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Iron Man 3 By Cesca Haig and Carrie Deans

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Introduction They have to be different because people are different and like different films and enjoy different things. So they have to make different genres of films so that all different types of people will watch there films. When a producer plans to make films they have to look at what audience they will be targeting. For example if your going to make a movie aimed at young children your going to include a basic story line in it.

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Marvels Iron Man 3 follows on from The Avengers Assemble and the aftermath of Lokis attack on New York. Because of these events Tony Stark has been left suffering from insomnia and night terrors, he spends his nights coming up with new ideas for his suits but with no intention of actually using them any time soon, that is until a new villain known as Mandarin stages an attack on the Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles and is coming for Tony. Tony decides to face Mandarin face to face, which leads to Mandarin attacking his Malibu home and leave Stark with nothing and stranded in Tennessee with no Pepper(Gwyneth Paltrow) and no suits except for one prototype called the MK42. As he starts work on his one remaining suit, he begins to discover that the attack on the Chinese Theatre and the small town in Tennessee are related. As this pans out he discovers that far more sinister forces are at work, even greater than Mandarin himself. How does Tonys past fit in with the events of his present?

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What is the target audience of Iron Man 3?I think that the target audience is boys and men of all ages, although it also appeals to people who enjoy the marvel comics and other marvel films. Also people who enjoy the action genre. GenreThe genre of Iron Man 3 is Action. Year of productionIron Man was produced in 2013 DirectorThe director was Shane Black ProducerThe producer was Kevin FiegeDistributorIron Man 3 was distributed by Walt Disney Studios and Motion Pictures Box office takings$135million - $145millionBudget$200million Box office takingsFor the first weekend that Iron Man 3 was released in the it made £11.4 million UK release dateIron Man 3 was released in the UK on the 25th April 2013

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T.V.The trailers are on TV on a regular basis and also Iron Man 3 has linked to a car advert, the  Audi R8 e-tron and this is on TV regularly also. Web 2.0 such as file sharing and social network sites (You Tube/Facebook)On YouTube a banner was put at the top to advertise the film, this linked to the trailer and other videos to do with Iron Man 3. Also on the side of social website such as Facebook Iron Man 3 advertisement s have appeared, linking the Iron Man 3 Facebook page. CinemaThe trailer was shown in the cinema when other films with the same genre were being shown. Also posters and cardboard cut outs of Iron Man and other characters from the film were up in cinemas. BillboardsThe film was advertised on billboards on the side of buildings and around different areas. PostersIron Man 3 poster film were on sale in different shops and also were up everywhere to advertise the film. Newspapers.. Magazines (interviews/reviews)The film was advertised in some newspapers and also articles on the making of the film were released in newspapers and also interviews from the cast and crew members appeared in different magazines, this helped advertise the film. The Internet (cinema film listings/review pages)On the cinema websites the film is given a page showing times and little bits of information about the film. The internet (official web pages)All over internet little advertisements appeared on different websites to advertise the film. Also there is an official website for the film that gives more information on the film. Word of mouthPeople will talk about the film to friends and family and nosey people might over hear this.

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How has the audience for Iron Man 3 been targeted by the producer?The audience for iron Man 3 has been targeted by the producer by having the trailer for the movie in cinemas while other films of the same genre are being played. The actors and actresses in the film are well known for being in this type of film and also people will recognise them from other films they might of seen of theirs and decide to go and see it. They also used a lot of special effects on the film to make it appeal more to the audience as it adds a more excitement to the film. The colours of the film are go from bright and dark, this catches your attention as you can see when a fight is happening or when something bad is happening in the trailer and you want to know more about what happens to Iron Man. This is an effective way of getting your target audience to go and see your film.

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Explain the term ‘anchorage’?

The term anchorage in media terms means the fixed caption of a picture. The image works as a hook, to pull you in and want to know more or go and see what it is being advertised.

For example if you saw this image without any of the text that accompanies it, you would still know that what you are looking at is something to do with Iron Man. The text that ‘anchor’ you in on his image would obviously be the title and the tagline underneath the title.

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What research methods would a producer use to find information about the target audience, before a film goes into production?

Research methods that a producer would do to find information out about the target audience would be to set up pages on Facebook, twitter and other social network sites to see what people are interested in. They could look at their previous films and find out what people liked about them by doing surveys on social networking sites. They would look at other films similar to Iron Man and see how they were made popular and what It is about them that people enjoyed and want to see more of.