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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

How I Can Help You Get More Millionaire Clients

You're likely reading this because you're interested in getting more millionaire clients... and you're looking for a smart marketer who specializes in helping RIAs and independent financial advisors get more clients and dramatically increase assets under management.

No doubt you are looking for someone that is proven with websites, landing pages, email, social media, blog writing, long form sales copy, direct mail, white papers, and book writing.

Whatever your reason for contacting me, you want to know more about me before you hire me to write for you. If we were sitting face-to-face, chatting in your

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

office, you’d ask me questions. Let me try to answer a few of those questions right here.

Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do you have experience in my field?

A: I am not, nor have I ever been, a financial advisor. With that being said, I am extremely familiar with the business model most financial advisors are using to run their business (direct sales), the types of clients you want to attract (millionaires), and how to sell information based products (advice/consulting).

Q: Do you have experience working with companies my size?

A: This largely depends on how you are calculating “size”. Revenue isn’t necessarily the best measure of size relative to number of employees and number of clients managed. I have close to a decade building and managing direct sales organizations (1-25 sales reps) that sell a variety of different products and services. Seeing as how the majority of financial advisor firms use direct sales for their new client acquisition, I am more than capable of helping you grow your company.

Q: What are your qualifications as a copywriter?

A: At the beginning, middle, and end of the day… copywriting is about getting people to buy. While there are a variety of different mediums that can get your ideal prospect to become a client (physical mail, internet, social media, television, radio, etc) the psychology behind why people buy is the same.

You can be confident knowing that I have invested almost a decade of my life to understanding how to get people to buy.

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

I’ve gone through a variety of different training and coaching programs to specifically improve my copywriting skill sets. I am a member of the Professional Writers Alliance (PWA) and an AWAI trained copywriter.

Q: What is your experience working with millionaires?

A: The majority of my experience of working with millionaires comes from my time as a professional clothier at The Tom James Company. My clients were millionaire executives and business owners in the Charlotte, NC area. Not only do I have a thorough understanding of how to acquire new clients, but I also have experience managing relationships and providing luxury customer service.

Q: What kinds of assignments do you handle?

A: I can handle a variety of online and offline marketing needs including (but not limited to):

Web Copywriting If your website isn’t generating a steady stream of new leads on a daily basis… you need to fix your website immediately. Your website doesn’t need to be “pretty”, it needs to get you more new clients.

In order to build a lead generating website, you will typically need update a few things.

Home Page: This going to be the most heavily trafficked page on your website. If it doesn’t clearly communicate your firms value proposition, you’re losing money. Lead Magnets: In order to effectively generate new leads, you need to offer something of value that your prospects will give you your email and “opt-in”. These can come in a variety of forms; eBook, white paper, check list, work book, or video series.

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Landing Pages: These are a must-have when it comes to generating new leads. You need to be able to quickly create and test these and should be split testing new ideas on a regular basis. Content Marketing: You probably already know the importance of having really good free content on your website that helps to educate your prospect and build credibility for your company. Whether it’s publishing a blog or getting guest articles published in major media outlets, well written content is a key component of your marketing plan. Sales Letters: Long form sales letters are a proven marketing technique that is used successfully in every single industry. If you have a turn-key product or service solution that you want to sell in mass, you need sales letters.

Social Media Social media is proving to be a valuable marketing channel for financial advisors.

In order to keep in compliance with SEC and FINRA regulations, it’s critical that you not only have a solid understanding of what you can and cannot do on social media… but have the proper documenting of all activities.

LinkedIn: When it comes to your social media presence, LinkedIn is by far the most powerful (and useful) platform for financial advisors. When your potential clients are doing their research, they are going to look at your LinkedIn profile. Facebook: According to a recent survey done by wealth research firm Spectrem Group, 57% of millionaires use Facebook. Facebook's true power comes from its advanced advertising platform. With laser precision, you can target only the wealthiest of prospects in your market.

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Follow-up Communications & Client Newsletters

Email Marketing: The majority of people who visit your website aren’t going to be ready to buy. Follow-up is crucial to converting your millionaire prospects into clients. It’s not enough to just get their contact information. You need to systematically educate and motivate your prospects to take the next step. Client Newsletters: Publishing a monthly client newsletter is one of the most effective ways to improve client retention and get new assets under management (both from existing clients and referrals).

Other Services

Ghostwriting Books: Writing a book is quite simply the fastest way to be perceived as an expert and an authority in your market. If you want to put your business on the fast track, you need to publish a book. Live Event Presentations: Live events and public speaking are a great way to market to a large number of prospects at one time. However, most financial advisors are not professional speakers and don’t know how to write a presentation that sells. After personally delivering 15,000 selling presentations, I know exactly how to format a presentation to build credibility and convert prospects into clients. Webinar Presentations: Webinars are just like a live speaking event… except you can reach clients all over the country without having to put butts in seat. Even better, once you have a webinar presentation that is working, you can automate the entire presentation and never have to give it live again!

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Direct Mail: Despite being “old school”, physical mail is one of the highest converting marketing strategies. According to the direct mail association, the average ROI on direct mail is 1,300%!

Q: Do you offer sales training?

A: Yes. I am very good at teaching people how to sell. While it’s important to get inbound leads, your team still needs to know how to enroll new clients. Everyone from your front office staff to the financial advisors should have a standardized process when it comes to the selling process.

Q: You list “The Millionaire Marketing Plan” in your services. What’s that?

A: All new client engagements (unless under special exception) start with “The Millionaire Marketing Plan”. It is a 4-hour strategy session with all the key members of your organization.

I will review all of your marketing collateral (direct mail, landing pages, email marketing, video sales letters, etc.) to prepare for the session.

The purpose of this strategy session is to co-create a marketing plan that will serve as the foundation for all of your future marketing efforts. I have found that results are significantly better for my clients when we go through this process first.

I cannot in good faith recommend any of my services — nor can I do my best work for you — without having a full understanding of the current state of your business as well as your long-term goals.

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

The session is a no-risk opportunity for new clients who want to get a better understanding of what it’s like to work with me. If you are not 100% satisfied with the session, I will issue a refund in full.

Q: Speaking of money, what does it cost to hire you for a project?

A: Please see “Services I Provide” on page 12) Q: How long will it take you to complete a project? A: This is one of the reasons why all new client engagements start with ”The Millionaire Marketing Plan”. Building a new marketing system from scratch requires a significantly larger amount of work than improving an existing (but under performing) marketing system. Estimates for turnaround time are included on page 12 in “Services I Provide). Should you need a rush job, this will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Q: What happens if I want you to make revisions?

A: Revisions are a necessary part of the creative process. Especially in the early stages as we are developing a “style” and “tone” that fits your brand. As part of the normal writing process, there will most certainly be revisions to get the package just right. Two revisions (after first draft has been submitted) are accounted for and must be made within 30 days of the first draft being submitted. Additional revisions, or major revisions that alter the scope of the project, will be accounted for separately.

Q: How do I get started working with you?

A: If you’d like to work with me please click here to schedule an introductory meeting. If you’d like to reach me directly on my cell phone, please call (925) 209-5253

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

If you’d like to connect with me via social media, please connect with me on LinkedIn. If you have additional questions, please email me directly at [email protected]


Jake Hoffberg CEO / Head Copywriter Direct Response Marketing Consultants, Inc.

What Others Say About Jake

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Getting to Know Jake

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

2008 was a tough year to be a senior in college. Facing the worst economy in decades, most college students were shaking in their boots… terrified by the possibility of moving back home with their parents and scrounging for the opportunity to get a job doing something. But Jake wasn’t like most college students. Instead of cowering in fear and giving up hope, he took control of his financial future and learned how to sell. While other college students were busy getting rejected by employers and feeling sorry for themselves and their unfortunate situation Jake was working 85 hours a week selling educational books door-to-door in the middle-of-nowhere Texas. He didn’t know it at the time, but what was supposed to be a “summer job” turned into an experience that would one day drive his entrepreneurial dreams. If you’ve never done door-to-door sales, it’s hard. It’s really hard. On a normal day, Jake would knock on 60-80 doors from 8:30am - 9:31pm in the record breaking heat of North Texas... Monday thru Saturday. Hundreds of customers and thousands of “no’s” later, Jake had developed an invaluable skill set that he continues to use to this day. He sold books to families of every socio-economic class — from country folk living in singlewides to the 1% living in palatial estates. It was a master class in entrepreneurship. He had to handle every single aspect of running his own business that summer — everything from sales, accounting, inventory, and the final delivery of the product. After finishing his first summer as a top rookie salesperson, Jake wound up staying on with the company as a full-time recruiter for the next several years where he would build a sales organization of his own from scratch. In 2012, Jake decided it was time to move on from selling books. He wanted a new challenge. He found a new home at The Tom James Company as a professional clothier selling high-end custom menswear to successful business owners and professionals. It was here that Jake learned how to sell to and serve a luxury clientele. Some of his clients included senior level executives at Lowe’s, executives at Bank of America, prominent lawyers, and several of Charlotte’s best doctors and physicians. After meeting and building relationships with some of Charlotte’s most successful business people, Jake decided that he was ready to take a chance and finally start the business he always wanted.

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Jake had been studying direct response marketing since 2009. Being very analytical and strategically oriented, he immediately recognized the opportunity direct response marketing methods provided. In 2014, Jake started his own business — Direct Response Marketing Consultants, Inc. — and now specializes in helping RIAs and independent financial advisors get more millionaire clients. For more information about, Jake can be reached directly at (925) 209-5253 or by email at [email protected]

My Clients and Experience

A-List Entertainment College Nightlife and Concert Promotions American Writers and Artists inc. Premier Copywriter Training Charlotte City Club Members Only Business Club DQI, LLC Information Product Publisher Direct Response Marketing Consultants, Inc Marketing Consulting and Copywriting Fifth Agency Talent Management Company Indiana University Alumni Association - Charlotte Chapter Local Alumni Group Professional Writers Alliance Premier Group for Direct Response Copywriters Southern Bookbuyers College Textbook Broker The Southwestern Company America’s Oldest Direct Sales Company

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

Tom James Company Luxury Custom Clothier

Services I Provide

Service Investment Time To Complete Description

Consulting Services

Millionaire Marketing Strategy Session $2,000

4 hours (in person or via video conference)

I've discovered that the best solutions come through a co-creation process with my clients. In order to create the best and most effective marketing possible, all new clients engagements begin with this 4 hour strategy session

Lead Generation / New Client Acquisition

Direct-mail package, lead generation

$2,000 - $3,500+ 1-2 weeks

This is typically a 4-8 pages and is designed to generate a new lead -- either by calling a phone number or opting in for a free report / intro priced offer

White Paper/Free Report (20-80 pages)

$2,500 - $7,500 2-4 weeks

One of the best ways to generate new leads is to offer a valuable peice of free content. The amount of outside research required (i.e. not provided by the client) and graphic design needs are typically the biggest variables in this project.

Landing page $950 - $3,000 1 week

Landing pages are an online lead generation tool. Scope of the project is varried by the length of copy required for the project

Long Form Sales Letter (20+ pages)

$5,000 - $7,000 2-4 weeks

Great for generating new clients. Typically used to sell a front-end product or service that is $300 - $2,000

Telemarketing Script $500 - $2,500 1 week

I will create and test inbound or outbound telemarketing dialogues

Continued Client Communications / Lead Nurture Sequences

Email auto responder series

$150 - $1,000 / email

24-48 hours / email

Once you get new leads, you need to continue to educate and motivate your prospects to take action and become a client

Newsletter $600 - $1,500/page 1 week

If you aren't publishing a monthly newsletter for your clients, you should be. Hands down the best way to not only retain

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

clients, but generate referrals.

Websites, Ghost Writing, and Social Media

Website — home page

$1,500 - $3,500 2-3 weeks

Your homepage is the most trafficed page on your site. If you aren't generating new leads everyday from your homepage, you need a new one right now!

Website — Other Pages

$750 - $1,250 / page 1 week

This includes all copywriting and basic graphic design work for any other page on your website

Blog Post $100 - $800 / post 2-3 days

Typical blog posts will be 500-1,500 words with minor graphic design work

Article or Advertorial

$1 - $1.50 / word 3-5 days

Great for clients who need content for guest post for a major publisher or newspaper

Ghostwriting a Book (150+ pages) $20,000+ 8-12 weeks

The best way to become recognized as an expert, authority, and thought leader is to become a published author. I'll take care of all the writing, layout, and graphic design work for your book

Social Media post and monitor/manage feeds

$1,000 / month N/A

Price does not include content creation, only day to day management of social media posting, responses, and basic reputation management.

Social Media Set-up $500/network 1-2 days

This includes Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, G+, Youtube, Instagram, and whatever else pops up.

Linkedin Profile Copywriting $750-$1,000 3-5 days

Whenever someone Google's your name, your Linkedin profile is going to rank either #1 or #2. You need a stellar profile to capture the attention of the prospects who are checking out you.

Writing Samples

“The Silent Killer of Financial Advisor Firms”

(­executive­roundtable/ ) This is an 11 page sales letter I wrote for my monthly executive roundtable I host in Charlotte, NC for registered investment advisors and independent financial advisors.

“The Financial Advisor’s Guide To Advertising To The Affluent”

(­a0 ) This is an 18 page sales letter I wrote to generate a strategy session with financial advisors. Blog

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Jake  Hoffberg  |  (925)  209-­‐5253  |  [email protected]  

(­here/ ) I write everything for my own personal blog. I publish new blog posts weekly and create new white papers/lead magnets on a monthly basis.

Newsletter Opt­in Upsell (VSL)

( ) This is a video sales letter I created to drive newsletter subscribers into a discovery called “The Six Figure Strategy Session.” This strategy session was designed for coaches who want to build a six-figure business from scratch.

Direct Mail Lead Generation Package ( see attached “Leadgen Letter Sample.pdf ) This is an 8-page direct mail package for an RIA in Charlotte, NC. The target market is a retired male living in Pinehurst, NC who has just recently had a health scare.