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November 2010

November means turkey, falling leaves, andchilly temperatures, as well as a time for har-vesting bountiful crops.

Mark Adams (pictured) tends to grapes at hisvineyard, Rancho Roble Winery, located in ruralLincoln.

Look inside to read more about what this sea-son has to offer.

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2 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010

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November 2010 • INSIDE LINCOLN 3

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This year’s Christmasparade and tree lighting celebration will be on Sat-urday, Dec. 4.

Lincoln’s longtime tra-dition of celebrating theChristmas season kicksoff with the annualparade.

Themed “Christmas  Around the World,” this year’s 4:30 p.m. parade issponsored by the Lincoln  Area Chamber of Com-merce and the Lincoln Volunteer Center.

The tree lighting cele-bration will feature enter-

tainment from localschools and the commu-nity with a few nonprofitorganizations selling Christmas favorites. Thecelebration will begin,

immediately following the parade at BeermannPlaza in downtown Lin-coln.

The parade route willbegin at 5th and A streets,to F Street and end at 6thand E streets.

Dust off those jinglebells, put on your elf hatand join the community during this holiday time.


Sydney and Michael Abshear admire last year’scommunity Christmas tree.

Christmas parade takes over downtown Dec. 4


Lincoln Boy Scout Troop 160 members enjoy their ride in last year’s parade.

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6 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010

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 While children nation-  wide will sit down withtheir families to eat aturkey dinner on Thanks-giving Day, do they really know what goes intocooking a turkey?

First and fifth-gradersfrom First Street Schoolhad some very uniqueideas for how they wouldhelp their parents cook their Thanksgiving bird.

“I would help put it in

the oven,” Josh Alarcon, 6,said.

Josh is thankful forChristmas this year“because I like to get pres-

ents.”Mikayla Reddy, 6, said

she thinks the turkey sheeats this year will bemedium sized.

“I will stick a lemon in itbecause my mom doesthat but I don’t know  why,” Mikayla said whenasked what she would doto the turkey before put-ting it in the oven. “I  would cook a turkey forfive minutes.”

Both Mikayla and Joshsaid turkey is their

favorite part of theThanksgiving meal“because it’s yummy.”

Cooking her turkey for10 minutes is Joselyn


Six-year-olds Joselyn Frankovich, Mikayla Reddy and Josh Alarcon said it would take between five and 10minutes to cook their Thanksgiving turkeys.

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How would kids cook Thanksgiving dinner?

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November 2010 • INSIDE LINCOLN 7


Kimberly Rogers, 10, Michael Kimbro, 11 and Pedro Marcos, 11, each had very unique ideas for how theywould cook a turkey.

Frankovich, 6, who saidshe’d put the turkey in apan with lettuce beforesticking it in the oven.

Chicken is Joselyn’sfavorite part of theThanksgiving feast.

“It’s more crunchy,” shesaid.

Over in the fifth grade,Kimberly Rogers, 10,Michael Kimbro, 11, andPedro Marcos, 11, hadthree separate ways tocook a turkey.

“I would put lemon androsemary on the skinbecause that’s what my mom does and it tastesamazing,” Kimberly said.She would also stuff thebird, which she wouldcook for 30 minutes.

Michael said he wouldsimmer his bird in theoven for an hour or two,complete with stuffing inside.

“I’d take popcorn andput it around the turkey 

so, when it’s done cook-ing, the popcorn is done,”Michael said. “I’ve seenthat on a cartoon.”

Pedro would buy afrozen turkey and putlemon on the skin whenit’s done.

“I’d put vegetablesaround it and put candy around it, because it’salmost Halloween,” Pedrosaid.

Both Pedro andMichael said turkey legsare their favorite part of the meal and Kimberly likes the cranberry sauce“because it’s sweet andsour.”

Kimberly said she’sthankful her family is safeand OK this year. Pedro is

thankful for his family “because they give somuch for me.”

“I’m thankful for at leasthaving a Thanksgiving because I’m grounded,”Michael said.

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8 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010



Looking for a good turkey dinner before Thanksgiving?The Knights of Columbus andCommunity Loft are offering opportunities to give thanksbefore Nov. 25.

Turkey, stuffing and mashedpotatoes will be on the menufor the once-monthly Commu-nity Feast, which is sponsoredby the thrift store Community Loft.

The store organizes the din-ner one Monday a month.Community Loft board presi-dent Steve Lindner saidNovember’s meal will be aThanksgiving dinner.

“It’s a lot of fun and you canreally enjoy yourself and have anice evening with fellow Lin-coln people and make new 

friends,” Lindner said.Enough turkey, stuffing,

mashed potatoes, vegetables,cranberry sauce and pumpkinpie for 100 diners are being prepared, according to Lind-ner, and the food is cooked by volunteers.

“We have a list of people(who cook). Every month, wesend out an e-mail to thosepeople letting them know whatthe menu is and asking themto sign up and bring whateverthey can bring,” Lindner said.

  Volunteers are always wel-come to help cook, set up andclean up after the monthly din-ners, according to Lindner.

 Also featured at the Nov. 15

dinner is music by The Feasty Boys, as well as donatedclothes that diners can pick from and take home.

Lindner said the clothing ,for children and adults, isdonated by the Community Loft.

“This time, we will highlight  winter jackets for children,”Lindner said. “We need to getcoats to any children and even

adults, if we have them, thatneed them.”For more information about

the dinner, call Lindner at 412-0032 or stop by the Communi-ty Loft, 845 Twelve Bridges Dri-ve, Number 127 (behindChevron).

Those in search of a warm,home-cooked meal shouldlook no further than theKnights of Columbus’ annual

Thanksgiving dinner.Last year, 675 Lincoln resi-dents were served at the din-ner, which equated to 52

turkeys, 14 gallons of gravy andenough mashed potatoes, veg-etables, dinner rolls anddessert to serve the crowd.

Herb Pickell, who is organiz-ing the event, said the samequantity of food will be pre-pared for this year’s dinner.

Food for the turkey dinnerportion is cooked by Knights of Columbus members and theirfamilies, Pickell said, anddessert will be provided by the  Altar Society. Dessert rangesfrom applie pie, pumpkin pieand various bars and cakes.

“The reason we are having itis it’s open to anyone wishing to have a home-cooked mealand to come over and share

thanks for all of the blessings we receive,” Pickell said.For more information, call

Pickell at 849-1321.

Family members of theKnight’s of Columbushelp serve dinner duringeach year’s Thanksgiv-

ing Dinner. Pictured,from left, are: KatiePickell, Hedy Pickell,David Luci, JerryZimmerman, Jan Zim-merman, and Al Dick.


Thanksgiving comes early for someCOMMUNITY FEAST


When: 6 to 7:30 p.m.Monday, Nov. 15Where: Lincoln Women’s Club,499 E. St.Cost: FreeInfo:

Steve Lindner at412-0032



When: Noon to 4 p.m.,Sunday, Nov. 21Where: St. Joseph’s CatholicParish Hall, corner of 6th andD streetsCost: FreeInfo:Herb Pickell at 849-1321

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The Burke clan enjoysgathering at our Lincolnhome, and my son Aaron

loves apple pie and oftenhelps in the process of making them in themorning.

 We are a blended family so I am bonus mom to

 Aaron and Adam and very close to their real momand bonus dad.

Rather than cause anx-iety and extra traveling onholidays, we have learned

that being together is atrue blessing for all of us.

Our table often includesmy in-laws, my family,our kids and grandkids,our blended family, vari-ous friends with family out of the area and more

food than seems humanly possible to eat in one day.

The amazing part isthat we do eat it in oneday, often cooking a cou-

ple extra turkeys so thateveryone leaves with aportion of the leftoverbounty.

  We walk, nap, talk,laugh and cry at our histo-ry together.

 We are truly thankful foreverything that we haveand are.

Here are a couple of ourfavorite Thanksgiving side

dishes that are a bit out of the traditional box.

Give them a try. I think that you will find them


Diana Burke is owner of

Simple Pleasures.

Thanksgiving side dishes anything but ordinary BRUSSELS SPROUT




3 lbs. brussel sprouts,

trimmed and halved length-


1/4 cup olive oil

1/2 tablespoon minced garlic

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 lb pancetta, diced and

fried crisp

1/2 lb shallots, cut crosswise

into 1/8 inch slices and sepa-

rated into rings (2 1/2 cups)


Put oven rack in upper third

of oven and preheat oven to

450. Toss brussel sprouts with

oil, garlic, salt and pepper,

spread out in single layer on

two shallow baking pans.

Roast, stirring occasionally

until tender and browned, 25

to 35 minutes.

While the brussel sprouts are

roasting, fry pancetta until

crisp, drain and remove from

pan. Reserve four table-

spoons of the bacon fat, and

fry shallots until golden

brown, 3 to 5 minutes. Watch

closely, as the shallots can

burn quickly. You may want

to do them in small batches

so they are not crowded in

the pan. Transfer shallots to

paper towel to drain. Mix the

pancetta, shallots and roasted

brussel sprouts together,

serve warm.Yields 10-12 servings

Note: This is the only way I

will eat little cabbage heads!




1/12 cups chicken broth

4 teaspoons all purpose flour

2 teaspoons chopped fresh


1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon fresh ground


1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

3 pounds yams (red-skinned

sweet potatoes) peeled and

thinly sliced

1 1/2 cups freshly grated

Parmesan cheese, or try a

combination of Parmesan and

crumbled blue for a great



Preheat oven to 350, and but-

ter a 13-by-9 inch gratin pan.Whisk broth, f lour, rosemary,

salt and peppers together in a

heavy saucepan. Bring to a

boil, whisking frequently.

Add potatoes and bring to

boil. Transfer half of potato-

broth mix to prepared dish.

Sprinkle with 3/4 cup of

cheese. Top with remaining

potato-broth mix. Cover with

foil and bake 30 minutes.

Uncover; sprinkle with

remaining 3/4 cups cheese.Continue baking uncovered

until potatoes are tender and

top browns, approximately 45

minutes. Cool slightly, serve


Yields 8-10 servings (unless

you’re a Burke, which, in that

case, it makes 6-8 servings!)



Brussel sprouts withshallots and pancettamake for a tasty alter-native to the usualgreen bean casseroleserved at Thanksgiving.

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10 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010

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Ninety Placer County artists are readying their  work for PlacerArts’ 17thannual Autumn Art Stu-dios Tour, set for Nov. 12

to Nov. 14. Five of thoseartists are from Lincoln.

Many artists will opentheir private studios forthe weekend, while others will participate at The ArtsBuilding, The Old Library  Art Studio, Finnish Tem-perance Hall, Gold HillGrange and NewcastlePacking Shed Art Studios.

New to the tour this

  year are Lincoln’s LindaBaugh and her nephew,Kenneth , who will show at the studio they share ina barn on the family prop-erty.

Baugh creates land-

scapes in oil, pastel and  watercolor along with  jewelry made of glassbeads, shells, pearls, silverand gold.

Lincoln’s Diane Parga-ment is also a first-time

artist on the tour. She works primarily in water-color and enjoys painting local landscapes outdoorsor “en plein-air.” She also works in oil, pen and ink.

Lincoln’s Margo Comer,a frequent tour partici-pant, will join Pargamentin her studio. Landscapes,still life, figures, pets andoutdoor plein air painting 

are all subjects for Com-er’s artistic expression.

  And Comer’s mediumof choice is oils, and her work is lively and colorful.Recently, she has exploredphotography, digitally 

altering her photographsto give them the soft look of watercolors.

Tour hours for Friday,

Saturday and Sunday willbe from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

“Artists, who often work in isolation, treasure thisopportunity to explainand demonstrate their work,” said Helen Phillips,

 who founded the tour 17  years ago. “The Autumn Art Studios Tour draws artpatrons from the Sacra-

mento region andbeyond. Many form last-ing relationships withfavorite artists and every-one relishes the opportu-nity to discover new artists each year.”

Five Lincoln artists on the Autumn Art Studios Tour

Linda A. Baughof Lincoln isone of theartists partici-pating in the17th annual

Autumn ArtStudios Tourfrom Nov. 12to Nov. 14.



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November 2010 • INSIDE LINCOLN 11

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Before heading out onthe tour, be sure to visitthe Preview Show at The

  Arts Building Gallery at808 Lincoln Way in down-town Auburn where eachartist has one piece of 

 work on display.Tickets for the three-

day Autumn Art Studios

Tour are $10 for adultsand free for students up to12th grade.

Purchase tickets via theonline Box Office at, at The ArtsBuilding at 808 Lincoln

 Way in downtown Auburnor by calling (530) 885-5670.

The fall issue of Placer-  Arts’ Perspectives arts

quarterly is the officialtour guide to the Autumn

  Art Studios Tour. It con-tains a map with locationsand directions, and indi-cates which artists willdemonstrate their art.

On PlacerArts’ online  Artist Registry at Placer- you’ll find a direc-

tory with links to artistprofiles, giving you morebackground and sample

 work for each artist.PlacerArts is the Arts

Council of Placer County,a nonprofit, public bene-fit agency founded in1983 and the designatedstate-local partner of theCalifornia Arts Council forthe County of Placer.

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12 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010


Parents Night Out – Parents enjoya night out while First BaptistChurch entertains your childrenfrom 6 to 9 p.m. First BaptistChurch is at 1545 First St. in Lin-coln. For up to 10-years-old. Info:


Gallery for Hope – A fundraisingevent to benefit Acres of Hope, along term renewal program for at-risk and/or homeless mothers withchildren, located in Applegate.Gallery for Hope will showcaselocal artists in an indoor gardensetting, highlighted by music,wine and beer, and testimonies by

clients. From 6 to 9 p.m. at TheFlower Farm, 4150 Auburn FolsomRoad in Loomis.

The Budget Zone – LighthouseFamily Resource Center, in part-

nership with US Bank, will offerbudgeting classes just in time forthe holidays.The course will be atthe Lighthouse,427 A St., Suite400.This class will be offered inSpanish from 9 to 10 a.m, and inEnglish.from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Please call to register. Info: 645-3300.

Holiday Craft Fair – 9 a.m. to 3p.m. Nov. 5 and 6 at the LincolnHills Community Church, 950 E.Joiner Parkway in Lincoln, andfeatures more than 45 local ven-dors.Crafts are handmade bymany local craftsmen.There willbe a bake sale, and each vendor isdonating a portion of their pro-ceeds to the “Mother Goose onthe Loose” children’s reading pro-gram, held at the Lincoln Library.

Cinderella – Presented by the Lin-

coln High School drama depart-ment, the performance will be at the Lincoln High Schooltheater at 790 J St.


Lincoln’s Got Talent auditions –This is the second audition for theJan.15, 2011 show. Call 645-7733

to schedule your appointment.Thethird audition will be Dec. 4.

Lincoln Lion Club Crab Feed – AtMcBean Park Pavilion, 65 McBeanPark Drive in Lincoln. No hostcocktails at 6 p.m.,dinner seatingonly at 7 p.m. Dancing from 9p.m. to 12 a.m.There will be a DJ

and raffle. Seating by ticket num-ber only, cost is $35 per person.No one under 21 allowed. Bringunused eye glasses to be recycled.Info: 645-3661

Cinderella – Performances are at2 p.m. and 7 p.m. tonight at theLincoln High School theater, 790 JSt.

Fall Food Faire – Hosted by Lin-coln United Methodist Women,629 I St. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., inthe church’s social hall. Home-made pies, soups, and more.

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Fall is here, and so are Autumn’s activites, including the Holi-day Craft Fair, Fall Food Fair and the Cowpoke Gathering.

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 DRESS THE TURKEY Contest This poor bird is destined for a Thanksgiving dinner unless you help him

hide. Give this Turkey a disguise. You choose what it should wear.

 Categories • Best Dressed Turkey • Celebrity Turkey • Funniest Turkey

 Pirzes for winners in each category

 You must use this turkey as thebasis for your creation, but thereare no restrictions on size,

materials or colors. Bring or mailyour dressed turkey to the LincolnNews Messenger by Friday, Nov.19th. Winners will be announced

in the Thanksgiving edition,Thursday, November 25th.

 553 F Street, Lincoln, CA 95648 • 916-645-7733

November 2010 • INSIDE LINCOLN 13


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You-Make-It Craft Expo –Create crafts like steppingstones, leather tooling, jew-elry, candles, and more.Atthe Gold Country Fair-grounds Armory Building,

1273 High St. in Auburn.Admission and parking arefree, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.Info: 530-889-7386.


Debby Reynolds – At Thun-der Valley Casino Resort,Athen Road in Lincoln at 6p.m.Tickets are on sale now

at orcan be purchased 10 a.m.and 10 p.m. at the ticketsales office, located on theresort’s east entrance.


Titan Fundraiser –FamilyNight Pasta Dinner atTwelve Bridges MiddleSchool, 770 Westview Drive.The fundraiser benefitssixth-grade programs. From5:30 to 7 p.m. in theschool’s multipurpose room.Tickets are $5 for kids,adults $7,and the desserttable $1 a plate. Includes afree-throw contest and raf-fle prizes.


Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser– To help Glen EdwardsMiddle School from the Oct.10 fire.Dinner is from 5 to 8p.m. at McBean Pavilion, 65McBean Park Drive. Formerstudents of Mrs. Lori Reit-

man’s class are asked tobring old photos to renewold memories.Tickets are$10. Call Melissa Benjaminat 645-1107 for more infor-mation.


NOV. 11The Cowpoke Gathering –The 16th annual CowpokeFall Gathering returns to thehistoric Blue Goose FruitShed in Loomis from Nov.11 to 14. The four-day eventwill include activities like afree stagecoach rides and aBBQ on Saturday.Tickets onsale at www.cowpokefall or by calling652-6113. Prices are $35general, $45 preferred seat-ing. See website for com-plete listing of events andticket information.

14 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010

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CALENDARcontinued from page 12


Create crafts like stepping stones, leather tooling, jewelry, candles, and moreat the You-Make-It Craft Expo from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6 at theGold Country Fairgrounds Armory Building, 1273 High St. in Auburn. Admis-sion and parking are free. Info: 530-889-7386.

FRIDAY NOV 12 Assemblyman Ted Gaines’ non profit housing program

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November 2010 • INSIDE LINCOLN 15


Holiday Arts & Crafts sale– From 4 to 7 p.m. at965Orchard Creek Lane. Hand-crafted holiday gifts, bakesale and more.


NOV. 13Decorate a pine needlebasket – Create a basketwhile learning the basics of pine-needle basketry. Feesare $42 with $10 materialfee due at class. 9 a.m. to 3p.m. at Maidu Museum &Historic Site,1970 JohnsonRanch Drive in Roseville.Info:774-5934


The Book Worm – A coedbook club meets every 2ndand 4th Sunday of themonth at Starbucks, 455South Highway 65 (in Safe-way Shopping Center) at 3p.m. Info: Joyce at 434-0596.

TUESDAY, NOV. 16Computer Classes – Freeintroduction to computerclasses for seniors Nov. 16,17 and 18 from 3 to 5 the Twelve BridgesLibrary, 485 Twelve BridgesDrive. Space is limited tothe first 15 guests.You mustRSVP to 434-2410.This pro-gram was made possible by

volunteers and a donationfrom the Lincoln Hills Foun-dation.

Friday, Nov. 19 –TedGaines mobile office –

Assemblyman Ted Gainesconstituent services staff will answer questions aboutstate issues and help smallbusiness owners with prob-lems experienced with stategovernment. No appoint-ment necessary,10 a.m. to1 p.m. at the Lincoln Area

Chamber of Commerce, 540F St. in Lincoln.


Free E-waste recyclingevent – At Lincoln HillsCommunity Church, 950 E.Joiner Parkway in Lincolnfrom 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Recycle e-waste, includingcomputers, TV’s, laptops,printers and cell phonesProceeds from event benefitWelcome Home Housing,a

non-profit housing programfor adults with a mental ill-ness. Info: Contact ConnieSase at [email protected], 543-6755 or 531-8255.


Lani Misalucha – At Thun-der Valley Casino Resort,1200 Athens Ave., at 9 p.m.Tickets are on sale now or can bepurchased 10 a.m. and 10p.m. at the ticket salesoffice, located on theresort’s east entrance.

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 New Locat ion in th e Bungalo •  In Home Service Available New Location in the Bungalo • In Home Service Available 



To place an event oractivity in the LincolnCommunity Calendar,mail information to553 F St., Lincoln,CA95648; e-mail tomessenger@gold orfax to (916) 645-2776.Send photos (high-resolution and filesize). Deadline to sub-mit this informationfor the Thursdaypaper is by noon thatMonday. If you haveany questions, pleasecall Shoni Jones at645-7733.


Get your rakes ready. Leaf pick-up started Nov. 1.

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16 INSIDE LINCOLN • November 2010