll1ed Ith • en. mons wlll be 214 fcet 10nR, .5 .. uth' bke Ol'pt w ex " • . . cltment and hdB an unu5ualy cli. Henry Bllnke produced "So Ieet wide, 15 feet deep, wLth a L ~~,t ~ :he T'to

lTY of "SUnr max to touch It off when Payne This Is'Love" fQl' Warner Bros, draft of 10 feet and a I,OO().horse.

o e us y cc mlcolor Iction lind Duryea han their final dead and Gordon DOlllla. dIrected, power engine. drAma of the old wed, whIch Iy encounter In the faften of th: 0",", .t the Capitol theatrl to- vUlage ehurch.








MIlt .,. TlCHNlCOtOll 'II 1I&WI1ly' . .





I=SION PRICES fOR THIS ENGAGEMENT, G-ADVLTS .............. 150 CIULDREN .............. 11t

IIA'I'lNDI-ADULTI ... "",,: .. 1101 CBJLDREN ... " .... , .... ...





," So .This Is Love "









TO-MORROW ......................... ;;;~ ...... .


-"-~. Bullet for Bullet ••• Ufe for Ufel

• • • • • • • • • not for sllv.r ••• gold or : • lov •••• but for HATEI :


Special Added Attraction



• • • •

Barr'd Isla Joe Batt's,

CHURCH P. Sunday, July 10, [

Royal Black Pree Orange Association Orange Young Brit lodreroom and pBr2 Memorial United ( vine service to eon "Glorious . Twelflh", service was largely Murley conducted I LARGE SHARP C

COD TR This week when ~

of Joe BaU's Arm haul his cod trap, surprise. He did n( of cod, as e:cpecte( thlrty·foot shark. was all torn and wo ferocious fish.

The crew lhen I and shark 10 the \I'

Products' plant at to straighten oul I




MATINEE :I reM. jly25,29







DIAL 5155

Th. hard.r you play

. . . ,h. mort your SPORTSWEAR , NEEDS OUR SA NirONE DRYCLEANING I . , .



Page 15: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

... , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• . ' THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955 15

B 'd I I d d 1 Thcre "'ere five u~f! (If line! MIMI Olywn Primmer who for Lewlsporte. Th~y have since reo daughter of'Mr, and Ihe late Mrs. der, a daughter. The baby weighed arr s an s an : tnltcn irom It. and the rcmalnder the past year was on the staff of ,turned 10 Barr'd Islands. Titus Jones. 'Mr. and Mrs. Blundon fourteen pounds at birth. was lowed outside Ihe harbour. the Corner Brook Public School Miss Molly Primmer, who for are residents of Channel"Port aux Mr. Garfield Freake who Is em·

Danes Build Icebreakers

Ish shipping firm of J. Lauritzen. and the Danish government.



Sunda~·. Jul)' 10, mt'mhrrs or Iht' R(lyal Black Preceptory, Loyal Orange Association anI! the Loyal Orange Young Britons lell their lorlgeroom and paradcII to Mercer :,I~morial Uniled Church for dl­,iM ~er"ice to commemorate the "Glorious . T\I·elf1h". The church <m'lre was largely attended. Rev. )Inrlcy conducled the service. U,RGE SHARP C,\PTVRED IN

COD TRAPS This week when Mr. James Tobin

~( Joe Bait's Arm South, wcnt to l:aul his cod trap, he got quite a ,nrprife. He dl,1 not Get the h:1II1 ~f rOit. as expected, but a giant thirty·foot shark. The cod·trap was all torn ami wound around thc Irrocious fish. Th~ t!rcw then towed the trap

,nd shark to the wharf at Fishery rroducts' plant at .loe BJtt's Arm tn ,Irahhtcn Ollt the mc~s.

The' fishermen Irom this com. nrrh'cd home this we~k to ylslt the past year was teaching at the Basque. played with Barnes' Foundry at munlty nil helped to repair the her family at Joe ,Batt's Arm. Miss :Public School at Gander relurned Miss Grace Laymen, M.A., was st. John's, is on holiday at Jde cocl Irap nnel the ncxt day it was Pl'immer will resume duties at Ihls .week to her home at Joe at Barr'd Islands this week Bnd ·the Batt's Arm ,and staying with his By GUY BETfANY rcady for setting aeaim tha~ school In September. BaU's Arm. Miss Primmer will guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Blake. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A

Under the scheme, th~ shipping firm would provide ships to carr, the ore lo a harbor to be can· struct~d at Godlhaab. Greenland. which has the advantage of bclng ice,free throughout the' year.

PERSONALS Miss Lucy King of Barr'd Is. again resume duties there In Scpo Mis! Layman is principal of the Frcake. plan Is being discussed for tl1'~ Mrs. Alexander lIewilt and lands was a recent visitor to lember. Grenfell Amalgamated School at Miss Annie Reid who is em· building of a fleet of specially·de·

dallllhtcr Marian of Barr'd Is. Change Islands. She has since re-' Miss Wavle Penny of Little St. Anthony. ployed at Toronto arrived home at signed Danish shills capable of nav lands were recently to Change Is. turned. ,Seldom, Is presently at Barr'll Is· Miss Eileen Combden of Barr'd Bnrr'd Islands this week for her ignting the ~~e·strewn waters of Uneava bay in northeastern Can·

At Godthaab, th'a ore would 1M stored and moved at intervals b)' 25,Ooo,lon ore ships to all parls of the world. lands to visit friends and rela· Mrs. Norman Stockley and son' lands and the guest of Mr. and Islands was recently at Change vacation. ada to make the area's valuable

tl,.cs. of Twllllngate 'were recently .t Mrs. Joseph Hnncock. Islands, visiting relatives' and Mrs. Percy Coffin of Joe Batt's deposits of iron or~ more easily :'tlr. and Mrs. Harvey Cobb and Barr'd Islands. Mrs. Stockley Is Mr. Freeman Complon 8ccom· friends. She has since returned. Arm arrived home this week by available I to industry. '

daughter. left Tuesday 'on Ihe the former Madeline Ford and panled by \\Irs. Compton and two Mr. and Mrs. Zebedce ~'ord and Fogo Flyer. -North ]Jner, enroule to New daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter children, Jimmie and Sandra, arc son Junior who for the past year "II'. James Foster of Barr'd h- Up 10 noll' the' main problem 'of

'rhe Lauritzen company are spe· cialists in Arctic navigation. They built the celebrated ship Klsta Dan for the Greenland service. The ship is the last word in Arctic ul\· ing and Is designed as a combined ice.breaker and cargo ship.

York, ,where Ihey will attend an Ford of this town. presently vacationing III Barr'd were residing al Toronto, Onl., re· lands was recently at Lewisporte utilizing·the deposits has been thal

bl C J I I, '''It 'II C I H I l S Id I I I I turned hom cthls- week to' their to atfend the weddin" of his niece, Ungava bay is ice·bound for murc nssem y 0 e Inva IS,. IIC55CS. ,,55 aro 0 mes 0 e om Is ands. Mrs. Compton s! Ie or- ~ than six months in the year. whidl

This 15 one or a series or elevcn Is presently at Joe Batt's Arm mer Susie Breit of this commun- home at Joe' Ball's Arm. Doreen Foster, which took place ha~ practically excluded their ex· com'entiom arranged on, this con. and staying with Mrs. George Ity and Ihe daughter of IIIr. and Mr. Harry R. Hewitt of Barr'd Thursday, at St. Paul's Church. She ploitalion on l\ commercial basis. IInent and In Europe. Ovcr 4,500 Combden. Mrs. Frank Brett, with whom they Islands was at Change Islands was married lo Llewellyn Kcan Now a combined project is b~· delcllates arc expected to attend Mr. Bnd Mrs. William Ford and are staying. Sunday, to visit relatives and DC Bonavisla Bar: She was formerly Ing rliscussed by C)'rus Eaton, Ihe European n!isemblles which are Ilaughter Arleen, who Is presently lIIr. and lIIrs. Walter Popa oC Mends. oC Barr'd Islands. Clevcland Induslrialist with inter· 10 be held in Lomlon, Paris, Rome, vacationing Bt Barr'd Islands, left Fogo were recent visitors to Bar'd Miss Olive Ford, who for the Miss May Godwin and ,her ~Ister . ests In Ihe ore deposits, the Dan·

At the top of the foremast I~ an enclosed control cabin. from which the captain can directly staer the ship and manipulate the machin· cry without the delays rlue to the

Nurcmburg, StocldlOlm and Ihe this week to visit IIIrs. Ford's sis- Islands and the guests of Mrs. past year was at Toronlo, arri\'ed Hazel, arrived at Barr'd 'Islands IInellc. tcr, Edna (Mrs. Kenneth Page), -Caroline Reid. home tbis weelc to her home at this week from Toronto. They are

1II1ss Evelyn Breit arrh'ed at who will be soon taking up resl- Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn Dlundon Joe Batt's Arm. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Barr'd Islands from Ihe capltnl to dcnce in the U.S.A. On their way and son are presently on holiday Born to Mr. and Mrs. Berlram Godwin. visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. back they attended tile werldin;: at Joe BaU's Arm. Mrs. Blundon Decker oC Joe Ball's Arm" al the Mr. Alexander Cull arrived tn Frank llrctt. oC Mrs. Ford's cousin, Doreen, at Is the former Mildren Jones and Banting Memorial Hospital, Gan· his home at Ban'li Islanrls from the ______________________________ --' _______ -:------ woods, where he had been work-


• wI,h I,.", J •• r po.tI,

"Hide and Seek" 'funing completely outmoded with Philco

Finger Tip Tuning $ydem! . -_ ': '.' .. ~J '

Newest advance in television design;'1 there's nothing else liko iL I Auxiliary controls otheI'll hide tinder trap doors or put on back of set, are on front for utmost convenience-yet they're con­cealed from view. The world's finest TV picture now at your finger tips.

NO GROPING "'hlnd ,~. ,of

ing. Mrs. ltoland Anthony Ind her

daughter, Jessie, from Seldom COOle Bye, were at Barr'd Islands this week and the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Blake.

Miss JOBn Jacobs of Joe Batt's Arm left this week for St. John's lor work at Ihe Grace Hospital.

Mis~ Slella Coffin, nurscs' aide at the Fogo Island Cottage Hos­pital Is presently on vacation, Miss Coffin Is • resident of Joe Batt's Arm.

Mr. Rnd Mrs. Kenneth Page left last weck for SI. John's, they were at Barr'd Islands and the guests of Mrs. Page's parents, IIIr. and Mrs. Jaines Foster.

Rev. Murphy, U. C. mlrilster for FogD Island, held the evening ser· vice at Mercer Memorial' United Church Rt Barr'd Islands, Sunday.

Mr. Bruce Brown of .Toe Batt's Arm was at Fogo for a few days thl! week.

Mr. George Fosler and son, Mar· ~hall, were recently at Lewisporte. They returned by Fogo Fl)·er.

Mr~. Meta Hewitt ann son Ray· mond, formerly of Barr'd Islands, but now residing at 48 Carter's Hill, SI. John's, are presently at Joe Batt's Arm, and the guests or Mr. and Mrs. Seth Coffin .

Mr. George Combden, Sr., of Barr'd Islands, left this weelt hy Fogo }-!yer for treatment at the General Hospital, St. John's.

lIIiss Madeline Fennemore ar· rived this week by Fogo Flier

t IIsual type of engine room tele· .rom Lewlsporte. , . I graph. This enables him In pick

Mr, Owen CofflP of .Joe Hnt!'s hi, way through the ice fiDes. Arm, who Is sludying for the priest'l DJIlVEN UKE CAR hood at Queen's C?llege. St. John's" For tili, Nason thc Kista' nan arrived home thiS week. ! ha~ ~ometimes bcen described II

Mr. 8nd Mrs. Andrcw Breit of I a ship which can be driven \Ike I

Shoal Bay were recently at Barr'd car. Island~. Rnd the /!uests of Mr. lind To enahle the Ungal'a bR? lIro· ~Irs. Frank Brett. ,icct to he carried nut It will t..

Mi~s Lucy Hancock on the ~tarr necessary to ronstruc! a moderll or the Cottage Hospital al Fogo harbor at r.ndthaah. Tlta money was at Barr'd I~laml5 this week. for this is espcr.tcd In he arh'ancrd

Miss Barhara Combden wlH) is by the Dani5h government. employed at Fogo I\'a~ at Barr'd, '11 .• Islands this wcck visiting her rela. BeSides the 1I511al port fact Ite ...

. It. would be necessary to have luI· th'cs and' frIenrls. ficicnt room for slorlng the iron

Mr. G. I. Pieroway, Welfare I are,. T~lr~e possible s!tcs hal'e been Officer at Fo!:o, was at Barr'd sun el e~ and arc bemg considered Islands, and Joe Batt's Arm on I by Damsh experts. routine business. Godthaab has the advantage 1)/

Mr. nnd Mrs. James Brett of I heing only 500 miles from Unga,'a Gander but lormerly of Barr',1 Is· bal'. and thus barely tll'O da~'s' lands ,~ere reccntly nt Barr'd Is. sailing. even at the height of the

lands and the guests of Mr, and I ~S.J~;~o~)IONOPOLY ~Irs. Mark Harnett. •

Mr. Gordon Janes, l\I,ll,A,,' for The work would be carried

Fogo, was recently at Joe Batt's by Danish enginccr~ and conlrac- . Arm, lIe came bl' plane. tors while the administration ~f. t!le

The wedding took place recenlly harbor would be the responstbt~tty at the Pentecostal Assembly nt ScI- or the Roya\ Gree~land Tr~dlng dom Come Bye of Benson Freake Company which ,enJoys· a vtrtual [ T B ll' A I J N' h 1 monopoly of tradmg In Greenland . o • oe a S I'm 0 es,e IC a 5

DC Lcwisporte, The Lauritz~n company recently The ~!.V. Fogo Flyer developed, announced that seven special Arc·

. tic ships were either under con· engine trouble at Lcwisporte re· struction or had he eo ordered. All centi),. The North Liner hns since of Ih~m will bc eomrleted Oils year been placed on the ~cr,·ice. or In 1956.

Mr. and Mr". Roy Hewitt, acrom· panicd 'by hl~ two children. Beryl and Eli, were recently at Harr'd Islands.

:llr. and Mr~. Ellison I,ryte and 111'0 children, 01 Fogo. were rc· cent visitors to Barr'd Islands and the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emman· nel Reid.

Among th~m Is 1\ 4,000·lon lin· carryin~ ship with Ice protection now bcin~ built in Hamburg, West German)', while another large Arc· tic ship is under construction in Aalborg • .1utland. The latter when completed will be the world's lar· gest ship capable of sailing in Ice-filled wat~rs,

IS YOUR CAR WORTH Come In - See the Big Parade of 1955 Phllco "Powerhouses" I

NO GUESSING willi "b'.d" IIJ. 'UIIlnl1


$1500·00 PHllCO N2125" Giant Picture I Histor}'·maldng value 1 Space-saving, custom-styled cabinet In Mahogany, Walnut or light Oak finishes, New Finger Tip Tuning System that completely turns all of televisions trick tuning devices Into relics of the past, Phllco super­powered chassis. Complete with bullt·in aerial for both UHf and VHf.

PhUeo ''211r'' luxurious cabinetry in rich mabogany or walnut finish· ts. It'. I,nsatlonal features Include 'famed "Phonorama" Sound System with Acoustic Lens, giant Alumini­sed 21 In.' .creen and FInger Tip Tunln ••

Phlleo "2015" DelW1. 11" Tabl. I1lodell Sulking new decorator de­sign In Mahogany, Walnut or Light Oak finishes. Aluminized Plctur. Tube I Finger Tip Tuning I Shown w11h "latching Bas. at slight addi­tional COlt.


TOP PRICES Aluminized Filler Face

Picture lube TWICE

AS BRIGHT Philco's spectacular Aluml­

nlled Tube achieves a picture Twice-II!!· Bright with far greater contrast and depth of detail. Whiter whites, blacker blacks-with • full range of greYII for true realism_


s . IIrtA PHILCO SHOP .. , .. .. .. WATER STREET






1,000,000 HOMES.

Supplied In FILES, Size 9" x 9"

ROLLS 45" width



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Page 16: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

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16 THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY 25,'1955 - -

Argentia Navy Tops City 6-3 In Extra Inning Jilt ~lacDONA.LD'S HO~IER IN NINTH

FORCES TEN INNING THRILLER Argentin'! Norfolk·bound Navy The Capifals managed only three

nine s~ored three runs in the hils oit Navy nurlers Kora and tenth Inning }'csterday afternoon, Wulpern with two of them coming


WITH' INDIES after Vnu:;han MacDonald had of! the bat oI Vaughan MacDonald By HENDERSON WARD homered to tic the scorc, and went and the othcr by Paul B" Canlldlan Press Staff WIlier on to defeat the fighting but make· Jed Gamberg starled for City MONTREAL (CP) _ Canada shift Capitals 6·3 In an t"hlbltlon gil'lng up one run In live Innmgs. made a clean sween of its second. game at the Dall Park. Mike "larUn relleved for four glv., round Davis Cup tie against Brit·

With six o[ thcir regulars unable ing up two runs. Don R)'an was ish West ]ndles Sunday as Don to pia)' owlns to Injuries or work·' around at the IInlsh when a pair Fontana of Toronto downed Peter inll commillments the Capitals were of outfield flies were misjudged Phillips of Kingston, Jamaica, In still ahle to put on a ~lIck fielding by catcher Bill Rohson who was straight s~ts, 6·0,' 6·3, 6·3. C!~hihition against the Tars who pre~sed Into action In foreign right In the first match Sunday-the are hound this week for the All· field as Navy ramed for three runs closest of the flve·match tie-Tor· • , f lk VI '1 onto's Lorne Main edged .pla~·lng Navy tournamcnt at Nor 0, r· on one hit and a pair of erorrs. captain Ian McDonald of the Brit.

I:inia. City reeled off four smart City almost had a triple piny to Ish West ]ndles 6.2, 4.6, 7.5, '2-6, 6.4. double pla)·s. go with their three twin killings. Attendance was esllmated at

Capitals lnst sl3r shortstop Gor· . Actually they pulled off a triple 403. The wcath~r was clear and don Breen In the sixth when his play when a Navy runner stuyed on sunny with a light westerly breeze. ankle \\'35 ~nappcd while throwing the base alter a double plaf and Bob Bedard, Sherbrooke, Que., In make the ~econrl hall of a twin was picked off third. But there anrl Fontana downed McDonald killln~. N,I\')' shortstop Hoffman were three out anyway. and Frank Mott·Trllle Saturday ~01Jidc4 with Breen in an attempt Big hitler In Navy's clght hI! 12-10. 6·3, 2·6, 6·4, In the only to break up the play anrl ~ent attuck was third sacker Durn~ll d~~bles event In the. ti~. Cil\' ~hortstop twisting In agony. \\'ho hit safely fOllr times In live 1\ TEhET cAUSTdlRALlA d III

• I . II' 2 f e ana an squa now' \\. He m~)' be out f(lr t Ie season. trips. Vaughan MacDona c s or meet Australia In the North Amer.

Na\'Y too); a 1·0 lead In the 4 was best for the Capital.. lean zone finals starting here next


Yankees Regain Slim A. L. Lead


New York 7, Kanass City 3. New York 2, Kansas City O. Clevelana 5, Baltimore 1. Cleveland 5, Baltimore 2. Chicago 4, Boston O. Boston 2, Chicago 1. Washington 3, Detroit O. Detroit 7, Washington 3.

National League Brooklyn 9, Milwaukee 7. Milwaukee 9, Brooklyn 2. Cincinnati 6, New York 4.

and 2-1 for a $weep of the four. game series. }'ORD GAINS utb

. New York 4, Cincinnati .1.

Fine hurling by Whitey Ford lnd Rookie Johnny Kucks and timely hitting by Mickay Mantie and YOii Berra combined to end the Yan. kees' losing ways. Ford gained hi! 11th victory in the opener whfn the Yanl;ees exploded for six TUn! in the fourth against Art Ditmar. Mantle's two·run trip~ and Berra's single, climaxed the spree. It was a ninth inning double by Mantle and Derra's home run that ended Kuck.~ and Arni~ Portocarrero in the nightcap.

... :

tOSTON'S BIG THREE-Frank (ute the Bilt Three and the Red Sox ton Club makes a run at the Yankces~

n, Willard Nixon and Tom Brewer, le!t to right. consll-. a hill! dozen other good ancs to go with them as the Bos-. ,

Eliminations At Quidi Vidi' For U&S. Cl'ews Tonite

Elimination races for over· crewed races In the Annual Re· Gatta will take place tonight at 6.30 at Quldl Vldi. The American Services Race, with seven crew!. practicing, will be featurer! in to­night's preview of the Derby.

Eliminations \Vete originally

Gordon Breen Is S'econd Injured I'Player .In. Week

Shortstop Gordon Breen's ankle Injury In ycsterd&y's baseball game hetween SI. John's Capitals and Argentia Navy Is the second crlp· pling Injury within a week in local sporting leagues. Vic Parsons of the Feildians is' also hospitalized as a result of an accident in com· petition.

Breen's leg snapped above the ankle wi hie pivoting at second base

Star shortstop Breen will be sorely missed ·by Holy Cross as' they go Into the first round bim· bal! championship game tonight.

He had accepted lj\ \I(.}%Imij;:m five fie I din g ':' :hances f\awlessl~' yesterday and had forced shortstop HoHman of the ':'.""" ... " Navy at second,

Philadelpbia6, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 3. SI. Louis o. Pittsburgh 12 Chicago 5. Pittsburgh 2, Chicago 1.


Kansas City 0, New York 7. Boston 9, Chicago 7. Detroit 10, Washington 4. Cleveland 3, Baltimore 2.

National League lIIilwaukee 11, Brooklyn 6. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 2. New York 2. Cincinnati O. Pittsburgh 10, Chicago 2.

By TIlE CANAD]AN PRESS Halting a downhill slide that

threatened to knock them out of the first division, New York Yan· kees Sunday carne through with a 7·3 and 2·0 doubleheader sweep over Kansas City to regain first place [rom Chicago Whit-;) Sox in the American League pennant race.

Cleveland Indians also planted both feet firmly into the pennant picture, knocking off Baltimore twice 5·1 and 5·2 to advance to

, Chico CarrasqUel's three • run homer off George Susce was III Pierce needed to win the opener for Chicago. Sammy White's eighth inning singb scored Jackoe Jensen with the tie·hreaking run in thl second to give Willard Nixon the triumph over Connie Johnson.

Bob Feller registered the 263 "ie. tory of his career and Early Wynn 1I'0n his 12th of the s()aSOn .as the Indians extended their winning streak to five. Al Rosen hit his 12th homer in the first lame and dro\" in two runs in the second.

A seven·run sixth Won the opener for the Dodgers. Duke Snider got his 34th homer and his l00th "!n batted in. Henry Aaron drove in four runs with a triple and his 22nd home run in the nightcap for the Braves.

DECIDING HO;'IERS Homers also d-acided Ihe Red!.

filth on catcher Green's solo homer BOX SCORE Friday, olf Jed Gamberg over the center· ARGENTIA: AD R' It E ]n the Maln·McDonald match field fener. City tied It In the Giodano. If " ., •. 3 1 0 0 Sunday, It looked at times as ~e"enlh when BIllie Rahal was Hoffman, S5 •• .' •• 3 1 0 0 though the Ilghting West ]nclias halked home by spitballer \\'ul· Midget, lb.. •• •• ,.2 0 0 0 playing captain might spoil the

scheduled for Saturday afternoon but were rained out. Amateur Race also will need eliminations since five crews are entered. These ,vIII take placc tomorrow night. c

Two races will be held tonight, the fh'st a three boat race and the second a four boat race. Best four times made toniglJt will entitle crews. to a place In the U.S. Ser­vices Race on Regalia Day,

to complete a double play yes· terday afternoon and he had to be carried off b~' an ambulance. He wl!1 likely be out of action for

in the sixth Inn· ing when hc pivoted to double up batter Newell a t first, Hoffman slid in to hreak up the twin kill·

I· within on-;) game of the top and

two percentage points of second· place Chicago White Sox.

Gianls twin bill. Wally Post hit his 25th with two men on base to pro­vide Cincinnati with the winnin~ runs in the first game. Homers bv Bobby Hofman and Willie ~lar~ (No. 30) snapped a 1·1 tie in the second [or J 0 h n n y Antonelli's eighth win.

prrn 1'a\'\' righthander who re· Newell. Ib •• " •. 3 1 0 0 Canadians' sweep, Main, rated II'c"Ad ~tar'tcr Left'· Ko;a. Burnell, 3b •• •• ..5 2 4 0 Canada's No, 1 player, mad. e sev·

• - , 0 1 I eral obvious mistakes and hiS serv· Dowell, d ....... .4 0 0 O. Ice was Inconsistent throughout tile Ar;:enti~ put to,:ethcr a pair 01

hit,; off rellevcr lUke llartln In the top of thc nInth to ~core twice [or a 3·\ lead but Vaughan Mac· Donald's two run homer Into tile bullpen lied th~ count 3·3 in the hottom of thc ninth to force cxtra

Dickerman, rl ...... 1 match. Yoder, rf .. .. .. ..3 0 :I 0 He had a slrong edge In cxpe· Preacher Roe Greene, e •• •• " • .4 1 1 0 rlenee, howel'er, and McDonaid CasUe, 2b.... ..2 0 0 2 lacked thc' p~wer to cope with his W . S · h II Clarke, 2b.... •• 1 O. 0 0 deep.court drives, Main double· ants ~ pIt a Kora. p .. .. .. ..2 0 0 0 faulted five times In th~ match Wulpern, p .•.•• , •• 2 0 0 0 and needed tll'O balls on almost p·t I I I· e'd

- - - - every serve. 1 C 1 .eo;a lZ 35 6 B' 3 ]n the second m"lch, It was t:

strictly no contest as Fontana out. ST. I,OUlS (AP)-:-Preacher ~oc AD "R H E classcrl the 21,\·ear·old Phillips In declared Saturd;:y his co~fessl~n

C,\PITALS: everr c~partmcnt. that he threw spitballs durmg hiS Abbott, 2b .••••••. 4 0 0 1 NO ACTION ~rookl)'n Dod~er c~l'aer was m~dc


the season. : ., .• : . '. ' , First serious' >: ..

injury of the sea· ~ son was incurred: . by Inside right' Vic Parsoll~ or the Feildian&

Gordon Breen fl1otba\l team. Parsons is hospl· talized with a skull fracture which he received last Thursday when, attempting to head the ball, he collided in mill·air with another player. lie will not Iikel~' be in the lineup again this season.

Vic Parsons ing and tumhled Ihe City short· stop snapping his ankle.

Breen's throw to first lI'ent wlld 33 he turned over on the bag. The game was held up for ]5 minutes until an ambulance sped to tlte infield to, take him to hospital

Footballer Vic Parsons has a depression on his brain as are· suit of hIs accident and in also rcsting comfortably at the General Hospital. Both plal'ers, all out competitors, "'iIl be sorely missed from their teams.

With outlicldcr~ Cre Sopcr and Ted Gillies worki n~, WiIC Cnscy anrl Han'cr Clar~e ~hlelincd with in,iurirs and 5ecnnd ba~cman Jack "'ithc~. at~o restin:: up an injury, City was hard pressed for a start· ins lineup.

Breen, SS.. .. .. ..1 0 0 1 Henri Rochon, Montreal, fourth In the hope. It might help b~mg Fitzgerald, lb ... ; •• 1 0 0 2 member of the Canadian squad, back the spiller as a legal pitch Robson, rf ., ,. • ••• 1 0 0 2. did not see acUon In any of the In baseball. ---~--------;----------'--

~i:~~~~:,\:,f 3'b :: ::~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~~ ~~:~~e~hl~II~s b:.~~ :~ml~lc:~ In~n ~~:~s,te~~lse:~a;ril~~~~t~ ~?:~: But coaches Ch~rlic Riddle and Charlie DO)'le put to/lethcr a fight· ing combination. Capital~ had Paul Bryant catching, Jack Harl'ey and Duc)' Fitzllernld alternating at first, ~hortstop Billie Abbott on second, Gordon Breen and Ed ~Iannlng at short, ~lanning and Gcrry ~larch. at third, Vaughan ~laeDonald In left, Bill Rahal In centcr and Gerry )larch, Jack lIar· '·C)· and Bill Robson alternating in right field owing to the injury to Gordon Breen and Duey Fltz· gerald's later ejectiun,

Coach Riddle promised to have about thlrt)· players rcatly for ac· tlon the next time Capitals' call R

practice 50 that the City's pride will not be shorthanded next game. He will be strict on those who do nut shOll' up, he says.

Bryant, c.. .. .. ..4 0 1 0 exhibition aller thoa doubles match II!Shedl here, RO~h' Staid, ;le d bkuet 3 2 0 0 Saturday Ive ong enoug a sce m p

Rahal, cf .. ., .... 1 2 0 Berlard' and Fontana-winners one ru;; that would help the MneDonald, If •••••• 4 last Tuesday of the Canadian mens pltchcr. lIane)', 1b, rf .. .. 4 0 0 0 doubles championship-were suo Roe said o~ly one point bo\h~r5 Gamberg, p to .. 2 0 0 0 perlor In every department Satur. him about Ius rc~ent conf'l!ssion Martin, p" .. .. .. 1 0 0 0 day allhopgh some of McDonald'~ stor~'-the Impllcahon that short· R),an, p.. .. .. 1 0 0 0 placcments caught tI~~m off guard stop Pee Wee ~ccse, Dodger c~p·

- - - - from time to time. t~ln, or others .m the BrooklYn I.n· - - - - Molt.TrJlle proved a weak spot fIeld, helped him throw the spll. 33 3 3 1\ In the West Indies attack, double. ba,~I. "

Umplres:-MaeClellan, lIabey, faulting four times In the match I must ha~e tol~ 11 wrong, ,ttt:! Hartman, Atkins. and mlshandllng lobs and drives. Pr~achcr said. U Pee "ee,

(Billy)· Cox or anyone else on the TONIGHT'S GAIIIE Dodgcrs ever helped me throw a

!IIount Cashel and Holy Cross PRA'CTICES spitler, I didn't know anything meet tonight for the first round' • about It."· Schwartz Trophy. Both arc tied ST. BON'S TRACK for the lead with 3·1 records, SI. Bon's senior and junior track II I C M t Probable pitchers are Ron Stride learns will hold a practice tonight lOY ross ee for Mount Cashe! and Jim Carey at 7.15 at Ihe SI. Bon's College Is P , T .. I for Holy Cross. campus. A full turnout of track· 1. at S omp' It

----------------------- sters Is requested. Coaches Pat I . i5

Western Towns Enter' -

Protest On Ball Imports CORNER BROOK WINS WE.-;TERN


Corner Brook Barons swept their AlI·Newfoundland BascbalJ quarter finals in two straight games ol'cr the Port au Port Vlk· ings ol'er the lI'eek·cnd II'lth an 8-6 win on Saturday and a 9-0 shut· out yesterday afternoon In a home and. home series. .

,The winners of Ihe Grand Falls­Ginder series' will visit Corner Brook for the central seml·finals on. August 6th, 7th and 8th., wllh the winning team in the semI· finals journeying to either St. John's on Bell ]sland, home of the eistern champs, for the All· NeWfoundland finals starting on' August 17th.

While locked In the quarter [inlls the Port au Pori and Corner Brook teams got together to flIe

Close Of Play Cricket' Scores . .

a formal protest with the NABA over any use of Imports which Grand Falls might Intend In the NADA serles.


"Port au Port and Corner Brook strongly protest Grand Falls' use oI Randy Edwards or other Import players and request your immediate ruling oI IneliglJlblJity, Should Grand Falls persist in attempts to circumvent spirlt and Intent of NABA amateur regulations we wlJl move stern disciplinary measures against them such as . suspension lor one year and that '11155 be declared no con. test In NABA. Copies .malled all VPs".

King Manager . Atlanta Crackers

LONDON (Reuters) - CriciletATLANTA, Ga. (CP) _ Clyde cJose-of·plly scores in Britain King, a former Montreal Roy. Sltllrday. als pitcher In the International

South Africa 171 and 341 for 5, League, Was named manager of J3droZ 1111. Fourth test match At1~nta Crackers by tlte class AA It Letds. . . Southern Association Saturday,

Derbyshire 2'{8, Nottlnghamshlre He succeeds George McQuinn;

Kelly and Dune Sharpe will be In Sr Football present at the workout. •

·ST. BON'S FOOTBALl, S!' Bon's A and B foothall teams

will practice. tonight at 7 o'clock at the Shamrock Grounds. The following section B players are reo quested to atlend:-D. Ryan, J, Brennan, T. Manning, G, Richards, R. Baird, R. Linegar, Higgins, K, Grant, K, Knox, J. Gatherall, J. King, P. Whelan, J. Royle, D. Bar, rett, L, Cowley,. L. Coughlan, J. Walsh. . .

. FEILD.IAN FOOTBALL' The Felldlans A and B [ootball

teams wJl1 practice tonight at 7.15 at the }o"elldlan Grounds. A full turnout Is requested.


Holy Cross will be looking for their second straight win In the Ayrc Trophy round when they meet St. Pat's tonl~ht at 7.30 In the senior football series at the Ayre AthletJc Grounds,

·The Crusaders won their Iirst appearance of the Patricians In the Ayre Trophy series.

CLEVELAND (APl-Bob Avila, Cleveland ]ndlans second base· man, underwent a sllccessful oper. allon for removal of a growth on his eye Saturday •

Dr. Don Kelly, bam physician, reported Avila will be ready to play T!lesday,

Tonight's game hi the Junior '-J:=====~;! ... =;:=======~ baseball series at Bannerman Park- . .:......... J wlll feature the Panthers and the Giants at 8.30.

Wins Arlington CHICAGO (AP) - S pee d y

Swoon's. Son, the' 8·10·5 favorite, j!aslly won the $144,580 Arlington futurIty Saturday by three lengths at Arlington Park. .

Swwon's Son ImpressiVely. took control of the slx·furlong event for two·year-olds and won $88,140 for his owner, E, Gay Drake of Lex· Ington, Ky. '. .'

Ridden by Dave Erb, Swoon's SOn paid $5.20, $3.60 and $2.80. Mark's Rickey finishing second paid $44.40 and $14.60 Bnd third· placed' Golden Bear's show prIce Was $6.00. . .

,'he ~ elcome Wagon


Amyot Is Fil'st To Swim St. John Lake In Quebec

ROBERVAL, Que. (CP)-Quebec City distam:e • swimmer,. Donald Amyot battled lor 11 hours and 48 minules Saturday through storm· tossed Lak~ St. John to become the first person eVer to swim across tpe 21·mile stretch of north· ern Quebec water.

Amyot was the' only swimmer of five Who started to complete the lirst attempt made On the lake. He took to the water at 5)15 a.m. at Peribonka and swam ashore at Roberval, still comparitil'ely fresh and well, at 5:03 p.m. .

1Ieavy winds and four separate rain storms whipped the water into five· foot waVes. At one point, Am· yot spent three.quarters of"an hour circling aimleSSly when the com· pass In his pilot boat went. away. A palrol boat put the swimmer back on course.

Although the vicory went 10 Amyot, much of Ihe praise was reserved, for IS·year·old Louise Parenteau of Trois·Rivieres, Que., who might have also conquered the lakc had she not bten forced some five miles off course by the fierce storm!,

STILL SWIMM]NG She was still swimming' more

than an hour af~r Amyot reached Roherval and only left the wat'~r,

Pony Leaguers Opening Today

The PONY League baseball ser· ies will open this morning at 10.30 at the Bannerman Park diamond. The game was originally schedul. ed for Saturday afternoon but can· celled out by r~in.

The Cardinals will meet tbe Braves In the opening game.

St. Lawrence' Blanks Lawn 1·0

GRAND BANK-(Spedal)-The "isltlng Lawn eleven were blank· ed 1..() at SI. Lawrence In tbe Burin Peninsula Football Series on Sat· urday night.


to assist In tuberculosis research has been made to the Mountain sanatorium at Hamilton, Ont., the h e a 1 t h department announced Thursrlay. The grant will help pro· vide the services of two laboratory te~liniclans and equipment to de· velop 'improved means of detect· ing the tuberule baccillus. Many tuberculosis cases in sanatoria are never definitely pro\'ed by the finding of the baccillu5, the de· part!"ent said.

exhausted, when Martin Berlard, ------.-----­'president of the sponsoring Lake St. John Aquatic Club, convinced her it would endanger her ealth to continue.

Campbell Sets. 202.32 Record

ULLSWATER, England (APl­DOllald Campbel1 drove his turbo fat speedboat Bluebird 10 a world record on rippling Lake U11swater Saturday, averaging 202.32' miles an hour on two runs over a kilo. metre str~tch of water.

The 34·year-old son of late speed king Sir Malcolm Campbell, said h~ may have brok~n through the dangerous "water barrier."

As he stepped from the 21,2-lon craft which he calls "The Brute" and which looks something like an ungainly lobster, be said he wasn't trying very hard. .


SEALED TENDERS addr ... ed to the und,rsllm.d Ind marked '"TENDER

rOR MAINS AND SEWAGE LIFT STATIONS AT GANDER". will be .... dv.d up to 12 o'clock noon. E.D.S.T.. MON· DAY. AUGUST 8, 1955, lor tb. con· .INcUon of .... lIr .e,.er .04 I .... moln., .. wait. uri .t.llon. It til, T.wn· lit. '" G_nder. Newfoundland.

Plan,. lpeellic. laDS, labour (oDdltions! form. f.rm of tender .nd return lender envelop. may be obtaln.d on IPPU­.aU.n \. the Dlllriel AIrway Engln •• r. of Transport, P.O. Box 42, MonctonJ N.B., upon receipt of an accept· ed cheque mid. plYable t. III. Ree.l .. r G.neral of Ca •• da lor lhl .Um of $2S.00. This cheque .,.Ill be retur.ed upon Ihe re· turn or the plan. and speelficatioDI In ,DOd cDndIU.... Addllional InCormatlon n· qulred with regard 10 Int.rpr.lallon . 01 plan. Ind .peellcallon. may be oblalned from Ihe aloremenlloned DlIlrI.t Alrw.y -EDllne.r.

Plans and IIP"clDea .Ions will alao be D. display It The BuUdin, Trade. EmplDyers' ASlOd.UOD, cLa Horwood Lumber Com.· pony Llmlled, St. John' •• Newroundland.

36 for O. . ' former manager 01 Quebec In the Middlesex 8\1, Hampshire ~ for provincial class C league and New

4. La hlr 3,"'f 8 N ..... York Yankee star, 'who raslgned neas e ... or vs.. or.... last week,

Invited To U.s. LAUREL,Md,' (AP)7'Panasllp'

per, three·year.old chestnut colt who ~on the Irish Derby and fin· Ished second In th~ English Derby, Saturday became the first thor· oughbred Invited to' the.' fourth Washington D.C. International turf

Will 'Knock on Your DDor . with Gifts & Greetings from friendly Busines.

Neighbors and Your . Civio and Social Welfare L~aderl

. "It wasn't a do·or·bust effort, and there Is stil! more speed in the boat,"

Each lender mu.t be _ .. omp.Dled by a security deposit equ al to ten per cent . 110%) of !he tender price which ... urltY deposit wlU be forrelled In tile "'enl 0/ • I.~d.rer refulln, 10 enler Inlo • conlra.1 on Ih. bull 01 hi. tender II eaUed upon ,. do '0. or lallln, 10 IIIlII.clorlly compleJo lueh a contract. Che<J.ues of unsuccessful lenderers will be returned.

ampton.blre. King, '31. played wIth Brooklyn Kent 314, GlamDrgan 58 for t. for porlion! o[ six· seasons and Ireland 153, Scotland 77 for 3. In 1947 'had a 14-7 won.Jost. record. Leieestenblrc'306, Essex 138· for ' ..... . Gloucestershire 264, SUssel "

·Ior. O. . Yorkshire 354 for 3 'declared,

\\'IT1I'leksblre 25 for 2,';. . sUrrey 394 for 8 vs Wo~ster.


BUENOS AIRES (AP) - KJd race at Laurel Nov. 11,. . . Gavilan, form-:lr world's. welter· . Panasllpper 'Is owned by the weight' champion, outpoillted. Clr· Jlrlsh . stud and If he is sent to 110 Gil of Argentine lit a' la-round Laurel lie'lI· race In the. silks oI fight Saturday. Gavllan wellhed I Pr'estdent Sean O'Kelly of 'the U3~ pounds, GJJ 1(5. . RepubJJc of Ireland.

0,. .,hr occtlslol! 'f I

Changll ... i resid~'nce ·Arrival. of Ne~oomertl to

Ci" .

MRS. CATHERINE .FOSTER Supervising H05t,.~S

OLD RECORD WELL BEATEN, But his speed was an impressive

Improvement over the previous recored. 178.497 miles an hour, S'zt· Any lender 1101 I.companred by •• eeur· hy Stanley Sayres on'Lake Wash. lIy depo.l: 'as described wUI IIOt be .onsldered. . ington, ncar Seattie, In 1952. The Dop,rtmont do .. not bInd Ultl/ 10

The "water barrier'" is a phe. • ••• pl Ihe I.WUI Dr any lender. nomcnon somewhat similar t,ll the "sound barrier" which airplanes

r. T. COLLINS. Secretary.

encounter il'hen exceeding the D.p;'rlm.n! ., Tron.porl. I speed of sound. I OII,wa. Ontario, July II, 1m. jll'~,ll

The Sox, Who led the Yankees by three points Saturday, were held to a split by fourth'phice Doston Red Sox, who Ml four lengths, be· hind the Yankees. Boston struck back with a 2-1 victory after Bi1I~ Pierce had pitched the White Sox to a 4·0 first game triumph. DETRO]T ST]LL ]N

Detroit's filth place Tigers, still in the running, dropped 7V" games behind wh~n they were held to a split by Washington. After pound· ing out a 7·3 victory, the Bengals were shut out 3·0 b)' Washington rookie Ted Abernathy in the night. cap.

The National League picture reo mained unchanged as the top three teams-Brooklyn. Milwaukee and New York-divided doubleheaders to leave the runaway Dodgers still 13~ games in front of the Braves and 15 ahead of the Giants.

The Dodgers saved DOn New· combe (16,1) from almost certain defeat, coming from behind to de· Ieat the Braves g·7 in the' first game but Milwaukee bou~ced back to thrash the Brooks 9·2 in the nightcap.

The Giants whipped Cincinnati 4·1 after the 'Reds had ended a seven·game losing streak with a 6·4 first game victory.

Philadelphia's onsurging Pmillies took St. Loui~ Cardinals in camp twice 6·5 and 3·0 for their 14th and 15th victories in the last 16 gam·2s. The double win moved thc Phils to within a game and a half of the third place Giants. Pitts· burgh's place Pirates drubbed the fading Chicago Cubs twice 12·5

Saui Rogovin, the American Leagu2 castoff, ran his scoreless string to 15 innings as the Phil. won two from SI. Louis. Rain halted the second game a!ler !ix innings. Del Ennis drove in III three Philadelphia runs In the m· ond lI'ith his fourth home rlln in tll'O days. Roy Smalley balted in thre~ runs in the opener tor the winners.

Dick Hall. former Infielder-ollt. fielder. making his first start tor Pittsburgh, struck out 11 as he turned in his first Major League win in the opener. Frank Thomal singled hnme Jerry Lynch with. single in Ih~ 10th to win the night· cap.

STAl'I'DlNGS National League

W L Pct. Brooklyn .. ..66 31 .680 Milwaukee , .. 52 44 .542 New York .... 51 46 .526 Philadelphia ,,51 49 .t110 Chicago •• • .. 46 52 .469 SI. Louis .. ,,43 50 .462 Cincinnati.. ..41 54 .432 Pittsburgh .... 37 61 .378

American League W L Pet.



16\, 201,

21 24 29',

New York.. • .59 37 .61.' Ch\j:ago .. • .57 37 .606 Cleveland .. ..58 38 .604 Boston .• " ... 55 41 .~7:l Detroit.. •• .. 50 43 .538 Kansas City ... 38 57 .400 Washington •.. 33 61 .351 Baltimore .•. :28 64 .304 29

I 1







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See the RCAF Career Counsellor at . 1I.C.A.I'. RECRUITING tJNIT

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Page 17: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt


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for over twenty-five yeah., service and repairs have bl!i!n, to th Gi'l!at

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your television probll!m~ 'b the Great Eastern Oil Cc~pflny tit!;, Watl"

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The Great Eastern Oil .

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. ,

, Jacoby On Bridge DANGIlIt LURKS IN FO~j5 lllAD

NORTII %3 .K65 'AK + KQ7 "'Qb873

WEST .' EAST (Dl : itA? '.8~ , ~ Q J 10 ii ,4 ~ 9 6,75 32 + 8 4 ' I~. A 9 G 3 ,fIAl062 , ,*,5

SOUTII AQ J,10 9 3 2 ,None + J 1052 ",JtH'

Both sides \'ul, F.a~t Soulh '\'cst ~o~t11 l>flss P~ss 1 , 1 N. '!'. " Ii 4 .. Pil3S Pass j' ra~5' '

openIng lead-' Q "

I by OSWALD JACOBY ! ,HoW, \\'ould you play today's : hand al a ,contract of 'foul' : spade~? Would you see the dan· : gel' and talce pmp(.' precautions, 101' lI'ould you Ju~t trust 10 good luck? " We~t leads Ihe <Iucen ilL hearls,

nl1d ~'Oll 11Jay the kin!! or hr.arts C'I'Olit the rlulllmy. What ri() 3'()U pIa)' from yom' 011'11 hilnrl~

Whcnthe h,1I1d wns actually Iliaycd, South clidn't see the clan· j:Cl' • .He dlH'anted n cliillllono on dummy's kin!: of hearts, ami he (hell led /I low trump frolll the d ul11my. •

Wcst look lhe ace of ~padcs I and IVondcrcd what 10 110. lie cx· Illected tn 'win bolh of lhe black nces, Rnd he guessed thaI his paL·tller had the missing ace of diamonds. 'I'he "ettlng trick could C0l110 only from n ruff. Wcst could lI'ufr nothing himself. but there WAS a chJnce that his port· ncr could ruff n cluh. ,Hoving com~ to this ronel\!·

Islon, Wesl led the /Ice of cluhs ! and continued with anolhcl' cluh. I East ruffed, And pl'udcnlly cash : cd the ace oC dlar.lOnds'lo ~et the contl'act at once. '

South ~hould have foreseen Ihe clAnller from the \'cry beginnIng, He \\'85 bound to losc thrcc acc~, ond the (~nlltract \\'I;lIld be safe' If he could gilaI'd against a ruff, There was no way of, gUOl'dlnr. n/lillmt II 'diamond ruff .. bul some· thing could he clone abOlil the club~. '

'1'he Cllrrcct play is to cllscarn 'a cluh unth c king of hearts lit the flr!t trick and to lead the arc of hearts Immediately In ordl"r to dlscprct ol1othel' club, Only then is it safe to lead a trump 10 klll1ck out the nce of spades. The r!Cfcl1dcl's ean then take only thel:' Ihrce nce~.

It must be olimitted thaI '\'esl could deCcat til!! (!onlrnet by leadIng tile nc') oC clubs and then another cluh !l'OIll the \'el'y be· /llnnlil/l, I'roonbJy n diamond opCnlll!! likc\vl~e \\'ould ha\'c re, ~ulted In the defeal of the COli,

tract. But wiWI1 \\'est failed tn find lhe kllllnrl opening lend. it was ui) 10 South lu illay the lonlld s~rely.

Children's Puzzle u:o>mm FOOT


;'Oh ill'l'Ivhat h It? I Celt some. Ibiill 'aWfUlly qlieer when I step, pre! hita ,the \\'alr-r.'" ,loin RI! the il\ltlib-~i'~d dnls IO~l'lhn, starling ",lIh aol Illllllhcr rone and r.ndiill: li'ilh jlilt number thirly-sc\'en ~i1cl 1'011 \\'111 ~ee what .lack felt in the ivMer. Color with )'our crayons.


AT DOCK , S.S, Brigus Is #stlll discharging

the balance of c3rgo, aUer which wl!.1 go on dOCk.

S,S ,nallllon h05 ill~char~ed liB moio; v~ltid~s ahl! \vltl discharge the balancl! at the tlilck.

HORWOOD LUMBER CO. LTD • M.V. Philip Wayne, clirll!r mas·

tel', i5 discharging a cargo of lumbiii'.

CANADA PACKERS LTD. ri.v. zcbrula, from S. w. Coast

- Is ~tll1 1Ii\ll~~ rcp1Lli'~. M. V. Shirley GoiJdyp,ar, Is !ilk·

IIlI freiilht for BomlVisla Ba}' piltt .. , .. . , . ''', '

.... 17, .. THE DAILY NEWS, MOJ~L. '" _ .. _~" 195b

) ' ! !


Page 18: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt



... r. 9: , t· 'I ,­, ",I .. . \ .~


TENDERS FO!l lewisporte ,',' ':Notes tDwn .last week enrou!e to Tlz. ,Mr. Moses' ~1l1e, son of Mr. ~nd'. at Bad~er, ~here her Bisler Is' \ from' Harmon Field. They plann· zards Hr. from' Toronto,' (rom Mrs. John Gale, and . brother of visiting her odjlher, Mrs; MlIl!iy. cd motol'ing 10 Hearts Content, there they plan visiting other Mr. Georg1! Gale spent a fe)y It Is undel'sto~it this Is. the first bllt on 81'1'il'al at Gander, found places In N.D. and Bonavlsta Bay. days here last week from Tol' visit, Jllrs. Jon~t. sisler ha\'e made I'ery available. car space booked and wlll then tour the Avalon onto, returning on Friday last. to Newfoundland from U.S.A. lili, on the Itel'l'Y,.so had to relurn Peninsula .. Mrs Gibbons is thc Hope yoil IIk~d this town well 40 years.:: • \Jere, and went by train to visit 1. Separale lenders. will b, 1/.

The bell wive of last week end SOil Is at present In Port with a fc~mer Debbit Forward, and 'enough to rctllrn In the not too Mlsscs Marlri'Lane, U.C. teacherM~.McKay.'s . parents, Rev. and ceived up 10 :-'Tonday. Augu!t hi WIS of I short duration. 9n Sun. C8!l'1I0 of coal ('onslgned to CNR. whllc In' town visited with hel' distant future. . Misses Janet .' Randell, Berenice .Mrs. J\fcl{ay, Mrs, Waller JIIcKay for lhe' conslruction of :In)' or Iii dIS the heat 1\'as terrific, and Coal boats are marc 'of a rarity cousin, S. F. Forward. 1111'. and Jllq. William Higdon Woolfrcy, Miss. D. WcJls and 111 Iss is the former i\hss B1anch~ IV8ny of the following struclum: until lite Monday e\'enlng, when nowadays than 8 few years ago, . Mrs. Raymond Pardy W.lIf, Cal" I arc at present ~'Islting from Gan· 1I1abcl Hart ,cft last Sunday daughter of ·Mr. Gordon Ivany of . (1) Reinforced concrele bri~I' luddenl), 1\ be~ame cold, and has with e\'ery othrr week II ~argo of nation' Lodge IS a present attend· I del', !luesls of Jllrs. HIgdon's par· where thcy will spend a few days this town, and Is a (ormer ~m· across Fishcll's Brook IOUltQ continued ~lDtt', with cold rain, coal would arrh'c, then the town Ing the Grand session being held 'eilts, !llr. and J\lrs. Obcdlah Coop· at Trinity Cabins, Hope you will ployce of S. F FOI'ward, whilst in SI. George's Districl. Ind IS a c:onl'.."qucnce, a numbcr could purchase their supply of at Springdale. :er. . h~\'e a good time girls, as doUbt· her husbanrl was formerly on the (2) Rcinforc~d r..'ncret~ brirl" of )!fople are suffering from coal for (ucl ftrom the Railway. Ml's. Malcohn f'renkc and ~Oli i MI', Re!:. Woolfl'cy has a new ,Ie~s you' will, wish I could be slarr of Lewlsporte Wholcsalers. across ~fol1ichicgneck Rr""k hezd .rold!, an' I nry uncomfort. but now thnt I<n't so, comeqllen. George, and dnughter Ma.rl~n ,'ruck for ~atl'Ol work, glad to \ with you." I ! Dolh Mr. and ~Irs. JllcK~y nr.e located ncar Rly. Sidin~!. able.' tty.75 per cent of the populatilln spent last week at this summel '~ee YOLI drll'ln!: around In some·, Jllaglstrale, and 1Ilrs. Abbott, i wcll·known and despected In lhlS, stone Brook. ,

.lul), 12th wn a wholc holidal' u~e 011 for fUt'I. Somelllln!l uni· cahln ~t NI'Il'~ Brld!le. Ihlng new neli. hut you havp.: ;on and adughter, .pent tile town, and thl!ir many friends (3) RcinfOlcpd coner.l. tltl\'," In the slN?s h~re. but othe\'wl~e que In conncctlon with thls cpal lIIr. and :llrs. Slmm~ ~nrl 111'0 rcally hnd ~ol1le good work done I' weekend at thrir slImmcr Cabin hope 10 ,ee 111em around again III acro~s Ol'rrf~lI~ Brook Inrlt.~ \'ft'3' quiet. Many ppople spent the boat I~ the fll'sl IIppearRtlC~ 01 .children· arc ~t present ~pendlng with. that old onc, .eh. ; ncar !'ielI's Bridge, they were the near future. tel\\'p~n Tompkins anri SMllh day at their summer cabln~. ot. the dlsel englllt: on tills branch'l' a 110llday h'IC rrom Catalina, I\1r. Cyril BudgelJ, son of, Ihl' : "Isitors at the U.S. Sunday. morn· WEDDING BELLS Branch. her just lilt quietly at home. Only lind 10 mllllY the first time see· guesls of Mr.' and Mrs. Chalfles laIc l'\orman Dudgell wcnt to the i Ing sen'lce as .~ ere alfio :Ill'. Rnd 2. Plans and specificalion~ mi. the nals on the I •. O.A. Hallg_I'e Ing one. but 8~ one little boy said Fudge. Both ~rc wen·known here malnla'ld some time agO. to wn:rk M~s. Roy FOl'l';ard, who are val" FDster-Klne : he insprcted at !he Road~ Dnllin:. any Indlcatlon of what the da)' 10 his f:,'lend Yt'sterday, who was ha\'lng live here a fcw years ago, on a farm. Hope you will like aUnnlng at their summer cabin. A very pretty wedding was really meant, but with a coal boat fascinated \valchlng same. All? when ~Ir. Simms was Manager thcwol'k thcre Cyril. illiss Clara Belle lloone is at solemnized at the Anglican in.~ Office, Court Hou~e, 51. Joh~'1 I!!d other costl~ bolts In port. all Bo~ there's nethlng to tllat smali of H. M. Customs hel'e. Welcome Mr. and 1\11'5. Gus Colbourne present .here from Grand Falls, Chwrch on Thursday, July 14th and copies may be obtainrri upo~ t~e nlen .were engaged at their thing, I've seen It ~e!ore. (He had back friends, hope you havc a and daughter were In town on visiting with htl ~\ster Mrs. Pas· before a large ~ongregation. when application to the Rel'PnI!! CI!z\ ddly toiL • secn one just two days previous), pleasallt holld:IY rcncwlng old Saturday. moterlng from Corner I tor Simmonds, also. visiting Mrs. Rev. JIll', 'l'ulk (retired) from BI. of this Department IIpon rl!p~'it

So like we older peoplc, who likE' I friendships. Brook. They r~Lurned Sunday ac· Simmonds Is h('r nephew, Bobble shops Fal1~ unltd In marriage, of 525 for each' Ht which J1IIl

SUNDAY SERVICE AT to give the Impression we've seen' Mr. Heet01' Howc Assnt. SIIPt. companied by Mrs. Colbourne's Altklns from Botwood. Pastor and Doreen Foster (formerly of .Joe Iwill he refunded 10 the tender/! UNlna CHURCH It all. C.Nlt Was in town for the week sister from Twllllngatc, l\frs.HIJ· 1'111'5. Simmonds lueal'e by Tues· Batts An'm) now residing in thLs i if Ihe plans and specificalion! Ir,

0:1 Sunday morning In the Unl· ACCIDENT AVOIDED end on business for the Railway. Ian Rideout. It Is undCLrstood they day·s train' for Emmanuel Camp, town to Llewelyn Kane .of Pound . re!urncd to the Department. t!o:i Church, Mr. Chas Nea\'es, A fatal acc!dentwas al'oldcd Mrs Leandcr Martin and lam. will return herc Wednesday, and at Long Pond, Mauels. This camp Cove (Bonavlsta Day). The bride ! 3. Tenders musl b! marie e!

DirectDl' of Alcohol Education for by the quick movement of a group lIy a;e at present visiting rc· JlIrs. Moody Hayward, Mrs. Col· is an annual evcnt, whcn large entered the church to the strains 11951 ., 900.00 . forms' prol'ided b)' Ih ... !'iewt[oUndakland ~'Ias Nthe Speclh81 section men, Ly jumping from latlves and fricnds herc, they arc bourne's sister, and her sons, ilIax· crowds ailend, and deri\'e much 1of the wedding march, played by 1950 =g~c,.~A'c:: :: :: .. 600.001111ent and must be 5ubmlltfd lUes .• pe er •• l r •• ea\'es w 0 their speeder 011 Wednesday even. guests of Mr. and MIl'S. Frank well and George will go to Cor· instruction, and also some .re·, cre· Mrs. John Cull, Bnd lookcd I'cry 1953 CHEVROLET •••••. 1650.00 isealed enl'elopes acldresspri 10 hu a "ery pleasing personality, lng, when they wcre coming Martin, and plan spending a ncr Brook on a holiday. allon. Pastor al1d 1'I11's. Simmonds I beautiful dressed in white Tulle 1953 FORD .......... 1550.00: D~plll)' !llinisler of Public outlined to a large congregation aorund the curve at Osbornc"s week's bolldaYK before returning Mrs .• lohnnlc Grear, (nee Violet I;ill be accompanied by . 1\l\ss I and Nylon lace. ballerina length, ~m ~6L~~E~~ ':. :: :: :: :~:~ i 'I:hc Word:. "Tender for cun:mu~ .• the evils of stron, drink, espec· siding, when the saw and cnglne to their home at.Blshops Falls. Forward) Is at present here from Clara Belle Boone, and Will be with shoulder t,p I'lel, and caryy· • 1954 PONTIAC ........ 2000.00: hon of l .. ~hells Brook la11y to the teen age boys and coming tow8'rd~ tbem about 150 1111'S. Chas BudgeU. and two Truro. vlsiUng with her mother. absent for two wceks (the camps 1 ing a bunquet DC Carnations, and I 1953 MET·EOR.. .. .. ..1500.00. "Tender lor construclion 01 alrls. and RUt \'anous figures yards. They Immediately Jumpcd children went to Little Burnt Bay IIfrs. Lily FCtI'lI'ard. Glad to'sce duration) Best wishes for a "ery IJllum~, lI·lth ":hite assesorles. Hetr 1'1951 KAiSER .......... 850.00 lichicgnrck Bridge." "Tend,r of cau5ualltles 'and crimp, due to clear, and in ,~ few scconds the visiting with 1111'S. BudgeU's par· you looking so well Violet, hope helpful session. t marton of hoC/our wal> her 3ister 1954 CH:lEVROLET 165000 conslruclion concrrte its Influence. Tile Organist for all speeder was completely demolish. ents, Jllr.· and IIlrs. Douglas Ball. I your holiday i~ an enjoyable one. Congratulat,ons are extended·· Ella attractively dresscd In maUl'e '1 1953 ~~~~M~e~IY;;:t'i~'~ .• . across Omfalls Bronk" are I~ Sunday len'ic~s was. Mr. Boycc cd. Mr. Joe. Pardy, foreman, SUs. Cong:atulations are extended iiiI'. and 11, Irs. Hedley Powel and! the following A.~.D. employees I nylon and tulle, her brldemaid! W~gDn.. .. .. " •. 1000.00. written acr.oss Ihe face of thl • ..' talnedas Iltlcglnjurynn IJne,to ~Ir. an~ !III'S. Scott arc. augler.\·onnp. sa presen -lwlO lal'ecompeLe 25 years 0 'were Blanche, <isle l' of the groom, 1951 MERCURY2ton 'cm·elope . Elliott, who was also the guest 11 h d CI k d I I" Itt at I 1 I d ( • peakrr {or the e\enlnR Ser\ Ice. or two others ~lIght bruslses, bllt II Liltle Burnt Bay, 011 the hlrth 51. .John's, boLh lIlr. and 1111's.! scrl'ice. and who receil'cd thew and Lenora Gillingham who we-xe . Stake ..•. ' .....• " 600.00 He "'11 a~slstc:t by the lay men, othenvlsc no serious damaRe was of a baby bo~' at Ihe home of Powell lire on the staff of Lew· i 2,5 year's sen'ie badge, wilh a preLtlly allired In 'I~mon and 1954 FORD Vi ton P.U .... 1500,00 4. Each lender shall It .. ~'r:ssrs~ E. R~dl?ut .anod Moody Idone, cxccpt to the speeder. 1 :III'S. Clarke', brother, ~tr. Les· isporte Wholcsnlcrs. . !cheque ~t thc dinncr at Grand pastel blue nylon tlllle, with white Munn Motors ltd', panied by an apprond aero'n",. I}~a ,~e\. N. "Insor aeeo.m., LOBSTER SEASON ENDED tel' Ball of thi~ town. JIll': W~llcr 'yood, w~s In 10ll'n : Fall~ gil'en In their hOllour, I acces~orles. All carrying bouquet! cheque (or SIOO as a sur.ty

plnllled b) some Of. the LCllls· The lobstor ~eason closes today, Best birthday wishes lire ex· last wcek \'isilm/: with his brot·1 JIIessrs. F)'cd Small, Charles' or ro~es and mums with ac. the tenderer will it Jllrr~"f',l. PD~C 7on&reg~tlon \Ie~t to Port· July 15th, and has been "ery poor lended to GlIllel·t Budgcll who her, Dr. H. Wood. lI~iss ~ladYs Fudge, Go~don Osborne, Waltelf :cessories. The grom \~a! support. BENNETT AVE. I enter inlo a contrac: wilh en!lIe a~d he.d a. sen Ice there, 'SInce the beginning of ,July month celebrated Ills birthday last lI'eek Dawc .. 1t.N. Rccllmpalllcd "alter, Fudge. Hope jOU will all live I· cd by Wllllam Rord and Frank --I' ,. "A- D-- i Department. The SIlCCP'I/1I1

:,hICb'\~las gr~at1~ happrelclated,( The Ice ami cold hampel'ed opel'. Hope you had a good birthday. and was also a guest of Dr. H. mnny more l;ear.~ to enjoy the. Ylead of Joe Batis Arm and Getr. II dcrer will be required 10 .' rs. nsor was t e so olst at tl t tl b lib t f G'lb d ill' '" d I f II • lid t I " furlher sums 10 bring thp hls'l I d a ons a Ie eg nn ng, u or a I crt. . an j IS. 00. lappy e OilS I P an co·opera· I aId Osmond of this town Immed· ~ ~n te,tnd 15 usua ellght· while there WH~ more lobsters 1\1rs. Don JIIRriln and two lIlr. Da\'e Decker, Red .cros~ Ion which has been yours during Iialel afler tile ccrem~ny, Hie LEG 5 I deposit liP 10 len perc~nt of

ear er '1) ce. offering, than could be accept. daughters Loulsc and ~label lI'ent Commlssloncr for Nfld., lias In tl10set past 25 years. Id 'bY} t otored around· lamoun~ oC Ihe accepted tfnrl/r td tbose wboF~ere prh'!1eged to ed, but they suddenly became to Twlllingnte 011 Sunday last, reo t01l'1l on Friday enl'oute to, Fogo Congratulations are also p.xtend I t:~: th::~eYt') ~le JIIasonic Club 1 be held as securitv for the

O Th d MISh I exceptionally scarce, and practl· turning Wednr~day accompanied and CarmanvlIle to Sl. John s. He ed to Mr. l\Iody Hayward, who R ' ... h a prozlmately 150 You poor Bulleroro why not land satisfactory' performan~e

n ues 1'/ n g t at Centra cally none hH\'e been offered by her mother. was accompanied aby lI!lss Sum· was presented with a 10 yea:r ser· oomt ! .. cre p t t rf :::,~k:~:~i'~~r g'i'~~~~~~'re~!·~';~~ ; the contract. In lieu or '-•. Ih Et"'ocl a ItTie mowd were pre· th t f d V f C t I tl t d d R ,,' d his mother who I b d f I I I Oil I gues s were presen Doer con· real help. ,'posit Ihe successful lend~rpr .~:t to heu !ir Chas Neaves ese pas ew ays. cry ell' ongra u a ons are ex en e mt'ti's .1\. an .' t C ve a ge rom mper a gratulations and best wishes and 1\0 entorced rest. No time art : furnish a surely bond -:;: ." :k' I' Al b I salmon are being offered for sale to Hrs. Robert Martin Jr. ,on the has go~e to St, John s t2, Cll cr Ltd., here on illonday. Best wish· alftake oC tbe dellciou~ wedding trom wotk .. llIst a .imple. ens)' , aDDI:orlll !:. e _ s .. crt dtaL on t Ihe co a at local stores, but several times birth of a son on Saturday morn· a hospital lor medical treatment Cs for your 25 years badge of p Th t t t the brl'de wa home treatment wllh MOO!'E'S I' by the Department lor Ihe !._ut!t!O!l In to see t ree films during the week some cod.flsh Ing last and by 1I11ss Snlrley Freake, duro service with good health an eo. supper. e oas 0 A 5 :;!~!~~~ b~~:: ,,~hda!I~~\~SUI~:~ lof 500;. of tbe to!al sum ... nn,,·,n. 'I!'.1t!! were i.1terestinc and in· has been caught In the evenings III! • I' S d f W' Ing their slay llcre they were operat{on 1\'[oody proposed to by the groom. 5 - thnt reduces Inflammation and , 15. The Deparlment doe~ ont !L"Ue.'n and \\'h'eh were evld ' ~ses \ y aun crs, 0 m· d 't H t ,. soon 115 all prerent hod eaten ,Umul"t •• circulation. No WRiting , ... '. - '. •• . In the HBIl'bour. so tbat one need sor, Yvonne Stanford, Gander, guests of lItr. an II rs, ec or Mr. Jllyles Whitcway and wife tables wer'! clpa~ed lind dancing' ror rellet! You r .. rl ItA .oothin,;. I itsel£ to accept the lowe5t or _ •. t~ of e\er,day life.· The first 1I0t have flshless days as A. North d 1\1\ L d L I ·t Freake. lItlss Slla'ley Is on the are visiting here from Sansom's. eomfortlng. ben.nclal ,(leet rll:ht I'tender. "~ shewn was entitled "The ,an na !'y en, ell' SpOI e, d & 5 d wall enJoyed by young and old nw.}·. Your Ifl:5 teel alrong .. nd ;:; I '1 Y .. Th d colt's fillets ar<: stili good for all. went out In the harbour on a raft staff of S. F. Forll'ar on, an Island. They rure guests of the Th 1ft II' many and ervlce: sturdy again almo.t Ilk' nell'. :; •• o.c~d s La o~rs'Th : ~con PERSONALS, a few doys ago, taking a stick will spend part of her holiday at tormer's brother, Mr • Thomas I bt g Tl ~ ger~m Is a e~plol'e. Follow the ,n.y direction ... n4 I II. MANNING, "~~en D~~lng." ;he ~~r5t ~:: Miss Kay Malluel recently spent to steer and p'lddle. When return· SI. John's guest of 1\11'. and lItrs. ·Whlteway. It I~ understood they I:f ~S.~. C~~tal Sel'\~ce, at pre. ~~~r;~~:::. r.~l.h·!~r~t ~~~lggI;~~ I . Deputy MlniIlPf.

1 tru 11 t k th a holiday with relatives at Loon Illg a gust of wind carried the Decker. plan In the near future to reside I t ing n ~T V Clalfem'ille MOONF,'S EMERAf.D on... t'Dept. of Public Workl.

were nry ns c \'e 00 e B' ill d JIll'S Clarence Wool Llttl B B sen Sfrv 0.... . th of'h I be ay. stick away, and the rart began I r. an. . at e urnt ny. : The bride 11'85 lInm Iler mal'riage MacDonald Wholeul_ Drug, J.ld ; SI. John'" Nnd. you, "t, ~~ ~ :rge num hr, Amongst these who attended tD drift and the resuts' could (rcy recently spent a wek hrue' Congratulations are extended I the lall of A T WooUrey & 51. John's ..... , Dial 5;021 ,:u pz:esen e as one emp a· the evening service at Port\'lIle have b~n S1!riOU5, but for the from Gander visiting with the to 1111'S. and lIl'r. Erie Snow on I ;~os :nd Is weil iikcd and reo :;r~~~e~et~!Yf!~:1 ~~~~:r ::n~ on Sunday wc,'e Mrs. LUy Layte timely assistance or Mr. Jack formcr's t,nother, Mrs. sam\!e~ the birth .of a baby 60n on Sun· I spe~i~d by all. Best wishes u! ces;whicb occur dally when s~rong and Iror sister M;s. Gilbert. Wal'ellam, who swam out and wo~lfrey. rh~y are ~ow at Ex day mormng at the home of .Mr. exlended 10 the happy couple, Aiitk Is mixed Ith Th Mr. and., Mrs. Norman Forward brought the rart safely to land. plmtfi, iIIrs. \\ lloUrey s. home. and Jllrs. Bax\l'r Osmond. I and In this the writer join,,'lt j~ filma showed tile :lrloU~ai~~wrle~ wcnt to Grand Falls during the The many f'rlends of iIIrs. ,John Mrs. John Jcnes. It ~t present JIll'. RI.ld Mrs. Lomond, who i underslood they have at pre5ent .'hen liken In the body. Mr. week on bu~lncss for the firm of Gale will be glad to know she spcn thClr ho.leymoon pt Fogo, : an apt. at former site occupied l\e8\'es spoke directly to Ihe S. F. Forward .&. Son. Is improving, and can gct up were In town Thursrlay, enroule I by BO\\,Bters. o th d Id It tt d t !l1l·5. Fl'ed H8'I'nett and ~on to e\'ery day and around the hOllse Nt-II d to their lutuell' home at Channel. .

J u I ,I~ t sa r ~a t~e ~o so Botwood on Friday 10 \'isit with a lItlie hope you will continue . ew OUhu an Mrs. Lomond It the lormer Miss \ PICNIC :~c \Yt~ \,pro ~sslo~ t~' c Itoho!e ~'r. Harnett who Is a patient at to Imp;o\'e dai:y, JIll'S. Gaic. May Randell of Fogo, and was! .• II Id b tl h erldc \'1 t~C .00 'h U OIV fey the h,ospltal there. Ills many frl· 1111'S Eric PI'Cston, and child. Services on the C. of E. Teaching Siaff at f .. m etA t~OU leI 6eeh~ldon Ie

•11'oOnu thaUt~ouII~t5Ir 1\ctros;.n pro es· ends will be glad to know Mr. I'en h~ve heen visiting here from _ Channel last year. While In tOW11 II saceds 0 Itt ~ma erh e lth ren Ion I

, . . .,ca\·c! rf'o II 1'1 d i1 I I L . lin ay mornmg, w en e m n· ferred to the booklet "Thc CoW'l. arnett Is mpro\ 11g a y s ncr Toronto, for the past few weeks, H COAST; thcy were gllcsts of II \'S. o· i sler IInno\\llced the sunda school -r" I"''' a<"ed 11 I b Ib t his operation some thr'Cc weeks I'1:rs' Peston Is the form "Wal'Y t CONNECTION SOUTy RUN . mond's aunt, lIIrs. Fred Small. I I I f '\' t S d ys I I .. "".n a OIU SCI' eo' . .' : ., SERVICE AND BA IP cn c or es Ull ay c 100

Slmf'. Many of Ihe!f' lI'pre diFtrl. ago. Day an~ ~~ \,Islt:ng With he~ ~o~. PLACENTIA BAY-MONDAY j\II'~. Lou.~i;J Budgell aecom· children 11'11\ t;:ke plnce on Wed· buted after the Church serlvcf!, lIfr. Rnd i\1r.·s. Clemcnt Snow anr1 ller, 1\11 s. Beatr ceo Day, an I 1'.. ReRU1~1' 9.00 a.m. train to AT. panied by her fion Ell, lind hi! nesday, August 20th. on the 50uth I

on Sunday morning, anrl the hope family ere leaving tomorrow by tehrs, Ralph, HOllarcl, and lal genUa II1onda~'. July 25. will makr. wife motore dto Glenwood on side, wheer .ame Was held and wu expressed that a1\ would read car for the latter's home at Lama. old. , connection willI 5.5. BRI: Haven Sunday 10 aHeml the Baptismal so much ,nJo)'ed last year. Hope thb booklet, and gl\'e a lot o{ line. Mills JOB" Snow wlIl aecom. • JIll's. ~tephen Ru~dl (nee Peg~y for the South Coast SerVIce, lind <ervlce held thClre, It heing the teh day will be line, boy, and . .friOUS thoulht, to ~hl~ worth pany to them til Clar~nvl1le, then Colbourne) Is III plcsent in town 1\1.V. Durin lor the Bay Run first 1\1rs. Bugdell who Is 81 has girll. W. ftre sure yOIl will all ' 'A'rule p!'oJect. Rev. Winsor who they will continue to Summer. from Toronto, vl~lting wl~h her Pl~eentla Bay. attended. She enjoyed 5am~, and enjoy the day. If Ihe wcather l'ltroduted the Ipeaker also ex. vme, with Joan, and call there parents, Mr. 8111.1 Mrs. Mel"m Col· CONNECTION GREEN 8AY lelt like going I~r IInother ellr man co·opurte,. Be lee·ln yo II. rre!3!d thanks for his being pre· for her on thEIr rturn. Best of bourne. SERVICE-MONDAY ride later In the evenlnR, Mrs. lent. We h~pp ~tr. Nea\'es will luck friends tor a v~ry pleasant Mrs. Cllas Phillips (nee IIIlId· Train The Callboll leaving SI. Buclgeli is acceptlonally Bmllrt tlnd it pOSSIble 10 vl!!t. this town holiday, we'll miss you Joan. ,red Hay WlIII'd) rnd daughter Bel" ,John's 5 p.m. Monday, July 25, for one' of her age, nnd enjoy, IlaIn In the not I,," rtisl,ant fut. erly from ~all{ax, are visiting will make connection al Lewis· taking 1n the sctivltle~ of 5ur· ure. HI! "'as accompanied by Mrs. Mr. Ind Mr~. S. F. Forward Mrs. Phillips s parents,. Mr. amI porle with 5.5. Glencoe for the tl'ollndlng communltic~ a~ well as l"ea"es; Ind were gue:;ts at the spent tte holidRY at their sum· Mrs, Bater Hayward, Hope you Green Bay Service. In llcr own home town. Mind 'J.e. Man!!!. mer cabin, and Mr. and Mrs. M. enjoy every minute of your holl· CONNECTION NOTR'! DAME Illert, and step firm, she is in

• , COAL BOAT • • 011 boat for the sea·


A. Russel, Mr. and Mrs. Scott day :r.lilred, SOIITY your hubby BAY SERVICE;....TUESDAY perfect health, and the writer Woolfrey, and !everal other.' could not find visit wishes her mnny more yearl of

Mr. and Mrs Gibbons wen! in here thIs year. Train leaving St. John's B.45 continued heallh . p.m. Tuesday, July 26, will make connection at Lewisporte with 1\t.V. Clarenv11le for the Notre Dame llay Service.

.-.- Return Bout CONNECTION' WEST ~UN


1 ' Regular 11.00 a.m. train to A't. I gcntia Wednesday, July 27, wlll 'make ronnection with M .. V

Mr. Ray Hobbs b at present here from Whltbourne, visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Samuel Wool· lery. • -

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mckay were In town over the weekend


~,. .~

f· . ,. .

,. ;, r., ''':;':' " .. ~ ,.

~ ": .


. .

WEDN'ESDAY 8.30 P. MI -:..


HollywoodJ CaUfornia \ . .

VI. . i



lEST 'TWO' OUT .OF.·THREE· FALLS . ' , ..:.., . " ,

. '.!'. .

90' MlnuttTlmi· Limit • . . .

. ' . Tlcketl·niiw on sal. at.THESTADIUM.

: t • . '. .. ,

at ·th •. S~m.· P,lcel, ..


CORNER BROOK SERVIC! Frelght for regular porl~

, \.p.wisportp.·Corner Brook Sel'vic~. . (or forwarding vln Corner Brook i and 5 .. 5. Springd~le, ~cceptcr\

RailwRY Frclght. Shed Monday, .Jllly 25, 9.0n ~.m. to 5.00 p.m.


Freight fOol' regular port8 St. .10hn's·Lewlsport!! Sen'ice for forwarding via LeWisporte Ind S.S. Glencoe, accepted Railway E)'elght Shed Monday, .Tuly 25, !1.00 8.m. to 5.00 p.m. and Tues­day, Jllly 26, 9.00 lI.m. to Noon.


In order for freight to connect with next trip S.S. BaceaUeu on the South Coast Smlce, freight must be at the Railway freight Shed by noon TuesdaY,·July 28.


Freight for regular ports ·SI. John's·Corner Brook Service per 8.5. Northern Rangel', accepted Dock Coastal Shed Tuesday, July 26. 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m, and Wednesdny, July 27, 9.00 am. to 110011.

fro ...



CORNERBROOK.· S.S. GULFPORT Re,.lv.ln •. C.,...

-Iuly 30'_ Augult 2 r '

For Frtll'lit RtlttrvlUon • CIlII tllet


Sperl,1 Rtprt.fuJallve 'l·tl.5483

P.O. Box }:·5182


ST. JOHN'S S.S,. NOVA PORT Recelvlnl Cer._

AUlust .2·4

Nfld.-Canada Steamships Ltd.

Lea,inr n"lIfu:



... . '1'

Jllly 27th............ ........ ........ .. ...... Due SI. Johl1'~ .July l~t" .Augu~t 6th ............................ Due St. John'x AIIRIl'( ~th AURmt 15Ih ............................ Due 51. .John·~ Auzu·t I~tr. Auyusl 24th ........... : ................ Due 51. John'~ Augu~ 2~'~


J,~A"inJl' lIalilAx: .TIII.v 26th ................................... Dul' 51. .Jnhll·~ .Iul,'· 2~th AlIglI~t 3rd .................... · ........ Duc St. John'~ AUlI'lId Hb A\lgU~1 12th ............................ Due St.John', AIIJ:u.<t I'l~ Augmt 20th ............................ Due St .. John'~ AUjlllEt nn~

1m: Immp.cliat, drRI'~nr.! p~r tlirtd ~~i1in~. Fnr rA\P.~, ~p"ce ~nrl other inlonnntion 8pply:

HARVEY & CO., LTD., General Agents, Dial: 2151 R. N. COLE/Special Representative, SI. John'" Dia! 2201


Montreal and Toronto HEAD OFFICE ~-H.ALIFAX. N.! •








· 'Children's

A Pop's SI

.' This property Kitchen (oil ro

· living room, Wired for 22( floor, hot air

acquire a thril





The regular Union will be 8 o'clock in V






THE 'UyI6,tf

Perman An ~ppOriu~

· young man, luranee coml 'o,Ic.rY, two . :~nitie! arid~promoti qualification:

Page 19: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

' ..


, 'lIFER ,I


, THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1955 19 ' ~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~'

.~ ,..

---'-RE-U':':M':'NA-R-Y -N':or='C=E :::::::":~~---=~---::==Fo=r 5=al=e =::-;==:A--no-:t-=-h-er--=H-ap-p-y-;-=I===' :'-.-. '~Lo:-n-gs--h-or-em-e-n~' s-P-r-ot-ec-:ti-ve~U-:ni-on-:::~;: CAR BARGAIN-For •• 11 onl U deB Children's Playground Association i~:.~t~~~l:"":~ ~13:"''::1::' se ar uyer Applications, in writing, will be accepted for',,;:

five good tires. Body and the position of Caretaker of the L.S.P. Union .:'-:,'

TAG DAY motor in perfect condition. CLUB ' , ' Interior perfect. A real bar. Hall up to noon THURSDAY, July 28th~ Only',:', ,,~

To Day's Specl·al gnin for only $450.00. For In· • , ' spectlon nnd demonstration CLOSED members of the L.S.P.U. are eligible for this <:",

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17th F~:'S::\"Y" OI,m.:' position. Applications to be addressed to MR.:'

"I find it hard to understand how the Play­

grounds Association can accomplish 10 much

with 10 little. The answer ii, of course, the

courage to go out and appeal for, fundi,

lponson, spare time and al~ the other things

needed to op.rat. a valt organixational pro­

gramme"-Bill Callanan, Sports Editor in 1M

Sunday Herald.

1953 PONTIAC ~~~~'on ~oc:~~on~~~eE::' r P. G. Whelan, Secreta ry, Longshoreman's' .. ;~ ~ 4 DOOR SEDAN land. also one Concertina. ., ,Protective Union, Victoria Street, St. John's. ' .'

Equipped with Heater and ~~~Ilr Jgr.n D. snow'jry~~5~ 1-- ' ," :



Salesmen Wanted Country-wide organization has several openings for SALESMEN. Good opportunity for retired, wishing to increase present Income. Previous experi­

tnce unnecessary. Interested partie. please contact


Auction Pop' 5 Snack Bar, Torbay Road This property consists of Grocery and Restaurant. Kitchen (oil range and refrigerator), three bedrooms, living room, dinette, bathroom. All conveniences. Wired for 220 volts. Full concrete, basement, cement floor, hot air furnace. Freehold. A rare chance to

acquire a thriving busl.,es ..



~~! i~;~~: Coa~' 'I 'Wanted To BuY, (Signed) L~O A.' EARLE, President ::~;-:: P. G. WHELAN Secretary

Now $"00. COAL _ one dollir per bag. 'A BUNGALOW or a two . Prompt delivery. Dial 2619L. I I H M h II

MUDD Motors Ltd. Power's Coal; East End.jy20,4i . sorey ouse. ust ave a modern conveniences and in

BENNETT, AVE. 'Taxi a good locality. Immediate possessir.m desirable. Apply

jly22,25 ' MEN or WOMEN



International firm leek, men and women who are tired of' WDrk· ing for an employer and getting nowhere. We want ambltloUS"llcD. pIe having five or six spare hOUfS weekly and a desire to get ahead. No selling Involved. No experl· ence necessary. This [s something new In this type of busIness, which has been tested and proven highly profitable and successful. To be considered for this once in a life­time opportunIty $1098 CapItal II required. This .Capllnl Is fully secured. If this ad calls tD you to own a business of your own that will ,secure ,.our future for life. then write Immediately and tell

• us ibout yourself. Answer ONLY if you have an honest desire to be .tarted in a business of your own, as we do not nave time to waste with persons. who are not definite­ly sincere. In your application please include reference, phone at whIch you can be contacted and hours presently employed. Apply Box 2 c/o Dally News. jh·22.23,24

HICKEY'S TAXI leulng' Ter· rencevllle Wednesdays, St. Jolm's on Thursdays. Connecl' Ing with mall boat. Contact' Mr. Hickey at Terrenceville or dial 4210·F al St. John's ..



FURNESS WITHY INSUR· ANCE Department offering dependable Insurance-Auto­mobile. Firc, Burglary, Plate Glass, Tourist Baggage, Transportation, TraV'el Acrl· dent, Liability. Phone 2073.

ROBERT DAWE & SON, Flrl and Automobile InslU'ancc. Be safe. be sure. Insure. ,Tele­phone 2802. P.O. Box as-

,Royal Bank Chambers, st. John's. .

Contact STAN FOWLER, RI. nouf building, (or Fire Auto­mobile and Plate Glass Insur· ance. Claims promptly settl· cd. 'Phone 11531-P.O. Box 63.

INSURANCE-Bowring Broth· er Limited Insurance Depart· ment-Flre. Automobile. Mar· Ine and aU, Casualty line •. Telepl10ne 3131.

CONTACT A. E. HICKMAN CD. Ltd. Insurance Agents, 'Phones 4132·3·4-5-6 P.O.B. 984, for your Insurance re-quirements.

DEPENDABLE FIRE INSUR· ANCE-Don't risk your valu· abies to "save" a few doHan. Our falr·rate, reliable polley gives Immediate protection. 'Phone 692L or write J. J. '-ocey. 'P.O. ,Rox 1106.

Musical Instruments

Mr. A. learie of 19 Balsam Street, a recent Used Car . Buyer at Terra Nova Motors Limited says, "I feel that I can depend upon the 'Used Co" I purchased at Terra Nova Motors because they prepare their cars before selling so that customers can be assured of good

. value and service from them;

to .... "MAINLANDER", P.O. BOX E5141.




Admission 50c: Chilelren 5c

NEED A HOME? ~~~~~ Drop in and look over our fine LOS T .

MOBILE HOMES Available, on loy! down pay· SUNDAY, JULY 10th ment with terms from $15.60 \ weekly. T PEARL and SILVER ROSARY

21h miles out Torbay Road. For further information and

between lI~nkstown Road and St. Theresa's Church,

Mundy Pond.

TORBAY TRAILER-SALES Finder please call ~~~~~~~~ JOAN HOGAN at 3660

literature con tad

• . j[y23.25


2 P.M. 7.30




•• >"

Electrical Contractors ':',~ '. ' ....

, . '.' ~

A meeting will be held 8 p.m. MONDAY, July ,'~,' 25th, at' the Bavarian Brewery Rooms for tha>:

purpose of signing the working agreement "

with I.B.EW. Local 566, Electrical Workers. ," jly22,25 . ~.~ .


ATTENTION! ~ -... j

... ~,

DRINK MILK and, MORE MILK,:; ... .' ~

It is essential for good health • .. It is, the • ~ -, • world's best food. " r .~.'"


Nfld. Dairymen's Association·::, jI9,ll,16,18,23,25,30iRU1. ===========~I,;

FOR SALE .. <. ..... ......

p:- AUCTION GillSON GUITARS - Horner •. Button Stop Accordeons and

Harmonicas, Richmond SIIXo­phones, Boosey Clarinets.­Charles Hutton & Sons. P.O.

Food Served. for reservations call

Toll Operator. (Tel) Modern Service Station'



The regular monthly meeting of the above named Union will be held TO-NIGHT, Monday, July 25th, at 8 o'clock in Victoria Hall.

W. AUSTIN, Rec.-Secretary






For further particylars apply


DIAL 2177·8·' jlY18,tf

Permanent .. Career Opportunity An oppOrtunity for permanent life-time career for a young man, age 25, to '4.5 with a very IClI'Qt 11ft tn­lurance company expanding In this territory. ImmMilat. salary. two year training program, plul nlCInag.mtnt ~portunlties when qualfiltd. Supervisory appDlntments and promotions made from our own" perlonnel. Write I

qua Iificatlon. to , BOX 40, DAILY NEWS '. '

Monday, July 25th' 2 p.m.

70 Head Choice Butchers" Cattle



Barber Shop

THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP-Fast efficient sanl· tary $e&'Vlce. All modern equipment, five barbers. The least possible waiting, 24 New Gower Street. opp. Adelaide Mol Drs Lid. my4.1m

Venetian Blindl

ONLY COMPLETE BLIND Service. Manufacture, Laun­dry Repail' Work gUllranteed. One day service. Free quota­tions. Kearneys Limited. Manufacturers. 454 Water St.

Dry Cleaning

CRAPT CLEANUS LTD., where the charm of newn!s. Is restored. Dial 891m, 14 Hamilton Streel .

1. Tenders will be received up -------...;....;.;;.-----to Tuesday, August 9th. foe tlie Milcellaneous eoJ.'ltl1leUon of U mile. of hl~h. _-:----.,. __ -;-~--­vray from R.C.A.F. Road towards GET THE FA-CTSt Wrltl Inter. gander River Bridge. • .national Correspondence

2. Plans and apecifJcations may Schools, Canadian Ltd., 208 ,be Inspected at the Roads Argyle St., Sydney, N.S.

D htl If,

raUl nl 0 lee, Court House, ----------1St. .t()bn'l, and copi~a may be ob- IF YOUR roof, window. or Iny talned upon application to the other part Ilf your house 18 Renin, ue Clerk of, this I>epart. leaky, don't stop and wonder what to do. Dial 5992 lind ' ment upon Deposit of $25, which we wl\l sce to It for you. Gen· lum will be returned to the tend· eral Contractors. nly24.1m ~rer if the plans and speclflca· tions are returned to the Depart. ALL WOOL MATTR'!:SSES UI ment. . picked. re·covered~ springs

day beds rewired; Inner ,3. Tenders must be mad.' on spring mattresses reeondltlon· forms provided by"the ,Depart· ed. Write, Phone 3891, wJr. ment and mUlt be .. lUbmltted'in H; J. Keats. 16 Mount Royal sealed envelopes addressed ·to the Avenue. ' Deputy Minister of Public .works, ',OUR' grill'" rlmp', two, WISh the word. "l'ende.r for road con· ; ra(!k' to Ilerve you. Greasing,. Itructlon R.C.A.F. Road 'towards . oil change Bnd wallhlng while­Ga~der River Bridge" are to 'be ~ u·wait, ,Cllrs called for' and . wrl.tten .ah,r"". the#'c8 of. the 'dellveredfor these and geni:I' , ~ .,.- "" al rep61r11-Terra Nllva envelope. • ' • Motors Ltd.. rear Ne"found· '

... The tender .hall be, aecom· land Hotel.. panled by In approved accepted :::~-:rl-nc-:-lp-I-:-I -::'o-r--=-----tw-o-.'-oo-m-.-ch-OG-l­cheque for $100 al a surety that at Pool's en\'e., There la a the tenderer will, If successful Teacher's Residence at Pool's ellter into a Colltraet with the De. Cove. Also wanted a' teacher partment. The 8uccl!ssful tender. for .ole-eharlle .chool at An·

ill be derson'a Cove. Please apply

er w required to deposit stating qualiflctitlons and ex· further luma to bring the total ·petlence ~o Raymond Osmond, deposit up to ten per' cent of the . Chairman • United Church amount of the accepted tender, . Board of EducaUolI, Pllol's to be held a. security far, the CDVI!. Fortune Ba),. prOplr ,net satisfactory perform. _jly.l .. 8.(m.o.R •.'_' ..... ____ _ I!Ite of the contract.

II. Tht Department does not O~portunlty,

Statutory Notice, FOR SALE In the matter of the Will and Es· TWO STOREY DWELLING

tate of Arthur Pike, lale of St. Jolln'8 In the ProvInce of New. ' No. 118 Springdale Stred foundland, Grfcer, deceased. ~nlaining 4 bedrooms, balh·

-:-:- ' room, living and d[nlng rooms and All persons claImmg 10 be. credl· kitchen. Floor coverings and

tors of or wbo have any claIms or cabInet all heater included in sale. demands upm1 or affecting tht! Leasehold $25.00 per annum. 1m· Estate of Arthur Pike, late of St. mediate. possession. .Tohn·s ,[n the Province of New· foundland; Grocer, deceaseil, are J h D 'O'D· n requested 10 send particulars of 0 n. nsco, the same. in writlng, duly attested, Real', E"'ate AgAnt. to the Imderslened Solicitors for 3. ~ the Executors named in the WI11 nenry Street . Dial 8UII of the said deceased, on or before !L:ilIii2iilii·25i·~iii7 ______ -a the 8th day of August A.D. 1955, • after which date the Executors will proceed to distribute the said Es· tate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice.' ,

PARSONS & TtlORGAN, Solicitors for Executors.

Address: McBride', Hm, St. John's, Nfld. jlyll,1B,25,Rugl

Teachers Wanted



Zoning' Appeal Board

TO RENT for 2 Months


FOR SALE 'ply22.25


1955 No. 608 IN TilE

Magistrate's Cour~. Between Kelllgrew's Service

StAtion, Plaintiff and Wilson' l;laynes, Defendant -By virtue DEa writ of executlcn

in the above mcntioned 'ma!ter I \ViII sell by public auction to .be neld at the Kelligrew's ServIce

, St~tion, Kclllgrews. C.B. on Thurs· day the 28th day of July A.D. 1955 at 12 o;clock noon. one 1947 Stude· baker Sedan. the property of the

, The following appeal from, abovl! mentioned defendant. th d 'I' f th C'ty B 'Id I GORDONF. PEDDIGREW, e ec sion 0 e I UI' , Bnililf.

ing Inspector will be heard by , .. -~;=-:.- --:-':

the Zoning Appeal Board or Friday, July 29, 1?55, at 12.OC o'clock noon, in the City Httll

F. Banikhin & Sons, Waterford Bri9ge Road, Apartnlent Buildings.,

Any persons whose proper­ties are affechid by the above appeal have, the tight' to ·be heard and to give evidence thereon.

bind Itself to, accept ,the lowest ----------of any iender. AnD ,III. to $41. to YDur week.

Any person intending to appeal. before the Board' i~ hereby requested to notify the R. MANNING,

. Deputy' Mlnl.tlr. D.partmlnt of, PubllcWo~k., , ' St. Jo~n'., Newfoundllnd •. jq22,eod' , '

Iy Incomt, ~lIInlt Itu.lilt /lOS­motles and medleines in your

'sutrnulldln!(B. Interesting com· 'mInion. Write lor details.

FAMILEX, 1600 Delorlmler, , Montreat '



undersIgned. ' E. B. ,FORAN,,' ,\', " CUy Clerk.

, ,

...... Fully equipped, on Topsail highway, Avenue. Inspection by arrangement.

near' Cowan: '.

For further particulars apply to: .. ~ . ~.~.

The Eastern Trust Company";': jly23,25,27,29 ,,':","

, ;"

Wyatt's Packaged Coal .. ,:: 50 lb ••

Genuine North Sydney Coal Patked In slrong, dust proof paPer bags.

DIAL 2097 - 2654 jlyl3,m,tu,th,fr,tf


CLOTHES make the man if C\iAFE

makes the clothes

. '

," "

WM.L. CHAfE, Tailor New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST.

, '

J , '

" t..

, '

" .


, ' . ,:

Page 20: I THEDAIL Y · whn turn~d in the alarm. \ lightly in h~r arm~, and the hod)' I step in th2 relaxation of tensions { ~~ cst~rnt

, 1 I I . ·1 . '1

. i ~i · " .: .\ .. '; :1 L' t:

I'; : •

'.: i " .. ; ,. , t'."

i . I ~!. ..... · ~. :' .' · ," I' . · l.i 1 •. I ',1 :',

JI ' ~ •• 1 ,I · . ~ i :' r· ,', " .. 1!.'1 · . .i I' . ,: I r ", lJ

.... ' ! ,'. ':


... :; '­'.

)0 THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1955 ,

. .
















'PHONES 5143 • 5144



s DIAL· 5201

j 1),21.23,23







CRYSTALS . { . . ) .




GEORG,E,' NEAL liMITED ' ... -: .. .~. '. :!; ~:~ ........

: .. ' ,~t " 4~1

PHONE' 2264·"




Under and by virtue of the The Great Fair powers conferred by Section 13 Sholom Aleichem ....... .4.25 :

No. 1 Quality

lor the Health and Public Welfare· The Power of I Act, Chapter 01 of the Re\'lscC!

I Statutes of N~wroundlalld, 1952, Positive Thinking "MONARCH" PASTRY FLOUR 7/7's

land of all othllr powers enabling Norman Vincent Peale 3.00 . me In this behalf, I do hereby

I make the" followlnlI regulations. Ros~ano "ROSES" LIME JUICE I Dated this 7th day of July, A.D. Gordon Lell ................ 2.25 ' 1955. I

SOD. 5. J. HEFFERTON, Cloud of Islands Minister of Health. W, I, B. Crealock ........ 5.25 :

"SOUTHWELL'S" LEMON CRYSTALS , REGULA'l'lONS I 1. These negulations may be

I cited as the Sanilatlon of Ponds Regulations, 195~.

I 2. No person whall wash Rny ! molor vellicle M any of the ponds listed In the schetlule to these Regulations or In any river or stream flowing Into or out of such ponds within five hundred yards of any such pond.

3. No person shall pollute, de­file, discolour or" dump garbage or refuse In any pond listed In the Schedule to these regulations or In' any rlv-cr or stream flowing Into or out of such ponds.

SCHeDULE Shoe Cov. l'ond, St. John's

lEad. , I Gallows COY\, Pond, St. John's East.

Wlthrod Ponti, St. Johnis East.

I Great Pond, st. John's East. . Whlteway Pond, St. John'& !!:ust.

i Kenny's Por,ti. St. John's En~t. I Sugar Loaf Pond, St. ,lohn's East.

Leary', Brook, 51.. ,lohn Ea~l. Beaver Pond, St. ,lohl1'g South. Pelly Harbour }'irst Pond, st.

John's Soulh. Pelly Harbour Second Pond,

St .• 10hn·s Soulh. . Forest Pond, st. John's South.

. Lees Pond, ~t. John's North. Picco's, Oil' Neary's . Pond, 5t.

I John's North.

Hughcs Pond, SI. John's North. Mitchell's Pond, St. John's

. :{orth.

Hogan's Pond, St. John's North. Healey's Pond, St. John's North. Powcr'. Pond, St. John's North. Long Pond, St. John's North. Kent's Pond, St. John's West Adams Pond, Harbour Main. Octagonar Neville's Pond, Hal"

, bOllr Main. Neal', Pond, H;1Irbour Main. Brazil'. Pond, Harbour Main. Top~8i1 Pond, Harbour Main.

I Three Island Pond, Harbour I :\Ialn.

Lawrence'. Pond, Harbonr i\laln.

Hodgewater Pond, Harbour lIIaln,

Grand Pond, Harbour Main. Ocean Pond, Harbour Main. Gull Pond, Ferryland. Bay Bulls Big Pond, Ferryland. Bay Bulls Long "Pond, Ferry.

land. • Long Pond, Sulmonlell'. Deadman's Pond; Gander Dis·

trlct. Salmon Pond, Gander District Indian Arm Pond, Gander Dis·

trlct. Rushy Pond, Grand Falll. Peter'. RLver, Grand ·Fa11 •• Deer Lake, Humber East. BI, Bonne Bay Pond, Humber


Rocky Pond, Humber East. Long Pond, Humb!!r East. Lake St. George, St. George's.


St. George's RiI'er, 51. George' •. Little Honne Bay pond, St.

Barbe's Dlslrict. swi'mmlng Pond, Burgeo.

La ·Polle. jly25,27


REID-Born at the Grace Ma· ternity HospitaL on Sunday, July ~th, to Calvert and Jean' Reid, a daughter.

REARDIGAN - 'I'he man, friends of PatrIck (Paddy), Ion of the late John and Mary E. Rear­digan, will be SONY to hear of his death at his home, 1206 Van 'Hook st., Camdcn, New Jersey, 5.30 a.m. Saturday, In his 30th year. Left to mourn are his wife, Stella, 3 50ns, 1" daughter. at Camden, 3 'Sisters, 1 brother jn Brooklyn, 1 slr-ter, 3 brothers In the city. R.I.P.

GLASCO-Died suddenly Frl~ day morning, Philip John Glasco, leaving to mourn 3. brotllers, 3 ~15tl'r~. 2 SOilS, 2 daughters. Jo'uneral Boday, Monday, at 10 R.m .. with Requirm MaSll It st. Patrick'~ Chul'ch at 10.30 lI.m. frnm his. brothcr's residence 347

, Southside Road. 'I

RElD-Passed pearefully away at 2 p.m. Saturday at her son's resIdence, Blackler Ave., Mrs. Ma· tllda Ups hall Reid, In her Dbt "year. She lenves to mourn aile dallghtcr, Mrs. AUreda Pike. three sOilS, lIInlcolm, Wlll.lani IIm[ Rlcht'd Upshail, 18 gl'andt:hlldl·en· and 36 gt·eat. gl'andch.Udren.

. Funeral taken place today at .:1 , p.m." Irom the re~jdence oC .Ii~r son, William UpshaJi,. 'Blackle!" Ave., by motor hearse to Para· IIise,

, .'

Innocence Under The Elms I

Louise Dickinson /lich .. 4.25 i Benton's Row I

Frank Yerby .............. ..4.00 . I

Shadows in the Dusk , John Jennings ............ 4.25 !

The Thorn Tree I Nelia Gardner White .. 3.75 I

Venture Into Darkness I' Alice Tisdale Hobart..4.00 i

2 0%. Bottle ••


Lee Wulff's New Hand Book of Freshwater

---~~--~~-------------------------------------Fishing .......................... 3.75

The Saturday Evening Post Treasury ............. $B.95 . .

stood that the moraLe of camp was rery high and he was delighted to hear that. During the offering Hymn "We Are Soldiers Of Christ" wal sung. Music for the Drum Head Service was supplied by the Hattalion Band under the baton of lIIajor S. Saunder~, Director of

Woolgar and the Bugle Band un· der the guidance of Lieut Com· mander J. M. C. Facey.

We gratefully acaknowledge the following donations towards the camp expenses; Tea Bags from

Ruby, 11. H. Hookey, Mr. and !.In. Ern Ash; 53.00 from . .\!lon; 525(] each from ~Irs. Marion Le'.!w:II". ier, Edwin Brad~haw; 52.00 each from Joe Biggs, Albert l~e:d, 'Iho;. Hammond.

alusic In the C.L.B. Standard Brands Ltd.; 520.00 from On Tuesday night we will h, Lem Bartlett; 510.00 each from! hnlrling the fin.1 rlance of Ih;~ E. .. ·:'lajor A. S. Lewi., Mrs. E.I senior camp in St. Paul", lI;d; Raird in ~Iemory of the latc Ken i '~he annual bonfire will al~o h. Ruby, George Phillips; 55.00 rach I hrlrl on Tllc.'rlay night. A~ ~I· from George Eason, hlrs W. ;-';uel, I ready mentioned in the~e MI.\ R. Allan Edwards, Lieut. D. A. the sports will takc place on ~Ion.

Edwards, Robert Downton, ReI'. I day afternoon.

THE BOOKSELLERS 'Phone 3191 • 4425

--. ---'.1------ .... ---

I Immedialely followin!( the Drum Head Sel'vice the Battalion Band gave I Band Conrert on the Par· ade Ground. "

C.L.B. News (Continued from page :n

At 8 o'clock on Sunday night the Retreat wa~ carried out In tradl· tional fashion with the Guard lin· der the tommand of CMS F.

H. W. Facey, .Joseph Tutk, W. J.I Carry nn CLB. Keep Ih .. FI"~ Somerton, Bell Island; Mrs. Ken I r!ying.-W. R. C.

by Sergeants' G. Anthony Rnd D. I Howell. Bolh the Battalion and i

Bugle Bands were also on parade. : The service opened with the

Processional Hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus," followed by prayers conducted by the Rector I of SI. Paul's. The Lesson, taken from Chapler 6 Vcrse 10 of the I Ephesians, was read by the Very I Rev, Dean N. S. Noel, Reclof and Dean of SI. PaUl's Pro-Cathcdral at Qu' Appelle, Regina. Alter Hymn "We Love the Place, 0 God," the Dean delivered an ex· cellent address, taking as his I

theme "The Weil of Prayer." Our· Ing his address he stated thai there was no movement for youn:! mpn better than the C.L.B. He was at one time Commanding Of· ' licer of the C.L.B. Company al Fogo. He quoted frnm Verse 7 01 lhe 110lh PSRlm, "He shall drink of the brook In lhe way; therefure 5hall he lift up the head." Brooks In life must be always kept cJeal1 The greatest power In the worlt] is the power of fellowship wilh God in Prayer. We must drink deeply of the Spiritual things in I

Jlre; We must drink deeply at tlie "Well of Sacrament," and the "Weli of Spiritual Couragfl and Faith." During the tRking up of the coUecUQn the choir under the direction of Mr. Frank ShcPPRrri And the eongregatlon lang the Hymn "Onward Christian Sol. diers." Aller the Benediction by the Dean the R~cessional Hymn, "Fight the Good Fight," was sung.

Tho parade returned to camp by \"lay of Water Street, Noad Street and Hafl'ey Sireet.

We were blessed with fine wea· ther In the afternoon [or our Drum Head Service. 'rite Service open· ed witlt the Brigade Hymn follnw­(,d by Ihe Lesson read b., Denn Nuel. Prllyer~ were conclu·cted by the Camp Chaplain, Rev. L. /(. Ludlow, following which Hymn, "Holy, Holy, 1I0ly, Lord God Almighty," was sung. The address was given by the Battalion Chap­laLn, Rev. Canon A. B. S. Slirling. If he asked the lads, when they were leaving, what WM the best thing they' got out of Camp, he would expect them to slale that they had a good time. That would be fine as God want us to have a good time. However Ihe two things we should have got out of camp are a~ follows:

(1) We should have learnt good comradeship.

(2) We should have learnt to value beauty and nature. . These are' Ihe. two great things we should have learnt from our , time here under canvas. He under· i




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Uniol Fore Want Restl

MONTREA Union forces aT

their power for against Briti:;h shipping in Cim; trade, it was re Monday.

Hal C. Bank~. pI · IUOO.member S<!'lf

lIonal Union (AFlr I 'I'iII raise the matte !t a special conre American Federatio

· linnlng In Chicago : Mr. Banks, rec' : from an Inlernatio 'ference at Helsinki. : \ervlew th~ problel · been discussed amr · dian unions.

Formel Hit By DrougJ Worst Sh

O'ITAWA (C Canada's \\,01'

since 1914 may ers to sell lives of winter feed, ture depal'tm said Monday,

The official est loss so far this .~UI and Quebec is lit

This was broken 000,000 1055 in 03 I ha~·. $5,roo,ooo in Il00,000 in lo~t tel ture reni.

In addition to I affecting a pproxi farms dependent tialiy on milk or 000 eash.crop farrr hard hit by drougl

TOBACcO CROP The official sai

Yet estimate los' tobacco crop wort Year. But only t ~[ robacco Carmer: lion wouLd escape

Other crops hi Worth $8,000,000 1: ~ro, $29,000.000,

.000,000. Winter feed 105~

ftharmers to sell pa e official said.

.In pre\'iOU5 drm lilage-mainb' hl1 brought in {rom \'cCntral Canada. ~rOijght is so wil "n placc from \ obtained economil

FODDER SC,\R( It cannot be

United States hI caUse they ha ve tl the official ~aid. times' annunl \"i~ 10 llleet Il~etls 'in

'rhe official $:1it' rain ba~ falle

• '/U""n_ ~o far thi a 53·year a of[ ich

.nr.~,,"' .• as centn 1914.
