
Kyle Porter@kyleporterCEO and Founder of SalesLoft

The Data Driven Approach To Sales

Top blogger for

310 sales articles SalesLoft employee growth to 60 employees

Added over 1,300 clients and 30,000 users

About me


1. Setting qualified appointments (SDR) 2. Acquiring customers (AE) 3. Retention and company growth (CSM, CEO)

3 Levels of Sales Data

1. Ratio of SDRs:AEs 2. Prospect list building / data collection 3. Activity & conversion metrics 4. Template & cadence analytics

SDR Data

1. Activity metrics 2. Demo to deal conversion ratio 3. Deal size & term 4. Quota achievement

AE Data

1. Revenue churn 2. Lifetime value 3. Customer acquisition cost (CAC/LTV) 4. Customer satisfaction score (NPS)

Business Owner Data

1. Daily standup 2. Leaderboards & Coaching Sessions 3. Weekly tactical & Weekend update 4. Monthly breakfast 5. Quarterly one-page-strategic plan

Accountability Rhythm

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