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Top 7 Tips to Build Great Relationships at Work

Our interpersonal relationships are a significant part of our lives. And as we spend a considerable amount

of time at work, close-knitted workplace relationships are bound to spring into existence. These

relationships aren’t solely driven by our innate need for approval and acceptance by our peers, they are

also career-driven. To excel, the support and encouragement of our peers is important. Moreover, it

increases productivity and enriches the workplace experience. It is no surprise that possessing

communication skills is one of the prerequisites for most jobs.

Here are the top 7 tips for building great relationships at work:

1. Initiate Conversation

No good will come out of staying hidden in a cubicle or office and waiting for other people to approach

you. Communication is perhaps the most important way to build and maintain relationships. Strike a

conversation with your colleagues during lunch hours, or approach them when they seem to have free

time, but communicate! Communication will sow the seeds of rewarding workplace relationships.

2. Engage With Others

Enhance your relationships by engaging actively with your co-workers. Offer perspectives and

inspirations, and solve problems together. After all, the main objective of a workplace is to put to use the

collective effort of many individuals.

3. Respect Boundaries

To build trust in any relationship, it’s essential to establish and insist upon boundaries, and to respect

those of other’s. Do not disturb your co-workers while they’re tackling important assignments, and

uphold proper conduct and workplace ethics. Also, respect people’s personal space unless you’re


4. Show Appreciation

Everybody likes to be appreciated, and your co-workers are no exceptions. Pay attention to people, and

compliment and congratulate them when they achieve a milestone or simply appreciate their dedication or

astuteness. The key here is to be genuine.

5. Keep a Positive Attitude

Do not be the person who continually complains, it is pointless and it does not add value to anybody’s

time. Maintain a positive demeanour and focus on getting most of your workplace instead of complaining.

Being positive is a very admirable trait and will inspire others, and thus create a positive atmosphere.

However, if you’re deeply dissatisfied with your work, consider getting a new job or switching your


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6. Listen

The ability to really listen to other people is one of the most treasured qualities when it comes to

friendships. Listen attentively to what people have to say, and do not simply wait for your turn to talk.

People usually notice when someone is genuinely interested in what they have to say, and it gives them

the impression that you can be trusted.

7. Maintain Relationships Outside of Work

Limiting your interaction with your co-workers outside of the workplace won’t work in your favour.

Propose to meet outside the office during lunch hours or to attend social events together. This will make

you get to know them on a more personal level and strengthen your relationships.

Taking time to build and nourish your work relations will ensure your satisfaction at work, give you a

better support system, and make work a more fulfilling experience.
