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A Newsletter to Inspire and Celebrate Oakland United Methodists Vol. 18, No. 6 June 2010

June Calendar of Events

June 5-8th -Rev. Textor at Annual Conference in Des Moines Sun. June 6 -9:00 a.m. Summer Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship with communion -11:00 a.m. Koinania June 7-11 -6:00p.m.-8:00 p.m. Vacation Bible School Sun, June 13 -9:00 a.m. Summer Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship -11:00 a.m. Koinania Thu, June 17 -7:00 p.m. Administrative Board meeting Sun, June 20 -9:00 a.m. Summer Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship -11:00 a.m. Koinania Sun, June 27 -9:00 a.m. Summer Sunday school for all ages -10:00 a.m. Worship -11:00 a.m. Koinania

"We invite all persons to be a part of our Community of Faith by participating in worship, education, fellowship and Christian service."

OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 200 North Main PO Box 606 Oakland, IA 51560 Phone: 712-482-5530 Parsonage ph. 712-482-5539 E-mail: [email protected]

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REGISTER FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 7, 2010 5:45 p.m. till 6:45 p.m. Oakland United Methodist Church or e-mail to [email protected] (see inside for more information)

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:00 a.m. Sunday’s before church

Don’t forget Father’s Day

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FOR PASTORAL CARE When you or a family member is hospitalized or face a crisis which pastoral care is needed, please communicate that need directly to Rev. Textor weekday mornings at the church (482-5530) or direct your call to her home phone (482-5539). If she is not available to her home phone, please leave your message on her answering machine.

If you need the prayer chain started on the weekend or on Monday when the office is closed, please call Rev. Textor at 482-5539.

OFFICE HOURS Our secretary, Sheryl Sindt, is in the church office from 9:00 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday. Rev. Textor will be in her study from 10:00 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday. Rev. Textor can also be reached on her home phone (482-5539). The church building and office are closed on Mondays. Office phone 712-482-5530 Church e-mail address [email protected] Church address 200 N. Main, Oakland, IA 51560. Church web page

Seniors with Rev. Textor are: Wes Henry, Katelyn Palmer, Chad Obrecht, and Ryan Henderson. Congratulations to our seniors graduating this year. Chelsie Grobe, Wes Henry, Chad Obrecht, Ryan Henderson, and Katelyn Palmer. Scholarship recipients this year are: Oakland United Methodist Scholarship Chelsie Grobe Wesley Henry - Chad Obrecht - Ashley Way - The Riverside Church Association Scholarship Chad Obrecht We would also like to congratulate Lindsey Henderson on obtaining her master’s degree. Great work everyone.

GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!!!! To all the Sunday school teachers and helpers. Lisa Pierson Debbie Rollins Sheila Applegate Kristy Bane Barb Schorsch Tim Petersen Lindsey Henderson Marsha Beedle Cathey Grosvenor Cyndy Haines Lindsey Bentley Nesha Edmondson Merlin Jones Rev. Textor

MICAH HOUSE IN NEED MICAH House is in need of a volunteer receptionist. Duties include answering the phone and transferring calls, buzzing people into the building and other small clerical tasks. Hours for the opportunity are Monday Noon-4PM, Tuesday 9AM-Noon, and Thursday 9AM- Noon. These three days can be spilt between several volunteers if necessary but we would like someone to be willing to make at least a 3 month commitment. No experience necessary, just a friendly and outgoing attitude, any training will be provided on site. If you know anyone who may be interested please let them know and feel free to forward this email. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you!

Tiffanie Teeple Volunteer Coordinator The Micah House 1415 Ave. J Council Bluffs, IA 51501 Phone: (712)323-4416 Fax: (712)322-6002

[email protected]

CONGRATULATIONS OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST CHURCH!!!! The following are two excerpts from letters to this church from UMCOR.

Dear Friends in Mission: A massive earthquake on January 12 devastated Haiti, taking thousands of lives and leaving more than a million in need of water, food, shelter and medical care. Within hours, United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) friends like you responded with prayers and gifts. Thank you for your gift of $938.00 through The Advance, the designated giving channel of The United Methodist Church. Because of your support, UMCOR is able to address not only immediate needs, but also the long-term recovery of those whose lives have been shattered……. Dear Friends in Mission: Thank you for your generous gift to United Methodist Committee on Relief. 100 percent of your contribution will go to Church World Service, Blankets+, Advance #982810 through the Advance, the designated giving channel of the United Methodist Church. Because you gave, UMCOR is able to “Be There” and “Be Hope” on your behalf. UMCOR programs provide food for the hungry, help farmers grow plentiful and nutritious food, and support people left destitute by natural disasters and war. Your gifts go a long way to bring healing and hope to people in need. We give thanks for your generosity…….. Roland Fernandes Shawn Bakker General Treasurer Assoc. General Sec’y United Methodist Comm. The Advance On Relief Gen. Board of Global Min.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disciple Express

is June 22

9:00 A.M.

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Administrative Board Meeting April 15, 2010

Present: Bernie Bolton, Norma Bolton, Merlin Jones, Jean Blackburn, Richard Merkle, Gloria Gleaves, Skip Applegate, Peggy Bentley, Kristy Rieken w/Kort. In Need of Prayer: 3 ISU students, Randy Foster, and Pastor Shirley in her travels. Secretary’s Report: Norma moved to accept the March meeting minutes with 3 corrections. Gloria seconded the motion and the minutes were approved as corrected. Treasurer’s Report: Richard presented and explained the Treasurer’s Report for March. Peggy moved to accept the report. Jean seconded the motion and the report was accepted. Finance Committee: Bernie reported that the committee met on 4/8/10. Barb Schorsch has been working on the Summer/Fall plans and they are coming into focus for the Committee. The emphasis is on Service. It was suggested at their meeting in months having 5 Sundays, to use that 5th Sunday as Fill-A-Pew Sunday. The Committee will work to follow through on this suggestion. Youth: Merlin reported that the youth groups regularly have 10-11 Jr. High students and 11 High School students. Lay Leader’s Report: Merlin reported that he will soon be petitioning the Ad Council to forward his name to be allowed to be a licensed Lay Pastor. The Board is proud of the steps Merlin is taking in his relationship with God. Education Committee: Kristy reported that approximately 20 children stayed after Easter services for the Easter Egg hunt. Bible school is being planned for June 7-11th at 6:30-8:00 p.m. Volunteers are

needed to help in all phases. Please contact the church, Kristy or Pam Ehmke if you can participate. Sunday, April 18 will be Camp Sunday. The committee is looking for ways to raise funds for camp scholarships. They are also planning a meeting with the Jr. High and Sr. High leaders to talk about combining volunteers. The Lions Club collected $340.00 for the Sunday School in their can collections last month. They also have $100 + from weekly offering during Sunday School. Several volunteers will move stored items out of one of the Sunday School rooms after church so that the room can be used again for children. Memorial Committee: Lonnie Kates is working on the desk that will house the video equipment for the projector. New Business:

Mother’s Day and Senior Breakfast was discussed. Richard will contact some Junior mothers regarding the Senior Breakfast.

Summer Koinonia was discussed. Action was

tabled until the summer Sunday School schedule is determined. The Board will re-visit this topic at the next meeting.

There being no further discussion, Skip Applegate motioned to adjourn the meeting @ 8:10 p.m. With no objections, the meeting was adjourned with prayer. Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Bentley Recording Secretary

PUN INTENDED Why can’t a bicycle stand alone? It’s two tired.

A will is a dead giveaway.

With her marriage she got a new name and a dress. Show me a piano falling down a mineshaft and I’ll show you A-flat miner. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. The guy who got caught in an upholstery machine was fully recovered.

You are stuck with your debt if you can’t budge it. A calendar’s days are numbered.

A lot of money is tainted: ‘Tain’t yours and ‘tain’t mine. He had a photographic memory but no film in his camera.

A plateau is a high form of flattery. Those who get too big for the britches will be exposed in the end. When you’ve seen one shopping center you’ve seen a mall. When she saw her first strands of gray hair she thought she’d dye. Acupuncture: a jab well done. Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian. No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll always be stationery. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse, “No change yet.”


Galactic Blast 2010 VBS Volunteer Retreat - Thursday, June 3 @ 7 pm Oakland United Methodist Church. Plan to attend this short info meeting to learn about Galactic Blast and how to make it a fun, safe, and educational event for all. All volunteers are encouraged to attend. Please notify the church office if you will not be able to attend.

Oakland United Methodist Church and Oakland Christian Church invite all children to GALACTIC BLAST: A COSMIC ADVENTURE PRAISING GOD! Vacation Bible School. Board the starship Galactic Praise to see our awesome universe —and our awesome God—in a whole new way. The fun begins June 7 and ends June 11 from 6-8 pm at Oakland United Methodist Church - 200 N Main St Oakland, Iowa. All children age 3 through 6th grade are welcome to join the fun. Two year olds may participate if toilet trained. Parents may volunteer to help with the adventure. Nursery will be available for children 2 and under. Each galactic mission includes a Bible story in the Good News Galaxy, along with science activities at the Orbital Observatory, music at Moons & Tunes, art projects at Cosmic Crafts, games at Rocket Rec, and a lite meal at the Astro Bistro. To be a part of all the excitement at GALACTIC BLAST: A COSMIC ADVENTURE PRAISING GOD!, call Sheryl at 712-482-5530 or email the church office at [email protected]. Please include your child's name, birth date, age, grade completed, address, contact person, allergies, t-shirt size (t-shirts available for $5 - please notify office if need assistance purchasing t-shirt). We look forward to seeing you Monday, June 7. Preregistration is appreciated. Registration will begin at 5:30 pm Monday if the child is not preregistered.

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“I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day; I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way; The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear. Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear.” -Edgar A. Guest via Gleamings

The perfect father, “Alas, there is only one perfect Father, God, and only one perfect Son, Jesus. Most of us live a life of trial and error. We fall down. We make mistakes. We need to get back up on our feet and go on. This is how we grow.”

“Instead of trying to be a perfect father, we can only pray to God and do the best job we can. The most important thing in parenting is to love your children as God loves us and support them in all they do.”

“May God bless all the imperfect fathers of the world who try to raise their children perfectly.”

-Joyful Noiseletter

THE WORLD AS WE LIVE IN IT. If you could fit the entire population of the world into a village of 100 people, maintaining the proportions of all the people living on Earth, that village would consist of:

57 Asians 21 Europeans 14 Americans (North, Central & South)

8 Africans There would be: 52 women 48 men

30 Caucasians 70 non-Caucasians

30 Christians 70 non-Christians

89 heterosexuals 11 homosexuals 6 people would possess 59% of the wealth and they would all come from the USA.

80 would live in poverty 70 would be illiterate 50 would suffer from hunger & malnutrition

1 would be dying 1 would be born

1 would own a computer 1 (yes only one) would have a university degree If we look at the world this way, the need for acceptance and understanding would be obvious.

But consider again the following: If you woke up this morning in good health, you have more luck than one million people, who won’t live through the week. If you have ever experienced the horror of war, the solitude of prison, the pain of torture, were not close to death from starvation, then you are better off than 500 million people. If you can go to your place of worship without fear that someone will assault or kill you, then you are luckier than 3 billion people. If you have a full fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are wealthier than 75% of the world’s population. So: Work like you don’t need the money. Love like nobody has ever hurt you. Dance like nobody is watching.

Sing like nobody is listening.

Live as if this was paradise on Earth.

And thank God you are who you are.

NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY “Susannah’s Garden” by Debbie Macomber “The Beloved Land” by Janette Oke & T. Davis Bunn “Engaging Father Christmas” by Robin Jones Gunn “A Gathering of Angels” by Katherine Valentine “Angels Ever Near-Everywhere From A To Z” a Guideposts book

HARMONY CIRCLE Harmony circle hosted their Spring Salad Luncheon on May 6th at 12:30 p.m. There were many wonderful salads enjoyed by a nice group of ladies. Entertainment for the afternoon was Susan Brown, a very talented lady singing a variety of gospel and country songs. The Circle will not meet again until fall.

SAINT THERESA is known as the Saint of the Little Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little

things in life well and with great love. Prayer is one of the best free gifts we receive.

Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you

are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are

born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and

pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let his presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise

and love. It is there for each and everyone of us.

Making Mother’s Day cards

On Senior Recognition Sunday the congregation was honored with a solo by Bev Beckendorf. Thanks Bev. During the summer the choir will not be performing. Anyone interested in sharing their talents with the church by special music, either instrumental or vocal please contact Rev. Textor. Special music always gives the service a little something extra.

WOMEN AT THE WELL May’s third Sunday offering going to Women at the Well collected $197. Thank you for your generous giving.

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You can make the world a better place! With a Christ-like awareness and a heart for the sisters and brothers with whom you share the journey of life you can bring hope, share the promise of peace, work to let justice flow like an ever-flowing stream, lift those around you who've stumbled along the way! On the first day of the 2010 session, June 5, every one of the more than 820 congregations is invited to do something to make the world a better place. By praying or caring or helping or sharing or feeding or building 184,000 people can make our communities, state and world a better place! And when we do something, together, people who may never have noticed The United Methodist Church, or even, more importantly, have never felt God's love, will be transformed by the blessed power that passes all understanding and energized by a grace that is greater than anything that might limit God's creation. You can make the world a better place! How? By doing a spring clean up for a home-bound senior…by cleaning up a section of the shoulder of a local highway…by working on a Habitat for Humanity house…by doing a canned food drive to benefit a local food pantry…by collecting pop cans, cashing them in, and contributing the deposit money to Nothing But Nets…by writing notes for an elderly member of your congregation…by inviting neighbors to work with you on a community garden…by collecting pop tops from beverage cans to help Ronald McDonald houses…by reading to children at a local library…by holding a car wash for Haiti…by volunteering at a local nursing home…by working with local fire departments to check smoke detector batteries, and providing new ones where necessary, across the community…by gathering together to pray for the Conference gathered together in Des Moines for the annual meeting …by doing a “midnight run,” providing sandwiches and hot coffee for homeless folks in a nearby city…or a thousand other, even better ideas that you come up with right where you are! And when you do that, take some pictures, shoot some video on a cell phone or flip video camera, and

send your images to the Annual Conference session so everyone there can see or hear about what you’re doing. (More details on how to do this will be forthcoming around May 1.) Your pictures and videos will be shown to the 1600 people who will gather, from all across the state, at HyVee Hall in Des Moines to do some business and celebrate the ministries of Iowa United Methodists…including you! Busses in Des Moines will display the message that “You Can Make the World a Better Place…Be Encouraged.” Tee shirts will carry the same invitation. Banners across the state will proclaim the hope-filled words. In the week between now and the 2010 Iowa Annual Conference session make your plans. Get ready…prepare for the day…when each of us does something small, together we will do something extraordinary. And when that happens, people will notice! Make a commitment to action for Saturday, June 5. And remember, “You Can Make the World a Better Place…Be Encouraged!” ,

JUST SOMETHING TO BE AWARE OF For those guys who read this.....pass it along to your wife or daughters. Several things to be aware of this gangs and robbers are now plotting different ways to get a person to "stop" their vehicle. There is a gang initiation reported by the police department that gangs are placing a car seat by the road...with a fake baby in it...waiting for a woman, of course, to stop and check on the baby. Note that the location of this car seat will usually be beside a wooded or grassy (field) area...and the person – a woman - will be dragged into the woods- beaten and raped-usually left for dead. DO NOT STOP. DIAL 9-1-1 AND INFORM THEM. If you are driving at night and eggs are thrown at your windshield do not operate the wiper and spray any water because eggs mixed with water become milky and block your vision, so you are forced to stop beside the road and become a victim of robbers.

Jr. High youth group picnic in the park served by Amy Gleaves. Elijah Dietz, Tiffany Wichert, Britnee Chase, Sheyenne Smith, Austin Morrison, Kyra Martens, Conner Rankin,

Amber Hoyt, Jordan Winget, Grace Gleaves,

Justine Brammer, Dustin Smith

Conner Rankin, son of Roger Rankin, was baptized and confirmed as a member of OUMC on March 28, 2010.

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June 6: Veva and Merle Larsen Tim and Dianne White Candlelighters: Andrew Jones and Sarah Jones

June 13: Bob and Bev Beckendorf Joan Shanno, & Jessie Shiffer Candlelighters: Kyra Martens & Hayley Haines

June 20: Dick and Louise Merkle Lowell and Velda Husz

Candlelighters: Hayden Haines and Cory Reichart

June 27: Fred and Joyce Henry Bud and Marsha Beedle

Candlelighters: Sarah Jones and Kyra Martens

KOINANIA (No more phone call reminders)

June 6 Dorothy Brandes

13 Dick & Louise Merkle 20 Father’s Day

27 Tim & Amy Petersen

June 6 Cory Reichart & Dani Turner

13 Joyce Henry

20 Barb Schorsch

27 Lindsey Henderson


NURSING HOMES - Remember those in the nursing homes with cards and visits. Oakland Manor: Mary Applegate, Janis Dobernecker, Margaret Alff, Berwyn Cleaveland Oakland Heights: Eileen Haines, Dorothy Forristall , Lucille Bentley Griswold Nursing Home: Merle Davis Amelia House: Lois Allen

At age four, a little girl mostly dozed through her first Catholic mass. However, when the altar boy shook some bells during the consecration, the little girl sprang awake and hollered, “The ice cream man!” A father asked his little son what was the highest number he had counted. The boy replied, “973”. The father asked the boy why he had stopped there. The boy replied, “Because church was over.” After her mother gave birth to two twin baby boys, a pastor saw the five-year-old sister of the two boys at the hospital. “I hear God has sent you two more little brothers, Diane,” the pastor said cheerfully. “Yes sir,” the little girl replied, “and He knows where the money’s coming from. I heard Daddy say so.”

1 Camryn Pierson 2 Cody Schwieso 5 Troy Kinnison 7 Taylor Weirich 7 Hayden Haines 8 Ward Young 11 Becky Hobson 12 Bill Adams 12 Robin Jefferson 13 Nicole Birdsong 13 Kacey Danker 14 Marsha Beedle 14 Haley Hummel 15 Merle Larson 16 Kelly Bentley 17 Dawson Henderson 17 Brody Henderson 18 Tami Wahl 19 Andy Rollins 20 Mike Kullbom 20 Adam Bartlett 20 Evan Sowers 21 Beverly Beckendorf 21 Abi Petersen 22 John Taylor 22 Nolan Moore 24 Dustin Applegate 25 Merlin Jones 26 Velda Husz 27 Carter Bentley 28 Andy Bentley 29 Mitch Rollins 29 Emma Ehmke 30 Junellyn Pierce


SYSTEM The projection system has been ordered but we still lack $3400. paying for it. If you would like to help, please put your donation in the offering plate with a note saying projection system or mail it to the church.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Summer Sunday school starts June 6th and will be held before church at 9:00 a.m. Rev. Textor’s class will not meet during the summer but will resume in the fall. Merlin Jones’ class will continue during the summer at the 9:00 time. We look forward to you being with us and sharing your thoughts and experiences.

NEW JOB POSTING The Board of Ordained Ministry is accepting applications for a new position, Iowa Director of Ministerial Services. This position will work closely with the Board of Ordained Ministry as the official registrar. The Director of Ministerial Services works with District registrars, other conference staff and the Cabinet as necessary, to carry out their primary responsibilities. This position will manage the Data Base for the Board of Ministry and Committees. This position was voted on and approved at the 2009 Annual Conference. See the Iowa Annual Conference of United Methodist web site for more information..

ITMES NEEDED FOR VBS: Please collect the following items for the kids during Vacation Bible School and leave them on the table in the entry of the church.:

Pringles cans USA stickers

Old CDs plates, napkins, plastic silverware & cups