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AVANZADO 22012-2013


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Air supplies us with oxygen which is essential for our bodies to live. However, human activities can release substances into the air, some of which can cause problems for humans, plants and animals.

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Smog Acid rain The greenhouse effect “Holes” in the ozone layer.

Each of these problems has serious implications for our health and well-being as well as for the whole environment.


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The release of particles into the air from burning fuel for energy.

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The release of noxious gases and chemical vapors

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Is a type of large- scale outdoor pollution.

It is caused by chemical reactions between pollutants derived from different sources, primarily automobile exhaust and industrial emissions.

Cities are often centers of these types of activities, and many suffer from the effects of smog, especially during the warm months of the year.


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For each city, the exact causes of pollution may be different

Depending on: The geographical location Temperature Wind and weather factors

Pollution is dispersed differently. However, sometimes this doesn´t happen and the pollution can build up to dangerous levels.

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When a pollutant, such as sulfuric acid combines with droplets of water in the air, the water can become acidified. The effects of acid rain on the environment can be very serious.


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It damages plants by destroying their leaves

It poisons the soil And it changes the chemistry of lakes and streams.

Damage due to acid rain kill trees and harms animals, fish, and other wildlife

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Is generally believed to come from the build up of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is produced when fuels are burned. Plants convert carbon dioxide back to oxygen, but the release of carbon dioxide from human activities is higher than the world´s plants can process.


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The situation is made worse since many of the Earth´s forests are being removed, and plant life is being damaged by acid rain. Thus, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is continuing to increase. This build-up acts like a blanket and traps heat close to the surface of the Earth.

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The ozone layer in the Stratosphere protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Release of CFC from aerosol cans, cooling systems and refrigerator equipment removes some of the ozone, causing “holes” allowing the radiation to reach the Earth.


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Did you know that air pollution also can exist inside homes and other buildings?

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It is the presence of physical, chemical or biological contaminants in the air of confined environments, which are not naturally present in high quantities in the external air of the ecological systems.

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Many people spend large portion of time indoors:


in enclosed environments, where air circulation may be restricted.

work study drink eat sleep

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Tobacco smoke Cooking and heating appliances Vapors from building materials Paints Furniture Varnishes Detergents Pesticides

Sources of indoor air pollution

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Numerous chemicals are used inside home.

Many items inside our homes and materials used in home construction are notorious for letting off poisonous gasses for years.

Air pollution indoors is often two to five times worse than it is outside because...

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NASA studies show that having ample plants indoors can detoxify up to 85 percent of indoor air pollution. They act like a filter for the air.

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It's also important to open the windows and doors of your home, daily if possible, to allow fresh air to circulate in.

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Having plants inside adds oxygen to the air you're breathing, and having plants inside is even known to decrease the stress levels of the inhabitants.

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Ultraviolet radiation is known to cause skin cancer and has damaging effects on plants and wild life.

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Air pollution can affect our health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects.

Children and elderly people often suffer more from the effects of air pollution.

People with health problems such as asthma, heart and lung disease may also suffer more when the air is polluted.

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Irritation to the eyes, nose and throat

Upper respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Other symptoms can include headaches, nausea and allergic reactions.

Short-term health effects include:

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Chronic respiratory disease Lung cancer Heart disease Even damage to the brain, nerves, liver or kidneys.

Continual exposure to air pollution affects the lungs of growing children and may aggravate or complicate medical conditions in the elderly.

Long-term health effects include:

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