Page 1: Knowledge Economy Indicators: Are we measuring what we ... · I Chair: Claire Nauwelaers, MERIT (NL) The last session provides an informal forum for different perspectives on the

Knowledge Economy Indicators:Are we measuring what we need to measure?


The purpose of this workshop is to provide aforum for critical evaluations of the future challen-ges for developing indicators to policy, given thechallenges facing local and globally-integratedknowledge economies.

MERITKeizer Karelplein 196211 TC MaastrichtThe Netherlands

Tel 0031-43-3506300Fax 0031-43-3506399

For registration, please send an e-mail to:[email protected]

The project is financiallysupported by the

European Commissionwithin the sixth

Framework Programme

Second Workshop onIndicators in the

Knowledge Economy

Workshop Programme

Maastricht, 6 - 7 October 2005

More information is available under

Preliminary programme: 7 September 2005

Page 2: Knowledge Economy Indicators: Are we measuring what we ... · I Chair: Claire Nauwelaers, MERIT (NL) The last session provides an informal forum for different perspectives on the

Day 1: Thursday 6 October 2005

09.00 - 09.15 Registration

09.15 - 10.15 Opening of the KEI workshop

I Welcome address by theDirector of UNU-INTECH and MERITLuc Soete

I Keynote presentationKeith Smith, UTAS

10.30 - 11.30 Session 1: Sectoral and technology basedapproaches to indicators for the knowledge economy

I Chair: Anthony Arundel, MERIT (NL)

Good indicators on how knowledge is developed and appliedwithin sectors or specific technologies are vital to the develop-ment of innovation policy and to maximize the economic andsocial benefits of knowledge. This session gives examples ofboth approaches.

I Sectoral approaches to knowledge indicatorsSvein Nas, STEP (NO)

I Technology approaches: BiotechnologyPari Patel, SPRU (UK)

11.30 - 13.00 Session 2: The challenge for humanresources and knowledge production

I Chair: Louise Earl, STATS CANADA (CDN)

This session covers some of the main challenges forkey knowledge inputs, such as demographic change indeveloped countries that has led to a decline in the supplyof new science and engineering graduates, and an emphasison ‘brain circulation’, or on immigration of the highly skilledto meet this deficit. These challenges will require new indi-cators. Some work on this is underway at the OECD. Otherrelevant areas include the socio-cultural foundations of know-ledge production, including the role of social capital such astrust, learning, and the role of universities in the production ofknowledge.

I Indicators and issues for brain circulationWendy Hansen, MERIT (NL)

I Learning jobs and innovation modesEdward Lorenz, IDEFI-CNRS (FR)

I Universities and the KBEAndrea Bonaccorsi, SSSUP (IT)

14.00 - 16.00 Session 3:What do we want from a knowledge economy?

I Chair: Keith Smith, UTAS

For over a decade interest in the knowledge economy hasbeen driven by the belief that the development, use and mani-pulation of knowledge are key factors in economic growth andcompetitiveness. Social and environmental benefits, such asthe quality of life, have attracted less attention, but are equallyif not more important as measures of the success of a know-ledge economy. Another goal is to encourage greater innova-tion in the public sector. This session explores indicators formeasuring these benefits.

I The green economy / weightless economyRené Kemp, MERIT (NL)

I Measuring what matters: assessing people’s quality of lifeand well-being across EuropeNic Marks, NEF (UK)

I Indicators for public sector innovationLouise Earl, STATS CANADA (CDN)

I Publin - public sector innovation resultsRifka Weehuizen, MERIT (NL)

16.15 - 17.45 Session 4:Integrating the local with the global

I Chair: Asterios Chatziparadeisis,Ministry of Development (GR)

New global developments will create challenges fordeveloped countries to compete on the basis of innovation.In order to develop appropriate policy responses, there isa crucial need for better indicators on global developmentsin the knowledge economy, such as the internationalizationof R&D and innovation and the development of innovationcentres of excellence and capabilities in several developingcountries, including China, India, and Brazil.

I Globalisation of R&D and the role of MNEsMikael Åkerblom, Statistics Finland (FI)

I Emerging knowledge economiesMartin Schaaper, OECD

I Job off-shoring potential for developed economiesDesirée Van Welsum, OECD

19.30h Conference dinner

Day 2: Friday 7 October 2005

09.00 - 10.30 Session 5: Composite indicator approachesto measuring the knowledge economy

I Chair: Ralf Münnich, University of Tübingen (DE)

The ability of policy makers to respond effectively to the chal-lenges of a knowledge economy depends on the availabilityand interpretation of timely indicators. Composite indicatorscan play a role in aiding interpretation. This session givesexamples of current research to synthesize disparate indica-tors for a knowledge economy.

I Composite indicators for a KBEMika Naumanen, VTT (FI)

I The JRC / OECD handbook on indicatorsAndrea Saltelli, JRC (IT)

I Preliminary results from simulation approachesTom Van Puyenbroeck, KUL (BE)Michaela Saisana, JRC (IT)

10.45 - 12.15 Session 6:Concluding session: Policy challenges

I Chair: Claire Nauwelaers, MERIT (NL)

The last session provides an informal forum for differentperspectives on the challenges for European policy and thetypes of indicators that will be required over the next decade.

I An academic’s perspective on policy challengesStephane Lhuillery, EP (CH)

I Policy community perspectives on indicator needs andchallenges (I)Alex Glabowitz, IPTS (ES)

I Policy community perspectives on indicator needs andchallenges (II)Brian Sloan, DG RTD

12.15-12.30 FP7 and Concluding comments

I Ian Perry, DG RTD
