
Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa





Faculté des sciences socialesFaculty of Social Sciences |


Our names are Pearline Barrett-Fraser and, Nicole Maylor and we are so honoured to be a part of the Canadian Future Achiever Alumni Network. We joined the program in as high school students and the impacts that it has made on our lives has been outstanding! Our advice to new Future Achievers whether they’re starting the program, or becoming a part of the alumni network would be to keep pushing and persevering through adversity. Don’t lose that drive you have to aim for success and always remember that the program is still here for you. The Canadian Future Achievers program helped us realize our individual potentials and we hope that it has done the same for you. As Maya Angelo once said “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” Soon you will realize that all the hard work you applied to your goals will result in the beauty of success just as the sight of a beautiful butterfly.

Pearline & Nicole

“As a student just entering high school, I had no idea how much the program would motivate me to newer heights. I am now entering my third year at the University of Ottawa for my Bachelors degree in Psychology. My goal is to become a Speech Pathologist and travel to countries facing social and economical conflict. In addition to working near my campus, I am a volunteer at the Heart and Stroke Foundation. I teach dance and I am an active member of the W.I.S.E (West Indian Student Ensemble) club. The Future Achiever Program constantly reminded me that I can go the distance if I set my mind toward my goals. And for that I am forever grateful.”


“I always liked to try new things in high school, and it was so wonderful that the Future Achievers Program gave me an avenue to feel as if I was achieving and learning from each new endeavor that I took on. I am currently entering my third year at the University of Ottawa in International Development and Globalization. I am the VP Fair Trade for Engineers without Borders and an avid soccer player, but I would not be who I am today without remembering where I came from. Being a Future Achiever has shaped many of the successes that I have experienced thus far.”


LISTE ANNUELLE DES RÉCIPIENDAIRES ANNUAL LIST OF RECIPIENTS 2Thompson-Bled, Sapphira 2Assoon, Naomi 3Wright, Orlando 3Bartlett Leblanc, Julianne Patricia-Lynn 4Best, Jesstina Maria 5Taylor, Hernica 6Big Swallow, Case 6Black Water, Nataeya 7Brito, Diana 7Brown, Wolletté 8Buchko, Brendan David 8Carrière, Janelle 9Lyn, Alexandra 10Carrière, Justin 10Derosier, Morningstar 12Desjarlais, Camille 13Desjarlais, Cheyenne 13Desmarais, Alison 14Downey, Nardia 15Old Crow, Aubrey 15Garson, Clarissa 16Green, Shaunessee 17

Green, Teosha 18Hartmann, Alexandria 19Kindla, Kaine 20Kirkness, Nicole 21Kwandibens, Helaina 21Landiak, Alyssia 22Langille, Gregory 23McFarlane, Yannique 24McPherson, Benjamin Darrell 26McPherson, Nathalie Marie 27Stefurak, Tyler 27Obradovic Mollons, Meghan Taylor 29Pemberton, Cherie 31Red Young Man, Tosha 31Peemoeller, Simanek 32Takkiruq, Jordan 33Van Loon, Mackenzie 34Robert-Betzold, Tessa 35Van Loon, Miranda 36Index 37Pour plus d’informationsFor more information 38

Table des matières Table of




Thompson-Bled, Sapphira

“I find it extremely important to help those in our communities and around the world. We all depend upon each other, and at least once in our lives we will all need someone else’s support and help. I have been involved in various leadership programs, since the age of 10 when I became a PALS member. The main task was to involve students in physical activity programs. Ever since then, I have tried to stay involved in leadership programs such as the Future Leaders and School Helpers teams (FLASH) at Sir John A. McDonald Middle School. In grade nine, I joined S.WO.L.E which is a leadership and volunteer program. In grade ten, I was selected to represent St. Thomas Aquinas at the central Ontario leadership seminar (COLS). Last year, I became a member of Future Achievers International, which is a scholarship program promoting young leaders. I am also currently a grade nine Aquinas mentor who is trying to make it happen this year. I find volunteer work plays an important role in our society and in the community. It provides volunteers with the opportunity to try different jobs, to learn about the community they work or live in, and the opportunity to help others. I have volunteered for various organizations, including the Brampton Library Reading Buddy program, for Habitat for Humanity on various occasions. For the past two summers, I have volunteered at the Montfort hospital in Ottawa. I also volunteered at the Bruyere Hospital. As a team player, last year I was on the first Girl’s Lacrosse team at Aquinas and a member of the Senior Volleyball team. I am also a certified junior lifeguard and am planning to renew my certificate. I have been on the honor roll ever since grade eight. I was also the recipient of the Highest Grade in Music Award in the year 2009 from my school music teacher. My current extra-curricular project is preparing to work alongside the Student Council to prepare for an Aquinas book drive to send books to Jamaica or/and Kenya.”


Thank you to Mr. Toni Di Franco, principal, and Ms. Sheila Clayton, guidance counsellor, for their support.

St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, Oakville, OntarioIn the program since 2013

• Member of PALS

• Member of Future Leaders and School Helpers teams (FLASH)

• Member of Future Achievers International

• Volunteers for Brampton Library Reading Buddy

• Volunteers for Habitat for Humanity

• Volunteered at the Montfort hospital in Ottawa and The Bruyere Hospital

• Member of first Girl’s Lacrosse team a member of the Senior Volleyball team

• Certified junior lifeguard

• Recipient of the Highest Grade in Music Award in the year 2009


“I’m currently playing soccer for the Pincher Creek team. Another activity I enjoy doing is playing piano. Every Sunday, I also attend Youth Group where kids who are in grade 6 or older go and play games and learn about the Lord. I chose these extracurricular actives because in soccer you learn to be a go getter, you can’t just wait for the ball to come to you and in piano, you get confidence. In Youth Group you learn to be social with other people, because when I started I didn’t know anyone so I had to be more sociable. I think being a “Future Achiever” means having goals in life. Sometimes you may not complete them right away but you don’t give up on them, you stick with it. Students my age shouldn’t give up on their goals, they should get an education first. Therefore, I would like to encourage all Future Achievers to never give up on their goals, no matter how hard it is, one goal can make a big difference.”


Thank you to Ms. Carole Goodreau, principal; Ms. Robbie Van Orman and Mr. Cody Johnson, teachers; Ms. Margo Russell, counsellor, for their support.

Canyon School, Pincher Creek, AlbertaIn the program since 2012

• Plays Piano

• Practice Tae Kwan Do and dancing

• Active in kids club at her church

Assoon, Naomi

Wright, Orlando

CW Jefferys Collegiate Institute, OntarioIn the program since 2013

• Participant in Police Co-Op

• Participant in LAWS Program

• Sports Intramurals player

“Over the course of the last year, I have participated in Police Co-Op, LAWS Program, and Sports Intramurals. With Police Co-Op, I worked with civilian personnel at the headquarters, and learned the paper and computer work necessary in helping solve crimes. For the time I was in the LAWS program, we learned about the judicial system and saw mock trials take place. I felt that Police Co-Op helped me gain a bigger respect for the civilians who help out the community by doing the office work that goes sometimes unnoticed. If I could give advice to students my age who would like to participate in the Future Achiever’s program, I would tell them to do it because it will help them learn the value of being a hardworking student and that success can lead to multiple opportunities in life.”


Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, Ms. Carmela Bertone, counsellor, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support


Lockerby Composite School, Sudbury, Ontario In the program since 2013

• Musician at the No Strings Attached Community Band and the music band at Lockerby Composite School

• Opened her own Company «Aslan’s» that provides babysitting services to special needs childrenActive member of Laurentian University’s Indigenous Student Circle

“I chose to participate in the Bands and volunteer with the Indigenous Student Circle because I get to learn about my culture with the Indigenous Student Circle and I get to continue with my passion for music by participating in the Blue Saints Drum and Buggle Corps, Lockerby Concert Band, Sudbury Community Symphony, and Seaforth All Girls Marching Band. Being able to do those things also let me work closely with a lot of people in the community. Being involved in these groups really gives me a sense of purpose and well-being. These groups allow me to learn discipline and perseverance which helps me develop into a better person. It has been my pleasure to volunteer in my spare time as an usher for the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra, because it is my belief that without music the world would be colourless so I do my best to make sure that the music keeps on being heard. The one thing that kept me going when I was in the oncology unit in London’s Sick Kids Hospital last year, was the promise of being able to play my trumpet again. When I finally recovered and returned to school in the fall I gladly joined my school in the Annual Cancer Drive for the Northern Ontario Cancer Unit here in Sudbury. That night we successfully raised $62,000 for cancer research and treatment.”


Thank you to Ms. Heather Gaffney, principal; and Ms. Gisele Beaudry and Mr. Smith, counsellors, for their support.

Bartlett Leblanc, Julianne Patricia-Lynn


Saint Brother André Catholic High School, Markham, OntarioIn the program since 2011

• Volunteer at school as a Peer Mediator in the Primary Field

• Involved in extracurricular committees

• Member of Mother Teresa’s Girls Volleyball and Basketball teams

• Recipient of awards for showing attributes of our school patron Mother Theresa

“If you want to be a part of the Future Achievers Program my advice to you is: Be an asset student. Being an asset student is being your best, not only academically but also in the way you portray yourself. Knowing how you work best and developing good study habits is a great way to maintain your average. When I think of a Future Achiever two attributes come to mind: leadership skills and an ability to be a positive influence within your school and community environment. Participating in extra curriculum activities such as sports teams, school clubs, and also volunteer, not only in school but also outside of school will show you have strong leadership attributes. One thing that I like to have is a goal phrase, this has helped me to be the Future Achiever I am. My goal phrase is, “While most are dreaming of success. Winners wake up and work hard to achieve it.” This keeps me motivated and helps me to get through my challenges. I recommend finding a quote or goal phrase that motivates and inspires you to be an asset student. Motivate yourself to be a good role model which will let you become that asset person, by doing this you will motivate others.”


Thank you to Mr. Dan Zaroski and Mrs. Emily Forrester, principals; Ms. Juliette Wey, counsellor, and Ms. Monique Griffin, teacher, for their support.

Best, Jesstina Maria


Westminster Elementary School, Lethbridge, AlbertaIn the program since 2014

• Participates in an after school Art club

• Member of the noon-hour soccer league and the noon-hour floor hockey league

• Helps coach athletics in grade 1 and 2

“Case is a dedicated and committed member of his learning community at Westminster School in Lethbridge, Alberta. He maintains very high standard in his academics. Extra-curricular learning is important to Case. So far this year, he has participated in an after school Art club offered by our Making Connections program coordinator. He takes great pride in any opportunity that involves drawing and in addition to artistic endeavors, Case pursues athletics as well. He has excelled in the noon-hour soccer league as well as the noon-hour floor hockey league. We are a Circle of Courage school and Case exemplifies the qualities of generosity, independence, mastery, and belonging that are connected to the philosophy. Case makes our school a better place. I am so proud of Case.”

David LeGrandeur, Assistant Principal/Grade 4-5 teacher

Thank you to Ms. Nancy Brown, principal, Ms. Carly Bastien, counsellor, and Mr. David LeGrandeur, teacher, for their support.

Big Swallow, Case

CW Jefferys Collegiate Institute, North York, OntarioIn the program since 2013

“To be a Future Achiever means that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, to create a better future. Not just to create a better future for me, also a better future for my classmates, family, friends and community. My advice to any student that would like to participate in this program is to never stop trying to achieve your goal because this is a wonderful encouraging program that will lead you to success. I chose to volunteer in extracurricular activities because I enjoy participating in them and feeling involved in the school or in the community. To me, this engagement in my community and school is important and meaningful; it shows that I am a leader and a mentor.”


Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, Ms. Carmela Betone, counsellor, and Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support.

Taylor, Hernica


Black Water, Nataeya

Brito, Diana

Westminster Elementary School, Lethbridge, AlbertaIn the program since 2014

• Library helper

• Member of the Drama Group

• Member of the Choir

• Kindergarten classroom helper

• Ringette player

“Nataeya is a fantastic young lady and a natural leader at school. She is willing to assist her classmates and works cooperatively no matter what the circumstances. She is always enthusiastic about being at school and has a positive attitude towards any activity she participates in. Nataeya is very involved in her school community. She is actively creating a positive school experience for herself. Outside of school Nataeya is a dedicated Ringette player. She is proud of her accomplishments with her team and often comes to class to share her team’s success. Nataeya’s dedication, leadership and enthusiasm are only a few of the many reasons it would be wonderful to see her recognized. She is bright, talented, kind young lady who deserves any recognition given to her.”

Jennifer Day, Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Nancy Brown, principal, Ms. Carly Bastien, counsellor, and Ms. Jennifer Day, teacher, for their support.

“In my opinion, a future achiever is someone who fights for what they believe in. A person who does whatever it takes to achieve their goals no matter how many obstacles they may face along the way. A future achiever is a person who is not afraid of going out of their comfort zone in order in to accomplish what they set their minds to. In addition to that, they would not stop going after their goals no matter how many people tell them that they won’t make it, they would just keep going. I think being a future achiever is good because a person can go far in life when they are not afraid to try new things and when they’re doing what they like best.”


Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, Ms. Shannon Zangari, counsellor, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support.

C. W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute, Toronto, OntarioIn the program since 2013


Brown, Wolletté

Buchko, Brendan David

C. W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute, Toronto, OntarioIn the program since 2013

“In my opinion a future achiever is a person who tries to get their goals. For example, the Earth Guardians wanted to make a change on the environment, so they held pep relies and concerts to do whatever they can, to make a better environment. The Earth Guardian are a group of kids who wanted to make a change in society about the way we use our environmental reassures. So they took matters to court and decided to file a law-suit. A future achiever is also a person who won’t stop trying until they get the job done. They will do everything they can just to achieve that goal. For me personally, to be a future achiever you have to want the thing you’re trying to get and try to press the goal you want. I also believe everyone can be a future achiever, if they put their minds to it.”


Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, Ms. Shannon Zangari, counsellor, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support.

“Brendan is a student who strives to do his best balancing school, extra-curricular activities and part-time work. He has a work ethic which will enable him to succeed in his chosen field. On a personal level, Brendan is a well-adjusted young man who is dependable and reliable. He is active in the MBCI sports and also volunteers in an outdoor education class where he assists the teacher leading groups of students in some survival training.”

Douglas Van Damme, Principal

Thank you to Mr. Douglas Van Damme, principal, Ms. Heather Marlow, counsellor, and Mr. Donald McKay, teacher, for their support.

Margaret Barbour Collegiate Institute, The Pas, ManitobaIn the program since 2014

• Active member of MBCI sports

• Volunteers in outdoor education class


Centre Scolaire Léo-Rémillard, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2012

• Volunteer at St Amant centre for autistic people with developmental disabilities

• Volunteer at Howden School for the “Aboriginal Awareness Day”

• Member of the Hockey team “Les Voyageurs”

• Participant at the Week of Excellence at the University of Saint-Boniface

“Being a part of the Canadian Future Achievers Program is very encouraging. Being recognized for my academic performance of maintaining excellent grades and my involvement in extra curricular activities is very rewarding. We all like recognition and when we receive it, we want to work even harder to prove we deserve it. I have always been taught that to get somewhere in life you must earn people’s respect and do your best at everything. Strive for excellence, work hard and be proud of what you do. This is a motto that motivates me and it is what CFA exemplifies. CFA has given me the desire to pursue my dream of being in the medical field as a doctor, surgeon or nurse so that I can help others. Knowing that a program like CFA believes in me and will help support me in my studies is a really great thing! Success in life for me can be measured by what I can give back to my community, province and country. CFA supports youth who want to be successful, involved and demonstrate leadership by being a servant leader. I am proud to be a Future Achiever!”


Thank you to Mr. Marc Roy and Mr. Daniel Preteau, principals; Ms. Nicole Beaudry and Ms. Élisabeth Whitaker-Jacques, counsellors, for their support.

Carrière, Janelle


École Lacerte,Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2013• Participation in International Hockey

Tournament in Quebec

• High mathematics Results

• Volunteer at his church

“I am a very proud participant of the CFA program. Having been chosen to be a part of this was an honor for me. Being recognized for high academic achievement is very rewarding. Advice I would give to other students of my age wanting to participate in the program would be to always do your best. School is very important in order to learn and do well in life. Study hard, be kind to others and help out when you can. Just always pay it forward. This is a good way of thinking. Do not be afraid to ask for help and do your best!”


Thank you to Ms. Claudette Grenier, principal; Mr. Christophe Candas and Ms. Marie-Josée Hupé-Marcoux, teachers; and Mr. Alain Cenerini, counsellor, for their support.

Carrière, Justin

Lyn, Alexandra

St. Brother André Catholic High School, Markham, OntarioIn the program since 2010

• Volunteers at Mother Teresa School Community

• Member of the Student Council, volleyball team, and basketball team

“Alexandra has demonstrated excellent skill, knowledge and attitude. In learning situations, Alexandra is thoughtful, involved and analytical and a pleasure to have as a student. Alexandra has strived for excellence, which is reflected in many of the assignments, projects and extracurricular committees and sports she is involved in.”

Thank you to Mr. Dan Zaroski and Ms. Emily Forrester, principals; Mr. Eugene Natale and Ms. Monique Griffin, teachers; and Ms. Grace Diliddo, counsellor, for their support.


Chan, Jessica

Father Michael McGivney Catholic Academy in Markham, OntarioIn the program from 2009 to 2013

• School Honour Roll in grade 9, 10 and 11

• Captain in girls volleyball and basketball team

• Recipient of the Female Athlete of the year Award, the Athletic Leadership Award and many others awards in sports

• Student Leader at McGivney (SLAM): Volunteer to help the most vulnerable like homeless people

“I was part of the Student Leaders at McGivney (SLAM) team as we helped our school community and our surrounding communities. Additionally, I was a team leader for religion retreats for the grade ten students. I also held the title of Treasurer on the Student Athletic Council and I was an active participant on the Senior Girls Volleyball team. Being part of the volleyball team allowed me to demonstrate my leadership skills and to motivate my teammates to perform their best while creating a positive atmosphere. Lastly, I joined the Demonstrating Excellence Celebrating Achievements Business Club where I attended a provincial competition and The Coin Challenge. It allowed me to take any challenge given to me as a learning experience. I chose to participate in these various extracurricular activities because it was a great way of developing transferable skills that I can use throughout my post-secondary education and in the working environment. I encourage current and upcoming students in the CFA Program to be dedicated and committed to their studies, and also participate in extracurricular activities. As combined, this makes you a well-rounded individual. As well, it is important to manage your time wisely. A well-rounded individual is able to prioritize what needs to be done in order to complete it efficiently. Lastly, it is not about hard work, it is about working hard and being smart.”


Thank you to Ms. Kathleen Westmaas, principal; Ms. Monique Griffin and Ms. Julie Akleh, teachers; and Ms. Adele Castriota, counsellor, for their support.


Derosier, Morningstar

Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Thunder Bay, OntarioIn the program since 2013

• Recipient of the Xavier Michon Memorial Award and many others

• On the Honour roll list since 1st year of high school

• Class valedictorian in elementary school

• Volunteers at the Biindigaate Film Festival and the Bay Street Film Festival

• Volunteers by performing as a singer for charity fundraising events and activities in her reserve

• Leader of the Youth Empowerment Group in her reserve and the Youth Drug Policy Reform Group for Thunder Bay Health Unit.

• Member of Pow Wow Committee at Superior C.V.I

“I am from Migisi Sahgaigan First Nation. In Thunder Bay, I live with my mother, and during the summer, I live with my grandmother on my reserve. Some of my best memories are of spending time with my close relatives in my home community, which is why I try my best to participate and volunteer there whenever I get the chance. For the past few years, I have been assisting in organizing and facilitating a much needed youth council. This has initiated discussions between the youth and adults about important subjects such as: improving infrastructure, building new recreational areas, and workshops that deal with substance abuse, mental health issues, as well as creating healthy self-esteem. In addition, I have helped out with both of my reserve’s annual powwows, the Youth Powwow in May, and the Annual Lake of The Eagles Powwow in August. I have helped with setting up, cleaning, serving food, serving elders, collecting money for donations, and once it’s all over, I assist with taking it all down. I also participated in every event possible. In Thunder Bay, I have assisted with multiple film festivals, Pride festivals, food drives and more. The events always have a special feeling of healing, which is very important to me. I don’t know where I would be without both of my communities, so I’m always willing to give back any way I can.”


Thank you to Mr. Steve Daniar and Ms. Michelle Probizanski, principals; and Ms. Ann Taylor, counsellor, for their support.


Desjarlais, Camille

Desjarlais, Cheyenne

Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British ColumbiaIn the program since 2010

• Practice cheerleading

“Camille is an excellent student who takes pride in her work. She is quick to catch on and to help others in the classroom. She helps with: set up for assemblies, construction of bulletin boards, library clean-up and recycling. If Camille is in charge you know that whatever she is associated with is done quickly, efficiently, and well. Camille has a great deal of empathy. She has made several comments during our classroom discussions about empathy that explain to others the difference between appropriate behaviour and hurtful behaviour. Through her insights, several of the other students have changed their ways of interacting with classmates. She has been a classroom leader in this area.”

Sherrie Pedersen, Teacher at Blue Mountain Elementary

Thank you to Mr. Grant Frend, Mr. Dennis Dickson, and Ms. Stephanie Dand, principals; Ms. Michele Smith and Ms. Sherrie E. Pedersen, teachers; and Ms. Suzanne Davies, counsellor, for their support.

Thank you to Mr. Grant Frend, principal; and Ms. Suzanne Davies and Ms. Pauline Lemieux, counsellors, for their support.Garibaldi Secondary school,

Maple Ridge, British ColumbiaIn the program since 2012


Desmarais, Alison

Nechako Valley Secondary school, Vanderhoof, British Columbia In the program since 2010

• In the Principal’s Honour Roll since she started high school

• Acknowledged as an Aboriginal Role Model for the School District of Nechako Lakes

• Member of the cross-country and track and field teams and participated in the provincial championship

• Represents her community in speed skating championship through Canada

• Volunteers at a local children’s bible camp, and in soup kitchens for low-income community

• Member of Enviro-Vikes, an students initiative to developed environmental awareness-preservation activities in Nechako Valley Secondary school

“Being accepted into this program has been a great privilege for many different reasons. This program reminds me that people recognize the effort I put in to all the activities I do from school to sports and volunteering. It shows me that there are people who will support me in following my dreams. Yet, the one thing this program does remind me is that I need to live my life as a model for others.”


Thank you to Ms. Lynn Marksymchak and Mr. Ken Young, principals; Mr. Richard Boles and Mr. Casey Litton, teachers; and Ms. Barb Ziler, counsellor, for their support.


Downey, Nardia

C. W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute, Toronto, OntarioIn the program since 2014

• Excels in leadership scenarios

• Member of the Track team

• Does a coop placement in a Grade 5 gifted class

“Nardia is a great student. She works hard to achieve the highest marks possible. She is very extroverted and excels in leadership scenarios. She is on the Track team. In class she never hesitates to lend a helping hand and really pays attention to detail which is important when you make art. She is the king of student that really plans the outcomes of her projects in my class. This indicates to me that she is organized. Most of all, she is extremely responsible. She is a, all round, good student. Nardia is also currently doing a coop placement in a Grade 5 gifted class. She shows initiative and works well with the students.”

Ivonne Pasian, Teacher

Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support.

Canyon School, Pincher Creek, AlbertaIn the program since 2012

• Member of the school choir and member of the girl guides

• Participates in intramural sports and in soccer league

• Completed horse riding clinic and won many medal in rodeos

Aubrey is another great girl at our school. She also volunteers at our school as a buddy reader and other leadership roles that benefit our school. Aubrey also participates in extracurricular sports, and has been a member of our school choir. Aubrey comes from a great family who continue to support her in all of her activities and her schooling. She has been a pleasure to have in our school.”

Carole Goodreau¸ Principal

Thank you to Ms. Carole Goodreau, principal, Mr. Robbie Van Orman, teacher, Ms. Cara Pawlick, teacher, and Ms. Margo Russell, counsellor, for their support.

Old Crow, Aubrey


Garson, Clarissa

“Clarissa has been involved in extracurricular activities and volunteer programs, such as, Churchill High School’s grade 8 and 9 volleyball and basketball teams. She also participated in the After School Leaders program where she wrote, edited and filmed a short documentary focused on a personal memoir of her interests and passions. Clarissa also volunteered her time at Ka Ni Kanichihk, a community based organization which delivers culturally relevant programming for risk youth, during the summer of 2013 where she took part in a program titled Indigenous Ways of Being, which focused on First Nations culture and identity awareness. Clarissa has continued on with her volunteerism at Ka Ni Lanichihk, where she is currently involved in The Girls project, which aims at building leadership skills with young Aboriginal women. Carissa has also received many awards over the past two years, and shown a determination and openness to her journey as a lifelong learner. Clarissa is a kind, generous and compassionate person who strives to do her best with the opportunities that are presented to her. Clarissa is a graceful and caring individual who serves as an excellent role model and exemplary citizen to her peers and to those who have the opportunity to work with her. Her performance and contribution to her community both in and out of my classes are not just commendable but worthy of future support and guidance.”

Sandra Costa, Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Joyce Wong, principal, Ms. Susan Chodirker, counsellor, and Ms. Sandra Costa, teacher, for their support.

Churchill High School, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2014

• Member of Churchill High School’s volleyball and basketball teams

• Participant in the After School Leaders program

• Volunteers at Ka Ni Kanichihk

• Grade 8 ad 9 Distinguished Honours, grade 9 spirit award, grade 9 Greater Gains awards


Green, Shaunessee

St. Patrick’s High School, Ottawa, OntarioIn the program since 2008

• Active Green Team Club Leader

• Participated in Environment Fair raising funds donated to Losotho

• Volunteers at CHEO

“I was fortunate enough to be granted the opportunity to volunteer at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario during the month of August 2013. My Grade 11 cooperative education was done at CHEO as a playroom monitor on the Medical Day Unit. I became attached to CHEO and decided to apply as a summer volunteer. Luckily I was accepted and was able to volunteer on the 4 West playroom. I love being around children and their positive attitudes. After starting my co-op there in September 2012, I realized I was a shy person. Fortunately after a couple of months my shyness began to disappear. It taught me to be outgoing, leading to an improvement in my communication and listening skills. Whenever I leave CHEO I always have a sense of accomplishment knowing that I was able to help someone whether it is big or small. Volunteering at CHEO has also allowed me to see a career path I wish to follow. Over the course of my co-op and volunteering I began to realize that I wanted to go down the path of nursing. It is a few years away but nevertheless, just being in a hospital setting allows me to clearly see that nursing is the path for me. CHEO brings happiness to me.”


Thank you to Ms. Brid McDonald, Ms. Mary Donaghy and Ms. Christine Johnson, principals; Mr. Robert Gadoua, Ms. Alixe Paisley and Ms. Angela Collins, teachers; and Ms. Theresa MacLeod, counsellor, for their support.


Green, Teosha

Elmwood High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba In the program since 2011

• Dancer and choreographer

• Plays volleyball and participated in the interschool competitions

• Member of the Student Council and the Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties

• Volunteers at the Canadian Academy of Travel and Tourism Program

“It means a lot to be a part of this program. I basically do what I do just for the satisfaction of self-accomplishment, but it’s really confidence-boosting to be recognized for the hard work I do. Just recently, I was interviewed on CBC news about drug use and peer pressure. I am now a part of the “Champions Program”. The Champions program is a workshop where young athletes around the city come together to talk about drug use under peer pressure. After the conferences we visit elementary schools and talk to grade 5 and 6 students. An advice I would give to some students trying to get into this program: doing things you love is important in trying to figure yourself out as you are growing up. School and family are also very important as well. Getting your education is so important and you need it in order to succeed in life. Do what you love but keep your grades up, have your chores done, and love your family and friends. Take advantage of all opportunities that knock on your door and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Life is about experience, and high school is a perfect time to take those leaps.”


Thank you to Mr. Michael Babb, principal; Mr. Daniel Braga and Ms. Dorothy Webster, teachers; and Ms. Frances Davies, counsellor, for their support.


Hartmann, Alexandria

Churchill High School, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2014

• Member of the basketball team

• Volunteered at the YMCA

“Alexandria has been a Distinguished Honours student since she enrolled at Churchill High School. Alexandria has been involved in many extra-curricular activities as well as committing an extraordinary amount of time to volunteer work. She volunteers every week at our neighborhood community centre to work in their canteen. She has volunteered at the YMCA to help out with their community events. She also has helped build floats for the Santa Claus Parade. Alexandria is also involved in life at Churchill High School, in many committees and is a member of the basketball team. Alexandria is a vivacious and outgoing student, she is well liked by all of her peers and has the respect of both her teachers and her friends. Alexandria is an extremely responsible student whom I would trust with any task.”

Susan Chodirker, Guidance Counsellor

Thank you to Ms. Joyce Wong, principal, Ms. Susan Chodirker, counsellor, and Ms. Tanis Westdal, teacher, for their support.

Jackson, Emma

“I believe that it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is a great feeling to be recognized as a hardworking and successful individual. This program has increased my self-confidence and work ethic to become even more successful. Without the support of the Canadian Future Achievers Program, I feel that I would not have been so inclined to achieve my best throughout not only my academics, but community involvement.”


Thank you to Ms. Noreen Brousseau and Ms. Debbie Thorne, principals; Ms. Anne Salopree and Ms. Jackie MacDonald, teachers; and Ms. Sandie Lefebvre, career counsellor, for their support.

St. Paul Regional High School, St. Paul, Alberta Graduate. In the program from 2010 to 2013. Now at the University of Calgary.

• Principal’s Honors list since grade 10

• Volunteered at an Animal Rescue program located in Saddle Lake, Alberta

• Played competitive club volleyball with NAVC U17 Green Pandas


Kindla, Kaine

Superior C.V.I, Thunder Bay, Alberta Graduate. In the program from 2011 to 2013.

• Plays basketball and soccer, and received many awards in these sports

• Recipient of Xavier Michon Memorial Feast and Sandra Kakeeway Cultural Award

• Volunteers at the Boys and Girls club, the Keystone Leadership group and at the Regional Multicultural Youth Center

“Kaine is Ojibwe and Algonquin. He is proud of his Aboriginal heritage and is a role model for his younger sisters. In Yellowknife, Kaine played on basketball and soccer teams and won several awards in these sports. He appears to have made a smooth transition to Thunder Bay as he continues to do well academically. In the time I have known Kaine, he has impressed me as a conscientious, dedicated student who attends classes regularly and promptly, and always strives to do his best both academically and personally. Kaine won the Xavier Michon Memorial Award which he received in March of 2011 at the Xavier Michon Memorial feast. The award is based on his level of academic achievement and demonstrated involvement/leadership in the community. He also received the prestigious Sandra Kakeeway Cultural Award at the Northwestern Ontario Aboriginal Youth Achievement and recognition awards ceremony. Kaine enjoys fishing, hunting and living his culture. He believes he is doing well in his life because of the support of his family. Kaine participates in many activities with the Boys and Girls Club and also volunteers there. He is involved in the Keystone Leadership group where issues such as poverty, sexuality, drug addictions and world issues are discussed. I am confident Kaine will do well in this future studies and achieve his career goals.”

Ann Taylor, Counsellor, Student Services, Aboriginal Achievement Facilitator

Thank you to Mr. Steve Daniar and Mr. Wayne Fletcher, principals; and Ms. Ann Taylor, counsellor, for their support.


Kirkness, Nicole

Kwandibens, Helaina

Canyon School, Pincher Creek, Alberta In the program since 2014

• Assists other students with their work

• Member of the Choir

• Member of the safety patrol

• Member of the Volleyball, basketball, judo, bowling, skiing, skating teams

“Nicole is a hard-working student and a role model among her class and school mates. She can often be seen assisting other students with their work, singing in the choir, working with safety patrol. Community and extra-curricular activities are also an important part of Nicole’s life. She is involved in the following activities at the school and within the community: volleyball, basketball, judo, bowling, skiing, skating. Nicole has recently begun to shine as a responsible leader both in and out of the classroom.”

Peggy Bonertz-Cameron, Kirby DietzeGrade 5 Teachers

Thank you to Ms. Carole Goodreau, principal, Mr. Savi Houldin, learning support teacher, and Ms. Peggy Bonertz-Cameron, teacher, for their support.

“Helaina is Ojibwe. She is proud of her Aboriginal heritage and is a role model for her peers. Helaina is a highly motivated student with an eagerness to learn; she is very organized and always ready to take on the challenges presented in the classroom. Her teachers say that she is a pleasure to have in class and she always strives to do her best, both academically and personally. Helaina loves sports. She is also a member of the competitive cheerleading team. She volunteers at the shelter house where she prepares and serves meals. Helaina is involved in Native culture and enjoys traditional crafts such as beading and making dream catchers with her aunt. I am confident Helaina will do well in her future studies and achieve her career goals.”

Ann Taylor, Counsellor, Student Services

Thank you to Ms. Michelle Probizanski, principal, and Ms. Ann Taylor, counsellor, for their support

Superior Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Thunder Bay, OntarioIn the program since 2014

• Plays volleyball, badminton and track and field

• Member of the competitive cheerleading team

• Volunteers at the shelter house


Landiak, Alyssia

Landiak, Chelsey

St. Paul Regional High School, St Paul, AlbertaIn the program since 2014

• Member of the school’s curling team from Grade 7 to 11

• Member of the basketball team from Grade 7 to 9

• Member of the SPRHS Ladies Track and Field Team

“Alyssia is hard-working and responsible. Alyssia has achieved high honours throughout her educational years and always challenges herself by enrolling in highly academic courses. Alyssia also spends many hours practicing and competing in extra-curricular sports. She has been on our school’s Curling team from Grade 7 to 11 and the Basketball team from Grade 7 to 9. Alyssia is a very trustworthy and mature individual.”

Angela Noel, Assistant principal

Thank you to Mr. Mark Tichkowsky, principal; Ms. Angela Noel, assistant principal; Ms. Melissa Mahe, teacher; Ms. Sandie Lefebvre, counsellor, for their support.

“Chelsey is an outstanding individual with numerous commendable qualities. She is independent, reliable, punctual, responsible, determined and creative. Chelsey is a team player and willing to learn while striving to succeed at any task that she undertakes, while leading and taking many others under her wing. She does not expect recognition for the steps she takes above and beyond what is expected of a student. Chelsey is involved at a competitive level, in all school sports as well as the Student Council where she is an exemplar of positive team spirit, honesty, camaraderie and leadership. She has wonderful communication skills and a warm personality that includes a great sense of humour. She is a wonderful example of an involved citizen in all facets of her life.”

Jackie McDonald, Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Debbie Thorne, principal, Ms. Jackie McDonald, teacher, and Ms. Mallory Dary, counsellor, for their support

Glen Avon School, St-Paul, AlbertaIn the program since 2014

• Involved in all school sports

• Member of the Student Council


Rockland Public School, Rockland, OntarioIn the program since 2014

Langille, Gregory

“Gregory is currently in grade 4 and is respectful, responsible and active member of the class and who follows through on his commitments. Gregory has demonstrated some strong character traits which have helped to be a solid leader.”

Jason Palmer, Principal

Thank you to Mr. Jason Palmer, principal, and Mr. Robert Scruton, teacher, for their support.

“Kenneth is currently in grade 6 and is a respectful, positive and cooperative student. Kenneth consistently demonstrated great character traits which help to make him an excellent leader.”

Jason Palmer, Principal

Thank you to Mr. Jason Palmer, principal, and Mr. Robert Scruton, teacher, for their support

Langille, Kenneth


Malcom, Tristan

“Over the last year, I have watched Tristan excel in his academic and option courses. Teachers describe Tristan as being articulate, responsible, respectful and all around a nice person. Tristan has been a distinguished honours student. Tristan won the Philip Lye Memorial Award when he was in grade six at Gladstone School. He plays flag football, tennis and soccer art River Osborne community centre where his soccer team met the major of Winnipeg, which Tristan is very proud of. Tristan is part of our Aboriginal Student Leadership group and is a member of our Middle Years Student Council; he is very head strong and stands up for his beliefs. His organizational skills are far beyond his years. His work is always immaculate and he always gives a 100%. He is a vivacious and outgoing student. Tristan is an extremely responsible student whom I would trust with any task.”

Erin Dahlin, Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Joyce Wong and Mr. Michel Chartrand, principals; Ms. Susan Chodirker, counsellor; and Ms. Debbie Goytan and Ms. Erin Dahlin, teachers, for their support.

Churchill High School, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2011• Recipient of the Philip Lye

Memorial Award

• Member of the flag football, tennis and soccer team at River Osborne Community Center

• Aboriginal traditional dancer and won the fifth place at Manito Abhee

“Yannique is doing a coop placement in the afternoons at a local elementary school in a grade 5 class. Her supervisor says she works independently, has a positive attitude and willingly helps students.”

Ivonne Pasian, Teacher

Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher, for their support.

CW Jefferys Collegiate Institute, North York, OntarioIn the program since 2014

• Participant in a coop placement in the afternoons at a local elementary school

McFarlane, Yannique


“I have known Leona reamer for approximately 4 years. I am the choir teacher at Churchill high school, and Leona has been a member of the choir. I have also coached her in volleyball. Leona is a fine student and has received consistently strong marks in all subjects. She is also very responsible and a considerate student. Leona is always king and willing to help. It has always been a pleasure having her in a class and on the team. In addition to the work she does at school, Leona is also involved in the community. She studies dance and has been involved as a volunteer and performer at the Caribbean Pavilion of Winnipeg’s Folkloarama. Leona is fantastic student. She is caring and considerate and always has a good attitude. She is a very positive influence at Churchill High School.”

Chris Rempel, Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Joyce Wong, principal, Ms. Susan Chodirker, counsellor, and Mr. Chris Rempel, teacher, for their support.

Churchill High School, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2014

• Member of the choir

• Member of the volleyball team

• Volunteer and performer at the Caribbean Pavilion of Winnipeg’s Folkloarama

Reimer, Leona

Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School, Nepean, OntarioIn the program since 2010

• Volunteer at her Church

• Participated in Peer Mediation at School

• Participated in Cross Country

• Admitted to the P.A.C.E program

• Won Respect and Responsibility Awards at Mother Teresa School and many others

“What it means to me to be a Future Achiever is that I have a duty and responsibility to myself and the people around me to do try my best and achieve as much as possible in life. It means that I need to work hard and to be a role model for others and that these activities do pay off. It also means being proud of my heritage. I think that students who would like to participate in this program should try to study hard to get good grades, and should participate in a number of extracurricular activities. Most of all, I think they should try to be a role model for others.”

Thank you to Mr. Kendall Myler, principal, Mr. Wayne Sunn, teacher, and Ms. Monique Griffin, counsellor, for their support.




McPherson, Benjamin Darrell

Glen Avon School, St Paul, Alberta In the program since 2013• Member of Track and Field, RCMP road

race, badminton, golf, volleyball and basketball teams

• Member of Aboriginal Spring Hockey team

“I became involved in many different activities in school and outside. Along with participating on the school Track and Field team, RCMP road race, badminton, golf, volleyball and basketball teams. As far as extracurricular activities, I have been playing Hockey since the age of 5 years old. I have been assistant captain and also captain over the years. This has given me the opportunity to become a leader amongst my peers. My teammates depend on me and look for leadership. I have learned that as a leader you need to show that you are really trying, following direction, being passionate and do more than try harder than others. I have participated in Aboriginal Spring Hockey and have gone to Provincials and won. Over the years, I have made great friends and long lasting friendships and now have many friends from all over Alberta. I also am involved with Spring Volleyball that takes us all over Alberta. My involvement with Canadian Future Achiever has given me great pride and honours my heritage. It also gives me extra incentive to keep pushing myself to become a better student, athlete, friend, brother and son. Knowing that there is an award that recognizes my achievement gives me the drive to keep pushing myself to excel.”

Thank you to Ms. Debbie Thorne, principal, Ms. Mallory Dary, counsellor, and Mr. Ryan Pashko, teacher, for their support.


McPherson, Nathalie Marie

St Paul Regional High School, St Paul, Alberta In the program since 2014• Recipient of the FNMI top student


• Volunteers at the pet shelter with the animals

• Volunteers at the Ukrainian hall during food prep and service

“Nathalie is a hard-working individual who consistently ensures that she is prepared for class and understands all of the material; she has achieved honours throughout her educational years and is a responsible student. Not only does she submit assignments on time, but she ensures that the course work is done to the best of her ability each and every time. This has placed her amongst the top of her class year after year and has won her awards such the grade 10 FNMI top student award. In addition to maintaining a high academic average, Nathalie also volunteers her time in the community. She helps at the local pet shelter with the animals and also at the Ukrainian hall during food prep and service. Nathalie’s excellent organization skills and her commitment to success make her an outstanding student. She is very trustworthy and mature individual.”

Angela Noel, Assistant Principal

Thank you to Mr. Mark Tichkowsky, principal, Ms. Cheryl Rudiak, counsellor, and Ms. Angela Noel, teacher and assistant principal, for their support.

Stefurak, Tyler

Pitt Meadows Secondary School, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia Graduate in the program from 2010 to 2013. Now at WilfridLaurier University.

• Dancer and choreographer

• Plays volleyball and participated in the interschool competitions

• Member of the Student Council and the Manitoba Association of Rights and Liberties

• Volunteers at the Canadian Academy of Travel and Tourism Program

Thank you to Mr. Dennis Dickson, principal, Mrs. Patricia Girard, and Mrs. Penny Griffin, counsellor, for their support.


Munro, Joel

“Joel is a bright student that is well rounded. He is responsible student that is also involved in several activities around the school. I know that he was involved with project Heartcore at one point. He has been a pleasure to teach.”

Ms. Ivonne Pasian, teacher

Thank you to Mr. Monday Gala, principal, and Ms. Ivonne Pasian,teacher, for their support.

CW Jefferys Collegiate Institute, North York, Ontario In the program since 2014

• Involved with project Heartcore

Morissette, BreeAnna Alexandria

“To be a Future Achiever means to set goals for yourself. For me that is by saving money for college, to become a hairdresser. I would like to get a job at a helping out at a local hair salon. When I graduate high school I would like to go to Hair College to learn more and practice my skills.”

“BreeAnna is a dedicated student who has obvious joy in learning and is always an eager participant in class. BreeAnna is a competitive member, and has thrived in a leadership role on the Junior High Girls’ basketball team. In addition to her leadership and academic abilities, BreeAnna is an extremely motivated and talented artist. While her talent for artistic compositions is obvious, BreeAnna strives to experiment with new styles and try various techniques. BreeAnna is a positive role model for the entire school community, a joy to teach, and a pleasure to have met.”

Grant Fisher, Grade 9 Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Sheila Dillman, principal; Mr. Grant Fisher, Mr. Grant Collins and Ms. Dorothy Broadhead, teachers; and Ms. Tally Robinson, counsellor, for their support.

Rosary School, Manning, AlbertaIn the program since 2011

• Volunteer at the library of Rosary school

• Girl Guides of Canada ‘member and also volunteer for them

• Participates in the Talking Circle group


Vincent Massey Collegiate, Winnipeg, ManitobaIn the program since 2011

• Member of the junior varsitygirls basketball team and thevolleyball club

• Plays piano

• Contributes to aboriginalculture in Folklorama summerfestival every year

• Volunteers at Winnipeg’s WE DAY and for her neighbours by babysitting their kids

“To me, being a Future Achiever means being a good role model not only for people younger than me but also for people my age. Being a role model for students younger than me is important so that they can see someone older setting a good example that they can follow. Being a Future Achiever also means being a person who will contribute positively to society to help set examples for other people to follow. If one person does something good, others are likely to follow so I try to aspire to be that one person that does good even if it is something minuscule. Being a Future Achiever means striving to be the best person that you can be. It means helping out in your community in whatever way you can and trying your best to help those in need. Being a Future Achiever means being an overall good person and staying true to yourself. To any student wishing to be part of the program I would advise to maintain a balance of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs or volunteer work as well academics. Extracurricular activities helped me learn to how to manage my time well so that I could balance school, sports, piano lessons and volunteer work without overwhelming myself. If you find volunteer work that you enjoy or if you volunteer with something that interest you, it can actually be a lot of fun. I love animals so it wasn’t difficult for me to volunteer. I also helped my grandma with Aboriginal arts and crafts. It was a great way for me to spend time with my grandma as well as get a better understanding of my Aboriginal heritage. I like to be able to give back and feel like I am accomplishing something. I like to volunteer at the school my mom and aunt work at to help them teach some of the student’s Aboriginal crafts. They work with Aboriginal students so it is a great way to help those kids learn a little more about their culture, just like I do every time a help my grandma with crafts beadwork.”


Thank you to Mr. Iain Riffel and Mr. Dan Ward, principals; Mr. Adam Khan, Ms. Stacy Hawash and Ms. Susan Sosnowski, teachers; and Mr. Gus Watanabe, counsellor, for their support.

Obradovic Mollons, Meghan Taylor


“I am a multi-sport athlete who enjoys competing in the following sports at my high school: golf, cross-county running, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and track and field. When I am not participating in practices/tournaments at school, I spend a great deal of time at our local wellness center playing various sports with friends and I play badminton twice a week at The Pas Badminton Club. With regards to volunteering, I chose to spend part of my day, every day, at one of our local early years schools during my first semester this year. I worked with the physical education teacher; assisting him with his classes. I worked one on one with students, demonstrated skills, participated with students in activities and games, helped care for and repair equipment as needed, and any other tasks as required. I helped with the annual Christmas concert, and special events evenings while volunteering at the school. Why do I participate in sport and volunteer? The biggest reasons are that I enjoy all sports and have fun playing them. I also realize the benefits of keeping fit while participating in teamwork and fair play. I have great memories of older students who helped me when I was an early year’s student and feel it is important to try to be a good role model and give back to my former schools. Sports are lifelong activities and can have such a positive influence on a person’s life.”


Thank you to Mr. Doug Van Damme, principal; Ms. Heather Marlow, counsellor; and Ms. Adrianna Sawchyn and Ms. Lisa Gibb, teachers, for their support.

Margaret Barbour Collegiate Institute, The Pas, Manitoba In the program since 2013

• Multi-sport athlete

• Bronze medalist at theManitoba High SchoolProvincial Golf Championship,and silver medalist at theManitoba High School Provin-cial Badminton Championship

• Received Most Valuable Playeraward for Badminton, Golf and Volleyball

Ogrodnick, Aaron


Pemberton, Cherie

St. Brother Andree Catholic High School, Markham, OntarioGraduate. in the program from 2009 to 2013. Now studying at Ryerson University.

• Was on the Student Council.

• Helped plan out the “Clean TeenWeek” to promote awareness of drugs and alcohol

• Was a leader at Leadership Links 2010

• Raised money for children with cancer

• Took a vow of silence for a whole dayand wore all black for children in Africa that don’t have voice

• Was a Daily Physical ActivityAmbassador for her class

• Member of the intermediate girls volleyball team

“Cherie is an inclusive, positive person who makes everyone feel welcome. She works well independently and is able to work through problems on her own. She is a natural leader and often sets a good example for her classmates; she demonstrates good focus in class and participates on a regular basis. She immediately stood out to all of her teachers for her vibrancy, enthusiasm for learning, and ability to work well with a variety of her peers.”

Janice Whiton, Kateri Tekakwitha

Thank you to Mr. Dan Zaroski, principal, and Ms. Sharon Smyth, counsellor, for their support.

“Tosha is a First Nations student. Tosha is a hard working student. She has good work habits and is a role model among her class and school mates. She participates in school activities such as tutoring a grade 1 student, taking part in our Breakfast Club and serving as a positive role model for younger students. Over the past few years, Tosha has really become a positive and enthusiastic student. Most recently, she has joined her classmates during our downhill skiing outside to Castle Mountain and has really started to enjoy the activity. She is polite to adults in the school.”

Savi Houldin, Learning Support Teacher

Thank you to Ms. Carole Goodreau, principal, Mr. Savi Houldin, learning support teacher, and Mrs. Mensaghi, teacher, for their support.

Canyon School, Pincher Creek, AlbertaIn the program since 2014

• Member of the school safetypatrol team

• Member of the school choir

• Tutor for grade 1 student

• Member of Girl Guides

• Participates in community cultural activities and events such as pow wows

Red Young Man, Tosha


Peemoeller, Simanek

Margaret Barbour Collegiate Institute, The Pas, ManitobaIn the program since 2011

• Class representant for StudentCouncil

• Writing/math/problem-solving awards and music award

• Volunteers at school

“I see Simenak as an excellent role model for his peers. Not only does he attend school regularly and on time, he studies hard and always achieves 100% on his test scores. He considers his education to be very important and always comes to school prepared and ready to learn. He demonstrates his knowledge by actively participating in class reviews and discussions and is always willing to help others. Although Simenak has an excellent academic record, he is well respected amongst his peers. This year, Simenak has taken the opportunity to be the class rep for student council. He attends meetings with student council during his own time and reports to the class. He is well spoken and speaks in front of the class with no difficulties. He also finds the time to participate in organized sports after school and often volunteers for school activities. Simanek is very well-rounded individual who should be honoured for his achievements within the school community and the much larger Aboriginal community.”

Audrey Cable, Teacher

Thank you to Mr. Douglas Van Damme, principal; Mr. Don McKay, Ms. Audrey Cable, Mr. Geoffrey Ings and Ms. Kathi McConnell-Hore, teachers; Ms. Merilee Hamilton and Ms. Heather Marlow, counsellors, for their support.


Takkiruq, Jordan

Qiqirtaq Ilihakvik, Gjoa Haven, Nunavut In the program since 2012

• Awarded a silver medal at the2014 Canadian Wide Science Fair, Windsor, Ontario

“I am proud to be a Future Achiever because I do the best that I can in everything. I have always worked hard and done well. My parents have taught me that I must do my best and work hard at school so that I can get a good job when I finish school; they want me to be happy with the career I will choose. Right now, I am leaning towards being a dentist. In Gjoa Haven, where I live, lots of kids do not go to school. Some come only in the afternoons. I know that it is important to attend school every day and do my best. I want to be a grade 12 graduate and then move on to be a university graduate. I am thankful for the recognition, support and encouragement from the Future Achievers program. One thing that I am proud of is my success this year at the 2014 Canadian Wide Science Fair held in Windsor, Ontario. This was my second year to attend this national competition. I am pleased to say that this year; I was awarded a silver medal. I will continue to work hard, be a good role model and a successful student.”


Thank you to Mr. Paul Cipriano, principal; Mr. Ron Klein and Ms. Susie Hillier, teachers; and Ms. Christine Porter and Mr. Allen Aglukkaq, counsellors, for their support.

Rambow, Orin

“I have known Orin as an athlete and a student. I coached Orin in Ice Hockey, Track and Golf and have the privilege of teaching him high school mathematics since 2009. Orin demonstrates exceptional talents in sport and in the classroom. Orin is always striving to improve. His work ethic and determination has earned him numerous athletic school awards including: Most Valuable Junior Varsity Track Athlete and Most Improved Golfer/Volleyball Player. As a student, Orin is challenging and has a positive rapport with all staff and teammates. He is a pleasure to have on the team and in the classroom.”

Vince Ogrodnick, Mathematics Teacher and Track and Golf coach

Thank you to Mr. Doug Van Damme, principal, Ms. Merrilee Hamilton, counsellor, and Mr. Vince Ogrodnick, teacher, for their support.

Margaret Barbour Collegiate Institute, The Pas, ManitobaIn the program since 2014

• Member of the Ice Hockey,Track and Golf team

• Recipient of awards including:Most Valuable Junior Varsity Track Athlete and Most Improved Golfer/Volleyball Player


Tanner, Trinity

“I chose to participate in all of these activities because I want to stay in shape, gain more experience, meet new people and make new friends. Participating in my community and school makes me proud because I have the opportunity and freedom to do it.”


Thank you to Ms. Carole Goodreau, principal; Ms. Alana Paskal and Mr. Cody Johnson, teachers; Ms. Margo Russell, counsellor for their support.

Canyon School, Pincher Creek, Alberta In the program since 2012

• Member of the Lego Robotics Club

• Member of the minor hockey team andminor baseball league

• Displayed a high level of sportsmanship and has taken mediator role for dispute-solving between her peers

Van Loon, Mackenzie

Matthew Halton High School, Pincher Creek, AlbertaIn the program since 2012

• Member of the school choir, schoolsafety patrol and the Healthy School Committee

• Member of the local skating cluband the soccer league

• Program assistant with the skatingclub (assist younger skaters)

“I was part of the Pincher Creek Figure Skating Club and volunteered as a Program Assistant two days a week to help coach kids from age 3 to 12. I did this because I love volunteering my time to the community. In my school, I am part of the Student Council. I joined so that I could have a voice in my school. I like being in the Student Council because it is really fun, I play lot of sports at Matthew Halton and when I am not on the court, I am volunteering as a scorekeeper, this keeps me very involved in the school. It means a lot to me to be a Future Achiever. I am very glad that I received it because it me makes me work harder and make me study hard so that I get good marks. The award also reminds me to be willing to do anything for my school and community. Being a recipient of the award reminds me of the importance of volunteering in my school and community.”


Thank you to Ms. Sandy McDuffe and Ms. Carole Goodreau, principals; and Mrs. Terri Simpson, for their support.


Robert-Betzold, Tessa

École Lacerte, Winnipeg, ManitobaFait partie du programme depuis 2013

• Vice-présidente del’Association étudiantede l’École Lacerte

• Fait de la danse et plusieursautres sports

• Joue à la flûte traversière

• Tutrice auprès d’une élève de4ième année

• Bénévole au Centre Taché

« Pour moi, être une Jeune canadienne bâtisseuse est un vrai honneur. Ça signifie que mes accomplissements se font reconnaître par des personnes à l’extérieur de ma communauté. Je peux aussi encourager les gens dans mes alentours à considérer le bénévolat en ayant une récompense externe comme le programme de JCB ainsi qu’une récompense interne, donc la fierté et le bonheur que je ressens sachant que je fais du bien dans ma communauté. Cela peut leur prouver que faire du bénévolat vaut bien la peine. Je fais du bénévolat pour plusieurs raisons. À l’école, j’ai décidé de devenir vice-première ministre car j’avais beaucoup d’idées à partager et car je suis une personne responsable. Quant à mon bénévolat avec l’Action Marguerite, donc, au Centre hospitalier Taché, je le fais réellement pour deux grandes raisons; car je sais que mon aide est grandement apprécié et car j’aime ça! J’aime beaucoup le sentiment de satisfaction et de bonheur que je ressens lorsque je suis capable de faire sourire un résident ou un employé. Cela signifie pour moi que le bénévolat est une situation gagnante pour tous. Le bénévolat me donne un sentiment de fierté, de joie, de satisfaction et d’importance. Les employés ont de l’aide pour faciliter leurs tâches. Les résidents sont mieux soignés et sont moins solitaires, ou dans le cas de mon bénévolat scolaire les élèves s’ennuient moins car ils participent à plus d’activités. »


Merci à Mme Claudette Grenier, directrice; à Mme Kelly Moore et Mme Marie-Josée Hupé-Marcoux, enseignantes; et à M. Alain Cenerini conseiller, pour leur soutien.


“In the past year, I’ve been very busy keeping up with my activities and studies. Being involved in multiple extracurricular activities in my school such as volleyball, basketball and track field keep me connected to my school environment. I played volleyball for my third time at Matthew Halton and the chance to play JV this year. Also, I played basketball for my second time and will be participating in Track and Field. In our school I was one out of many to go to We Day Alberta and join the S.I.C Club (Students Inspiring Change). In the S.I.C Club I donated Christmas presents to the Woman’s Emergency Shelter in our community. Later on, I helped raise money for Matthew Halton’s village in India. Also, I am on Student Council and was selected to attend Speak Out Alberta in Edmonton. I stay on top of my studies and try as hard as I can to get a good mark. In grade 8, I was on the honour roll and I am aiming to get on it again. Outside my school community, I volunteered my time with Skate Canada. I was a program assistant and would help the instructor teach kids to skate. I was also a member of the Pincher Creek Figure Skating Club (FP.C.F.S.C) and was a Sr. StarSkate member for second year. Being a future achiever makes me aim for higher goals. I try harder at everything I do now that I have got this award. Keeping up with all the extracurricular can be difficult at times but worth it to be a Canadian Future Achiever. Every day I hope I set an example to peers and others in our school.”


Thank you to Ms. Sandy McDuffe and Ms. Carole Goodreau, principals; Ms. Laura Heine and Ms. Kathryn Brown, teachers; and Ms. Susan Robinson, counsellor, for their support.

Matthew Halton High School, Pincher Creek, AlbertaIn the program since 2011

• Volunteers at activeliving committee

• Member of the Safety Patrol

• Member of the Canyonschool choir

Van Loon, Miranda


Assoon, Naomi 3Bartlett Leblanc, Julianne Patricia-Lynn 4Best, Jesstina Maria 5Big Swallow, Case 6Black Water, Nataeya 7Brito, Diana 7Brown, Wolletté 8Buchko, Brendan David 8Carrière, Janelle 9Carrière, Justin 10Chan, Jessica 11Derosier, Morningstar 12Desjarlais, Camille 13Desjarlais, Cheyenne 13Desmarais, Alison 14Downey, Nardia 15Garson, Clarissa 16Green, Shaunessee 17Green, Teosha 18Hartmann, Alexandria 19Jackson, Emma 19Kindla, Kaine 20Kirkness, Nicole 21Kwandibens, Helaina 21Landiak, Alyssia 22Landiak, Chelsey 22Langille, Gregory 23

Langille, Kenneth 23Lyn, Alexandra 10Malcom, Tristan 24McFarlane, Yannique 24McPherson, Benjamin Darrell 26McPherson, Nathalie Marie 27Mendes, Chanelle 25Morissette, BreeAnna Alexandria 28Munro, Joel 28Obradovic Mollons, Meghan Taylor 29Ogrodnick, Aaron 30Old Crow, Aubrey 15Peemoeller, Simanek 32Pemberton, Cherie 31Rambow, Orin 33Red Young Man,Tosha 31Reimer, Leona 25Robert-Betzold, Tessa 35Stefurak, Tyler 27Takkiruq, Jordan 33Tanner, Trinity 34Taylor, Hernica 6Thompson-Bled, Sapphira 2Van Loon, Mackenzie 34Van Loon, Miranda 36Wright, Orlando 3



JEUNES CANADIENS BÂTISSEURSGeneviève Sarazin, Responsable de l’expérience étudianteFaculté des sciences sociales, Université d’Ottawa120 Université, pièce 3001JOttawa, ONK1N 6N5

[email protected], poste 2663 ou sans frais 1-877-868-8292, poste 2663

CANADIAN FUTURE ACHIEVERSGeneviève Sarazin, Student Experience OfficerFaculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa120 University, room 3001JOttawa, ONK1N 6N5

[email protected], ext. 2663 ortoll free 1-877-868-8292, ext. 2663

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