Page 1: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through
Page 2: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through


Hello friends!

Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through self-reflection andself-monitoring. Self-coaching is a great way to get to the bottom of your deeper issues and struggles. You may be feeling lost or stressed or unfulfilled and this process of self-coaching will help you work through different areas of your life.

It will allow you the space to reconnect with who you are and what matters to you. A lot of times people find it difficult to truly see themselves clearly. The purpose of this journal is to provide you with guiding questions to help you explore many different facets of your being. Each day you will be given a prompt with questions to examine different aspects of your life and get clear about who you are and how you see yourself. You will better understand your thought processes and the reasons for your actions.

It is my hope that you will use this guide to get better acquainted with who you are and rediscover the best parts about yourself. It is important that you answer each question thoughtfully and honestly so that you can produce answers that will help you better connect to you as a person. It is your chance to think through subjects you may not have had the space to explore before. This journal is a great way to discover what is lacking in your life and help you figure out how to level up in your life.

Take your time with this self-coaching guide. You are capable of so much more than you realize and this challenge is a great way for you to finally start seeing that. You will learn so much about yourself and will really reconnect with the real you. It is my hope that you will find some concrete ways to transform your life and become the person you were meant to be!

Always remember, You are capable of amazing things and You are worthy of your wildest dreams!

Until next time friends!



Page 3: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is one major goal you want to achieve? Write it out in full detail. Why is this goal important to you? How will reaching this goal enhance your life? How will you know you have achieved this goal?

Day 1

Page 4: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are you passionate about? What sets your soul on fire? How can you incorporate this passion into your everyday life?

Day 2

Page 5: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

How do you approach your day to day? What’s your attitude first thing in the morning? How do you seize the day? Do you live your life with intention or are you just coasting through? What drives you?

Day 3

Page 6: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What does your dream life look like? What would you be doing if you could do anything you wanted? How can you start doing that now?

Day 4

Page 7: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

At what age did you feel your absolute best? What about that age or that year made such an impression on you? How can you bring those feelings into your life today?

Day 5

Page 8: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is your life’s purpose? What do you feel you were born to do? What could you see yourself doing for the rest of your life? Are you doing that now? If not, why not?

Day 6

Page 9: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is the current state of your health? Is there anything you have been putting off dealing with? What role does your health play in your everyday life? What can you do to get in the best shape of your life?

Day 7

Page 10: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What does success look like for you? What will it take for you to get there? How will you know when you’ve made it? What will it feel like?

Day 8

Page 11: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What would make you your absolute happiest right now? What would bring you pure joy at this moment? How can you bring this feeling into your life every day?

Day 9

Page 12: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are the 3 accomplishments of which you are most proud? Why do they mean so much to you? How can they inspire you to work towards more accomplishments?

Day 10

Page 13: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are your priorities at this point in your life? What is most important to you right now? Why? How can you bring them into the forefront every day?

Day 11

Page 14: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is working well in your life right now? What do you feel most confident in? How can you do/be/have more of that every day?

Day 12

Page 15: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

Where do you feel stuck? What do you feel is holding you back from being successful with your goals? How do you think you can turn things around? What do you need in order to make that happen?

Day 13

Page 16: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are the 10 things you are most grateful for? How do you show that gratitude? How can you bring a gratitude practice into your everyday life?

Day 14

Page 17: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is one thing you would regret if you never did? What action are you too afraid to take? What is one thing you are afraid you won’t achieve? What steps can you take to avoid disappointing yourself?

Day 15

Page 18: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are 3 challenges you are experiencing right now that are keeping you from living your ideal life? What would it take to overcome them? What steps can you take now in the direction of your goals?

Day 16

Page 19: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

Are you sabotaging yourself in any way? What are 3 things you need to change to be successful and achieve your goal(s)? What are you doing that is standing in the way of you living your ideal life?

Day 17

Page 20: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

If you had the opportunity to talk to your younger self, what would you want them to know about the coming years? Would your priorities be the same? Looking back, what would be less important now? What is your best advice for yourself at that age?

Day 18

Page 21: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are your greatest strengths? What are you best at? What makes you feel most confident? How can you build on that confidence and find more ways to shine?

Day 19

Page 22: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

Where do you want to be in six months? One year? What do you want to see change? What do you want to do more of? What will your life look like a year from now?

Day 20

Page 23: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What would you do if you had unlimited resources? How would your life be different if money was no object? What would stay the same? How would more money enhance your life?

Day 21

Page 24: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What role do relationships play in your life? Who are the most important people in your life? Are you being intentional about maintaining those relationships? How do you show them how important they are to you?

Day 22

Page 25: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

Can you name 3 role models who have had an impact on your life? What about them made such an impression on you? What qualities do they possess that you hope to embody someday?

Day 23

Page 26: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is one thing (or more) that makes you special? What are you good at? In what areas do you shine? How can you start doing more of that thing?

Day 24

Page 27: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What would it take to make you level up? What can you do to get to the next stage in your life? What does the next level look like for you? What steps do you need to take to get there?

Day 25

Page 28: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What are your convictions? What does your belief system entail? What do you value? How do you present them to the world? How do you embody those beliefs in your everyday life?

Day 26

Page 29: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

How committed are you to your journey? What is your motivation? On a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you that you’ll succeed?

Day 27

Page 30: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What is your game plan? What can you do right now to ensure success in your life? What steps can you take to achieve your goals?

Day 28

Page 31: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

Are you satisfied with your life? What is missing in your life? Is there a hole you need to fill? How can you feel more fulfilled? What will it take for you to feel complete?

Day 29

Page 32: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

When you are 100 years old looking back on your life, what would you like to have accomplished? How do you want to be remembered? Are you living a life you could look back on and smile?

Day 30

Page 33: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through

What have you learned about yourself in the past 30 days? What is your greatest take away from your self-coaching experience? How can you continue to build on this and make striving for personal growth a permanent part of your life?

Day 31

Page 34: Introduction · Introduction Hello friends! Today I’d like to introduce you to the concept of self-coaching. Self-coaching is the process of working through difficulties through


You have completed the 31 Day Self-Coaching Journal! It is my hope that you have a better understanding of yourself, your priorities, and how you relate to the world around you. You should now have the understanding and self-awareness necessary to enhance all areas of your life and truly become the person you were meant to be!Coaching is such a valuable process to go through. It gives you the opportunity to delve deeper into the issues you face and really get a better understanding of what makes you you. While self-coaching can be very effective, nothing beats the support of a certified professional who can guide you through all your concerns as embark on this journey to a better life.This is why I would like to introduce you to my health coaching program. I am a certified health coach and personal trainer, and I specialize in helping you create the strongest, healthiest version of yourself. I am here to support you as you explore different aspects of your health and your life as a whole. I am here to be your advocate, your personal cheerleader, and I am here to advise you on all your concerns. Like millions of people all over the world, you may be experiencing health problems and may also have weight to lose. If you have health issues you feel are unresolved and you want to get in the best shape of your life, then this program is just right for you! If you feel stuck, unheard, or unsure of where to start, I can give you the guidance you need to be successful. Whether you are looking to lose weight or you want to treat your health conditions naturally and move away from the healthcare system or you just need someone to talk to about your concerns about life, this program will support you in achieving your goals! If you feel you are ready to take your health into your own hands, now is the time to hire me as your health coach! I am taking on clients NOW and I am so excited to help reconnect you to yourself and your wellbeing. I am here to be your guide on this journey to changing your life and I am so excited to see the person you become after our time together! Until next time friends!

For more information visit my

