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King Arthur notes.

This movie already looks stupid.

Starting credits say-

“Historians agree that the classical 15th century tale of King Arthur and his knights rose from a real hero who lived a thousand years earlier in a period often called the Dark Ages. Recently discovered archeological evidence sheds light on his true identity.”

300AD, roman empire extended from Arabia to Britain

- Wanted more land, people- Sarmatians to east, thousands died in war with rome, only salmation members alive were of

legendary cavalry Romans impressed by them spared their lives- (452 AD) soldiers were incorporated into Roman solder whatever shit- Poor people living in mountains in tents with wolf skins hanging to dry- Wearing layered clothes made of fur and cloth- Sons of every generation had to serve Romans as knights when of right age (Arthur is told by

boy of “such a son” (Lancelot)) 15 years not including time taken to reach post- Legend that fall knights come back as great horses- What the fuck is “RRRRRUUUUUUUUSSSSSS!!!!”- Britain was divided by 73-mile wall built three centuries before the main charaters as

protection for empire against native fighters of north- Arthur believed in free will- Pastor travelled in carriage protected by knights class- Native fighters with daggers, spears, arrows, shields, body paint, tribal markings, very good

at hiding in woods and ambushes, no armour, clothes made of leather and cloth, mostly men, native languages RUS, “blud demons”, “Woads”, men who want their country back, eople of Britain, led by “dark magician” Merlin

- Italian prayers/verses(?)- Arthur’s sword was called Excalibur- Many soldiers had no faith in religion result of seeing many people die violently in many

battles- Trained birds (raptors, hawks, etc) maybe navigators?- Arthur believes in God, wants peace, loves Rome (“ordered, civilised, advanced”, all of the

greatest nations have gathered in one place to help make mankind free)- Children in rag, wooden swords, many men had many children in family (EG: Bors has 11)- Knights of Arthur believed in freedom and payed tribute to those who died fighting

alongside them it, a toast (of wine)- Round table, bishop of mainland Rome did not agree (“What kind of evil is this?”), Arthur

and knights believed that men should all be equal however, no secrets- Other religions Pagans- Arthur’s dad’s teachings of freedom and equality greatly influenced him- Massive Saxon incursion began, Romans leaving lands to Woads- Woads hate Britains, Britains hate Romans, Saxons hate Romans. The end.- Saxons refused to “mix” with Britains, soiling blood, making “weak and half offspring”

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- Stables, also preparation of weapons, etc- Villages lived within high walls with a large gate protected by guards made of steel and wood- Arthur has never been defeated, great warrior- Natives live in forests with camp fires under huts and tents of wood and fur- In battle in forest, Natives had advantage knowledge of territory)- Common trap for horse men was to raise ropes around them- Shooting arrows and barbed wire/rope from trees- Spring-up fences- Inish devil goats- Commoners wear rags, etc- Roman nobles (EG: Alecto’s dad) wear toga-looking thingies- Slaves existed, abused and tossed around by guards- Villages were under control as slaves at times- Arthur believed in freedom (“All of you were free from your first breath!)- Religious nobles did not act as people of God as they lacked compassion and were cruel

towards their workers and slaves- Punishment, hanging by limbs from chains, whippings, etc- Arthur is a compassionate leader, loving and caring- Secret underground temples holding people in chains, starving people in cages (much like

torture chambers), even held little children, Woads were kept in there, kept in there for refusing to be slaves (“It is God’s wish that these sinners be sacrificed. Only then can their souls be saved”), bones were often broken from torture (often with machines)

- Arthur had strong sense of justice, willing to sacrifice himself and men- Guinevere was woman found in the secret underground temple torture chamber thing

(rescued by Arthur) is a Woad- Arthur “Famous Briton who kills his own people” (Guinevere) “A leader to both Briton

and the Romans”- Romans people who take things that don’t belong to them, etc- Guinevere was strong-willed, passionate about where she belongs “I belong to theis land”,

believes in freedom, etc “Is there nothing about my land that does not appeal to your heart?” , “’Tis a beautiful country is it not?”, “This is heaven for me”

- “I do not believe in heaven. I have been living in this Hell” Lancelot- Rain and snow at once bad omen superstition- “We sacrificed goats, drank their blood, danced around fire” Lancelot’s home, “Oceans of

grass from horizon to horizon, further than you can ride. The sky, bigger than you can imagine. No boundaries.”

- Guinevere - “Some people call that freedom. That’s what we fight for- our land, our people. The right to choose our own destiny. So you cee, Lancelot, we are alike, you and I.”

- Lancelot “I have killed too many sons. What right do I have to my own?”- Merlin means no harm to Arthur- Arthur’s village was ambushed and attacked by Merlin’s army when he was young , ran to

burial mound of father to free mother and kill Merlin, Excalibur was father’s possession “Father please let loose your sword”, but he was too late

- “Love, Arthur.”- “There is no destiny, there is only free will.” (Arthur)

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- Guinevere knows how to fight (the Woard way, preferred bow and arrow)- “What, that some men are born to be slaves? That is not true.” (Arthur)- Arthur was unwillingly ignorant (blinded by his own dreams and ideals of Rome) to actually

see what was happening- 7 vs 200 in a battle (Arthur and his men vs the Saxons while helping villagers cross a frozen

lake because the Saxons are drawing close)- The Saxon army marches with drums- Saxons have their own native language- Wolf skins seem popular- Burned small fire at knights’ burials and stuck their swords into the graves and armour

(occasionally shields)- Family tradition for Arthur’s family- -> men be buried with fellow knights- “… there is no worse death than the end of hope.” (Arthur)- Arthur is insecure and unsure of himself after he finds out the reality of Rome- “Rome is dead.” (Guinevere)- Saxons failure of missions, can result in sacrificing of own life to make up for disgrace, in

this movie, son’s face was slightly scarred and he was demoted- Saxons were ruthless and barbaric- Woads, led by Guinevere help Arthur in fighting the Saxons by himself- “I fight for a cause beyond yours or Rome’s understanding.” Arthur to Saxon Leader- Lancelot was Arthur’s head knight and best friend- “… the gift of freedom is yours by right. But the home we seek is not by this distant land. It’s

in us and in our actions on this day. If this be our destiny, ten so be it. But let history remember that as free men we so make it so. RUS!” (Arthur with his knights of the round table before their grand battle with the Saxons)

- Woards wear tribal war/face paint when going to battle- Saxon warriors that ran from battle were slaughtered- Woards had women fighters- Lighted ammunition (arrows and catapults) into oiled fields- Use of gunpowder? (in catapults)- Different tyeps of swords, Axes, Spears, Studded clubs, knives, etc- Lancelot is dead at end of battle- Burial wrap corpse in white cloth, put in ground covered with bundles of sticks then burnt- Lancelot: For 200 years, our knights had fought for a land not our own. But on that day at

Badon Hill, all who fought put our lives in service for a better cause. Freedom.- Arthur and Guinevere get married at end of movie, Arthur in armour and they both drink out

of Same cup after walking through tunnel of lit torches before a kiss- “Arthur, Guinevere. Our people are one. As you are.”- Arthur is crowned king at end of movie King Arthur! Hail Arthur!- Let every man, woman, child witness that from this day all Britons will beunited in one

common cause. *raises sword to sky*” Everyone chants his name and cheers, they fire lit arrows towards the horizon in the sky

- Lancelot: And as for the knights who fought and died, their deths were cause for neither mourning nor sadness. For they will live forever. Their names and deeds handed down from

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father to son, mother to daughter (pictures of horses), in the legends of King Arthur and his Knights END MOVIE

- Arthur’s real name is Artorius

BONUS FEATURES: Forging Arthur: King Arthur

Aim was to create film as realistic as possible