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    586 JAOA Vol 108 No 10 October 2008 McPartland Review Article

    The present review provides an update on endocannabi-noid basic science and clinical studies and proposes a newmodel to describe reciprocal interactions between somaticdysfunction and the endocannabinoid system. The endo-cannabinoid system consists of cannabinoid receptors,endogenous ligands, and ligand-metabolizing enzymes. Thesystem exemplifies the osteopathic principle that the bodypossesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing

    in nature. Enhancing endocannabinoid activity has broadtherapeutic potential, including the treatment of patientswith somatic dysfunction, chronic pain, and neurodegen-erative diseases as well as inflammatory conditions, boweldysfunctions, and psychological disorders. Blockade of theendocannabinoid system with drugs such as rimonabantand taranabant may oppose self-healing mechanisms andelicit adverse effects. Osteopathic physicians wield severaltools that can augment endocannabinoid activity, includinglifestyle modifications, pharmaceutical approaches, andosteopathic manipulative treatment.

    J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2008;108:586-600

    The endocannabinoid system was discovered long after theendorphin system, which was indirectly detected in 1801when morphine sulfate was isolated from opium. Morphinesmechanism of action remained a mystery until the opioid receptor was identified. That discovery begged the question:Why do humans express a receptor for an opium poppy(Papavera somniferum) plant compound? Scientists quicklyidentified endorphins and enkephalins, which are endoge-

    nous compounds mimicked by the plant compound.1

    In 1897, Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DO,2 the founder ofosteopathic medicine, famously stated, Man should studyand use the drugs compounded in his own body. Stillhypothesized that osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT)stimulated endogenous compounds that promoted homeo-stasis and healing. Not long after the discovery of endogenousopioids in 1975,JAOAThe Journal of the American Osteo-

    pathic Association published a supplement dedicated to endor-phins and enkephalins.3 However, the initial enthusiasmdampened after seven subsequent studies4,5 showed no effectsof OMT or chiropractic manipulation on serum levels ofthese compounds.

    Since then, researchparticularly osteopathic medicalresearchhas redirected its attention from the endorphinsystem to the endocannabinoid system.4-10 A search on theNational Library of Medicines PubMed database ofendorphinin the 1992 literature, the year endocannabinoids were dis-covered, returns 596 citations, whereas endocannabinoid yieldsonly two citations. In a search limited to 2007, endorphinpro-

    duces 122citations, whereasendocannabinoid generates 480cita-tions.The primary purpose of the current article is to review

    the expanding endocannabinoid literature beginning withexogenous compoundsCannabis and plant cannabinoidsand then shift to the endogenous system, highlighting embry-ology and development, neuroprotection, autonomics andimmunity, inflammation, apoptosis, hunger and feeding,and nociception and pain.

    Because the literature is so voluminousmore than10,000 cannabinoid citations in PubMedthe present articleis not a systematic review. Review articles were consideredthe preferred source and are referenced throughout to enable

    continued education.In addition, the present review seeks to draw parallels

    between the endocannabinoid system and the principles ofosteopathic medicine.11 The endocannabinoid system is ahomeostatic mechanism that exemplifies the key osteopathicconcepts of mind-body unity11 on a molecular level. A newneuroimmunologic model describes reciprocal interactions

    between the endocannabinoid system and the osteopathicconcept of somatic dysfunction. Finally, the current reviewwill describe how osteopathic physicians may enhance endo-cannabinoid function in their patients.

    The Endocannabinoid System: An Osteopathic Perspective

    John M. McPartland, DO

    From the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine at Michigan StateUniversity College of Osteopathic Medicine in East Lansing.

    This work began under the aegis of a Unitec AssocProf research grant(School of Osteopathy, Unitec New Zealand). A lecture based on thismanuscript was presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Academy ofOsteopathy in Birmingham, Ala, on March 27, 2006. The author serves as ascientific advisor for the Cannabinoid Research Institute, a research divisionof GW Pharmaceuticals.

    Address correspondence to John M. McPartland, DO, 53 Washington StExt, Middlebury, VT 05753-1288.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Submitted June 6, 2007; final revision received February 20, 2008; acceptedMarch 3, 2008.


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    JAOA Vol 108 No 10 October 2008 587

    receptor agonist ([3H]CP55,940) bound specifically to a receptorlocated in neuron cell membranes.21 Two years later, Mat-suda and Bonner cloned the gene for the receptor, which trans-lated into a chain of 472 amino acids that weave back andforth across the cell membrane seven times.21 This weaving

    structure is the same as those of G proteincoupled receptors(GPCRs), which are named for their G (guanine nucleotide

    binding) proteins and function as intracellular molecularswitches. Well-known GPCRs include opioid, dopamine,serotonin, and -adrenergic receptors.

    Each GPCR possesses a unique binding pocket with anaffinity for specific ligands, like a lock-and-key mechanism.When a ligand docks in the binding pocket, it may initiateany of the following changes, depending on the agonist:

    Full agonistsThese agonists, such as morphine and -endorphin, maximally activate receptors.

    Partial agonistsThese agonists submaximally activate

    receptors, often less than an endogenous ligand. For example,the-blocker pindolol occupies the norepinephrine bindingsite but exerts much less activity.

    Neutral antagonistsAgonists in this category, such asnaloxone hydrochloride and alprenolol, dock at receptors butdo not activate them.

    Inverse agonistsThese agonists, such as metoprolol suc-cinate, metoprolol tartrate, prazosin hydrochloride, cimeti-dine and haloperidol deactivate receptors by suppressingtheir spontaneous activity.

    A ligand docking in a GPCR distorts the shape of the

    GPCRs transmembrane weave of amino acids (a conforma-tional change), thereby altering the intracellular side of thereceptor and its interface with the G protein. If the ligand is anagonist, the G protein decouples from the receptor and couplesto an ion channel (eg, K, Ca2) or enzymes (eg, adenylatecyclase), causing a signal cascade that governs cell behavior.21

    The cannabinoid receptor can activate different G pro-tein subtypes. For example, subtype Go couples to ion channels,Gi inhibits adenylate cyclase, and Gs stimulates adenylatecyclase.21 The deciding factor is the agonist because variousagonists preferentially direct the receptor toward the differentG protein subtypes.21 This agonist trafficking may explainwhy different strains of cannabis produce different psy-

    choactive effects.22 Agonist trafficking alters the traditionallock-and-key metaphor. In this setting, an assortment of keysunlock the same lock, but the door opens into different rooms.

    Cannabinoid receptors are the most common GPCRs inthe brain, but they are unevenly distributed. High densities arefound in the basal ganglia, which is composed of the globuspallidus, substantia nigra, and striatum (comprising the cau-date nucleus and putamen); hippocampus; cerebral cortex;cerebellum; and amygdaloid nucleus.23 Receptor distributionaccounts for the well-known effects of cannabis on short-termmemory, cognition, mood and emotion, motor function, and

    Exogenous CannabinoidsThe plant Cannabis sativa, the source of cannabis (ie, mari-

    juana, hashish), is native to central Asia. Several indigenoustraditional medicine systems (eg, Ayurvedic medicine,Tibetan medicine, traditional Chinese medicine) evolved and

    make use of this substance.12In the 1830s, a physician serving the British Crown in

    India conducted a series of laboratory experiments, includinganimal studies and clinical trials, to determine the safety andefficacy of cannabis. He subsequently introduced cannabis toEngland and was knighted by Queen Victoria.13

    Cannabis entered The Dispensatory of the United States ofAmerica in 1854.14 Although cannabis met a variety of appli-cations, its primary use was for the alleviation of pain andspasticity. In fact, Sir William Osler considered cannabis themost satisfactory remedy for migraine.15

    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, cannabis wasmanufactured by a number of pharmaceutical companies in theUnited States and was dispensed as an orally administeredfluid extract. When coupled with variable product potency,unreliable sources of supply, poor storage stability, and evi-dence that the liquid form was erratically absorbed by thegut, fluid extracts soon fell out of favor.13 Its decline in popu-larity was further hastened by new and inexpensive syntheticmedicines such as aspirin. Finally, after growing concern ofreefer madness, cannabis was prohibited in 1937 despitevigorous opposition by the American Medical Association.16

    In fact, many leaders in the allopathic medical profession con-tinue to support the medicinal use of cannabis.17

    Whereas morphine forms a water-soluble salt easily iso-

    lated from Papavera somniferum, the active ingredients incannabis are lipophilic and resist crystallization. In 1964, afterfoiling scientists for 150 years, Raphael Mechoulam isolated9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol.12 More than 70separate 21-carbon terpenophenols unique to cannabis, col-lectively called the cannabinoids, have been identified byMechoulam,12 Pertwee,18 and others.

    Animal studies of THC began immediately after its dis-covery. By 1975, the first phase 3 clinical trials were pub-lished.12,18 Dronabinol, a synthetic THC, was approved as aschedule II drug in 1986 and was moved to schedule III in1999.17 Its indications include nausea and vomiting associatedwith cancer chemotherapy as well as appetite and weight loss

    in patients with AIDS.19 Nabilone, a THC analog with thesame indications, was approved by the US Food and DrugAdministration in 1985 but was not marketed in the UnitedStates until 2006.20

    Receptors and Signal TransductionDiscovery of the -receptor launched a search for cannabi-noid receptors. However, the search was stymied by THC

    because of its nonspecific (ie, indiscriminate) binding.In 1988, Howlett et al developed synthetic, water-soluble

    THC analogs showing that a radiolabelled cannabinoid

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    588 JAOA Vol 108 No 10 October 2008

    nociception. Unlike -receptors, cannabinoid receptors arevirtually absent in brainstem cardiorespiratory centers, whichprobably account for the lack of lethal effects from cannabisoverdose.23

    Cannabinoid receptors are downregulated and desensi-

    tized when exposed to high doses of THC. This effect resultsin drug tolerance, which occurs at varying rates and mag-nitudes in different brain regions. For example, it occurs fasterand greater in the hippocampus, which regulates memory,compared with the basal ganglia, which mediates euphoriceffect.24 This difference may explain why memory lossdecreases among frequent cannabis users, but its euphoriceffects remain.25

    Curiously, cannabinoid receptors may activate G pro-teins in the absence of THC or endogenous cannabinoid com-pounds.21 This constitutive activity is difficult to separatefrom endogenous tone experimentally, where tonic releaseof endocannabinoids activates the receptors. Constitutive

    activity has also been measured in other GPCRs, such as theangiotensin receptor, which is stretched into an active con-formation by hydrostatic pressure in blood vessels.26

    A second cannabinoid receptor, CB2, was discovered in1993. While the first receptor, CB1, is principally located in thenervous system, CB2 is primarily associated with cells gov-erning immune function: leukocytes, splenocytes, andmicroglia.21 The genes for CB1 and CB2 are paralogs (ie, genesseparated by a gene-duplication event), with orthologs (ie,genes separated by speciational events) in all vertebrate speciesinvestigated to date.27

    In fact, orthologs of cannabinoid receptors have been

    identified in primitive organisms, such as nematodes and seasquirts, which suggests cannabinoid receptors evolved 600 mil-lion years ago.28 Therefore, from an evolutionary perspective,human CB1 is under strong purifying selection, whereas CB2is under reduced functional restraint. In fact, the mutationrate of CB2 is four times higher than CB1.29

    Endogenous CannabinoidsHumans likely did not evolve receptors for a Cannabis com-pound. Indeed, the cannabinoid receptor evolved long beforecannabis, which is not more than 34million years old.22 The firstendogenous cannabinoid, anandamide (AEA), was discov-ered by Mechoulam in 1992nearly 30 years after he discov-

    ered THC. The discovery of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)occurred shortly thereafter.

    Both the AEA and 2-AG endocannabinoids are metabo-lites of arachidonic acid. They do not resemble THC butnonetheless fit the CB1 and CB2binding pockets. Therefore, theeffects of THC, AEA, and 2-AG substantially overlap, acti-vating the same receptors.30 However, THC is a partial agonistand may block 2-AGs full agonist activity in some situa-tions.31-33

    Unlike classic neurotransmitters, AEA and 2-AG are notstored in vesicles. Instead, they are synthesized and released

    on demand from precursor phospholipids within the cellmembrane. The AEA endocannabinoid is cleaved from itsprecursor phospholipid by the enzymes N-acyl phos-phatidylethanolamine phospholipase D and alpha-beta hydro-lase 4, while 2-AG is cleaved from its precursor diacylglycerol

    (DAG) by two DAG lipase enzymes, DAGL and DAGL.After release into the synapse, AEA and 2-AG activate CB1.

    Thereafter, several other catalytic enzymes break down AEAand 2-AG.18,34 Several agents that block catalytic enzymesspecifically fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoa-cylglycerol lipase (MAGL)have been described, which pro-long AEA and 2-AG synaptic activity, analogous to a serotoninuptake inhibitor. Pharmacologists are searching for inhibitorsof the other endocannabinoid enzymes as well.18 Althoughfew endogenous inverse agonists are known for any receptors,one inverse agonist called hemopressinwas discovered for CB1and has exhibited surprising analgesic properties.35

    Within the central nervous system, the endocannabinoid

    system acts as a negative feedback mechanism to dampensynaptic release of classic neurotransmitters. A simplifiedexample is presented inFigure 1. Persistent activation of anervein this case, a sensory C-fiber nociceptorcauses exces-sive release of glutamate from its central terminal, whichsynapses in the dorsal horn. Excessive glutamate causes anupregulation of glutamate receptors in the postsynaptic cell (inthis case, a wide dynamic range neuron). Persistent nocicep-tion and upregulated glutamate receptors lead to a form ofneural plasticity known as central sensitization.36,37 Neural plas-ticity is characterized by the sprouting and pruning of synapses,changes in dendritic spine density, and changes in neuro-

    transmitter pathways. It gives rise to all types of adaptivelearning, including the subcortical events leading to a facilitatedspinal segment37 as well as the conscious act of gaining a newskill or the unconscious acquisition of a new emotionalresponse.38

    Central sensitization elicits a homeostatic response by theendocannabinoid system: upregulated glutamate receptors inthe post-synaptic cell lead to an influx of Ca2 (Figure 1A),which causes DAGL enzymes in the post-synaptic cell tosynthesize 2-AG (Figure1B). The 2-AG endocannabinoid movesretrograde (ie, opposite the direction of glutamate) across thesynapse to CB1, located on the presynaptic neuron. The acti-vated CB1 closes presynaptic Ca2 channels, which then halts

    glutamate vesicle release.31 This retrograde signaling mech-anism is termed depolarization-induced suppression of excitation(DSE) and enables the postsynaptic cell to control its ownincoming synaptic traffic.

    Alternatively, if endocannabinoids transiently attenuatethe release of an inhibitory neurotransmitter such as -aminobutyric acid, the mechanism is termed depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition (DSI).31 As a ubiquitous phe-nomenon, DSI modulates neurotransmission in thehippocampus, cerebellum, basal ganglia, cerebral cortex, andamygdaloid nucleus.31

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    tion and synaptogenesis. Lastly, axon guidance is shaped byaxon growth cones, and endocannabinoids are part of themolecular soup that guides growth cones to their destina-tions.43

    Adult neurogenesis is regulated by many of these embry-onic mechanisms and primarily arises in neural stem cellswithin the subependymal layer lining the cerebral ventriclesand the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. Neural stem cellsin both of these brain regions express CB1,44 and neurogenesis

    by these cells is driven by the endocannabinoid system.45Considering the prominence of the endocannabinoid

    system in embryogenesis, its equal importance in adult neu-rogenesis brings to mind a quote by James Jealous, DO:

    The formative and regenerative forces that organize embry-ological development are present throughout our life span [...].In other words, the forces ofembryogenesisbecome the forcesofhealing after birth.46

    Although DSE is less common and the data suggest CB1occurs both pre- and postsynaptically in the dorsal horn,36

    evidence indicates that DSE dampens nociception at the spinallevel.39 The endocannabinoid system also controls other formsof neural plasticity such as long-term depression, which iscaused by a sustained decrease in glutamate release frompresynaptic cells.40

    Embryology and Development

    For endocannabinoid receptors to survive 600 million years,they must serve evolutionarily important functions. The CB1receptors have been detected in mouse embryos as early as thesecond day of gestation.41 Blastocysts express CB1, CB2, andFAAH, and blastocyst implantation into the endometriumrequires suitable levels of AEA.41 In fact, the endocannabi-noid system organizes a broad array of developmental pro-cesses in the embryonic brain. Proliferation and differentiationof neural stem cells are shaped by extracellular cues provided

    by endocannabinoids.42 Indeed, once stem cells commit toneuronogenesis, endocannabinoids regulate neuronal migra-

    McPartland Review Article


    A B

    Figure 1. Retrograde transmission at the dorsal horn. Nociceptor action potentials open calcium (Ca2) channels in the presynaptic axon ter-minal, which cause vesicles of glutamate to release into the synaptic cleft. (A) Excessive glutamate release causes upregulation of glutamatereceptors in the postsynaptic cell, which open Ca2 channels. (B) Postsynaptic calcium influx stimulates diacylglycerol lipase enzymes to syn-thesize 2-AG, which diffuses across the synapse to the presynaptic cell and activates CB1, which closes presynaptic Ca2 channels, arresting therelease of glutamate vesicles.Abbreviations:AMPA, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor; eCBS, endo-cannabinoid system; mGLU, metabotropic glutamate receptor; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor. Reprinted with permission from the

    Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.10 Copyright Elsevier, 2008.

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    590 JAOA Vol 108 No 10 October 2008

    NeuroprotectionThe anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antispasmodic prop-erties of THC and cannabidiol in cannabis reduce the symp-toms and slow the progression of multiple sclerosis. Theseproperties also benefit patients with Huntington disease and

    amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.47 Dampening of glutamate exci-totoxicity prevents epileptic attacks and limits infarct size post-stroke. Both AEA and 2-AG thwart Alzheimer disease by

    blocking microglial activation and-amyloid plaque formation.They also prevent Parkinson disease symptoms by rebalancingneural activity in the striatum.47

    Although controversial, the endocannabinoid system hasbeen associated with psychotic disorders. Individuals withschizophrenia have elevated levels of AEA in their cere-

    brospinal fluid, but the elevated levels are negatively corre-lated with psychotic symptoms.48 This association suggeststhat abnormal activation of postsynaptic D2 receptors triggerthe release of AEA and retrograde signaling via CB1, thushomeostatically attenuating dopamine release. High doses ofTHC may therefore provoke psychiatric illness in susceptibleindividuals by desensitizing CB1 receptors and diminishing ret-rograde signaling.48 Alternatively, cannabidiol, which is notpsychoactive, shows promise as an antipsychotic agent.49

    Autonomic Function and ImmunityEndocannabinoids and THC affect autonomic outflow throughthe peripheral and central nervous systems. The endo-cannabinoid system reduces elevated parasympathetic activity,providing the antiemetic effects of cannabinoids.18

    In rodent studies, activation of myocardial CB1 caused

    vagally mediated biphasic effects in heart rate and cardiaccontractility, while activation of CB1 in vascular tissues leadsto vasodilation.50

    Cannabinoids provide antihypertensive benefits inhumans and a protective role in myocardial ischemia has beensuggested in rodent studies.50 However, human in vitro studieshave implicated the autonomic effects of THC and endo-cannabinoids in hypotension associated with hemorrhagicand endotoxic shock. The autonomic effects have also beendescribed in human clinical studies on advanced liver cir-rhosis.50

    Sympathetic nerve terminals contain CB1, and activationof these receptors has been shown to inhibit norepinephrine

    release and dampen sympathetically mediated pain.50 Theendocannabinoid system modulates the sympathetically drivenhypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis as well as thehypothalamic-locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (HLN) axis.Psychologic stress induces the secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone, which activates the HPA and HLN axesand results in corticosteroid and norepinephrine release, respec-tively. The endocannabinoid system blocks HPA and HLNaxis activation, though doses of THC may cause the reverseresponse and increase corticotropin-releasing hormone andanxiety.50

    In addition, HPA axis activation hinders the immuneresponse. Cannabinoids are immunomodulatorsnot simplyimmunosuppressors, as they were characterized in the1970s.51,52 Cannabinoids suppress production of T-helper 1(TH1) cytokines such as interleukin (IL) 2, immune interferon

    (INF-), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-). On the otherhand, cannabinoids increase secretion of TH2 cytokines (eg, IL-4, IL-5, IL-10). Other subsets of lymphocytes, including B cells(eg, MZ, B1a) and natural killer cells, require endocannabi-noids and CB2 to function properly.51,52 Cannabis, Echinacea, andother plant products that stimulate resistance to infection andfatigue have been described as adaptogensnatural prod-ucts that work osteopathically by enhancing health ratherthan fighting disease.53 The alkylamides in Echinacea potentlyagonize CB2 and stimulate phagocytosis.54 The lack of psy-choactivity caused by Echinacea can be attributed to the relativelack of CB2 in the brain.

    Inflammation and Connective TissuesMore than 4000years ago, the Chinese physician Shen Nung rec-ommended cannabis for rheumatic pains.12 More recently,patients with myofascial pain and arthritis are among thosewho most often use cannabis medicinally.13 Activation of CB2suppresses proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 andTNF- while increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines such asIL-4 and IL-10.51,52 Although THC has well-known anti-inflam-matory properties, cannabidiol also provides clinical improve-ment in arthritis via a cannabinoid receptorindependent mech-anism.18 Many connective tissuerelated cells express CB1, CB2,and endocannabinoid-metabolizing enzymes such as fibrob-

    lasts, myofibroblasts, chondrocytes, and synoviocytes.10

    The endocannabinoid system alters fibroblast focal adhe-sions, by which fibroblasts link the extracellular collegenmatrix to their intracellular cytoskeletonthe mechanism offascial remodeling. Cannabinoids prevent cartilage destructionsuch as proteoglycan degradation and collagen breakdown byinhibiting chrondrocyte expression of cytokines and metallo-proteinase enzymes.10 In addition, the tonic release of endo-cannabinoids is upregulated in rats that have experimentallyinduced osteoarthritis, thereby providing endogenous painrelief.55

    The endocannabinoid system has been shown to attenuateallergic contact dermatitis in rodent studiesTHC decreases

    allergic inflammation whereas CB1-blocking agents exacer-bate the condition.56 The endocannabinoid system likewiseprotects against Crohn diseasea TH1-mediated inflamma-tory bowel conditionand also perhaps ulcerative colitis.6,51,52

    The endocannabinoid system dampens the inflammatory com-ponent of atherosclerosis in animal studies via CB2 receptorsexpressed by macrophages within atherosclerotic plaques.18

    Lastly, the endocannabinoid system is essential for the main-tenance of normal bone mass: CB2 agonists enhance osteoblastactivity and inhibit osteoclast activity, therefore offering apotential treatment option for osteoporosis.57

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    phates), leukocytes (eg, histamines, prostaglandins,leukotrienes, proinflammatory cytokines), leukocyte-activatedplatelets (eg, 5-hydroxytryptamine), neighboring autonomicnerves (eg, norepinephrine), and the nociceptor itself (ie, sub-stance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide). Activators and

    sensitizers cause peripheral sensitization, including hyperal-gesia and allodynia. Peripheral sensitization elicits a homeo-static response by the endocannabinoid system: CB1 signalingdecreases the release of activators and sensitizers around thesite of tissue injury and opens K channels in the nociceptorcell membrane, so the nerve becomes hyperpolarized and lesslikely to fire.36

    In addition, CB2 signaling decreases the release of acti-vators and sensitizers from neighboring mast cells andmacrophages (Figure 2).36 Functioning of the endocannabi-noid system at the peripheral terminal of the nociceptor pro-vides the first line of defense against pain.60

    In the dorsal horn, the nociceptor synapses with a noci-

    ceptive-specific neuron or a wide dynamic range neuron. Nor-mally, the nociceptor action potential arrives at the dorsalhorn and releases glutamate and substance P into the synapticcleft. These neurotransmitters bind to their respective receptorsin the postsynaptic cell. Cell activation initiates another actionpotential that ascends to the brain. Abnormal persistent releaseof glutamate upregulates glutamate receptors in the post-synaptic cell, as illustrated inFigure1. As previously described,this causes an influx of Ca2 in the post-synaptic cell and leadsto central sensitization, wind-up, or dorsal horn memory.37

    However, Ca2 influx elicits endocannabinoid synthesis,followed by retrograde signaling, and quickly shuts down

    presynaptic glutamate release. In other words, the endo-cannabinoid system induces dorsal horn memory loss and

    ApoptosisWith the exception of cannabis smoke, cannabinoids are anti-carcinogenic. They have been found to induce apoptosis incancer cells via a CB1-mediated ceramide-caspase pathway,thereby inhibiting tumor growth in breast, prostate, and lung

    carcinomas as well as gliomas, melanomas, lymphomas, andother cancers.58 In normal, nontransformed cells, endo-cannabinoids actually promote cell survival via the extracellularsignal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway.58

    Reducing apoptosis in normal cells is one mechanism bywhich cannabinoids act as neuroprotectants.47 Cannabinoidsalso suppress tumor angiogenesis.58 However, one contrarystudy59 reported that the CB2 gene serves as a retrovirus inser-tion site (ie, a proto-oncogene) involved in leukemic transfor-mation.

    Nociception and PainResearch on the effects of endocannabinoids on nociception hasfocused on the following four areas:

    peripheral terminals of nociceptors the dorsal horn the descending pain inhibitory pathway supratentorial sites

    Peripheral terminals of C-fiber nociceptors contain recep-tors for activators and sensitizers (Figure 2). Activatorstrigger an action potential in the nerve while sensitizersdecrease the nerves activation threshold, so it fires with lessactivation.

    Activators and sensitizers are released from damagedtissue (eg, K and H ions, bradykinins, adenosine triphos-

    McPartland Review Article


    Figure 2. Polymodal C-fiber nociceptorwith an enlarged view of its distal ter-minal, its cell body in the dorsal rootganglion, and central terminal in thedorsal horn. Several nociceptor activa-tors (Roman) and sensitizers (italic) areillustrated with their correspondingreceptors named by gene symbols. Thedistal terminal also expresses CB1 and

    two ion channels (G proteincoupledKir3 [GIRK] and sensory neuron sodium[Nav1.8]) regulated by the receptor. Asympathetic postganglionic neuron andlymphocyte expressing CB2 are locatednearby the distal terminal.Abbrevia-tions: 5-HT, 5-hydroxytryptamine; ATP,adenosine triphosphate; NGF, nervegrowth factor. Reprinted with permis-sion from the Journal of Bodywork andMovement Therapies.10 Copyright Else-vier, 2008.

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    592 JAOA Vol 108 No 10 October 2008

    short-circuits central sensitization.36

    The descending pain inhibitory pathway in rodentsand humans is activated by the perception of pain in the brain.The pathway descends through the periaqueductal gray (PAG)and periventricular gray in the midbrain to the nucleus raphe

    magnus in the rostroventral medulla, and down to the dorsalhorn of the spinal cord.

    Endorphins, endocannabinoids, serotonin, norepinephrine,and adenosine play important roles in this pathway. Endo-cannabinoids and CB1 are found in high concentration in thePAG, periventricular gray, nucleus raphe magnus, and dorsalhorn, where they suppress GABA-releasing interneurons thatinhibit neurons in the descending pathway.36

    The coordinated release of endocannabinoids in thispathway mediates a rodent model of stress-induced anal-gesia,61 the well-known phenomenon in which individuals areless responsive to pain immediately after encountering anenvironmental stressor (eg, soldiers wounded in action may not

    feel pain during the battle). The endocannabinoid and endor-phin systems colocalize within the descending pathway. Thisprocess indicates how endocannabinoids and THC can worksynergistically with morphine to provide a morphine-sparingeffect.36 A rodent study62 also showed that activated CB2receptors stimulated the release of-endorphins.

    Nociceptive input into supratentorial sites, such as thecortex and limbic structures, registers as pain and suffering.Rodent and human studies show that endocannabinoidssquelch amygdala-based aversive memories and fear condi-tioning.63,64 Painful memories, fear, and anxiety are factorsthat turn chronic pain into chronic suffering. Thus, the endo-

    cannabinoid system may benefit hospice patients and thoseunable to extinguish painful memory (eg, patients with post-traumatic stress disorder).63

    Defacilitation of the amygdyla also rebalances the auto-nomic system and boosts off-cell activity in descending paininhibitory pathways in rodents.65 Cannabis imparts supra-tentorial cannabimimetic effects, such as anxiolysis, allevi-ation of suffering, increased sense of well-being, and eveneuphoria.66 Although AEA and 2-AG have not been injectedinto human subjects, the augmentation of endocannabinoidsusing OMT has caused them to feel high, happy, light-headed,and hungry.5 Similarly, exercise-induced runners highcorrelated with augmented levels of serum AEA.67

    Hunger and FeedingMarijuana-enhanced hunger and feeding (the munchies) isa behavior that teleologically begins in utero. Blastocyst implan-tation has been characterized as organisms first suckling func-tionthe blastocyst actively orients itself so it implants headfirst into the endometrium, followed by its uptake of nutri-ents68and blastocyst implantation requires a functional endo-cannabinoid system.41 At the other end of gestation, newbornmice given rimonabant, a drug that blocks CB1, will stop suck-ling and die.69

    The endocannabinoid system modulates cell metabolismvia ghrelin, leptin, orexin, and adiponectin signaling path-ways.70 Obesity leads to excessive production of endo-cannabinoids by adipocytes, which drives CB1 into a feed-for-ward dysfunction, contributing to metabolic syndrome.70

    A pharmaceutical corporation recently sought approvalof rimonabant for the treatment of obesity. However, the USFood and Drug Administration rejected it, in part, because26% of subjects who took rimonabant in clinical studiesreported depressed mood, irritability, agitation, anxiety,insomnia, headache, or other adverse psychiatric effects.71

    Given the many beneficial roles of the endocannabinoid system,it should be no surprise that rimonabant unmasked previ-ously silent multiple sclerosis and seizure disorders and dou-

    bled the risk for suicidality.71

    Mood disorders call into question the external validity(or generalizability) of rimonabant clinical trials becausepatients with depression were excluded from the studies, yet

    psychiatric illness was the leading reason subjects droppedout of the studies.72 In standard clinical practice, approxi-mately 50% of patients seeking treatment for obesity also sufferfrom depression.73

    Complete blockade of CB1 might approximate the phe-notype expressed by genetically engineered CB1 knockoutmice. Mice lacking CB1 have increased morbidity, prema-ture mortality, age-related neuron loss, and show greater,epilepsy, and anhedonia. They also exhibit aggressive, anxio-genic-like, and depressive-like behavior, as well as a fear ofnewness.74,75

    Compared with mice, humans have a higher endo-

    cannabinoid tone.76

    Rimonabant blocks endocannabinoidtone at CB1 and spontaneous CB1 constitutional activity becauseit works as a full inverse agonist. As suggested in one study,22

    sustaining a baseline endocannabinoid hedonic tone in themesolimbic system may enable humans to maintain personaloptimism and productivity in the face of chronic societal stressand an ultimately unrewarding consumer culture. Thus, sys-temic CB1blockade may not help a psychologically stressedobese patient who does not exercise and whose diet is high inrefined sugars, white flour, and trans fatty acids, and lacksfiber, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids.

    Rimonabant is currently approved in Europe, and similardrugs, including taranabant, surinabant, CP-945598, and SLV-

    319, are in development (see Althoughthe risk-benefit profile of systemic CB1 full inverse agonists mayprohibit their use for chronic conditions such as obesity anddrug or alcohol dependence, they could serve in the treat-ment of acute endocannabinoid dysregulation, such as hepaticcirrhosis, hemorrhagic or endotoxic shock, cardiac reperfu-sion injury, and doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.50

    The use of a CB1 partial agonist may prevent adversepsychiatric effects while simultaneously acting as a partialantagonist by blocking the binding of endocannabinoids atCB1. Partial agonists serve best as partial antagonists when

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    Role of Osteopathic MedicineOsteopathic principles and practice (OPP) were established

    by Still in the late 19th century. The endocannabinoid systemmay reflect OPP on a molecular level. Leaders in the osteo-pathic medical profession proposed four tenets of OPP,11

    which are presented below, accompanied by a description oftheir relationship to the endocannabinoid system.

    1. A person is the product of dynamic interaction betweenbody, mind, and spiritThis holistic principle is exempli-fied by cannabinoid receptors, which span the field of psy-choneuroimmunology. Taken together, CB1, CB2, and theirendocannabinoid ligands represent a microcosm of mind-

    body medicine.2. An inherent property of this dynamic interaction is the

    capacity of the individual for the maintenance of health andrecovery from diseaseThis self-regulatory capacity can

    be rephrased as the maintenance of homeostasis. The endo-cannabinoid systems capacity to maintain homeostasis has

    been cited many times in this review, and dozens of addi-tional citations can be found in the exhaustive review byPacher et al.50

    The endocannabinoid literature rarely mentions allostasis,a process by which homeostasis adapts to environmentalstress. However, it appears in osteopathic medical litera-ture and may become costly in the scenario of chronic stress(allostatic load).37 Many studies cited in the present review,especially concerning HPA axis activation and the immuneresponse, indicate that the endocannabinoid system pro-motes allostasis as well as homeostasis.

    3. Many forces, both intrinsic and extrinsic to the person,can challenge this inherent capacity and contribute to theonset of illnessCorrespondingly, the endocannabinoidsystem is challenged by intrinsic forces (changes in its struc-ture and genetic expression) and extrinsic forces (changes inits function by unhealthy lifestyles). A corollary to this tenetis the principle that structure and function are interrelatedat all levels. Because CB1 and CB2 express different molecularstructures, they exert different molecular functions.

    4. The musculoskeletal system significantly influences theindividuals ability to restore this inherent capacity andtherefore to resist disease processesThe endocannabi-noid system is expressed by the musculoskeletal system.10,70

    Harnessing it has broad therapeutic potential for treatingdegenerative and inflammatory conditions of the muscu-loskeletal system. The fact that insulin resistance resides inskeletal muscles also implicates the endocannabinoid systemin its relationship to cardiometabolic risk.70

    Reciprocal InteractionsA focus on somatic dysfunction, formerly referred to as theosteopathic lesion, dates to the founding of osteopathicmedicine. Somatic dysfunction is defined as impaired oraltered function of related components of the somatic system:

    levels of endogenous agonists are elevatedthe exact sce-nario seen with endocannabinoids and obesity.70 Partial ago-nists are currently used in cardiology (eg, pindolol) and psy-chiatry (eg, aripiprazole, buspirone hydrochloride), with feweradverse effects than antagonists or inverse agonists and without

    compromising clinical efficacy. In animal studies, two partialagonists have been shown to reverse obesity: the 5-HT6 ligandE-683777 and a Chinese herbal formula with an undisclosedherb that acts as CB1.78

    Partial agonists often act as pleiotropic drugs, also knownas selectively nonselective drugs. These magic shotgunsinteract with several molecular targets and provide superiortherapeutic effects and adverse effect profiles compared withthe action of a selective, single magic bullet.79,80

    Biological OscillatorsThe endocannabinoid system alters every biological oscillatoror pacemaker cell investigated to date, beginning with somite

    formation in the embryo. The segmentation clock convertsoscillatingHox genes into spatial somite patterns.81 Fibroblastgrowth factor regulates theHox clock,81 and evidence sug-gests that it uses endocannabinoid signaling.30,82,83 Many endo-cannabinoid-altered oscillators change the rhythms of tissuemovement, such as:

    Cardiac pulse rate and contractilityEndocannabinoidshave been reported to cause dose-related biphasic effects inrodents and humans.50

    Thoracic respirationEndocannabinoids cause little changein thoracic respiration, though intravenous injection of high-

    dose synthetic CB1 agonists in urethane-anaesthetized ratsdecreased the respiration rate.50

    Gastrointestinal motility and peristalsisSlowing of rateand rhythm and gastrointestinal secretions in rodents andhumans.50

    Human consciousness represents the rhythmic entrain-ment of synchronously firing neurons.84 In five regions of thehuman brain,23 such neurons are particularly enriched withCB1:

    The hippocampus is a source of theta and gamma bandoscillations and is the neural substrate responsible for declar-

    ative memory.85 Striatal tissues contribute to the beat frequency model of

    time perception.86

    Thecerebellum plays a role in rhythm production and self-paced-behaviors, and cannabis accelerates the cerebellarclock.87

    The suprachiasmatic nucleus is responsible for controllingcircadian rhythms.88,89

    The pineal gland produces melatonin and 2-AG in a circa-dian rhythm driven by the suprachiasmatic nucleus andregulated in part by CB2 in animal studies.90

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    skeletal, arthrodial, and myofascial structures and related vas-cular, lymphatic, and neural elements.37 A new model hypoth-esizing reciprocal interactions between somatic dysfunctionsand the endocannabinoid system is presented in the followingparagraphs.

    In 1910, Still91 wrote that somatic dysfunction in periph-eral tissues produce[s] pressure and obstruct[s] the normal dis-charge of nerve and blood supply. Sometimes we find themsqueezed so closely as to produce adhesive inflammation.

    The inflammatory basis of somatic dysfunction wasdemonstrated experimentally by Burns 100 years ago and wassubsequently confirmed in humans by Denslow.37,92,93 Inflam-mation arises from three sources: (1) the release of inflamma-tory mediators by injured tissue, (2) cytokines released byleuckocytes that migrate into the area, and (3) inflammatoryneuropeptides (substance P and calcitonin gene-related pep-tide) released from the peripheral terminals of nociceptors.37

    All three sources are diminished by the endocannabinoid

    system, as discussed previously36,51,52,60 and as illustrated inFigure 2. However, the endocannabinoid system requires thepresence of CB1 in the peripheral terminal of the nociceptor

    because CB1 receptors are synthesized in the dorsal root gan-glion of nociceptors and are carried by axoplasmic flow toperipheral sites.94 By obstructing axoplasmic flow and cel-lular trafficking of CB1, the pathophysiology of somatic dys-function perpetuates itself.

    Still2 further alluded to axoplasmic flow and attributed thecause of dysfunction to partial or complete failure of thenerves to properly conduct the fluids of life. Korr95 demon-strated mechanical derangement of axoplasmic flow in rabbits

    and noted the following:

    Deformations of nerves and roots, such as compression,stretching, angulation, and torsion, that are known to occurall too commonly in the human being [...] are subject tomanipulative amelioration and correction.

    A rat study demonstrated that a suture loop ligatedaround the sciatic nerve caused damming of CB1 proximal tothe suture loop (Figure 2).94 The suture loop may be analo-gous to myofascial barriers that restrict axoplasmic flow, suchas in piriformis contracture, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tho-racic outlet restriction. Osteopathic physicians frequently use

    OMT to treat nerves restricted by mechanical compression96,97and conceivably restore the axoplasmic transport of CB1.

    Central neural mechanisms also perpetuate somatic dys-function. Still91 presciently focused on the dorsal horn, statingthe lesion is a sclerosis of the posterior root-zones of thespinal cord. Denslow described the facilitated segment asa sustained neural reflex with motor and autonomic compo-nents, whose sensory element was proprioceptive92 or noci-ceptive.93

    Willard37 updated and extended the nociceptive model bydescribing segmental facilitation as a form of central sensiti-

    zation driven by excessive glutamate release. The endo-cannabinoid system again comes into play here by reducingcentral sensitization, as previously discussed,36 and by damp-ening sympathetically mediated pain50thereby thwartingthe primary organizers of somatic dysfunction.92

    Chiropractic researchers98 implicated glutamate releasefrom nociceptors as the source of long-term potentiation inspinal cord neurons. They noted that long-term potentiationcan be reversed by long-term depression and that spinalmanipulation imparts long-term depression by an uncertainmechanism.98 However, these researchers98 did not mentionthat the endocannabinoid system induces long-term depres-sion, which is caused by a sustained decrease in glutamaterelease from presynaptic cells.40 It has been proposed thathigh levels of CB1 expressed in the dorsolateral funiculus of thespinal cord are positioned to influence viscerosomatic reflexesas well.36

    Central sensitization is analogous to the upregulation of

    acetycholine (ACh) transmission at the motor endplate (ie,the neuromuscular junction), which may be the pathologicprocess underlying myofascial trigger points.8 As my col-league David G. Simmons, MD, and I previously hypothe-sized,8 CB1 in motor end plates dampen ACh release and per-haps play a role in preventing or treating myofascial triggerpoints.8 Our hypothesis has been supported by two newanimal studies99,100 showing that CB1 activation in motor endplates dampens ACh release.

    It is important to note that cannabinoids suppress painresponses rather than all somatosensory input because cannabi-noids scarcely alter nonnociceptive neurons in the spinal cord

    and thalamus.36

    To wit, the endocannabinoid system inhibitspersistent nociception (ie, inflammatory pain, neurogenic pain,chronic pain) more efficiently than acutely evoked nociception.This difference may explain the anecdotal observation thatcannabis provides little relief at the dentists office.13

    Beginning with William Garner Sutherland, DO, in 1899,many researchers have made hypotheses regarding the pri-mary respiratory mechanism, known to osteopathic physi-cians and other clinicians as the cranial rhythmic impulse(CRI).101 The CRI is an oscillatory phenomenon that remainspoorly understood and is somewhat difficult to relate.Acupuncturists face a similar situation when asked to describechi. The CRI is usually attributed to the well-documented

    oscillatory secretion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by ependymalcells that line the choroid plexus and cerebral ventricles.101

    Alternatively, the CRI may represent a palpable harmonic fre-quency, a summation of several biological oscillations,including CSF pulsations, Traube-Hering waves, cardiac pulse,and diaphragmatic respiration.102,103

    Given the impact of the endocannabinoid system on manybiological oscillators, it is easy to speculate that the endo-cannabinoid system modulates the CRI. Human CSF is awashwith endocannabinoids.48,104 Cells lining the rodent and humanventricular system express CB1 and endocannabinoid

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    tion, dietary supplements, and drug and alcohol restraint.Exercising on a treadmill or a stationary bike increased AEAlevels circulating in the bloodstream.67,115 Chronic stress down-regulated CB1 expression in rodents,116 so stress-reductionprograms may offer a potential enhancement of the endo-

    cannabinoid system.Dietary inclusion of fish oils with DHA (docosahexaenoate

    22:6-3) and other polyunsaturated fatty acids increased AEAand 2-AG levels in the brain.117,118 Oral administration ofLac-tobacillus upregulated CB2 in intestinal epithelial cells andrelieved irritable bowel syndrome.119 Acute ethanol ingestiondecreased AEA and 2-AG in most regions of the brain,120 andchronic ethanol abuse downregulated CB1 expression.121

    A study of isopropyl dodecylfluorophosphonate, ahomolog of organophosphate pesticides, showed that it inhib-ited both FAAH and MAGL. The inhibition caused 10-foldelevations in AEA and 2-AG in mice, leading tocannabimimetic behavioral effects.122 However, when incau-

    tious adolescents sprayed cannabis with organophosphatepesticides, the adulteration did not enhance cannabimimeticeffects. Instead, it overwhelmed the patients with cholinergicadverse effects.123

    Preclinical studies (animal models and human in vitroassays) indicate that indomethacin, ibuprofen, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inhibit the endo-cannabinoid catabolic enzymes COX2 and FAAH,124 soNSAIDs prolong the activity of 2-AG and AEA. In animalmodels, coadministration of NSAIDs with endocannabinoidshad a synergistic effect.125 This may explain why NSAIDssometimes cause sedation and other unexpected psychotropic

    effects in patients. Acetaminophen is deacetylated and conju-gated with arachidonic acid into N-arachidonoylphenolamine,a compound that activates CB1.126,127

    Dexamethasone potently upregulates CB1 in rodents.128

    The tricyclic antidepressant desipramine increases CB1 densi-ties in the brain of rodents129 while fluoxetine decreases CB1expression in rodents.130 Diazepam and endocannabinoidsproduce synergistic anxiolytic effects in mice, leadingresearchers to propose that enhancement of endocannabinoidfunction increases the effectiveness of diazepam.131 Valproatesodium, an anticonvulsant and mood-stabilizing drug, upreg-ulates CB1 in rodentsa newly discovered mechanism ofaction.132

    Cannabidiol and THC may widen their own therapeuticwindows by increasing AEA levels.61,133-135 Low, subthera-peutic doses of THC markedly potentiate the antinociceptionimparted by endogenous cannabinoids.61 Surprisingly, THCupregulates CB1 expression when administered acutely.136 Itmay also cause post-translational modifications in CB1 thatstabilize the receptor in a constitutively active conformation.Hypothetically, CB1 may remain constitutively active longafter THC has been metabolized and excreted.22 Similar adap-tations arise in -receptors after chronic exposure to plantopiates.137

    enzymes,23,44,105,106 which modulate the rhythmic productionof CSF in rodents,107 control endocannabinoid levels in rodentCSF,105 and even provide restraint of suture ossification.57

    An osteopathic procedure that alters the CRI, known asthe compression of the fourth cerebral ventricle (CV-4), may

    transiently increase hydrostatic pressure in the cerebral ven-tricular system in humans and cats.101,108 Conceivably, theincreased hydrostatic pressure could trigger CB1-constitutiveactivity.48 As described in a previous study,26 the angiotensinreceptor is stretched into constitutive activity by hydrostaticpressure in a Flexercell apparatus (Flexcell International Corp,Hillsborough, NC).26 Correspondingly, equiaxial stretchingof fibroblasts in an identical apparatus caused a doubling of CB1expression.10 The Flexercell management of fibroblasts hasprovided an in vitro model of osteopathic manipulation.109

    Activation of CB1 may explain many CV-4 effects, such asrelaxation and drowsiness, decreased sleep latency, anddecreased sympathetic nerve activity.110

    Lastly, it should be noted that enhancing the endo-cannabinoid system improves cardiovascular circulation.50,111

    This may be one mechanism by which OMT improves healththe rule of the artery is supreme.2

    Enhancing the Endocannabinoid SystemNew research with endocannabinoid enzyme inhibitors pro-vides a proof-of-principle for the concept that enhancing endo-cannabinoid signaling is a beneficial therapeutic strategy.112

    Inhibitors of FAAH, an enzyme that breaks down AEA, andMAGL, an enzyme that breaks down 2-AG, are anxiolyticand antidepressant and block nociception, yet the inhibitors do

    not impart psychoactive effects characteristic of direct CB1agonists such as THC.112

    The remainder of this review focuses on three ways toenhance endocannabinoid function: (1) lifestyle modifications,(2) pharmaceutical approaches, and (3) OMT. An increasingnumber of conditions have been characterized as endo-cannabinoid deficiency syndromes, including posttraumaticstress disorder, chronic anxiety, migraine, Parkinson syn-drome, and irritable bowel syndrome.104,113 Fibromyalgia mayalso involve endocannabinoid deficiency. During a normalmenstrual cycle, AEA decreases during the luteal phase (circaday 21) as a result of the progesterone-induced upregulationof FAAH.114

    In a study of healthy women with normal menstrualcycles, the luteal phase corresponded with hypersensitivityto algometer-induced pressure at fibromyalgia tender points.Several subjects changed fibromyalgia diagnosis during thecourse of a menstrual cycle, fulfilling the tender point cri-teriondefined as tenderness elicited by 4kg of pressure at 11of 18 pressure pointsduring the AEA-deficient luteal phaseor menstrual phase, but never during the AEA-rich follicularphase.114

    Studies suggest endocannabinoid deficiency may be rec-tified by lifestyle modifications, including exercise, stress reduc-

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    This discussion brings us back to the medicinal uses ofcannabis. Oral administration of cannabis shares drawbackswith dronabinol capsuleserratic gut bioavailability, poordose titration, and THC taken by mouth is converted to an 11-hydroxy-THC metabolite with two to five times more psy-

    choactivity.138 Oral administration is difficult in patients whoare nauseated or vomiting. Smoking cannabis is a healthhazard due to polyaromatic hydrocarbons formed duringcombustion. Vaporization of cannabis provides an alterna-tive to smoking, recently described in the New England Journalof Medicine.17 Because THC vaporizes at a temperature belowthe ignition point of combustible plant material, few polyaro-matic hydrocarbons appear in the vapor.

    Cannabis, of course, is more than THC. Other ingredi-ents provide additional benefits and mitigate the adverseeffects of THC.79 For this reason, many patients prefer cannabisto dronabinol. Cannabidiol, for example, reduces dysphoriaand depersonalization provoked by THC while contributing

    its own anxiolytic, antipsychotic, analgesic, antiemetic, anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects.139

    Indeed, the risk posed by new high-potency cannabis may bethe lack of cannabidiol in current strains of cannabis ratherthan the increase in THC levels.140 Median THC levels haveonly increased five fold since the 1970s, analogous to the fivefold difference in caffeine between green tea and percolatedcoffee.140

    Sativex, a botanical extract standardized to contain a 50:50mix of THC and cannabidiol, has been approved for phase 3trials in the United States. It is currently licensed in Europe andCanada for multiple sclerosis, neuropathic pain, and cancer-

    related pain. The product is sprayed under the tongue, whereit is absorbed into the bloodstream. Extension studies haveshown that Sativex retains efficacy for at least 4 years, withoutdrug tolerance or dose escalation and with no evidence ofdependency or abuse.141

    Many patients have reported that OMT induces anxiolysis,eases suffering, increases sense of well-being, and even induceseuphoriapsychotropic changes that can be described ascannabimimetic.5 Osteopathic manipulative treatment mayinduce such effects by boosting endocannabinoid levels.

    A blinded, randomized controlled trial of 31healthy sub-jects measured AEA levels pre- and post-OMT.5 The OMTintervention consisted of myofascial release and muscle energy

    and thrust techniques. The control intervention consisted of asham cranial method. In subjects receiving OMT, serum levelsof AEA obtained after OMT more than doubled the pre-OMTlevels. No change was seen in control subjects.5 However, thedoubling of AEA was not statistically significant (P=.139)

    because of a large degree of response variability.A smaller OMT trial reported little change in AEA levels

    pre- and post-OMT but showed significant post-OMT aug-mentation ofN-palmitoylethanolamine.9 In rodent studies,N-palmitoylethanolamine increased the antinociceptive effectsof AEA via an entourage effect.30,142

    Speculatively, OMT may work skin deep, causing endo-cannabinoid release from keratinocytes. Epidermal endo-cannabinoids activate CB1 expressed on the peripheral termi-nals of nociceptors and provide the first line of defense againstpain.60 A similar mechanism, epidermal pounding of the

    pavement by distance runners, was proposed as the sourceof endocannabinoid-induced runners high.115

    ConclusionThe endocannabinoid system has emerged as an important reg-ulator of psychoneuroimmunologic function. Modulating CB1,CB2, and endocannabinoids represent new approaches fortreating a variety of functional disorders, such as supple-menting receptors with exogenous agonists (eg, dronabinol).

    Strategies that augment endocannabinoids offer the advan-tage of enhancing endocannabinoid function at localized sitesof pathology already targeted by homeostatic mechanisms.For example, chronic pain syndromes lead to elevated expres-

    sion of CB1 in two localized sites: the PAG and the dorsalhorn.18,36 In rodent studies, augmenting endocannabinoids atthese receptors relieved nociception at doses that did not elicitsupratentorial effects.143

    This strategy echoes the osteopathic concept that the bodypossesses self-regulatory mechanisms that are self-healing innature. Neuroscience investigations regarding the endo-cannabinoid system may continue to reveal many of the mind-

    body underpinnings of osteopathic medicine.

    AcknowledgmentsI dedicate this paper to the memory of J. Michael Walker,PhD, who

    reviewed the manuscript before submission. I thank Patricia Pruitt,DVM, for manuscript review and discussion. Key quotes by AndrewT. Still, MD, DO, were confirmed by Steve Paulus, DO, at the A.T.Still Library ( based in Soquel, Calif.

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