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Pitch Presentation


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The diagram above shows the research we carried out to reach the elimination progress of which genre we were going to use to create our film, we decided on a psychological thriller.


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Our film will be in the sub genre, Psychological Thriller. We decided on this genre because there has recently been many Psychological Thrillers including Oscar winners such as Black Swan and American Psycho and we believe we have the ambition and the drive to create a psychological thriller that could compete with high standard award winning psychological thrillers.

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Our overall film concept for our psychological thriller is to have a girl and a boy in a relationship.

The girl finds the boyfriend dead at the beginning of the film and is distraught, only to find out the he was murdered and now the person that killed him is after her too by playing mental mind tricks on her.

The murderer and the girl have an on-going battle throughout the film resulting in a serious of flashbacks and confrontations of the pair.

The girl is driven mental by threats and mystery letters and gradually leading her to see things that aren’t there and her dead boyfriend keeps appearing in her mind as her mental stage starts to deteriorate. (Similar to Black Swan’s visions and mind games)

Resulting in her losing her mind and is sent to a mental institution because nobody believes her obsessive and deluded story.

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Target Audience

This research carried out by the website shows the statistic's for the psychological thriller Black swan on the results found we decided to aim our film at teenagers, because it made up a quarter of the views from Black Swan, this shows us that teenagers are interested in psychological thrillers.

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Target audienceFrom the picture you can see that it's equal gender, we have chosen our target audience as educated college students. Who would understand and get pleasure out of a complex story line. Our target audience would be people that spend time only researching psychological stories because they find them interesting, we would like our teaser trailer to appeal to teenagers who enjoy a sense of mystery and who find it easy to understand psychological plots.

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Teaser Ideas

For our teaser trailer, we have decided to focus on the girl that becomes increasingly mentally unstable. We have decided to show keys points throughout the film including her finding the body and mourning over it, flash backs with bright & sharp lighting, the threat letters being made and the girl slowly breaking down to when she is in the mental institution at the end, because we are showing a lot of key moments from our film, we have to ensure that we don’t give too much away, so we may use montage editing which overlapping voices to create confusion. Also at the end of our trailer we will show links to Facebook with caption ‘Learn more on Facebook’ and a link to our Facebook page for the movie.

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Unique Selling Point

Even though there has been many psychological thrillers through the research we have carried out, our over lapping of sound clips to create confusion and flash backs of the horror and out rage of a mental break down will make our psychological thriller stand out as being a unique way of drawing in the attention of our target audience.

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Poster Ideas

For our poster, we are going to take a close up still shot from our teaser trailer of the the girlfriend having a break down, we have also considered using the same font for our poster as we do in our teaser trailer so they all link together to keep the theme consistant.