Page 1: Key Stage 3 & 4 Social Etiquette & Fashion in Jane Austen• Explore the strict rules governing

Key Stage 3 & 4

Social Etiquette & Fashion in Jane Austen’s Bath“They arrived at Bath. Catherine was all eager delight; - her eyes were here, there, everywhere, as they approached its fine and striking environs....She was come to be happy, and she felt happy already.”

Jane Austen knew Bath well and lived in the city from 1801-06. In the novels ‘Northanger Abbey’ and ‘Persuasion’, she brings to life a social whirl where intrigue and romance can be found around every street corner.

In this workshop, students will:• Stepintotheshoes(andclothes!)ofcharacterssuch as Catherine Morland in ‘Northanger Abbey’ to discover how they dressed and socialised in houses like No. 1 Royal Crescent. • Explorethestrictrulesgoverningsocialetiquette, along with the importance of maintaining a fashionable appearance for social success.

Thisworkshopoffersstudentsanexciting,hands-onopportunity to gain a closer understanding of Jane Austen’s work by dressing in replica Georgian clothes, trying make-up and wigs and visiting the 10 elegant, historic rooms of No. 1 Royal Crescent, “the best address in Bath”.

Cost: £6 per student Maximum 30 studentsAdults are freePlease note: 1 adult for every 6 students required.

To book, contact: Polly Andrews, [email protected] 333895


