Page 1: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit. You

can use whatever materials you choose. Your diorama MUST accurately depict a

significant scene. Include characters, symbols, scenery that fits the happenings

from the unit. You also must include a reflection about your diorama (this can be

presented orally or written).

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking The diorama shows considerable attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains. Nothing is hanging over the edges.

The diorama shows attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.

The diorama shows some attention to construction. Most items are neatly trimmed. All items are securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.

The diorama was put together sloppily. Items appear to be just "slapped on". Pieces may be loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven edges, and/or stray marks are evident.

Communication Several of the objects used in the diorama reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. Reflection of diorama explains connection to theme with a high degree and contains no grammatical errors.

One or two of the objects used in the diorama reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. Reflection of diorama explains connection to theme and contains few grammatical errors.

One or two objects were made or customized by the student, but the ideas were typical rather than creative (.e.g, apply the emboss filter to a drawing in Photoshop). Reflection of diorama explains connection to theme with some degree of understanding and contains some grammatical errors.

The student did not make or customize any of the items on the diorama. Reflection of diorama explains connection to theme with little understanding and contains many grammatical errors.

Knowledge Objects are an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well. Care has been taken to balance the diorama scene. Diorama is deeply connected to the theme and enhances meaning in a highly-effective manner.

Objects are an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well. The diorama, however does not appear balanced. Diorama is connected to the theme and enhances meaning in an effective manner.

Objects are an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very attractive. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement. Diorama is somewhat connected to the theme and somewhat enhances meaning.

Objects are of an inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing the diorama. Diorama is not connected to the theme and does not enhance meaning.

Application The student gives an extensive explanation of how items in the diorama are related to the scene.

The student gives a reasonable explanation of how most items in the diorama are related to the scene.

The student gives a fair explanation of how most items in the diorama are related to the scene.

The student’s explanations are weak and illustrate difficulty understanding how to relate items to the scene.

Page 2: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a board game that directly relates to themes, ideas, and events that appear in the unit.

Your game must display knowledge in specifics from the text and must be interactive. You also

must include a reflection about your game (this can be presented orally or written).

Your board game MUST:

Have at least 25 questions and answers that relate to the unit.

Include directions for your game that would make it perfectly clear how to play the game.

Have content and difficulty that is appropriate for your novel and for your classmates’


Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking A lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board. It is evident that much time and effort has been put into the project and game is original and thought-provoking.

Some thought was put into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters. It is evident that much time and effort has been put into the project.

Student tried to make the game interesting and fun, but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game. Game displays some originality, but most is surface level.

Little thought was put into making the game interesting or fun. It is not evident that much time and effort has been put into the project. Game does not display originality.

Communication Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate. Typed and edited for errors. Anyone can pick up the game and play it without confusion.

Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation. Typed, but some errors. There is some confusion in rules of the game.

Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game. Typed or handwritten, but many typos.

The rules were not written and/or are confusing and have parts missing.

Knowledge Game creation demonstrates strong knowledge of theme. Created a game that could challenge everyone – even those with great knowledge

Game creation demonstrates knowledge of theme. Good ideas for questions to help student review the theme.

Game creation demonstrates adequate knowledge of theme. Questions need a bit more work.

Game creation does not demonstrate knowledge of theme. Questions are off-topic/inappropriate.

Application All information cards made for the game are correct. Game is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is a high degree of originality and creativity.

All but one of the information cards made for the game are correct. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is evidence of originality and creativity.

All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is some degree of originality and creativity.

Several information cards made for the game are not accurate. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is little degree of originality and creativity.

Page 3: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a sculpture that represents a theme, idea or event from one of the works

we have studied. Your sculpture MUST display creativity and knowledge of the

work. You may choose to create a symbol or represent a scene or even a

character- be creative! You also must include a reflection about your sculpture

(this can be presented orally or written).

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking The sculpture is presented in an original and creative manner. There is attention to detail and there are many original ideas in material and display. The sculpture displays a great deal of interest. Very colorful and clean looking. Sculpture is creative and insightful.

The sculpture is presented in an original and creative manner. There is attention to detail and there are original ideas in material and display. The sculpture displays a great deal of interest. Very colorful and clean looking. Sculpture is creative and insightful.

The sculpture displays some originality and creativity. There is some attention to detail and there are some original ideas in material and display.

The sculpture shows little or no originality or creative thinking. Sculpture displays surface-level understanding of the theme.

Application All images are included and are carefully placed. Physical features are carefully sculpted and are colored/painted appropriately. Great time and care has been put into this project.

All images are included and most are accurately placed. Physical features are carefully drawn and are colored appropriately.

Some images are included and some are accurately placed. Physical features are not always colored appropriately.

Images are confusing and not accurately placed. Sculpture looks unfinished and “messy.”

Knowledge Sculpture accurately represents the theme and enhances meaning and thought. Themes and ideas are illustrated with a high degree and it is evident that the student understands the theme.

Sculpture represents the theme and enhances meaning and thought. Themes and ideas are illustrated and it is evident that the student understands the theme.

Sculpture represents the theme, but does not enhance meaning and thought. Themes and ideas are somewhat illustrated and it is evident that the student understands the theme to some extent.

Sculpture does not accurately represents the theme. Themes and ideas are not illustrated and it is evident that the student understands the theme on a surface-level.

Communication Reflection of sculpture explains images and words and why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of sculpture explains images and words and why they have been included. There are a few grammatical errors. Student explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of sculpture explains some images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student somewhat explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of sculpture explains images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student explains, with a limited degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Page 4: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a puzzle that represents a theme, idea, or event from one of the works we

have studied. Your puzzle MUST be able to be taken apart and re-done by your

classmates and must accurately depict/represent the work. You also must include

a reflection about your puzzle (this can be presented orally or written).

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Many original ideas in material and display are evident and stimulate a great deal of interest. Puzzle shows high degree of clarity on the theme and represents important ideas/theories. Puzzle is crafted with a high degree of care and effort.

Many original ideas in material and display are evident and stimulate a great deal of interest. Puzzle shows high degree of clarity on the theme and represents important ideas/theories. Puzzle is crafted with a high degree of care and effort.

Many original ideas in material and display are evident and stimulate a great deal of interest. Puzzle shows high degree of clarity on the theme and represents important ideas/theories. Puzzle is crafted with a high degree of care and effort.

Many original ideas in material and display are evident and stimulate a great deal of interest. Puzzle shows high degree of clarity on the theme and represents important ideas/theories. Puzzle is crafted with a high degree of care and effort.

Application All images are included and are carefully placed. Physical features are carefully created and are colored appropriately

All images are included and most are accurately placed. Physical features are carefully created and are colored appropriately.

Some images are included and some are accurately placed. Physical features are not always colored appropriately.

Images are confusing and not accurately placed.

Knowledge Puzzle accurately represents the work. Themes and ideas are illustrated.

Puzzle accurately represents the work. Themes and ideas are somewhat illustrated.

Puzzle somewhat represents the work. Themes and ideas are missing.

Puzzle does not accurately represent the work. Themes and ideas are not illustrated.

Communication Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. There are a few grammatical errors. Student explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains some images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student somewhat explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student explains, with a limited degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Page 5: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Congratulations! You are the curator for a world famous museum. You are going

to create an artifact symbolizing the major theme or idea from the unit we have

studied. Your artifact should not only accurately depict the time period, but also

the main theme or idea presented in the text. You also must include a reflection

about your artifact (this can be presented orally or written).

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking The artifact shows a high degree of originality and creativity in connection to the theme. The artifact shows considerable attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. There are no stray marks, smudges or glue stains.

The artifact shows a considerable degree of originality and creativity in connection to the theme. The artifact shows attention to construction. The items are neatly trimmed. All items are carefully and securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.

The artifact shows some degree of originality and creativity in connection to the theme. The artifact shows some attention to construction. Most items are neatly trimmed. All items are securely attached to the backing. A few barely noticeable stray marks, smudges or glue stains are present. Nothing is hanging over the edges.

The artifact shows little originality and creativity in connection to the theme. The artifact was put together sloppily. Items appear to be just "slapped on". Pieces may be loose or hanging over the edges. Smudges, stains, rips, uneven edges, and/or stray marks are evident.

Application The object reflects an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. The artifact is appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well. Care has been taken.

The object somewhat reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. Artifact is an appropriate size and interesting shape and are arranged well.

The artifact was customized by the student, but the ideas were typical rather than creative. The artifact is an appropriate size and shape, but the arrangement of items is not very attractive. It appears there was not a lot of planning of the item placement.

The student did not make or customize the artifact. The artifact is an inappropriate size and/or shape. It appears little attention was given to designing.

Knowledge Artifact is deeply connected to the theme of the unit and reflects and bring deep meaning to what we have studied. Artifact displays knowledge of the theme.

Artifact shows considerable connection to the theme of the unit and reflects and bring meaning to what we have studied. Artifact displays knowledge of the theme.

Artifact is somewhat connected to the theme of the unit and reflects what we have studied. Artifact displays some knowledge of the theme.

Artifact is not connected to the theme of the unit and shows little meaning to what we have studied. Artifact displays little knowledge of the theme.

Communication Reflection of artifact explains images and words and why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of artifact explains images and words and why they have been included. There are a few grammatical errors. Student explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of artifact explains some images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student somewhat explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of artifact explains images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student explains, with a limited degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Page 6: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Pick one theme or idea from the unit. You are going to write a “how-to” pamphlet

on this topic (ie. “How to Avoid Peer-Pressure”). Make sure to include visuals and

step-by-step guide on how to accomplish this goal.

Your pamphlet MUST include:

1) Visuals and text

2) Full the page (back and front)

3) Follow brochure/pamphlet format (columns)

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking The pamphlet shows considerable attention to construction. The student displays higher-order thinking. The pamphlet is clolourful and incorporates graphics and text in order to effectively convey information about the theme.

The pamphlet shows attention to construction. The student displays higher-order thinking. The pamphlet is clolourful and incorporates graphics and text in order to effectively convey information about the theme.

The pamphlet shows considerable attention to construction. The student displays higher-order thinking. The pamphlet is clolourful and incorporates graphics and text in order to effectively convey information about the theme.

The pamphlet shows little attention to construction and details. The student displays higher-order thinking. The pamphlet lacks clolour, graphics and text and does not effectively convey information about the theme.

Communication The pamphlet contains a high degree of information and connection to specific themes and ideas from the unit. There are no errors in grammar or spelling

The pamphlet contains relevant information and connection to specific themes and ideas from the unit. There are few errors in grammar or spelling

The pamphlet contains a information and somewhat connects to specific themes and ideas from the unit. There are some errors in grammar or spelling

The pamphlet contains little information and/or irrelevant information and connection to specific themes and ideas from the unit. There are many errors in grammar and spelling

Knowledge The pamphlet is full of information relating to the theme. The pamphlet explains the topic using rich detail and visuals that are impactful. It is evident that the pamphlet express a high degree of knowledge on the theme.

The pamphlet contains information relating to the theme. The pamphlet explains the topic using detail and visuals that are impactful. It is evident that the pamphlet express a considerable knowledge on the theme.

The pamphlet contains information relating to the theme. The pamphlet explains the topic using rich detail and visuals that are impactful. It is evident that the pamphlet express a high degree of knowledge on the theme.

The pamphlet lacks information relating to the theme. The pamphlet does not explain the topic using rich detail and visuals that are impactful. The pamphlet does not express knowledge on the theme.

Application The pamphlet stays true to the “how to” form and explains in great detail steps that relate to a specific idea from the unit. There is a hig level of

The student gives a reasonable explanation of how most items in the diorama are related to the scene.

The student gives a fair explanation of how most items in the diorama are related to the scene.

The student’s explanations are weak and illustrate difficulty understanding how to relate items to the scene.

Page 7: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a series of freeze frames from important ideas from the unit. You MUST

include at least 5 different scenes and they must accurately depict the theme. You

will need to use props if necessary.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Thinking No variation in body movement beyond actor neutral No facial expression Body/face do not communicate meaning (the thoughts and feelings of the character)

Student needs outside support to correct; is rarely able to: Modify posture, poses, gestures, movements, and/or walk, including

High/medium/low levels

Pose with an audience’s perspective in mind

Use energy when modifying or adjusting body Use dramatic facial expression appropriate to thoughts and feelings of the character Expression exaggerated for audience to see Body/face show dramatic tension communicate consistent meaning

Student self corrects, is usually able to: Modify posture, poses, gestures, movements, and/or walk, including

High/medium/low levels

Pose with an audience’s perspective in mind

Use energy when modifying or adjusting body Use dramatic facial expression appropriate to thoughts and feelings of the character Expression exaggerated for audience to see Body/face show dramatic tension communicate consistent meaning

Student is consistently able to: Modify posture, poses, gestures, movements, and/or walk, including

High/medium/low levels

Pose with an audience’s perspective in mind

Use energy when modifying or adjusting body Use dramatic facial expression appropriate to thoughts and feelings of the character Expression exaggerated for audience to see Body/face show dramatic tension Communicate consistent meaning

Communication Student: Looks outside freeze frame Remains out of character Moves Speaks

Student needs outside support to correct; is rarely able to: Look inside freeze frame Remain in character Remain frozen when cued Remain silent when cued

Student self corrects, is usually able to: Look inside freeze frame Remain in character Remain frozen when cued Remain silent when cued

Student is consistently able to:: Look inside freeze frame Remain in character Remain frozen when cued Remain silent when cued

Knowledge Freeze frames do not accurately relate or reflect important scenes from the text. Student does not highlight 5 scenes.

Freeze frames somewhat relate and reflect important scenes from the text. Student does not highlight 5 scenes.

Freeze frames accurately reflect and relate to important scenes from the text. Student highlights all 5 scenes.

Freeze frames highlight and accurately represent important scenes. Creativity is demonstrated and there is s high level of higher-order thinking. All 5 scenes are represented.

Application Student moves around, doesn’t know what to do; is unable to work as a member of an ensemble/team No ideas shared Unwilling to resolve disagreements

Outside direction needed; student is rarely able to work as a member of an ensemble/team

Student self corrects; is usually able to work as a member of an ensemble/team

Student actively involved as member of an ensemble/team Able to share roles equitably Shares leadership embraces new ideas values all members

Page 8: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a dance performance that accurately illustrates a theme or idea from the

unit. This is an interpretation so the format is up to you as long as it accurately

highlights the text.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Develops a dance sequence that is creative, complete and displays lots of effort and practice.

Develops a dance sequence that is creative, complete and displays some effort and practice.

Develops a dance sequence that is not very creative, incomplete and displays little effort and practice.

Develops a dance sequence that is uncreative, incomplete and displays no effort or practice OR Does not develop a dance sequence.

Application Performs complete dance with lots of confidence and enthusiasm, making few errors. performs all sequences

from memorization rarely needs to follow

instructor always demonstrates

enthusiasm by showing energy in movements and giving their best

Performs complete dance with some confidence and enthusiasm, making some errors. performs most sequences

from memorization sometimes needs to follow

instructor sometimes demonstrates

enthusiasm by showing energy in movements and giving their best

Performs complete dance with little confidence and enthusiasm, making many errors. performs some sequences

from memorization mostly needs to follow

instructor rarely demonstrates

enthusiasm by showing energy in movements and giving their best

Performs complete dance with no confidence or enthusiasm, making constant errors OR Does not perform complete dance. unable to perform any

sequences from memorization always needs to follow

instructor never demonstrates


Knowledge Dance and accompanying music accurately reflect theme from the novel/text and a high attention to detail is apparent.

Dance and accompanying music reflect theme from the novel/text.

Dance and accompanying music somewhat reflect theme, but at times the connection is not apparent.

Dance and accompanying music do not accurately relate or reflect to theme from the text.

Communication Reflection of dance effectively explains movement/music they have included. The student explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of dance explains movement/music they have included. The student explains, with considerable clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of dance somewhat explains movement/music they have included. The student somewhat explains, degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of dance does not explain movement/music they have included. The student does not effectively explain their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Page 9: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a musical performance that accurately illustrates a theme or idea from the

unit. This is an interpretation so the format is up to you as long as it accurately

highlights the text.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Develops a performance that is creative, complete and displays lots of effort and practice. Music enhances a deeper meaning of the theme and directly connects to it.

Develops a performance that is creative, complete and displays some effort and practice. Music enhances a deeper meaning of the theme and directly connects to it.

Develops a performance that is not very creative, incomplete and displays little effort and practice. Music enhances a deeper meaning of the theme and directly connects to it.

Develops a performance that is uncreative, incomplete and displays no effort or practice OR Does not develop a dance sequence. Music enhances a deeper meaning of the theme and directly connects to it.

Communication Reflection of performance explains words and music, with a high degree of clarity and detail, why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of performance explains words and music why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of performance explains words and music why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of performance explains words and music why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Knowledge Music accurately reflects the theme from the unit and high attention to detail is apparent. Student displays considerable understanding of the theme and its connection to the unit.

Music reflects the theme from the unit and considerable attention to detail is apparent. Student displays understanding of the theme and its connection to the unit.

Music somewhat reflects the theme from the unit. Student displays some understanding of the theme and its connection to the unit.

Music does not accurately reflect the theme from the unit. Student displays little understanding of the theme and its connection to the unit.

Application Student accurately describes with a high degree of clarity (orally or written) how song relates and connects to novel.

Student describes (orally or written) how song relates and connects to novel.

Student somewhat describes (orally or written) how song relates and connects to novel.

Student describes (orally or written) how song relates and connects to novel, but shows limited connections.

Page 10: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Send your classmates on a scavenger hunt! Create a scavenger hunt for your class

that directly relates to a theme or idea found in the unit. Your scavenger hunt

MUST include:

1) At least 10 clues that each group must follow

2) A clear theme that relates to the text

3) Some form of tabulation to make sure each group “passes” each station

4) Some “challenge” at each station

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Develops a scavenger hunt that is highly creative, complete and displays lots of effort and thought. Scavenger hunt enables entire class to not only participate, but to also actively learn more about the theme.

Develops a scavenger hunt that is creative, complete and displays considerable effort and thought. Scavenger hunt enables entire class to not only participate, but to also actively learn more about the theme.

Develops a scavenger hunt that is somewhat creative, complete and displays some effort and thought. Scavenger hunt enables entire class to not only participate, but at times is off topic and not relevant.

Develops a scavenger hunt that displays little creativity, effort and thought. Scavenger hunt does not enable the entire class to not only participate, and does not enhance theme.

Communication Scavenger hunt displays a high degree of organization, a direct connection to the theme. Clues are well planned out and display a high degree of thinking.

Scavenger hunt displays organization, a connection to the text, and clues are planned out.

Scavenger hunt displays some organization, somewhat connect to the text, but clues are not well planned out.

Scavenger hunt is somewhat disorganized and does not connect to the text.

Knowledge Scavenger hunt accurately reflects the theme from the unit and a high attention to detail is apparent.

Scavenger hunt reflects the theme from the theme and considerable attention to detail is apparent.

Scavenger hunt somewhat connects to the theme from the unit there is some attention to detail.

Scavenger hunt does not accurately reflect the theme from the unit. There is little attention to details.

Application Scavenger hunt clues and game are well linked and allow full participation of the class. The students are organized and given expectations and directions in order to complete the task confidently. Students are engaged.

Scavenger hunt clues and game are linked and allow participation of the class. The students are organized and given expectations and directions in order to complete the task.

Scavenger hunt clues and game are somewhat linked and allow for some participation of the class. The students are somewhat organized and given directions in order to complete the task.

Scavenger hunt clues and game are not linked and do not allow full participation of the class. The students are, at times, disorganized directions are not effective and/or confusing.

Page 11: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

You are going to create a memory box for one of the significant persons, themes,

ideas, in the unit. Your memory box should include special items that you feel best

represent the unit- items that directly connect to themes, ideas, theories (ie.

Pictures, tokens, diary entry …). Choose your items carefully.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking The student fully understands the many aspects behind their character's personae and every item in the memory box is related to the assigned theme. For most items, the relationship is clear without explanation

Student displays understanding behind their character’s personae. The items placed in the memory box directly connect to the character.

Students somewhat displays understanding behind character. Some of the items in the memory box connect to the character.

The items displayed in the memory box do not relate or connect to the character. The items show little understanding of themes and ideas presented in the text.

Communication Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. The students explains, with a high degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. There are a few grammatical errors. Student explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains some images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student somewhat explains their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Reflection of collage explains images and words and why they have been included. There are grammatical errors. Student explains, with a limited degree of clarity, their choices and how they relate to the theme.

Knowledge Items in the memory box are directly related to the character. Items are carefully chosen and student demonstrates a high understanding of themes and ideas presented in the text.

Items in the memory box are related to the character. Items are carefully chosen and student demonstrates a high understanding of themes and ideas presented in the text.

Items in the memory box are somewhat related to the character. Items are somewhat carefully chosen and student demonstrates some understanding of themes and ideas presented in the text.

Items in the memory box are not related to the character. Items are carefully chosen and student demonstrates a high understanding of themes and ideas presented in the text.

Application Creativity, time and effort are obvious. A thorough understanding of the play and the character is communicated through the choices made in the locker assignment.

Sufficient time and effort were clearly spent on the project. A strong understanding of the play and the character is communicated through the choices made in the locker assignment.

Some time and effort was put into the project. A good understanding of the play and the character is communicated. Some better choices should have been made for this locker.

Little time and effort is apparent. A limited understanding of the play and/or the character is demonstrated. More attention to the assigned task is required.

Page 12: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Create a video game that directly relates to themes, ideas, and events that appear in the unit.

Your game must display knowledge in specifics from the text and must be interactive. You also

must include a reflection about your game (this can be presented orally or written).

Your board game MUST:

Have at least 25 questions and answers that relate to the unit.

Include directions for your game that would make it perfectly clear how to play the game.

Have content and difficulty that is appropriate for your novel and for your classmates’


Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking A lot of thought into making the game interesting and fun to play as shown by creative questions, game pieces and/or game board. It is evident that much time and effort has been put into the project and game is original and thought-provoking.

Some thought was put into making the game interesting and fun to play by using textures, fancy writing, and/or interesting characters. It is evident that much time and effort has been put into the project.

Student tried to make the game interesting and fun, but some of the things made it harder to understand/enjoy the game. Game displays some originality, but most is surface level.

Little thought was put into making the game interesting or fun. It is not evident that much time and effort has been put into the project. Game does not display originality.

Communication Rules were written clearly enough that all could easily participate. Typed and edited for errors. Anyone can pick up the game and play it without confusion.

Rules were written, but one part of the game needed slightly more explanation. Typed, but some errors. There is some confusion in rules of the game.

Rules were written, but people had some difficulty figuring out the game. Typed or handwritten, but many typos.

The rules were not written and/or are confusing and have parts missing.

Knowledge Game creation demonstrates strong knowledge of theme. Created a game that could challenge everyone – even those with great knowledge

Game creation demonstrates knowledge of theme. Good ideas for questions to help student review the theme.

Game creation demonstrates adequate knowledge of theme. Questions need a bit more work.

Game creation does not demonstrate knowledge of theme. Questions are off-topic/inappropriate.

Application All information cards made for the game are correct. Game is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is a high degree of originality and creativity.

All but one of the information cards made for the game are correct. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is evidence of originality and creativity.

All but two of the information cards made for the game are correct. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is some degree of originality and creativity.

Several information cards made for the game are not accurate. Board is colourful and includes visuals and text in order to enhance game experience. There is little degree of originality and creativity.

Page 13: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Food transcends words and can tell a story. Prepare a food menu that represents

either a character, theme, or conflict within the text. You can choose to either

prepare the food and present it to the class OR you can design a menu that reflects

your theme.

You MUST include:

1) The food itself or the menu

2) A written explanation on how this connects to the theme in your text.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Food items chosen display a high degree of thought and connection to the theme and meaning found within the text.

Food items chosen display thought and connection to the theme and meaning found within the text.

Food items chosen somewhat display thought and little connection to the theme and meaning within the text.

Food items chosen do not display connection to themes and ideas found within the text.

Communication Student eloquently connects menu to the novel and explains using quotes and examples from the text.

Student connects menu to the novel and explains using quotes, but needs to dive deeper.

Student somewhat connects menu to the novel and shows limited explanation

Student menu does not connect to novel and explanation shows little to no connection as well.

Knowledge Student provides direct quotes or examples from the text to highlight menu choices.

Student provides quotes and examples from the text, but need to provide deeper meaning throughout.

Student provides some quotes and examples, but does not connect to menu choices.

Student does not provide quotes or examples.

Application Preparation of food and menu displays a high degree of planning and effort.

Preparation of food and menu displays a degree of planning and effort

Preparation of food and menu displays some degree of planning and effort

Preparation of food and menu display little to no planning and effort.

Page 14: Kinesthetic Learner Activity - Ms. Gazzellone's Class · Kinesthetic Learner Activity L. Gazzellone DPCDSB Create a 3D diorama that represents an idea, theme, or theory from the unit

Kinesthetic Learner Activity

L. Gazzellone DPCDSB

Any movie relies on costume design to help set the tone, mood and theme

throughout. You are going to create costume designs for a movie version of your

text. Make sure that your designs accurately depict the tone that your text

highlights. You will also be required to write an explanation of how your designs

reflect the text.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Thinking Costume design chosen display a high degree of thought and connection to the theme and meaning found within the text.

Costume designs display thought and connection to the theme and meaning found within the text.

Costume designs somewhat display thought and little connection to the theme and meaning within the text.

Costume designs do not display connection to themes and ideas found within the text and seem out of place.

Communication Student eloquently connects costumes to the novel and explains using quotes and examples from the text.

Student connects costumes to the novel and explains using quotes, but needs to dive deeper.

Student somewhat connects costumes to the novel and shows limited explanation

Student costumes do not connect to novel and explanation shows little to no connection as well.

Knowledge Student provides direct quotes or examples from the text to highlight costume choices.

Student provides quotes and examples from the text, but need to provide deeper meaning throughout.

Student provides some quotes and examples, but does not connect to menu choices.

Student does not provide quotes or examples.

Application Design of costumes displays a high degree of planning and effort.

Design of costumes displays a degree of planning and effort

Design of costumes displays some degree of planning and effort

Design of costumes display little to no planning and effort.