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Emory’s Multigenre Baby Book

Created by: Laura Worden

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Dedicated to my daughter,

Emory Olivia Worden.

I love you more than words can express!

Genre: Dedication

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The Day You Arrived

A few days before the arrival!

The wait begins…

Genre: Narrative/Memoir

At 10:00 AM on June 27, 2012, Ryan and I arrived at the doctor’s office for my scheduled Obstetrician appointment. I had suffered from back labor contractions for about thirty hours, so I was glad when the doctor admitted me to Labor and Delivery! Emotions of excitement, nervousness, and anxiety engulfed me. Lying in the hospital bed in the Labor and Delivery room was nerve-racking. IVs were connected to my arm, and a baby heart monitor and contraction monitor were placed around my belly. I absolutely loved hearing my daughter’s heartbeat! I wasn’t too fond of the contraction monitor though. After each contraction, Ryan observed the severity of the contraction and exclaimed, “Oh, that was a big one!” “Yeah, I know! I can feel it!” I angrily said in return.

Time moved slowly as I anxiously waited for my daughter to arrive. Each hour the nurse came to check for dilation, finally at 11:20 PM she questioned, “Okay, are you ready to delivery?” “YES!” I exclaimed. At this point, all the pain from the past day and half erased from my mind. As the doctor came into the room, my motivation elevated and I began to focus!. “1, 2, 3, PUSH!” the nurse chanted.

At 11:58 PM, I heard the most beautiful sound, my daughter’s cry! Ryan cut the umbilical cord and by midnight I held her in my arms. I had anticipated what this moment would feel like, I thought I would cry. But when placed in my arms all I could do is smile! My thought at that moment, “the pain was totally worth it!” Emory Olivia Worden had arrived and I am the happiest mother alive!

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Birth Announcement

she’s here!

Emory Olivia

Born June 27, 2012 at 11:58pm7 pounds, 4 ounces

20 inches long

With love from the proud parents,Ryan & Laura Worden

Genre: Announcement

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Family Tree

Photo of tree retrieved from

Ryan WordenFather

Laura D. WordenMother

Larry Worden“Grandpa”

Cheryl Worden“Grandma”

David Doolittle“Papaw”

Cheryl Doolittle“Grandma Cheryl”


Genre: Family Tree

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August 5-11, 2012 Trip to Eupora, Mississippi

Dear Journal,

A few days ago, my father called to inform me Doodle (my grandfather) had been placed under hospice care. With this news, I decided to drive to Eupora, Mississippi with 6 weeks old Emory so she could meet her great-grandfather before he passed. I packed up the car and we got on the road, making an overnight stop at my Aunt and Uncle’s home in Newnan, Georgia. While there, Emory got to meet her aunt, uncle, and cousins for the first time. The next morning, August 6th, as I packed up our things to finish the drive to Eupora, I received another phone call from my father. He informed me Doodle passed away that morning. I was heartbroken I didn’t get to say goodbye to him, and Emory wasn’t able to meet him before he passed. Even though Emory didn’t get to meet him, she was able to meet her great-grandmother, Granny, and also lots of extended family that she would not have seen for quite some time. It was good to be able to spend this time with family and I believe Emory brought happiness to the somber occasion.

October 19-22, 2012 Trip to Lake Lure, North Carolina

Dear Journal,

Unlike the first trip, this trip to Lake Lure, North Carolina was a planned one. My husband, Ryan, was able to go with us this time. Ryan and I had visited Lake Lure a few times before becoming parents and we really enjoyed the scenery, so we decided to take Emory. Even though at 3 ½ months old she wouldn’t really care about the view. Ryan’s parents met us there and we had a great time just hanging out and enjoying nature.

Genre: Informational/Journal

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October 22-27, 2012Trip to Mississippi

Dear Journal,

I wanted to visit my family in Mississippi again before school started back. Family and friends were excited to see how much Emory, now 4 months old, had grown since our last visit. After a few days at my Nanny’s house in Amory, we went and stayed at my Granny’s home in Eupora. It was a good visit with the family. Both of Emory’s great-grandmothers were smitten with her!

December 27, 2012-January 3, 2013 Trip to Mena, Arkansas

Dear Journal,

Ryan and I decided to drive with Emory, now 6 months old, to Mena, Arkansas, which is a fifteen-hour drive! Surprisingly, Emory did very well! While in Mena, Emory got to meet extended family on her dad’s side, including her great-grandmother, Jodie, who lives in Texas. This trip involved a lot of firsts for Emory! She saw and touched snow, which she didn’t like too much probably because of the coldness. She also saw and sat on Molly the donkey! I always wondered what she thought about this animal; did she think it was a big dog? Emory also got her first taste of solid food! She ate steamed carrots and seemed to really enjoy them! It was so fun to watch her facial expressions change as she discovered this new texture.

Genre: Informational/Journal

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July 6-13, 2013Vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina

Dear Journal,

Ryan’s parents and his brother’s family met us in Hilton Head during this vacation. This vacation excited me because we not only got to spend time with family, but it was also Emory’s first beach vacation! The day after we got there, we went to the beach. Emory, now 12 months old, seemed a little unsure about the waves in the ocean, bending down to touch the water as it washed over her feet. She also did not like sitting on or touching the sand with her hands. By the end of the vacation though, she excitedly stomped through the water and played in the sand! Other adventures in Hilton Head for Emory involved riding a trolley and on the back of a bike, both of which she seemed to love! I look forward to our next beach vacation!

March 2-9, 2013 Vacation in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Dear Journal,

Emory’s first week-long vacation took place in the Great Smokey Mountains when she was 8 months old! Emory’s Papaw and Nana (my father and his girlfriend) met us there to enjoy this time. A day after we got there, Emory crawled for the first time! It was so wonderful that not only our family got to see this milestone, but that her extended family did as well. The resort we stayed at had an indoor water park that we went to a few times throughout the week. Emory freaked out when we put her in the water, for she had never swam in a pool before! She didn’t cry, she just gave us this look of “what is going on?” Once she got use to the water, she began to have fun and splash around. We also visited Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies. Emory seemed very interested in the aquatic life. This was a great first vacation and I hope we will get a chance to go again!

Genre: Informational/Journal

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First Year Milestones

2 4 6 8 10 12

# of Months Old

Holds head up!

Rolls over one way Rolls all the

way over

Sits up unaided Crawls

Pulls up to standing position

Cruising Walking

“Uh-oh” First word used in context

Smiles Claps hands



1 3 5 7 9 11

Genre: Timeline

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Your Words and Gestures…













Genre: Graffiti


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Let Them Play!Why is important to let children play? The obvious answer is that play is how children learn! I know some of you reading this may see “play” as a meaningless use of time, when in fact it’s not! From the beginning of life children learn by playing. Play gives children the opportunity to explore and it enhances their development in all developmental domains. Still don’t believe me? The following is a list of developmental domains and how play contributes to them:

Motor Development: manipulating objects increases their coordinationLanguage Development: enhances their receptive and expressive communicationCognitive Development: fosters problem-solving when learning how things workSocial-Emotional Development: interacting with others teaches children how to get along with others and it enables the use of empathy

Another question you may ponder is if play, in the form of recess, should stop in grade school? NO! Play is not only useful for development in the early years of life, it continues throughout life. As an adult, we don’t consider ourselves to be “playing” when we learn new things. But that’s what play is, it’s learning by doing! Let them play!

Genre: Persuasive/Editorial

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About the Author:

Hi, I’m Laura Worden! I currently attend the University of North Carolina at Charlotte pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. When presented this project requirement at the beginning of the semester, I immediately considered my daughter as the purpose and intended audience. My hope is that she will view it when she is grown and also want to share it with her own family!

Thanksgiving 2012