
We are moving forward with the vision of using latest trends such as “Go Digital, Social Architecture, Internet of Things” and many more.

Websites are a powerful tool in the business stand point . Websi tes s imply del iver al l the messages that the company is intended to del iver to.

At Kanmalai Technologies, we focus on developing cost effect ive, convenient, credible websi tes that is eye catching.

Websi tes developed at Kanmalai ensuresfrequent v is i t of the customers makingthem feel that you are always avai lable for them at any t ime.


Kanmalai working on the benefi ts of the customers uses the fol lowing asmarket ing s t ra tegies of Digi ta l Market ing.

Digi ta l market ing is inf ini te ly more affordable than t radi t ional off l ine market ing methods. An email or social media campaign can t ransmit a market ing message to consumers for the merest f ract ion of the cost of a TV ad or pr int campaign, and potent ia l ly reach a wider audience.


We work on the basis of customer sat isfact ion and their requirements . As the name indicates , custom software wil l be absolutely customized based on the customer’s requirements .

Kanmalai creates a platform to develop the custom software that looks for the development cost and t ime, eff ic iency of the system, service improvement , and the f lexibi l i ty of the sof tware or the product .


Kanmalai possesses greater perspect ive in developing mobile appl icat ion much to the customer sat isfact ion and requirement . We pioneer in developing hybrid apps that wil l be compatible in a l l p la t forms such as Android, iOS and windows. Mobile appl icat ions that are developed at Kanmalai provide value to the customers by engaging them at a l l t ime.


Digital Signage is a creat ive project that is used by var ious end users l ike restaurants and coffee shops. The pr imary object ive of the product is to produce a cost effect ive sof tware based solut ion. I t helps in promoting the business by at t ract ing the customers . I t i s synonymous to the t radi t ional way of advert is ing and helps in the growth of the company.

Digi ta l Signage Phase 1 has been succes\sful ly completed and has gone l ive and i t i s been used by our end users orcustomers . The menu cards are made as digi ta l templates that are designed in such a way that i t i s compat ible for a l l types of ver t ical TV.

Digi ta l Signage Phase II is in progress .In this the templates are designed for the display specif icat ion of Horizontal TV. Here the templates are designed in such a way that i t i s compat ible and responsive.


From small businesses to that consummate ecommerce,many companies can benefi t f rom having their own ecommerce s i te . As wel l as sel l ing a physical product , ecommerce can be used to sel l digi ta l products , consul ta t ions or appointments , or intangibles , making i t a f lexible solut ion for a l l k inds of businesses .

We at Kanmalai pioneer in support the E-commerce. Kanmalai uses technologies such as mobile commerce, e lectronic funds t ransfer, supply chain management , Internet market ing, onl ine t ransact ion processing, inventory management systems, and automated data col lect ion systems.

Kanmalai employs onl ine marketplaces , which process third-par ty business- to-consumer orconsumer- to-consumer sales , Business- to-business buying and sel l ing.


2/128 Udhaya Nagar, Ganapathy,Coimbatore- 641668,Tamilnadu, India.Phone No : 0422-2510967

Emai l Us at : info@kanmalai


infokanmalai .com

Website : www.kanmalai