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Amanda Brinkmann Snapshots from a life-long journey of learning, growth, change, vision, innovation and being part of the

collective, creative consciousness

I am and have always been, fascinated by words and language. These two abilities are after all

what separate human beings from other life forms, in that it confers upon us the ability to take each

single, meaningful element of speech, each word, which is its own conceptual unit of language and

string those together so as to create meaning and some semblance of sense out of our world, our

views, our beliefs and our experiences. We are able to use words and language to make promises,

deliver messages, share information, impart knowledge, describe our inner-most musings and feelings

and to give voice and expression to who we are, what we believe in and how we situate ourselves in

context of others and the ever-expanding universe. It follows, that in defining and describing some of

who I am, what I believe in, what drives me and what sits at my core, words and their meaning

become powerful mnemonics, as they provide descriptions of inner reflections as well as from the

outer world and how it and the people in it, have reflected back to me in the continuing process of

personal mastery and definition of self.

As you read through the story of my career, my life-long learning, the scope of what I have been

exposed to, you will notice that I have so far, had the privilege of having lived a varied, stimulating,

constantly challenging and interesting life and career. A great many of my choices have been

driven by my near insatiable thirst and hunger for knowledge, as you will notice from the Appendix

that describes what I have mastered in respect of subject matter, concepts, methodologies,

knowledge, via active experimentation, on-going study and learning as well as in situ practice over

the past 25 years.

For me, it is however about more than just knowing things. Very often, people know things or facts,

but they do not understand how this knowledge fits into a specific context. So, further than

knowledge, it is about the comprehension of what this knowledge really means and most importantly,

how I can apply it and find practical uses for it.

I now know and have made peace with the fact that I am driven by a true sense of curiosity and how

I am able to see the inter-relatedness of all things and always have been able to. The how and why

were given shape and form, by the results of the Modified Career Path Appreciation [MCPA]. The

outcome of the MCPA, though a one-dimensional measure of part of who I am, has provided

meaning and clarity as to why I have perceived the world in a particular, integrated way and how I

could always „see‟ the future, and more so, a range of possible futures, so clearly and easily and how

I could break it all down to actions in the present which could co-create the future that we would

choose. Inside of my cranium, the world, the universe, the collective consciousness within which we

all exist, looks like a 100 000 piece puzzle, where I am able to immediately situate any issue, problem,

challenge, piece of information and understand its inter-relatedness to all other things. I am most

comfortable and in flow when I work at the highest levels of complexity and am able to instantly

grasp a variety of futures, but have been blessed with the ability to work backwards and to craft

simple, effective solutions, strategies and implementation plans for seemingly very complex problems.

I now understand that seeing such futures with such clarity is very daunting for most people and have

therefore, through personal mastery and introspection, been able to create frameworks and

methodologies through which I engage those around me in mental modelling, in a trusting and safe

environment and guide, facilitate and lead the process of „getting them to‟ these possible futures.

Once they are part of the ideation and ownership, I am now able to move forward much easier and

at a swifter pace. My own frustration is therefore not an issue anymore, as I clearly understand that

seeing 30 years ahead so very clearly, is really rather scary for most people. I now have the tools to

structure my own expectations, to strategise and bring people on board, in a slow, facilitated and

safe manner, to see this future with me. I work with a strong shadow network of like-minded

individuals to make a great many things a reality within the shortest possible time.

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I am most definitely not into short-termism and am comfortable working with five, ten, 15 and 25 year

time horizons. I am not the person who is simply prepared to stick a Band-Aid on a gaping wound. I

comprehend the systemic issues and behaviours that create current future and I am therefore able to

design and drive implementation plans that ensure the co-creation and co-production of a future

that is very different to that which is nearly pre-determined by birth and circumstance.

I am driven by the improvement of the human condition, by what is in the interest of the much

greater good, the collective universal consciousness. I function from the basis of a global

consciousness that is able to find expression within micro-environments, but that form part of this

infinite tessellation of which I can see the constituent parts of.

Other words, phrases or labels and their meanings that have been reflected at me from the world

and people that I have had the privilege of engaging with are: * Visionary * Visionary and servant

Leader * Teacher and mentor * Mother and caregiver * Futurist * Social Engineer * Democratic

Socialist * Pragmatic Idealist * Problem-solver * Innovator * Highly Analytical * Creative * Eccentric *

Maven * Connector* Strategist * Inspiring and energising * Professional * Authentic * Passionate *

Dedicated * Loyal * Change Agent * Systems thinker and designer * Motivator * Undaunted by any

challenge * Positive* Transformational leadership style* Humanist.

I take pride in my ability to tackle every task and project with all of my energy and to really getting to

the bottom of a problem or challenge. I believe in getting my hands dirty, truly understanding the full

scope of a business and its perceived problems, challenges and objectives and then presenting a

range of innovative, practical and integrated solutions and strategies that are goal directed and


I have found that the people in every organisation and within their communities are key contributors

to finding, iterating and ideating the solutions to a great many complex problems and challenges. I

communicate well with people across the board and have found that by involving each stakeholder

in the process of finding workable solutions, it is that much easier to achieve results. Organisational

and community buy-in is one of the cornerstones of meeting most objectives. I have learned that I

have the ability to honour the history, the cultural influences, the life-journey and beliefs of all people

that I engage with, but that after this process, am able to reach consensus in respect of our

combined, mutually beneficial outcomes and therefore inspire people to take hands and to work

towards an agreed outcome. I break down silos and barriers, so as to optimise resources, pool them

and generally, use fewer resources to deliver more.

I furthermore believe that the secret is not only in the ability to listen, but more so in the ability to

communicate clearly, succinctly and with intent; and in the process of delegation, to ensure that

each stakeholder fully comprehends and takes ownership of their roles and responsibilities within the

objectives framework. Mentorship, empowerment and an emphasis on the strengths of individuals

within an organisation are all issues that are close to my heart and part of my leadership/

management approach. I lead from the front, as well as pushing my people gently forward from

behind. I have reached the stage in my career and life where what I am engaged in is not about me,

but about what I am able to contribute. I am therefore the author of a great many things, but my

signature remains miniscule, as I would far rather give the credit to those who journey along with me.

Only I need to know that I have been part of systemic, real change – this is what drives me – the deep

love of my country, its people, the African soil and the potential that sits locked up within the hands

and hearts of each and every South African.

I have the ability to spot trends before or as they emerge and to recognise their potential value to an

organisation. Once I have an instinct, I will not rest until I have exhausted all avenues of research to

gain as much knowledge and input as possible and to translate that into pro-active strategies to the

benefit of the business, project or organisation I am involved in or with. I am known for being a lateral

thinker and trailblazer – and am not afraid to take calculated risks in the interest of improving

operational efficiencies and thereby, the bottom line or outcomes.

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I have suddenly realised that it is true that one is good, wherever you find yourself and that because I

have never stopped learning and integrating my knowledge to problem-solve, design adaptive

systems, up-skill and lead my employees, I will more than likely become more and more of a valuable

commodity in the market place. As you will see when reading the story of my career and what I have

mastered, you will notice that I am in the fortunate position to be a generalist specialist, who has

never been confined to just one narrow field of work, study or scope and that this, along with my

systems view of the world, I have come to realise represents a huge competitive advantage for any

company or organisation that makes use of my services. When I commit to a cause, process or

outcome, I commit more than 100% and dedicate myself to delivering all and more than what is

required and expected. That is simply part of my work ethic.

To quote Richard Buckminster Fuller with whom I find a strong connection and resonance with his

work and well as how he sees things: “I am not a genius. I‟m just a tremendous bundle of


I am driven by real purpose, meaning, the pursuit of complete freedom and justice for the people of

my country, continent and if I am able to fulfil my life‟s work, I would hope that it could have impact

globally in respect of creating a future that is very different from what is near destiny at present.

The fact that I have been able to determine the scope and boundaries of my work, has meant that I

have had the privilege of working across all three [3] spheres of government, have gained an

understanding of how the whole system works and inter-relates, partnered with a range of officials,

spheres of government, departments, NGO‟s, private sector individuals and companies, research

institutions and academia. I have also had the privilege, through the broad spectrum of projects, of

being very much connected to the people of this province and country, on the ground and on their

home turf. This experience, combined with my entrepreneurial and social bent, as well as deep and

varied private sector experience, help to create a new and mutually understood language and narrative.

The meaning attached to my purpose is related to being aware, more patently than ever, of the

dignity of servitude, that I wake up to serve 5.5 million people in this province, 48 million in this country

and potentially, if I fulfil my life‟s journey and work, this work could positively impact lives in

Sub-Saharan Africa and other developing countries. The over-arching end goal of improvement of

quality of life and building a bright and very different future to what is currently nearly pre-determined

is what guides me.

For now, it is pertinent to note that I have viewed economic and social development as inextricably

linked to the health, wellness and economic growth and developmental outcomes of our country.

These linkages were confirmed by the integration of research, academic reviews, active

experimentation over the past 3 years and the continued iteration and narration of a model, that I

have titled, „ Passport to Wellness‟, which seeks to disrupt the socialisation process and circumstance

into which our children are born and within which their futures are often pre-determined.

Development remains a multi-dimensional process, which requires the re-organisation and

re-orientation of the social and economic systems in their totality – by: * Producing more

necessities/needs [food, shelter, health care etc.] and broadening distribution * Increasing standard

of living and self-esteem * Expanding economic and social choices * Reducing fear of the future.

I would be more than content to be branded a „prophet of doom‟, given the current reality = current

future that I describe within my model. I am however compelled to step up and to use my voice to

offer an alternate, shared vision, which could change this future into a future that we will all be proud

to inhabit.

I embrace the fact that I must be one of the pioneers who are able to see the current future as it is

pre-destined by circumstance and visualise a new and prosperous future and redesign the system so

that we achieve this new and prosperous future, rather than current future. We cannot live in a state

of denialism. We must seize the power of NOW to start the process of turning the cycle of poverty

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around. I am of the strong belief that this power really does reside within the hands of the people of

this beautiful, rainbow nation of ours.

This process involves constantly trying to balance conflicting goals, objectives and interests and

involves the simultaneous pursuit of economic prosperity, environmental quality and social equity,

known as the three dimensions or the Triple bottom line. Through my intense studies into the multiple

layers of sustainability, I have no doubt that it is possible to achieve this balance. The world really has started shifting and we are moving into a new era of sustainability.

On a personal note, I can include that I am obsessed with reading (every magazine title, newspaper

and book that I can lay my hands on), with life-long learning, love interior decorating, love my

children and family, have an extended “family” of friends whom I entertain regularly with

experimental dishes and I change the interior of my home at least twice a year, as the mood takes

me. These are my physical creative outlets and ensure that my life stays in balance.

I have a strong support network and am therefore able to focus my efforts and energy on my career

and work. I am also able to travel/commute, should that be required of me.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” Richard Buckminster Fuller [1895-1983]

“In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.

You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.”

― Richard Buckminster Fuller

“I am enthusiastic over humanity‟s extraordinary and sometimes very timely ingenuity. If you are in a

shipwreck and all the boats are gone, a piano top buoyant enough to keep you afloat that comes along

makes a fortuitous life preserver. But this is not to say that the best way to design a life preserver is in the form

of a piano top. I think that we are clinging to a great many piano tops in accepting yesterday‟s fortuitous

contrivings as constituting the only means for solving a given problem.”

― Richard Buckminster Fuller [2]

“With this faith, we will transform the jangling discord of our nation into a beautiful symphony of

brotherhood, where we will work together, pray together, struggle together to stand up for freedom

together – knowing that we will ALL be free one day. Let freedom REIGN – let us all join hands and sing

– FREE AT LAST”. [ Martin Luther King Jnr – I have a dream speech]

“The things to do are: the things that need doing: that you see need to be done and that no one else

seems to see need to be done. Then you will conceive your own way of doing that which needs to be

done -- that no one else has told you to do or how to do it. This will bring out the real you that often

gets buried inside a character that has acquired a superficial array of behaviours induced or

imposed by others on the individual”.

--- R. Buckminster Fuller

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Curriculum Vitae

ADDRESS: Physical Peace of Heaven, Protea Rd, Klapmuts, 7625

Postal P.O. Box 49, Klapmuts, 7625

TELEPHONE +27 828900663 Mobile

EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]

DATE OF BIRTH 13 January 1967

ID nr 6701130018085

STATUS Engaged

NATIONALITY South African and African

LANGUAGES English : Speak, read, write : exceptional command

Afrikaans : Speak, read and write : exceptional command

German : Speak [rusty], read and write

Latin : Basic command

Italian and Spanish : Read

EDUCATION: 1984: Matriculated at Sentraal High School, Bloemfontein

1986-1987: B.Iuris: University of the Orange Free State –

uncompleted: married and moved to Cape Town

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1987 to current: Appendix A [Pgs. 20-21]: Life-long

learning, short courses, personal mastery, knowledge

acquisition, practice

2012: Executive Development Programme: University of

Stellenbosch Business School [ Appendix B –Pg 19]

Graduated Cum Laude

With 81% Grade Average. [ Pgs. 17 + 18] – NQF 8 level

Honours/Masters Level mini MBA

2013: Accepted onto Executive MBA programme – UCT



CareerLeader Assessment [ via UCTGSB] – Pgs27-39

Korn/Ferry ProSpective Self-Assessment [Pgs. 40-47]

Korn-Ferry Network Assessment [ Pgs. 48-49]

Indigo‟s Obligations: WCGOV contract – Pg 50


CURRENT EMPLOYER CEO & Management Consultant: Indigo Consulting

CURRENT POSITION: Strategic Business Consultant, Management Consultant,

Systems Thinker and Designer, Business Strategist &

Transformational Leader – consulting to various private

sector companies, government departments, provincial

and national government, civil society

COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft Word, Outlook and Explorer; touch type at

speed; Powerpoint, Excel

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Head of Strategic Partnerships: Western Cape Government

Special Adviser to the Minister of Health & Leader of Government Business: Western Cape

Government [ Indigo Consulting: Company appointed to fulfil these obligations]

15 October 2009

December 2012

In August 2009, Indigo Consulting was headhunted by Minister Theuns Botha [Minister of Health &

Leader of Government Business: Western Cape Government] and Premier Zille to start the Strategic

Partnerships Portfolio within Western Cape Government. It was recognised that in order to reach

government and society‟s outcomes and objectives, a more co-ordinated approach to partnerships

with an array of role players would be required. The role is non-political and non-partisan and my

company is employed as a contractor, which means that I am neutral and focused on societal

outcomes only. [Appendix C: Pg. 35 – Obligations of the Contractor]

No specific scope or definition existed for the portfolio and so the past 3 years of engagement and

relationship building in all provincial as well as municipal departments, with academia, civil society,

philanthropic donors, embassies, consulates and private individuals, organisations and companies,

have defined the scope of the portfolio. The portfolio, responsibilities and functions are diverse as per

the requirements of the diverse stakeholders. Key achievements are:

Robust working relationship established with Ministers, HOD‟s and officials across all

departments in Western Cape Government.

Robust working relationship established with Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillors and officials at

City of Cape Town. CoCT is lead on the large-scale Atlantis Revitalisation Project which I

visioned and managed. [ R 30 billion project]

Thorough working knowledge of the Provincial Finance Management Act [ PFMA], Municipal

Finance Management Act [ MFMA], procurement processes and procedures and a diverse

range of pieces of legislation, policies and regulations. This has led to an eagle-eye, systems

view of the inter-related nature of governing and governance. Such a view and knowledge

base also allows for problem-solving and acts as solid foundation upon which to ensure that

processes are streamlined and service delivery is enabled.

Co-creation of the Provincial Substance Abuse Strategy with emphasis on issues related to

Alcohol Abuse. Member of the Provincial Liquor Task Team.

Working relationship with GreenCape and Wesgro. Member of the Waste-to-Energy Task

Team. Advising on a range of sustainability projects.

Ideation and iteration of the Atlantis Revitalisation Strategy and Implementation Plan. This has

been a complex, 2 year process. Economic leg is established and all 3 spheres of government

are represented on the workgroup. Business Retention & Expansion survey completed and

framework created. Public participation completed so as to finalise strategy and various

community bodies. Implementation plan and budgeting process to commence thereafter.

Social strategy approved by Minister Fritz – Passport out of Poverty /To Wellness model

adopted as strategic platform by Western Cape Department of Social Development.

Engagement with CoCT counterparts to commence and framework and workgroup to be

created. Atlantis project will result in best practice transversal Revitalisation model, with

application to various community projects in the Western Cape as well as South Africa.

COSATU and National Rescue Team part of the consultative process and on board.

Social Enterprise Strategy and Policy: Steered year-long process of consultation, working with

Economic Development team, sectoral bodies, specialists, consulates and academics.

Created broad strategy/policy document at end of 2011 – principle approval gained from all

stakeholders. Policy unit in DOTP were briefed towards formal policy creation and

implementation plan in process of negotiation between Dept of Social Development and

Dept of Economic Development. Social Enterprise provides new job creation and service

delivery improvement opportunities.

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The Health Foundation: Western Cape: - Visioned the creation of the Foundation in 2009 with

Minister Botha. Independent consultants were briefed and embarked on a process of deep

consultation with an array of potential stakeholders and partners. Confirmation that there is

willingness from private sector and donors to partner with WC Dept of Health to improve

service delivery and create new revenue streams towards service delivery expansion.

Confirmation that they prefer, as per our instinct, to transact independently from and at arm‟s

length of government. Working with Ernst & Young to establish The Health Foundation. Board

was constituted in March 2012 with Dr Paul Cluver as chair. Corporate identity briefed and

managed. This Foundation, if managed well and by a competent team, has the ability to

accelerate partnership projects and improve service delivery and quality of service


Due to the transversal nature of the portfolio as well as the access to all levels of officials,

Ministers and officials and the mandate to „find the one way in which things can be done‟

from the Premier and Minister Botha, Strategic Partnerships has become known for its ability to

unblock processes and to push projects and initiatives forward very swiftly. A great many

letters of thanks as well as verbal interactions with a wide array of role players reflects this


Because of the diverse range of individuals and organisations that I have met with over the

past 3 years, coupled with my systems thinking/strategic abilities, a large part of the role

involves assisting these individuals and organisations to tailor their business plans so that they

are better able to access donor funding. This in turn leads to the bedding down of services in

our province. It has also been my pleasure and privilege to connect various NGO‟s with

donors and to be supportive of their activities as those relate to the improvement of the

quality of life of the citizens of our province. A great many NGO‟s have requested workshops

with me, where we have assessed their current basket of services, done a gap analysis and

whereafter I have facilitated introductions to NGO‟s, individuals and organisations who would

be best able to fill the gaps in their service package. This has led to a multiplier effect of

service delivery improvements in various communities in our province.

Robust and respectful relationship with a vast array of NGO‟s and sectoral organisations,

working across the spectrum of community based projects in the Western Cape as well as the

rest of South Africa. Counsel and advice provided on an on-going basis + directing of new

services creation so as to best deliver on combined objectives.

Various projects within Department of Health: PinkDrive Mobile Mammography; Mobile

Diagnostics Clinic and Laboratory with Fraunhofer Institut; GVI Oncology partnership in Eden

District; Saturday Surgeries project – in collaboration with Red Cross Trust; Creating the Surgical

Skills platform business case for implementation in 2012 and beyond; Wellness strategy –

including Mobile Wellness Clinics; Catalysing Private/Public Sector workgroup to deal with

nursing shortages; Clicks – Helping Hand Trust partnership; Unilever + Clicks – health messaging

campaigns partnership; Pharmacy-led Mother and Baby model – to be rolled out to all willing

private sector partners.

Formulating, testing/piloting of components and peer review of the Passport to Wellness

model – addressing the upstream determinants of downstream ill health and societal decay

via a practical model. Endorsed by a vast array of sectoral organisations and academics,

including: Dr Barbara Holtmann, Inyathelo, Prof Eric Atmore and Department of Social

Development Western Cape. Comprehensive model to be piloted in Atlantis. Various pilot

projects have delivered positive results beyond expectations. These projects are in process of

being scaled and replicated including: School @ Centre of Community; Sizukhanyo Schools

project; Delft Zoe School of Skills; Afrika Tikkun project in Mfuleni; Parenting Skills – various

organisations; ECD – various models and projects; Micro & SMME development and expansion


The above provides a snapshot of some of the achievement and projects of the past 3 years and

reflects the tip of the iceberg, as it were.

It was a huge privilege to contribute towards leaving a legacy of positive change that is future

focused. The purpose and meaning afforded me by working in government represents the

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greatest privilege I have had in my career to date and provided me with immense satisfaction.

The challenges were sometimes gargantuan, but I have yet to stumble upon a problem for which

there is not a simple and practical solution. A small snapshot of partnership projects is available in

document format, upon request.

Sales & Strategy Director: Ads24: National Advertising & Marketing Sales Division: Media24

Newspapers [100+ titles]

1 July 2008 -

Sept 2009 The scope of position included:

General Management, Overall Strategic Direction & Management – Ads24 National, Sales Direction

and Management, Operations, Client Relationship Management [ Executive Level], Strategic

planning, New Business Development, Organisational and Industry Innovation and Synergy – Ads24,

Media24 Newspapers, Rebranding, restructure and launch of new branded identity and integrated

service offering, Financial management, budgeting, forecasting, people management.

Main purpose of the position:

1. Construction, management and implementation of the Ads24 National Sales and Marketing


2. Fulfilling key role in the analysis and interpretation of macro and micro economic trends and

information – translation into strategy, implementation plans, training of staff + taking to market.

3. Designing and implementation of Media24 newspapers Trade marketing strategy.

Deliverable: Wrote Integrated Sales/Marketing and Trade Strategy and Plan during Nov 2008;

briefed the Manager: Market Intelligence and ad agency. Second-round plan and creative

approved. The very successful Project MeetMe rolled out in April 2009.

4. Finding internal synergies between Ads24 and newspaper verticals towards streamlining

operations and achieving overall financial and business efficiencies.

Deliverable: Integrated multi-platform strategies to achieve maximum share of voice for Media24

newspapers; worked closely with Print24 as well as Media24 Logistics. Started greenfields projects

with magazines, and digital division. Moved towards integration and transversal

approaches to business, away from inefficient and ineffective silo approach.

5. Day-to-day management of the Ads24 regional office and staff members.

6. Devising a regional sales strategy in line with the overall national sales & marketing strategy.

Deliverable: Maintenance of previous fiscal‟s actual revenue, under difficult trading conditions.

Ads24 CT achieved 23% y/y growth during Jan 2009.

7. Management and implementation of the regional sales strategy in context of the national sales


8. Ensured that best practice people management processes were implemented and maintained -

building Ads24 into a premier sales division.

Deliverable: Worked closely with HR to devise detailed job descriptions and training programmes.

Member of Media24 Training as well as Salaries & Remuneration work groups.

9. Provided leadership to the various Sales Managers representing the Media24 newspapers

verticals. Deliverable: Ensured that best practice and knowledge were shared with management

teams at publication level towards establishing the One Voice, One Company, One Strategy

ethic between Ads24 and publications.

10. Interfaced with Executive leadership at blue-chip companies and heads of media agencies on

an Executive senior management level.

11. Within Media24, interfaced at Senior/Executive level – working towards overall M24 Newspapers

synergies and operational efficiencies between Vertical partners and Divisions.

Reporting to the CEO of Ads24, the Sales & Strategy Director was responsible for the construction,

management and implementation of the Ads24 National Sales, Business and Marketing strategies. On

a day-to day basis, managing of the various National Sales Managers, as well as being the custodian

of their portion of the National Sales budget for 100+ publications.

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Responsible for formulating sales strategy and building relationships with Blue Chip clients, brands and

Stakeholders. Responsible for positioning the Ads24 Brand as top in its field. Responsible for the career

growth of a diverse team of sales and support staff.

Conceptualising, management and implementation of the Legends Media24 Newspapers Editorial

and Advertising Excellence Awards programme and Gala event. First event launched on 11 July 2008.

It has remained a legacy project and programme within Media 24 and has continued as an annual

programme which culminates in an annual awards ceremony. I continue to consult on the

progression of the Legends brand, which has now grown in stature and value across the company.

Finding internal Media24 synergies at publication, vertical and divisional levels – improve Ads24 and

Media24 Newspapers service and product offerings + achieve operational efficiencies, best practice

sharing and streamlining of the business. Involved in company lead projects – where co-opted and


Much was achieved in quite short space of time. The change management process was intense

and pushed a great many employees out of their comfort zones. The processes were however well

planned, managed and monitored and the continued success of the division bears testimony to the

strong foundation that was laid. I remain in contact with „my team‟ on their insistence and act as

mentor and provide guidance on an on-going basis. I consider this as a huge honour and privilege

and remain humbled by the fact that I am able to provide value in this way.

General Manager: W/Cape and KZN – Ads24: National Sales & Marketing Division of Media24

Newspapers [100+ titles]

1 May 2008-

30 June 2008

During March and April 2008, I was seconded to assist with the setting of strategy for what was going

to be the „new‟ Ads24, under the leadership of Sarel du Plessis. I was privileged to work alongside

Sarel in determining the long term vision and strategy for the development of an integrated national

sales unit for not only Media24 Newspapers, but ultimately, one that may become the central sales

arm of all Media24 media – from a national sales and marketing perspective. I was also privileged to

drive this strategy forward and for its full implementation in my next position as National Sales &

Strategy Director: Ads24.

I was formally appointed into the position of GM: W/Cape and KZN on 1 May 2008. As such, I was

responsible for the management and revenue of the W/Cape, E/Cape and KZN regions – and for the

management of staff and stakeholder relationships.

KZN and the E/Cape were strategic priorities – and I set out on a process of consultation and

exploration to understand the problems and challenges. A strategy was put in place and was

implemented in a phased manner; including appointing a strong and credible Sales Director in KZN

as well as appointing a Regional Marketing Specialist, to ensure focus on this region. Results:

Revenue continued in an upward trajectory in these regions and stakeholder relationships were vastly


During these two months, we gained Board approval for the strategy to restructure Ads24 into a

brand-directed, portfolio led; multi-platform sales house and my job description and title were thus

broadened to reflect the areas that I would take responsibility for. I was promoted into the role of

Sales & Strategy Director: Ads24 on 1 July 2008.

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Operations Manager: New Business Development: Media24

1 April 2007-

30 April 2008

I was approached/headhunted by Media24 Newspapers to take over the roll of Operations

Manager: New Business Development, as from 1 April 2007. The role was diverse and included the

following: -

Marketing and Brand Management and Implementation

Sales Direction and Management

Leading and Managing a national sales and management team

Communications Strategy and Management

Hands-On Operations Management

Media24 Lead strategic Projects: Development, planning and implementation

Turn-around strategies and implementation where required within Media24 divisions

MyWeek, a board-sanctioned lead project within Media24, was one of the focal areas of this role. In

the 12 months in this role, I:

Successfully rolled out 11 new MyWeek zones, including the consolidation of certain zones for

business and financial reasons. There were 28 active zones with a bi-monthly print order of 650

000 per issue when I left the position.

Took the brand to market – through-the-line campaign including: Outdoor, radio, print,

experiential, trade marketing – including a Brand Activation campaign at the Loeries – the

primary advertising awards event of the year.

Developed all stationery, corporate identity and sales materials required by the new brand.

Spent four months seconded to MyWeek North [Jhb office] – employed a new management

team, did staff training and started the process of filling sales positions, put a turn-around

strategy in place under adverse and hostile circumstances and turned the business unit


Was responsible for drafting the monthly report to the CEO of Media24 newspapers – this

required business analytics, financial analysis, projections + business planning/strategic


Drafted various, diverse Business Plans for presentation to the Media24 Board.

Responsible for the hands-on operations management of distribution and printing – including

drafting and finalising of SLA‟s with suppliers and Performance Management thereafter.

Took responsibility for the management and mentorship of the Ads24 MyWeek sales team –

including development of strategies for key clients.

Was involved in various diverse projects within the business unit and Media24 newspapers–

including digital strategy and development, The Media24 Newspapers Excellence Awards

[Project Lead]. The Excellence Awards have now become an annual event within the


Over-achieved the overall Performance objectives of the position.

Senior Media Consultant: Media24 – Sunday Newspapers Stable

April 2006 – 1 April 2007

At the end of March 2006, I was approached/ headhunted by the Senior General Manager of RCP

Media to assist his Cape Town team on the National Top 30 client portfolio. I was supposed to “help

out” in the short term, but was offered a permanent position immediately after an unscheduled


At the time of receiving this particular offer, I was at a personal bifurcation point. I had already built

two successful businesses, but my children were becoming more and more independent and I was

considering the option of engaging, for the first time, in a corporate career environment in a more

formal manner, rather than as a consultant.

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I therefore agreed to join the company, with the view of building a career and future within the group

– bringing my experience, skills and knowledge to bear where they will ultimately make a real

difference and contribute to overall efficiencies, improve the bottom line, as well as to be part of the

process of innovative thinking, strategising, planning and implementation – to continue building a

sustainable company into the longer term future. Taking this position effectively meant taking a

21-year step backwards – I agreed to become a senior media consultant, which is essentially the

position I had held when I started my career.

Part of my motivation for taking this position, was to establish whether I was able to function within a

corporate environment, deal with the inevitable politics and to compare the idea of building a more

permanent career within an organisation against the very different approach employed when I was

consulting and re-structuring or re-organising corporates from a neutral, objective perspective.

Starting at the “bottom” as it were was both instructive and educational. My experience at Sprint

Media meant that I was able to identify exactly where opportunities existed – not only within Sprint –

but organisationally, for improvement and innovation. I was keen to put my knowledge, energy and

experience into practice where it would count. My greatest growth was however in my personal and

internal space, by being able to embrace my strengths, push my limits under sometimes frustrating

circumstances and to have found personal resilience beyond what I believed was possible before.

My areas of responsibility included the development of strategies to grow new revenue streams within

my portfolio and also, to maintain and grow existing revenue, that was under-serviced in the past. I

achieved year on year growth of 54% in my portfolio.

A large part of this responsibility hinged on my ability to build and cement relationships with

advertising and media agencies and ultimately, with clients and companies directly. It was my

objective to become the central pivot in terms of synergising the efforts of companies‟ direct

communications objectives [ from their direct, ad hoc, communications budgets and strategies],and

to tailor those messages to fit with their above-the-line objectives, so that their overall

marketing/advertising budget worked harder for them.

My efforts were directed towards securing revenue streams for the three publications that I

represented: Rapport, City Press and Sunday Sun. Ultimately, integrated strategies that deliver results

ensured business retention and growth. All of my efforts were directed towards long term

sustainability and growth.

The process of developing integrated strategies remains hugely exciting. For me, all aspects of

communication have to focus on doing what is right for the brand, its integrity, its values and its

objectives. Development, implementation and management of integrated strategies was what I

ultimately saw myself doing within the Group – on a larger, organisational scale and at a more senior

level. Within the Sprint division, I was co-opted to work with the brand and strategy teams and

became involved in strategy creation and implementation across the brands.

Business Director/Owner – Indigo Consulting

March 1999 – to present

Sole Member of Indigo Business and Marketing Consulting and Indigo Import & Export. During this

time I was privileged to be contracted by several Blue Chip companies in a consulting role. Clients

have included:

Shell – on their oil range [Helix] re-branding and re-launch.

Sunday Times Distribution Division – 18 month contract to improve operational efficiencies. The

scope of the project covered internal communications, copy sales strategies, staff training,

enrichment and motivation. The role extended into negotiating all national added value

copy sales promotions with national retailers, briefing creative executions and being

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responsible for management and implementation of this on-going process. It also included

devising of overall distribution strategy and implementation and management thereof.

Cape Times – devising a Business, Marketing and Sales strategy, including content overview

and recommendations to improve the overall product and saleability.

Enterprise Connection – IT division of Incredible Connection – Publicity, communications and

marketing strategy formulation and implementation.

Various SMME‟s – business and marketing strategies, corporate ID development and

implementation of relevant campaigns/projects/business plans.

Translation of corporate identity into the „lived brand‟ experience – working with organisations

to embed their ethos into the organisational DNA as well as into the spatial and aesthetics of

their office/work spaces.

This spun-off into construction, interior décor and translation of brand values – I extracted

immense satisfaction and joy out of this phase of my business career.

Trading: Establishing relationships with international factories as well as local legislative bodies,

such as SABS, for the purposes of importation of goods for local and international buyers.

Indigo was appointed as sourcing/buying agent for a selection of buyers.

Pro Bono work for a range of NGO‟s and PBO‟s – working specifically within the HIV/AIDS,

Mother-to-Child sector. This was very „new‟ and controversial at the time, but the outcomes

of the projects spoke for themselves and so it was a very easy decision to dedicate some of

my time, skills and experience into assisting these organisations.

The Engine Room February 1995 – March 1999

The Engine Room (TER) is a Marketing Communications and Design Agency, of which I was one of

seven founding shareholders. TER started with zero billings, and by the time I decided to resign as a

shareholder, I was managing a R39 million portfolio. This was of significant size and value in 1999. Our

clients included some of the most respected brands, both locally and internationally. These included

Smirnoff, Vodacom (owned 35% by Vodaphone), Simba Chips, Koo & All Gold, Liqui-Fruit, Pick „n Pay,

Pick ‟n Pay Financial Services, BP Express Shops and a basket of SFW‟s brands, to mention a few.

Client Services Director/Media Director/General Manager:

My roles in the Engine Room were diverse and challenging. As Client Services Director, I managed

the agency‟s portfolio and client service team, including the traffic and production teams. [15 team

members] This included setting and achieving of annual budgets. It also included the construction of

an agency policy document, putting job descriptions and a peer/internal review system in place.

My personal portfolio ranked as the largest in the agency in turnover/contribution terms. I ran the BP

Express Shops portfolio with two assistants. The portfolio grew from a zero base to being the largest

contributor to turnover and GP within the agency. I was involved in the crafting of a launch strategy

for the brand and was responsible for all creative and strategic implementation of launch and then

establishment of the brand in the marketplace. This included everything from shop fittings to

advertising strategy to internal communications within BP itself.

In addition to my role as Client Services Director, I was also Media Director. I appointed an external

media placement agency to manage the physical bookings, but all media plans were briefed,

approved and implemented from my desk.

I interacted with all clients of the agency on a rotational basis to ensure that their needs were met

and relationships cemented.

We worked across the board in every conceivable media to ensure that client‟s objectives were met

in the most innovative manner – always measurable by the improvement on the bottom line. The

agency was known for its unique approach to business – we became involved in a client‟s business,

understood the internal workings of each company we interacted with and as such, built up a large

and loyal client base.

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The Engine Room was the first advertising agency to have a fully-fledged Desk-Top Publishing [DTP]

studio. I was responsible for co-opting and working with some of the earliest ICT programmers, so as

to ensure that the agency was run virtually paperless and that my „ Macs‟ could speak to my „ IBM‟s‟.

The developers and programmers also wrote programmes so that my team could communicate

directly with BP‟s intranet – something that was unheard of at the time.

It seemed logical to me that one should run the agency on LEAN principles and that one should be

able to access all relevant information from your desktop, so as to optimise resources and time. We

were most definitely far ahead of our competitors and made our services available to other agencies

to train their designers in the new technology and advise them on how to integrate systems – at the

dawn of the internet age.

BBR Advertising and Marketing 1991-1995

In 1991, radio promotions started becoming very popular and advertising agencies at that time, had

difficulty coming up with concepts that tied into their above-the-line strategies and that had

follow-through from campaigns. BBR started up when my ex-husband, Olaf Brinkmann, and I, were

approached by Dairybelle and Musica (then still family owned) to devise radio promotions for them.

This heralded the start of BBR Advertising and Marketing.

The business grew rapidly into a “through-the-line” agency. Clients such as Langeberg Foods,

Gilbeys (a range of brands), Stingray Inflatables, BP (W/Cape region) soon entrusted their business‟

bottom line to us.

I was involved in all aspects of the business – from financial planning and management, to presenting

strategies, campaigns and creative executions to prospective clients, to servicing a portfolio of

clients, to creative briefing and copy writing, to physically designing campaigns. These were the days

before Macs and DTP. Design was done with the Quick Brown Fox at hand, with overlays and

dyelines. Simple, yet exciting times.

BBR established an industry reputation for being a creative Hot Shop and for going the extra mile to

ensure that clients achieved their sales objectives. The agency also handled all aspects of the Ithuba

Days – forerunner of Red Nose Day – for the SABC and the Ithuba organisers for 3 years running. I was

intimately and directly involved in the strategies, planning, logistics and implementation of these

large fundraising television productions – pre through to post event.

Republican Press 1988-1991

I was employed at Republican Press [now Caxton] as a Direct Sales Representative. My portfolio

included all direct clients across the stable of 11 publications in the group – these were diverse and

included: Farmer‟s Weekly, Garden & Home, Rooi Rose, Talk Magazine, Scope – to name but a few.

I was responsible for building a solid client base and all aspects of servicing the advertising, marketing

and promotional needs of my clients, their brands and businesses. My responsibilities included

establishing a client and business base across the range of publications, meeting and growing

revenue objectives, copywriting and design of advertisements and campaigns, having it set in

Durban ( our offices were in Cape Town and design and setting was done in Durban at the time),

approval by clients and follow through on campaigns.

As an extension to my core responsibilities, I saw immense opportunities for my client base and their

brands to benefit from extending their advertising campaigns to include promotions and added

value concepts. I conceptualised and presented such campaigns, promotions and strategies to a

variety of clients and brands and these proved to be successful.

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As a result, I was approached by the editor of Rooi Rose magazine, to take over the Promotions

function within the publication. I was involved in all aspects of promotions in the magazine, including

putting together of the Rooi Rose/Antenna Look of the Year competition and live production

television show with SABC2. This television production stands out as one of the most enjoyable and

memorable projects that I have managed. I was 21 years of age at that time.


I have been fortunate in my 25 year career in the media/advertising/business world, to have been

involved in virtually every aspect of business, government, commerce, industry and civil society and

as this story of my career, experiences, knowledge, skills and life demonstrates, I really have been

privileged to have had such breadth and depth of experience and exposure.

My various roles and positions have required that I do strategising and business planning[ including

financial planning and management], creative briefing of studio staff and external design agencies,

judging creative work presented against the original brief and brand objectives, awarding work and

being deeply involved in the creation, execution and management of support campaigns. Most

importantly, I have been accountable and responsible for producing measurable results across the

spectrum of all that I been involved with.

I have been fortunate to work with my own staff or business teams [in the case of consulting

contracts], being involved in their mentorship as well as their personal and career growth within the

broader industry – extremely rewarding work in and of itself.

I have also been part of the evolution of the advertising industry and business landscape at large –

from paper-based design and communications, to the launch of internet and intranet, as well as the

growth of DTP as a design tool. From fax machines being the “next exciting technology” to receiving

faxes on desktop.

I can only but be excited about what lies ahead; which challenges and new technologies will be

coming along to make things even more exciting and efficient.

I hope to, one day, look back on my life and career and to have left a worthwhile social and societal

imprint; one that I hope will have made a positive difference and contribution and that will have

enriched my life and the lives of those who have crossed my path. That would make my life a life

lived well and lived in a worthwhile manner!

I love a challenge and competing with myself to push the boundaries of achievement. I am truly

passionate about people, my country and their growth and nurturing towards reaching personal,

institutional and communal, societal outcomes and objectives.

I love exploring and researching new concepts, ideas and business challenges. Life has to be about

learning, enriching my knowledge and experience base and passing this learning, knowledge and

experience on to those around me. Every question or challenge that I cannot answer today provides

an opportunity to research and learn from and to provide the answer tomorrow!

I am now, more than ever, focused on a global consciousness and in playing my part in creating a

positive, prosperous, inclusive and equitable future for the people of my country. I am also, more so

than ever before, prepared to „carry the briefcases‟ of the great thinkers, so as to learn and grow

more. At the same time, I continue to make myself available to mentor a great many peers and

those who would journey alongside me – what I have to give and share, I give and share freely and

without lien.

I continue to be driven by a deep sense of real purpose and meaning and want to ensure that I am

indeed the change I want to see in this world, that I do question and push the boundaries that are

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imposed upon growth and development and that I play a small part of creating a future that I would

be proud to inhabit.


1. Mrs Lee Griffin – ex Marketing/Advertising Manager: BP Southern Africa

Currently Marketing & Export Director of Stellar Organics

Mobile: 082 900 8989

Office: 021-979 1441

2. Mr Gavin Weir: Chair: Sectoral Task Team for Older Persons

Mobile: 0828557681

3. Ms Amanda Bloch: Convener of the Private Philanthropy Circle and Patron of the Red Cross

Children‟s Trust

Mobile: 0823773458

4. Sarel du Plessis – CEO: Marketing Association of South Africa

Mobile: 082 377 9730

5. Glynis Kearney – Co-owner/Director: 143 Creations

Mobile: 0723809712

6. Rodney Africa – Partner: Webber Wentzel Attorneys

Mobile: 0823724337

7. Mike Perkin – Director: Pharmacy Education International

Phone: 021 7977306

Mobile: 0823726873

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Career Mapping: Dr Sarah Riordan

Executive Coaching for Alignment: Dr Lloyd Chapman

Systems Thinking: Mr Steyn Heckroodt

Management Information Strategies: Mr Martin Butler

Business and Environmental, Social & Governance [ ESG] – Sustainability: Dr Arnold Smit

Marketing Trends in the new Economy: Mr Martin Neethling

Economics – a global perspective: Prof Andre Roux

Financial Strategies: Prof Dave Flynn

Engaging with the Press: Barbara Folscher

Commercial Negotiations: Prof David Venter

Strategic Management: Dr John Westwood

Sustainability thesis – including panel presentation

Work-life balance: Prof Johann Coetzee

Strategic Leadership & Change: Dr Morne Mostert

Graduated on 7 December 2012; Cum Laude: 81% Grade Average

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Systems Thinking and Design

Lean Methodology

High level Strategy

Marketing Strategy and implementation

Strategic Planning and Strategy Development

Business Strategy

New Business Development – complete cycle

Risk Management

Forecasting and economic trend analysis

Trends and Futurism

Public Relations, publicity and handling the press/media

Creative Development – from conceptualisation to briefing to implementation

Consumer Insights – Analysis + Briefing of research projects

Digital and multi-platform strategy – ideation and implementation

Multi-stakeholder engagement – at all levels and stations

Stakeholder Management

Budgeting and Financial Management

Financial and Capital Structure Strategies

Communications strategy and Planning

Media Strategy and implementation + Strategic Communication

Advertising – all aspects and disciplines

Brands and Branding

Negotiation Skills

Brand strategy, campaign development and implementation

Account Direction

Strategic Leadership

Transformational Leadership

People Management

Talent management, retention and succession planning

Organisational Development and Design – transformation to The Learning Organisation,

organisational wellness as the driver of sustainability – People.Profit.Planet – Triple Bottom line

Legislation, regulation and policy – comprehension of process as well as physically involved in


Sustainability: In-depth study and thesis on the Waste Hierarchy and Alternative

Waste-to-Energy technologies

Substance Abuse – in-depth, immersive study of all aspects related to substance abuse so as

to co-craft the Provincial Substance Abuse Strategy - with specific focus on alcohol abuse;

emphasis also on basic understanding of neurology and Neuro-science

Government: Understanding of inter-relatedness of all 3 spheres and working across spheres

and departments on key projects as Steercom member

Supply Chain Management and Procurement

Endoscopy and Laparoscopy – Surgical Skills

Oncology – working understanding so as to forge private/public partnerships and new

working models

Health systems – all aspects

E-health – including: E-patient record systems, Telemedicine, Mobile Health Technology and

Artificial Intelligence diagnostics middleware and Enterprise Architecture

E-health strategy

Construction economics

Green and clean technology

Management information strategies, plans and implementation


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Urban and Spatial Planning – including Densification, developmental nodes, designing for


Sociology and human behaviour

Statistical Analysis

Early Childhood Development – in-depth study and mastery

Mental Health – in-depth study and mastery

Entrepreneurship – personal experience as well as mentor/lecturer


Social Enterprise – in-depth study of „ Third Economy‟ + strategy/policy ideation

Construction + Interior décor – as extension to brand development and the lived brand

Corporate Social Investment in Context of Corporate Social Responsibility

Social development, social cohesion and community mobilisation

Partnerships, collaboration, co-production – 3 year practical hands-on experience across all

sectors of government and society

Integrated Human Settlements, Special Needs/Social Housing – policy, strategy and

implementation plan

Inter-governmental collaboration, framework creation, building of models of excellence to be

scaled and replicated nationally

Networking abilities

Older Persons: various models of care and innovations in line with spirit of Act + policy

changes – working with Sectoral Task Team for Older Persons

Enterprise Development and Social Enterprise Development

Wellness: In-depth study including the inter-relatedness of health, wellness, social and

economic development; spanning a great many disciplines, subjects and academic areas

Pharmacotherapy – in-depth study with specific reference to Rational Prescribing and

Dispensing as opposed to current practice of Prescription Cascade/Avalanche for chronic


Visual impairment: in-depth study, including India‟s model of excellence iro low-technology,

rapid cataract surgeries

Burden of Disease – local and global – study iro the upstream determinants of downstream ill

health and unwellness

Project management – ability to macro-manage multiple projects and teams concurrently –

up to 30+ projects at a time

Differently Abled and Disabled – in-depth study of various categories of disability, so as to

determine levels of service and new packages required at community level – now and into

the future

Knowledge economy: - the chain and process required to transition into a Knowledge

economy [ applied as member of Steercom of Cape Health Technology Park – with National


Alternative building technologies – broad exposure and in-depth study of all that is available –

also via reclamation from waste hierarchy

Global Warming, Climate Change, Carbon Trading – the history of the sustainability

movement and all information relevant to implementation of multiple solutions at micro and

macro levels

Creative Arts: in-depth study so as to understand healing and educational value of

reintroduction of creative arts specifically into PDI environments

Trading: Import & Export

Basic Psychology & Philosophy

Urban and Spatial Planning

SCRUM methodology

Waterfall Management Methodology

String Theory: currently in process of in-depth study – including Reciprocal Systems Physics

Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Studies

Socio-Economic Impact Assessments and Studies

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3.1 The Contractor undertakes to provide the following:

Advice and counsel to the Minister of Health and Leader of Government business of the Western Cape Government in respect of business, marketing, strategy and other related issues – as and when required;

Conceptualising and implementation of innovative solutions to service delivery conundrums – transversal [inter-departmental] solutions where indicated and appropriate;

Having access to and making use of human and financial resources within various departments to facilitate service delivery solutions’ implementation;

Building inter-departmental relationships via transversal service delivery solutions and implementation;

Identifying excellence in human resources and building upon that culture within Western Cape Government;

Global and local funding: mandated by Western Cape Government to meet with captains of industry as well as global leaders/funders, to tie up additional private sector funding towards achieving more efficient service delivery;

Writing of business plans and strategies to appropriate funding effectively;

Auditing existing Western Cape Government assets and putting plans in place to effect cost savings, up operational efficiencies, and where possible, raise additional funding via these Western Cape Government assets, towards key service delivery areas;

Project managing key strategic [ hot button] Western Cape Government projects, as allocated by the Premier and MEC’s – to ensure delivery happens seamlessly and on time; mandated to do whatever is required to deliver projects, including working around red tape that may hamper delivery;

Working with key local stakeholders – such as Cape Town Partnership, City of Cape Town, Accelerate Cape – to ensure co-operative governance and effective service delivery and innovative solutions;

Access to overall Western Cape Government Advertising and Marketing Budget and input into preparation of professional Brand/Marketing strategies and plans to ensure effective use of funds in line with the greater service delivery goals;

Available to all MEC’s to assist with business, marketing, operational and financial plans and strategies – as and when required;

Be available for meetings and in general both at the designated office[s] within WP Government as well as at a Home Office as set up by the contractor;

Make available the contractor’s home office space and adjacent areas to, inter alia: produce output, concomitant with the contractual obligations, host and accommodate stakeholders, local and foreign dignitaries as and when required; run workshops, take meetings and entertain guests, related to the obligations within this contract

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From: Bertus de Waal [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 19 November 2012 08:04 AM To: Amanda Brinkmann Subject: RE: Personal/work-related Request: Amanda Brinkmann

Hi there Amanda Apologies for only coming back to you now. It was a bit of a hectic two weeks! “I had the privilege of working with Amanda on a project with the Western Cape Provincial Government. Amanda is a breath of fresh air! I left the initial meeting invigorated by Amanda’s positive, enthusiastic and sparkling attitude. My further encounters with her only confirmed my belief that the WCPG is blessed to have somebody as dedicated as Amanda in their service. Amanda’s work ethic is unparalleled and she has the ability to easily conceptualize and identify key issues pertaining to difficult matters. Amanda’s problem solving approach makes meetings with her a joy. She is a true ambassador to the WCPG.” Kind regards Bertus de Waal Property Investment Banking Investec Specialist Bank Telephone: (2721) 809 0714 Fax: (2786) 646 4430 Cell: (2783) 6111 646 De Wagenweg Office Park, Stellentia Avenue, Stellenbosch PO Box 516, Stellenbosch, 7599, South Africa An authorised financial services provider From: Dr. Harold E. Robles - Medical Knowledge Institute (MKI) [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 17 November 2012 06:22 PM To: 'Amanda Brinkmann'

Cc: [email protected] Subject: 1000x thanks, always for everything you do for us.

Dearest Amanda, It was so good to hear from you again.

A lady with your stature but most of all the experienced Ambassador of the Western Cape. One should be happy that you are part of their team. Kirsty and I always refer to you when we talk about healthcare issues on the Western Cape. You have always been so incredible helpful to us and to MKI. You dear Amanda have given us so much advice and at the same time you have opened interesting doors for us since wet met. Southern Africa needs people like you, with a passion, with incredible knowledge, but most of all with so much professionalism. I tip my cap for you and your commitment. Warmest regards, also on behalf of Kirsty Hunt,

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Yours, always, Harold Prof. Dr. Harold E. Robles Founder & President

Headquarters P.O.Box 332, 3233 ZG Oostvoorne, The Netherlands Tel.: +31-181-486804 Fax.: +31-181-483206 Mobile: +31622507949 E-mail: [email protected] Skype: H.E.Robles (Dr.H) Visit us at:

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