
International Organization for Crystal Growth


Executive Committee and General Assembly Meeting Reports

International Conferences for Crystal Growth: ICCG-1 - Boston 1966 ICCG-2 - Birmingham 1969 ICCG-3 - Marseille 1972 ICCG-4 - Tokyo 1974 ICCG-5 - Boston 1977 ICCG-6 - Moscow 1980 ICCG-7 - Stuttgart 1983 ICCG-8 - York 1986 ICCG-9 - Sendai 1989 ICCG-10 - San Diego 1992 ICCG-11 - The Hague 1995 ICCG-12 - Jerusalem 1998 ICCG-13 - Kyoto 2001 ICCG-14 - Grenoble 2004 ICCG-15 - Salt Lake City 2007 ICCG-16 - Beijing 2010 ICCGE-17 Warsaw 2013 (from this edition the conference name was changed to

explicitely include Epitaxy) ICCGE-18 Nagoya 2016


Boston, June 20-24, 1966

About 700 participants form Asia, Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the U.S.A., representing various disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Ceramics and Electrical Engineering, gathered in Boston to attend the first of a new periodic series of Conferences on Crystal Growth, called ICCG. Approximately one hundred and sixty papers were presented on the program, which consisted of three parallel sessions. Among the most interesting sessions were the ones on morphological stability of interfaces, crystal perfection and an evening motion picture session bowing details of the crystallization process. The experimental papers described the growth of many compounds difficult to crystallize, such as Bridgeman growth of ZnS under high pressure, Czochralski growth of rubies of high crystal perfection and crystallization of some of the elements such as selenium, europium and noble gases, such as argon. The Proceedings will be published as a supplement to the Journal of Physics and Chemistry o f Solids. The conference was sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories and the Solid State Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The international organizing committee of the conference was chaired by M. Schieber, the, program committee by B. Chalmers, the publication committee by H. S. Peiser and the local arrangements committee by J. F. Wenckus.

The second ICCG is planned for September 1968 in Birmingham, England. A review of the Boston ICCG will be published in one of our next issues. Following the Seventh International Congress of Crystallography and in conjunction, with the Congress, an international Symposium on Crystal Growth was held in Moscow on July 20 and 21, 1966. N. N. Sheftal of the Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was the Convener of the Symposium. Registration at the Congress constituted registration at the Symposium so that separate attendance figures are not available, but the author estimates that between 800 and 1000 attendees (many of whom did not attend the Congress) were present. Somewhat more than half were from the Soviet Union.

The Symposium began with a plenary session of invited papers at which B. K. Vainshtein (Institute of Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) presided. After an introduction by N. N. Sheftal, R. Parker (Natural Bureau of Standards) gave a report highlighting the events of the International Conference on Crystal Growth held in Boston, June 19-24, 1966. P. Hartman (Geologisch en Mineralogisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit, Garenmarkt, Leiden, The Netherlands) gave a lecture on "The Dependence of Crystal Morphology on Crystal Structure Hartman has extended the ideas of Donnay and Harker and now classifies crystal faces by considering the nature of the uninterrupted chain of strong bonds lying in the face. If a given chain (called the periodic bond, chain or PBC) is linked to another PBC by strong bonds, this face will be important in the crystal in the absence of certain external factors. By the use of this and similar ideas, predictions concerning the morphology of a surprising variety of materials are possible. While the connection between this approach and the atomic mechanism of crystal growth is at present obscure the approach, if considered only for its ability to give rules applicable to the morphology of many materials, is arresting. R. Kern (Laboratoire de Minéralogie et Cristallographie, Université de Nancy, Nancy, France) spoke on "Crystal Growth in the Presence of Impurities". Kern Pointed out that morphological modification in the presence of impurities is not dependent upon their incorporation into the crystal but only upon their adsorption upon the growing faces. He showed that interpretations of habit modification can be based upon thermodynamic, kinetic and crystal chemical considerations.

The final plenary lecture was given by G. I. Distler (Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR) on "Real Structure, Activity and long-range Effects of Crystalline Surfaces". Distler emphasized the fact that electron microscopic examination of such materials as silicon, germanium, mica, quartz and sapphire shows the presence of various active centers usually associated with impurities. These active centers are thought to be essential determinants in many of the surface properties of solids such as surface reactivity and epitaxic overgrowth. On occasion the blocking of an active center by, for instance, an adsorbed impurity, can be of overriding importance in determining surface behavior.

Following the plenary session, contributed papers at the Collogium were presented in four parallel sessions organized on the themes of Morphology, Impurities, Epitaxy and Techniques. At these sessions over one hundred and twenty five papers were presented by researchers representing most of the active crystal growth laboratories in Eastern and Western Europe and many of the active laboratories in North America and Asia. It would be impossible to give a full report of this cornucopia. No more than impressions and personal opinions are possible.

A. A. Chernov (Institute of Crystallography of the USSR) talked on "Theory of Crystallization of a Binary

System His work illustrates the efficacy of using an essentially statistical approach to the growth process. Good progress has been made in the analysis of idealized binary chain systems by this approach, and presently the optimism of many workers in theory of crystal growth is high that this approach will yield results on more complex real systems.

Crystal growth techniques were represented by a great number of papers. The author found the papers: "Morphological Characteristics of Yttrium Aluminum Garnets Grown on a Seed, by the Flux Technique", by V. A. Timofeeva, I. N. Guseva and N. M. Melancholin, Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR; "Analysis of Crystal Growth Conditions in Autoclaves", by A. A. Sternberg, Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR; "Morphological Differences in Crystals Grown by the Hydrothermal Method", by N. Yu. Ikornikova and B. N. Litvin, Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, especially interesting.

As is the case with most modern, large size meetings, the real value lay even more in the informal discussions and laboratory visits held, outside the meeting halls. This was especially true of the Moscow Symposium since few Westerners have had the opportunity to visit Soviet Laboratories in the field of crystal growth or to meet such a large number of Soviet researchers. Laboratory visits were easily arranged. The author was impressed by the magnitude and scope of Soviet activities in the field of crystal growth. Soviet Laboratories were well equipped and fully staffed.

K. S. Bagdasarov's group at the Institute of Crystallography and V. V. Osiko's group at the Lebedev Institute are highly active in melt and flux growth, and the range of hydrothermal activities at the Institute of Crystallography was of special interest to me.

In conjunction with the meeting an exhibit of crystallographie and crystal growth equipment and single crystals was held. The single crystals ranging from classic materials such as quartz through avant garde materials such as lithium niobate included more than 150 Soviet grown crystals.

The author has emphasized the Soviet aspects of the Symposium, since it is his feeling that these are perhaps lesser known and consequently of greater interest. However, it should be pointed out that the meeting in terms of participation, contributions and attendance was truly international.

Finally, the social aspects of the meeting deserve special comment. Our Soviet hosts outdid themselves in warmth and hospitality.


Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.A.


Birmingham, England, July 14-19, 1968

As is by now well known, the First International Conference on Crystal Growth was; held in Boston during the summer of 1966. At that time it was decided that a Second Conference was appropriate and England was chosen as the venue. Under the aegis of an able British Organizing Committee, Co-chaired by W. Bardsley of the Royal Radar Establishment, Malvern, and A. D. McQuillan, of the University of Birmingham, the Second Conference took place at the University of Birmingham, July 14-19, 1969, Following a plenary lecture on "The crystals we need" by Professor K. Hoselitz, Director of Physics of Mullard Research Laboratories, the Conference was divided into two and at times three parallel sessions devoted to

l) Vapor growth 2) Melt growth 3) Flux growth 4) Hydrothermal and high pressure growth 5) Electrocrystallization and gel growth 6) Nucleation and equilibrium 7) Morphological stability 8) Nonmetallic solution growth 9) Eutectics 10) Dendritic growth 11) Segration and convection 12) Polymers and organics 13) New technologies 14) Assessment and polytypes 15) Growth from metal solutions 16) Ternary semiconducting compounds.

Review papers were presented at the beginning of each session. For these lectures, two of the lecture halls were linked by closed-circuit televisions. At the end of the review papers, the conference continued with separate sessions in two or three lecture rooms. The conference committees are to be congratulated for having many of the review papers presented by young workers in the field. The review papers set the stage well for the subsequent papers in each session. Review papers were presented by:

J. H. E. Jeffes, "The physical chemistry of transport processes" R. Roy and W. B. White, "High temperature solution (flux) and high pressure solution (hydrothermal)

crystal growth" B. A.. Joyce, "Growth and perfection of chemically deposited epitaxial layers" B. Cockayne, "Developments in melt-grown oxide crystals" R. F. Sekerka, "Morphological stability" J. D. Hunt, "Developments in eutectics" D. C. Basset, "The growth of polymer crystals" N. P. Luzhnaya, "Growth from metal solution".

Obviously no two people could give adequate coverage to the more than 200 papers presented (total attendance exceeded 500) so that what follows can be little more than a sampling biased to some extent by our predilections and research interests. Most of the papers, presented will appear in a special issue of the "Journal of Crystal Growth" to be published this winter.

We will first discuss techniques of crystal growth and the growth of specific materials. Perhaps the most interesting trend here is the continual push to extend melt growth to materials with higher and higher vapor pressures. J. B. Mullin and co-workers at Royal Radar (U.K.); S. J. Bass and P. E. Oliver at Services Electronic Research Laboratories (U.K.); and G. S. Meiling and R. Leombruno of Ion Physics and Corning Glass (U.S.A.), among others, presented papers on liquid encapsulation techniques. Among the materials grown, GaAs, GaP, InAs, InP and ZnTe were reported. The most common liquid encapsulent is 0203 and systems capable of routinely containing 40-50 bar inert gas pressure were regularly in use. Both A. D. Little (as reported by J. F. Wenckus and P. R. Doherty (U.S.A.)) and licensees of Royal Radar (who showed equipment in the meeting exhibition area) have pressure pulling equipment commercially available which; in some cases extends to the 200 bar range.

The second trend observable in the technique related papers-was the beginning of a wedding (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say a cautious courtship) of theory and practice. This trend was epitomized by B. Cockayne's (Royal Radar) paper on developments in . oxide crystal growth and D. T. J. Hurle et al. (Royal Radar) on "Striated solute distributions produced by temperature oscillations during crystal growth from the melt It appears now that the fluid dynamicists really do have something to teach the, practical crystal growers, especially the laser and nonlinear optical crystal growers plagued by optical inhomogeneities in their crystals.

An additional theme which reoccurred in a number of papers and which should emerge as of ever increasing importance in the future is, the necessity of accurate knowledge and control of stoichiometry in crystals. Here, P. Lerner et al. of CGE, Marcoussis, France, had interesting results to report on LiNb03 which to the surprise of some has been shown, not to have its maximum in melting point at 50 mole % Li2O in the melt and whose liquidus-solidus curves have at last been determined. Stoichiometry control by the control of the partial pressure of vapor species was emphasized_ in three papers on CdS growth by P. D. Fochs et al. of A.E.I., Rugby (U.K.); L. Clark and J. Woods of Univ. of Durham (U.K.); and L. Hildisch of Physico-Technical Institute (Berlin).

One of the highlights of the Conference was the Cine Film Session at which R. Kaishev (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgaria) presented his outstanding movie on electrolytic growth. Dislocation-free silver can be grown in capillary tubes under appropriate conditions. Dislocations, if present, can be revealed using a current pulse which produces a pit or hillock depending on the sign of the pulse. When the crystal surface is perfect, new layers can be initiated by an appropriate pulse and conditions can be adjusted so that a single monolayer is triggered by each pulse.

R. F. Strickland-Constable (Imperial College, London) showed a movie of salol growing in a capillary. The salol slows down as it grows along the capillary and there is strong evidence (presented later in a paper with D. Kirtisinghe and P. J. Morris) to show that this is because dislocations are growing out of the salol. When the salol reached the end of the capillary it suddenly grew very rapidly as though it had picked up many defects right at the end of the tube.

H. E. C. Powers (London) showed a spectacular movie of crystal growth in sugar and other materials.

In a paper entitled "On the equilibrium form of pure-metal single crystals", M. Dreschler and A. Müller (Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin) showed that the observed shape of field emitter crystals in the field-ion microscope could be explained quite well using the Mie potential, but not using a Morse potential or bondcounting. At the same session, on nucleation and equilibrium morphology, R. L. Schwoebel (Sandia Laboratory, U.S.A.) presented an analysis of step motion during vapor growth.

In the session on dendritic growth, G. R. Kotler (Ford, U.S.A.) and L. A. Tarshis (G. E., U.S.A.) applied the Temkin analysis of dendritic growth to ice, and found good agreement with experiment. R. O. Ramseier (Cold-Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, U.S.A.) discussed the preferred orientation found in columnar ice. W. B. Hillig (G. E., U.S.A.) presented an analysis of the edgewise growth of a. platelet.

The role of constitutional supercooling during vapor growth was emphasized by T. B. Reed et al. of M.I.T. who have evidence for diffusion boundary layers as wide as 1 cm under conditions which are probably in practical use by vapor growers. J. H. E. Jeffes of Imperial College, London, reported on his interesting extensions and modifications of Schäfer's criteria for useful vapor transport reactions.

There , were several theoretical papers on interface stability. Significant contributions were made by D. E. Coates and J. S. Kirkaldy (McMaster Univ., Canada) who discussed stability in ternary systems; by R. T. Delves who discussed stability stirred melts; by D. T. J. Hurle and E. Jakeman (Royal Radar, U.K.) who discussed stability in lamellar eutectics; and by S. O'Hara, L. A. Tarshis et al. (Stanford Univ.. and G. ., U.S.A.) who discussed stability in semitransparent materials. Of special note was the paper by S. C. Hardy and S.R. Coriell (Bureau of Standards, U.S.A.) who compared measurements of the breakdown of a cylinder of ice in undercooled water with stability theory. These are very pretty experiments indeed, aid they provide direct experimental confirmation of stability theory.

Some interesting eutectic morphologies were discussed in the papers on eutectics although much of the recent, work on eutectics was not presented at this Conference, because it had been presented at the recent conference at Brighton.

In the hydrothermal sessions, V. A. Kuznetsov's (Institute of Crystallography, Moscow) report of the use of NH4F as a transport reagent for Ti02, Zr02 and Hf02 and A. A. Chernov's .(Institute of Crystallography, Moscow)

correlation of the growth rate of inclusion free quartz with the competition between step velocity and the desorption rate of adsorbed material were of particular interest.

In the flux growth sessions, R. C. Linares (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, U.S.A.) gave results which indicate that epitaxial films of garnet may be capable of preparation by tipping processes analogous to those used for semiconductors: This work has the potential, of extending flux growth to the preparation of layers of controlled composition. M. Kestigian and W. W. Holloway (Sperry Rand, Sudburry, Mass., U.S.A.) in a flux growth paper on substituted yttrium aluminum garnet introduced the concept of size compensation. They postulate that for instance substituents with poor lattice fits because their atomic radius is too large may be included with respectable distribution constants if they, are "size compensated" by the simultaneous substitution of impurities whose atomic size is smaller than the lattice size.

A L. Gentile and O. M. Staffsudd (Hughes and Univ. of Cal., U.S.A.) reported on the pulling of proustite by a method which may have considerable utility for other materials with high vapor pressure. Pulling took place through the annulus of a floating ring on the melt surface which repressed volatilization.

Perhaps the only disappointment with the meeting was the paucity of reports on new materials. It is our view that crystal growers are the prime well of new electronic materials and the health of a large number of related fields and technologies depends upon their not forgetting this. The English Organizing Committee is to be complimented on the facilities, arrangements and social amenities of the meeting and commiserations are in order for the weather.


Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey, U.S.A.



GROWTH (IOCG) 1. Constitution

In order to implement a decision made at ICCG-2 Birmingham in 1968, two draft constitutions - a long version of American origin and a short version of European origin - were submitted by postal ballot to participants of ICCG-1 Boston and ICCG-2 Birmingham. The vote was concluded in April 1971 by M. Schieber and A. D. McQuillan with the following results: Long version - 146 votes, Short version - 129 votes. In view of a decision reached by IOCG (formerly Comité International de Croissance Cristalline) at Zurich in September 1970, the long version was adopted until the close of ICCG-3 Marseille. In order to ameliorate difficulties presented by the strong divided opinions of the supporters of the two different versions of the Constitution, a compromise was reached at Marseille by which a revised version of the long Constitution was declared valid and in force until the closure of ICCG-4. Briefly, the revised version deletes all mention of dues or fees to be paid to the IOCG, but maintains most other concepts. Also, it was decided that a new Subcommittee for Constitution be appointed to search for further improvements (see paragraph 4 of this report). 2. Council of the International Organization of Crystal Growth (IOCG)

Based on this revised Constitution, a Council was elected having the following composition: Officials (by Constitution)

M. Schieber, Past Chairman, ICCG-1 Boston D Chalmers, Past Chairman, ICCG-1 Boston A D. McQuillan, Past Chairman, ICCG-2 Birmingham V . Bardsley, Past Chairman, ICCG-2 Birmingham R. Kern, Co-chairman, ICCG-3 Marseille W. Dekeyser, Co-chairman, ICCG-3 Marseille R. R. Hasiguti, Chairman, ICCG-4 Tokyo F. C. Frank, President, IOCG C. S. Sahagian, Treasurer, IOCG Delegates of National Associations

France-Belgium A. Authier B. Mutaftschiev A.-M. Vergnoux German Federal Republic S. Haussuhl R. Nitsche Israel L. Ben-Dor Japan N. Kato I. Sunagawa Netherlands P. Hartman Spain M. Font-Altaba Switzerland E. Kaldis (to be announced) United Kingdom C. H. L. Goodman E. A. D. White U.S.A. K. A. Jackson R. A. Laudise J. Wenckus Delegate of I U Crust R. F. Strickland-Constable

Direct Representatives for Countries without National Associations

Bulgaria E. Budevski Czechoslovakia B. Manec German Democratic Republic H. Bethge India P. Krishna Poland T. Niemyski U.S.S.R. K. S. Bagdasarov The Council's tenure of office is until the close of ICCG-4 Tokyo, March 1974. 3. Executive Committee

The following officers of IOCG were re-elected to the Executive Committee: F. C. Frank, FRS, President M. Schieber, Secretary-General C. S. Sahagian, Treasurer W. Bardsley, Past President

No Vice-President and President-Elect were appointed in order not to bind the new Subcommittee for Constitution. The additional members of the Executive Committee are:

W. Dekeyser S. Haussuhl R. Kern R. A. Laudise R. R. Hasiguti, Chairman ICCG-4, ex officio.

Tile tenure of office of the Executive Committee is until the close of ICCG-4, March 1974. 4. Subcommittee for Constitution

In order to search for further improvements and to minimize the differences (if opinions, the Executive Committee appointed the following Subcommittee for Constitution:

S. Haussuhl K. A. Jackson R. A. Laudise A. D. McQuillan B. Mutaftschiev

The agreed new version of the Constitution will be submitted for postal approval to all registrants of ICCG-1, 2 and 3. Changes to the Constitution would then be valid after ICCG-4. 5. Financial Report of IOCG

The books of IOCG were audited as of July l, 1971 and the Treasurer's Report was presented at the Gene r. al Assembly as follows: Balance at Close of ICCG-2 $ 1,550.19 Receipts: 3/70 Surplus - ICCG-2 S7,840.31 11/70 Loan Repayment Zurich Committee 250.00 6/70 Interest - IOCG Bank Account 141.66 $ 8,231.97 Disbursements: 9/68 Checking Accounts Costs 4.61 2/70 Loan to Zurich Conference (repaid) 250.00 2/70 Accountant Fees & Supplies 42.50 4/70 Loan to ICCG-3 Committee 3,000.00 9/70 Printing Costs 141.00 9/70 Permanent Transfer to BACG l,000.00 1/71 Tax Liability to British Government 569.64 2/71 Printing Costs 192.61

$5,200.36 Balance .................................................................. $ 4,582.10 6. ICCG-4, March 1974, Tokyo, Japan

ICCG-4 will be held in March 1974 in Tokyo, Japan. The principal officers of ICCG-4 are as follows R. R. Hasiguti, Chairman, Organizing Committee T. Arizumi, Secretary General I. Sunagawa, Chairman, Program Committee N. Kato, Chairman, Publication Committee T. Sugano, Local Arrangements Committee



The IOCG Council met on 26th March and a General Assembly took place on 27th March

l. At these meetings it was reported or determined: l.1. That the Constitution of IOCG (appended herewith) had been submitted to mail ballot and adopted, by 476 votes

in favour to 6 against. 1.2. That Regional Associations for Crystal Growth had been formed in Czechoslovakia and in Italy and had been

accepted by Council as members of the IOCG. It was further reported that negotiations were in progress for adherence to the IOCG of appropriate Crystal Growth Associations in Hungary and in the U.S.S.R.

l.3. That by decision of the Executive Committee and Council the invitation of the American Association for Crystal Growth had been accepted, to hold ICCG-5 in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. during the week July 18-22, 1977. The American Association would also organize a third International Summer School on Crystal Growth in conjunction with this conference.

l.4. That the following Officers, Members of the Executive Committee and Councillors for the period 1974/1977, had been duly elected in accordance with the constitution.


President F. C. Frank U.K. Vice-President R. A. Laudise U.S.A. Secretary M. Schieber Israel Treasurer C. Sahagian U.S.A. Executive Committee:

A. A. Chernov U.S.S.R. R.R. Hasiguti Japan K. A. Jackson U.S.A. E. Kaldis Switzerland R. Kern France J. B. Mullin U.K.


A. Representatives of Regional Associations

Czechoslovakia: V. René J. Zemlicka France: A. Authier M. Brissot B. Mutaftschiev Germany (G.F.R.): R. Nitsché K. Recker E. A. D. White Israel: L. Ben-Dor Italy: G. Bolognesi Japan: T. Arizumi N. Kato I. Sunagawa Netherlands: P. Hartman Spain: not determined Switzerland: H. Arend

E. Kaldis U.K.: W. Bardsley U.S.A.: R. L. Parker J. F. Wenckus W. R. Wilcox

B. Representatives ofDirect Members

H. Bethge Germany (G.D.R.) R. Kaischev Bulgaria P. Krishna India

C. Elected by the General Assembly

P. Bennema Netherlands H. C. Gatos U.S.A. A. Higashi Japan R. Lacmann Germany (G.F. R.) C. J. M. Rooymans Netherlands 1.5. That by unanimous vote of the Council, the Executive Committee will seek to obtain for the IOCG the status of

an Associated Organization, equally associated with the three international Unions, of Crystallography, of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and of Pure and Applied Physics. It is anticipated that this will give rise to only a single change in the Constitution of IOCG, namely the need to create a fourth class of Council Members, one each to be nominated by the three International Unions. The mail ballot required for the consequent amendment to the Constitution would thus constitute the definitive step by which members would give their assent to this action.

2. The Treasurer's report on the financial accounts of IOCG (appended herewith) was accepted. 3. Council received a suggestion from Professor E. Kaldis that IOCG might maintain a library of films relating to

Crystal Growth. The Executive Committee has invited the Swiss Association for Crystal Growth to investigate the practical factors and cost involved in this proposal. The President announced that at present one formal invitation for the location of ICCG-6, 1980, namely from Poland, has been received, but other proposals have been informally indicated. He explained that in accordance with the Constitution, the Executive Committee chooses from among the invitations received from prospective host countries, its choice being subject to confirmation of the Council.

In making its choice, the matters the Executive Committee has to take into account include: A proper sequence of geographical locations, for the convenience, over a period of time, of all its Regional Associations;

The available Conference facilities, residential facilities, and facilities for the preparation of the Conference Report by an international editorial group, who need to do their work at the location of the Conference for a minimum of three weeks before its opening; The assurance of the granting of visas and unimpeded travel to the Conference for all members without discrimination of any kind.

It will be helpful to the Executive Committee if invitations are received with as much information as possible on these matters.


M. SCHIEBER Tokyo, 29 March 1974

Treasurer's report

Balance at close of ICCG-3 $4,582.10


Interest from bank account $ 482.98 Loan repayment - 2nd ICVGE $1000.00 Loan repayment - ICCG-3 $3000.00


Disbursements Bank charges $ 4.54 Postage $ 71.53 Accounting/auditing $ 100.00 Printing $ 164.51 Typing $ 230.00

Loan - 2nd ICVGE $1000,00 Loan - 3rd ICVGE $1000.00 Rebate - AACG $1247.25 Rebate - BACG $1247.25

$5065.08 Current balance $4,000.00


ASSEMBLY OF IOCG, JULY 1977 The Council and the General Assembly of IOCG met on July 18 and 20, 1977, and reached the following

1. It ratified the changed By-Laws of the Constitution of IOCG as follows: Article II of By-Laws Section 1 (add at the end):

The Chairman of each National Organization will automatically be the first representative of his National Organization on the IOCG Council unless the National Organization specifically indicates otherwise. If the Chairman of a National Organization resigns, his successor automatically replaces him on the Council. Similarly, the Secretary of the National Organization will automatically be the second representative on the Council for countries entitled to two representatives. The third representative for countries so entitled shall be appointed by each appropriate National Organization acting through its chairman. Section 4 (add at the end):

Each of the International Unions of Pure and Applied Chemistry, of Pure and Applied Physics and of Crystallography shall be entitled to appoint a representative who will sit as a Councillor representing the International Union. (This amendment will allow the International Unions representation which is useful in IOCG's relations with them.) 2. As a result of the changed By-Laws it has admitted an official representative of IUPAC to a seat as a

Councillor. (Until his replacement by the next President of IUPAC, the present representative, Dr. H.S. Peiser, will be a Councillor representing IUPAC.)

3. As a result of the changed By-Laws, the new Councillors representing National Organizations are the

Chairmen of the National Organizations and if entitled to two Councillors, the Secretary of the National Organization is seated as the second Councillor, with a third Councillor appointed by the National Chairman.

4. A preliminary discussion took place regarding the change of the sequence of IOCG meetings from three to four years in view of the large European and American meetings which take place every three years. The discussion which followed pointed out that the change of the sequence may conflict again with the meetings of the International Unions of Chemistry and Crystallography, which take place every three years. A two-thirds majority of the Council voted against the proposed change to a four-year sequence.

5. Dr. Robert L. Parker has been appointed to represent IOCG in any interdisciplinary discussion for

standard nomenclature used for Crystal Growth. 6. The proliferation of meetings has concerned many in the crystal growth community. Since the IOCG

Council did not feel it has the legal authority to forbid or postpone proposed National meetings of crystal growth, the Executive Committee has decided to appoint Dr. Michael Schieber, Secretary of IOCG, as meeting coordinator to serve as an information-receiving person who should keep an updated list of meetings and try to inform prospective organizers on conflicting dates. Non-conflicting meetings announced at least one year in advance shall be called IOCG-sanctioned meetings and will be listed as such in the Journal of Crystal Growth, which has accepted to publish periodically an updated meeting calendar.

7. The site of ICCG-6 has been approved to be held in Leningrad, USSR, co-chaired by Academician

Professor B.K. Vainshtein and Academician Professor A.M. Prokhorov. The Program Chairman is

Professor A.A. Chernov. The tentative date is August 20—26, 1980. The publication policy as well as the open admission for ICCG-6 to the whole crystal growth community shall be as has been common practice in the past.

8. Both the Council and the General Assembly passed motions of heartiest thanks for the services and

contributions give to IOCG by the retiring President, Sir Charles Frank and the retiring Treasurer, Dr. Charles Sahagian.

M. Schieber R. Laudise Cambridge, 20 July 1977 Treasurer's report

Balance at close of ECCG-4 $ 4,000.00


Loan repayment ECCG-1 $ 400.00 Interest from bank account $ 642.76 $1,042.76


Bank charges $ 11 .35 Postage $ 11.13 Secretarial $ 95.00 Loan - ICVGE-3 $ 400.00 Loan - ECCG-1 $ 400.00 $ 917.48

Current balance $ 4,125.28

The following Officers, Members of the Executive Committee and newly-elected Council have

started their tenure of office for the period 1977—1980:

Council for 1977—1980


President R.A. Laudise USA Vice-President M. Schieber Israel Secretary A.A. Chernov USSR Treasurer K.A. Jackson USA Past President F.C. Frank UK

Executive Committee:

B. Cockayne UK E. Kaldis Switzerland R. Kern France A.M. Prokhorov USSR I. Sunagawa Japan B.K. Vainshtein USSR


A. National Organizations*

Czechoslovakia: No nominations FRG: A. Rauber K. Recker France: A. Authier J. Chapel R. Kern Israel: L. Ben-Dor Italy: C. Paorici Japan: T. Arizumi R.R. Hasiguti I. Sunagawa Netherlands: J. Goorissen B. Knook Switzerland: E.Kaldis H.J. Scheel UK: F.W. Ainger B. Cockayne USA: C.S. Sahagian J.F. Wenckus A.F. Witt B. Direct Members

H. Bethge GDR R. Kaishev Bulgaria P. Krishna India B.K. Vainshtein USSR

C. General Assembly R.S. Feigelson USA N. Kato Japan J.B. Mullin UK R. Nitsche GFR W. Tolksdorf GDR

* Tenure of Office of a Councillor representing a National Organization is only as long as he/she serves as Chairman or Secretary of the National Organization



SEPTEMBER 13 AND 14, 1980

The Council and General Assembly have approved the following slate of Officers, members of the Executive Committee and Councilors for 1980-1983. The list of Councilors includes the names of five Councillors elected from the floor of the General Assembly in Moscow:


President R.A. Laudise USA Vice-President A.A. Chernov USSR Secretary M. Schieber Israel Treasurer K.A. Jackson USA Past President F.C. Frank UK Executive Committee:

B. Cockayne UK E. Kaldis Switzerland R. Kern France M.Pilkuhn FRG A. Rabenau FRG I. Sunagawa Japan B.K. Vainshtein USSR A.M. Prokhorov * USSR

* Alternate for A.M. Prokhorov: V.V. Osiko, USSR Council:

A. Councillors representing National Organizations

France: A. Authier G. Champier (Chairman) B. Mutaftschiev (Secretary) FRG: R. Nitsche (Chairman) A. Rauber (Secretary) Israel: L. Ben-Dor (Co-Chairman) Italy: A.G. Gasparrini (Chairman) Japan: T. Arizumi R.R. Hasiguti (Chairman) I. Sunagawa (Secretary) Netherlands: C.J. Giling (Chairman) B. Knook (Secretary) Switzerland: H. Arend (Chairman) H. Schmid (Secretary) UK: F. Ainger (Chairman) D.V. Keight (Secretary) USA: C.S. Sahagian J.F. Wenckus (Secretary) AF. Witt (Chairman)

B. Direct Members

No Direct Members to IOCG registered with the Secretary of IOCG in the period 1977—1980. Therefore, no Councillors have been nominated to represent Direct Members.

C. General Assembly H. Bethge GDR M. Font-Altaba Spain E.I. Givargizov USSR R. Kaischew Bulgaria F.A. Kuznetsov USSR D. International Unions

IUPAC M. Williams (Executive Secretary) UK lUCryst S.E. Rasmussen Denmark

The Council and General Assembly have also officially approved Stuttgart, FRG, as the site of ICCG-7 to be held on September 12-16, 1983, under the Chairmanship of A. Rabenau and M. Pilkuhn. ICCG-7 will be preceded by the Summer School for Crystal Growth which will be held in Switzerland on September 5-9, 1983.

The Council and General Assembly have heard the President's and the Secretary's Reports on the Conferences sponsored by IOCG after ICCG-5 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1977, i.e., the Fourth International Confer-ence on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy in Nagoya, Japan, 1978; the Second European Conference on Crystal Growth in Lancaster, UK, 1979; and the Sixth International Conference on Crystal Growth in Moscow, USSR, 1980. In Moscow, over 1200 participants were registered making ICCG-6 the largest ICCG ever held. The Fifth Inter -national Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy will be held in San Diego, California, USA, on July 19—24,, 1981, in conjunction with the American Association for Crystal Growth National Meeting.

The Council has appointed a Subcommittee for Constitution composed of C.S. Sahagian, USA, and V.A.Osiko, USSR, which should propose to the Council some additional by-laws which should facilitate the creation of a Soviet Organization of Crystal Growth and which should redefine the role of the General Assembly of each ICCG. The Council has also instructed the Secretary of IOCG to investigate the possibility of reconsidering a previously rejected request by some Czechoslovakian scientists to receive IOCG sponsorship and the approval of European National Organizations to hold in Prague in 1982 a Third European Conference on Crystal Growth prior to the 1983 Stuttgart International Conference on Crystal Growth.

The Council and General Assembly have received and approved the following IOCG Treasurer Report as of September 10, 1980: Balance at close of ICCG-5 $ 4,125.28 Receipts

Interest on bank account $ 375.33


Secretarial expenses $ 125.75 Travel subsidies $ 650.00 $ 775.75 Closing balance $ 3,727.86



SEPTEMBER 13 AND 14, 1983

The IOCG Council and General Assembly met during ICCG-7 in Stuttgart on September 13 and 14, 1983. The following decisions were approved: 1. The Constitution of IOCG is amended by adding the following new article to the Bylaws of the Constitution: ARTICLE V

Regional/National Activities

Section 1 - Regional/national scientific meetings as mentioned in Article VII, section 5 of the Constitution, although open to IOCG members, are subject to the laws and regulations of the host country. It is understood and approved that any other topical and/or international conference or symposium sponsored by IOCG is open to all bona fide scientists working in crystal growth. 2. The next ICCG-8 was approved to be held in York, UK, between July 14 and 19, 1986, under the Co-Chairmenship of F.W. Ainger, B. Cockayne and J. Garside. 3. The General Assembly has elected from its floor the following councillors: P. Bennema, H. Bethge, R. Kaischew, R. Lacmann, V.V. Osiko and H.J. Scheel. Six rather than five councillors were exceptionally elected due to a tie in the number of votes received by two candidates. 4. The Council has decided to request from its different members a list of open positions in crystal growth for one to two years in order to improve the international exchange for young scientists. These open positions should be sent to M. Schieber, Secretary of IOCG, who will distribute them to the Secretaries of National Organizations for publication in their bulletins and/or in the Journal of Crystal Growth. 5. The Council has recommended to the Organizers of ICCG-8 and to any future Organizers of ICCG to allow a rebate for members of the National Organizations adhering to IOCG.

The Council and General Assembly approved the following slate of Officers, Members of the Executive Committee and Councillors for 1983-86. The list of Councillors includes the six elected from the floor of the General Assembly: Officers:

President R. Kern France Vice-President B. Cockayne UK Secretary M. Schieber Israel Treasurer K.A. Jackson USA Past President R.A. Laudise USA

Executive Committee:

F.W. Ainger (Chairman ICCG-8) UK A.A. Chernov USSR D.T.J. Hurle * UK E. Kaldis Switzerland

R. Nitsche FRG V.V. Osiko * USSR M. Pilkuhn (Co-Chairman ICCG-7) FRG A. Rabenau (Co-Chairman ICCG-7) FRG


A. Councillors representing National Organizations

France: A. Authier G. Champier (Chairman) B. Mutaftschiev (Secretary) FRG: R. Diehl (Secretary) H. Jacob (Chairman) D. Schwabe Israel: L. Ben-Dor Italy: C. Paorici Japan: T. Arizumi R.R. Hasiguti I. Sunagawa Netherlands: W. Nijman (Chairman) G.M. van Rosmalen (Secretary) Switzerland: H. Arend (Chairman) UK: K.G. Barraclough (Chairman) J. Garside I.J. Saunders (Secretary) USA: R. Feigelson (Chairman) F. Rosenberger T. Surek (Secretary) B. International Unions

IUPAC M. Williams (Executive Secretary) UK IUCryst K. Kurki-Suonio Finland C. General Assembly

P. Bennema Netherlands H. Bethge GDR R. Kaischew Bulgaria R. Lacmann FRG V.V. Osiko USSR H.J. Scheel Brazil

* IOCG ex officio representative to the IUCryst Commission on Crystal Growth. The following Treasurer's report was approved: Balance at close of ICCG-6 $3,900.59


Interest $760.07 Disbursements

Secretarial expenses $165.00 Balance at close of ICCG-7 $4,495.66


This report is divided into two separate parts. The first part is based on the reports received from the National Associations; the second part concerns the two business meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Council held dining ICCG in York.

The reports of the National Associations will be exchanged between the secretaries of these Associations so that in my report I will give only a brief summary. By doing this summary, I asked myself the question about the status of IOCG, since this subject has been extensively discussed in various letters exchanged between, the Councillors of IOCG, was discussed at the IOCG Council meeting in Stuttgart in 1983, and then again in York, 1986. I. Summary of the reports made by the national organizations

After the first International Conference on Crystal Growth, Boston 1966, IOCG (former name CICC) promoted the creation of the National Organizations of Crystal Growth. A history of the creation of the National Organizations has been recently established by the General Secretary of IOCG (published in the American Association's Newsletter and reprinted in other national newsletters). Presently, there are nine National Associations:

AACG American Association of Crystal Growth (USA) AICC: Associazione Italiana per la Crescita dei Cristalli (Italy) BACG: British Association of Crystal Growth (UK) DGKK: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum and Kristallzüchtung (FRG) GFCC: Groupe Français de Croissance Cristalline (France) IACG: Israel Association of Crystal Growth (Israel) JACG: Japanese Association of Crystal Growth (Japan) KKN*: Kontaktgroep Kristalgroei Nederland (Netherlands) SKM* Section Croissance Cristalline et des Materiaux (Switzerland)

Some of them (*) are affiliated with other National Associations, the others are independent, that means they elect their own president, 'secretary, treasurer and have paying members. One to three officials of each of these Associations belong to the Council of the IOCG, the number of officials depends on the size of the organization.

For the moment, no such Associations exist in countries where a unique Government Science Organization operates (USSR, GDR, Bulgaria, Poland, China). These countries have, however, representatives in the IOCG Council on a personal basis. There is the great hope that these countries, which are very active in crystal grown and participate strongly in each ICCG Conference, will create National Associations and that they can join IOCG. Other countries, such as Spain, are on the way to assembling their crystal growers and, hopefully, they will join us.

IOCG takes care that every three years an ICCG Conference and a Summer School are organized. In between, IOCG; sponsors International Conferences on special topics and maintains contact with the National Associations or individuals.

The status of IOCG is the sum of the status of each of those National Associations.

All of the National Associations have an Annual General Assembly which takes place together with a scientific program where invited speakers operate, contributed papers or posters are presented. JACG and AICC publish Proceedings in their mother language.

All of these Associations have, in addition, a very intense activity due to topical meetings they call symposia, workshops, etc., and where industry visits are organized. Randomly selected topics are: Kinetics and Habit, Optoelectronic Crystals (BACG),; Growth Units (JACG), Starting Materials (DGKK), Industrial Crystallization (KKN), Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Protein Crystallization (GFCC), Crystal Growth and Crystal Chemistry (SKM), Multinary Semiconductive Components (AICG).

Several Associations held twin meetings: DGKK-SKM; DGKK-KKN. A special mention has to be made in respect to the four FICH joint meetings organized by GFCC (F), AICC (I). SKM (CH).

With respect to meetings, two particularities have to be cited: - the very informal annual two-week meetings (83, 84, 85) of JACG called "Hohdankai" - the less informal one "BACG Annual Lecture". Each National Association has its Newsletter and sends it three or four, times every year to their members. In

some cases, the Secretaries exchange their Newsletters. Some of them have a high standard (AACG, DGKK). This needs a very active Editorial Board.

In order to improve their status, some Associations took care of Awards. The AACG has two prizes every three years: a high level prize (international) and one for young US scientists. JACG awards since three years an annual prize for their members, but this prize brings no money, only honor. DGKK created this year its own prize.

Some Associations, DGKK, AACG and BACG, initiated discussions in order to find new exchange procedures for scientists. This point was suggested at the Council Meeting at Stuttgart in 1983. For the moment, they could not concretize their, ideas. Probably there are still many effective ways for exchange and what is needed is to know how to use the existing ones.

Two very interesting initiatives taken by the National Organizations have to be mentioned concerning synthetic crystal exhibitions. DGKK received (from the "Deutsches Museum" the necessary space, there is an ad hoc commission and 'now they are looking for finances. The BACG found a concrete way to proceed. The Exhibition "Crystals in Industry" at the York ICCG-8 Conference, will travel around UK for several years. The Scottish Museum's Council will be the permanent operator.

Clearly all these initiatives will improve the status of the Crystal Growth community in their respective countries. Until now, JACG has already acceded to a very high status. A Divisional Committee for Crystal Growth of eight members was initiated two years ago in the Science Council of Japan, in addition to the existing Committee of Crystallography.

Another important way to measure the status of our community is to look at teaching activities. SKM sent out a detailed questionnaire, will compile the data, and intends to organize a Workshop on "Teaching Crystal Growth".

The future status depends only on the activities of the National Associations, IOCG can help in the future as in the past, so that new National Associations are created, IOCG can provide some coordination, but cannot do what the National Organizations have to do.

II. The meetings of the Executive Committee and the Council of IOCG

Some decisions have been taken by the Executive Committee and the Council during the York meeting. They will contribute to increase the status of IOCG.

A. There have been discussions with North-Holland Physics Publishing so that members of the National Associations will be able to buy at a reduced rate the Journal of Crystal Growth. The final decision of the publisher will be communicated to the General Secretary of IOCG in the near future, who will then give clear instructions to the National Secretaries.

B. A decision was made for IOCG to offer two prizes for work in the field of crystal growth. These prizes will probably be offered every three years commensurate with the IOCG meetings.

A sub-committee will present in the next six months a precise proposal to the Executive Committee about all practical details. The first two prizes will have to be delivered at the Sendai Meeting in 1989. The sub-committee, Sekerka (Chairman), Ainger, Benz, and Komatsu is open to all suggestions coming from the crystal growth community.

C. Another important point has been decided for improving communication between the crystal, growers. Dr. B. Cockayne is in charge of writing- regular international news which will be published in the Journal of Crystal Growth. An appropriate amount of 24 pages per year will provide a few times a year information about the past National activities. This news bulletin will need an effective and continuous cooperation of some individuals in

the different countries

D. The Nomination Commit will be appointed in the future by the President of IOCG after consultations with all the members of the Executive Committee.

At our next General Assembly in Sendai 1989, we shall have to check if our decisions became reality.

R. Kern President of IOCG


The General Assembly of the IOCG' during ICCG-8 at York, UK, was presided over by Professor R. Kern, the President of IOCG. The members of ICCG-8 present at the meeting confirmed the election of officers and members of the Executive Committee. The list of councillors representing various national organizations was presented and accepted. Nominations were then received for the five council seats to be elected by the General Assembly. From those nominated, the following were elected by ballot to be councillors for the next three years:

H. Arend (Switzerland) K.A. Jackson (USA) H. Jacob (ERG) M. Jiang (China), P.. Ramasamy (India)

Professor Kern then presented the report of the President.

He then reported on decisions which had been made by the Executive Committee and Council: Discussions have been initiated with North-Holland to get a discount on the Journal of Crystal Growth for all members of National Organizations.

There will be two prizes to be presented by IOCG. A subcommittee, chaired by R.F. Sekerka, with F.W. Ainger, K.W. Bentz and H. `Komatsu, will make recommendations on the nature of the awards, the criteria for the awards, and the method of funding the awards. Dr. B. Cockayne will edit an IOCG Newsletter. It will be included with the Journal of Crystal Growth. Dr. Cockayne intends that there should be technical news and news of national organizations. He requested someone from each, national organization be appointed to send him news, and also that someone from countries without national organizations be selected for this purpose.

H. Arend suggested the compilation of a directory of crystal growers and a catalog of crystals grown.

The Treasurer's Report was presented by K.A. Jackson, and was approved.

Professor Komatsu presented. an outline of ICCG-9 to be held in Sendai, Japan, August 20-25, 1989. I.

Sunagawa will be Chairman, and T. Nishinaga will be General Secretary for the Conference.

The General Assembly was adjourned by! Professor Kern. Treasurer's report Balance at close of ICCG-7 $ 4414.03

Receipts: Interest from bank accounts $ 799.41

Disbursements: Award presentation at ICCG-7 $ 172.40

Bank charges $ 26.68

$ 199.08

Current balance $ 5014.36

Kenneth A. Jackson Murray Hill, NJ, USA, 10 July 1986




R. Kern, President CRMC2-CNRS, Campus Luminy, Case 913, F-13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France

R. F- Sekerka, Vice President Mellon College of Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

B. Cockayne, Vice President Royal Signals; and Radar Establishment, St. Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcs. WR14 3PS, UK

M. Schieber, Secretary School of Applied Science and Technology,, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel

E. Kaldis, Treasurer Institut für Festkörperphysik ETH, Hönggerberg, CH-8049 Zurich, Switzerland R.A. Laudise, Past President AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA Executive committee of IOCG:

K.W. Benz Physikalisches Institut der Universität, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-7000 Stuttgart 80,

FRG A.A. Chernov Institute of Crystallography, Academy; of Sciences of the USSR, Leninskii

Prospekt 59, Moscow, 117333, USSR L.J. Giling RIM, Department of Solid State Physics, Catholic University, 6525 ED

Nijmegen, The Netherlands H. Komatsu Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University, Katahira

2-1-1, Sendai 980, Japan F.W. Ainger, Past Chairman ICCG-8 Allen Clark Research, Centre, Plessey Research (Caswell) Ltd., Caswell,

Towcester NN12 8EQ, UK I. Sunagawa, Chairman ICCG-9 Department of Geology, Tohoku University, Sendai 980, Japan D.T.J. Hurle * Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, St, Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcs.

WR14 3PS, UK C. Paorici, Representative IUCrys Istituto MASPEC-CNR, 1-43100 Parma, Italy. Council of IOCG:

A. Councillors representing National Organizations

Federal Republic of Germany K. W. Benz, President Physikalisches Institüt der Universität, Pfaffenwaldring 57, D-7000 Stuttgart 80,

FRG A. Eyer, Secretary Fraunhofer lnstitut für Solare Energiesysteme, Oltmanstrasse 22, D-7800

Freiburg, FRG R. Lacmann Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Technische Universität, Hans-Sommer-

Strasse 10, D-3300 Braunschweig, FRG

France A. Authier Lab. Minéralogie et Cristallographie, University P. et M. Curie, 4 Place Jussieu,

F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, France R. Collongues, President Lab. Chimie Appliquée, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris, 11 Rue

P. et M. Curie, R-75231 Parix Cedex 05, France J.J. Métois, Secretary CRMC2-CNRS, Campus Luminy, Case 91.3. F-13288 Marseille Cedex 09,


Israel L. Ben-Dor Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91904, Israel

Italy C. Paorici Istituto MASPEC-CNR, 1-43100 Parma, Italy

Japan R.R. Hasiguti, President Science University of Tokyo, Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162, Japan

T. Nishinaga, Secretary Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan

T. Ogawa Department of Physics, Gakushuin; University, Mejiro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, Japan

Netherlands J.J.M. Binsma, Secretary Philips Research Laboratories, P:0. Box 80000, 5600 JA Eindhoven, The

Netherlands G.M. van Rosmalen, President Department of Chemistry,' Delft University of Technology, 2628 RZ Delft, The


Switzerland J. Bilgram, Secretary Laboratorium für Festkörperphysik ETH, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland

United Kingdom M.G. Astles, Secretary Royal Signals and Radar Establishment, St. Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcs. WR14 3PS,

UK K.G. Barraclough Royal Signals end Radar Establishment, St. Andrews Road, Malvern, Worcs. WR14 3PS, UK I.J. Saunders, President - Department of Physics, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YB, UK

United States of America A.E. Gentile, President Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, CA 90265, USA F. Rosenberger Center for Microgravity Research, University of Alabama in Huntsville,

Huntsville, AL 35899, USA T. Surek, Secretary Solar Energy Research Institute, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401, USA B. International Unions

IUPAC M. Williams, Executive Secretary Band Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Cowley Centre, Oxford, UK

IUCrys K. Kurki-Suonio Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, SF-00170 Helsinki 17, Finland C. General Assembly

H. Arend Institut für Festkörperphysik ETH, Hönggerberg, CH-8049 Zurich. Switzerland K.A. Jackson, Treasurer AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA H. Jacob Wicker GmbH, D-8263 Burghausen, FRG Jiang Minhua Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan, China P. Ramasamy Crystal Growths Centre, Anna University, Madras 600025, India

* IOCG Ex Officio Representative to the IUCrys Commission on Crystal Growth.



20-25 AUGUST 1989 The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly met during ICCG-9 in Sendai, Japan, between 20 and 25 August 1989. The following resolutions were approved: 1. The next full international conference, ICCG-10, was confirmed to be held in San Diego, California, USA, between 16 and 20 August 1992. The Co-Chairmen will be Dr. W. Bonner and J. F. Wenckus. The programme Co-Chairmen are Professors R.F. Sekerka and R.S. Feigelson. 2. The Executive Committee agreed that the Dutch Crystal Growth Association (the KKN) should be invited to submit a proposal for holding ICCG-11 in The Netherlands during 1995. 3. The Council and General Assembly approved the following slate of Officers, Members of the Executive Committee and Councillors for 1989-92. The list of Councillors includes the 5 elected from the floor of the General Assembly:


President: B. Cockayne UK

Vice-Presidents: R.F. Sekerka USA A.A. Chernov USSR Secretary: M. Schieber Israel Treasurer: E. Kaldis Switzerland Past President: R. Kern France

Executive Committee:

Full Members: K.W. Benz FRG R.S. Feigelson USA D.T.J. Hurle UK H. Komatsu Japan I. Sunagawa Japan (past Chairman ICCG-9) W. Bonner USA (Co-Chairman ICCG-10) J.F. Wenckus USA (Co-Chairman ICCG-10) R.A. Laudise USA (Rep. to IUPAC) C. Paorici Italy (Rep. of IUCRYS):, V.V. Osiko USSR (Rep. to IUCRYS) Associate Members: Jiang Min-Hua PRC

B. Mutaftschiev France T. Nishinaga Japan G.M. van Rosmalen Netherlands


Councillors representing. national organizations: France: A. Guinier (President) J.J. Métois (Secretary) B. Mutaftschiev FRG: K.W. Benz (President) A. Eyer (Secretary) R. Lacmann GDR: G. Kuhn (Chairman) P. Rudolph (Secretary) M. Krohn

Hungary: E. Lendvay (President) India: P. Ramasamy (President) S.D.M. Rao (Secretary) Israel: N. Lifschitz (President) Italy: C. Paorici (President) Japan: I. Sunagawa (President) T. Nishinaga (Secretary) T. Ogawa Netherlands: J.J. Binsma (President) J.A.M. Meijer (Secretary) Spain: R. Rodriguez-Cleriiente (President) Switzerland: E. Kaldis (Chairman) J. Hulliger (Secretary) UK: P.M. Dryburgh (Chairman) P.J. Wright (Secretary) I.J. Saunders USA: W. Bonner (President) T. Surek (Secretary) C.D. Brandle USSR: A. Chernov (President) P. P. Fedorov (Secretary) F.A. Kuznetsov

Councillors representing International Unions:

IUPAC: T.S. West (UK) IUCRYS: K. Kurki-Suonio (Finland) Councillors representing the General Assembly:

P. Bennema Netherlands S. Kimura Japan O. N. Mesquita Brazil Nai-Ben Ming PRC D. Nenow Bulgaria

4. The General Assembly also recorded that:

(a) Professor R. Kern, outgoing President of IOCG, welcomed four new National Associations of Crystal Growth to IOCG, all of whom had joined during 1988, these were India, USSR, GDR and Spain.

(b) The IOCG prizes, awarded at ICCG-9 for the first time and sponsored by the Organizing Committee, were 'received by A.A. Chernov, USSR (Frank prize for theoretical work) and I. Nishizawa, Japan (Laudise prize for experimental work).

5. The Treasurer's Report, presented by E. Kaldis, is given below:

Assets at ICCG-8 (1986) $5014.36 Expenditure during 19$6-1989 None Income from interest $763.23 Assets at ICCG-9 (1989) $5777.59

Report on the Meetings of the IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General

Assembly held during ICCG-10 in San Diego, CA, USA, 16-21 August 1992

The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly met respectively on 17, 18 and 20 August 1992. The following resolutions were approved unanimously: 1. That the Korean Association for Crystal Growth and the Polish Society for Crystal Growth be formally accepted

as full members of IOCG, 2. That the offer made by the Israeli Association for Crystal Growth to hold ICCG-12 in Israel during 1998 be

accepted. 3. That the Italian Association for Crystal Growth should be asked to organize the Summer School ISSCG-10,

immediately prior to ICCG-12, in Northern Italy during 1998. . 4. That the offer made by the CIS Association for Crystal Growth to hold ICCG-13 in Moscow during 2001 should

be considered in the future as a preferred option. 5. That the Treasurer's Report, presented by E. Kaldis, as given below, be accepted:

Assets at ICCG-9 (1989) $5779.59 Expenditure during 19$9-1992 None Income from interest ' $628.$4 Balance at ICCG-10 (1992) $6406.13

6. That the following slate of Officers, the Executive Committee Members and Councillors be elected for 1992-1995; the list includes the five Councillors elected from the floor of the General Assembly:


President: B. Cockayne UK Vice-Presidents: T. Nishinaga Japan R.F. Sekerka USA Secretary: M. Schieber Israel Treasurer E. Kaldis Switzerland Past President: R. Kern France

Executive Committee

K.W. Benz . Germany A.A. Chernov CIS R.S. Feigelson USA D.T.J. Hurle UK P. Ramasamy India;, R. Rodriguez-Clemente Spain G.M. van Rosmalen Netherlands I. Sunagawa Japan

Ex-Officio Members

W.A. Bonner USA. (Co-Chairman ICCG-10) J.F. Wenckus USA (Co-Chairman ICCG-10) C.F. Woensdregt Netherlands (Chairman ICCG-11) P. Daudey Netherlands (Co-Chairman ICCG-11) R.A. Laudise USA (Rep. to IUPAC) V. V. Osiko CIS (Rep. to IUCrys) C. Paorici Italy (Rep. to IUCrys)


Councillors representing National Organizations: CIS A.A. Chernov (President) P.P. Fedorov (Secretary) F.A. Kuznetsov France B. Mutaftschiev (Chairman) A. Baronnet (Secretary) J.J. Métois Germany H. Wenzl(President) H. Walcher (Secretary) W. Schroeder Hungary E. Hartmann (President) India P. Ramasamy (President) J.R. Pandya (Secretary) Israel D. Gazit (Chairman) A. Horowitz Italy C. Paorici (President) Japan J. Chikawa (President) T. Ohachi (Secretary) H. Komatsu Korea Y.S. Kim (President) K.K. Orr (Secretary) H. Kim Netherlands J.A.M. Meijer (President) H.H.C. de Moor (Secretary) Poland A. Pajaczkowska (President) Spain J.M. Garcia-Ruiz (President)' Switzerland J. Bilgram (President) United Kingdom D.T.J. Hurle (Chairman) S.E.B. Gould (Secretary) P.M. Dryburgh USA C.D. Brandle (Chairman) T. Surek (Secretary) W.A. Bonner

Councillors representing International Unions: IUPAC T.S. West IU Cryst A.I. Hordvik Councillors representing the General Assembly: J.J. Favier France O.N. Mesquita, Brazil Jiang Min-Hua PRC C.E. Schvezov Argentina P.G. Vekilov Bulgaria

7. That the procedure by which the Constitution can be changed should be amended so that the modifications specified in resolution 9 may be accommodated.

8. That, as a consequence of resolution 7 being approved, Article X of the IOCG Constitution be changed to read:

ARTICLE X Amendments Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution shall be made by a two-thirds majority in favour of the Amendment in a ballot at an ICCG General Assembly; such an Amendment shall, however, only become part of the Constitution if similarly ratified at the following two ICCG General Assemblies. In the interim period between the first i and ; second such ICCG General Assemblies, any such approved Amendment shall be accepted as a de facto way of operating IOCG affairs. In the interim period between the second and third such ICCG General Assemblies, the de facto way of operating shall continue, provided that ratification to the Amendment is endorsed by a two-thirds majority in favour at the second such ICCG General Assembly.

9. That, as a result. of resolution 8 being approved, the Constitution be modified to become aligned with recent practice by

(i) increasing the number of Vice-Presidents to two, and (ii) increasing the number of Executive Committee Members to eight.

10. That the appropriate Articles and Bylaws of the IOCG Constitution relating to the changes specified in 9 should now read as follows:


Section 1: The Officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer.

Section 2: The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Council, as provided in the Bylaws. In the event that one or more Officers becomes unable or unwilling to perform the duties of the appointed Office,, the Council will reassign those duties.

Section 4.2: One of the, Vice-Presidents, as assigned by the Council, shall assume the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President in the conduction of the affairs of IOCG.

ARTICLE III Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the five Officers, the Past President, the Chairman or Chairmen of the past ICCG, the,. Chairman or Chairmen of the next ICCG and eight additional members elected by the Council. The eight additional members shall be present or past members of the Council. BYLAWS ARTICLE 1: Section 1: Nomination - the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee one year before the next ICCG. The Nominating Committee must nominate, within three months, one or more candidates for President, each of the two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and eight present or past members of the Council to serve on the Executive Committee. The Nominations shall be communicated to the Executive Committee which, in turn, shall order a ballot to be prepared. The General Assembly also recorded: (a) The award of the IOCG prizes, generously sponsored by- the ICCG-10 Organizing Committee, as follows:

Frank Prize - R. F. Sekerka (USA); Laudise Prize jointly to V.V. Osiko (CIS) and J.F. Wenckus (USA).

(b) Votes of thanks (i) to the American Association for Crystal Growth (AACG) and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-10 and ISSCG-8 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (a) to the IOCG Prize Committee; (iii) to the IOCG Nominating Committee and (iv) to the Dutch Association for Crystal Growth (KKN) for their advance information and welcome to ICCG-11 and ISSCG-9 in the Netherlands during 1995.

Report on the meetings of the IOCG Executive Committee, Council and

General Assembly held during ICCG-11 in The Hague, The Netherlands,

18-23 June 1995

The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly met respectively on 19, 20 and 22 June 1995. The following resolutions were approved unanimously:

1. That the Brazilian Society for Crystal Growth, the Czech and Slovak Association for

Crystal Growth and the Romanian Materials Science Crystal Growth Society should be formally accepted into IOCG, all three associations having agreed to abide by the IOCG Constitution.

2. That the offer made by the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth to hold ISSCG-13 and ICCG-11 during 2001 should be accepted. The offer made by the CIS Association for Crystal Growth to hold an ICCG in Moscow at an, as yet unspecified date in the future was noted.

3. That the second ratification of the constitutional amendments made at ICCG-10 in San Diego, 1992, as scheduled in the Proceedings of that meeting (J. Crystal Growth 128 (1993) 1293-1296) be approved. It was noted that a third and final ratification will be required at ICCG-12.

4. That the new President and Executive Committee should be asked to explore: a. The possibility of IOCG becoming an International Scientific Associate affiliated to

ICSU, with a possible change of name to International Union for Crystal Growth, since IOCG now appears to satisfy the admission criteria.

b. Ways of raising funds appropriate for IOCG activities, including (a) above. c. Required amendments to the IOCG Constitution to cover (a) and (b) above.

5. That an honorary post should be created on the Executive Committee entitled "Honorary Principal Founder IOCG" for the period 1995-1998 for the retiring Secretary and Principal Founder of IOCG, Michael Schieber in recognition of his distinguished service to this organisation.

6. That the Treasurer's Report, presented verbally by E. Kaldis, should be accepted. The account was transferred from the USA to Switzerland on 1 September 1993 as 6447.14$, equivalent to 9396.40SFr. The only expenditure has been the newly requested 100$ per annum as subscription to IUPAC. Interest on the account had more than compensated for this expenditure so that the current balance is 9540.90SFr.

7. That the following slate of Officers, the Executive Committee Members and Councillors be elected for the period 1995-1998 to hold office from the end of ICCG-11 through ICCG-12; the list includes five Councillors elected from the floor of the General Assembly to represent those nations who do not, as yet, have a national association.


President: T. Nishinaga (Japan) Vice-Presidents: K.W. Benz (Germany) R.F. Sekerka (USA) Secretary: G.B. Stringfellow (USA) Treasurer: C.F. Woensdregt (The Netherlands) Past President: B. Cockayne (UK) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG: M. Schieber (Israel)

Executive Committee

P. Bennema (The Netherlands) A.A. Chernov (Russian Federation) J.J. Favier (France) A. Horowitz (Israel) Jiang Min-Hua (People's Republic of China) H. Komatsu (Japan) H.J. Scheel (Switzerland) J.N. Sherwood (UK)

Ex-Officio Members of Executive Committee

Chairman ICCG-11 C.F. Woensdregt (The Netherlands) President ICCG-12 M. Schieber (Israel) IOCG Representative to IUPAC J.N. Sherwood (UK) IOCG Representative to IUCRYS P.M. Dryburgh (UK) IOCG Representative to IUPAP to be appointed IUPAC Representative to IOCG to be appointed IUCRYS Representative to IOCG H. Klapper (Germany) IUPAP Representative to IOCG D.J. Buttrey (USA)


(a) Representing National Associations:

Brazil: O.N. Mesquita (President) Czech and Slovak Federal Republic: K. Nitsch (Chairman) France: H. Curien (Chairman) A. Baronnet (Secretary) J.P. Astier Germany: W. Schroeder (President) H. Walcher (Secretary) W. Zulehner Hungary: E. Hartmann (Chairman) India: P. Ramasamy (President) J.R. Pandya (Secretary) Israel: Y. Nemirovsky (President) M. Roth (Secretary) Italy: C. Paorici (President) Japan: T. Nishinaga (President) K. Sato (Secretary) H. Komatsu Korea: B.S. Jeon (President) K.S. Han (Secretary) K.K. Orr

The Netherlands: H.H.C. de Moor (Chairman) O.S.L. Bruinsma (Secretary) Poland: M.A. Herman (President) Romania: H. Alexandru (President) Russian Federation: A.A. Chernov (Chairman) P.P. Fedorov (Secretary) F.A. Kuznetzov Spain: J.M. Garcia-Ruiz (President)

Switzerland: J.H. Bilgram (Chairman) United Kingdom: J.N. Sherwood (Chairman) P. Capper (Secretary) D.T.J. Hurle USA: J.F. Wenckus (President) E. Monberg (Secretary) T. Ciscek

(b) Representing General Assembly:

C.E. Schvezov (Argentina) G.M. Parkinson (Australia) D. Kaschiev (Bulgaria) H. Lundager-Madsen (Scandinavia) G.J. Davies (South Africa)

Ex-Officio Councillors (representing International Unions)

IUPAC M. Williams IUPAP W. Heinicke IUCRYS M.H. Dacombe ICSU J. Marton Lefevre

The General Assembly also recorded:

a. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the KKN and the ICCG-11 Organizing Committee as follows:

Frank Prize P. Bennema (The Netherlands) Laudise Prize R.F. Feigelson (USA)

b. The presentation of the first IOCG Distinguished Service Award, generously sponsored by the Japanese, Italian and British Associations for Crystal Growth to:

M. Schieber (Israel)

c. Votes of thanks to: (i) the KKN and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-11 and ISSCG-9 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize and Nominating Committees; (ii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee for IOCG and (iv) the Italian and Israeli Crystal Growth Associations for their advance information and welcome to ISSCG-10 (Lake Garda, Italy, June 1998) and ICCG-12 (Jerusalem, Israel, July 1998).

Other points noted were as follows: (a) A standard condition of acceptance for any National Association for Crystal Growth to

organize ICCG is that the Conference Proceedings are published in the Journal of Crystal Growth and that the reports on the IOCG Business Meetings are published at the end of such Proceedings.

(b) All National Association chairman should submit annually to the President (IOCG), the Secretary (IOCG) and the IOCG News Editor:

(1) names and addresses of current officers; (2) numbers of current members ; (3) a short report (one page A4) on their annual meeting(s).

(c) IOCG and IUCRYS have agreed to consider holding a joint International Conference on Crystal Characterization.

B. Cockayne President (1989-1995)

Report on the Meetings of the IOCG Executive Committee,

Council and General Assembly held during ICCG-12/ICVGE-10

in Jerusalem, Israel, 26-31 July 1998

The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly were held respectively on 27, 28 and 29 July 1998. The following items were approved:

1. The Chinese Crystal Growth and Materials Sub-Society affiliated to the Chinese Ceramic Society (CCGMS)

and the Australian Association for Crystal Growth (AUSACG) should be formally accepted into IOCG, these two associations having agreed by the IOCG Constitution.

2. The offers made the French Association for Crystal Growth to hold ICCG-14 during 2004 and by German Association for Crystal Growth to hold ISSCG-12 during the year should be accepted. It was strongly recommended that these two events should be closely held both in time and in location. The offer made by the American Association for Crystal Growth to hold ICCG-15 in Washington, DC in 2007 was noted.

3. The third and final ratification of the constitutional amendments made at ICCG-10 in San Diego, 1992, as scheduled in the Proceedings of that meeting (J. Crystal Growth 128 (1993) 1293-1296) should be approved.

4. The President and Executive Committee should be asked to explore: a. The possibility of IOCG becoming an International Scientific Associate affiliated to ICSU, with a possible

change of name to International Union for Crystal Growth, since IOCG now appears to satisfy the admission criteria.

b. Ways of raising funds appropriate for IOCG activities, including (a) above. c. Required amendments to the IOCG Constitution to cover (a) and (b) above.

5. The Treasurer's Report, presented by C.F. Woensdregt, should be accepted. The account was on 31 December 1994 as 9540.90 SFr. The expenditures have been requested 128.50 SFr for two year subscription to IUPAC and 122.85 SFr for mailing expenses at IOCG secretary office. Interest on the account had more than compensated for this expenditure so that the current balance is 9708.90 SFr.

6. The following slate of Officers, the Executive Committee Members and Councilors be elected for the period 1998-2001 to hold office from the end of ICCG-12 through ICCG-13; the list includes five Councillors elected from the floor of the General Assembly to represent those who do not, as yet, have a national association.


President: T. Nishinaga (Japan) Vice-Presidents: K.W. Benz (Germany) R.F. Sekerka (USA)

Secretary: T.F. Kuech (USA) Treasurer: C.F. Woensdregt (The Netherlands) Past President: B. Cockayne (UK) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG: M. Schieber (Israel)

Executive Committee

J.J. Favier (France) A. Horowitz (Israel) Jiang Min-Hua (People's Republic of China) T. Ohachi (Japan) V.V. Osiko (Russian Federation) C. Paorici (Italy) H.J. Scheel (Switzerland) J.N. Sherwood (UK)

Ex-Officio Members of Executive Committee President ICCG-12 M. Schieber (Israel) Chairman ICCG-13 T. Nishinaga (Japan) IOCG Representative to IUPAC J.N. Sherwood (UK) IOCG Representative to IUCRYS P.M. Dryburgh (UK) IOCG Representative to IUPAP J.P. van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC Representative to IOCG to be appointed IUCRYS Representative to IOCG H. Klapper (Germany) IUPAP Representative to IOCG J. Buttrey (USA)

Councillors (a) Representing National Associations:

Australia: G. Parkinson Brazil: R. Caram China: M. Jiang S. Fan J. Wang

Czech Republic: K. Nitsch France: R. Kern B. Billia J.P. Astier Germany: G. Muller L. Ackermann A. Luedge Hungary: E. Hartmann India: P. Ramasamy J.R. Pandya Israel: Y. Nemirovsky M. Roth Italy: C. Paorici Japan: H.Takei M. Uwaha K. Kitamura Korea: E.H. Hwang K.L. Shin K.B. Shim The Netherlands: J.W.M. Frenken H.Kramer Poland: K. Sangwall Romania: H.V. Alexandru Russian Federation: V.V. Osiko P.P. Fedorov F.A. Kuznetsov Spain: J.M. Garcia-Ruiz Switzerland: J. Bilgram UK: J.N. Sherwood P. Capper D.T.J. Hurle USA: V. Fratello P.A. Morris-Hotsenpiller G.B. Stringfellow (b) Representing General Assembly: Argentina: C.E. Schvezov Bulgaria: D. Nenow Canada: H. Dabkowska Scandinavia: H.E.L. Madsen Ukraine: M. Kosmyna Ex-Officio Councillors Representing International Unions ICSU: J-F. Stuyck-Taillandier (France) IUCr: M.H. Dacombe (UK) IUPAP: Rene Turlay (France) IUPAC: W.J. Jost (USA) IOCG Representatives to International Unions IUPAP: J.P. van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC: J.N. Sherwood (UK) IUCr: P.M. Dryburgh (UK) The General Assembly also recorded: a. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCG-12/ICVGE-10 Organizing Committee

as follows: Frank Prize K.A. Jackson (USA)

Laudise Prize I. Akasaki (Japan) b. Votes of thanks to: (i) the Israeli Association for Crystal Growth and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-

12/ICVGE-10 and ISSCG-10 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG and (iv) the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth for their advance information and welcome to ICCG-13 (Kyotanabe, Japan, 29 July-3 August 2001) and ISSCG-11.

Other points noted were as follows: (a) A standard ICCG of acceptance for any National Association for Crystal Growth to organize ICCG is that the Conference Proceedings are published in the Journal of Crystal Growth and that the reports on the IOCG Business Meetings are published at the end of such Proceedings. (b) All National Association chairmen should submit annually to the President (IOCG)1 and the Secretary (IOCG)2:

(1) names and addresses of current officers; (2) numbers of current members; (3) a short report (one page A4) on their annual meeting(s).

T. Nishinaga President (1995-1998)

1Prof. Tatau Nishinaga, Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan. Tel.: + 81 3 3812 2111 ext. 6673; fax: + 813 5684 3974; e-mail: [email protected].

2Prof. Tom. F. Kuech, University of Wisconsin, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706, USA. Tel.: + 1 608 263 2922; Fax: + 1 608 265 4036; e-mail: [email protected].

Report on the Meetings of the IOCG Executive Committee, Council and

General Assembly held during ICCG-13/ICVGE-11 in Kyoto, Japan

30 July–4 August 2001 The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly were held respectively on 31 July, 1 and 2 August 2001. The following items were approved: 1. The offers made by the American Association for Crystal Growth to hold ICCG-15 during 2007

and to hold ISSCG-13 during the same year should be accepted. It was strongly recommended that these two events should be closely held both in time and in location.

2. The President and Executive Committee should be asked to explore ways of raising funds to increase the IOCG activities, including the formation of internet communication system and to make necessary amendments to the IOCG Constitution.

3. The Treasurer's Report, presented by C.F. Woensdregt, should be accepted. The account was on 22 June 1998 as 9708.90 SFr. The expenditures have been requested 411.25 SFr for two year subscription to IUPAC and tax for three years. Interest on the account had less than compensated for this expenditure so that the current balance is 9678.55 SFr.

4. The following slate of Officers, the Executive Committee Members and Councilors be elected for the period 2001–2004 to hold office from the end of ICCG-13 though ICCG-14; the list includes five Councilors elected from the floor of the General Assembly to represent those who do not, as yet, have a national association.


President: R.F. Sekerka (USA) Vice President: K.W. Benz (Germany) J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands) Secretary: T.F. Kuech (USA) Treasurer: T. Ohachi (Japan) Past President: T. Nishinaga (Japan) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG: M. Schieber (Israel) Executive Committee

T. Duffar (France) R. Fornari (Italy) Jiang Min-Hua (China) G. Mueller (Germany) V.V. Osiko (Russia) M. Roth (Israel) K. Sato (Japan) J.N. Sherwood (United Kingdom) Ex-officio members of the executive committee

President ICCG-13 T. Nishinaga (Japan) Chairman ICCG-14 J. Villain, M. Heuken IOCG Representative to IUPAC J.N. Sherwood (United Kingdom) IOCG Representative to IUCRYS P.M. Dryburgh (United Kingdom) IOCG Representative to IUPAP J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC Representative to IOCG to be appointed IUCRYS Representative to IOCG R. Fornari (Italy) IUPAP Representative to IOCG J. Buttrey (USA)


(a) Representing National Associations Australia: G. Parkinson Brazil: R. Caram China: M. Jiang, S. Fan, J. Wang Czech Republic: K. Nitsch France: P. Nozieres B. Billia, A. Ranguis Germany: L. Ackermann, A. Luedge, M. Heuken Hungary: K.P. Lassanyi India: P. Ramasamy, R. Dhanasekaran Israel: M. Roth, A. Horowitz Italy: R. Fornari Japan: S. Kimura, K. Kitamura, Y. Furukawa Korea: K.H. Auh, K.C. Shin, K.B. Shim The Netherlands J.W.M. Frenken, H. Kramer Poland: A. Pajaczkowska Romania: H.V. Alexandru Russia: V.V. Osiko, P.P. Fedorov, F.A. Kuznetsov Spain: J.M. Garcia-Ruiz Switzerland: H.J. Scheel United Kingdom: J.N. Sherwood, P. Capper, D.T.J. Hurle USA V. Fratello, G.B. Stringfellow, J.J Derby (b) Representing General Assembly Argentina: C.E. Schvezov Bulgaria: C. Nanev Mexico: A. Moreno Scandinavia: H.E.L. Madsen Singapore: X.Y. Liu

Ex-officio councillors representing international unions

ICSU: J.-F. Stuyck-Taillandier (France) IUCr: M.H. Dacombe (United Kingdom) IUPAP: Rene Turlay (France), IUPAC: W.J. Jost (USA) IOCG representatives to international unions

IUPAP: J.P. van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC: J.N. Sherwood (United Kingdom) IUCr: P.M. Dryburgh (United Kingdom)

The General Assembly also recorded:

a. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCG-13 / ICVGE-11 Organizing Committee as follows:

Joint Frank Prize D.T.J. Hurle (UK) and S. Coriell (USA) Laudise Prize G. Mueller (Germany) b. Votes of thanks to: (i) the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth and the Organizing

Committees of ICCG-13 / ICVGE-11 and ISSCG-11 for their excellent hosting of the present

triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG and (iv) the French Association for Crystal Growth and the German Association for Crystal Growth respectively for their advance information and welcome to ICCG-14(Grenoble, France) and ISSCG-12(Berlin, Germany) both in 2001.

Other point noted were as follows: (a) A standard ICCG of acceptance for any National Association for Crystal Growth to organize

ICCG is that the Conference Proceedings are published in the Journal of Crystal Growth and that the reports on the IOCG Business Meetings are published at the end of such proceedings.

(b) All National Association chairman should submit annually to the President (IOCG)1 and the Secretary (IOCG)2:

(1) names and addresses of current officers (2) numbers of current members (3) a short report (one page A4) on their annual meetings(s)

T. Nishinaga President (1998–2001), Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,

Faculty of Science and Technology, Meijo University,

1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tenpaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan

E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Nishinaga)

1President (2001–2004) Robert F. Sekera, Professor, Department of Physics, 6416 Wean Hall, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. E-mail address: [email protected]

2Secretary (2001–2004) Tom F. Kuech, Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering , University of Wisconsin, 1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706, USA. E-mail address: [email protected]

Report on the Meetings of the IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly held during

ICCG-14/ICVGE-12 in Grenoble, France 9 – 13 August 2004

The IOCG Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly were held respectively on August 9th, 10th, and 11th 2004. A quorum was present at all meetings.

Execuitve Council Meeting 1. E. Zharikov (Russia) would serve as the replacement for Dr. Osinko on the Executove

Committee was approved by the Executive Council. 2. The Council approved Salt Lake City as the site of ICCG-15 and ISSCG-13 with Profs.

G. Stringfellow and R. Feigelson as co-chairs. The Executive Council approved the proposal ICCG-16 in Beijing and ISSCG-14 in Dalian, China in 2010. Treasurer’s report was presented which was unanimously accepted.

3. The Treasurer's Report, presented by T. Ohachi was accepted. The account was on 31

December 2000 as 9678.55 SFr. The expenditures over the last reporting period included a two year subscription to IUPAC, tax for three years, and fees and costs associated with the initiation and development of the website. The conference committee of ICCG-13 contributed 8395 SFr from the conference proceedings to the IOCG treasury. The closing balance of the IOCG account was 15719.75 SFr.

4. By-laws revisions concerning the revision of spending limits were approved. The

limitation on the maixmum value of the treasury was removed. (need motion) 2000$US for President and treasury, 10K exec comm., higher exec.

5. The Ukrainian Crystal Growth Society requested membership in the IOCG (Sekerka has

names of the three representative). The council unanimously approved the request. 6. The IOCG policy of having no competing conferences to the ICCG meeting was

discussed. A policy of not endorsing a crystal growth meeting 6 months before and 4 months after an ICCG was endorsed.

Elected Officers and Committee Members of the IOCG

President R.F. Sekerka (USA) Vice-Presidents J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands) T. Ohachi (Japan) Secretary T.F. Kuech (USA) Treasurer T. Duffar (France) Past President T. Nishinaga (Japan) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG M. Schieber (Israel) Executive Committee

G. Mueller (Germany)

J.N. Sherwood (UK) K. Kakimoto (Japan) J. Derby (USA) R. Fornari (Italy) Jiang Min-Hua (China) V.V. Osiko (Russia) (Declined serving) M. Heuken (Germany) Ex-officio members of the executive committee

Chairmen ICCG-14 J. Villain France), M. Heuken (Germany) Chairman ICCG-15 G.B. Stringfellow (USA), R. Feigelson (USA) IOCG Representative to IUPAC J.N. Sherwood (United Kingdom) IOCG Representative to IUCRYS P.M. Dryburgh (United Kingdom) IOCG Representative to IUPAP J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC Representative to IOCG to be appointed IUCRYS Representative to IOCG R. Fornari (Italy) IUPAP Representative to IOCG J. Buttrey (USA)


(a) Representing National Associations Australia: G. Parkinson Brazil: R. Caram China: M. Jiang, S. Fan, J. Wang Czech Republic: K. Nitsch France: P. Nozieres B. Billia, A. Ranguis Germany: L. Ackermann, A. Luedge, M. Heuken Hungary: K.P. Lassanyi India: P. Ramasamy, R. Dhanasekaran Israel: M. Roth, A. Horowitz Italy: R. Fornari Japan: T. Sasaki, Y. Hayakawa, K. Kakimoto Korea: K.H. Auh, K.C. Shin, K.B. Shim The Netherlands J.W.M. Frenken, H. Kramer Poland: A. Pajaczkowska Romania: H.V. Alexandru Russia: V.V. Osiko, P.P. Fedorov, F.A. Kuznetsov Spain: J.M. Garcia-Ruiz Switzerland: H.J. Scheel United Kingdom: J.N. Sherwood, P. Capper, D.T.J. Hurle USA V. Fratello, G.B. Stringfellow, J.J Derby (b) Representing General Assembly Bulgaria: C. Nanev Mexico: A. Moreno Scandinavia: H.E.L. Madsen Singapore: X.Y. Liu Uruguay: ?? Fornaro Ex-officio councilors representing international unions

ICSU: J.-F. Stuyck-Taillandier (France)

IUCr: M.H. Dacombe (United Kingdom) IUPAP: Rene Turlay (France), IUPAC: W.J. Jost (USA)

IOCG representatives to international unions

IUPAP: J.P. van der Eerden (The Netherlands) IUPAC: J.N. Sherwood (United Kingdom) IUCr: P.M. Dryburgh (United Kingdom)

The General Assembly meeting.

a. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCG-14 / ICVGE-12 Organizing Committee as follows:

Frank Prize: G. Comsa Laudise Prize: T. Nishinaga Schieber Prize: J. Goniakowski

b. Votes of thanks to: (i) the France and German Associations for Crystal Growth and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-14 / ICVGE-12 and ISSCG-12 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; and (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG.

T. Kuech Secretary (2001–2007), Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

University, of Wisconsin - Madison

1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, 53706 USA

E-mail address:[email protected] (T. Kuech)

Report on the Meetings of the International Organization for Crystal Growth Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly held

during ICCG-15/ICVGE-13 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 12-17 August 2007

The International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG) Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly were held respectively on August 13th, 14th, and 16th 2007. A quorum was present at all meetings.

Executive Council Meeting 1. The results of the IOCG election of officers and executive committee for 2007-2010 term was announced.

2. The winners of the of the IOCG awards were announced. The IOCG Frank Prize is awarded to Dr. Vladimir Voronkov for significant theoretical contributions, especially for the understanding of defect formation in silicon. The IOCG Laudise Prize is awarded to Dr. J. Brian Mullin for basic contributions to crystal growth technology, especially for invention of the LEC process, development of MOVPE, and discovery of non-equilibrium segregations at facets. The IOCG Schieber Prize (young author) will be awarded to Dr. Verònica Bermùdez for her publications regarding new approaches for measuring and engineering dopant domain structures. The presentation of the IOCG Distinguished Service Award to I. Sunagawa (Japan) for his contributions in establishing the international crystal growth community, especially of younger generations, to encourage the understanding of crystal growth mechanisms, including organizing the Summer School "Hodankai" and serving as its School Master for nearly fifteen years, resulting in both enhanced theoretical and experimental work in Japan and throughout the world.

3. The Treasurer's Report, presented by T. Duffar was accepted. The account was on August 2004 as 15817.10 SFr. The expenditures over the last reporting period included a two year subscription to IUPAC, tax for three years, and fees and costs associated with the IOCG ( website. The French National Association for Crystal Growth contributed 6620$US from the ICCG-14 conference proceedings to the IOCG treasury. The bank account was moved from Switzerland to the United States during this period. The closing balance of the IOCG account was 19123.29 $US.

4. The 16th International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG-16, will be held in Beijing, China, on August 8-15, 2010, The conference organizers are: Conference Chair, Prof. Minhua Jiang, International Advisory Committee Chair, Prof.Naiben Ming, Program Committee Chair, Prof.Chuangtian Chen, Local Organization Committee Chair, Dezhong Sun, Conference Co-Chairs, Prof.Yicheng Wu and Prof. Jiyang Wang. The 14th International Summer School on Crystal Growth, ISSCG-14, will be held in Dailan, China, on August 1-7, 2010 and will be chaired by Prof.Mu Wang.

5. The Executive Council approved the proposal holding ICCG-17 in Warsaw and ISSCG-15 Gda sk, Poland in 2013.

Elected Officers and Committee Members of the IOCG

President A. A. Chernov (USA) Vice-Presidents R. Fornari (Germany) T. Ohachi (Japan) Secretary T.F. Kuech (USA) Treasurer V. Fratello (USA) Past President R.F. Sekerka (USA) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG M. Schieber (Israel) Executive Committee

Hanna Dabkowska (Canada)

J. Derby (USA) T. Duffar (France) K. Kakimoto (Japan) S. Krukowski (Poland) K. Roberts (United Kingdom) P. Rudolph (Germany) E. Vlieg (The Netherlands)

Ex-officio members of the executive committee

Chairmen ICCG-16 Minhua Jiang (China), Jiyang Wang (China) Chairman ICCG-15 G.B. Stringfellow (USA), R. Feigelson (USA)


(a) Representing National Associations Australia M. Ogden Brazil S. Baldocchi China M. Jiang, M. Wang, J. Wang Czech Republic K. Nitsch France K. Zaidat, A. Ibanez Germany W. Assmus, C. Frank-Rotsch, M. Heuken Hungary K. Polgár India P. Ramasamy, R. Gopalakrishnan Israel M. Roth, E. Galun Italy N. Lovergine Japan T. Sasaki, Y. Mori, T. Hibiya Korea K.-C. Shin, K.B. Shim, K. H. Auh The Netherlands E. Vlieg, J.P.J.M. van der Eerden Poland S. Krukowski Romania H.V. Alexandru Russia A. E. Voloshin, F. A. Kuzentsov, V.V.Osiko Spain A. Figueras Switzerland W. Steurer Ukraine V. P. Semynozhenko, V.M. Puzikov, B.V. Grinyov United Kingdom G. Steele, T. Joyce, C. Maxey USA D. Bliss, C. A. Wang, J. M. Redwing (b) Representing General Assembly Bulgaria C. Nanev Denmark H.E. Lundager Madsen Ireland B. Glennon Mexico A. Moreno Singapore X. Y. Liu Uruguay L. Fornaro Ex-officio councilors representing international unions

IUPAC Representative to IOCG R. Turlay France) IUCr Representative to IOCG H. Dabkowska (Canada) IUPAP Representative to IOCG J. Buttrey (USA)

IOCG representatives to international unions

IOCG Representative to IUPAC W.J. Jost (USA) IOCG Representative to IUCr E. Vlieg (The Netherlands) IOCG Representative to IUPAP J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands)

The General Assembly meeting.

a. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCG-15 / ICVGE-13 Organizing Committee as follows:

Frank Prize: Vladimir Voronkov Laudise Prize: J. Brian Mullin Schieber Prize: Verònica Bermùdez IOCG Distinguished Service Award: I. Sunagawa

b. The following councilors were elected to represent the General Assembly on the IOCG Executive Council: L. Fornaro (Uruguay), Brian Glennon (Ireland), X. Y. Liu (Singapore), H.E. Lundager Madsen (Denmark), A. Moreno (Mexico), C. Nanev (Bulgaria)

c. Votes of thanks to: (i) the American Association for Crystal Growth and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-15 /

ICVGE-13 and ISSCG-13 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; and (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG.

T. Kuech Secretary (2001–2007), Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

University, of Wisconsin - Madison

1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, 53706 USA

E-mail address:[email protected] (T. Kuech)

Report on the Meetings of the International Organization for Crystal Growth Executive Council and General Assembly held during ICCG-

16/ICVGE-14 in Beijing, People’s Republic of China 8-13 August, 2010

The International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG) Executive Council and General Assembly were held respectively on August 10th and 12th 2010. A quorum was present at all meetings.

Executive Council Meeting 1. The results of the IOCG election of officers and executive committee for 2010-2013 term was announced.

2. The winners of the of the IOCG awards were announced. The 2010 Frank Prize was awarded to Prof. Martin E. Glicksman for basic contributions to resolve fundamental issues associated with dendritic growth kinetics. The 2010 Laudise Prize was awarded to Dr. James J. DeYoreo, Dr. Nataliya P.Zaitseva and Prof. Leonid N. Rashkovich for their outstanding work in creating the technology and scientific basis of rapid growth of perfect crystals from solutions. The 2010 Schieber prize will be awarded to Dr. Victor Maltsev for his outstanding work as a young author in developing 'Single crystal growth of novel rare-earth-doped orthoborates for a new generation of bulk and waveguide near-infrared lasers.

3. The Treasurer's Report, presented by V. Fratello was accepted. The account on August 7, 2010 was 19123.29$US. Expenditures totaling $478.75 over the last three year reporting period included web site maintenance, domain name registry for for three years and IUPAC membership dues for 2009 and 2010. The closing balance of the IOCG account was $18,644.54.

4. The 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG-17, in Warsaw and ISSCG-15 Gda sk, Poland in 2013.

5. The following changes in the Constituion were discussed and approved to be moved forward to the IOCG General Assembly. These will require approval at the General Assemblies of the ICCG-17 and ICCG-18 meetings in order to become permanent changes to the constitution.

Constitutional Amendment Motions

5.a. It was moved that the International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG, be renamed to the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE) and all references to ICCG in the constitution and By-laws be changed to ICCGE.

5.b. It was moved that the IOCG constitution be amended such that Article III section 1 will read as “The

Executive Committee shall consist of the five Officers, the Past President, the Chairman or Chairmen of the

past ICCG, the Chairman or Chairmen of the next ICCG and eight additional members elected by the


5.c. It was moved that the IOCG constitution be amended such that Article IV section 1 includes the sentence: “The Council may also include ex officio members as described in the Bylaws.”

6. The following changes to the IOCG Bylaws were discussed and approved by majority vote.

6.a. It is moved and approved that the IOCG by-laws Article 1 Section 1 be amended to include ‘Additionally,

the Nomination Committee may put forth nominees who are not present or past members of the Council to

serve as an Executive Committee member but not as an officer. The number of candidates nominated who

are not present or past members of the Council cannot exceed 20% of the total number of nominees.’ Additionally Section 3 will be included to limit the number of Executive Committee members who are not past or present Council members to two. Lastly, the previous section 3 will be renumbered to section 4. The new section would then read:

‘Section 1: Nomination - the Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee one year before

the next ICCGE. The Nominating Committee must nominate, within three months, one or more candidates

for President, each of the two Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and eight present or past members of

the Council to serve on the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Nomination Committee may put forth

nominees who are not present or past members of the Council to serve as an Executive Committee member

but not as an officer. The number of candidates nominated who are not present or past members of the

Council cannot exceed 20% of the total number of nominees. The Nominations shall be communicated to the

Executive Committee which, in turn, shall order a ballot to be prepared.

Section 3 – Election – The election of the officers and Executive Committee members are decided by

majority vote.

Section 4 - Approval - The General Assembly shall vote on the slate of officers put forward by the Council.

In the event the officers are disapproved, nominations, together with the Council's nominees, shall be placed

on a mail ballot to the attendees of the previous three international meetings and within six months an

election of officers shall take place. In the interim the previous officers shall continue to serve”.

6.b. It is moved and approved that the IOCG By-laws, Article I section 2 be amended removing the phrase ‘mail

ballot’’ and replace the phrase will ‘ballot’.”

6.c. It is moved and approved that the IOCG By-laws be amended to read, ‘Article I1, Section 4 – Ex officio

members – The Council may appoint ex officio members to serve on the Council. Each of the International

Unions of Pure and Applied Chemistry, of Pure and Applied Physics and of Crystallography shall be

entitled to appoint a representative who will sit as an ex officio member representing the International

Union. The representatives of the IOCG to these Unions are ex officio members of the Council.’

6.d. It is moved and approved that the IOCG By-laws, Article III section 1 be added to read: ‘Section I - Income

- The only source of funds for IOCG is derived from the ICCGE. The ICCGE conference will provide 3% of

the registration income to the IOCG. Apart from administrative expenses, the uses for these funds are to

promote the next ICCGE or approved topical meetings, or other international activities in the field of Crystal

Growth sanctioned by the Council.”

Additionally, the current Article 4 section 4 be amended to be section 5 and the sentence ‘Each of the

International Unions of Pure and Applied Chemistry, of Pure and Applied Physics and of Crystallography

shall be entitled to appoint a representative who will sit as a Councillor representing the International

Union.’ be removed as it is included explicitly in the new section 4.

6.e. It is moved and approved that the IOCG By-laws, Article V section 1 be added to read: ‘ARTICLE V -

Parliamentary Authority-Section 1 –The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order

Newly Revised shall govern the IOCG in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not

inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the IOCG may adopt.’

Elected Officers and Committee Members of the IOCG (2010-2013)

President R. Fornari (Germany)

Vice-Presidents T.F. Kuech (USA)

E. Vlieg (The Netherlands)

Secretary K. Kakimoto (Japan)

Treasurer V. Fratello (USA)

Past President A. A. Chernov (USA)

Executive Committee

H. Dabkowska (Canada)

J. Derby (USA)

T. Duffar (France)

J. M. García-Ruiz (Spain)

K. Roberts (United Kingdom)

Y. Mori (Japan)

P.Rudolph (Germany) A. Voloshin (Russia)

Ex-officio members of the executive committee

Chairman ICCG-17 S. Krukowski (Poland) Chairmen ICCG-16 M. Jiang (China), J. Wang (China)


(a) Representing National Associations Australia G.M.Parkinson Brazil S. Baldocchi China M. Wang, J. Wang Czech Republic K. Nitsch France K. Zaidat, A. Ibanez Germany W. Assmus, C. Frank-Rotsch Hungary K. Polgar India P.Ramasamy, R.Gopalakrishnan Israel E. Galun, M. Roth Italy D. Aquilano Japan A. Koukitu, Y. Takeda, M. Uwaha Korea K. B. Shim, S. M. Kang, J. G. Choi Netherlands J.H. ter Horst, M. J. Rost Poland W. Sadowski Romania H. V. Alexandru Russia A. E. Voloshin, F. A. Kuzentsov, V. V. Osiko Spain A. Figueras Switzerland K. Fromm U.K. M. Quayle, N. De Leeuw, T. Joyce U.S.A. J. Derby, V. Fratello, J. Redwing Ukraine G. Borys, V. Puzikov, V. Semynozhenko (b) Representing General Assembly Belgium D. Maes Denmark H.E.Lundager Madsen Ireland B. Glennon Mexico A. Moreno Singapore X.-Y. Liu Ex-officio Executive Committee Members Representing International Unions

IUPAC Representative to IOCG Dr.John W. Jost (USA) IUCr Representative to IOCG H. Dabkowska (Canada) IUPAP Representative to IOCG J. Adler (USA)

Ex-Officio Executive Committee Members Serving as Representatives to International Unions

IOCG Representative to IUPAC Vacant IOCG Representative to IUCr E. Vlieg (The Netherlands) IOCG Representative to IUPAP J.P. Van der Eerden (The Netherlands)

The General Assembly meeting.

1. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCG-16 / ICVGE-14 Organizing Committee as follows:

Frank Prize: Martin E. Glicksman Laudise Prize: James J. DeYoreo, Nataliya P.Zaitseva and Leonid N. Rashkovich Schieber Prize: Victor Maltsev

2. The Treasurer's Report, presented by V. Fratello was accepted. The account on August 7, 2010 was

19123.29$US. Expenditures totaling $478.75 over the last three year reporting period included web site maintenance, domain name registry for for three years and IUPAC membership dues for 2009 and 2010. The closing balance of the IOCG account was $18,644.54.

3. The following councilors were elected to represent the General Assembly on the IOCG Executive Council: D. Maes (Belgium), H.E.Lundager Madsen (Denmark), B. Glennon (Ireland), A. Moreno (Mexico), and X.-Y. Liu (Singapore)

4. The following amendments to the IOCG constitution were moved and approved at the General Assembly:

4.a. It was moved that the International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG, be renamed to the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE) and all references to ICCG in the constitution and By-laws be changed to ICCGE.

4.b. It was moved that the IOCG constitution be amended such that Article III section 1 will read as “The

Executive Committee shall consist of the five Officers, the Past President, the Chairman or Chairmen of

the past ICCG, the Chairman or Chairmen of the next ICCG and eight additional members elected by

the Council.”

4.c. It was moved that the IOCG constitution be amended such that Article IV section 1 includes the sentence: “The Council may also include ex officio members as described in the Bylaws.”

5. The General Assembly was informed of the approved changes to the By-laws as oulined in the report on the Executive Council Meeting.

6. Votes of thanks to: (i) the Chinese Association for Crystal Growth and the Organizing Committees of ICCG-16 / ICVGE-14 and ISSCG-14 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; and (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG.

T. Kuech Secretary (2001–2010), Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

University, of Wisconsin - Madison

1415 Engineering Dr., Madison, WI, 53706 USA

E-mail address:[email protected] (T. Kuech)

Report on the Meetings of the International Organization for Crystal Growth Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly held during ICCGE-17 in Warsaw (Poland) 11-16 August 2013 The International Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG) Executive Committee, Council and General Assembly were held in the week 11-16 August 2013. A quorum was present at all meetings. Executive Committee Meeting (13 August 2013, 12.30 – 14.00)

1. The results of the IOCG election of officers and executive committee for 2013-2016 term were announced. These officers and members took office after the ICCGE-17 conference.

2. The winners of the IOCG awards were announced. The IOCG Frank Prize was awarded to Prof. Katsuo

Tsukamoto for his pioneering investigations with phase-shift interferometry which led to fundamental discoveries in the area of solution-based crystallization under microgravity and on the earth. The IOCG Frank Prize was awarded to Prof. Chuang-Tian Chen for his outstanding contributions to discovery and development of novel NLO materials. The Schieber Prize, sponsored by Elsevier, was assigned to Prof. Yuki Kimura for his innovative work on the nucleation and growth of cosmic nano-minerals based on size effects of nanoparticles. Through innovative experimental approaches, he developed a new understanding of the initial formation of materials within space which has extensions to the modern synthesis of nanomaterials.

3. The Treasurer's Report, presented by Vince Fratello was accepted. The account balance on August 13, 2010

was $18,644.54 USD. The expenditures over the last reporting period included the IUPAC membership dues, tax payments for three years, and fees and costs associated with the IOCG ( website registration and maintenance. It is expected that ICCGE-17 will contribute substantially to IOCG budget. The closing account balance on August 2013 was $19,473.04 USD.

4. The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE-18) will be held in Nagoya,

Japan on 7-12 August 2016. The conference organizers are: Conference Co-Chairs: Koichi Kakimoto e Yasuhiro Arakawa; Program Comm. Chair Hiroshi Fujioka; Secretary Yusuke Mori; Local Comm. Chair Hiroshi Amano; Publication Comm. Chair Satoshi Uda. The 16th International Summer School on Crystal Growth, ISSCG-16, will be held in Otsu, Shiga, Japan in the week 1-6 August 2016. The school organizers are: Chair Gen Sazaki, Co Chairs Shigeya Naritsuka and Hiroki Nada, Advisor Tadashi Ohachi. Professor

5. The initial bid to hold ICCGE-19 and ISSCG-17 in the United States at Keystone, CO, for the conference and school was approved. The conference organizers are: Conference Co-Chairs: Jeff Derby and Vince Fratello; Program Comm. Co-Chairs: Chris Wang and Peter Schunemann. The Summer School will be co-organized by Thomas Kuech and Joan Redwing.

6. It was moved and approved that Article II, Section 2 of the Bylaws now state: ARTICLE II, Section 2 - The

General Assembly shall nominate and elect up to ten additional Councillors.

Elected Officers and Committee Members of the IOCG(2013-2016) President R. Fornari (Italy) Vice-Presidents K. Kakimoto (Japan), T. Kuech (USA) Secretary H. Dabkowska (Canada) Treasurer V. Fratello (USA) Past President A.Chernov (USA) Honorary Principal Founder IOCG M. Schieber (Israel) Executive Committee

J. M. Garcia-Ruiz (Spain) M. Heuken (Germany) Y. Mori (Japan) F. Puel (France) K. Roberts (United Kingdom) E. Vlieg (The Netherlands)

Mu Wang (China) J. De Yoreo (USA)

Ex-officio members of the executive committee Chairmen ICCG-17 S. Krukowski (Poland) Chairmen ICCG-18 Y. Arakawa (Japan), K. Kakimoto(Japan) Councillors: (a) Representing National Organizations

Australia G.M. Parkinson Brazil S. Baldochi China M. Wang Czech Republic Z. Kozisek France K. Zaidat, A. Ibanez Germany C. Frank-Rotsch, J. Friedrich, P. Rudolph Hungary K. Polgár India P. Ramasamy, R. Gopalakrishnan Ireland B. Glennon Israel M. Roth, E. Galun Italy P. Prete Japan A. Koukitu, Y. Takda, M. Uwaha Korea W.B. Shim, S.M. Kang, J.G. Choi The Netherlands J.H. ter Horst, M.J. Rost Poland D. Pawlak, E. Talik Romania H.V. Alexandru Russia A. E. Voloshin, F. A. Kuzentsov, V.V.Osiko Spain A. Figueras Switzerland K. Fromm Ukraine G. Borys, V. Puzikov, V. Semynozhenko United Kingdom M. Quayle, N. De Leeuw, T. Joyce U.S.A. P. Schunemann, J. Derby and J. M. Redwing

(b) Representing General Assembly

Algeria L. Amirouche Belgium D. Maes Canada A. Dabkowski Denmark H.E. Lundager-Madsen Mexico A. Moreno Taiwan C.W. Lan Uruguay L. Fornaro

Ex-Officio Executive Committee Members Representing International Unions International Union of Crystallography, IUCr A. Zappettini (Italy) International Union on Pure and Applied Physics. IUPAP J. Adler (Israel) unconfirmed International Association of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC J.W. Jost (USA) unconfirmed

Ex-Officio Executive Committee Members Serving as Representatives to International Unions International Union of Crystallography, IUCr E. Vlieg (The Netherlands) International Union on Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP Vacant International Association of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC Vacant

The General Assembly Meeting, 14 August 2013, 17.30 – 19.00 1. The award of the IOCG Prizes, generously sponsored by the ICCGE-17 Organizing Committee as follows:

Frank Prize: Prof. Katsuo Tsukamoto Laudise Prize: Prof. Chuang-Tian Chen Schieber Prize: Prof. Yuki Kimura

2. The Treasurer's Report, presented by Vince Fratello was accepted. The account balance on August 13, 2010 was $18,644.54 USD. The expenditures over the last reporting period included the IUPAC membership dues, tax payments for three years, and fees and costs associated with the IOCG ( website registration and maintenance. It is expected that ICCGE-17 will contribute substantially to IOCG budget. The closing account balance on August 2013 was $19,473.04 USD.

3. The following councilors were elected to represent the General Assembly on the IOCG Executive Council: L.

Amirouche (Algeria), D. Maes (Belgium), A. Dabkowski (Canada), H.E. Lundager Madsen (Denmark), A. Moreno (Mexico), C.W. Lan (Taiwan), L. Fornaro (Uruguay).

4. The General Assembly was informed of the approved changes to the By-laws as outlined in the report on the

Executive Council Meeting. 5. The following changes in the Constitution initially moved and approved at ICCGE-16 were again presented to

the IOCG General Assembly for second approval. These amendments will require approval at the General Assembly of the ICCG-18 and meeting in order to become permanent changes to the constitution.

Constitutional Amendment Motions

5.a. It was moved that the International Conference on Crystal Growth, ICCG, be renamed to the International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE) and all references to ICCG in the constitution and By-laws be changed to ICCGE.

5.b. It was moved that the IOCG Constitution be amended such that Article III section 1 will read as “The Executive Committee shall consist of the five Officers, the Past President, the Chairman or Chairmen of the past ICCG, the Chairman or Chairmen of the next ICCG and eight additional members elected by the Council.” This

5.c. It was moved that the IOCG constitution be amended such that Article IV section 1 includes the sentence: “The Council may also include ex officio members as described in the By-laws.”

6. Votes of thanks to: (i) the Polish Association for Crystal Growth and the Organizing Committees of ICCGE-17

and ISSCG-15 for their excellent hosting of the present triennial meetings; (ii) the IOCG Prize Nominating Committee; and (iii) the retiring Officers and Executive Committee members of IOCG.

K. Kakimoto (Secretary (2010–2013))

Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University 6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga Fukuoka, 816-8580, Japan

E-mail address: [email protected]
