Page 1: InterComm - · achieving beyond their years and making positive changes in their community. Scott is a tireless advocate for disability and spinal cord injury awareness,

Please send all correspondence regarding InterComm to Rachel at [email protected]

April 2015

InterCommThe 10th Anniversary Classic Wallabies Lunch was held at the Hilton Hotel on Friday, 27 March, with Brisbane’s sporting and business community once again coming together to raise funds for us. More than 500 guests enjoyed a three-course lunch and heard from special guests Max Walters OAM and horse racing superstar and raconteur Malcolm ‘Miracle’ Johnston.

The annual event was hosted by Wallaby great Bill Ross OAM and also featured a lively panel discussion with former Wallabies Andrew Slack AM, Tom Lawton and Anthony Herbert.

The Classic Wallabies Lunch is one of our signature fundraising events; while we don’t have a final fundraising figure yet, the event has raised well over $700,000 over the past nine years.

A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers who came to help us out on the day.

We had a great group of energetic people who were kept busy taking registrations, ushering guests to their seats, helping to sell raffle tickets, spotting the auction and running prizes.

A special mention goes to PSW Marion Bell (third from right) who provided fantastic support.

Thanks also to our dedicated Finance team who were on-hand to process payments for auction items and raffle tickets.

We couldn’t have achieved another successful event without you all - thank you!

Our hard-working volunteer Scott Stidston is on the cover of Townsville’s Yellow Pages and White Pages!Scott has been selected under the theme, Australian Stars Rising Above, which celebrates up and coming Australians who are achieving beyond their years and making positive changes in their community.Scott is a tireless advocate for disability and spinal cord injury awareness, and has been a Spinal Education Awareness Team (SEAT) presenter for 20 years.


events calendar:

3 AprilGood Friday

4 April Easter Saturday

5 AprilEaster Sunday

6 AprilEaster Monday

25 AprilAnzac Day 100th Centenary

10 MayMother’s Day

11-17 MayNational Volunteer Week

23 May SAHS Health Seminar - Pain Management

25 May Transverse Myelitis Awareness Day

Page 2: InterComm - · achieving beyond their years and making positive changes in their community. Scott is a tireless advocate for disability and spinal cord injury awareness,


DRIVING ASSESSMENTS FOR CLIENTSOur occupational therapists Patricia and Maxine (Brisbane - pictured right) and katie (Townsville - pictured below right) are certified to assist with all aspects of driving assessments including:• fitness levels to return to or commence driving• access to funding for driver training and the purchase and modification of a vehicle• clinical assessments including off and on-road testing • feedback to medical practitioners on fitness to drive• driving rehabilitation plans to assist with the return to driving including on-road driver training• advice on when it is time to stop driving following a diagnosis.

They can also:• trial and prescribe aids and equipment that can improve a client’s independence and lifestyle• assist with applications for government funding.

Clients may be eligible for two funding schemes offered by the Queensland Government.

Community Aids, Equipment and Assistive Technologies Initiative (CAEATI)This scheme provides support to purchase prescribed aids and equipment. Some examples include sports chairs, portable ramps and power assist devices. If eligible, there is $10,000 of funding available for use over a three-year period.

Vehicle Options Subsidy Scheme (VOSS)This scheme provides a subsidy towards purchasing or modifying a vehicle, and for driving lessons. There is up to $4,500 to purchase a vehicle and $4,300 to modify a vehicle.

For more information, clients can contact our Allied Health team on 3391 2044 (Brisbane head office) or 4755 1755 (Townsville office) and we’ll help with their application.

April 2015• Page 2 InterComm


CONNECTING THE TM NETWORkParramatta Leagues Club provided the venue for the first gathering of members of the TM community in NSW on 21 March (pictured right).

We are seeking to grow our membership through establishing geographic networks to build relationships, foster an inclusive community, advocate for recognition and raise awareness within the community, health and government sectors.

Jeanette kretschmann and Louise Remilton facilitated the event which was warmly received. SIA is the Australasian affiliate of the world wide TM group.

GOLD COAST WORkAccess Solutions Australia, our project consultancy service, has won a City of Gold Coast tender to audit two libraries for equitable access and Design Compliance Advisor Wendy Lovelace has commenced work on these.

MEMBER TELECONFERENCES Teleconferences with the Facilitators of the 16 Spinal Injury and Post Polio Member Networks across the state recently canvassed an exceptional range of topics including the progress of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the National Injury Insurance Scheme and issues to do with disability parking, accessible bus stops, home modifications, lack of public housing – and not being able to see the fare meter in Maxi Taxis, a discussion that produced a number of valuable solutions to consider placing before the taxi industry.

SLIPPERY BUSINESSWhilst assisting a regional venue to resolve a floor surface issue where a member has slipped over twice, we found in our research into flooring slip resistance that the test applied for top quality commercial vinyl is to make a test person walk on a steep ramp covered with motor oil until they slip over! If you are as incredulous as we are, come by and look at a photo of the test.

Page 3: InterComm - · achieving beyond their years and making positive changes in their community. Scott is a tireless advocate for disability and spinal cord injury awareness,

Hello again to all our staff in PS&HCS. It’s hard to believe we are in April already. Easter is just around the corner. If you have not already organised to take leave then it is way too late to ask now. Thanks to all those PSWs who have agreed to fill some shifts during this period. Your support is very much appreciated. We have recently recruited to two vacant CSO positions. We ran a couple of information sessions for any PSWs who might be interested in applying for CSO positions. The information sessions were about understanding the CSO role and also how to do a worthwhile application. They were well attended.

We will try to provide this opportunity again throughout the year, not necessarily when there are jobs available but occasionally so that when a position does become available, interested PSWs feel confident to apply.

I know I mentioned this matter in the last newsletter but it remains a problem for us and our clients. The issue is, of course, PSW “no shows”.

Last month, I provided an extract from a Carelink note and this time, I again provide an extract from another note that gives you an idea of how these things play out and what actions each of us can take to take to prevent it from happening. It also shows that even the best of us can make a tiny mistake that leads to a “no show”.

“I talked to PSW after a team meeting. PSW admitted that she didn’t check her roster on that Saturday and therefore forgot about the shift.Background: PSW had agreed a week earlier to cover the Saturday shifts with the client from now on permanently. Before, those shifts have been done by a different PSW but the client’s mother asked if this particular PSW could do them as the PSW and the client get on really well. PSW agreed that she was happy to cover them permanently from 07/03/15 onwards.

PSW said in my conversation with her that she apologised to the client when she arrived for the shift later and explained the situation to them.

Action: I will catch up with the client today and apologise for the inconvenience. No further action required as this PSW has always been a very diligent and reliable PSW.”

So please, please, please, check your roster every time and let someone know if you do not think it is accurate.

For those who celebrate it, I wish everyone a great Easter and hope you get to spend some quality time with your family and friends.

Look after yourselves at home and at work. Talk soon.Pauline

STAFF MEMBERS OF THE MONTH• CSO Elza Hudson sends congratulations to PSW Narelle

Rapp: “A veteran client called to thank us for the outstanding support service that PSW Narelle Rapp is delivering to her. She stated that she is happy and very lucky to have Narelle, who has been supporting her for more than ten years. Narelle is delivering a fantastic service, is always punctual and reliable; the client stated that she would trust Narelle with her life!”

• CSO Lisa Milliken would like to thank PSWs Stacey Hudson and Roslyn Langdon for going the extra bit to support their client while his wife is away on a trip of a lifetime to Cambodia! Thank you guys for all your hard work!

• CSO Fiona Calvert would like to acknowledge Fred Mugambi. Fred is a quiet achiever; he has great communication skills and is very much solution-focused. He always makes himself available for shift-fill requests, and is very pleasant to deal with.

• CSO Maria Hutton would like to thank Nicole Culloden, Stacey Eilers, Catherine Rosenhahn, Andrea Healy and Anne Muigai for going above and beyond for their client. Thank you for all that you do, it’s much appreciated

• Maree Brockie, Team Leader would like to thank brand new PSW Jess Butler for filling numerous shifts with her client at short notice, when two other team members unexpectedly required leave at the same time

CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulations to Carol Jenkins on 10 years of amazing service to SIA and most importantly to her client. Everyone from her team hopes she enjoys her long service leave

Congratulations also to Regina Pandurovic for an amazing 10 years! CSO Fiona Sherry wants to wish you a happy anniversary and thank you for your great work!

PSW/CSO INFORMATION SESSIONSPSW/CSO information Sessions:Recently, PSWs had the opportunity to come in and meet with current CSOs and T/L’s regarding recruitment for CSOs. Information sessions were well attended and some very insightful discussions were held. Thank you to all who were involved for making it a successful session which we hope to have again in the near future.

MESSAGE FROM SHIFT-FILL - HOLIDAY PLANNINGARE YOU PLANNING ON TAkING LEAVE 19/4/15?If yes, please complete a request for leave form and return it to your CSO ASAP. ARE YOU LOOkING FOR EXTRA SHIFTS 19/4/15?If yes, please contact your CSO ASAP. This will greatly assist us in ensuring your client’s needs are met during this period.

April 2015• Page 3 InterComm


Page 4: InterComm - · achieving beyond their years and making positive changes in their community. Scott is a tireless advocate for disability and spinal cord injury awareness,

WHAT IS INFLUENZA? Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is caused by a virus and mainly spreads from person to person through the air by coughing, sneezing or talking, and by touching a person’s hands, surface or object.

The flu virus infects your respiratory system such as the nose, throat and sometimes your lungs. It differs from a cold as symptoms such as fever, sore throat and muscle aches develop suddenly and last about a week. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can cause complications such as pneumonia and bronchitis which require hospitalisation. Sometimes these complications can lead to death.

Flu can also make some underlying medical conditions worse. There is a need to get vaccinated every year because the viruses circulating in the community continually change and immunity from the vaccine does not last a long time. It is especially important that people at risk be vaccinated each year.

FOUR THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT kNOW ABOUT THE FLU SHOT! 1. There is no live virus in the flu shot.2. The composition of the vaccine changes every year.3. The flu shot is safe for pregnant women at all stages of their pregnancy.4. bioCSL Fluvax® is not recommended for children under 5 years of age.

CAN I RECEIVE A FREE FLU VACCINE UNDER THE NATIONAL IMMUNISATION PROGRAM?The flu vaccine is recommended for anyone from 6 months of age onwards who wishes to be protected against influenza. Free flu vaccine is available for the following people:

• Anyone aged 65 years and over• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

people from 15 years of age• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

children aged from six months to less than five years

• Pregnant women• Anyone aged 6 months and over with

one or more of the following medical conditions:

o heart disease o severe asthma o chronic lung condition o chronic illness requiring medical follow-up or hospitalisation in the past year o diseases of the nervous system o impaired immunity o diabetes o Children aged 6 months to 10 years who are on long-term aspirin therapy

I RECEIVED A FLU SHOT LAST YEAR, DO I STILL NEED TO GET ONE THIS YEAR? Yes. Immunity decreases over time and flu vaccination is needed each year to ensure you continue to be protected. Vaccination is recommended in early autumn to allow time for immunity to be strengthened before the flu season starts.

Even if you received a flu vaccination towards the end of the last flu season, you should still be vaccinated again before this flu season.

April 2015• Page 4 InterComm

L & D uPDAtE


If you are a Personal Support Worker and it’s been 18 months since your last Skills update, please contact your Client Service Officer today to book in for an upcoming session.

This Skills Day workshop focuses on refreshing knowledge and industry best practice on all clinical aspects of your role; this includes manual handling of people.

It also provides updated knowledge of organisational specific policies and practices where applicable. Our qualified clinical educators are here to support you to use safe techniques and practices that will make your job easier.




First Aid & CPR

23 April, 22 May, 26 June

Skills Day

8 April, 24 April, 5 May, 21

May, 5 June, 18 June


First Aid & CPR

20 May

Skills Day

19 May


Skills Day

8 May


First Aid & CPR

28 April

Skills Day

27 April


First Aid & CPR

21 April

Skills Day

22 April


First Aid & CPR

2 June

Skills Day

1 June


First Aid & CPR

11 May

Skills Day

12 May


First Aid & CPR

17 April, 27 May, 22 June

Skills Day

24 April, 22 May, 30 June

Training Dates:
