Page 1: INSIDE - Clover · 3) It Symbolizes A New Life As A Christian “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has

Volume 57, Number 5 May 2015

/ Page 2 Oil Belt Camp Schedule / Page 3 Dave’s Musings / Page 4 The Exchange Zone / Page 5 Logan’s Corner / Page 6 FCC Servants / Page 7 Birthdays

Anniversaries Thank You News / Page 8 In His Grip


I will give thanks to you, L , with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.

Psalm 9:1-2, NIV

The Reporter can also be viewed online at

June Newsletter deadline

May 15th This includes all

newsletter, calendar and scheduling items.


Page 2: INSIDE - Clover · 3) It Symbolizes A New Life As A Christian “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has



Phil Martin Lead Minister

Dave Jarrett

Creative Arts Minister

Jesse Brinkley Children’s Minister

Logan West

Student Minister

Zach Garrett Director of Life Groups

ELDERS: Bob Wilson Chris Tanner Eldon Prosise

Jim Martin Joe Telford

Justin Harness Louis Williams, Jr.

First Christian Church 1200 West Boone St.

Salem, IL 62881 618-548-0867

fax 618-548-0868 [email protected]

Dawn McCoy Church Secretary

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

For more information including sermon downloads

and more please go to:


Camp brochures are available in the foyer or online at

*Campers, please give your registration forms to Logan or Jesse.

Camper Scholarships—half of the registration fee will be provided for all FCC regular attendees.


4th Pathfinder 1 May 27-30 $70

5th & 6th Camp Out May 28-30 $70

K - Adult Special Needs Day May 30 $25

9th-12th Senior High May 31-June 5 $105

2nd & 3rd Footprints 1 June 5-6 $32

9th-12th Sr. High Wilderness June 6-13 $165

7th & 8th Jr. High Wilderness June 7-12 $135

5th & 6th Encounter 1 June 7-13 $105

7th & 8th Junior High 1 June 14-19 $105

4th & 5th Discovery June 21-25 $85

7th-12th Bike Camp June 21-26 $145

7th-13th Music Camp Plus June 28-July 4 $110

6th, 7th, 8th Athletes Camp July 5-10 $110

2nd & 3rd Footprints 2 July 10-11 $32

7th-12th Genesis Week July 12-18 $110

9th Niners July 12-18 $105

5th & 6th Encounter 2 July 19-25 $105

K-6th Father Child Camp July 24-25 $32

10th-13th Deeper Life July 26-Aug 1 $105

7th & 8th Junior High 2 Aug 2-7 $105

4th Pathfinder 2 Aug 9-12 $70

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Dave ’ s Musings Dave Jarrett

Creative Arts Minister [email protected]

You are invited to an evening of music and worship with the Lincoln Christian University Chorale, at 6:30pm, on Saturday, May 2nd , at First Christian Church.

The Chorale is a select 24-member praise and worship ensemble consisting of LCU students preparing for ministry. They will present a mixed program of Christian music, drama, scripture and video in a multi-media presentation entitled, “STORY” featuring music by Rich Mullins.

The LCU Chorale was established over 50 years ago. The Chorale, under the direction of Jeff Colleen, Professor of Worship Ministry at LCU, will be on tour throughout the Midwest May 2 - 10.

Raising Leaders

One of the things I love about my vocation (the work that God has called me to accomplish) is that I get a front row seat to seeing people grow. The flip side of that is a front row seat to seeing people fail as well. And everyday in the mirror I'm reminded that I fail too. Here's my point, whether we have kids or not, whether they're grown and gone or in our face every moment, we need to build up the next generation to be leaders in the vocation that God has called them to. This doesn't mean everyone goes into paid ministry in the church, but everyone does ministry wherever they are paid. This is why I love the partnership we have with our Bible Colleges (and especially my Alma mater, LCU). When these students come on the weekend of May 2nd and 3rd, let's be an encouragement to them as they travel, but also as they prepare for whatever it is God has called them to. And then be diligent to do the same for the kids in our homes and congregation and community.

Humbly, Dave

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Jesse Brinkley Children’s Minister

[email protected] The Exchange Zone

“When Should My Child be Baptized?”

Within the past few months I have had several children asking to be baptized. It is great that these children want to be baptized, praise the Lord! However, there is a concern of baptizing children too young. Parents are then begging the question, “When should my child be baptized?”

Before answering the question, parents must understand what baptism is and the abstract truths behind the sacrament, the role of a Christian parent, and indicators to look out for to know whether or not their child is ready to dedicate their life to Christ.

Also, Scripture is not completely clear when a child should be baptized. Most of the baptisms in the New Testament were adult conversions. What we do know about baptism is that it is the individual’s choice and that children are not held accountable of their sins until at an appropriate age, hence, the age of accountability. Then a child must take ownership of their faith through understanding that they inherited a sinful nature.

List of abstract Truths Behind Baptism:

1) It Symbolizes Christ’s Burial And Resurrection

“Christ died for our sins...he was buried...and he rose again.” -1 Cor. 15:3-4

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” –Rom. 6:4

2) It Symbolizes The Cleansing Of Sin

In Acts 22:16 Ananias instructed Saul to “Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on the name of the Lord.”

3) It Symbolizes A New Life As A Christian

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”-2 Cor. 5:17

Role of a Christian Parent:

- Nurture their child in the Christian faith through prayer, biblical teaching, discipling, and attending church as a family. (Deut. 6:6-9, Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21)

- Set the Christian example through everyday life.

- Pray for their child to take ownership of the Christian faith.

- Discern, relying on the Holy Spirit, when a child is ready.

Mature Indicators:

- They ask mature questions.

- They understand abstract concepts.

- They understand membership in the church as a behavior.

- They show concern and love for others.

- They desire to serve others.

- They desire to go to worship services, Sunday school, or other church events.

- They desire to complete a baptismal workbook with a parent.

- They tell their friends about Jesus and invite them to church.

- They take ownership of their faith.

- They keep bringing up the question about wanting to be baptized.

Immature Indicators:

- They may say, “I want to be baptized because…”

“My friend was baptized or everyone else is doing it.” “I want to take communion.” “I want a free “cannonball” t-shirt.”

- They don’t understand the concept of sin.

- They don't grasp basic Christianity.

- They doesn’t desire to attend church regularly. (continued on page 6...The Exchange Zone)

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Logan’s Corner Logan West

Student Minister [email protected]


Last month in the Reporter we dove into a world of apps that your students most likely knew about but you may have been in the dark about. This week we are going to talk about something that goes along with these apps, something that is plaguing our students, self-worth. We live in a very different age than even when I was in high school (I graduated in 2008), technology has advanced significantly. Sure, I had a cell phone and texting was a thing, I even had a Facebook, but those things were not nearly as ingrained in our mind as they are today. Today we have instant access to the internet with our smartphones and for our students (and maybe even you and me) our phones are no longer just a tool we use to communicate, they are apart of who we are. The biggest problem with this is that self-worth is beginning to be defined by how many likes we get on our Facebook statuses, how many retweets we receive on Twitter, how many Instagram followers we have, or how many people send us SnapChats. Our students are really feeling the weight of all of this. Pop culture tells us that to have worth we need to be popular, we need people to know who we are, and we need to be the best. Because of this, I see so many students reaching out on social media to receive their self-worth. They dig for likes, drill for retweets, and hammer for followers, they work hard on social media. But, their work isn’t to bring glory to God, it’s to bring glory to themselves because that is what they are told they need, glory. It is important for us to recognize where students are getting their self-worth from because if it is not from God then it is in something that will not last for an eternity and that is dangerous.

So what can we do?

1. Read the Bible together as a family.

Doing this does two things, it shows your students that you care about your faith, and it may prompt them to begin to be more serious about their own faith. Whether or not you believe that your students are listening to you the truth is that they are. They watch to see how you act, how you react, and what you put your time and resources into. Once that spark is lit and a student begins to take ownership of their faith there is a chance that they may begin to realize that their self-worth should be found in our creator God and learn that Jesus is the only way. I know that reading the Bible together can be intimidating because none of us have all the answers, but we don’t have to. If there comes a point where you don’t know an answer just be honest about it and search for one together.

2. Ask them about their social lives.

Ask them how things are going with their friends, how things are going with their teachers, and how things are going with their extracurricular activities. It may not look like it sometimes but they want you to be involved in their lives, they want to have a real connection with you, one that goes beyond you getting on to them for something stupid they did. Just be present, seriously, they want you to be.

3. Catch them doing something good.

So often feedback that is focused at students is negative. They get in trouble for countless things at school (which they probably should), have to be told multiple times to do anything at home, and get grounded for bad choices they can’t seem to stay away from. But I challenge you to catch them doing something good. It doesn’t even have to be something big, maybe they took their dishes to the counter without you having to ask them, your response of, “Hey! Thank you for doing that!”, with a smile on your face means a lot more to them than what they will let on. Tell them how happy you are to have them as a child. Bring up how hard they worked in the game that day. These seemingly little things end up adding up in a big way.

You being involved in the life of your student can end up playing a huge role in where they find their self-worth. Focus on Jesus and let your students see that, it could be the difference between them knowing Christ or not, and where it is they choose to place their faith, Jesus or the world.

Ephesians 1:13-14 - In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believe in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.

CIY Move is June 8‐12 at Anderson Indiana. The cost is $145 a student and the due date is May 13th. Move is for Graduating 8th graders ‐ Graduating seniors.

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(The Exchange Zone...continued from page 4)

If you are not sure that your child is ready to be baptized, offer encouragement by telling them that it is good that they are con-templating baptism. Then ask your child to think about the matter for a while longer. Tell your child that God does not send any young person to hell or expect them to be baptized until they are able to understand more fully the answers to basic Christiani-ty. Although, do not expect your child to know all of the answers before baptism because they will grow in their faith. Howev-er, while teaching them basic Christianity, do not tell your child all the answers at once. You do not want them to simply mem-orize your answers and repeat them back to you in a short amount of time. Instead, you want them to learn and understand the answers to essential questions and to act out of conviction. Your child will spiritually mature and grasp concepts as time goes on if you continue living out the Christian example. Finally, your child’s persistence might be indicative of a readiness to be baptized.

There is no black or white answer when a child is ready to be baptized. Every child is different as they all mature cognitively, spiritually, and emotionally at different paces. Some child may be baptized at the age of nine, for others at twelve, and then for many in high school. All you can do as a parent is to continue nurturing them in the Christian faith and being the parent that God intended for you to be!

Just passing the baton, Jesse

FCC Servants

Gordie Fox

Gordie serves on the ministry staff at Buchanan Christian Church, in Buchanan, Michigan. He is the Associate Minister of Youth and Family. He and his wife, Shannon, are both graduates of Lincoln Christian University. They enjoy exercise and have taken up running over the past couple years – competing in local 5K's. Gordie is also a diehard Cubs fan. He and Shannon enjoy spending time with their three daughters and son, who stay busy between church, school, and showing animals at the Berrien County Youth Fair each year. With the help of another family in the church who owns a farm, Gordie’s family help raise goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens, and turkeys. Their daughter, Emily, has a book published called “Adventures on a Goat Farm,” which was written for a creative writing class last year and is available on for $8. Emily is also taking colleges classes at a local community college, Southwest Michigan College. Mackenzie enjoys running and can now run the mile under seven minutes. Jessie is their artist who loves drawing and making things. Nathan is a very active young man who prides himself in being the only sibling to ever have stitches. He loves physical activity, running, basketball, and not staying still.

Gordie’s mom, Goldie Weaver, lives in Salem.

We are proud to call Gordie an FCC Servant who is faithfully serving the Lord and His Church!

When: May 10th dur ing the 11:00 a.m. service.

Topic: The Bible and Your Child

Grade: 3rd grade students & their parents * Please meet at 11:00 am in the library with your child.

Remember to pick up your child from their Sunday School classroom before the event begins.

Family Day in the Park Saturday, June 13.

Children’s ministry volunteers are

making lemon shake ups and handing out

promotion materials for Kid Zone.

Volunteers are appreciated!

Please see Jesse for more information.

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MAY 1 - Megan Martin 2 - Joyce King 2 - Bonnie Smith 3 - Kim Martin 4 - Alex Ervin 6 - Derek Vick 6 - Carl Eilbes 7 - Craig Kell 8 - Quinn Wolfe 8 - Jill Myers 11 - Randy Borger

11 - David Lamb 11 - Megan Williams 11 - Bill Petersen 12 - Ken Black 13 - Abigail Westman 15 - Jared Banning 15 - Joan Buhnerkemper 16 - Garren King 17 - Bob Westman 18 - Barbara Ball 18 - Doug Monical

19 - Melinda Morris 19 - Peggy Schaubert 19 - Aidan Fyke 22 - Connie Tierney 22 - Chase Goostree 24 - Alan Hollinshead 24 - Nate Gruen 25 - Eldon Prosise 31 - Payton Nix

2 - Phil & Lynn Jones 3 - Andrew & Tricia Padberg 3 - Randy & Jan Vogt 9 - Joe & Cheryl Pemberton 11 - Joe & Lisa Telford 12 - Ken & Joyce Brewer

12 - David & Tara Gaston 14 - Phil & Kim Martin 17 - T. J. & Jennifer Burge 19 - Chris & Tobi Sexton 20 - Max & Jackie Dye 20 - Dennis & Bonita Gaston

21 - David & Diane Leonard 21 - Keith & Dena Kemp 24 - Cody & Darcy Seiler 26 - David & Terri Blair 27 - Bruce & Jean Brouillette 28 - Maurice & Katharine Black


Andy & Elizabeth Smith placed their membership with FCC on Sunday, March 22nd.

Lucas Holmes was baptized into Christ on Sunday March 29th.

Ava McLean was baptized into Christ on Sunday April 5th.

Brannon & Randi Dasch placed their membership with FCC on Sunday, April 12th.

Randi was baptized into Christ on Sunday March 29th.

Thank You … Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, visits and help during and after my hospital stays.

Thank you very much, Charles Craig

The HEA committee and I wish to thank you for the use of First Christian Church building Thursday night, March 26, for the Heartland Evangelistic Assn. Rally. We had around 60 people present from 12 churches. Dave Jarrett served as our sound tech and Pat Baldridge and her crew served a good variety of sandwiches and cookies and everything was good. We appreciate your people and are glad you are one of our supporting churches.

Howard Kraps HEA Advisor

LIBRARY UPDATE: Our church’s library is going through an update. One of the Life Groups has taken this on as a project. Books are being catalogued by the standard library numbering system. As this is being done all books will be checked against the sign out cards. Plans are being made for “open” hours with an attendant being present between Sunday morning worship services. A return book drop container will be placed outside of the library. Books can be returned at any time and will then be checked in and returned to the proper place by a library attendant. Books may be checked out anytime though by just signing your name and date on the card inside the front cover, then dropping the card in the “checkout” container. There is not a set time for returning a book, we just ask that you return it within a reasonable time. The library is located just to your left as you enter the main foyer doors.

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Non-Profit Organization

U. S. Postage Paid Salem, IL 62881-1199

Permit No. 94

First Christian Church 1200 West Boone Street Salem, Illinois 62881 Return Service Requested

Week 1: Desperate People

Week 2: Desperate Marriages

Week 3: Desperate Parents

Week 4: Desperate World

Week 5: Desperate No More

While Kim and I were visiting my aunt and uncle in Las Vegas, we found it quite fascinating to walk through the numerous hotel casinos. The glittering lights and

unique architecture were pretty amazing. We also couldn’t help but notice the perfectly landscaped homes tucked away in lovely gated communities.

Now, I know that things are not always what they seem. Beyond the lights, inside the magnificent buildings, past the gated and manicured homes, I’m sure we would find many desperate people struggling in life and relationships. In this case, what happens in Vegas, happens all over. You don’t have to look too far to find people who are, as Thoreau wrote, living “lives of quiet desperation.”

Starting April 26th, First Christian Church invites you to a five-part sermon series that will help you see love and relationships in a healthy way. We specialize in desperate because we've all been there at one time or another. So come join us and ease your desperation.

In His Grip, Phil

In His Grip Phil Martin, Lead Minister [email protected]

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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6:30 p.m. LCU Chorale Tour

9:15 a.m. MOPS

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study

6:30 p.m. Amplify

9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:30 p.m. Rehearsal

5:30 p.m. Evening Worship

10:00 a.m. S.A.M.

8:15 a.m. Sonshine Sch

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:00 p.m. Leadership Team

6:00 p.m. SS Graduation

6:30 p.m. Pickle Ball

9:00 a.m. Quilt Guild

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Amplify

9:00 a.m. MomsNext

9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:30 p.m. Rehearsal

7:00 p.m. Iuka Graduation

7:00 p.m. Signature Sound concert

4:30 p.m. Mission Team Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Evening Worship


10:00 a.m. S.A.M.

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

6:30 p.m.

Prayer & Praise

Pickle Ball

7:00 p.m. Church Board Mtg

9:15 a.m. MOPS

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study

7:00 p.m. SCHS Baccalaureate @ First Baptist

9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:30 p.m. Rehearsal

6:30 p.m. Night MOPS

7:00 p.m. Kell Graduation

5:30 p.m. Evening Worship

10:00 a.m. S.A.M.

12:00 p.m. Men’s B-ball

5:45 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group

6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting

6:30 p.m. Pickle Ball

7:00 p.m. Selmaville Graduation

6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study

9:00 a.m. MomsNext

9:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study

12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:30 p.m. Rehearsal

2:00 p.m. SCHS Graduation 5:30 p.m. Evening Worship

Church Office Closed


12:00 p.m. Men’s Basketball

5:45 p.m. Men’s Prayer Group

7:00 p.m. Franklin Park Graduation

Sunday Worship Services: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 Sunday Bible School: 9:30

5:30 p.m. Evening Worship

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May 3, 2015 May 10, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 24, 2015 May 31, 2015

Arts - Vocals

Worship Team Connie Tierney

Ed Phillips

Susan Jones

Wayne Puricelli

Allison Cartwright

Andy Smith

Debbie Cartwright

DeAnna Clark

Patty Wilkins

Arts - Band

Acoustic Guitar David Jarrett David Jarrett David Jarrett David Jarrett David Jarrett

Banjo Joe Telford Joe Telford

Bass Guitar Zack Myers Garren King Garren King Logan West Ross Apgar

Drums Zach Garrett Dave White Mason Morris Zach Garrett Mason Morris

Electric Guitar Logan Phillips

Piano Kendra Galbraith Kim Martin Karen Collier Kendra Galbraith Kim Martin

Arts - Technical

Audio Bryan McIntosh Mark Ferguson Gary Kennedy Bryan McIntosh Bryan McIntosh

Producer Bryan McIntosh Bryan McIntosh Bryan McIntosh Bryan McIntosh Bryan McIntosh

Propresenter Curtis Black Kyle Thompson Josh Williams Curtis Black Katie Wilson

FIM - 8:00a

Team Leader Pat Baldridge Katharine Black Sue White Lucy Molenhour Elizabeth Hite

Welcome Center Pat Baldridge Katharine Black Sue White Lucy Molenhour Elizabeth Hite

Auditorium Greeter Sydne Kelley Judy Beard

Mary Wilkinson

Paul & Eileen Chitwood

Karen Collier

Joe & Cheryl Pemberton Mike & Brenda Hodge

Auditorium Usher Saundra Banning Dave White Katharine Black

Front Door Greeter Curt & Glenda Black

Eldon Prosise

Mike & Linda Malan Eldon Prosise

Joe Pemberton

Marshall Goostree Eldon Prosise

Sydne Kelley

FIM - 9:30a

Auditorium Greeter Sydne Kelley Jan Luse Dave White

Eldon Prosise

Elizabeth Hite

Joe & Cheryl Pemberton Mike & Brenda Hodge

Auditorium Usher Saundra Banning Jan Luse Jan Luse Pat Baldridge

Front Door Greeter Curt & Glenda Black

Eldon Prosise

Clint & Danette Wolfe

Mike & Linda Malan

Joe Pemberton

Justin Harrison

Marshall Goostree Dustin & Amanda Collier

FIM - 11:00a

Auditorium Greeter Jill Myers

Sydne Kelley

Jan Luse

Linda Jean

Dave White

Eldon Prosise

Betty Jane Easley Mike & Brenda Hodge

Auditorium Usher Saundra Banning Jan Luse Jan Luse Betty Jane Easley

Front Door Greeter Bob Jamison

Eldon Prosise

Clint & Danette Wolfe Joe Pemberton

Justin Harrison

Marshall Goostree Dustin & Amanda Collier

Servers - 8:00a

Communion Prep Mike Malan Eldon Prosise Ed & Doss Phillips Garren King Jay Luse

Overseeing Elder Jim Martin Louis Williams, Jr. Joe Telford Justin Harness Bob Wilson

Lead Server Jay Luse Brian Banning Bob Wilson Keith Kemp Elders

Attendance Wayne Puricelli Wayne Puricelli Wayne Puricelli Wayne Puricelli Wayne Puricelli

Servers Ian Stroud

Jeff Stroud

Joe Telford

Kenny Detmer

Nick King

Phil Williams

Bob Lybarger

Brian Lipe

David Blair

Duane Snow

Ian Stroud

Jim Holsapple

Joe Pemberton

Curt Piper

David Johnson

Lindell Mulvaney

Mike Dye

Mike Malan

Paul Chitwood

Ken Brewer

Max Dye

Wayne Hawkins

Wayne Puricelli

Servers - 9:30a

Attendance Paul Chitwood Jeff Baldridge Richard Burge Jeff Baldridge Paul Chitwood

Servers John Williams

Ryan Decker

Jim Martin

Michael Gaston

Timm Squibb

Bob Westman

Brian Martin

Jeff Molenhour

Larry Szaro

Dave Lamb

Ed Phillips

Jason Ullery

Mike Squibb

Zach Garrett

Servers - 11:00a

Attendance Carl Eilbes Carl Eilbes Carl Eilbes Carl Eilbes

Servers John Gaston

Mike Shaw

Mike Ferguson

Rich Crouse

Justin Harness

Coleton Harness

Jole Liddle

Brian Smith

Andrew Banning

Curt Black

Jason Ullery

Randy Borger

Randy Schultz

Tim Merta

Trevor Banning

John David Williams

Aaron Middleton

Dave White

Dowell Kelley

Galen Brant

Gary Kennedy

Randy Rose

Steve Baggett

TJ Burge

Carl Eilbes

JR Thomas

Mark Ferguson

Robert Uchitjil

Terry Barnfield

Ron Ball

Marshall Goostree

Children's Ministry - 8:00a

Nursery Workers Connie Dunahee

Glynis Barnfield

Donna Snow

Lynn Jones

Connie Williams

Louis Williams

Linda Puricelli

Terri Blair

Linda Puricelli

Terri Blair

Children's Ministry - 9:30a

Nursery Workers Janet Padberg

LeAnn Pemberton

Patty Squibb

Sheri Molenhour

Trisha Alvis

Belinda Alvis

Saundra Banning

Tara Gaston

LeAnn Pemberton

Mary Piper

Sheri Molenhour

Karen Collier

Mary Piper

Sheri Molenhour

Karen Collier

Children's Ministry - 11:00a

Nursery Workers Cheryl Kennedy

Sonya Squibb

Kori Arnold

Linda Merta

Janel Giese

Christin Hays

Carrie Gabbard

Donna Charlton

Barbara Ball

Judy West

Leia Harrison

Barbara Ball

Judy West

Leia Harrison

