
Installing Oracle 10g on VMWare (Linux)

Screen Shot 1: Switch on the virtual machine (virtual operating system) in VMWare software

Screen Shot 2: search for the zip file where it contains the software

Screen Shot 3: specify the kernel parameters in the file sysctl.conf

Screen Shot 4: check each and every parameter and change the values if necessary

Screen Shot 5: change the values and save &quit from the vi editor by using the commands :wq!

Screen Shot 6: Now unzip the file by using the command unzip

Screen Shot 7: Change the permissions to user and group

Screen Shot 8: now switch the user to oracle (because oracle is the user)

Screen Shot 9: now go to database dir and run the executable file by using the command ./runInstaller

Screen Shot 10: now run the command ./runInstaller

Screen Shot 11: select the advanced installation button and select the next button

Screen Shot 12: continue the steps with appropriate options and select the next button

Screen Shot 12:now select the install database software option and select next button

Screen Shot 13: follow the instruction up to the end of installation

Screen Shot 14: After the installation process we can see the screen showing end of installation aand press exit button