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“4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs” Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD The 1st District Director for District 103 Toastmasters

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs



COPYRIGHT © 2020 Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD. All Rights Reserved.

REPRODUCTION No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system without dated and signed permission from the author, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review. Requests for permission should be addressed to: Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD; SSANEE Training & Consulting Group, Inc.; P.O. Box 804546; Chicago, IL 60680;

DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate in which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update her opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information contained in this report, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistency herein. Any slights to people, places, or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws, which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.

PUBLISHER’S NOTE Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee provides regular tips on professional development and personal growth via her FREE newsletter, Dialog Digest™ each month. Want to receive a personal copy? Sign–up at As a bonus, you’ll get a complimentary copy of “101 Ways to Have a Rewarding Career.”

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


ABOUT THE LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ The LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ is a collection of informational, leadership resources created from the perspective of Cassandra "D.I.V.A. of Dialog™" Lee. She is a two-time Distinguished Toastmaster and the first-ever District Director for District 103 Toastmasters. Each report in the series contains details, strategies, tips, and/or plans which can be used for the educational achievement of club members and the distinguished success of club leaders, Area Directors, Division Directors, and District TRIO members of Toastmasters International.

ABOUT CASSANDRA “D.I.V.A. OF DIALOG™” LEE Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD is a Career Advancement Strategist™ who uses "Divine Inspiration Vocally Applied™" to educate and empower professional audiences toward workplace satisfaction and career success. She has presented over 2,000 keynote speeches, enrichment seminars, empowerment programs, training sessions, educational workshops, and virtual trainings for close to 100,000 participants worldwide. She became exposed to Toastmasters International in 1996 as a member of a Speechcraft class sponsored by a Toastmasters club in Evanston, IL. However, her career as a Toastmaster started in January 1998 when she became an official member of the ABA SPEAKeasies #9424 in Chicago. She credits her growth as a person and development as a professional to the communication and leadership training of Toastmasters. Cassandra’s professional career flourished from administrative professional to mid-level manager to full-time entrepreneur thanks to Toastmasters. At the same time, her involvement in Toastmasters shifted from member to club officer to Area Governor to Division Governor to Club Sponsor, Club Mentor and Charter Member to Division Governor again to Club Retention Chair to Program Quality Director, and then as the first-ever District Director for District 103 Toastmasters. As Club Sponsor, Club Mentor, and Charter Member of the award-winning Wrightwood-Ashburn Overcomers (WAO) Toastmasters club #771880 in Chicago, she has successfully managed a club environment which has influenced close to 100 members to earn educational awards from the Toastmasters International traditional and Pathways educational programs. Currently, Cassandra serves as “Senior Advisor” where she uses her leadership experience, knowledge, and wisdom to help the District 103 leadership team. In addition, she is preparing to submit her application for the Accredited Speaker (AS) program of Toastmasters International. To learn more information about her, visit; and/or To access other reports in the LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™, visit

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


“4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs”

Congratulations! You have been appointed as an Area Director (AD). Did you realize you have been selected to serve in a particularly important district leadership role? Your role as Area Director will give you direct contact with selected clubs in your district. The connection you make with the clubs in your assigned area can make or break the relationships you establish with your clubs. In my opinion, you are “The Messenger of the District” in your role as Area Director. Your clubs will get direct access to their district leadership team because of you. They may not understand the hierarchy of the district or care about district leadership titles, but you can help to give them a good impression of district leadership by the way you connect with them. My goal with this report is to help you connect with your clubs. This special report will provide you with four (4) ways in which you can effectively connect with your assigned clubs. This report will cover:

• Area Council Meetings;

• Club Officer Executive Committee Meetings;

• Club TRIO and AD Meetings; and

• Area Director Club Visits. Each of these recommended ways to connect with your clubs will give you an opportunity to build relationships with the officers and members of your assigned clubs. The level of effort you put into using these four (4) ways to connect with your clubs will reap you rewards from:

• Established camaraderie;

• Active participation in your Area Speech Contests to;

• Recognition as a Distinguished area or higher;

• And more. Let’s review the four (4) ways to connect with your clubs.

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


CONNECT WITH YOUR CLUBS USING: Area Council Meetings. Area Council Meetings are described as tools to be used to support clubs. The Toastmasters International (TI) District Leadership Handbook shares how Area Council Meetings are a part of the district structure. Area Council Meetings help you as Area Director to “manage the activities of your area AND support each club of your area to fulfill the club mission.” Area Council Meetings will bring you together with the TRIO (i.e. President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Membership) of ALL clubs in your assigned area. Hosting an Area Council Meeting is the perfect way for you to create camaraderie amongst the club leaders in your area. As host of an Area Council Meeting, you will find a location suitable enough to bring together – at one time - the

Presidents, Vice Presidents Education, and Vice Presidents Membership of all the clubs in your assigned area. Although these are the recommended club leaders who should attend your Area Council Meetings, you can also invite the Vice Presidents Public Relations, Secretaries, Treasurers, and Sergeants-at-Arms, too. This collective meeting allows you to:

• Assist clubs with filling out their Club Success Plan (CSP);

• Guide clubs on how to use the Distinguished Club Program (DCP);

• Recognize clubs with their DCP status from the previous club year; • Inform clubs of their current year DCP progress;

• Learn about specific challenges each club is facing;

• Brainstorm collective solutions to problems faced by your clubs;

• Get feedback on what’s working well for the clubs in your area;

• Trade best practices amongst the clubs in your area;

• Share district and/or TI related news, deadlines, and events;

• Distribute district and/or TI awards to clubs and their members; and

• Communicate other information as needed.

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It is recommended that you host an Area Council Meeting twice during your term as Area Director. That means, every six (6) months, you will bring the leaders of your clubs together so you can support them and conduct the business of your Area. What I’ve shared with you thus far gives you a guide on why and how to host your very own Area Council Meeting. If you need further information, use the District Leadership Handbook; consult with your Division Director; and/or refer to my LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ report entitled “Insight, Method, and Format for Conducting Joint Area and Division Council Meetings.” Test out this recommended way! Use Area Council Meetings as one of the ways to connect with your clubs.

CONNECT WITH YOUR CLUBS USING: Club Officer Executive Committee Meetings. Club Officer Executive Committee Meetings are a time when you can meet with each club separately by being a guest at their club leaders meeting. Typically, the leaders of the clubs in your area are having some type of

meeting to discuss the business of their clubs. Whether it’s a face-to-face, tele-conference, or even virtual meeting using Zoom, GoToMeetings,, WebEx, Skype, Google Hangouts Meets, and/or Facebook Group Video Chat in Messenger, your club leaders are discussing and deciding important information about their clubs. Request an opportunity to attend their next Club Officer Executive Committee Meeting as a guest. Your presence at a Club Officer Executive Committee Meeting will allow you to share area, division, district, and TI related news, deadlines, and events. Your presence will also give you a chance to answer questions, guide conversations, and provide assistance on anything where your clubs need your advice, guidance, and support.

Area Council Meetings help you to get the functionaries and

contestants for your Area Speech Contests.

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


Club Officer Executive Committee Meetings is a second way in which you can connect with your clubs. See how it works for you.

CONNECT WITH YOUR CLUBS USING: Club TRIO and AD Meetings. Club TRIO and AD Meetings are an opportunity for you to meet with the top three (3) officers of your assigned clubs. You plus the President, Vice President Education, and Vice President Membership of each club is a great way to be focused on the needs and issues of each club. During a TRIO and AD Meeting, you may find it helpful to discuss and plan club business, such as the completion of the Club Success Plan and/or a DCP strategy for the club year. TRIO and AD Meetings can also give you a chance to help club leaders brainstorm solutions to their most challenging club problems. Furthermore, TRIO and AD Meetings can be social opportunities for you and your club leaders to get to know one another. Whatever your purpose for TRIO and AD Meetings, it’s a third way you can use to connect with your clubs. Schedule a few to see the results you get.

CONNECT WITH YOUR CLUBS USING: Area Director Club Visits. Area Director Club Visits bring you together with the members, leaders, and guests of your assigned clubs. Area Director Club Visits give you a chance to witness – with your own eyes – how each club in your assigned area operates.

You’ll have a series of questions to answer in which to evaluate each club. Those questions will be found on the Area Director’s Club Visit Report form. You are required to complete and submit an online version of the Area Director’s Club Visit Report form on the Toastmasters International website at A copy of the submitted report will be sent to you along with the Club President, Division Director, Club Growth

Director, Program Quality Director, District Director, and Toastmasters

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International. It’s a good idea to keep a copy of the submitted report because you can use it as a reference for your next Area Director Club Visit. Speaking of your next Area Director Club Visit, did you know you have to visit each club in your assigned area twice during your term? These face-to-face or virtual visits allow you to make yourself known as the district liaison who supports the club. Be careful. There have been several Area Directors who made the mistake of using their Area Director Club Visits as an opportunity to:

• Control the club;

• Tell the club all the things they were doing wrong;

• Suggest the club do things like other clubs, especially their own;

• Display a superior attitude over the leaders and members of the clubs;

• And other alienating behaviors which created conflict between the club and the Area Director all club year!

I ask that you do not make that same mistake.

In my LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ report entitled, “M.I.C. Check: 3 Ways to Use Area Director Visits to Support Clubs,” I describe how you will motivate, inform, and connect with your clubs during your Area Director Club Visits. Your clubs will learn about their status in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) because you will motivate them with their progress. Your clubs will learn about district events (e.g. club officer trainings, contests, conferences) because you will inform them about those events. Your clubs will learn about you (e.g. your reason for serving as Area Director) and learn from others (e.g. leaders of the clubs in your area) because you will connect with them during your Area Director Club Visits and/or Area Council Meetings. Does that make sense? I want you to understand how important it is for you – the Area Director – to connect with your clubs WITHOUT causing conflict. It is not about creating enemies. It is about creating connections, partnerships, supporters, and

future district leaders😊

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


“Connect with your clubs based on who and where they are; not based off of who your club is.” Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD”

How you prepare for and present yourself during Area Director Club Visits can set the tone for how well you connect with your clubs. Use the Area Director Club Visits as a way to make a supportive and positive connection. CONCLUSION Serving as an Area Director can be an extremely rewarding experience for you. It could be your first step outside of club leadership into district leadership. Or, it can be a new leadership experience at the district level. Whatever it is for you, I think you can have a good experience when you connect with your clubs using:

• Area Council Meetings • Club Officer Executive

Committee Meetings

• Club TRIO and AD Meetings

• Area Director Club Visits. Use all of the ways which work for you and the leaders of your clubs!

WORDS OF WISDOM Every Toastmasters club follows the same format but is different. As Area Director, you will learn first-hand how the clubs in your area follow the Toastmasters format differently from each other and differently from your club. The lesson is to support the clubs in your area based on who and where they are; not based off of who your club is. Be careful of judging or criticizing the clubs you support for not being like or doing things like yours or other clubs. Make it your goal to support your clubs based on knowing who they are; who their members are; their previous successes; their current goals; and what works for them! When you do, you will have success as an AD.

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


“An Area Director is The Messenger of

the District.” Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of

Dialog™” Lee, DTM2, PDD

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs


RECIPIENT OF AWARD FROM TI Past District Director (PDD) and two-time Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee knows a thing or two about education and training. She advised members toward educational achievement and leaders toward distinguished success in her role as Program Quality Director (PQD) for District 30 in the 2016-2017 club year. Her commitment to education and training earned her the “Excellence in Program Quality Award” from Toastmasters International.


• “101 Ways to Have a Rewarding Career” (FREE report)

• “Becoming More Than Just: 4 Actions to Achieve Admin Success” ($47 value – online course)

• “The Make It Happen System” ($1,939.70 value – collection of resources)

• “The Reader’s Edge Efficient Reading Software” ($149 value)

Visit to access these resources along with any discount offers for each.


• “Dialog Digest™ Newsletter” (FREE resource)

• “Emotional Wellness for Women, Volume II” ($19.95 value – book)

• “Survival Skills for the African-American Woman” ($19.95 value – book)

• “The Young Woman’s Guide for Personal Success” ($19.95 value – book)

Visit to access these resources.


• “Year in Review” Video Recap (focuses on key aspects of first 6-months [July 1, 2017 -

December 31, 2017] as District Director of the brand-new District 103 Toastmasters):

• “2018 Spring Conference Virtual Banner Parade” Video (showcases clubs which participated

in the first annual Virtual Banner Parade; video kicked off the opening ceremonies of the

April 2018 Annual Conference):

• “End of Year Success” Video Recap (focuses on key aspects of final 6-months [January 1, 2018

– June 30, 2018] as District Director of the brand-new District 103 Toastmasters):

Visit to view these videos recapping year one of District 103.

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs



• Creating a Quality Club – Part 1:

• Creating a Quality Club – Part 2:

• Creating a Quality Club – Part 3:

• Make Your Website Work for Your Club:

• Members – P.I.V.O.T. to Pathways 2020:

• Stepping Into Leadership – Part I:

• Stepping Into Leadership – Part II:

Visit the provided links to watch each session for club members, club leaders and district leaders.


• “Insight, Method, and Format for Conducting Joint Area and Division Council Meetings” (for

district leaders)

• “Build for the Future: Succession Planning, Transition Files, and Sample Forms” (for club and

district leaders)

• “How Does Your Club Rank?” (for club leaders)

• “7 Tips for a ‘Balanced’ Evaluation” (for club and district leaders)

• “M.I.C. Check: 3 Ways to Use Area Director Visits to Support Clubs” (for district leaders)

• “How Will You Serve?” (for district leaders)

• “4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs” (for district leaders)

• “5 Membership Issues to Resolve Using Toastmasters Governing Documents” (for club leaders)

• “20-Step Member Vote-in Process” (for club leaders)

• “Successors – They Are Not Optional” (for club and district leaders)

• “How to Transition Your Successors” (for district leaders)

• “7 Ways to Maximize Your Toastmasters Experience” (for new club members)

Visit to access and download these FREE special reports.

RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION • Quick Tip Videos: “4 Tips to Process a Membership Application” -

• Quick Tip Videos: “3 Benefits to Assigning New Members a Mentor” -

• Quick Tip Videos: “Make Your Club Visible” -

• Quick Tip Videos: “4 Ideas to Make Guests Feel at Home” -

• Quick Tip Videos: “3 Tips to Recruit New Members” -

• Quick Tip Videos: “5 Ideas to Shake Up Your Meetings” -

Visit the provided links to view these quick tip videos.

SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES Check out this list of recorded appearances by Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee conducted for various district events:

• District 30 April Champion Call (click phrase to see video on YouTube)

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs



INVITE THE D.I.V.A. OF DIALOG™ TO SPEAK AT YOUR NEXT DISTRICT OR CORPORATE EVENT Would you like to have Past District Director and two-time Distinguished Toastmaster Cassandra “D.I.V.A. of Dialog™” Lee to speak at your next Toastmasters function (e.g. conference or TLI)? She has several keynote speech and workshop topics ideal to improve and enhance the speaking, communication and leadership skills of club members, club leaders, and district leaders. She can also train all seven (7) club officers for a Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI). Visit to see her available topics. Need a professional development seminar for your employees (e.g. communication, leadership, management)? She conducts professional development seminars for a living. Therefore, she can customize a training program for your admin staff or management team. Use the enclosed Event Request Form below to invite her to your next event.

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LEEdership LEGACY SERIES™ - 4 Ways to Connect with Your Clubs



Complete the following form to bring the D.I.V.A. of Dialog™ to your next event:

Code #_____________________________________

Name______________________________________ Title _____________________________________







Please provide details on the event in which you need the D.I.V.A. of Dialog™ to speak:

Name of Event _________________________________________________________________________

Type of Event__________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of Event________________________________________________________________________

Expected Attendance_______________________ Percentage: Male______________Female_______________

Admission Fee____________ Date Preference #1___________________ #2__________________________

Location of Event_______________________________________________________________________

Service needed for your event: Become Your Career Coach

Conduct a 1-hour Workshop

Conduct a 2-hour Workshop

Conduct a 4-hour Workshop

Conduct a 6-hour Workshop

Deliver a Keynote

Moderate a Panel

Participate on a Panel

Serve as a Guest on Your Radio Show

Serve as a Guest on Your TV Show

Serve as Mistress of Ceremonies

Other: ____________________________

Budget for Event (e.g. $2,500; $4,500-6,000):___________________________________________________

Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

Mail completed form to SSANEE Training & Consulting Group, Inc., P.O. Box 804546,

Chicago, IL 60680 or e-mail it to [email protected]