
Laurence Smith:Laurence Smith:In a Fight for His LifeIn a Fight for His Life

• 38-year-old, overweight but no symptoms

• Became gray and pallid, nauseated and weak

• Suffered a massive heart attack• Prescribed drugs destroyed his vision

and left him legally blind• His cholesterol was 380, triglyceride

over 500, HDL 22• After intense changes, 10 months later

he had a second heart attack.• Laurence vowed to learn why and how

to beat this thing and share his story.

Pages 1 & 2

What Is Heart Disease?What Is Heart Disease?• Arterial wall weakened—

build up of fat and cholesterol

• Stiffens and clogs the srteries

• Causes elevated blood pressure

• This inflammation—from over-acid conditions causes

• arterial plaque, which can literally starve the heart muscle of oxygen and cause a heart attack!

Pages 3-5

Are You at Risk?Are You at Risk?

Pages 5-7

If you have checked even one of theseboxes you are at risk for Heart Disease!

The Newest Generation of The Newest Generation of of Heart Disease Risk Factorsof Heart Disease Risk Factors

Pages 6-7

Untold Truth #1:Untold Truth #1:It’s Not Cholesterol Levels That Are Critical, It’s Not Cholesterol Levels That Are Critical,

it’s Your TG/HDL Level That Matters!it’s Your TG/HDL Level That Matters!

Pages 9-13

Cholesterol Can Be Both Good and Bad Cholesterol Can Be Both Good and Bad

• Cholesterol is not all bad

• HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) are good

Pages 9-10

Total Cholesterol:Total Cholesterol:A Potentially Misleading IndicatorA Potentially Misleading Indicator

• Cholesterol is only one of 250 heart disease risk factors.

• Half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels.

Pages 10-11

Get the Balance RightGet the Balance Right• More important than

Total Cholesterol is the ratio of TG/HDL.

• High Triglyceride (TG) levels have been linked to lower levels of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL).

Page 11-12

• Best: TG of 150 mg/dL or lower to a ratio of higher than 41 mg/dL of HDL

• Borderline TG high levels 150–199 mg/dL • High levels TG 200–499 mg/dL• Dangerously high levels TG 500 mg/dL

Triglyceride GuidelineTriglyceride Guideline

Page 12

Reduce Refined Carbohydrates to Reduce Refined Carbohydrates to Improve Your TG/HDL RatioImprove Your TG/HDL Ratio

Pages 12-13

Untold Truth #2Untold Truth #2 Inflammation Is the Heart of the Matter Inflammation Is the Heart of the Matter

Pages 15-18

Chronic inflammation is linked to:Chronic inflammation is linked to:

• Periodontal disease• Diabetes• Alzheimer’s• Cancer• And Heart Disease

Page 15

Inflammation: What Goes Wrong?Inflammation: What Goes Wrong?• Inflamed white blood cell lesions rupture and

trigger a heart attack.• Other risk factors:

– obesity, smoking, genetic predisposition, high stress, and a highly processed, carbohydrate-rich diet.

• The body’s response includes C-Reactive Proteins, Homocysteine levels and Fibrinogen

Pages 15-16

Syndrome X: Syndrome X: The Inflammation ConnectionThe Inflammation Connection

• Syndrome X patients are at high risk for heart attack.

• We can now trace the problems back to inflammation.

• It all starts with excessive sugar in the bloodstream, typically from eating refined, high-carbohydrate foods.

Pages 16-17

What about High-Protein Foods?What about High-Protein Foods?• High-protein, low-carb diets

cause cholesterol to raise (no fiber).

• Can cause “ketosis” a calcium loss: osteoporosis, kidney stones and arterial plaque buildup.

• Homocysteine can build up from any protein—even that which is not high in fat. This causes inflammation.

Pages 17-18

Untold Truth #3Untold Truth #3Women are 10-12 Times More Women are 10-12 Times More Likely to Die of Heart Disease Likely to Die of Heart Disease

than Breast Cancerthan Breast Cancer

Pages 19-22

Heart Disease: Heart Disease: A Much Greater Threat to WomenA Much Greater Threat to Women

• Breast Cancer will affect one in every eight women.

• Women cannot neglect their risk for a much greater threat, heart disease.

• Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women.

Pages 19-21

Heart Disease:Heart Disease:Same Disease, Different SymptomsSame Disease, Different Symptoms

Pages 19-20

The Threats of The Threats of Hypertension and StrokeHypertension and Stroke

• Is more fatal in women

• More likely to leave a woman permanently disabled by stroke or heart failure

• Conditions can be exacerbated by hormones

Page 21

What’s the Hormone Connection?What’s the Hormone Connection?• Birth Control Pills: heightens blood pressure, risk of

blood clots, raises blood sugar.

• Diabetes: cancels the protective effect of estrogen in pre-menopausal women. Women with diabetes are more likely to have cardiovascular disease than men.

• Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Alarming results—22% increase in cardiovascular disease and 41% increase in stroke.

Page 22

Untold Truth #4Untold Truth #4Cardiologists are often Cardiologists are often

slow to react and here’s whyslow to react and here’s why

Pages 23-25

Physicians disregard the informationPhysicians disregard the informationabout the damaging role of:about the damaging role of:

• Fibrinogen

• C-reactive proteins

• Homocysteine

• And other correctable factors

• Why? They focus on traditional issues like: – obesity

– sedentary lifestyle

– genetic predisposition

– and they work to manage these issues with medications

Page 23

The drug companies heavily promote The drug companies heavily promote their pharmaceutical optionstheir pharmaceutical options

• Doctors are fed a steady stream of:– Drug literature

– Product samples

– And they believe pharmaceutical companies have the latest and greatest information.

Pages 23-24

Many insurance companies won’t Many insurance companies won’t even pay for the tests.even pay for the tests.

Pages 24-25

Untold Truth #5Untold Truth #5Drugs Are Not the SolutionDrugs Are Not the Solution

Pages 27-30

Drugs Offer Temporary Fixes, Drugs Offer Temporary Fixes, Not Permanent SolutionsNot Permanent Solutions

• Once you begin a prescription routine, you are committed to a life sentence of drug regulation.

• Drugs have serious side effects or interaction precautions.

• Most cardiovascular patients are on multiple medications.

Pages 28-30

Drugs are effective at addressingspecific problems, but they are also very

depleting as well (anti-nutrients)!

Pages 28-30

Finally... The AnswersFinally... The Answers

Beat Heart Disease Beat Heart Disease with Natural Remedieswith Natural Remedies

Pages 31-39

You Know the Truth You Know the Truth about Heart Disease:about Heart Disease:

• Untold Truth #1: The confusion around cholesterol levels can be banished forever. Focus on lowering your TG/HDL ratio, and you’ll reduce your risk of heart disease.

• Untold Truth #2: Inflammation is the real villain behind heart disease. If we can eradicate the source of inflammation—high blood sugar, over processed diets high in “bad” fats, inactivity and smoking—then we can banish heart disease.

• Untold Truth #3: Women are at special risk for heart disease because they suffer as often as men do, but their symptoms are often different and the consequences are more deadly.

• Untold Truth #4: Cardiologists are well-meaning, but many are ill-informed. Most only look at traditional risk factors and treat them with traditional medications. They are slow to react because many downplay the role of C-reactive proteins, homocysteine or fibrinogen in heart attacks.

• Untold Truth #5: Drugs are popular but they aren’t a cure. They’ll merely cover symptoms and potentially even cause serious side effects that can permanently damage your health.

Pages 31-32

Now that you know these important Now that you know these important Untold Truths you are ready to act!Untold Truths you are ready to act!

• Examine yourself and your lifestyle

• If you smoke, stop!

• If you are sedentary, get up and move!

• If you are overweight, work to lose it!

• Add supplements to your daily routine!

Page 34

Heart Disease Fighter #1Heart Disease Fighter #1

Pages 32-34

Chelation CombinationChelation Combination

• Vitamin C – Known to reduce plaque in arteries

• Both vitamins B6 and B12 are effective at reducing homocysteine.

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Heart Disease Fighter #2Heart Disease Fighter #2

Page 34

Red Yeast RiceRed Yeast Rice

• Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels and supports the circulatory system.

• Do not take with any statin medications.

• Take Co-Q10 while using Red Yeast Rice.

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Heart Disease Fighter #3Heart Disease Fighter #3

Pages 35-36


• Vitamin E-like compound found in all cells of the body, especially the heart and brain.

• Increases energy of cells

• Antioxidant

• Membrane stabilization

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Heart Disease Fighter #4Heart Disease Fighter #4

Pages 36-37

Cardio Health CombinationCardio Health Combination

• Hawthorn: inhibits mild congestive heart failure

• Red Clover: contains isoflavones that improve artery elasticity

• Capsicum: supports healthy circulation and normalizes blood flow

Pages 36-37

Heart Disease Fighter #5Heart Disease Fighter #5

Pages 37-38

Omega-3s: Nature’s AntifreezeOmega-3s: Nature’s Antifreeze

• Omega-3s help to keep cell membranes fluid, flexible.

• Fish do not produce omega-3s. They get it from phytoplankton.

Pages 37-38

Heart Disease Fighter #6Heart Disease Fighter #6

Pages 38-39

Blood Pressure ManagementBlood Pressure Management

• Olive leaf: decreases blood pressure by increasing coronary flow within the left ventricle

• Goldenrod: provides a natural diuretic effect to reduce excess fluid

• L-arginine: slows the formation of blood clots

Pages 38-39

The Next Chapter for The Next Chapter for Laurence Smith … and You!Laurence Smith … and You!

• He took the time to educate himself on what it would take to get his health back.

• Within nine months he was completely off his heart medications.

• Today his TG/HDL ratio is 1:1• He is pain-free.• He has energy and stamina he

never dreamed of.• And he is eager to share this

knowledge and experience with others.

Pages 39-40

Who do I know that I can help with Who do I know that I can help with this wonderful new information?this wonderful new information?

How can I share How can I share this information with them?this information with them?

Pages 41-42
